NR 320503 Artificial Intelligence

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Set No.

Code No: 320503

III B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering and Electronics and Computer
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. a) Discuss the areas of application of Artificial Intelligence.
b) Discuss the tic-tac-toe problem in detail and explain how it can be solved using
AI techniques.

2. a) What are the advantages of Heuristic search?

b) What is the constraints satisfaction?
c) Compare and contrast forward and backward reasoning.

3. a) Distinguish between conventional programs and rule based systems

b) Translate the following sentences into formulae in predicate logic:
i) Sam likes easy courses
ii) Artificial Intelligence courses are easy
iii) All students with high grades are bright or work hard
iv) Sam likes playing tennis
v) Every one is loyal to someone.

4. a) What are Semantic networks? Explain its features with sample semantic net.
b) Explain the classification of nodes in Semantic net

5. a) List the key reasoning operations that are performed by JTMS

b) An example of nonmonotonic reasoning involves birds and flying. Consider the
following facts:
-Most things do not fly
-Most birds do fly, unless they are too young or lean or have a broken
-Penguin and ostriches do not fly
-Magical ostriches fly
-Ttweety is a bird
-Chirpy is either a penguin or an ostrich
-Feathers is a magical ostrich
Use one or more nonmonotonic reasoning systems answer the following:
i. Does Tweety fly?
ii. Does Chirpy fly?
iii. Does Feathers fly?
iv. Does Paul fly?
Code No: 320503 :: 2 :: Set No:1

6. a) Describe how Alpha-Beta search works with relevant examples.

b) How does the minimax search helps in solving tic-tac-toe problem?

7. a) Differentiate between “Speech recognition “ and “speech understanding”.

b) Describe the various classes of Grammars.

8. a) Define and Explain “Learning” . Describe in detail, the range of activities covered
by the concept “Learning “. Justify the statement –that “Learning is the most
important characteristic of Intelligence”.
b) Describe and discuss in detail, the important aspects of (i) Rote Learning
(ii) Learning by taking advice. Illustrate answer with the help of relevant

Set No.

Code No: 320503

III B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering and Electronics and Computer
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. Describe with necessary diagrams, a suitable state space representation for 8
puzzle problem and explain how the problem can be solved by state space search.
Show how heuristic can improve the efficiency of search.

2. a) In what kind of a problem space would a depth first search be better than a
breadth first one?
b) A problem-solving search can precede either forward or backward. Discuss the
factors that determine the choice of direction for a particular problem.

3. a) Discuss in detail about Forward Vs Backward reasoning.

b) Consider the following facts:
(i) John likes anyone who likes playing tennis and football
(ii) A is brother of B if A is a male, A has father F and mother M and B has
the same mother and father as A does.
Translate these facts into formulae in predicate logic and prepositional logic

4. a) Explain how a link generates a hierarchical structure in a network? Explain with

suitable example.
b) How will you represent variables in Semantic net? Explain.

5. a) With neat diagram, explain the justification based truth maintenance system.
b) Explain the logic based truth maintenance system with an example.

6. a) Illustrate the minimax search for the tic-tac-toe game, with initial position.
b) How Alpha-Beta method helps greatest pruning improvement in the above game?

7. a) What are the four classes of grammars.

b) Describe Backus – Naur Form (BNF) syntax used for programming languages
with examples.

8. Describe and discuss in detail, the techniques of (i) Parameter adjustment

(ii) Macro-operations (iii) chunking used in problem- solving method of
“Learning”. Explain the nature of utility problem.

Set No.

Code No: 320503

III B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering and Electronics and Computer
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1. a) Explain the different control strategies used in problem solving
b) Discuss the factors determining the choice of direction for a particular problem.

2. Trace the constraint satisfaction procedure solving the crypt arithmetic problem.

3. a) What are tautologies contradictions and contingencies.

b) Consider the following facts:
Jack likes all kinds of pets.
Dogs are pets.
Cats are pets.
Any animal any one owns and is not killed is a pet.

4. a) What are frames? Give a sample frame of a Computer department of a college.

b) Explain reasoning using Semantic networks.

5. a) Consider the problem of finding clothes to wear in the morning. The knowledge’s
-Wear jeans unless either they are dirty or you have a job interview today.
-Wear a sweater if it's cold
-It’s usually cold in the winter
Wear sandals if it's warm
-It’s usually warm in the summer
i. Build a JTMS-style database of the necessary facts to solve this problem
ii. Show how the problem can be solved and how the solution changes as
the relevant facts change.
b) TMSs are useful tools in solving constraint satisfaction problems. Give your

6. a) What is Alpha-Beta pruning ?

b) Implement the alpha-beta search procedure for playing tic-tac-toe.

Code No. 320503 .2. Set No. 3

7. a) Describe the steps involved in language understanding .

b) How “Parse tree” helps in understanding language with examples.

8. Discuss in a comparative manner (in detail) the important characteristics of (i)

Deterministic Decision function approach (ii) probabilistic Decision function
approach in pattern Recognition problems. Give examples where each approach
is more appropriate.

Set No.

Code No: 320503

III B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003
(Common to Computer Science and Engineering and Electronics and Computer
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1. a) Define the state space for the game of chess.

b) What do you mean by an AI technique?
c) How will you know that your AI system readily works?

2. Discuss the following in detail.

a. Hill Climbing
b. Best – First search
c. Constraint satisfaction.

3. a) Explain in detail about Representational Adequacy, Inferential adequacy,

Inferential efficiency and Acquisitional efficiency
b) At what level should knowledge be represented? Is there a good set of primitives
into which all knowledge can be broken down?

4. a) Explain the various features of Declarative and procedural frames.

b) With suitable example explain how linking of subframes is done.

5. a) Compare the conventional reasoning system with non-conventional reasoning

b) Discuss the different key issues with respect to non-monotonic reasoning

6. a) Compare the representations of the sentence. “Dravid Produced a classy innings

with his bat” in case grammar and conceptual dependency.
b) What is Alpha-Beta Pruning?

7. a) Show a parse tree for “India wins third N-Power test after losing second one“.
Explain what knowledge is necessary to produce the correct parse.
b) Show how the sentence “LAXMAN BATTED THROUGH THE INNINGS“
would be represented in case grammar. Show how would it be represented in CD.

8. Explain the importance of repeated problem-solving for an effective improvement

in the process of “Learning”. Distinguish it from “Learning by taking advice.


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