NR 220106 Surveying II

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Set No.

Code No: 220106 1

II B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003.
(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) Describe the method to make the horizontal axis to be perpendicular to the vertical
axis. Mention the other desired relationships to be satisfied by a theodolite.
b) A closed traverse was conducted round an obstacle and the following observations
were made. Work out the missing quantities.
Side Length (m) Azimuth
AB ---------- 500.0 ----------- 98o30'
BC ---------- 620.0 ----------- 30o20'
CD ---------- 468.0 ----------- 298o30'
DE ---------- -----? ----------- 230o0'
EA ---------- ----- ? ----------- 150o10'

2.a) How does a Tacheometer differ from a theodolite.

b) In what respects a stadia rod differ from a leveling staff.
c) The following readings were taken with an anallatic tacheometer. The value of the
constant was 100 and the staff was held vertically.
Inst. Height of Staff vertical staff Remarks
Station axis (m) station angle readings
A 1.44 B.M -530' 0.906, 1.728, 2.550 R.L.of B.M
A 1.44 B +3 24' 0.936, 1.674, 2.412 = 205.620
B 1.38 C +6o12' 0.882, 1.938, 2.994
Determine the horizontal distances AB and BC and the elevations of these three

3.a) Deduce expressions for the general case of a Reverse curve.

b) Two tangents meet at chainage 1022m the deflection angle being 36o. A circular
curve of radius 300 m is to be introduced between the two tangents. Calculate the
(i) Tangent length (ii) Length of circular curve (iii) chainage of the tangent points
(iv) Deflection angles for setting out the first three pegs and the last peg on the curve
by the Rankine method. Pegs are to be fixed at 20m intervals.

4.a) What is meant by Axis signal correction? When is it required? Deduce an expression
for it either in the case of an elevation angle or for a depression angle.
b) Find the difference of level of the points A and B and the Reduced level of B from the
following data
Horizontal Distance between A and B = 5625.389 m
Angle of Depression from A to B = 1o28' 34''
Height o signal at B = 3.386 m; Height of inst. at A = 1.497 m
Coefficient of refraction = 0.07, R sin 1'' = 30.876 m
R.L. of A = 1265.850 m
Code No: 220106 :: 2 :: Set No:1

5.a) On what points does the height of both the instrument and the signal depend?
List the various items of work that will be taken up in a triangulation work.
b) Two triangulation stations A and B, are 110 km apart; the top of the scaffold at A is
24m above the mean sea level and the height of the ground at B is 750 m above the
same datum. The highest intervening point is at C, 50 km from B at a height of 155m
above the mean sea level. Ascertain if A and B are intervisible, and if necessary
determine a suitable height for the scaffold at B in order that the line of sight may
clear the point C by 3m.

6.a) Explain about station Adjustment and Figure adjustment in Triangulation adjustments.
b) Given the following equations
A = 42o36' 28'' weight 2
B = 28o 12' 42'' weight 2
C = 65o 25' 16'' weight 1
A + B = 70o 49' 10'' weight 2
B + C = 93o 37' 58'' weight 1.
Find the most probable values of A, B and C by the method of differences.

7.a) State the requirements to be fulfilled by a Transition curve.

b) The following data refer to a composite curve. Deflection angle (∆) = 60o 30' ; Max.
speed = 90 km/hour; Centrifugal ratio = ¼ ; maximum rate of change of acceleration
= 0.3 m per sec3.
Find (i) the radius of the circular curve, (ii) the length of the transition curve,
(iii) spiral angle, (iv) central angle and (v) shift of the curve.

8.a) Explain the different methods used for balancing a closed theodolite traverse.
b) From a point E, a line EF is to be set out parallel to a given line AB and such that
ABF is a right angle. The points E and F being invisible from A and B. This is done
by running the following traverse.
Line Length (m) Bearing Latitude (m) Departure (m)
BA - 360o - -
BC 96.0 35 15' +78.39 +55.38
CD 144.0 115o 40' -62.37 +129.78
DE 87.0 42 30' +64.14 +58.77

Calculate the necessary length and bearings of EF and FB.

Set No.

Code No: 220106

II B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003.

(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) What are the fundamental lines of a Transit theodolite and state the desired
relationships between them. How do permanent adjustments differ from temporary
b) The following bearings were observed in a traverse survey. Draw a sketch showing
the relative positions of the lines and calculate the deflection angles.

Line Bearing
AB-----------N 52o 45' E
BC---------- N 34o 30' E
CD---------- S 85o 15' E
DE-----------N 46o 45' E
EF-----------S 82o o oE

2.a) What is subtense method. Explain how this method works to make the tacheometric
observations. What are the expressions used and state the values of generally adopted
b) The stadia intercept read by means of a tacheometer on a vertically held staff was
1.265 and the angle of elevation 7o 40'. The constants of the instrument were 100 and
0.3. Find the total number of turns registered on a movable hair instrument at the
same station if the intercept on the staff held on the same point was 1.650; the angle
of elevation being 7o 35'. The constants of this instrument were 1000 and 0.45.

3.a) Obtain expressions for the offsets from chords produced in a simple circular curve.
b) CD and EF are two straights such that C and F are on opposite sides of a common
tangent DE. It is required to connect CD and EF with a reverse curve given that the
angles CDE and DEF are 151o 40' and 142o 20' respectively and that DE is 372.9m
and the chainage of D is 2534.4 m. Calculate (i) the common radius and the chainage
of the points of tangency and that of the point of reverse curvature and (ii) the total
tangential angle of the point of reverse curvature.

Code No: 220106 :: 2 :: Set No:2

4.a) In Trigonometrically leveling based on Geodetical observations, obtain expressions

for the following
(i) Expression for refraction when d is small and H is large and also when d is large
and H is small
d = Horizontal distance between stations; H = Difference in elevation between the
(ii) Expression for curvature
(iii) Combined expression for curvature and refraction both in angular measure and
also in linear measure.
b) Correct the observed altitude for the height of signal and refraction from the following
data. Observed altitude = +3o 12' 48''; Height of instrument = 1.585m
Height of signal = 4.348m; Horizontal distance = 3787.140m.

5.a) What is a satellite station? What is meant by reduction to centre? Deduce an

expression for determining the true angle at the true station when a satellite station is
b) From a satellite station P at a distance of 4.3m from the main triangulation station Q,
the following directions were observed.
Q, 0o 0' 0'' ; R, 140o 23' 40'' ; S = 208o 47' 20'' ; T, 282o 34' 10''.
The lengths of QR, QS and QT were 2870.1, 3791.4 and 2677.5 m respectively.
Determine the directions of QR, QS, and QT.

6.a) Explain what is “Method of differences” in Triangulation adjustments.

b) The following are the observed values of A, B and C at a station, the angles being
subject to the condition that A + B = C
A = 30o 12' 28''.2
B = 35o 48' 12''.6
C = 66o 00' 44''.4.
Find the most probable values of A, B and C.

7.a) In a vertical curve, explain step by step, the procedure of working out elevations of
points on the curve by tangent correction method.
b) A -1.0% grade meets a + 2.0% grade at station 470 and of elevation 328.605m. A
vertical curve of length 120 m is to be used. The pegs are to be fixed at 10m
intervals. Calculate the elevations of the first five points on the curve by the method
of Tangent corrections.

8.a) Describe the method of measuring deflection angles in theodolite survey.

b) Two stations A and B are fixed on either side of a wood. The following traverse is run
from A to B along the side o the wood.
Line Length(m) Bearing Latitude(m) Departure (m)
AC 438.0 48 24' +290.8 +327.5
CD 664.0 110o 12' -229.3 +623.2
DB 582.0 152 36' -516.6 +267.8
Determine the length of AB. From the station D a line DE is carried in to the wood on
a bearing of 168o 06' in order to fix an intermediate point E on AB. Find the length of
Set No.

Code No: 220106 3

II B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003.

(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) While taking theodolite observations, state (i) the precautions you will take and (ii)
the corrections you will apply to eliminate errors due to (a) Non uniformity of
Graduations (b) Non horizontality of Trunnion axis.
b) It is impossible to observe the length and bearing of a line AB directly and the
following are the observations made from two stations C and D.
Line Length(m) Bearing
CA ------- 129.0 S 68o 24' W
CD ------- 294.0 N 20o 36' E
DB ------- 108.0 N 60o 18' W
Compute the length and bearing of AB and also the angles CAB and DBA.

2.a) In tacheometry, derive an expression for horizontal distance, vertical component and
R.L. of staff station when the line of sight is inclined upwards to the horizontal by θ
and the staff is held vertically.
b) The elevation of a point P is to be determined by observations from two adjacent
stations of a tacheometric survey. The staff was held vertically upon the point and the
instrument is fitted with an anallatic lens and the constant of the instrument being 100.
Compute the elevation of the point P from the following data taking both the
observations as equally trustworthy.
Inst. Height of Staff Vertical Staff readings Elevation of
Station Axis (m) Point angle station
A 1.44 P +3 12' 1.280, 1.940, 2.680-------75.230
B 1.38 P -5o 36' 1.660, 2.270, 2.880------ 95.670

3.a) What are the different methods by which the length of the transition curve may be
calculated. Explain the methods.
b) Two tangents PQ and QR to a railway curve meet at an angle of 140o. Find the radius
of the curve which will pass through a point M, 24m from the intersection point Q, the
angle PQM being 100o.

4.a) Obtain an expression for the difference in elevation between two triangulation stations
C and D with geodetical observations using single observation method.
b) Find the difference in level between two points A and B and the refraction correction
from the following data based on Reciprocal observations.
Horizontal distance between A and B = 6882.384 m
Angle of depression of A at B = 1o 51' 10''
Angle of elevation of B at A = 1o 50' 20''
Height of signal at A = 4.145m; Height of instrument at A = 1.463m
Height of signal at B = 3.597m; Height of instrument at B = 1.554m
Code No: 220106 :: 2 :: Set No:3

5.a) What are the various points to be kept in mind while selecting a site for base line
measurement. Using flexible apparatus explain how the base line can be measured.
b) Observations were made from instrument station A to the signal at B. The sun makes
an angle of 60o with the line BA. Calculate the phase correction if (i) the observation
was made on the bright portion and (ii) the observation was made on the bright line.
The distance AB is 9460m. The diameter of the signal is 12cm.

6.a) How is the error in the Field measurements distributed?

b) Find the most probable values of the angles A and B from the following observations
at a station O.
A = 49o 48' 36''.6 Weight 2
B = 54o 37' 48''.3 Weight 3
A + B = 104o 26' 28''.5 Weight 4

7.a) Explain step by step procedure of calculating the elevations of points on the vertical
curve by the method of chord gradients.
b) A parabolic vertical curve is to be set out connecting two uniform grades of +0.8%,
and -0.9%. The chainage and reduced level of point of intersection are 1664m and
238.755m respectively. The rate of change of grade is 0.05% per chain of 20m.
Calculate the reduced levels of the first five points by the method of chord gradients.

8.a) Explain the sources of error in theodolite survey.

b) The following table gives the latitudes and Departures of the sides of a closed
Side Latitude(m) Departure (m)
Northing Southing Easting Westing

AB 214.8 124.0

BC 245.10 205.7

CD 155.9 90.0

DA 186.2 239.7

Compute its area.

Set No.

Code No: 220106

II B.Tech. II-Semester Supplementary Examinations, November-2003.

(Civil Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks
1.a) What are Temporary Adjustments for a theodolite? When are they performed?
Describe the temporary adjustments to be made.
b) Below are the particulars of part of a traverse survey.
Line Length(m) Bearing
AB 160.0 18o 12'
BC 368.3 132o 42'
CD 488.3 210o 24'
Find the distance between a point P on AB, 91.7m from A and a point R on CD,
226.7m from C.

2.a) Derive expressions for Horizontal distance, vertical component and elevation of staff
station when the line of sight is inclined upwards to the horizontal by θ and the staff
held perpendicular to the inclined line of sight.
b) A line was levelled tacheometrically with a tacheometer fitted with an anallatic lens,
the value of the constant being 100. The following observations were made, the staff
having been held vertically.
Inst. Height of Staff vertical staff Remarks
Station axis (m) at angle readings
A 1.44 B.M -2o 24' 1.200, 1.830, 2.460 R.L.of B.M
A 1.44 B +4o 36' 1.350, 1.820, 2.290 = 37.725
B 1.41 C +6o12' 0.720, 1.880, 2.040
Computer the elevations of A, B and C.

3.a) Derive expressions for the tangential angles for a simple circular curve by Rankines
b) A reverse curve AB is to be set out between two parallel railway tangents, 12m apart.
If the two arcs of the curve are to have the same radius and the distance between the
tangent points A and B is 96m calculate the radius. The curve is to be set out from AB
at 8m intervals along that line. Calculate the offsets.

4.a) Obtain an expression for the difference in elevation between two trigomoterical
stations A and B when geodetical observations are to be made using reciprocal
observations method.
b) Two stations A and B are situated at a distance apart of 3541.776m. The following
observations were recorded
Height of signal at A = 1.517m; Height of signal at B = 3.938m
Height of instrument at A = 1.463m; Height of instrument at B = 1.512m
Angle of elevation from A to B=2o 12' 20''; Angle of depression from B to A=2o 2' 30''
Reduced level of A = 1420.500m. Determine the Reduced level of B.
Code No: 220106 :: 2 :: Set No:4

5.a) List the different items of work that will be taken up in a Reconnaissance survey
which is a fundamental requirement for any Triangulation surveys. Also briefly
explain how the Triangulation station marks are made.
b) What are signals and Towers in Triangulation Surveys. What important points shall
be satisfied by signals? What is phase in signals.

6.a) Explain the method of correlates in Triangulation adjustments.

b) The angles of a triangle ABC were recorded as follows:
A = 77o 14' 20'' weight 4
B = 49o 40' 35'' weight 3
C = 53o 04' 52'' weight 2
Give the most probable values of the angles A, B and C.

7.a) State the objects of introducing a Transition curve.

b) A transition curve is required for a circular curve of 200m radius, the gauge being
1.5m and maximum Super elevation restricted to 15cm. The transition is to be
designed for a velocity such that no lateral pressure is imposed on the rails and the
rate of gain of radial acceleration is 30cm/sec3. Calculate the required length of the
transition curve and the design speed.

8.a) What is gale’s Traverse table? What for it is used? Explain step by step the
procedure of calculating the values in different columns in it. Draw a correct tabular
form of it.
b) A closed traverse was conducted round an obstacle and the following observations
were made. Work out the missing quantities.

Side Length (m) Azimuth

AB 495 98o 00'
BC 625 30o 40'
CD 465 298o 00'
DE ? 230o 00'
EA ? 150o 00'


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