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Self Access Learning Module

ICT Literacy for Secondary School

Programm e

ICTL For Secondary School - Database Module


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module


INTR D!"TI N T MI"R S #T A""ESS $%%&

Curriculum Development Centre Ministry of Education

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Name of Module: Learning Outcomes: #% "% c% d% Knowledge and !ills: #% "% c% d% e% Module ummary:

Introduction to Microsoft Access 2003 Students s ou!d "e #"!e to$ st#te t e us#&e of #''!ic#tion !ist e(#)'!e * ic #''!ic#tion of d#t#"#se is used st#te t e function of t e fe#tures in d#t#"#se cre#te # ne* d#t#"#se

Students +no*n t e )e#nin& #nd us#&e of d#t#"#se St#rt Microsoft Access 2003 ,re#te- N#)e #nd S#.e d#t#"#se fi!e /'en e(istin& d#t#"#se E(it d#t#"#se #''!ic#tion

At t e end of t e )odu!e- students s ou!d "e #"!e to o'enn#)e- s#.e fi!e #nd c!ose d#t#"#se% "ctivity ummary: Acti.ities in t is )odu!e in.o!.ed$ #% St#rtin& Microsoft Access 2003 "% N#)in& #nd s#.in& fi!e d#t#"#se c% /'enin& e(istin& d#t#"#se d% E(ercises Meaning of data#ase

" data#ase is t$e computer e%uivalent of an organi&ed list of information' (ypically) t$is information $as a common su#*ect or purpose) suc$ as t$e list of employees) p$one#oo! guide or a classmates address #oo!' Microsoft "ccess +,,- ."ccess +,,-/ is a data#ase system management .data#ase programs/' It can store) manage) manipulate) analy&e) retrieve) display or pu#lis$ information from data#ase'

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

"ctivity 0: tarting Microsoft "ccess +,,T ere #re t*o )et ods to st#rt 0 !#unc 1our Mircosoft Access 2003% Met$od 0: 2% 3ou"!e c!ic+ on t e Mircrosoft /ffice Access 2003 s ortcut on t e 4indo*s des+to' 5see "e!o*6%
S ortcut icon MS Access 2003

Met$od +: 2% ,!ic+7on t e St#rt "utton- t en c!ic+7on Pro&r#)s- t en c!ic+7on Microsoft Access 2003 58i&ure 26

8i&ure 2

8i&ure 2


T e fo!!o*in& Access 2003 Gettin& St#rted T#s+ P#ne *i!! #''e#r on t e ri& t side of 1our Access 2003 screen% 5refer fi&ure 26

3% In t e /'en #re# of t e Access 2003 Gettin& St#rted T#s+ P#ne- c!ic+ t e !eft )ouse "utton on ,re#te # ne* fi!e% "ctivity +: (o Name and ave Data#ase 1ile

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

2% T e Ne* 8i!e )enu screen on t e to' *i!! #''e#r * en 1ou c!ic+ t e !eft )ouse "utton on ,re#te # ne* fi!e% 2% ,!ic+9on B!#n+ d#t#"#se% 58i&ure 36
Clic! $ere

8i&ure 3

A 8i!e Ne* 3#t#"#se )enu screen- si)i!#r to t e one "e!o*- *i!! "e on 1our screen% 4e:!! #.e to do se.er#! ;t in&s< to set7u' t is screen to s#.e 1our d#t#"#se% 5 8i&ure = 6

Ste' 2

Ste' 2

Ste' 3

8i&ure =

3% ,!ic+7on t e s)#!! do*n #rro* on t e ri& t% , oose M1 3ocu)ents to s#.e "1 dou"!e c!ic+in& on t e fo!der% Your se!ection s ou!d no* #''e#r in t e S#.e in $ #re#% 5Ste' 26 =% Ne(t c!ic+7in t e #re# to t e ri& t of 8i!e N#)e% T1'e7in t e *ord students profile #s s o*n #t t e "otto) of t e #"o.e i)#&e% 5Ste' 26 >% No* c!ic+7on t e ,re#te "utton% 5Ste' 36

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

T e fo!!o*in& Students Profi!e$ 3#t#"#se )enu screen *i!! #''e#r% 5 8i&ure > 6

8i&ure >

?% ,!ic+ File #nd c!ic+ Exit to end t is session #nd to c!ose Ms Access 2003% "ctivity -: Open E2isting "ccess Data#ase T ere #re t*o )et ods to o'en e(istin& d#t#"#se% Met$od 0: 2% Re'e#t Acti.it1 2 to o'en Ms Access 2003% /nce 1ou #.e cre#ted # d#t#"#se1ou *i!! see 1our d#t#"#se in t e /'en 'ortion of t e T#s+ P#ne% 2% ,!ic+ students profile' 5refer 8i&ure ?6
Clic! students profile

8i&ure ?

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Met$od +: 2% ,!ic+ 8i!e in t e Menu B#r- t en c!ic+ /'en% 5refer fi&ure @6

8i&ure @

2% 4 en t e /'en )enu screen #''e#rs- c!ic+ t e s)#!! do*n #rro* to t e ri& t of t e Loo+ in #re# #nd se!ect M1 3ocu)ents%

elect My Documents

Clic! students profile

3% T en c!ic+ t e n#)e of 1our d#t#"#se 5e%&% students 'rofi!e%)d"6 #nd t en c!ic+ /'en% Note: You *i!! notice in t e tudents 3rofile: Data#ase )enu screen- in t e !eft "order consist of o"Aects "#r$ (a#les) 4ueries) 1orms) 5eport) 3ages) Macros and Modules'
"ccess window title #ar Data#ase tool#ar

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Data#ase window menu #ar Data#ase window title #ar O#*ects #ar

Data#ase window tool#ar #ar

Data#ase window

7roups #ar

T ere #re = i)'ort#nt o"Aects #s st#ted in t e t#"!e "e!o*% O#*ects 6ar 1unction A co!!ection of records t #t identif1 # c#te&or1 of d#t#- suc #s ,usto)ers- /rders- or In.entor1% 3#t# inside # t#"!e is #rr#n&e "1 co!u)n n#)e field #nd ro* n#)ed 5ecord% 8ie!d 9 A sin&!e c #r#cteristic or #ttri"ute of # 'erson'!#ce- o"Aect- e.ent- or ide#% Record 9 A set of re!#ted fie!d .#!ues% Use to enter ne* infor)#tion- to edit or re)o.e e(istin& infor)#tion or to !oc#te infor)#tion% Used to !oc#te infor)#tion- to .ie*- c #n&e or #n#!1Be it in .#rious *#1s% A select %uery retrie.es d#t# fro) one or )ore t#"!es #nd dis'!#1s t e resu!t in d#t#s eet% A se!ect Cuer1 c#n "e used to &rou' record #nd c#!cu!#te su)s- counts- #.er#&es #nd ot er t1'es of tot#!s% T1'ic#!!1 used to su))#riBe- or&#niBe #nd #n#!1Be infor)#tion in order to e('ress # '#rticu!#r 'oint of .ie* to s'ecific #udience%





=% ,!ic+ File #nd Exit to sto' t is session% At t e end of t is #cti.ities- 1ou #d !e#rned o* to$ i% ii% iii% ,re#te # d#t#"#se ,!ose # d#t#"#se /'en #n e(istin& d#t#"#se

In t e ne(t )odu!e 1ou *i!! !e#rn o* to desi&n t#"!e #nd insert d#t#%

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

E2ercises 4uestion 0 Gi.e t*o e(#)'!es of d#t#"#se t #t 1ou +no*% 4uestion + ,re#te # d#t#"#se n#)ed Te#c ers Profi!e% S#.e t is fi!e in My Document director1%



ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Curriculum Development Center Ministry Of Education Malaysia

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Name of Module: Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and !ills:

Students Profi!e Student s ou!d "e #"!e to cre#te # t#"!e- define 'ri)#r1 +e1 #nd insert d#t#%

2% Students +no*n o* to differenti#te field- record #nd table 2% Students +no*n #!! t1'es of d#t# 3% ,re#tin& t#"!e% =% 3efine 'ri)#r1 +e1 >% Insertin& t e d#t# in t e t#"!e% Module summary: At t e end of t is )odu!e- t#"!e "e!o* *i!! "e cre#ted "1 students%

"ctivities summary: T is )odu!e in.o!.ed # fe* #cti.ities suc #sD 2% ,re#tin& t#"!es% 2% Insertin& t e d#t# in t e t#"!e% 3% E(ercise%


Information and Communication Technology Literacy or !econdary" #ata $a%e &odule

"ctivity 0: Creating (a#le Ne(t 1ou *i!! "e cre#tin& t e fie!ds t #t )#+e u' # d#t#"#se% T is is si)i!#r to cre#tin& # "!#n+ 'ersonne! for) 5on '#'er6 t #t *i!! "e Efi!!ed7inE for e#c e)'!o1ee 5N#)e- Address- P one Nu)"er- etc 9 #re c#!!ed fields in # d#t#"#se6% T is EformsE #re c#!!ed records in # d#t#"#se% T ere *i!! "e # record- or for)- for e#c e)'!o1ee% A!! t e for)s- to&et er- )#+e u' # T#"!e 5d#t#"#se6% 8or e(#)'!e- students profiles ta#le #s s o*n "e!o*% 58i&ure 26

record 2

8ie!d 2 5nu)"ers6

8ie!d 2 5n#)e6

8ie!d 3 5#ddress6

8ie!d = 5icno6

1igure 0

T e t#"!e #"o.e content four records% E#c records #.e four fie!ds * ic #re nu)"ers fie!d- students n#)e- #ddress #nd ic nu)"er% At t e end of t is )odu!e- students *i!! cre#tin& # d#t#"#se * ic is consist # t#"!e n#)e ;students 'rofi!e<%


Information and Communication Technology Literacy or !econdary" #ata $a%e &odule

teps Creating (a#le 2% /'en MS Access 2003 soft*#re 5Refer )odu!e 2- if needed6% 2% ,!ic+ 8i!e- c!ic+ /'en- find students profiles d#t#"#se fi!e t en c!ic+ /'en "utton% 5refer 8i&ure 26

1igure +

3% 3#t#"#se *indo* students profile: Data#ase *i!! #''e#red #s s o*n "e!o* 58i&ure 36 t en c!ic+ Ne* "utton #t d#t#"#se *indo*s too!"#r% T e di#!o& "o( in 8i&ure = *i!! #''e#r%

1igure -


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

=% ,!ic+ Design 8iew - t en c!ic+ /K to &et Datas$eet view #s s o*n #t 8i&ure >%

3esi&n Fie*

1igure :

1igure 9

>% At 1ield Name co!u)n- t1'e in num#ers #nd #t Data type co!u)n- c #n&e .#!ue (e2t to Num#er% 5refer 8i&ure ?6

,!ic+ t is "utton to .ie* t e !ist of d#t# t1'e- t en c!ic+ nu)"er

8i&ure ?


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

T ere #re 20 t1'es of d#t# #s st#ted in t e t#"!e "e!o*D (ypes Data (e2t 1unction You )#1 t1'e in #n1 #!' #"etic#!0nu)eric#! d#t# t #t 1ou desire7u' to # )#(i)u) of 2>> c #r#cters% As indic#tedt is is # te(t fie!d- so 1ou c#nGt do )#t e)#tic#! c#!cu!#tions% E(#)'!es of Te(t d#t# #re$ n#)es#ddresses- stoc+ nu)"ers- roo) nu)"ers- Bi' codes- etc T is fie!d is for !ots of te(t% You c#n #.e u' to 32-000 c #r#cters% T is fie!d is for nu)"ers * ere 1ou *#nt to #dd- su"tr#ct)u!ti'!1- di.ide- #.er#&e- #nd do nu)eric#! c#!cu!#tions% T is fie!d c#n "e # .er1 !#r&e siBe- so * en *e &et to 8ie!d Pro'erties- *eG!! t#!+ #"out EsiBin&E t is fie!d so it doesnGt t#+e u' too )uc Es'#ceE in stor#&e% 3#tes #nd Ti)es% You )#1 for)#t t is !#ter- #s 1ou )#1 desire% 3o!!#r 5H6% You )#1 for)#t t is !#ter- #s 1ou )#1 desire% 8or e(#)'!e Rin&&it M#!#1si# 5RM6 T is fie!d is #n E#uto)#ticE counter t #t #ssi&ns # nu)"er e#c ti)e 1ou 'ut d#t# into # ne* fie!d% T is is # ETrue08#!seE or EYes0No- 002< t1'e of fie!d% T is )e#ns E/"Aect Lin+ E)"eddin&E * ic indic#tes 1ou c#n insert # &r#' ic- 'icture- sound- etc% Prett1 ne#t to 'ut # ' oto&r#' in # 'ersonne! record or # 'icture of #n in.entor1 ite) in t e stoc+ record 5#d.#nced stuff6% A 1'er!in+ is # 'ointer fro) one o"Aect to #not er% T e destin#tion is freCuent!1 #not er 4e" '#&e- "ut it c#n #!so "e # 'icture- #n e7)#i! #ddress- # fi!e 5suc #s # )u!ti)edi# fi!e or Microsoft /ffice docu)ent6- or # 'ro&r#)% T e 1'er!in+ itse!f c#n "e dis'!#1ed #s te(t or #s # 'icture% T is *iB#rd cre#tes # !oo+u' co!u)n- * ic dis'!#1s # !ist of .#!ues 1ou c#n c oose fro)%



Date;(ime Currency "utoNum#er <es;No OLE O#*ect


Loo!up >i&ard


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

@% Insert d#t# in t e 1ield Name- Data Types for e#c fie!ds #s dis'!#1s 58i&ure @6% Students c#n )o.e to t e ne(t co!u)n "1 'ress ;T#" +e1<%

2% P!#ce t e cursor #t address 2% , #n&e 8ie!d SiBe .#!ue to 0,,

1igure ?

Note: P!#ce t e cursor #t t e address inside t e Field Name- t en c #n&e Field Size .#!ue fro) >0 to 0,,% I% ,!ic+ num#ers #t fie!d n#)e co!u)n- c!ic+ #t Edit menu #ar- t en c!ic+ 3rimary Key or icon Primary Key
c!ose icon % S o*n #t fi&ure I%

35IM"5< KE< )e#ns t e .#!ue in t e 'ri)#r1 +e1 fie!ds is need to uniCue!1 identif1 e#c recordD t #t:s no record c#n #.e t e s#)e .#!ue in t is fie!d%

1igure @

Pri)#r1 +e1 icon


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

1igure A

J% ,!ic+ Close icon #s s o*n #t fi&ure I to c!ose t e cre#tin& t#"!e session% T en di#!o& "o( in fi&ure 20 dis'!#1ed%

1igure 0,

20% ,!ic+ Yes. 3i#!o& "o( Save s in fi&ure 22 dis'!#1ed%

Key in ta#le name $ere

1igure 00


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

22% T1'e students profile #t !able Name #nd t en c!ic+ "K #t di#!o& "o( #s s o*n in fi&ure 22. No* 1ou #d finis ed cre#tin& one t#"!e n#)ed ; students profile:data#ase< #s s o*n "e!o*% 58i&ure 226

students 'rofi!e t#"!e cre#ted

1igure 0+

"ctivity +: Inserting data in t$e ta#le T e students profile t#"!e t #t cre#ted "efore- not cont#ins #n1 d#t#% Ste's "e!o* c#n "e used to +e1 in t e d#t#% 2% ,!ic+ #t tudents 3rofile ta#le t en c!ic+ o#en #t d#t#"#se *indo* too!"#r% 58i&ure 236


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

1igure 0-

2% 3#t#s eet .ie* tudents 3rofile : (a#le #s s o*n in fi&ure 2= dis'!#1ed%

1igure 0:

3% Ke1 in d#t# #t t e students 'rofi!e d#t#s eet% At t e first ro*- t1'e nu)"er K2: #t num#ers co!u)n% T en- T1'e n#)e "#dul 5a$man #' Idris #t name co!u)n% Ne(t- t1'e #ddress #nd ic nu)"er #t address #nd icno co!u)n%


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

1igure 09

=% Insert #!! d#t# in t e t#"!e "1 re'e#tin& t e s#)e 'rocess #"o.e% As # resu!tstudents *i!! &et t e t#"!e "e!o*%

1igure 0B

>% ,!ic+ icon s#.e records% ?% ,!ic+ icon c!ose

to s#.in& fi!e% tudents 3rofile t#"!e no* cont#ined fi.e to c!ose t e insertin& d#t# session%

@% E(it t e Microsoft Access 2003 Soft*#re% E2ercises 2% Bui!d one of 1our friends 'rofi!e t#"!e% N#)ed t e t#"!e ;,o7curricu!u) 3#t#<% T #t t#"!e )ust #.e fie!ds #s st#ted "e!o*$ Nu)"ers Student N#)e


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

,!#ss ,!u" S'orts Unifor)s Unit

2% Insert 20 record in t #t t#"!e%



ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Curriculum Development Center Ministry Of Education Malaysia

Name of Module: Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and !ills:

Usin& Record In 3#t#"#se Students s ou!d "e #"!e to use #nd )#ni'u!#te records in d#t#"#se%

#% "% c% d% e% Module ummary:

Students s ou!d "e #"!e to use record in d#t#"#se% #dd records #dd fie!d edit records find records fro) T#"!e

At t e end of t is )odu!e- t#"!e "e!o* *i!! "e cre#ted "1 students%


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

"ctivity ummary: Acti.ities in t is )odu!e in.o!.e$ 2% #dd records 2% #dd fie!d 3% edit records =% find records fro) T#"!e

"ctivity 0: "dd 5ecords 2% /'en Microsoft Access 2003 2% ,!ic+ /'en #n E(istin& 3#t#"#se- t en c!ic+ fi!e students profile #nd c!ic+ /K% 3% In t e d#t#"#se *indo*- dou"!e c!ic+ students profile in t e (a#les '#ne to o'en t e t#"!e in 3#t#s eet .ie*- #s s o*n in fi&ure 2% =% To #dd ne* record- c!ic+ on icon Ne* Record t #t c#n "e seen #t d#t#"#se too!"#r or #t t e "otto) of d#t#s eet *indo*% 5refer fi&ure 26%

Icon New

1igure 0 22

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

>% Add fi.e )ore record #s "e!o*% 5refer t#"!e 26

name A!i#s " Mo #)#d Mo d S # id " Mo d So) Nooru!7Aini "t A)"#+ Noor Asi# "t L#+#ri# 8#sit# "t% M#nsor address No% >- J#!#n 3es# K#1#n& 3- 3es# +#1#n&- 02000 K#n&#r% No% 3J- T#)#n T#'# - J#!#n P# #n& 3>000 T#'# Per#+% No 2>- J#!#n Li)#u K#sturi- =0=A =0000 S # A!#)Se!#n&or% Lot 2?=?- K& Si)'#n& Ti&#- Bt ? 30=- >3200 Go)"#+Se!#n&or No% 3?- J!n% Me!#ti- T)n% Me*# - 32000 B#tu G#A# Per#+
(a#le 0

icno J>0J2I7027>>33 J>0J2270>7>322 J>02227227>?@I J>0=0270=7>>?? J>0?0?7037>=32

S#.e record%

?% ,!ose students 'rofi!e $ T#"!e% "ctivity +: "dd 1ields' Met$od 0: "dd field after t$e last field' 2% ,!ic+ Design "utton #t d#t#"#se too!"#r *indo*s tudents 3rofile: Data#aseto dis'!#1 #!! t e fie!ds% 2% ,!ic+ fie!d "e!o* icno 5refer 8i&ure 26 3% T1'e in email inside t e Field Name #nd se!ect te2t #s t e 3#t# T1'e% 1igure +

=% S#.e t e record% Met$od +: "dd new field in #etween t$e two fields 2% ,!ic+ Design "utton #t d#t#"#se too!"#r *indo*s tudents 3rofile: Data#aseto dis'!#1 #!! t e fie!ds% 2% ,!ic+ t e #ddress fie!d 5 t e ro* *i!! "e i& !i& t 7refer 8i&ure 3 6


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

1igure -

3% , !ic+ Insert #t )enu "#r- t en c!ic+ rows% A ne* ro* *i!! "e #dded% 5refer 8i&ure =6 1igure :

=% Put cursor in "et*een fie!d name #nd fie!d address. >% T1'e in se2 inside t e "!#n+ 8ie!d N#)e #nd se!ect te2t #s t e 3#t# T1'e. 5refer 8i&ure >6 1igure 9

?% S#.e students 'rofi!e%


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

@% ,!ic+

to c!ose students 'rofi!e $ T#"!e%

"ctivity -: Edit 5ecord' 2% /'en tudents 3rofile t#"!e% 2% To edit record- c!ic+ inside t e se!ected fie!d% 5 se2 #nd email6 3% Insert in #!! t e record for se2 field #nd email field% 5refer T#"!e 26
num#ers 2 2 3 = > ? @ I J 20 name A"du! R# )#n "% Idris Jo #n# "t% Mu #))#d 8#rid# "t A"du!!# Rosn#ni "t% Se)"o+ O#ss#n "% 4# id A!i#s " Mo #)#d Mo d S # id " Mo d So) Nooru!7Aini "t A)"#+ Noor Asi# "t L#+#ri# 8#sit# "t% M#nsor se2 a email d #"dMN1# oo%co) )#!e 7 #n#N ot)#i!%co) fe)#!e Ao 8e)#!e &etBN1# oo%co) 8e)#!e rosn#niN ot)#i!%co) M#!e #ss#nN1# oo%co) M#!e #!i#sN1# oo%co) M#!e s # N ot)#i!%co) 8e)#!e nooru!N ot)#i!%co) 8e)#!e noorN1# oo%co) fe)#!e f#sit# N ot)#i!%co)

(a#le +

=% Re'e#t ste' 2 #"o.e to #dd in > 'ostcodes 5see #old figure6 inside t e first fi.e record% 5Refer T#"!e 36%
Num#ers 2 2 3 = > name A"du! R# )#n "% Idris Jo #n# "t% Mu #))#d 8#rid# "t A"du!!# Rosn#ni "t% Se)"o+ O#ss#n "% 4# id , oon& 8oo+ Keon& se2 )#!e fe)#! e 8e)#! e 8e)#! e M#!e address 230=- Ru)# Ru)# T#se+ Ge!u&or- 0--,, Pu!#u No 2=-Pin#n& J!n 2- T#)#n Seri Sin#r- 9,B,, Ku!#! Lu)'ur No 3J- J!n Pin#n& Mer# 22- @0,,, B#nd#r Ten&&JoBu+it or 3#tu- +0+,, Ku#!# No 200>Teren&&#nuTeren&&#nu No 202- T#)#n R#'#t J#1#- :0,,, Ke!#n&Se!#n&or

(a#le -


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

>% S#.e students 'rofi!e t#"!e%

"ctivity :: 1inding 5ecord 1rom (a#le 2% ,!ic+ fie!d name%

1igure B Icon 1ind


, ! i

c+ icon 8ind 5refer 8i&ure ?6 #nd di#!o& "o( 1ind and 5eplace *i!! "e dis'!#1 #s "e!o* 58i&ure @6%

3% T1'e in NoorC inside "o( 1ind >$at to find #!! t e n#)e st#rtin& *it Noor% =% ,!ic+ 1ind Ne2t "utton. N#)e NoorulD"ini #t "m#a! *i!! "e i& !i& ted #t name field 5refer fi&ure I6%

1igure ?

ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

1igure @

>% ,!ic+ 1ind Ne2t "utton to find si)i!#r n#)e *it Noor% N#)e Noor "sia$ #t Ea!aria *i!! "e i& !i& ted% ?% You c#n re'e#t ste' 3 to find ot er record% @% ,!ic+ 1ile #nd ,!ose to end t is session% E2ercise Module 2% B#sed on 1our e(ercise in )odu!e 2 5;,urricu!u) 3#t#<6% #% Add 3 ne* records "% Add 2 ne* fie!ds c% 8ind records


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module


C5E"(E 1O5M

Curriculum Development Center Ministry Of Education Malaysia


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Name of Module: Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and !ills:

,re#te 8or) Students s ou!d "e #"!e to cre#te for) #nd #dd record Students s ou!d "e #"!e to $ #% ,re#te for) "% Add records

Module ummary: At t e end of t is )odu!e- # for) *i!! "e cre#te "1 students%

"ctivity ummary: Acti.ities in t is )odu!e in.o!.e$ #% ,re#te for) "% Add record


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

"ctivity 0: Create 1orm 2% /'en Microsoft Access 2003 2% ,!ic+ /'en #n E(istin& 3#t#"#se- t en c!ic+ fi!e students profile #nd c!ic+ /K% 3%In t e d#t#"#se *indo*- c!ic+ 8or) #nd dou"!e c!ic+ ,re#te 8or) "1 usin& *iB#rd%

1'Clic( orm% 2'Clic( Create orm )y u%ing *i+ard

=%,!ic+ dou"!e #rro* to se!ect A.#i!#"!e 8ie!ds

1'Clic( here


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

>% T e se!ected 8ie!ds *i!! "e re)o.e fro) !eft to ri& t%T en c!ic+ Ne(t

1'Clic( ,e-t

?% ,!ic+ Ne(t

1'Clic( ,e-t


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

@% ,!ic+ St#nd#rd for st1!e%T en c!ic+ Ne(t

1'Clic( !tandard 2'Cli( ,e-t

I% ,!ic+ 8inis

1'Clic( ini%h


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

J% T e for) *i!! dis'!#1 #s "e!o*

"ctivity +: "dd 1ields' 1' To #dd ne* record- c!ic+ on icon Ne* Record t #t c#n "e seen #t d#t#"#se too!"#r or #t t e "otto) of d#t#s eet *indo*%

1',e* .ecord


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

2% Add one )ore record #s "e!o*% Nu)"ers 22 N#)e 4#n Mo d SidCi Bin 4#n A"d%G #ff#r se( M#!e #ddress No%J J!n%B#n&&o! 2>300 Kot# B #ru Ke!#nt#n icno J>0?2@7 037?33J E)#i! *)sidCiN&)#i!%co)

3% T e for) *i!! dis'!#1 #s "e!o*

=% ,!ic+ 1ile #nd ,!ose to end t is session%

E2ercise Module : 2% B#sed on 1our e(ercise in )odu!e = 5;,re#te 8or)<6% #% "% ,re#te ne* for)% Add 3 ne* record%


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module


C5E"(E 5E3O5(

Curriculum Development Center Ministry Of Education Malaysia

Name of Module: Learning Outcomes:

,re#te Re'ort Students s ou!d "e #"!e to cre#te re'ort #nd 'rint record

Knowledge and !ills: Students s ou!d "e #"!e to $ #% ,re#te re'ort "% Print re'ort


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Module ummary: At t e end of t is )odu!e- for) "e!o* *i!! "e cre#te "1 students%

"ctivity ummary: Acti.ities in t is )odu!e in.o!.e$ #% ,re#te re'ort "% Print re'ort


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

"ctivity 0: Create 5eport 2% /'en Microsoft Access 2003 2% ,!ic+ /'en #n E(istin& 3#t#"#se- t en c!ic+ fi!e students profile #nd c!ic+ /K% 3% In t e d#t#"#se *indo*- c!ic+ Re'ort #nd c!ic+ cre#te re'ort "1 usin& *iB#rd%

1'Clic( .e/ort% 2'Clic( Create .e/ort )y u%ing *i+ard

=% ,!ic+ dou"!e #rro* to se!ect A.#i!#"!e 8ie!ds

1'Clic( here


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

>% T e se!ected 8ie!ds *i!! "e re)o.e fro) !eft to ri& t%T en c!ic+ Ne(t

1'Clic( ,e-t

?% ,!ic+ Ne(t

1'Clic( ,e-t


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

@% ,!ic+ Ne(t

1'Clic( ,e-t

I% At t e L#1out c!ic+ T#"u!#r%Se!ect L#ndsc#'e #t t e /rient#tion% T en c!ic+ Ne(t%

1'Clic( Ta)ular 2'Clic( Land%ca/e 3'Clic( ,e-t


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

J%Se!ect t e ,#su#! st1!e%T en c!ic+ Ne(t%

1'Clic( ,e-t

20%,!ic+ 8inis

1'Clic( ini%h


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

22% A di#!o& "o( re'ort *i!! dis'!#1 #s "e!o*

"ctivity +: 3rint 5eport' 2% To 'rint t e re'ort-c!ic+ 8i!e #nd 'rint


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

1'Clic( ile 2'Clic( 0rint

2% A di#!o& "o( 'rint *i!! dis'!#1 #s "e!o*% T en c!ic+ /K%

1'Clic( 12


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

E2ercise Module 9 2% B#sed on 1our e(ercise in )odu!e > 5;,re#te Re'ort<6% c% ,re#te # ne* re'ort d% Print t e re'ort


C5E"(E 4UE5<


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Curriculum Development Center Ministry Of Education Malaysia

Name of Module: Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and !ills:

,re#te Puer1 Students s ou!d "e #"!e to cre#te Cuer1 Students s ou!d "e #"!e to $

#% ,re#te Cuer1 "% S#.e Cuer1 Module ummary: At t e end of t is )odu!e- t e Cuer1 "e!o* *i!! "e cre#te "1 students%


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

"ctivity ummary: Acti.ities in t is )odu!e in.o!.e$ #% ,re#te Cuer1 "% S#.e Cuer1

"ctivity 0: Create 4uery' 2% /'en Microsoft Access 2003 2% ,!ic+ /'en #n E(istin& 3#t#"#se- t en c!ic+ fi!e students profile #nd c!ic+ /K% 3% In t e d#t#"#se *indo*- c!ic+ Pueries #nd c!ic+ cre#te Cuer1 "1 usin& *iB#rd%


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

1'Clic( 3uerie% 2'Clic( Create 4uery )y u%ing *i+ard

=% ,!ic+ dou"!e #rro* to se!ect A.#i!#"!e 8ie!ds

1'Clic( here

>% T e se!ected 8ie!ds *i!! "e re)o.e fro) !eft to ri& t%T en c!ic+ Ne(t


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

1'Clic( ,e-t

?% ,!ic+ 8inis

1'Clic( ini%h


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

@% A di#!o& "o( *i!! dis'!#1 #s "e!o*%,!ic+ icon desi&n .ie*%

1'Clic( icon 5ie*

I% A di#!o& "o( *i!! dis'!#1 #s "e!o*%


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

J% At t e ro* ,riteri#- t1'e7in )#!e #nd 'ress Enter 20% ,!ic+ icon Run

1'Ty/e6in male

2'Icon .un

22% A di#!o& "o( for )#!e students *i!! "e dis'!#1


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

"ctivity +: ave 4uery' 2% ,!ic+ 8i!e #nd S#.e As

2% S#.e fi!e #s $ )#!e students 'rofi!e Puer1


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

3% T e fi!e *i!! "e s#.e #s "e!o*

=% ,!ic+ 1ile #nd ,!ose to end t is session%

E2ercise Module B 2% B#sed on 1our e(ercise in )odu!e ? 5;,re#te Puer1<6% #%,re#te ne* re'ort for fe)#!e students "%S#.e t e fi!e #s ; fe)#!e students ;


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

7E((IN7 EF(E5N"L D"("

Curriculum Development Center Ministry Of Education Malaysia


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

Name of Module: Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and !ills:

Gettin& E(tern#! 3#t# Students s ou!d "e #"!e to &et e(tern#! d#t# Students s ou!d "e #"!e to $ #%,re#te fi!e "%I)'ort s're#ds eet fi!e

Module ummary: At t e end of t is )odu!e- t e students *i!! "e #"!e to &et d#t# #nd cre#te # t#"!e #s s o*n "e!o*

"ctivity ummary: Acti.ities in t is )odu!e in.o!.e$ #%I)'ort fi!e "%,re#te t#"!e


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

"ctivity 0: Import preads$eet 1iles 2% /'en Microsoft Access 2003 2% ,re#te ne* d#t#"#se fi!e 3%,!ic+ fi!e =%,!ic+ Get E(tern#! 3#t# >%,!ic+ I)'ort

1'Clic( ile 2'7et 8-ternal #ata 3'Im/ort

?%At t e 8i!es of t1'e-c!ic+ 'u!! do*n #nd se!ect Microsoft E(ce! @%,!ic+ #n1 s're#ds eet fi!es #s s o*n in exam#le belo$ % !est &''( ) I%,!ic+ I)'ort

1' ile 9Te%t 2007 9 2'Im/ort


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

J%,!ic+ Ne(t


20%Put # tic+ on t e "o( #t t e 8irst Ro* ,ont#in ,o!u)n Oe#din&s 22%,!ic+ Ne(t



ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

22%,!ic+ /K

23%,!ic+ In # Ne* T#"!e 2=%,!ic+ Ne(t

1'Clic( In a ,e* Ta)le 2'Clic( ,e-t


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

2>%,!ic+ Ne(t


2?%Tic+ #t t e , oose )1 o*n 'ri)#r1 +e1 #nd se!ect No 2@%,!ic+ Ne(t

1'Choo%e my o*n /rimary (ey 2'!elect ,o' 3',e-t


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

2?%,!ic+ 8inis

1' ini%h

2?%No* 1ou #d finis ed cre#tin& one t#"!e n#)ed ; Re&ister ; 2@%3ou"!e c!ic+ #t Re&ister

1'Clic( .egi%ter


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module

2I%T e ne(t *indo* *i!! "e #''e#r 2J%,!ic+ 8i!e #nd c!ose

1'Clic( ile and Clo%e

20%,!ic+ c!ose to end t is session

1'Clic( c!ose

E2ercise Module ? 2% B#sed on 1our e(ercise in )odu!e @ 5;Gettin& E(tern#! 3#t#<6% #%Get #n1 d#t# fro) s're#ds eet fi!e "%S#.e t e fi!e


ICTL for Secondary School - Microsoft Access Module


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