Apologetical Notes M Pomazansky 2

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Apologetical Notes Part II

Very Reverend Father Michael Pomazansky Translated by Natalia Semyanko Fr! Serg"ey #issilev

Contents: Apologetical Notes Part II Very Reverend Father Michael Pomazansky Translated by Natalia Semyanko Fr! Serg"ey #issilev Our Godhath done whatsoever he hath pleased (Ps. 114:3). The principle o$ p"rpose or the la% o$ ca"sality! T%o elements in the %orld! &ead nat"re! 'a%s o$ reason and ob(ective! The man! Society! The "niverse! )And *od said!+ The heavens are established by the ord!s "ord. #aith as a do$%a. #ro% &nowled$e to &nowled$e o' God. Abo"t nat"re! Abo"t the composition and p"rpose o$ man! The Image o$ *od in man! The Chur(h about Providential "isdo%. ,! )The -h"rch teaches "s+ . %hat does this mean/ 0! The 1ise and All.2ncompassing Providence o$ *od! 3! 1isdom is not a personal entity! 4! Sophia as )the so"l o$ the %orld/+ A )$eminine element+ in *od/+ 5! The 1orld6s 'i$e in the 7oly Spirit! i'e in 'aith. )"e have seen the true i$ht.* Two types o' enli$hten%ent. i$ht and dar+ness. The Chur(h o' Christ, a((ordin$ to the tea(hin$s o' -t. -i%eon, the .ew Theolo$ian.

$"r %od&hath done 'hatsoever he hath pleased (Ps . ))*+,- .

The principle o. p"rpose or the la' o. ca"sality. 1hy/ 8 7o% come/ 8 These t%o 9"estions are inherent to each o$ "s $rom o"r childhood $rom the moment %hen tho"ght a%akened in "s and %e began to "se lang"age! )To %hat p"rpose/+ and )For %hat reason/+ The 9"estion )1hy/+ s"ggests the idea o$ a res"lt a$ter a given event or occ"rrence! The religio"s point o$ vie% is associated %ith this 9"estion! In the 9"estion )7o% come/+ one e:presses the idea o$ something preceding and providing ca"se $or a given event or ob(ect! The teaching o$ positivism as a vie% on the %orld is closely associated %ith this 9"estion! All o"r daily tho"ghts can also be de$ined as )eternal 9"estions!+ )Reasons+ or )p"rposes+ are origin o$ all e:istence! Modern tho"ght declaring itsel$ scienti$ic striving to depart $rom the religio"s idea and relying on the principle o$ materialism ignores the 9"estions o$ )p"rpose!+ It denies their leading role in the main 9"estions o$ the %orld6s e:istence! In everyday li$e all p"rposes are red"ced to a minim"m! ;ne tends to be convinced that all o"r acts both social and private %hich appear to be done o$ $ree %ill are in $act so m"ch determined by past events that o"r personal %ill is only a s"b(ect to )the la% o$ ca"sality!+ In this vie% a p"rpose$"lness o$ o"r acts is only imaginary and in any case it is pre.determined by )social+ movements! &o %e not then become $rom this point o$ vie% ("st toys in the hands o$ $ate/ This vie% is totally "nacceptable to "s! Aside $rom)scienti$ic+ theories %e sho"ld provide solid gro"nd $or o"r -hristian position on this s"b(ect not do"bting that it is tr"e $or all people! ;"r %hole mindset %ill be determined by this principle! T'o elements in the 'orld. /ead nat"re. The "niverse consists o$ t%o elements< the dead and the living one! Strict la%s o$ physics govern the dead element! The essence o$ its activities are red"ced to the $orm"la< )-a"se and e$$ect!+ It contains masses o$ )matter + mainly in its coarse almost %ild $orm and physical )energy!+ =oth are in constant motion %ith a plethora o$ elements the "nion and division o$ %hich a"tomatically prod"ce strict and precise res"lts! These res"lts can be precisely prede$ined! In $act almost all o$ them have been st"died by precise science and h"manity "ses this kno%ledge in its o%n interests and needs sometimes to its o%n detriment! Mathematics is the r"ler in this sphere! Mathematics is in itsel$ per$ect acc"racy! Mathematical r"les are strict and "nchanging! In its application to dead nat"re to the determination o$ ca"ses and e$$ects mathematics reveals and enlightens the strict uni'or%ity in going $rom ca"se to e$$ect! In this %orldly element la%s are a"tomatic! 0a's o. reason and ob1ective. The living element is another matter entirely! 'i$e itsel$ is a mysterio"s essence and e:istence! In the most elementary beings beginning %ith bacteria invisible to the eye

a"tomatism and mechanicity are visibly s"rmo"nted! 'iving beings $rom the lo%est $orms "p%ards reveal their o%n %ill in movement in the desire to eat in some elements o$ orientation in the ability to $eel in comprehension and then in a $orm o$ reason and )p"rpose!+ This p"rpose may have vario"s directions! ;$ co"rse here the la% o$ )ca"se+ is active b"t it is reg"lated by )personal+ yearnings< a plant kno%s %hen it is healthy to t"rn to the light %hen it m"st hide or open the shell o$ its $lo%er! ;n the small planet 2arth 8 %hat a richness o$ $orms o$ living beings in both the plant and the animal %orld> And the so"rce o$ their no"rishment is dead matter< earth air %ater and so on! And ho% e:pedient it happens to be that dead nat"re is "nchanging in its )la%s o$ ca"se+> And ho% easily the living element is able to "se the dead one> And %hat an incomprehensible a(tive "isdo% is revealed to "s in their "nion and coordination> 'i$e is amazingly capable o$ coordinating itsel$ in relation to dead nat"re! Nonetheless $reedom is inherent to it as %ell! 'i$e cannot be locked %ithin the iron cage o$ necessity! It has the strength %ithin itsel$ to break the bonds o$ dead nat"re! -learly li$e has a partic"lar special beginning in the %orld %hich is spirit"al in 9"ality! Reason %ill the ability to $eel and react are inherently contained in li$e! 1hat greatness o$ conception> 1hat $"llness o$ e:istence in this coordination o$ death %ith li$e< a domain %here only the la%s o$ ca"se and e$$ect have their say %ith another one %here $reedom and e:pediency are r"ling> The man. The man is an occ"pant o$ the earth and its director! ="t he is also a son o$ the earth! 7e is in a sense more than other beings a part o$ the living element! At the same time he is tied to his body %hich has been taken $rom the dead nat"re governed by precise la%s o$ mathematical ca"sality! 7e re9"ires the com$ort provided by the reg"larity o$ o$ the body6s la%s! 7e is also capable o$ limiting this )press"re o$ necessity+ e:ercised by the body! Animals also possess p"rpose b"t %ith h"mans it steps $or%ard to a m"ch greater e:tent as general engine directing reg"lating and protecting their actions! The $reedom o$ the li$e6s spirit sometimes only complicates his sit"ation %hen t%o imp"lses coming $rom t%o so"rces< body and so"l collide ! =esides this %e have o"r o%n )spirit"al reasons + %hich come into con$lict %ith o"r general e:pediency! 1e m"st not also $orget that %e -hristians have o"r o%n la%s o$ -hristian %ill$"l p"rpose! All o$ this creates a comple:ity as %ell as a richness o$ o"r inner li$e! Society. Social li$e is made "p o$ individ"al lives that is %hy it contains everything %hich belongs to each person individ"ally! Still the sit"ation here is more comple:! 2ach person has his o%n path o$ li$e his o%n plans $or tomorro% his o%n $reedom and his o%n s"bmission to necessity! 1hen possible this can be bro"ght to agreement b"t sometimes a con$lict may arise! 1e recognize that h"mans di$$er $rom animals by the lo$tiness o$ their ob(ectives! I$ %e apply the same meas"re to society as a %hole can one really name the e$$ort to limit the li$e o$ the latter %ithin the sphere o$ p"rely practical altho"gh com$ortable and

convenient e:istence based on the ass"mption that this e:istence ? o$ an individ"al as %ell as o$ the society . is p"rely )rational + earthly short.term and in e$$ect senseless )tr"e progress+ / ="t it is s"ch progress that is today recognized as tr"ly scienti$ic! The "niverse. ;ne might say $rom a materialistic or agnostic point o$ vie% < )@o" $orget that the planet 2arth is like a grain o$ sand in the "niverse and yo" see yo"rsel$ as the center o$ creation and on this yo" b"ild yo"r religio"s ideas relating yo"r concl"sions $rom the speci$ic to the general!+ 'et "s reply to s"ch possible remark! In disc"ssions abo"t *od one can only speak o$ the -reator and Provider o$ the entire "niverse and o"r Savio"r! The reproach t"rns back on its so"rce %hen %e hear the anno"ncement s"pposedly o$ scienti$ic nat"re b"t %ith a mysterio"s 9"ality that there is an element on earth that in properly combined %ith other elements provides a beginning and a starting spark to li$eA it is only re9"ired that the combination occ"r and the seed o$ li$e %ill arise! ="t no one has yet revealed s"ch a la% among the precise reg"larity 9"alitative o$ all earthly matter! &o %e have to a%ait an "ne:pected )accident/+ ;n the other hand i$ the earth is a grain o$ sand in the "niverse as it tr"ly is and i$ one imagines an a((ident and makes it an e/a%ple $or the possible appearance o$ li$e in the "niverse then %ill not s"ch an image o$ the origin o$ li$e appear as child6s play/ In $act %e see that in all the kinds and genders o$ living beings li'e (o%es 'ro% li'e! This is its la%! 1e bo% do%n be$ore the greatness o$ that holy 0ibli(al panorama %hich is portrayed $rom the second line o$ the 'irst (hapter o' Genesis and is chosen in condensed $orm and o$$ered to o"r hearing in the ;ld Testament readings o$ o"r three greatest $east days< the =irth o$ -hrist 2piphany and *reat and 7oly Sat"rday! 1e present the beginning and the end o$ this -h"rch reading! *enesis ,<, ,3< )In the beginning *od created the heaven and the earth! And the earth %as %itho"t $orm and voidA and darkness %as "pon the $ace o$ the deep! And the spirit o$ *od moved "pon the $ace o$ the %atersB And *od said< 'et the earth bring $orth grass the herb yielding seed and the $r"it tree yielding $r"it a$ter his kind %hose seed is in itsel$ "pon the earth< and it %as soB And the evening and the morning %ere the third day!+ And %od said. The entire creation o$ the %orld %as accomplished %ithin si: days as is related in the $irst chapter o$ the book o$ *enesis! The separate acts are e:pressed in three %ords< )And *od said!+ -learly the %ord )said + repeated nine times symbolizes the %ill o$ *od and its "nhindered and absol"te $"l$illment! The $irst time it is said according to the te:t the dead masses are $illed %ith li$e.giving light necessary $or the e:istence o$ $"t"re living elements! In the $ollo%ing short *odly state%ents something like )seeds or rays o$ li$e + are sent into the %orld! They are not p"rely physical b"t possessing spirit"al %eightless instr"mentally immeas"rable properties! S"ch grains o$ li$e %ill attract and enliven the parts o$ matter and earthly energy th"s $illing the %orld %ith living beings! The man in this earthly sphere is *od6s highest creation his so"l carrying the )breath o$ *od into his $ace!+

)And *od saidB and (there was) the evenin$ and the %ornin$B+ These %ords %ere $irst said abo"t the third day and %ere repeated conse9"ently! 2ach evening and morning %ere the beginning and end o$ the )nightly period + %hen in each living being on earth incl"ding each o$ "s the invisible and intangible process o$ gro%th is occ"ring %hen strength is regained and all the po%ers are re$reshed and rene%ed! In the morning %e arise and see something ne% in nat"re< a $lo%er has opened or a ne% being has appeared! Is this not the process %e $ind in the =iblical narrative/ A$ter each verse ) and it was so + . %e read a con$irmation< )and God saw that it was $ood!+ This perception is very m"ch alike to that o$ a h"man being! Moses %rote his narrative $or the people o$ the earth $or his nation $or their and o"r spirit"al instr"ction! For this reason it is limited to the theme o$ earth and mankind! 1e are not $orbidden to consider the possibility that some%here in other places in the "niverse conditions similar to those %e see on 2arth might also e:ist! ;"r tho"ght is str"ck by something else< the lo$tiness o$ spirit and tho"ght o$ the prophet Moses his daring by h"man meas"re b"t *od.inspired by its indications a((eptan(e o' the 'ollowin$ tas+< to give a general image o$ the 2arth6s creation the appearance o$ h"manity on earthA its $irst historyA the history o$ his nation as *od6s chosen oneA to a$$irm monotheism in this people and begin the history o$ *od6s -h"rch in the ;ld Testament! 7is national lang"age %as primitive and abstract ideas %ere $oreign to it! The %riting abilities %ere primitive too! ="t the task %as accomplished and this $o"r and a hal$ tho"sand years ago> I$ the principle o$ )res"lt+ clearly acts in the sphere o$ o"r %orld i$ harmony in coordination %ith the la%s o$ its inanimate nat"re is e:pressed in its most vital parts the $ormer inanimate elment being o$ service to the latter i$ %e see pro$o"nd intelligence and order in all o$ this 8 $rom this %e are $illed %ith a conscio"sness o$ *od6s blessing and goodness 8 %e can only re1oi(e in the $reatness o' the (reation o' the universe and o"r earthA to thin+ and a(t so as to be %orthy o$ *od6s goodness and *od6s gi$ts inimitably recorded in the %ords o$ the Apostle Pa"l to the Romans< ); the depth o$ the riches both o$ the %isdom and kno%ledge o$ *od>BFor o$ 7im and thro"gh 7im and to 7im are all things< to %hom be glory $or ever! Amen!+ CRom! ,,<33 3DE!

The heavens are established by the 0ord2s 3ord .

)In the beginning %as the 1ordB All things %ere made by 7imA and %itho"t 7im %as not any thing made that %as made+ CFohn ,<, 3E )=y the %ord o$ the 'ord %ere the heavens made< and all the host o$ them by the breath o$ 7is mo"th+ CPs! 33<DE! An article in one o$ o"r ch"rch periodicals has pro"dly spoken abo"t the height and $"llness o$ the -hristian vie%point e:pressed in the $o"r *ospels! At the same time it e:pressed the "nacceptable and $alse notion that in the $irst phrases o$ the *ospel o$ Fohn %here the 'ord Fes"s -hrist is named )'ogos+ in the *reek te:t and )1ord+ in the Slavic

te:t this name %as s"pposedly borro%ed by the 2vangelist $rom *reek philosophy namely $rom the F"deo.7ellenic conceptions o$ Philon the Fe%ish philosopher in ancient Ale:andria! )2lthou$h his views do not (oin(ide (o%pletely with the Gospel o' 3ohn %u(h will re%ain un(lear without $ettin$ 'a%iliar with his philosophi(al theory + claims the article! A -hristian so"l cannot agree %ith this! In the entire span o$ Ne% Testament books %here does one see an attempt to establish a link bet%een -hristian tr"ths and *reek philosophy/ &oes not the Apostle Pa"l say abo"t the %isdom o$ this age< Let no man deceive himselfFor the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness. The Lord knoweth the thou hts of the wise, that the! are vain C, -or! 3E! 1hom does the Apostle Pa"l reb"ke $or blindness and narro%ness o$ mind/ And concerning the Apostle Fohn %e shall say< %as it necessary to t"rn to %orldly philosophy $or him %ho declared %ith all the strength o$ spirit " This is the victor! that overcometh the world, even our faith. #ho is he that overcometh the world, $ut he that $elieveth that %esus is the &on of God' CI Fohn 5<4.5E! I$ the 2vangelist Fohn had had in his mind an certain mysterio"s image o$ a )'ogos+ $or %hich he %as %riting the *ospel he %o"ld have contin"ed "sing this name $or the 'ord in his %ritings! ="t this does not happen! That same $irst chapter o$ his *ospel is $illed %ith other names $or the Savior< Life, Li ht, (nl!)$e otten &on, which is in the $osom of the Father, Lam$ of God, *essiah, &on of God, +in of ,srael, -a$$i, &on of man. And only in the ,4th verse o$ this chapter %e read< .nd the #ord was made flesh, and dwelt amon us B ="t this is very $ar $rom any philosophical image beca"se %e read later on< .nd we $eheld His lor!, the lor! as of the onl! $e otten of the Father, full of race and truth. @es the *ospel $rom Fohn is tr"ly the *ospel o$ the )1ord + b"t the )1ord o$ *od + $or it almost completely consists o$ the %ords o$ the 'ord Fes"s -hrist 7imsel$ and besides the 'ord 7imsel$ %itnesses< *! doctrine is not *ine, $ut His that sent *e CFohn G<,DE! The *ospel $rom Fohn is tr"ly )Theology!+ It is the $o"rth *ospel %ritten in order o$ time! ="t in the conscio"sness o$ the -h"rch and in the practice o$ the -h"rch6s service it is )$irst!+ The cycle o$ 'it"rgical readings begins precisely %ith the reading o$ the $irst chapter< )In the beginning %as the 1ordB+ =eca"se o$ this honor the a"thor o$ the *ospel is called )the Theologian+ in the ;rthodo: -h"rch 1e m"st de$initively re(ect the a$$irmation o$ the mentioned article and similar ones s"ch as< )Fohn "sed the concept o$ 'ogos applied it to the name o$ Fes"s -hrist and gave this concept a ne% meaning!+ 1as the Apostle Fohn some cabinet thinker keeping track o$ the spirit o$ philosophy in its tr"e *reek or F"deo.7ellenic variation/ &id his personal interest t"rn to papyr"s or leather scrolls %ith philosophical ideas in a ancient library/ ;r %o"ld he "se an accidental on.the.$ly idea $or his great p"rpose/ There is only one other place among the Ne% Testament te:ts %here the Savior is called )the 1ord+< in the ,Hth chapter o$ the Revelation o$ St! Fohn the Theologian " .nd , saw heaven o/ened, and $ehold a white horse0 and He that sat u/on himhad a name written, that no man knew, $ut He Himself. .nd He was clothed with a vesture di//ed in $lood" and his name is called The #ord of God C,H<,,.,3E! =iblical e:egesis sees a direct tie to this image and as tho"gh its accomplishment in the vision described by

the prophet Isaiah in chapter D3 o$ his book< #ho is this that cometh from 1dom with d!ed arments#herefore art thou red in thine a//arel, and th! arments like him that treadeth in the winefat' 2 , have trodden the wine/ress aloneand the !ear of m! redeemed is comeThou, ( Lord, art our Father, our -edeemer0 Th! 3ame is from everlastin C-hap! D3<,.4 ,DE! The coherence o$ these t%o places in the *ospel and the Revelation besides its spirit"al meaning is important to "s beca"se it con$irms that the Apostle Fohn %rote the Revelation being inspired $rom above! It is also important beca"se the 'ord is called the 1ord o$ )God + %hich negates any philosophical idea o$ )'ogos+ as an independent =eing a mediator bet%een *od and the creation or a )Paraclite+ Cas the a"thor o$ the above.mentioned article re$erred to the 'ogosE! The 'ord calls the 4oly -pirit Paraclite or )-om$orter + in 7is $inal disc"ssion %ith 7is disciples! That is abo"t eno"gh attention to the article! ="t still the 9"estion remains "nclear< 1hy did the 2vangelist re$er to the 'ord Fes"s -hrist as )1ord + or )'ogos + in the $irst lines o$ his *ospel/ And at the same time %hy do %e $ind the name 'ogos or 1ord only in these lines o$ the Ne% Testament/ May the 7oly Apostle $orgive "s $or attempting to invade his holy tho"ght %hich is not clear eno"gh $or "s %ith o"r narro% and sin$"l minds $or entering into that region o$ the so"l %hich %e "s"ally call )the s"bconscio"s!+ The attention o$ each -hristian $amiliar %ith the =ible is attracted by the parallels one can notice bet%een the beginning o$ the ;ld Testament book )*enesis+ and the beginning o$ Fohn6s *ospel $rom the very $irst %ords! 1e shall revie% these parallels! )2n arkhi+ 8 )In the beginning+ 8 are the $irst %ords o$ both holy %ritings! The *reek )arkhi+ has three $"ndamental meanings< aE the beginning o$ an event or task in the "s"al and common meaning o$ the %ordA bE leadership domination or po%erA cE historical past ancient and in the religio"s sense 8 limitless and eternal! In the book6s original lang"age Moses "ses this %ord in its usual primary meaning< *od prior to any o$ 7is actions o"tside 7imsel$ created heaven and earth! The same %ord stands $irst in the *ospel o$ Fohn b"t the 7oly Apostle elevates the idea o$ the *reek %ord )arkhi+< )In the beginning %as the 1ord+ 8 1ord as the personal *odly e:istence )%as in the beginning+ 8 be$ore any other e:istence moreover< be$ore any time in limitless eternity! In that same *ospel this %ord is repeated once more %ith the same meaning< %e present the verse here! 1hen the F"deans asked the 'ord< )1ho art Tho"/+ 8 Fes"s ans%ered them< )2ven the same that I said "nto yo" $rom the beginning!+ CFohn I<05E 8 Tin archin, oti ke lalo imin! So the $irst books o$ each Testament old and ne% begin %ith the same e:pressive %ordA b"t in the book o$ the Ne% Testament it has a more elevated meaning than in *enesis! F"rther on in the te:ts o$ both books especially in the $irst $ive verses o$ each %e note this internal connection! Maybe it %as not prod"ced on p"rpose by the 2vangelist since the se9"ence does not e:actly coincide! This connection co"ld be a nat"ral res"lt o$ the essence o$ the s"b(ects! 7ere %e note the s"periority o$ the Ne% Testament events as compared %ith those o$ the ;ld Testament! 1e %ill no% compare the parallel places in *enesis and in the *ospel!

*enesis ,! ,n the $e innin God created .nd God said" Let there $e...

The *ospel ,! ,n the $e innin was the #ord, and the #ord was with God, and the #ord was God. 7ere the tr"th o$ Monotheism is elevated thro"gh the revelation o$ the second Person ? the Son . in *od! The e:pression )%as %ith *od+ is clari$ied later in verse ,I< the onl! $e otten &on, which is in the $osom of the Father. 0! )All things %ere made by 7im Cthe 1ordE and %itho"t 7im %as not anything made that %as made!+ The verb )said+ is clari$ied %ith the %ords )Said by the 1ord + %hich demonstrates the participation o$ the second *odly Person the -reator o$ the entire %orld the e:ec"tor o$ the Father6s %ill!

0! )And the earth %as %itho"t $orm and void+ C'i$elessEB

3! ,n Him (the #ord) was life CcontraryE!

3! .nd God said" Let there $e li ht. 8 This is said abo"t physical light! 4! .nd darkness was u/on the face of the dee/ In the $ollo%ing lines< 5! Abo"t the 4oly -pirit< .nd the &/irit of God moved u/on the waters

4! ).nd the life was the Li ht of men. The s"b(ect o$ the tho"ght is immensely elevated altho"gh the same %ord is "sed! Abo"t the 1ord the Son o$ *od< .nd the Li ht shineth in darkness, and the darkness com/rehended it not CcontraryE! D! The %ords o$ Fohn the =aptist< .nd , knew Him not0 $ut that He should $e made manifest to ,srael, therefore am , come $a/ti5in with water. .nd %ohn $are record, sa!in , , saw the &/irit descendin from heaven like a dove, and it a$ode u/on Him C-hap! ,<3,.30 . comparisonE! G! Abo"t the 1ord adopting h"man nat"re< .nd the #ord was made flesh, and dwelt amon us, full of race and truth0 and we $eheld His lor!, the lor! as of the onl! $e otten of the Father C-hap! ,<,4 . comparisonE! I! The -oming o$ the 1ord to earth! The glory o$ the Savior< Hereafter !e shall see heaven o/en, and the an els of God ascendin and descendin u/on the &on of man CFohn ,<5,8 comparisonE!

D! .nd God said" Let 4s make man in (ur ima e, after (ur likeness&o God created man in His own ima e

G! .nd He rested on the seventh da! for all His work which He had made C*enesis 0<0E!

This coherence o$ tho"ghts and e:pressions bet%een the t%o holy books o$ the ;ld and Ne% Testaments this light o$ the *ospel considered to be the $irst by the -h"rch6s sel$. conscio"sness %hich is shed by the latter on the $irst book o$ Moses is con$irmed by the %ords o$ the Apostle himsel$ in the $irst chapter o$ his *ospel< )And o$ 7is $"llness have I

all %e received and grace $or grace! For the la% %as given by Moses b"t grace and tr"th came by Fes"s -hrist+ C,D.,GE! And there is no need to look $or a so"rce o$ the )'ogos 8 1ord+ name %hich has become an inherent part o$ -hristian tradition! And this name or notion is by no means $oreign to the ;ld Testament< 6! the word of the Lord were the heavens made0 and all the host of them $! the $reath of His mouth CPs! 33<DE 8 it is said in the Psalter %hich %as part o$ the 7ebre%s6 daily reading! These %ords are identical in both the ancient 7ebre% te:t and in the )Translation o$ the GJ!+ The same is $o"nd in Psalm ,4I<4.G and in Psalm ,,H<IH< )For ever ; 'ord Thy %ord is settled in heavenA+ the same in Psalm ,JG<,H.0J! ="t the $inal conversation o$ the 'ord %ith 7is disciples is a so"rce o$ still greater enlightenment $or "s< .nd the word which !e hear is not *ine, $ut the Father7s which sent *e CFohn ,4<04E! For all thin s that , have heard of *! Father , have made known unto !ou C,5<,5E! .ll thin s that the Father hath are *ine C,D<,5E! This is the basic s"b(ect o$ that great conversation as %ell as o$ the $ollo%ing prayer spoken o"t by the 'ord! The ;rthodo: -h"rch lovingly accepted the naming o$ the Son o$ *od as )1ord+ and "ses it o$ten b"t never by itsel$ b"t %ith another o$ its attrib"tes< Thou didst $ear the #ord of God C)It is meetE, ( (nl!)6e otten &on and #ord of God C$rom the 'it"rgyEA .ll)/owerful, #ord of the Father Cprayers be$ore sleepE!

Faith as a dogma .

O"r teacher o$ living $aith

the holy priest St! Fohn o$ #ronstadt in his book )My li$e in -hrist + notes< )Faith is the key to *od6s treas"ry!+ This is a very val"able and %ise de$inition o$ $aith! Faith grants one access to the riches o$ *odly treas"res o$ li$e and eternity! 7e contin"es< )It C$aithE resides in a simple loving heart. ,f !ou can $elieve at all, ever!thin is /ossi$le to the $eliever.+ 7e also %rites< )Faith is as i$ one6s spiritual %outh< the more $reely it opens the greater the $lo% o$ *odly so"rces into "sA let this mo"th open Cin prayerE as $reely as yo"r bodily mo"thA let it not be compressed by do"bt and lack o$ $aith< i$ it is compressed by do"bt and lack o$ $aith then *od6s treas"ry o$ blessings %ill be closed to yo"! The more open.heartedly yo" can believe in *od6s All.mightiness 8 the more the generosity o$ *od6s heart %ill be revealed to yo"! 1hen yo" ask in prayer believe that yo" %ill receive< and it %ill given to yo"+ CMy li$e in -hrist vol! , p! 040E! For this reason $aith can be called the $irst dogma o$ -hristianity! The entire Ne% Testament is $illed %ith the preaching o' 'aith! It is di$$ic"lt to e:plain the notion o$ $aith! The Apostle Pa"l says the $ollo%ing< )Faith is the s"bstance o$ things hoped $or the evidence o$ things "nseen!+ )S"bstance o$ things hoped $or+ 8 is the admission that there "ndo"btedly is %as and %ill be 7e in 1hom %e hopeA here there is internal con$irmation mysterio"s noti$ication that this is ho% it is! )2vidence o$ things "nseen+ 8 even i$ yo" cannot see it even i$ it is not revealed thro"gh e:ternal e:perience still the invisible is revealed thro"gh internal e:perience< in the e:pansion o$ spirit"al horizons thro"gh (oy or in another %ay 8 thro"gh prayer!

Faith is only valid and active in a person %hen its ob(ect is real and not only imaginary! Faith "nites one %ith that in %hom or in %hat one believes! Faith can only be strong i$ the s"b(ect o$ $aith is strong or proceeds $rom a higher Po%er! Faith is (oy$"l b"t only %hen %e believe in something per$ect gen"ine and elevated! Tr"e $aith "pli$ts gives %ings makes invincible p"ri$ies leads to heaven! S"ch is the -hristian $aith! ="t i$ %e make something $alse the ob(ect o$ o"r $aith it %ill only res"lt in the destr"ction o$ elements o$ good in the so"lA it %ill not be long.lasting and %ill yield easily to a similarly $alse ob(ect o$ $aith! 1hen people tie themselves by $aith to that %hich altho"gh real is lo% or evil then s"ch $aith lo%ers their o%n morals and they are ca"ght in the nets o$ the evil po%ers! -red"lity is not $aith! -red"lity is an e:pression o$ $rivolity a s"per$icial acceptance o$ that %hich one has ("st heard! -red"lity reveals a laziness and naivete o$ the so"l and o$ the mind! 1hat is easily accepted it lost ("st as easily! Religio"s $aith brings s"bstance and meaning to a person6s li$e! It creates a $"llness o$ spirit"al li$e! It even i$ temporarily or partially separates one $rom lo% and earthly interests leading into the region o$ elevated morally p"re holy emotions! Is this $aith ac9"ired easily/ 8 This depends on the spirit"al state o$ the person on the content o$ his tho"ghts habits and desires! The p"rer the so"l the easier %ill it accept good! The more sensitive it is to goodness the easier %ill it ans%er the call $rom above! ="t $aith is more demanding than cred"lity beca"se it al%ays demands sacri$ice! ="t on the other hand this sacri$ice s"pported %ith $aith becomes easier and in the more lo$ty rare cases leads even to (oyo"s sel$.sacri$ice! S"ch $aith re9"ires almost no visible or mental proo$s! This is %hy the *ospel says" 6lessed are the! that have have not seen, !et have $elieved CFohn 0J<0HE! There is sometimes sinless disbelie$< )I believe 'ord help Tho" my disbelie$!+ This con$ession did not hinder the healing o$ the possessed one! There %as the $aith o$ the Apostle Thomas connected %ith a thirst $or a completeness and strength o$ $aith e:pressed in the %ords< 18ce/t , shall see, will not $elieve, CFohn 0J<05E! This means he %ill not have that (oy %hich he %o"ld have had "pon )seeing + like the other Apostles have had! Sometimes do"bts or )s"spicion+ to good tidings o$ tr"th sho%s only ho% tremendo"sly important this ne%s is to the person as %ell as ho% p"re or great his so"l is as %e see in the Apostle Thomas! Religio"s $aith is not alike to believing in one6s o%n po%er! Some religio"s sects are gravely in error %hen they teach o$ the bene$its and %orthiness o$ $aith )as it is + $aith in that %hich is desired< convincing onesel$ o$ one6s health s"ccess or %el$are! S"ch $aith is sel$.deception and is an enemy o$ -hristianity! 1e can $irmly call o"r -hristian $aith the $irst dogma o$ -hristianity! 1e begin o"r daily con$ession o$ o"r -hristian $"ndamentals %ith this a$$irmation< )I believe in ;ne *od + $rom the Nicene creed! According to St! Irinae"s o$ 'yons $aith is the vessel $or collecting living %ater and this living %ater is the grace o$ *od!


)It is impossible to please *od %itho"t $aith $or it is demanded that a person believe that *od e:ists and re%ards those %ho seek 7im!+ That is %hy %e are commanded< 18amine !ourselves, whether !e $e in the faith" /rove !our own selves. 8 check yo"rsel$ %hether yo" have $aith C0 -or! ,3<5E teaches the Apostle! To %hich capacity o$ the so"l does $aith belong< to the mind to the %ill or to the$eeling/ Partially the ob(ect o$ o"r $aith is contained in o"r mind! Still this is more than kno%ledge or a)con$irmed s"pposition+ %hich can %e o$ten see in o"r lives! Faith possesses a "ni9"e motivating $orce! It cannot be called a ) phenomenon o$ %ill + beca"se tho"gh $aith can move mo"ntains a -hristian re$"ses his o%n personal %ill giving himsel$ over to the %ill o$ *od< Th! #ill $e done to me, a sinner. &oes $aith belong to the realm o$ $eeling/ ="t it is more comple: than an individ"al6s $eelings< it has elements o$ $ear honor reverence h"mility! There$ore it in$iltrates the entire so"l! Faith is only a(tive %hen the so"l is "nited %ith *od6s grace! And the latter happens to the greatest e:tent %hen the so"l is bea"ti$ied by and "ni$ied %ith love! As the Apostle Pa"l says< Faith which worketh $! love, %hich in the -h"rch Slavonic is so %ell e:pressed by the %ords< )Faith accompanied by love + as i$ the t%o are traveling together s"pporting each other in their activity! C*al! 5<DE! Faith is an active power! ="t it does not act thro"gh the po%er o$ imagination or sel$.hypnosis as some sects %ill de$ine it b"t thro"gh being tied %ith the so"rce o$ all strength 8 *od! He that $elieveth on me, as the scri/tures hath said, out of his $ell! shall flow rivers of livin water, said the 'ord CFohn G<3IE! -hrist6s -h"rch is $o"nded on $aith as i$ on a rock on a solid $o"ndation . #ho throu h faith su$dued kin doms, wrou ht ri hteousness, o$tained /romises, sto//ed the mouths of lions, 9uenched the violence of fire, esca/ed the ed e of the sword, out of weakness were made stron , wa8ed valiant in fi ht, turned to fli ht the armies of the aliens C7eb! ,,<33.34E! 7o% sho"ld %e "nderstand the 'ord6s %ords to the Apostles" ,f !e have faith as a rain of mustard seed, !e shall sa! unto this mountain, -emove hence to !onder /lace0 and it shall remove0 and nothin shall $e im/ossi$le unto !ou' CMatt! ,G<0JE &oes not the 'ord speak abo"t the possibility o$ developing $aith in one6s o%n po%ers/ ;$ co"rse and absol"tely not! The m"stard seed no matter ho% small has in itsel$ a $"llness o$ li$e! -ontaining li$e in the tiniest bit o$ )matter + it proceeds to its p"rpose and achieves it %itho"t the least deviation %itho"t so to say personal sin! The Savior spoke o$ an "ltimate per$ection to %hich all -hristians m"st strive! 7e spoke o$ the ape: o$ holiness %here the believer is "ni$ied %ith *od 1hose strength is bo"ndless! The Apostles and all the holy miracle.%orkers s"cceeding them al%ays per$ormed healings and other mirac"lo"s acts in the name o$ the 'ord Fes"s -hrist thro"gh the po%er o$ $aith in 7im and the po%er o$ prayer to 7im or in the name o$ the Most 7oly Trinity $"l$illing the prophecy< He that $elieveth on me, the works that , do shall he do also0 and reater works than these shall he do CFohn ,4<,0E! 1hen the people astonished that the Apostle Peter had healed a person lame $rom birth ran to the Apostles Peter told them< :e men of ,srael, wh! marvel !e at this' (r wh! look !e so earnestl! on us, as


thou h $! our own /ower or holiness we had made this man to walk' .nd His name throu h faith in His name hat made this man stron , whom !e see and know" !ea, the faith which is $! him hath iven him this /erfect soundness in the /resence of !ou all CActs -hap! 3E! The essence o$ -hristianity is $aith in the Son o$ *od the ;nly.=egotten 1ho came in the $lesh $or the salvation o$ people to grant them eternal li$e in *od! The goal o$ all Ne% Testament 1ritings is to $irmly establish $aith in those %ho are called by *od and ans%er the call as %e read in the ne:t to last chapter o$ Fohn6s *ospel! In principle all historical -hristianity -hristianity in the broad sense o$ the %ord stands on this basic point o$ $aith! In the co"rse o$ time it has splintered into many gro"ps that are disassociated $rom one another! It is not s"rprising that the more sensitive -hristians have pondered on ho% to overcome the divisions and di$$erences in thinking! This idea comes $rom Protestantism! They %ant to enter the )movement+ o$ old historical ch"rches not%ithstanding the latters6 )orthodo:y+ and conservative e:terior that are so m"ch $oreign to Protestantism! The representatives o$ the ;rthodo: ch"rches on the other hand $inding themselves in di$$ic"lt sit"ations hope to $ind some protection in this movement and th"s ans%er the Protestants6 proposals! The hopes o$ the ones are %eak the hopes o$ the others are piti$"l! It is signi$icant that organized atheism is not hostile to this movement and even s"pports it! The ;rthodo: entering this movement $orsake and even sacri$ice certain points o$ their ;rthodo: $aith! The most important in $aith is $orgotten and lost! All non.;rthodo: -hristianity has lost the -h"rch! And the ;rthodo: entering this )movement + the ec"menism do not "nderstand that they are leaving the -h"rch! The -h"rch is not a gathering or "nion o$ little.believers and sinners led by )learned theologians!+ The -h"rch is an e:istence or a "ni$ied spirit"al %orld a heaven.and.earth organism %hose 7ead is -hrist 7imsel$! The -h"rch possesses complete holiness and "nity! The Apostles are its spirit"al leaders! It is tr"ly "niversal beca"se it envelops the heavenly and earthly! And %e the earthly live in it breathe its spirit b"t in it %e are still )called!+ =eing accepted into the -h"rch %e are the chosen b"t %e still do not have the raiment to enter into -hrist6s -hamber! ;eril!, , $ehold Th! cham$er adorned, and , /ossess no ro$e to enter thereunto. 1e are still in danger o$ straying $rom the path as the many and many %ho have lost it! 1e are in the -h"rch b"t %e are among those )being saved + not those already saved! And th"s %e m"st be partic"larly $aith$"l to the -h"rch %here %e can receive help $rom o"r heavenly teachers and brothers! I believe in the ;ne 7oly -atholic and Apostolic -h"rch %hich %as is and %ill be "ntil the end o$ the %orld!

From #no'ledge to #no'ledge o. %od .

<onsider the lilies of the field, how the! row0 the! toil not, neither do the! s/in" .nd !e , sa! unto !ou, that even &olomon in all his lor! was not arra!ed like one of these CMatt! D<0I.0HE 6ecause that which ma! $e known of God is manifestFor the invisi$le thin s of Him from the creation of the world are clearl! seen,


$ein understood $! the thin s that are made, even His eternal /ower and Godhead CRom! ,<,H.0JE

"e "s"ally "se nat"re6s gi$ts to satis$y o"r daily needs! At the same time

%e m"st sometimes de$end o"rselves against the $orces o$ nat"re and even $ight them sometimes! Science applies its $"ll $orce to the st"dy o$ nat"re! This analysis is almost entirely dedicated to the application o$ nat"re6s po%ers and reso"rces in a practical "tilitarian manner! The aesthetic rearing o$ plants is also motivated by a sel$ish desire to decorate o"r s"rro"ndings! The st"dy o$ animal li$e looks non.pro$it in most cases %ith its scienti$ic observations and tests b"t it "s"ally stems $rom a materialistic %orldvie% and approach! This "tilitarian and earthly character o$ assessing nat"re in its s"m total is regarded today as complete intelligent and rational! ="t o$ co"rse many people do not agree %ith this one.sided narro% and egoistic vie% nor %ith its "nhealthy in$l"ence on the h"man so"l! I$ h"manity as a %hole declares< )2verything is o"rs + then individ"al morality makes its o%n concl"sion< )2verything in $ront o$ me is $or me + 8 and this is a reason already $or a violation o$ social la%s and crimes! This is a simple and nat"ral concl"sion! 1e on the contrary live by -hristian notions that are independent o$ this practical rhetoric! Nat"re in its greatness and $"llness stands be$ore o"r intellect! It is $"ll o$ "nsolved mysteries! It is $"ll o$ reason %hich is most likely inaccessible totally $or the h"man mind! To the present day "nkno%n $orces are revealed in nat"re6s most common events! The entire "niverse as %ell as its parts has its o%n direction coordination and p"rpose! It is $"ll o$ reason! It only remains $or "s to admit that the "niverse does not need h"mans to care $or it! 2ven more so o"r activity is o$ten a violation o$ its rights! ;n the vast e:panses o$ the earth dead plots or li$eless constr"ction has replaced the places o$ living vegetation! ="t the greatness o$ *od6s creative hand seen in nat"re is not diminished by this. The heavens declare the lor! of God0 and the firmament showeth His handiwork CPs! ,I<,E For this reason the mentors $athers and teachers o$ the -h"rch $rom ancient times to the more recent o$ten direct o"r attention to nat"re 8 a preacher o$ *od6s po%er goodness and greatness! Th"s St! =asil the *reat in his %ork )Si: &ays+ described the birth o$ the "niverse in all its diversity according to the description in *enesis! 7is brother St! *regory the =ishop o$ Nyssa $ollo%ed "p on the same s"b(ect some%hat s"pplementing and clari$ying =asil6s %ords and partly paying special attention to the origin o$ h"manity! The Venerable Fohn &amascene in his dogmatic %ork )The 2:position o$ ;rthodo: Faith+ even incl"ded a chapter abo"t the movements o$ the heavenly bodies and their general $ormation in accordance to the scienti$ic ideas o$ that time! And the righteo"s St! Fohn o$ #ronstadt not only called to see *od in nat"re in his diary )My 'i$e in -hrist + b"t also said a long series o$ sermons to his parishioners abo"t li$e in nat"re according to the description o$ the si: days o$ creation in the =ible! 1e %ill no% cite by %ay o$ e:ample several passages abo"t the li$e o$ plants and the h"man organism $rom the %ork o$ St! *regory o$ Nyssa )Abo"t the 7"man System!+ Abo"t nat"re. )'et "s imagine a garden! A tho"sand di$$erent trees and vario"s types o$ plants gro% there each o$ them di$$erent in appearance color and 9"ality o$ gro%th! So many ,3

plants in one place all no"rished by the same moist"re> Altho"gh the strength o$ the moist"re $illing each one o$ them is in essence the same yet the plants "se the moist"re according to their di$$erent needs! In %orm%ood the moist"re t"rns rancidA in %ater hemlock it becomes poisono"s ("iceA in others 8 sa$$ron balsam poppy 8 it develops other 9"alities< in one 8 it heats in another 8 it cools in the third some%here in bet%eenB In la"rels spikenard and similar plants 8 it is $ragrantA in the $ig and pear 8 s%eetA in the grapevine it becomes grape and %ine! The tang o$ the apple the rose6s bl"sh the lily6s %hiteness the violet6s bl"eness the hyacinth6s p"rple and everything that can be seen on earth gro%ing o"t o$ one and the same moist"re di$$ers in so many varieties o$ appearance constr"ction and 9"alities!+ The holy bishop sees in all this the mirac"lo"s breathing o$ li$e! 7e calls it either the )li$e $orce + )mind + or in a sense )so"l!+ This last notion he divides into three categories< )the gro%ing.no"rishing so"l+ in the plant %orld )the sensitive so"l+ in the animal %orld )the rational so"l+ in man! These are three consec"tive stages tightly knit together! And man $rom the moment o$ his birth passes thro"gh the initial stages be$ore his o%n rational so"l is revealed $"lly %hich $rom the beginning %as already part o$ his potential! Follo%ing the tho"ght o$ the holy bishop %e can add that plants have the initial elements o$ )sensitivity + $or e:ample to light to %armth even to $oreign to"ch! They may even have the ability to react to %hat they )sense + and also the instinct to attract attention to themselves thro"gh their aesthetic side! =otanists can s"rely tell "s so m"ch abo"t this> St! *regory then %rites abo"t man< )A similar miracle is per$ormed by nat"re or rather by the 'ord o$ nat"re in respect to "s as animated beings! =ones cartilage p"lsating blood vessels m"scle $ibers ligaments the body itsel$ skin $ats hair glands nails eyes nostrils ears and all that is similar and besides them tho"sands o$ other connections di$$ering $rom one another by vario"s characteristics 8 all these are no"rished by the type o$ $ood characteristic to its nat"re so that the $ood approaching each o$ the members changes appropriately ! I$ it nears the eye it dissolves into this seeing organ and according to the characteristics o$ the eye6s vario"s parts separates to no"rish each o$ them! I$ it approaches the hearing organs it mi:es %ith the hearing abilityA in the lip becomes the lipA in the bones it hardensA in the marro% it so$tensA it changes into tension in the m"scles stretches over the s"r$ace in the $orm o$ skin t"rns into nails becomes re$ined eno"gh to prod"ce hair $rom itsel$ %avy and c"rly i$ it goes in %inding movements or straight and long i$ it moves in a straight line!+ That %hich %as said ,5JJ years ago begs to be s"pplemented by modern kno%ledge! Today %e have at o"r disposal the res"lts o$ s"ch inventions o$ the 0J th cent"ry or more acc"rately 8 the last $e% decades that appear to s"rpass the po%ers o$ nat"re< h"mans have s"rpassed the %isdom hidden in nat"re and per$ected its blessings! So it appears s"per$icially at least! ="t one only need to look deep inside onesel$ to see that all the achievements o$ c"lt"re incl"ding the comp"ter con$orm to *od6s initial gi$ts that %e carry %ithin o"rselves and make broad "se o$! Th"s in o"r brain in this very h"mble case %e have an inn"merable n"mber o$ chambers %here %e have o"r o%n dictionaries o$ vario"s lang"ages i$ %e have learned them or ones available $or themA miniat"re libraries $ormed $rom the notes o$ o"r memoryA archives $illed %ith materials


$rom o"r entire li$eA vocal or m"sical %orks memorized or etched into o"r so"lsA there is a photographic device %here inn"merable photos are keptA %hen %e are alone %e have in o"rselves an a"dience and a class $or sel$.t"toring! The apparat"s o$ o"r brain gives "s the ability to play back at any time the content o$ a speech %e6ve heard or vocal %orks or vis"al pict"res that have been impressed there! 1e keep in o"r brains o"r spirit"al riches b"t also o$ten leave "nnecessary trash! All this belongs to o"r eternal so"l and the landlord and manager o$ this %ealth is o"r mind o"r reason that is also the eval"ator o$ o"r collection! Its (ob is to bind o"r spirit"al content %hich is protected in an ine:plicable manner %ithin the brain a physical organ %ith all the s"rro"nding li$e %ith the help o$ a series o$ other physical organs! St! *regory s"ggests that his readers mentally place a person as *od6s creation ne:t to a sc"lpt"re or a painting o$ a person< %hat a di$$erence bet%een the creative po%er o$ *od and the imitative creativity o$ h"mans> Th"s %e can ask together %ith the saint %hether all the modern achievements o$ o"r mind are to be compared %ith the str"ct"re o$ o"r spirit"al and physical sel$/ -an %e compare the li$e.abo"nding acts o$ the incomprehensible *od the ;ne -reator and Provider %ith the o$ten li$eless $ake and even dead achievements o$ h"man geni"s/ Abo"t the composition and p"rpose o. man. St! *regory notes that in his time the 9"estion %hether the so"l or the body %as created $irst %as a s"b(ect o$ )be%ilderment in the ch"rches!+ In response to this he negates the very %ording o$ the 9"estion! Neither the body %itho"t the so"l nor the so"l %itho"t the body can e:ist< they are sim"ltaneo"s in origin! The other t%o opinions are $ables as m"ch as the teaching abo"t the transition o$ the so"l! All three $orces act in h"man nat"re as mentioned be$ore< the gro%ing the $eeling and the reasoning one! )="t they are not three so"ls! The tr"e and per$ect so"l is in essence one intelligent and immaterial "nited thro"gh the senses %ith the material essence!+ )Inasm"ch as per$ection o$ the so"l consists o$ the mind6s po%er and the gi$t o$ %ord then everything %hich is not so Cin nat"reE can only be something similar to the so"l b"t is not a tr"e so"l b"t only some living activity comparable to the so"l!+ )1here co"ld one s"ppose the r"ling part o$ the so"l to abide/ Some say that the r"ling center o$ the so"l Cthe mind ? 1dit!E is in the heart! ;thers claim that the mind d%ells in the brain!+ The $ormer arg"e that the heart is in the center o$ the entire body o%ing to %hich the vol"ntary movement is easily spread thro"gho"t the body! The latter see the temple o$ reasoning in the brain saying that the head is constr"cted by nat"re as a certain stronghold o$ the entire body %ith the mind residing in it as a king s"rro"nded by the senses6 areas on the brain6s o"ter layer like its heralds and protectors! )I also accept that the $eelings are based in the brain6s o"ter shell lying over the brain %ithin the head according to the scientists! For this reason the thinking po%er o$ the so"l o$ten becomes con$"sedA I %ill not deny s"ch assertions a$ter listening to those %ho have done anatomical researchB1e also do not minimize the meaning o$ the heartB="t let the empty babble o$ those be stopped %ho think to con$ine thinking activity %ithin any part o$ the body as in a bo:B The so"l and mind belong to the entire body to all its membersA the t%o r"le over the latter as %ellB ="t inasm"ch as the body is constr"cted like a m"sical instr"ment then as o$ten happens in m"sic that pro$essionals cannot sho% their ability d"e to the %orthlessness o$ the instr"ment 8 th"s


the mind acting either on the entire instr"ment 8 the body or on individ"al members achieves res"lts only %hen the members are $o"nd in their proper nat"ral stateA b"t i$ the members o$ the body themselves are not in their nat"ral state there the mind remains "ns"ccess$"l and inactive!+ The body and the so"l according to a higher la% laid do%n by *od6s command possess a m"t"al )starting point + )so that a person may be neither older nor yo"nger than himsel$+B As %e say that a %heat seed or any other seed potentially contains %ithin itsel$ everything relating to its $"t"re ripeness< green lea$s the stem the branches and seeds so %e may as %ell ass"me that both elements o$ an organism the body and the so"l are already present %hen everything is being si$ted o"t $or the beginning o$ a person6s li$e %ith all their characteristics! An individ"al6s "ni9"e appearance is $o"nded in his initial 9"alities! )1e ass"me that %hat the living CorganismE proc"res $rom %ithin itsel$ to serve $or the beginning o$ its li$e is not something dead and inanimate! The state o$ death res"lts $rom the loss o$ the so"l!+ )As the body gro%s $rom its very smallest to its $"ll height so the spirit"al activity develops and is revealed in a person in accordance %ith the development o$ the body! In the initial development o$ the body there is only a gro%ing po%er in the so"l itsel$ like some root hidden in the gro"nd B 'ater %hen this plant comes to light and sho%s its seedling to the s"n the gi$t o$ sense blossoms! 1hen it ripens and achieves the proper height then it begins to sho% reasoning po%ers like some $r"it not everything at once b"t 9"ickly gro%ing along %ith the gro%th o$ its physical shell bearing its $r"it according to the person6s individ"al po%ers!+ The Image o. %od in man. This s"b(ect is most pertinent in o"r times d"e to the $act that $or some representatives o$ R"ssian theological and philosophical tho"ght it is tied "p %ith the sophiological ideas concerning a $emale presence in *od! This res"lts in a sing"lar interpretation o$ *enesis ,<0G< &o God created man in His own ima e, in the ima e of God created He him0 male and female created He them. Applying the method o$ reverse ded"ction contrary to the la%s o$ logic to these =iblical %ords some people $ind s"pport $or the idea o$ a mysterio"s )Sophia + as a $emale $acet in *od ! )1hat does the %ord )image+ mean/ And ho% do the male and $emale coe:ist in this image %hen they are not present in *od as the Primary Image/+ 8reads the heading o$ -hapter ,D in the above.mentioned %riting o$ the saint! 1e shall relate the content o$ this and later chapters in condensed $orm! The pagans "sed to say< )Man is a small %orld + consisting o$ the same elements as the "niverse! ="t by "sing this great name they did not notice that they honored man %ith the characteristics o$ the mos9"ito and the mo"seB1hy is it so important to honor man as the image and likeness o$ the %orld %hen the sky and everything in this %orld passes a%ay %ith time/ According the ch"rch teachings the greatness o$ man is not in his likeness to the physical %orld b"t in his being the image o$ the -reator o$ all! 1hat does the %ord )image+ mean/ ;nly Tr"th itsel$ can relate this clearly! ="t %e as m"ch as %e can think th"s by con(ect"re and s"pposition! ;n the one hand the pathetic poverty o$ h"man essence cannot be compared to the blessed impassivity o$ *odly li$eA on the other hand 8 the 1ord saying these %ords


abo"t *od6s image in man is not lying! 1hy is the *odly essence =lessed %hile the h"man is calamito"s i$ in the 7oly 1rit the latter is considered comparable to the $ormer/ 'et "s e:amine the %ords precisely! It is said< Let us make man in (ur ima e, after (ur likeness. &o God created man in His own ima e, in the ima e of God created He him. The creation is completed in accordance %ith *od6s image! Then these %ords are repeated saying )male and $emale created 7e them + %hich seems to be at odds %ith the "s"al notion o$ *od! For this reason o"r nat"re6s str"ct"re is in a %ay do"ble< one is comparable to the nat"re o$ *od and the other is di$$erent being divided into t%o se:esB )For I think that some great and elevated dogma is being related thro"gh the 7oly Script"res thro"gh that %hich is said and it is s"ch< the h"man nat"re is positioned in the middle o$ t%o e:treme nat"res the *odly nat"re 8 incorporeal and the %ordless li$e 8 m"te and beastlyA $rom the *odly 8 verbiage and reasoningA $rom the m"te 8 the physical str"ct"re %ith the divisions into the male and the $emaleB+ ) May no one become angry %ith me $or the $ollo%ing tho"ght! *od by 7is essence contains all the good %hich can possibly be encompassed by tho"ght and higher than any good that can be imagined or comprehended! 7e creates man only beca"se 7e is goodB and provides him %ith no lack o$ blessings! And the %ord o$ *od "ni$ying all the good given to man indicated this s"ccinctly< man %as created )in the image o$ *od!+ I$ *odliness is the $"llness o$ blessings and man is in 7is image then %e are capable o$ everything %onder$"l o$ any virt"e and %isdomA and one o$ these blessings is $reedom beca"se virt"e is something %hich cannot be s"b("gated b"t remains $ree al%ays!+ All h"manity has these e:cellent 9"alities altho"gh called collectively in the person o$ the $irst man )Adam+ C)one taken $rom earth)E! That %hich is $orced and compelled cannot be virt"o"s! The saint ans%ers the $ollo%ing 9"estion %ith great ca"tion< %hy has the present method o$ reprod"ction been chosen $or h"manity and not one that %o"ld )have likened "s to angels!+ );"r opinion is s"ch + ans%ers he giving the $ollo%ing reason< )Inasm"ch as -reator sa% %ith 7is )all.perceiving vision+ that h"man choice %o"ld not lead h"manity to its predestined per$ection by a straight path and there$ore it %o"ld $all a%ay $rom near.angelic li$e then in order that the n"mber o$ h"man so"ls sho"ld not remain small by losing that ability by %hich the angels gre% in n"mber 8 the -reator provides h"mans %ith another method o$ reprod"ction one that s"its the sinners better making this method o$ s"ccession more beast.like and senseless! It is $or this reason it seems to me that the great &avid pitying the poverty o$ man cries over h"man nat"re %ith the $ollo%ing %ords< *an that is in honor, and understandeth not, is like the $easts that /erish CPsalm 4I<0JE! )I think 8 contin"es St! *regory 8 that all passions stem $rom this so"rce $looding o"r entire li$eB 'ove o$ pleas"re having an animal.like beginning gained po%er in h"man li$e thro"gh the assistance o$ tho"ghts! From this have come revenge envy $alsehood evil intentions hypocrisy! All this spro"ts $rom the bad intention o$ the mind! ="t in reverse i$ reason takes po%er over s"ch movements then each o$ them t"rns into a virt"e! Th"s irritability bears co"rage timidity 8 ca"tion $ear 8 obedience hatred 8 loathing o$ vice po%er o$ love 8 desire $or the tr"ly digni$ied and greatness o$ disposition Ckno%ledge o$ one6s %orthE li$ts one above passionsB Th"s the great Apostle orders "s to be contin"ally )setting yo"r a$$ection on things above+ C-ol! 3<0E! Then the lo$tiness o$ tho"ghts %ill con$orm to the bea"ty o$ that %hich is in the image o$


*od! Those in %hom initial bea"ty has not $aded are a living con$irmation o$ the tr"th o$ %hat has been said that man has been created in resemblance to *od!+ *od %ho r"les over everything also $oresa% that the h"man race %o"ld sometime achieve a certain $"llness and then this method o$ h"man regeneration %ill end! Time %ill end as %ell and the entire "niverse %ill be rene%ed! 1ith this change h"manity %ill pass $rom $inite and earthly to passion.$ree and eternal li$e %hen the tr"mpet o$ res"rrection %ill so"nd! Th"s tho"gh man does sin a$ter his $all $rom heaven yet he keeps the image o$ *od! 7is mind still has the traits o$ its ;riginal Image! )Inasm"ch as *od is the most %onder$"l and s"perior to all possible good the mind is decorated %ith the likeness o$ the prototype bea"ty like a mirror re$lecting that %hich is be$ore it! Then the entire spirit"al nat"re adheres to the mind and is itsel$ bea"ti$ied by similar bea"ty becoming like a mirror re$lecting another mirrorA in this %ay one6s material side is also protected and "pheld! Th"s )%hile one holds to the other tr"e bea"ty is commens"rately re$lected in everythingA that %hich decorates the higher immediately bea"ti$ies the lesser! ="t %hen this good "nion is ann"lled or %hen the higher $ollo%s the lo%er then %hen this lo%er matter departs $rom its norm its non.imagery is revealed Cbeca"se matter itsel$ alone has no image and no str"ct"reE! Then thro"gh this lack o$ image the bea"ty o$ one6s nat"re previo"sly enhanced by the mind is spoiled! Then the imp"rity is trans$erred to the mind itsel$ so that the image o$ *od can no longer be seen in the $eat"res o$ the creation CmanE! The mind in itsel$ remaining an image o$ goodness no% like a crooked mirror does not re$lect the bea"ti$"l $eat"res o$ goodness b"t re$lects the "gliness o$ matter! Th"s thro"gh the deletion o$ the adorable the evil is introd"ced!+ )1e on the other hand $earing s"ch a disastro"s res"lt + 8concl"des the saint 8 )hearing the call o$ the Apostle Pa"l< &eein that !e have /ut off the old man with his deeds0 .nd have /ut on the new man, which is renewed in knowled e after the ima e of Him that created him C-ol! 3<H.,JE 8 let "s ret"rn to that *od.like goodness %ith %hich *od created man in the beginning saying< Let 4s make man in (ur ima e, after (ur likeness. 1hen %e $amiliarize o"rselves %ith the %orks o$ the holy $athers partic"larly those o$ the 4th and the 5th cent"ry %e can only bo% do%n be$ore the manner in %hich the $athers o$ the -h"rch per$ectly kne% and employed their kno%ledge o$ the 7oly Script"res! ;n the other hand one can only marvel %hat great kno%ledge o$ the sciences o$ their time they possessed incl"ding history nat"ral sciences Cas in the e:ample aboveE philosophy and even pagan mythology Clike St! *regory the TheologianE to the e:tent that it assisted to the $ormation o$ a -hristian %orldly vie%! The given short e:cerpt $rom the %orks o$ St! *regory o$ Nys o$ co"rse does not sho% in %hat detail he e:amined the anatomical str"ct"re o$ the h"man organism and o$ all its organs corresponding to the kno%ledge o$ his time! 7e did this in order to sho% %hat $avorable conditions one has to $"l$ill his calling )to be a $riend o$ *od + as the prophet Moses is called in *enesis and to keep his regal position on earth! The present is very di$$erent! Modern directors o$ h"man conscio"sness approach the psychic o$ a person in the same %ay that nat"re is treated no%adays . %ith a practical and b"siness.like mind! Its present state is accepted as the re9"ired per$ect norm capable only o$ deviation to one side or another! Modern e:perimental psychology $oc"ses on the st"dy o$ vario"s deviations abnormal and perhaps arti$icial spirit"al states! 7ence the


st"dy o$ the psychology o$ the s"bconscio"s its dark so"rces shado%y spheres e:pressed in dreams or hal$.conscio"s psychosomatic tendencies! There is no mention o$ psychology as an ed"cational tool $or the moral elevation o$ h"mans! 7istory has kept the memory o$ h"man geni"ses providing a %ealth o$ material $or psychology as %ell as $or analyzing and clari$ying the good or bad conditions $or the spirit"al per$ection o$ a person! A link o$ modern psychology to religion %o"ld be even less likely to e:ist! Modern artistic literat"re is leading do%n the same decadent path! ;"r epoch has $"lly revealed itsel$ already! 1ill not a ne% one coming soon reveal spirit"al po%ers in order to reinstate the "nion o$ scienti$ic kno%ledge and -hristian $aith in order to create a "ni$ied %orld vie% the $irst steps to %hich %ere made by the -h"rch $athers/ ;r %ill $aith and science contin"e on their separate %ays/

The 4h"rch abo"t Providential 3isdom .

). The 4h"rch teaches "s 5 'hat does this mean6 7o% sho"ld %e "nderstand the e:pression )The Chur(h tea(hes!+ I have been baptized I am a member and part o$ the -h"rch! &oes that mean that I also participate in the sel$.a%areness o$ the -h"rch/ And even more so )%e + taken together participating in the services learning the 'a% o$ *od are %e not the spokesmen o$ the general a%areness o$ the -h"rch/ 1here is this )teaching+ -h"rch $rom %hich %e sho"ld seek instr"ction/ 'et "s try to ans%er this 9"estion! For this let "s consider %hat -hrist6s -h"rch is in its $"llness! 'et "s not $orget that the -h"rch is a holy part o$ *od6s %orld! 1e cannot even imagine the vastness o$ the -h"rch and the depth o$ its spirit"al content! 1e are b"t temporary parts o$ the earthly -h"rch o$ten diverted by %orldly cares! -an %e easily reach the spirit"al level %hich %o"ld enable "s to perceive the $"llness o$ the -h"rch6s li$e/ For this reason %e seek direction $rom the holy -h"rch $athers o$ all ages! All those holy $athers had general consent regarding the $aith! And %e see that none o$ them ta"ght anything abo"t $aith directly $rom himsel$ b"t partook $rom the so"rce o$ the -h"rch! 1hat is this so"rce/ It consists o$ t%o parts< ,E the ;ld Testament script"res and 0E the Ne% Testament the *ospel o$ -hrist and 7is holy apostles! 2ach o$ "s is a citizen o$ his co"ntry b"t does each o$ "s kno% all his co"ntry6s territory its content its needs all its la%s/ Neither sho"ld %e simpli$y o"r vie% o$ the -h"rch the catholicity o$ %hich is e:pressed not only in the "nity o$ its heavenly and earthly members b"t also in the $"llness o$ its mysteries some o$ %hich are open and accessible to "s and some are completely "nkno%n! 1e m"st admit that %hen people too s"re o$ themselves consider themselves empo%ered to add to the teachings o$ the -h"rch either thro"gh their philosophical or personal considerations this only sho%s that they do not kno% the -h"rch! 2ither they do not admit that the -h"rch has a ready ans%er they are looking $or or they are invading areas that even angels $ear to intr"de! An e:ample o$ s"ch "n("sti$iable sel$.ass"redness connected %ith a lack o$ kno%ledge o$ the -h"rch6s teaching can be seen in the "nacceptable teachings o$ a gro"p o$ R"ssian philosophers abo"t )Sophia 8 the 1isdom o$ *od + perceived as a mediator bet%een ,H

*od and the %orld in *od6s providential acts! 1e sho"ld be a%are there$ore o$ the tr"e teaching abo"t *od6s All.%ise Providence! 7. The 3ise and All58ncompassing Providence o. %od . The ma(estic $"llness o$ the providential acts o$ *od in this %orld are revealed se9"entially in t%o $orms< ,EThe ;ld Testament states that the entire "niverse is preserved in *od6s )right hand+A 0E The Ne% Testament sho%s the highest and most per$ect e:pression o$ *od6s %isdom and love in the incarnation o$ the Son o$ *od $or the salvation o$ the %orld and its trans$ig"ration into the #ingdom o$ *lory! In this latter concl"sive e:pressly .ew Testa%ent meaning 1isdom is the name given to the 'ord Fes"s -hrist! The Greeks seek after wisdom 8 %rites the Apostle Pa"l 8 $ut we /reach <hrist crucified... <hrist the /ower of God, and the wisdom of God. 26ut we s/eak the wisdom amon them that are /erfect" !et not the wisdom of this world, nor of the /rinces of this world, that come to nou ht" 6ut we s/eak the wisdom of God in a m!ster!, even the hidden wisdomwhich none of the /rinces of this world knew" for had the! known it, the! would not have crucified the Lord of lor!. 6ut as it is written, 1!e hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the thin s which God hath /re/ared for them that love Him C, -or! ,<0E! 2ither in this apparent open $ashion or in a mysterio"s and hidden one everything is "nited %ithin one all.encompassing 1isdom o$ *od! And the -h"rch $irmly and directly preaches o"r Savio"r to be the Personi$ied 1isdom< 3either of wisdom or /ower or wealth do we $oast, $ut of Thee, the Father7s facet of wisdom, <hrist= CIrmos 3 -anon 4th toneE! @et %e need to consider the ;ld Testament image o$ %isdom more attentively beca"se o$ the present.age attempts to introd"ce something ne% also "nder the name o$ )1isdom + into ;rthodo: $aith! The $irst page o$ *enesis relating the creation o$ the %orld o$$ers "s eno"gh to stop searching $or some independent %orldly %isdom o"tside the Tri.$aceted %isdom o$ *od! The ,J3rd psalm %o"ld be s"$$icient even in its $irst lines< ( Lord m! God, Thou art ver! reat0 Thou art clothed with honor and ma>est!,n wisdom hast Thou made them all=. The ,3Ith psalm marvelo"sly presents the conscio"sness o$ a simple believer %hose so"l is entirely immersed in *od6s providence< ( Lord, Thou hast searched me, and known me. Thou knowest m! downsittin and mine u/risin , Thou understandest m! thou ht afar off. Thou com/assest m! /ath and m! l!in down, and art ac9uainted with all m! wa!s. For there is not a word in m! ton ue, $ut lo, ( Lord, Thou knowest it alto ether. Thou hast $eset me $ehind and $efore, and laid Thine hand u/on me. &uch knowled e is too wonderful for me0 it is hi h, , cannot attain unto it. #hither shall , o from Th! s/irit' (r whither shall , flee from Th! /resence' ,f , ascend u/ into heaven, Thou art there" if , make m! $ed in hell, $ehold, Thou art there. ,f , take the win s of the mornin , and dwell in the uttermost /arts of the sea0 1ven there shall Th! hand lead me, and Th! ri ht hand shall hold me.


,f , sa!, surel! the darkness shall cover me0 even the ni ht shall $e li ht a$out me. :ea, the darkness hideth not from Thee0 $ut the ni ht shineth as the da!" the darkness and the li ht are $oth alike to Thee. For Thou hast /ossessed m! reins" Thou hast covered me in m! mother7s wom$. , will /raise Thee0 for , am fearfull! and wonderfull! made" marvelous are Th! works0 and that m! soul knoweth ri ht well. *! su$stance was not hid from Thee, when , was made in secret, and curiousl! wrou ht in the lowest /arts of the earth. Thine e!es did see m! su$stance, !et $ein un/erfect0 and in th! $ook all m! mem$ers were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as !et there was none of them. How /recious also are Th! thou hts unto me, ( God= How reat is the sum of them= The ;ld Testament representation o$ *od6s Providence is "niversally -hristian! And one m"st admit that these $eelings are ancient gen"ine and perceived %ith $reshness! The Providence o$ *od in ;ld Testament %ritings is o$ten presented thro"gh live i%a$es thro"gh allegories and personi$ications beca"se li'e itsel$ is the s"b(ect! The same methods are "sed in artistic literat"re and even in o"r "s"al speech! Among the ;ld Testament books t%o books in partic"lar ab"ndantly re$er to %isdom! These books are the Proverbs and the 1isdom o$ Solomon! Personi$ication is %idely employed in them giving the reader an opport"nity to imagine the =iblical %isdom as personi$ied! ="t in $act imagery is the most common method o$ e:pressing oneKs tho"ghts! Allegory is present in o"r speech all the time< the %eather is )deceptive + sight is )$ailing + holidays are )approaching+ and so on! Personi$ication is the general artistic techni9"e! )1hy gloomy %oods are yo" pensive/ &arkened %ith sadness/+ )7eavenly clo"ds eternal pilgrims> Racing on the az"re steppes in a chain o$ pearls same as I o"tcasts $rom the beloved north to%ard the so"thern lands!+ CM! 'ermontovE )My bl"ebells $lo%ers o$ the steppes/ 1hy do yo" az"re ones look at me/+CR"ssian $olk songE! In addition the %riter o$ the book o$ Proverbs gives a %arning in its $irst %ords that he is %riting mainly $or the )yo"th+ and $or the )simple + hoping that the reader is capable o$ )comprehending the parable therein + that is allegory )intricate speech and its riddles!+ At the same time the a"thor de$initely states that he is speaking o$ the *odly so"rce o$ Providence present in the %orld! 1e th"s have the right to relate separate e:cerpts o$ the t%o above.named books to others %here the ;ld Testament tho"ght rises to the coming o$ the Savior into the %orld as the highest e:pression o$ *od6s Providence! 7"man %isdom is also praised in these books i$ it is "nited %ith moral sensitivity beca"se the latter also has *odly 1isdom as its so"rce! ,. 3isdom is not a personal entity. 1isdom is a 5uality an attrib"te o$ personality in other %ords 8 an abstract notion! A 9"ality is not a real ob(ect or entity! School grammar ta"ght "s that only those no"ns


denote real ob(ects that so to say originated as no"ns< the sea the sky earth the tree the hill! ="t those historically stemming $rom ad(ectives verbs or n"mbers< a trip a rest a %ashing a decade a cent"ry 8 are ideas %itho"t a personal e:istence re9"iring a separate carrier! 1e call s"ch no"ns abstra(t in contrast to the no"ns o$ the $irst type 8 the (on(rete ones %hich are representing speci$ic ob(ects or persons at least in o"r imagination! The sophiologists probably kno% all this better than %e do! From s"ch abstract ideas and no"ns derivatives $rom ad(ectives and verbs polytheism has created a %hole imaginary %orld! 1isdom love co"rage male bea"ty $emininity commerce $ertility 8 have became gods and goddesses! Is there anything real or personal behind these ideas/ Nothing and no one ("st emptiness! S"ch %as the religion o$ the *reco. Roman %orld! 2ach ob1e(t and each living bein$ has its o%n vast n"mber o$ $eat"res attrib"tes and distinctions! 1isdom by itsel$ is only an attrib"te it can be either complete as the %isdom o$ *od or limited as in creations! =oth $orms are presented in the =ook o$ Proverbs! I$ %isdom has a n"mber o$ attrib"tes attached to it it doesn6t mean that it is their sole o%ner it is only the $irst among others each o$ them having its o%n name %hile the %hole gro"p o$ attrib"tes has its o%n general (arrier under its own na%e! Maybe $or this reason sophiologists add the name )Sophia+ to )1isdom + as tho"gh the latter carries the $ormer as an attrib"te! ="t this in $act is p"re ta"tology Cred"ndancyE %hen identical things are named in t%o lang"ages! The name does not enhance the content o$ that to %hich it is applied! 1hat is the matter then/ Aren6t the sophiologists "sing =iblical names to introd"ce s"bstantial concrete concepts $oreign to =iblical and -hristian tr"ths/ 1hat a depart"re $rom the -hristian %orldvie%> 7o% contrary all this is to the very idea o$ =iblical monotheism> There is nothing in common bet%een monotheism and polytheism in their very essence ("st like bet%een $aith and atheism! The %hole essence o$ religion o$ the once *od.chosen people the entire ardor o$ prophetic speeches e:hortations threats cries o$ spirit"al pain %ere directed precisely at the battle %ith this heathen )c"lt o$ li$e + %ith the c"lt o$ ) an(estral be$innin$s o' li'e + in its lo%est $orm and this %as %hat made "p the spirit o$ polytheism in di$$erent variations! =iblical religion is completely $ree o$ this element! The =ible sees all the tragedies o$ the people and its %hole history $rom the point o$ vie% o$ its $alling into the base heathen ideas and the orgies o$ these c"lts connected to them! The prophets $oresa% and e:plained the destr"ction o$ the state the tro"bles o$ the nation as direct punish%ent $or departing $rom the p"re moral monotheism $or betrayal o$ *od! M"st %e speak on this theme in connection %ith -hristianity/ The $irst birth o$ a person that is the creation o$ 2ve $rom Adam6s rib according to the book o$ *enesis %as not %itho"t p"rpose a birth ) without a wi'e!+ -hristianity received its beginning in the same %ay< the embodiment o$ the Son o$ *od without a husband! In reply %e are o$$ered the $ollo%ing 9"ote $rom the $irst chapter o$ the =ible< )in the image o$ *od created 7e himA male and $emale created 7e them!+ From this a reversed concl"sion is derived< that %hich has been established in h"man nat"re is also characteristic o$ *odly nat"re! ="t s"ch a concl"sion is a violation o$ the elementary la% o$ logic 8 a reverse concl"sion by analogy! I see my $ace clearly in a smooth mirror< b"t I do not ded"ce $rom this that my $ace is also smooth and shiny like the mirror! The


Apostle %rites o$ the heathen< 6ut $ecame vain in their ima inations, and their foolish heart was darkened. ?rofessin themselves to $e wise, the! $ecame fools, and chan ed the lor! of the incorru/ti$le God into an ima e made like to corru/ti$le man, and to $irds, and fourfooted $easts, and cree/in thin s CRom! ,<0,.03E! &o %e have to imitate them/ 1e can only praise *od $or the %ise order "pon the earth! Thro"gh the 1isdom o$ *od thro"gh the stream o$ inn"merable births thro"gh the (oining o$ male and $emale elements o$ creation co"ntless variations o$ $orms types and appearances are achieved on earth! A change o$ generations is created thro"gh these conditions a $"llness and harmony o$ the %hole and s"ch richness o$ individ"ality that there is none nor %as nor %ill be t%o people completely alike nor even t%o trees that are as alike as t%o drops o$ %ater! ="t the %isdom o$ *od set do%n the la% o$ reprod"ction thro"gh the physical "nion o$ t%o creations o$ one type giving them the corresponding variations in bodily str"ct"re! And not only di$$erences in $orm are achieved! 2ven more< a 'a%ily %as $ormed the basic cell o$ h"man society! ="t alas> They are no% even trying to destroy the $amilyB ="t only in the $amily $rom their childhood do people learn to love and "nsel$ishly serve each other> *. Sophia as the so"l o. the 'orld6 A .eminine element in %od6 1hen sophiologists "se a more simple lang"age they reveal to "s that they mean the )so"l o$ the %orld+ to be the (arrier o$ %isdom! This is another matter entirely! ;ne sho"ld recognize $rom the beginning that the idea o$ a )%orld so"l+ is completely $oreign to -hristianity and the =ible! Sophiologists sho"ld stop their attempts to $ind =iblical s"pport and -hristianize their ideas! In reality the perpetrators o$ the idea o$ a %orld so"l $ollo% di$$erent paths< they either end "p %ith pre.-hristian philosophy or borro% the idea $rom *nosticism or directly $rom paganism! -hristianity has openly re(ected this teaching long ago along %ith *nosticism a$ter attempts to %edge it into -hristian conscio"sness! 1hy did this idea e:ist in -hristianity at one time/ A so"l is the very core o$ anything inherent and incorporated into a being! It %o"ld $ollo% then that all negative occ"rrences in the li$e o$ the %orld o$ the h"mans o$ every conscio"s being all the evil that e:ists %o"ld be the $a"lt o$ the %orld so"l! ;ther%ise %hat kind o$ a %orld soul %o"ld it be i$ it %o"ld only bear responsibility $or the positive elements in the %orld/ No it %o"ld s"$$er "nder the great %eight o$ evil po%erless to revive its all.encompassing body! &oes h"manity need it perhaps so that people co"ld shove o$$ their personal responsibility/ S"ch a temptation is dishonest vain and indeed $"tile> I$ this so"l is to be imagined an ideal p"re *odly creation an )angel.protector+ o$ the %orld Cthere is s"ch a vie%point tooE then in the presence o$ Godly Providence %hat does it give to the %orld/ And here instead o$ an ans%er %e $ind another a more deeply concealed motive o$ sophianism! They say that there is something missing in the -h"rch6s teaching abo"t the %orld namely it is lacking the )$eminine element+ %idely $o"nd in nat"re! 7ere the disc"ssion reverts to the very beginnings o$ e:istence! 1e can also clearly see a 'all o$ modern -hristian %orldvie% into the s%amp o$ ancient heathen polytheistic ideas and


c"lts! 7aving been st"died in detail in modern times the ancient c"lts are $"lly revealed to "s openly speaking as clearly obscene and heino"s partly attracting the attention o$ and being c"ltivated by modern %riters! ;$ co"rse only the pure idea is e:tracted $rom them by the sophiologists< the idea o$ a completeness o$ the %orld str"ct"re a )$"llness o$ li$e + e:pressed by the presence o$ the t%o main components in the living %orld 8 the male and the $emale one! And since according to modern non.ch"rch vie%s -hristianity is b"t one o$ the n"mero"s religio"s systems then $or the sake o$ its leading role among the latter the idea is born to s"pplement the -h"rch6s teaching %ith a p"ri$ied idea o$ the )$eminine so"rce+ as an active po%er in the %orld! ="t %e dare not apply the la%s o$ li$e implemented only on earth to the realm o$ the *odly and the heavenly to the realm o$ the angels and other incorporeal spirits> Sophia as )The #ourth #a(et6+ 1e %ill ans%er b"t brie$ly! I$ %e imagine her to be a $acet o$ the ;ne *odly being then there is no place $or her in -hristianity even in its $orms standing $arthest $rom ;rthodo:y! There are -hristians %ho do not con$ess the Most 7oly Trinity b"t there are none that con$ess a L"ad! And even i$ it %as a )physical $acet ) then it co"ld only be a $irst giving start to a co"ntless n"mber o$ other physical beings in other %ords< $aces individ"als! They cannot claim that by her e:istence she absorbs all personalities standing belo% her incl"ding o"rs>/ 9. The 3orld2s 0i.e in the :oly Spirit. The h"man %orld lives in a sin$"l state! And in $act all the creature was made su$>ect to vanit!, no willin l!, $ut $! reason of him (man) who hath su$>ected the same in ho/e, $ecause the creature itself also shall $e delivered from the $onda e of corru/tion into the lorious li$ert! of the children of God CRom! I<0J.0,E! ="t *od6s mercy goodness love charity and love o$ man have no bo"ndaries! Nor in the 1ord o$ *od nor in the $aith o$ the ;rthodo: -h"rch is there even a hint o$ some collective "ni$ying and at the same time individ"al )so"l o$ the %orld!+ )2very so"l every breathing being is enlivened Cgiven li$eE by the 7oly Spirit!+ The 5J th psalm a prod"ct o$ the ;ld Testament the perpet"al companion o$ -hristian prayer %itnesses the eternal $aith in the 7oly Spirit o$ *od present in the %orld and the believer< <ast me not awa! from Th! /resence0 and take not Th! Hol! &/irit from me. -estore unto me the >o! of Th! salvation0 and u/hold me with Th! free s/irit. 8 %e pray %ith the %ords o$ this psalm! The a"thor o$ the book )The 1isdom o$ Solomon+ th"s con$esses his $aith< .nd Th! counsel CGodE who hath known, e8ce/t Thou ive wisdom, and send Th! Hol! &/irit from a$ove' CH<,GE #herefore , /ra!ed, and understandin was iven me" , called u/on God, and the s/irit of wisdom came to me C@"@E For wisdom, which is the worker of all thin s, tau ht me" for in her is an understandin s/irit hol!, one onl!, manifold, Cnot like s/irit 2 creation, $ut like the $reath of the /ower of God, like reflection of eternal li ht and the /ure mirror of God7s actions and the ima e of His race 2 /a es AB)AC E, su$til, livel!, clear, undefiled, /lain, not su$>ect to hurt, lovin the thin that is ood 9uick, which cannot $e letted, read! to do ood, +ind to man, steadfast, sure, free from care, havin all /ower, overseein all thin s, and oin throu h all understandin , /ure,


and most su$til, s/irits. .nd th! counsel who hath known, e8ce/t thou ive wisdom, and send th! Hol! &/irit from a$ove' C1isdom o$ Solomon G<0,.03A H<,GE For thine incorru/ti$le &/irit is in all thin s C1isdom o$ Solomon ,0<,E! Protecting themselves and their nation $rom diabolic polytheistic ideas the spirit"al leaders o$ the 7ebre% nation $irmly kept to the ideas o$ monotheism! ="t even in the ;ld Testament the idea o$ a mystical 2:istence o$ the 1ord in the Father the notion o$ the 7oly Spirit as %ell as the idea o$ the Trinity appeared among the chosen people! 1isdom is inherent in all the three Facets o$ the Most 7oly Trinity! -hristianity preaches )-hrist 8 *od6s Po%er and 1isdom!+ ="t %isdom is contemplated in the 7oly Spirit as the li$e.giving eternally acting po%er in the %orld and as the so"rce o$ *odly grace and holiness! There is no di$$erence as to %hich grammatical gender is "sed to e:press the notions o$ -hristian $aith! It only has to do %ith the characteristics o$ one lang"age or another! For e:ample the %ord )Spirit+ in *reek is in the ne"ter gender! And in R"ssian all )9"alitative+ no"ns not related to concrete ob(ects are e:pressed in the $eminine! The ;ld Testament a"thor o$ the )1isdom o$ Solomon + as he himsel$ %itnessed loved the %isdom emanating $rom the 7oly Spirit )more than health and bea"ty+ CG<,JE! 1hy sho"ld not %e the members o$ -hrist6s -h"rch recognize the 7oly Spirit as the "niversal So"rce o$ li$e< )$or $rom the glorio"s bea"ty o$ the creations their -reator becomes kno%n thro"gh comparison+ C,3<,.5E! The ;rthodo: -h"rch service is $illed %ith the glori$ication o$ the Father and the Son and the 4oly -pirit in one 2ssence! It is $o"nd in the concl"ding e:clamation o$ every litany in the concl"sion o$ nearly every prayer! All the Mysteries o$ the -h"rch are per$ormed by the po%er o$ the 7oly Spirit! 1e begin all o"r prayers by addressing the 7oly Spirit! Immediately "pon baptism %e receive the seal o$ the 7oly Spirit! The -h"rch sings the li$e.giving po%er o$ the 7oly Spirit in special short hymns in the S"nday matins part o$ the all.night vigil in the so. called anabathmoi antiphons! )=y the 7oly Spirit hath all holiness and %isdom been observedB+ 8 )Verily glory and honor become the 7oly Spirit + )Verily all the richness o$ honor is o$ the 7oly Spirit! And o$ 7im too is grace and li$e $or all creation! 1here$ore 7e is to be praisedB+ )Verily all creation together is regenerated by the 7oly Spirit + )Verily by the 7oly Spirit every divine one seeth and "ttereth things to be and per$ormeth heavenly %onders + Verily in the 7oly Spirit all shall live + )Verily the 7oly Spirit doth over$lo% %ith streams and passages o$ grace and doth %ater all creation %ith re$reshing li$e + )In the 7oly Spirit is the $o"ntain o$ divine treas"resA $or $rom 7im cometh %isdom a%e and "nderstanding!+ )=y the 7oly Spirit are all creations seen and "nseen preserved $or 7e is the -reator o$ all the essence o$ creation + )in 7im doth all creation live and move + 8 )$or thro"gh 7im doth every living thing breathe + )Verily thro"gh the 7oly Spirit is everyone made divineA and in 7im is pleas"re "nderstanding sa$ety and blessing + )Verily the 7oly Spirit hath might over allA $or 7im do all the heavenly hosts %orship and every breath belo%!+ )In the 7oly Spirit is the $o"ntain o$ divine treas"resA $or $rom 7im cometh %isdom a%e and "nderstanding! To 7im there$ore be praise glory might and honor!+ )=y the ab"ndance o$ gi$ts the richness o$ glory and depth o$ the great ordinances!+ 8 )Verily the 7oly Spirit is the -a"se o$ all and containeth in 7imsel$ the harmony o$ sa$ety! And the Spirit %ho is their e9"al in appearance and on the throne hath shone $rom the Father like%ise!+ There is no gap> There is no place $or a )%orld so"l>+


The -h"rch teaches "s this %orld vie%! The -h"rch lives in the 7oly Spirit and the 7oly Spirit presides in it! The -h"rch6s prayer$"l tho"ghts abo"t the Spirit are constr"cted in s"ch a %ay that %e co"ld comprehend this constant presence o$ the Spirit in the believers and among the believers! 1e al%ays ask $or a rene%al o$ 7is nearness to "s!

0i.e in .aith .
od is li ht, and in Him is no darkness at all C, Fohn ,<5E! 1hy is *od called 'ight/ -learly it represents God!s per'e(tion< per$ect #indness in per$ect P"rity per$ect 7oliness per$ect Tr"th per$ect *oodness and 'ove "nited %ith =liss per$ect creative Po%er per$ect -ontemplation per$ect -onsideration and 'eadership $or the %orld! According to the -h"rch Fathers 'ight is not the essen(e o$ *od it is the $"llness o$ 7is attrib"tes and their e:pression! And the Psalm.singer e:presses their mani$estation in the ,J4th psalm %ith the %ords< #ho coverest Th!self with li ht as with a arment. St! *regory the Theologian teaches< )*od is 'ight the 7ighest Mnapproachable Indescribable and Incomprehensible to the mind and Ine:pressible in %ords!+ CThe word on Hol! 1/i/han!E! )There$ore *odliness by Its essence is na%elessB The %isest and most ancient o$ Fe%s co"ld not tolerate having the name o$ *od and the names o$ creat"res %ritten "sing the same letters! Nor did they dare prono"nce the very name o$ the pre.eternal and single =eing! ;nly in some %ays can one apply the %ord )Am+ to 7im not only beca"se 7e 1ho spoke to Moses called 7imsel$ that 1ho ordered him to tell the people< , .* (%ehovah) hath sent me unto !ou. C2:od"s 3<,4EB b"t beca"se there %asn6t and %ill not be any limits or end to 7im+ C1ord 3J the 4th abo"t theologyE!

3e have seen the tr"e 0ight .

The brightness o$ *od e%anates onto the %orld! It descends into and penetrates the
h"man so"ls! 1e dare think that it penetrates not only the so"ls o$ -hristians b"t also the so"ls o$ those %hose hearts yearn "p%ard %ho thirst $or the kno%ledge o$ *od! It is important to remember that the %ords )light o$ $aith+ are not only a )symbol+ o$ the e:perience o$ $aith! They e:press the gen"ine enli$hten%ent or brillian(e o' the soul! That same St! *regory the Theologian gives "s the $ollo%ing e:amples o$ this $aith e:pressed in the Psalms in the ;ld Testament in his %ords on the $east o$ 2piphany C)the Feast o$ 'ight+E< Li hten m! e!es, lest , slee/ the slee/ of death CPs! ,0<3E! Li ht is sown for the ri hteous, and ladness for the u/ri ht in heart CPs! HD<,,E! Thou art more lorious and e8cellent than the mountains of /re! CPs! G5<4E! The Lord is m! li ht and m! salvation0 whom shall , fear' CPs! 0D<,E! ( send out Th! li ht and Th! truth" let them lead me CPs! 40<3E! Lord, lift thou u/ the li ht of Th! countenance u/on us CPs! 4<DE 0D

,n Th! li ht we shall see li ht CPs! 3D<HE! In the .ew Testa%ent Chur(h this shining light is stronger and more ab"ndant! It %as prophesied by the prophet Isaiah" *oreover the li ht of the moon shall $e as the li ht of the sun, and the li ht of the sun shall $e sevenfold, as the li ht of seven da!s, in the da! that the Lord $indeth u/ the $reach of His /eo/le C3J<0DEB And also< .rise, shine0 for Th! li ht is come, and the lor! of the Lord is risen u/on theeand the Gentiles shall come to th! li ht CDJ<,.3E! The $"l$illment o$ Isaiah6s prophecy is noted in the $irst lines o$ the *ospel partic"larly in the *ospel $rom Fohn in the $irst 2aster reading %hich is the beginning o$ the ann"al 'it"rgical *ospel readings! In this reading the %ords abo"t the appearance o$ 'ight into the %orld are repeated si: times as i$ proclaiming the light o$ *od6s love to the entire %orld C, 4 5 G.HE! The Savior ta"ght 7is disciples" :ou are the li ht of the worldLet !our li ht so shine $efore men, that the! ma! see !our ood works CMatt! 5<,4 ,DE! And abo"t 7imsel$ to the Pharisees< , am the Li ht of the world" he that followeth *e shall not walk in darkness, $ut shall have the li ht of life CFohn I<,0E 1e cannot $orego mentioning the Apostolic letters to the ne%ly converted at least brie$ly! The Apostle Peter th"s describes the meaning o$ entering -hrist6s -h"rch< 6ut !e are a chosen eneration, a ro!al /riesthood, an hol! nation, a /eculiar /eo/le0 that !e should shew forth the /raises of Him who hath called !ou out of darkness into His marvelous li ht C, Peter 0<HE! The Apostle Fohn the Theologian< For the Life was manifested, and we have seen ,t, and $ear witness, and she unto !ou that eternal Life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto usGod is Li ht,f we walk in the li ht, as He is in the li ht, we have fellowshi/ one with another, and the $lood of %esus <hrist His &on cleanseth us from all sin C, Fohn ,E! The Apostle Pa"l< :e shine as li hts in the world+ CPhilippians 0<,5E! For God, who commanded the li ht to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to ive the li ht of the knowled e of the lor! of God in the face of %esus <hrist C0 -or! 4<DE! 6ut we all, with o/en face $eholdin as in a lass the lor! of the Lord, are chan ed into the same ima e from lor! to lor!, even as $! the &/irit of the Lord C0 -or! 3<,IE! 1!e hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the thin s which God hath /re/ared for them that love Him C, -or! 0<HE Together %ith this ill"mination o$ the so"l this elevated enlightenment o$ reason the 1ord o$ the =ible teaches "s a 1oy or breath o' bliss is introd"ced into the so"l! Li ht is sown for the ri hteous, and ladness for the u/ri ht in heart CPs! ,0D Ps! HDE! St! Fohn the Forer"nner says o$ himsel$< The friend of the $ride room re>oiceth reatl!this m! >o! therefore is fulfilled. He must increase, $ut , must decrease. CFohn 3<0H.3JE Cin matters o$ p"blic serviceE! The Apostle Pa"l %hen con$essing abo"t himsel$< , am crucified with <hrist C*al! 0<0JE Cs"ch %ere the tro"bles ca"sed by the enemies o$ his preachingE is $illed %ith -hristian (oy and passes


this on to his spirit"al children< -e>oice in the Lord alwa!s" and a ain , sa!" -e>oice. CPhil 4<4E! *! $rethren dearl! $eloved and lon ed for, m! >o! and crown CPhil! 4<,E! This message $rom his letters to the Philippians is present as %ell in his other holy letters! -hrist6s con$idant the Apostle Fohn e:presses this more strongly< .nd these thin s write we unto !ou, that !our >o! ma! $e full. C, Fohn ,<4E! 1e see here the tr"th that a gro%ing moral per$ection is accompanied accordingly %ith a (oyo"s state o$ the so"l! -onc"rrently as %e see even $rom these short e:cerpts $rom the epistles there is a gro%th o$ love o$ a loving meek and kind attit"de to%ards everyone! In addition those striving to%ard the 'ight clearly see their o%n de$ects and even more so their do%n$alls they are not enamored o$ their o%n acts! This prod"ces a nat"ral noble h"mility and partic"larly the $ear o$ *od is instilled %hich is e:pressed in the I5 th Psalm as %ell as in the priest6s prayer d"ring vespers< *a! m! heart re>oice to fear Th! name. S"ch is the specter o$ a -hristian6s spirit"al states! This is %hat ) ivin$ in the i$ht+ means! Th"s the 'ight o$ *od is po"red o"t into the %orld!

T'o types o. enlightenment .


the modern people o$ the so.called )1estern c"lt"re + live by necessity in t%o spirit"al circles< aE the circle o$ timeless -hristian 7nli$hten%ent and bE the epoch o$ )enlightenment+ beg"n in 1estern 2"rope at the end o$ the Middle Ages! 1e live in the age o$ rationalism or practical thinking %hich has grad"ally departed $rom religio"s beginnings partic"larly in the age o$ )Voltarianism!+ In o"r cent"ry it has amo"nted to a direct persec"tion o$ -hristianity $alling mainly on the ;rthodo: -h"rch and partic"larly on the R"ssian -h"rch! According to the goals o$ this general epoch only earthly goals are %orthy o$ social attention and even o$ e:istence! A concern $or eternal li$e or the per$ection o$ one6s li$e according to the spirit o$ the *ospel has no place here! And $or the protection o$ )social ethics+ and order common teaching and police.like vigilance along %ith detention $acilities are deemed per$ectly s"$$icient! S"ch are the val"es o$ this era! ="t its realities are all be$ore< millions killed $or their $irmness in $aith tho"sands in prisons and e:ile $or protesting the physical and moral press"re a %ave o$ international and civil %ars a gro%th o$ crime a collapse o$ morality an ab"ndance o$ moral and physical s"$$ering! Not%ithstanding all the violations in the $ield o$ religion it seems obvio"s that the positive part o$ practical %estern c"lt"re has gro%n $rom a -hristian $o"ndation 8 be it printing C*"ttenberg the =ible -h"rch booksE artistic literat"re )novels+ Cspringing $rom the hagiography o$ the Roman scholastic periodE the %orks o$ great composers C%ritten initially to be per$ormed at -h"rch servicesE art C$rom -h"rch artE or architect"re C$rom the intricate designs o$ -h"rch architect"re partic"larly in the 2astE! ;n the other hand %e are a%are that the -hristian $aith does not re(ect earthly c"lt"re and one6s daily needs to %hich the 7oly Script"res themselves attest! Th"s %e read in the *ospel that in the $orty days a$ter -hrist6s res"rrection the disciples o$ the 'ord set o"t on their nightly toil o$ $ishing! The Apostle Pa"l completely devoted to the preaching o$ -hrist6s Res"rrection and -hrist6s teaching also spent time making tents in order that others %ere not b"rdened by keeping him! The 2vangelist St! '"ke %as both a


physician and an artist besides being the a"thor o$ t%o ma(or holy books< The *ospel and the Acts o$ the Apostles! ="t by the 'ord6s %ord< )Man does not live by bread alone!+ And o"r personal sel$.a%areness teaches "s that o"r scope and th"s o"r p"rpose are above the demands o$ plain e:istence and to limit o"rselves to this physical side means to deprive o"rselves o$ the $"llness o$ li$e! ="t %e %ill say $rom the -hristian point o$ vie%< it is more than a deprivation o$ spirit"al (oys on earth b"t also o$ the blessings o$ eternal li$e in *od and this means spirit"al death>

0ight and darkness .

8nasm"ch as modern kno%ledge has penetrated into the past history o$ mankind

it appears apparent that t%o great ideas %ere initially inherent to man< $aith in *od and a notion o$ eternity Cin the =ible 8 o$ the heavenly )tree o$ li$e+E! It %as al%ays "nderstood that i$ there %as no eternity in *od then $or every man in the $"t"re a$ter a short and al%ays "ncertain altho"gh perhaps even a )happy+ co"rse o$ li$e death %ill come meaning collapse emptiness darkness! And this hopeless latter o"tcome 8 death 8 completely erases the meaning o$ the $ormer< the earthly li$e! In the very )%orldvie%+ o$ the "nbelieving person the $inal line is emptiness and darkness! ="t the -hristian %orldvie% is di$$erent named shortly )$aith!+ The 'ord Fes"s -hrist ta"ght his disciples and other people abo"t $aith in the Sermon on the Mo"nt< La! u/ for !ourselves treasures in heaven for where !our treasure is, there will !ou heart $e also. The li ht of the $od! is the e!e" if therefore thine e!e $e sin le, Cin the Slavic )prosto+ or )simple + that is in direct healthy condition ) th! whole $od! shall $e full of li ht. C1e shall clearly see o"r steps o"r acts and o"rselvesE! 6ut if thine e!e $e evil, th! whole $od! shall $e full of darkness. ,f therefore the li ht that is in thee $e darkness, how reat is that darkness=' CIn Slavonic the translation is ho% many times is it greater> 8 Matt! D<0J.03E 1hat kind o$ darkness a%aits a person in the $"t"re i$ he has already removed himsel$ $rom *odly light here on 2arthB Protect yo"rsel$ h"man so that yo" do not declare yo"rsel$ "nbelieving an atheist and th"s predetermine yo"r $ate in the )absol"te+ darkness Cin the Slavonic the %ord )kromeshniy+ $or absol"te stands $or )krome + or )%itho"t + )o"tside o$+ *od6s lightE e:ternal in relation to the omnipresent *odB The a"thor o$ the non.canonical b"t -h"rch.revered book )The 1isdom o$ Solomon + in the last t%o chapters o$ the book gives a $rightening image o$ absol"te )2gyptian darkness + %hich be$ell 2gypt be$ore the e:od"s o$ the Fe%s! This is a symbol o$ the other one )eternal darkness!+ For the believing person $or the -hristian .nd the li ht shineth in darkness0 and the darkness com/rehended it not CFohn ,<5E! And in addition to the %ords o$ the Sermon on the Mo"nt 9"oted above the 2vangelist '"ke adds the $ollo%ing %ords o$ the 'ord" ,f th! whole $od! therefore $e full of li ht, havin no /art dark, the whole shall $e full of li ht, as when the $ri ht shinin of a candle doth ive thee li ht C'"ke ,,<3DE! ;n s"ch candles o$ $aith does the one holy catholic and apostolic -h"rch have its beginnings and is established!


The 4h"rch o. 4hrist , according to the teachings o. St . Simeon , the Ne' Theologian .

The holy Apostle Pa"l

in one o$ his epistles gives the most elevated and complete "nderstanding abo"t the -h"rch! 7e %rote to the 2phesian comm"nity in the days o$ early -hristianity %hen the latter %as barely 3J or 4J years old and %as represented by small comm"nities scattered aro"nd the Roman 2mpire! The Apostle %as bearing chains as i$ a cro%n $or his good tidings abo"t -hrist and in this isolation %as especially enlightened by divine light! 7e %rote that the -h"rch is the =ody o$ -hrist that is one livin$ heavenly9and9earthly or$anis%! This "nderstanding o$ the -h"rch has been care$"lly maintained by the "niversal orthodo: conscio"sness! This ma(estic vie% o$ the -h"rch is presented as the )$"llness o$ 7im C-hristE that $illeth all in all+ C2ph! ,<03E! It is described as a ne% e:istence the essence o$ %hich is the ) bond o' love + an e:istence "niting )heaven and earth+ %ith strong and constant ties! The epistle says " The head, even <hrist" from whom the whole $od! fitl! >oined to ether and com/acted $! that which ever! >oint su//lieth, accordin to the effectual workin in the measure of ever! /art, maketh increase of the $od! unto the edif!in of itself in love C2ph! 4<,DE! To%ard this goal %rites the Apostle -hrist established in the earthly part o$ the -h"rch ) some, a/ostles0 and some, /ro/hets0 and some, evan elists0 and some, /astors and teachers + C2ph! 4<,,E! ="t %hat are these ties "niting the parts o$ the =ody ) accordin to the effectual workin in the measure of ever! /art +/ 1hat are these )active+ ties prod"cing the )development+ o$ each single part o$ the -h"rch and at the same time a gro%th a per$ection and a $"llness o$ the entire heavenly.earthly body o$ the -h"rch "nited "nder -hrist as its single 7ead/ ;$ co"rse the "niversal bond that "nites the -h"rch body is prayer! For %hat is the -h"rch itsel$ i$ not a )%orld o$ prayer/+ 1e can call prayer the air the breath the li$e o$ the -h"rch! 'ike the threads in a %eaver6s loom the threads o$ prayer go in all directionsA they "nite each member o$ the -h"rch %ith the 7eavenly Father the members o$ the earthly -h"rch %ith one another and the earthly members %ith the heavenly! The same occ"rs in the heavens in the regions o$ the angels and saints only on a higher and more per$ect level! Mortals pray abo"t each other and driven by the la% o$ love $or the deceased! The ones no% in heaven pray abo"t the mortal ones and e9"ally abo"t the deceased sho"ld they need help! Praise and thanks travel by these prayer$"l threads in both realms o$ the -h"rch! 7ere on earth they are accompanied %ith penitent tho"ghts and $eelings! ;$ co"rse the ties %ithin the ch"rch are e:pressed in certain actions and activities b"t this aspect is only derivative having prayer as its original so"rce! S"ch an "nderstanding is maintained in $"ll only by the ;rthodo: -h"rch corresponding to the latter6s very str"ct"re and daily li$e! ;"r -h"rch service is a direct indicator o$ this "nderstanding o$ -h"rch li$e! Is this "nderstanding also maintained in the teachings o$ the holy -h"rch $athers/ @es the holy $athers6 tho"ghts are $illed %ith it! 1e present an e:ample $rom the %orks o$ St! Simeon the Ne% Theologian %ho lived on the time bet%een the $irst and second millenni"ms Che reposed aro"nd ,J0J A&E! 1e %ill consider his tho"ghts abo"t the inner li$e o$ the -h"rch o$ -hrist as a heavenly and earthly body e:pressed in his 04 th )1ord!+ 3J

In the tho"ghts presented the saint does not even make a de$inite distinction bet%een the t%o possible conditions o$ the -h"rch members 8 earthly and heavenly 8 not beca"se he re(ected them b"t to make it clear that the -h"rch is )one 0ody under One 4ead + a )'ullness o' the One #ul'illin$ all in all!+ This is %hat St! Simeon teaches< )All saints are tr"ly members o$ -hrist ;"r *od! As members they are "nited %ith 7im and connected to 7is body so that -hrist is the 7ead and all the saints $rom the beginning to the last day are 7is members and all o$ them together make "p one body and in a %ay one person! Some are like hands toiling to this day $"l$illing 7is holy %ill trans$orming the "n%orthy to the %orthy and presenting them to 7im! ;thers are the sho"lders in the body o$ -hrist %ho carry each other6s b"rdens or taking "p the lost lamb that %as recovered a$ter being lost in the hills and gorges bring them to -hrist and th"s $"l$ill 7is la%! ;thers are like the breast $rom %hich springs the p"re %ater o$ %isdom and reason to those %ho h"nger and thirst $or *od6s tr"th as they teach them *od6s %ord and give them spirit"al bread %hich the holy angels eat that is tr"e theology as con$idants o$ -hrist and 7is beloved ones! ;thers are like the heart in %hich thro"gh love they encompass all h"mans accepting %ithin themselves the spirit o$ salvation and serving as the vessel o$ the "nspeakable and hidden Mysteries o$ -hrist! ;thers are like the internal organs %hich have in them )the li$e.giving po%er o$ *odly tho"ghts o$ mysterio"s theology + and thro"gh the %ords o$ their teaching so% the seed o$ piety in the hearts o$ men! ;thers $inally are as bones and $eet %hich sho% co"rage and patience in temptation like Fob and are immovable in their position o$ goodness and do not avoid the pressing di$$ic"lties b"t gladly accept them and cheer$"lly carry them to the end! In this %ay the body o$ -hrist6s -h"rch is made "p in orderly $ashion o$ all 7is saints $rom the beginning and e:ists complete and all.per$ect in order that all the sons o$ *od %o"ld be one reborn %ritten in the heavens! I %ill prove that all the saints are -hrist6s members and are in one body thro"gh the 7oly Script"res! First o$ all listen to o"r Savior 7imsel$ the 'ord -hrist as 7e presents the indivisible "nion %hich the saints have %ith 7im in the %ords to 7is apostles< 6elieve *e that , am in the Father, and the Father in *e CFohn ,4<,,E .t that da! !e shall know that , am in *! Father, and !e in *e, and , in !ou CFohn ,4<0J also ,G<0J.0DEB Inasm"ch as the deity imparted to "s thro"gh association %ith the 'ord is indivisible then it is necessary $or "s becoming tr"ly in comm"nion %ith this &eity to be inseparable $rom -hrist being one body in one spirit C*al! 3<0IA -ol! 3<,, ,-or! ,0<,. ,4E! As *od gives each saint his proper place in the eternal abodes as %e said be$ore so in the body o$ the -h"rch each person is assigned to the kind o$ members o$ -hrist that $its him best! The Apostle Pa"l sho%s this in the same letter saying " 6ut now hath God set the mem$ers ever! one of them in the $od!, as it hath /leased Him C, -or! ,0<,IE! Th"s there are many members b"t one body! &esiring to sho% the di$$erences o$ these members and %hat these members are he says " 3ow !e are the $od! of <hrist, and mem$ers in /articular. .nd God hath set some in the church, first a/ostles, secondaril! /ro/hets, thirdl! teachers, after that miracles, then ifts of healin , hel/s, overnments, diversities of ton ues C, -or! ,0<0G.0IE! This is a reat m!ster!" $ut , s/eak concernin <hrist and the church C2ph! 5<30E! And tr"ly this mystery is and %ill be great and above everything great! ;"r 'ord


the -reator o$ All has the same "nity association and relation %ith the entire -h"rch as %ith one %i$e and is one %ith her and is al%ays inseparable $rom her as %ith 7is beloved! ="t this "nity is be$itting o$ *od as it is $itting $or *od to be one %ith the -h"rch %hich is incomprehensible and "n"tterable! Again the -h"rch also "nites %ith its beloved *od and clings to 7im as the body to its head! For as the body cannot live %itho"t its head so the -h"rch a collection o$ believers that is the sons o$ *od %ritten in the heavens cannot be a %hole and per$ect body %itho"t its head 8 ;"r *od -hrist and cannot live a tr"e and eternal li$e i$ it is not no"rished by 7im daily %ith necessary bread $rom 1hom all %ho love 7im receive tr"e li$e and gro% to a per$ect man by the gro%ing meas"re o$ 7is $"l$illment! Inasm"ch as the -h"rch is the body o$ -hrist and the bride o$ -hrist and a great %orld and *od6s temple so the members o$ 7is body are all holy! At the same time not all o$ them have yet been born ane% or sho%n them %orthy! It is clear then that the body o$ -hrist is not completely %hole yet that the higher %orld is not yet $illed that not the entire host o$ people have yet entered *od6s -h"rch! ="t to this day there are still many "nbelieving people in the %orld %ho are going to become believers in -hrist there are many sinners %hose d"ty is to repent there are many ins"bordinate %ho %ill s"bmit to -hrist! Many %ill yet be born ane% and serve *od be$ore the last tr"mpet so"nds! And th"s all those $oreseen by *od m"st be born ane% and the -h"rch6s $irstborn m"st $ill the heavenly Fer"salem immeas"rably higher than this %orld! Then the $"llness o$ the =ody o$ -hrist %ill occ"r and those predetermined by *od %ill con$orm to the image o$ 7is Son becoming the sons o$ light and day!+ CThe 1ords o$ St! Simeon the Ne% Theologian translated by =ishop Theophan ,st printing Mosco% ,IH0 pages 3I3.3H,E!

Missionary 0ea.let ; 8<<d 4opyright = 7>>, :oly Trinity $rthodo? Mission *@@ Foothill Alvd, Ao? ,B<, 0a 4anada, 4a B)>)) 8ditor+ Aishop Ale?ander (Mileant-

(apologetical_notes_m_pomazansky_1.doc, 06-04-2003) 7dited by :ate


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