Change Request - A.2.0: 36.331 CR 0798 Rev

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3GPP TSG-RAN2 Meeting #75 Athens, Greece, 22-26 Aug, 2011


CHANG R !" ST 36#331 CR 07$% re& - Current version: '#2#0

For HELP on using this form look at the pop-up text over the symbols. Comprehensive instructions on how to use this form can be found at http: www.! specs CR.htm. Proposed change affects: Title: Source to !: Source to TS!: %ategor&: UICC apps ME ( Radio Access Network ( Core Network

Configuration of simultaneous PUCCH PU!CH Huawei" Hi!ilicon" #$E R% $ate: %)*+,*%+-Release: Rel-"# )

or" ite# code: &$E'CA(Core

$se one of the following categories: $se one of the following releases: ' %correction& R99 %Release "999& ( %corresponds to a correction in an earlier release& Rel-( %Release (& ) %addition of feature&' Rel-) %Release )& % %functional modification of feature& Rel-* %Release *& $ %editorial modification& Rel-+ %Release +& .etailed e/planations of t0e a1ove categories can Rel-, %Release ,& 1e found in 23PP $R %-45++4 Rel-9 %Release 9& Rel-"# %Release "#& Rel-"" %Release ""& Rel-"- %Release "-&

Reason for change:

RAN) 0as concluded t0at 1ase1and capa1ilit6 for simultaneous PUCCH and PU!CH transmission is 1and agnostic" 1ut R7 capa1ilit6 is 1and specific4 $0erefore" t0e case e/ists t0at 1ase1and capa1ilit6 of t0e UE supports simultaneous transmission of PUCCH and PU!CH" 1ut for PCell 1and" t0e R7 capa1ilit6 does not support4 According to t0e following sentence in $!2842+8" 9If t0e UE indicates support of 1ase1and capa1ilit6 for simultaneous transmission of PUCCH and PU!CH using t0is field" and if t0e UE indicates support of carrier aggregation in U&" t0en t0e UE supports simultaneous transmission of PUCCH and PU!CH across an6 U& component carriers w0ic0 t0e UE can aggregate4:4 $0at means even if t0e UE can not support simultaneous transmission of PUCCH and PU!CH in PCell" t0e UE still can support simultaneous transmission of PUCCH in PCell and PU!CH in !Cell4 However" suc0 case can not 1e supported in RAN- spec" $! 284%-24 According to $! 284%-2"section -+4-" if t0e eN; configures t0e simultaneous.$CC/-.$0C/" in su1frame n" UCI s0all 1e transmitted on PUCCH and primar6 cell PU!CH if t0e UCI consists of HAR<(AC= and periodic C!I and t0e UE is transmitting on t0e primar6 cell PU!CH in su1frame4 However if t0e UE can not support simultaneous PUCCH and PU!CH on PCell due to R7 capa1ilit6 limitation" inconsistenc6 occurs

Su##ar& of change: Add t0e restriction t0at t0e E(U$RAN configures t0is field" onl6 w0en t0e nonContiguous$1-R2-3ithinCC-4nfo is set to supported in t0e 1and on w0ic0 PCell is configured4 %onse*uences if not appro+ed: It is unclear 0ow to configure simultaneous.$CC/-.$0C/.

%lauses affected: ,ther specs affected: -sho. related %Rs/ ,ther co##ents:

8424% * N ( >t0er core specifications ( $est specifications ( > M !pecifications $!*$R 444 CR 444 $!*$R 444 CR 444 $!*$R 444 CR 444

1st change ? .$CC/-Config

The IE PUCCH-ConfigCommon and IE PUCCH-ConfigDedicated are used to specify the common and the UE specific PUCCH configuration respectively. P0%%H-%onfig in+,r-'ti,n e.e-ents
-- ASN1START PUCCH-ConfigCommon ::= deltaPUCCH-Shift nR%-CQ& nCS-AN n1PUCCH-AN $ PUCCH-ConfigDedi0ated ::= a01Na01Re2etition 4elea e et62 4e2etition7a0to4 n1PUCCH-AN-Re2 $ $! tdd-A01Na017eed9a01Mode $ SEQUENCE { ENUMERATED {d 1! d "! d #$! &NTE'ER ()**+,-! &NTE'ER ()**.-! &NTE'ER ()**")/.SEQUENCE { CH3&CE{ NU55! SEQUENCE { ENUMERATED {n"! n/! n8! &NTE'ER ()**")/.-


ENUMERATED {96ndling! m6lti2le:ing$ 3PT&3NA5

-- Cond TDD

PUCCH-ConfigDedi0ated-;1)") ::= SEQUENCE { 2600h-7o4mat-41) CH3&CE { fo4mat#-41) SEQUENCE { n#PUCCH-AN-5i t-41) SEQUENCE (S&<E (1**/-- 37 &NTE'ER ()**=/+- 3PT&3NA5! -- Need 3N t>oAntennaPo4tA0ti;atedPUCCH-7o4mat#-41) CH3&CE { 4elea e NU55! et62 SEQUENCE { n#PUCCH-AN-5i tP1-41) SEQUENCE (S&<E (1**/-- 37 &NTE'ER ()**=/+$ $ 3PT&3NA5 -- Need 3N $! 0hannelSele0tion-41) SEQUENCE { n1PUCCH-AN-CS-41) CH3&CE { 4elea e NU55! et62 SEQUENCE { n1PUCCH-AN-CS-5i t-41) SEQUENCE (S&<E (1**"-- 37 N1PUCCH-AN-CS-41) $ $ 3PT&3NA5 -- Need 3N $ $ 3PT&3NA5! -- Need 3R t>oAntennaPo4tA0ti;atedPUCCH-7o4mat1a19-41) ENUMERATED {t46e$ 3PT&3NA5! -- Need 3R im6ltaneo6 PUCCH-PUSCH-41) ENUMERATED {t46e$ 3PT&3NA5! -- Need 3R n1PUCCH-AN-Re2P1-41) &NTE'ER ()**")/.3PT&3NA5 -- Need 3R $ N1PUCCH-AN-CS-41) -- ASN1ST3P ::= SEQUENCE (S&<E (1**/-- 37 &NTE'ER ()**")/.-

P0%%H-%onfig +ie./ /escri0ti,ns ac"1ac"Repetition Parameter indicates w0et0er AC=*NAC= repetition is configured" see $! 284%-2 @%2" -+4-A4 deltaP0%%H-Shift
shift Parameter: n1P0%%H-(1 PUCCH " see 284%--" B4)4-" w0ere ds- corresponds to value - ds% to % etc4

(1) Parameter: N PUCCH " see $! 284%-2 @%2" -+4-A4

n1P0%%H-(1-Rep2 n1P0%%H-(1-RepP1
(1 p ) Parameter: nPUCCH !"#ep for antenna port P+ and for antenna port P- respectivel6" see $! 284%-2 @%2" -+4-A4 n1P0%%H-(1-%S-List Parameter and reference: t1d n3P0%%H-(1-List2 n3P0%%H-(1-ListP1

($ p) Parameter: n PUCCH for antenna port P+ and for antenna port P- respectivel6" see $! 284%-2 @%2" -+4-A4 n%S-(n

Parameter: nR)-%45 Parameter:

(1) see $! 284%-- @%-" B4)A4 N cs (%) " see $! 284%-- @%-" B4)A4 N #&

pucch-'or#at Parameter indicates one of t0e PUCCH formats for transmission of HAR<(AC=" see $! 284%-2 @%2" -+4-A4 7or $.." if t0e UE is configured wit0 PCell onl6" t0e channel0election indicates t0e transmission of HAR<(AC= multiple/ing as defined in $a1les -+4-42(B" -+4-42(8" and -+4-42(C in $! 284%-2 @%2A4 repetition'actor Parameter N !"#ep see $! 284%-2 @%2" -+4-A w0ere n% corresponds to repetition factor %" n) to )4 si#ultaneousP0%%H-P0S%H Parameter indicates w0et0er simultaneous PUCCH and PU!CH transmissions is configured" see $! 284%-2 @%2" -+4and B4-4-A4 E(U$RAN configures t0is field" onl6 w0en t0e nonContiguous$1-R2-3ithinCC-4nfo is set to supported in t0e 1and on w0ic0 PCell is configured4 tdd-(c"1ac"'eed6ac"7ode Parameter indicates one of t0e $.. AC=*NAC= feed1ack modes used" see $! 284%-2 @%2" C42 and -+4-42A4 $0e value 1undling corresponds to use of AC=*NAC= 1undling w0ereas" t0e value multiple/ing corresponds to AC=*NAC= multiple/ing as defined in $a1les -+4-42(%" -+4-42(2" and -+4-42() in $! 284%-2 @%2A4 $0e same value applies to 1ot0 AC=*NAC= feed1ack modes on PUCCH as well as on PU!CH4 t.o(ntennaPort(cti+atedP0%%H-'or#at1a16 Indicates w0et0er two antenna ports are configured for PUCCH format -a*-1 for HAR<(AC=" see $! 284%-2 @%2" -+4-A4 C,n/iti,n'. 0resence 566 10.'n'ti,n $0e field is mandator6 present for $.. if t0e pucch-Format is not present4 If t0e pucchFormat is present" t0e field is not present4 It is not present for 7.. and t0e UE s0all delete an6 e/isting value for t0is field4

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