Tandex 285

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1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE MATERIAL AND SUPPLIER Product Name: TANDEX 285 Other Names: Hydrochloric Acid Manufacturers Product Code: W.105 20 L, W.106 205 L Recommended Use: Acidic descaling compund Method of Application: Dip, circulation, swab or brush Intended for industrial use only. For further information, refer to the product technical data sheet. MANUFACTURER / SUPPLIER: TANDEX PTY LTD 18 Gatwick Road, BAYSWATER, VIC 3153 TEL: +613 9729 6722 FAX: +613 9721 4848 Website: www.tandex.com.au email: [email protected] EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBER: FOR EMERGENCY INVOLVING A SPILL, LEAK, FIRE, EXPOSURE OR ACCIDENT, CONTACT: TEL: 0418 383 193 - Operations Manager (available 24/7)

2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION AUSTRALIAN CLASSIFICATION Classified as hazardous according to criteria of SWAC (Safe Work Australia Council) Hazard Category: Corrosive (C), Toxic to reproduction category 3 (Xn)

3. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS SUBSTANCE NAME Hydrochloric Acid CAS Number 7647-01-0 Proportion 10 - < 30%

Balance of components are non hazardous and comprise proprietary information.

4. FIRST AID MEASURES ACUTE Swallowed: Will cause damage to the mucous membranes. Harmful is swallowed. Eye: Corrosive to eyes. Contamination to eyes may result in serious injury. Skin: Corrosive to skin. Can cause burns Inhaled: Avoid excessive inhalation FIRST AID Swallowed: Rinse mouth and throat with a glass of water immediately. If vomiting occurs give further water to achieve effective dilution. Never administer fluids to an unconscious person. Take individual to nearest medical facility. Eye: Flush immediately and thoroughly with copious amounts of clean tap water or saline (minimum 15 minutes). Take exposed individual to health care professional. Preferably an ophthalmologist for further evaluation. Skin: Wash exposed area with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes. Remove contaminated clothing and wash thoroughly. If irritation persists contact a doctor. Inhaled: Move affected person to fresh air. In case of shortness of breath administer oxygen and obtain medical assistance. Avoid becoming a casualty. First Aid Facilities: Normal wash room facilities, water, soap, eye wash and shower. Advice to Doctor: No specific antidote is known. Treat symptomatically..

Further information: Use appropriate protective equipment when treating a contaminated person. Place contaminated clothing in a sealed bag for washing. Poisons Information: For advice, contact a Poisons Information Centre (Phone e.g. Australia 13 1126; New Zealand 0800 764 766) or a doctor.

5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Suitable Extinguishing Media: Foam, Fine Water spray, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) or dry chemical powder. Hazards from Combustion Products: Combustion products include oxides of Carbon and Nitrogen. Precautions for Fire Fighters and Special Protective Equipment: Fire fighters to wear self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) in confined spaces, in oxygen deficient atmospheres or if exposed to products of decomposition. Full protective clothing is also recommended

Specific fire fighting methods: Contain the extinguishing fluids by bunding. If safe to do so, move undamaged containers from fire area.


FLAMMABILITY: Non Flammable.

6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES PERSONAL PRECAUTIONS: Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Personal protective equipment: - suitable protective clothing. - appropriate gloves. - eye/face protection For further information, refer to section 8 "Exposure Controls / Personal Protection". Stop the leak. Turn leaking containers leak-side up to prevent the escape of liquid. ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONS: Do NOT discharge into drains or rivers. Contain the spilled material by bunding.

METHODS FOR CLEANING UP: - Recovery: Absorb the product onto a suitable non-combustible, inert porous material. Collect the spilled product and place it in a spare container, suitably labelled. Keep the recovered product for subsequent disposal. - Cleaning/Decontamination: Wash contaminated area with large amounts of water. . - Disposal: Dispose of all contaminated materials in accordance with current regulations. (Refer to section 13 "Disposal Considerations").

Further information: Warning: this product may cause the floor to be slippery. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING Avoid the formation of mists in the atmosphere. Avoid any direct contact with the product. Handle and use in accordance with good occupational hygiene and safety practice. For further information, refer to section 8 "Exposure Controls / Personal Protection".

CONDITIONS FOR SAFE STORAGE Take all necessary precautions to avoid the accidental release of the product outside, due to the rupture of containers or transfer systems. Store in a well ventilated, cool, dry area away from any source of ignition, and away from incompatible materials (see Section 10 "Stability and Reactivity").

Incompatible Materials: Keep away from flammables, oxidizing agents, and strong acids. Packaging: Product must only be kept in the original containers, high density polyethylene drums (HDPE). 8. SURVEILLANCE PROCEDURS & ENGINEERING CONTROLS Surveillance procedures: The recommended limits SHOULD NOT be exceeded. The user is responsible for monitoring the working environment in accordance with local laws and regulations. According to current knowledge these concentrations should neither impair the health of, nor cause undue discomfort to, nearly all workers.

Engineering Controls: Ensure good ventilation of the work station. Provide sufficient ventilation to keep airborne levels below the exposure limits and as low as practicable. Where engineering controls are indicated by use conditions or a potential for excessive exposure exists, the following traditional exposure control techniques may be used to effectively minimize employee exposures: natural ventilation, exhaust ventilation or wearing air supplied mask. Biological Limit Values: No biological limit allocated. Personal Protection Equipment

GLOVES: Impermeable chemical-resistant protective gloves must be chosen according to the function of the work station: other chemicals which may be handled, physical protection necessary (resistance to cutting, puncture, heat), dexterity required. The selection of gloves must take into account the extent and duration of use at the workstation. Final choice of appropriate gloves will vary according to individual circumstances i.e. methods of handling or according to risk assessments undertaken. It is advisable that a local supplier of personal protective clothing is consulted regarding the choice of material. Reference should be made to AS/NZS 2161.1: Occupational protective gloves - Selection, use and maintenance. EYES: Eye contact should be prevented through use of safety glasses with side shields or splash proof goggles, and a full-face shield. Final choice of appropriate eye/face protection will vary according to individual circumstances i.e. methods of handling or engineering controls and according to particular useintended for this material and risk assessments undertaken. Eye protection should conform withAustralian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1337 - Eye Protectors for Industrial Applications.

RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Avoid breathing of vapours/mists. Select and use respirators in accordance with AS/NZS 1715/1716. If respiratory protection is necessary, use a filtering respiratory protective device with a specific gas canister. Filter capacity and respirator type depends on exposure levels and type of contaminant. If entering spaces where the airborne concentration of a contaminant is unknown then the use of a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) with positive pressure air supply complying with AS/NZS 1715 / 1716, or any other acceptable International Standard is recommended. Final choice of appropriate respiratory protection will vary according to individual circumstances i.e. methods of handling or according to risk assessments undertaken. For reasonably foreseeable industrial end uses of this material, respiratory protection should not be necessary. BODY PROTECTION: Wear light overalls, including chemical resistant apron where clothing is likely to be contaminated. Personal protective equipment must be defined after risk assessment for the workstation. Protective equipment must be chosen according to current AS/NZS standards and in cooperation with the supplier of protective equipment.

Workplace Hygiene Measures: Use clean and correctly maintained personal protective equipment. After each use, (before re-use) always thoroughly clean personal protective equipment. Keep personal protective equipment in a clean place, away from the work area. Personal hygiene is an important work practice exposure control measure and the following general measures should be taken when working with or handling this material: 1. Do not store, use, and / or consume foods, beverages, tobacco products, or cosmetics in areas where this material is stored. 2. Wash hands and face carefully after handling this product and before eating, drinking, using tobacco, applying cosmetics, or using the toilet. 3. Wash exposed skin promptly to remove accidental splashes or contact with the material. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance: Light brown liquid. Pungent odor. Packed in 20 and 205 litre plastic drums. Boiling Point / Melting Point: Above 1000 C Vapour Pressure (pascals or mm of Hg at 250 C) : Not Relevant Flash point: Not relevant. Product is non flammable Flammability limits (%) : Not relevant. Specific Gravity: 1.153 compared to water which is qual to 1.000 Solubility in water (g/L): Fully miscible. 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY CHEMICAL STABILITY: Stable at ambient temperature and under normal conditions of use. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Avoid heat, open flames and evaporation of water. INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS: Strong oxidizing agents and acids. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Decomposition generates oxides of Carbon and Nitrogen.

HAZARDOUS REACTIONS: Hazardous polymerisation will not occur.

11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION ACUTE HEALTH EFFECTS: Swallowed: There may be soreness and redness of the mouth and throat. There may be difficulty swallowing. Corrosive burns may appear around the lips. Ingestion can lead to abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. Eye: Corrosive to eyes; contact may cause corneal burns. Contamination of eyes can result in permanent injury. Skin: Corrosive to skin; contact may cause skin burns. Inhaled: May cause irritation to upper respiratory system. Chronic: No information available.

Toxicological Data: No toxicity data is available for this specific product however toxicity data for the hazardous ingredients are: cyclohexylamine Oral LD50 : 300mg/kg Dermal LD50 : 280mg/kg Skin contact : corrosive Eye contact : corrosive morpholine Oral LD50 : 1050mg/kg Dermal LD50 : 500mg/kg Skin contact : corrosive Eye contact : corrosive 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ecotoxicity: Avoid contaminating waterways. Effects on the aquatic environment: Aquatic Toxicity data is available for the hazardous ingredients of the product. cyclohexylamine 96hr LC50 44-90 mg/L morpholine 96hr LC50 180 mg/L

Persistence / Degradability:
Expected to be readily biodegradable.

Mobility: Soluble in water. Bioaccumulation: No bioaccumulation potential. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS RESIDUES FROM PRODUCT Prohibition: Do not discharge into drains. Destruction/Disposal: Dispose of in accordance with relevant national and local regulations, EPA requirements and safety regulations at an authorised site. CONTAMINATED PACKAGING Prohibition: Do not dispose of the product at a rubbish tip. Decontamination/cleaning: Completely empty the packaging prior to decontamination. Destruction/Disposal: Recycle following cleaning or dispose of at an authorised site. Further information: In accordance with ADG7 containers or tankers which have not been cleaned or deodorised and which previously contained a hazardous product, must either be labelled or have hazard signs. NOTE: The user's attention is drawn to the possible existence of local regulations regarding disposal. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION ROAD AND RAIL TRANSPORT: Classified as Dangerous Goods by the criteria of the Australian Dangerous Goods Code (ADG Code) for Transport by Road and Rail. UN Number: 1500 Proper Shipping Name: CORROSIVE LIQUID, BASIC, ORGANIC, N.O.S (solution containing cyclohexylamine, morpholine) Dangerous Goods Class And Subsidiary risk: 5.1 Packing Group: III Hazchem Code: 1[Z]

MARINE TRANSPORT: Classified as Dangerous Goods by the criteria of the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) for transport by sea. UN Number: 1500 Proper Shipping Name: CORROSIVE LIQUID, BASIC, ORGANIC, N.O.S (solution containing cyclohexylamine, morpholine) Dangerous Goods Class AndSubsidiary risk: 5.1 Packing Group: III Hazchem Code: 1[Z]

AIR TRANSPORT: Classified as Dangerous Goods by the criteria of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations for transport by air. UN Number: 2922 Proper Shipping Name: CORROSIVE LIQUID, BASIC, ORGANIC, N.O.S (solution containing cyclohexylamine, morpholine) Dangerous Goods Class: 8 Subsidiary risk: None allocated Packing Group: III Hazchem Code: 2X NOTE: The above regulatory prescriptions are those valid on the date of publication of this sheet. Given the possible evolution of transport regulations for hazardous materials, it would be advisable to check their validity with your sales office. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION Poison Schedule (Australia): Not scheduled. Inventory Status: Inventory Status Australia (AICS): Y Y = All ingredients are on the inventory. P = One or more ingredients fall under the polymer exemption or are on the no longer polymer list. All other ingredients are on the inventory or exempt from listing. N = Not determined or one or more ingredients are not on the inventory and are not exempt from listing. NOTE: The regulatory information given above only indicates the principal regulations specifically applicable to the product described in the Material Safety Data Sheet. The user's attention is drawn to the possible existence of additional provisions which complete these regulations. Refer to all applicable national, international and local regulations or provisions.

16. OTHER INFORMATION Issue Date and Number: 17/01/2012, Issue 5 Supersedes: 18/01/2007, Issue 4 Reasons for Revision: 1) Review against current SWAC / NOHSC criteria. 2) Changes and/or additions made to all Sections. The customer is advised to consult the product Technical Data Sheets for further information including advice on suitable equipment. MSDS's are updated frequently. Please ensure that you have a current copy.

Key Legend Information: ACGIH - American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists AICS - Australian Inventory of Chemical Substances ASCC - Australian Safety and Compensation Council CAS - Chemical Abstracts Service EPA - Environmental Protection Agency [Int] ERMA - Environmental Risk Management Authority [NZ] EU - European Union GHS - United Nations - Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals[Int] HSNO - Hazardous Substances and New Organisms [NZ] IACR - International Agency for Research on Cancer IATA - International Aviation Transport Authority [Int] ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization [Int] IMDG - International Maritime Dangerous Goods [Int] IMO - International Maritime Organisation. [Int] NTP - National Toxicology Program NIOSH - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health [US] NOHSC - National Occupational Health & Safety Commission NZIoC - New Zealand Inventory of Chemicals [NZ] OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration [US] SUSDP - Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons [Aust] SWAC - Safe Work Australia Council [Formerly ASCC] WES - Workplace Exposure Standard [NZ] [Aust/NZ] = Australia/New Zealand [Int] = International [US] = United States of America Principal References: Information supplied by manufacturers/suppliers and reference sources including the public domain.


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