NR 320801 Mass Transfer Operations II
NR 320801 Mass Transfer Operations II
NR 320801 Mass Transfer Operations II
Code No:320801
III B.Tech. II Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003
(Chemical Engineering)
2. A ten-plate distillation column with re-boiler and total condenser is available for use.
An equimolar mixture of A and B at its boiling point is to be separated to get a
distillate containing 90% A (mole%). The relative volatility of mixture is 2.6.
(i) minimum reflux ratio
(ii) the yield of distillate and residue for R = 1.2.
3.a) What is a partial condenser? Represent graphically. Write the material balance
b) What is the effect of cold reflux in distillation operation?
4. Write about the system of three liquids – two pairs partially soluble with the help of
an equilibrium diagram. Give examples. Also discuss the effect of temperature on the
above system.
6. a) Define Leaching.
b) What is lixiviation?
c) What is decoction?
d) Explain the applications of leaching operation with suitable examples.
(b) An of 1.5 times the minimum for the top plate if used, how many theoretical
plates are required. Equilibrium data in mole fraction of n–hexane:
x 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
y 0.21 0.37 0.51 0.64 0.72 0.79 0.86 0.91 0.96 1.0
5.a) Briefly describe the various towers used for liquid extraction operation.
b) 160 cm3/s of a solvent S is used to treat 400cm3/s of a 10% by weight solution of A in
B, in a three stage counter current multiple contact liquid-liquid extraction plant. The
densities of A, B and C respectively are 1200, 100 and 800kg/m3. What is the
composition of the final raffinate?
Using the same total amount of solvent, evenly distributed between the three stages,
what would be the composition of the final raffinate if the equipment were used in a
simple multiple contact arrangement?
Equilibrium data:
kg A/kg B 0.05 0.10 0.15
kg A/kg S 0.069 0.159 0.258 (Contd…2)
Code No:320801 -2- Set No:2
7.a) Explain the method of calculation for multistage counter current extraction and use of
Freundlich equation.
b) Write briefly on single stage batch treatment of liquids in adsorption operation.
8.a) Describe the process of ion exchange treatment in Higgins contactor with a schematic
b) Explain chromatographic separation of two solutes.
Set No.
Code No:320801
III B.Tech. II Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003
(Chemical Engineering)
Time:3 hours Max Marks:80
Answer any Five Questions
All questions carry equal marks.
1. a) Write about the construction of enthalpy – concentration diagram for a binary liquid
b) Give the characteristics of an enthalpy-concentration diagram.
c) Explain, how the enthalpy-concentration diagram and x-y diagram are related.
3.a) What is an entrainer? Specify its function in azeotropic distillation. Write the
properties of entrainer for satisfactory operation.
b) Define transfer unit in a packed bed distillation column. Explain its importance.
4.a) What do you mean by equilibrium stage extraction ?Derive the equation to calculate
solvent requirement per mass of feed in a single stage liquid -liquid extraction?
b) What is selectivity ? What is its important in liquid liquid extraction?
6. a) With a neat sketch explain the construction and operation of Kennedy extractor.
4.a) Discuss the factors to consider for selecting a solvent for liquid – liquid extraction?
b) 500 kg. of a solution containing 40% by weight of compenent C ( rest is A) is
extracted with 650kg. Pure B and the phases are separated after the extraction is
completed. Calculate the quantity and composition of the extract phase. The tie line
data are :
Raffinate Phase % C 0 7 16 26 32
% B 0 0.5 1.0 4.0 7.0
Extract phase % C 0 13 26 39 41
% B 100 85 67 44 26
Use a right angled triangle a plot .
5. In order to extract acetic acid from dilute aqueous solution with isopropyl ether, the
two immiscible phases are passed counter-currently through a packed column 3.05 m
in height and 7.6 cm in diameter.
It is found that if 1950 kg/hr.m2 of pure ether is used to extract 975 kg/hr.m2 of 4%
acid by weight then the ether phase leaves the column with a concentration of 1% acid
by weight. Calculate (a) the number of overall transfer units based on raffinate phase
(b) overall extraction coefficient based on raffinate phase.
The equilibrium relationship is given by Wt% acid in ether phase = 0.3 times the wt%
acid in water phase. (Contd…2)
Code No:320801 -2- Set No :4
7.a) Prove that for cross current two stage treatment of liquid solutions by contact
filtration, when the adsorption isotherm is linear ,the least total adsorbent results if the
amount used in this stages are equal. Explain.
b) Discuss about the effect of temperature and pressure on adsorption.