Science Daw Ni
Science Daw Ni
Science Daw Ni
of 24
Natural Sciences)
Content Update: Basic concepts and Principles
Introduction:Sc ience is, indeed, one of the most important subject areas in
todays curricu lum. Much emphasis have been to this field of study. Life has been increasinglyinfl
uenced by science and technology in our pursuit of a more comfortable lifestyle. Techn
ology is the application of the scientific theories and laws. The inventions intelecommuni
cation and transportation have drawn the world smaller and smaller. Withthe advent of information
can be relayed to other parts of the word in just a matter of seconds. The recent breakthroughs
in genetic mapping have made it possible toidentity the useful and bad genes that will
result to the breeding of a better specie.All these have made life more convenient
than ever. However, these technologymay also pose hazard to mankind if not used properly.
The mobile phones couldsabotage the economy of a particular country. The ever-increasing
vehicle to inculcate values on the proper use of technologythat bring both advantages and
disadvantages. The natural sciences review shall focus on the following objectives:1.U
utilized biological
body of knowledge, structured but not rigid. Thecontents or facts of this knowledge are
generated are also products of further investigations.S cience is not only a mere body of
Sciences deals with life and has many branches. The two generalbranche s are botany
(the study of plants) and zoology (the study of animals).c.Phy sical Sciences any of the
scientific study about livingand nonliving things and the process skills of science are
used as tools orvehicles for addressing the needs and concerns of society.
an improved procedure. Tec hnology as a product may be a gadget, tool, device, piece of equipment,
biodegradable soap and Styrofoam. The process of reproducing whole plants from its issue
or plant tissue culture isan example of this kind of technology, so is skin grafting.
St. Louis Review Center, Inc-Davao Tel. no. (082) 2242515 or 222-8732
less.Powders are converted from bulk solids using mechanical processes whichsubject
the mumps too contact forces. The lumps break up into very much smallerparticle s, the size of
which depends not only on the forces applied but also on thenature of the material.
Basic Goals of Science Education: The teaching of science at all levels (from elementary to
secondaryto tertiary level) is carried on for three basic reasons:a)to prepare scholars in the
citizenship ( the ordinary citizen)More specifically, the basic goal is to produce a populace
technologyavai lable and an interest in and appreciation for science. ( THE DEVELOPME
constructs of Scientific and technological Literacy (STL) belowwere based on studies made
the history and development, thephilosophy, and the sociology of science and technology
recognizes the works of scientists and the nature of the scientificenter priseThe
dimensions of the nature of science, based on the interdependentr elationship of process and
arereal and that nature is consistent5 ) E very effect has a cause that can be q u a l i f i e d 6)
defines an presents facts, basic concepts, principle and laws in sciencesand technology
applies science and technology concepts, principles and theories in reallife situations;
communicates effectively the scientific knowledge to bridge the gapbetween the scientific
knowledge to bridge the gap between the scientificcomm unity and the lay public. The seven
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