Heat Ex Changer Catalog
Heat Ex Changer Catalog
Heat Ex Changer Catalog
Quality, Value and Table of Contents
An ACME ® tradition DXC Evaporators 1/2 to 60 tons
since 1919.
Features and Specifications .................................4
Dimensions ..........................................................5
For over 75 years,
original equipment
DXT Evaporators 5 to 250 tons
manufacturers and
Features and Specifications .................................6
aftermarket professionals
have looked to ACME ® Dimensions ..........................................................7
for heat transfer
products that perform.
CRX Condensers 5 to 20 tons
ACME ® remains the Features and Specifications .................................8
industry standard in
Dimensions ..........................................................9
ultimate value and
long term reliability.
AHX Condensers 25 to 400 tons
Dimensions ........................................................ 11
Dimensions ........................................................13
Experience, Innovation and Reliability
State-of-the-Art Heat Exchanger Manufacturing Expertise
ACME ® Type DXC Evaporator
ACME ® Type DXT Evaporator
Heavy-Duty Construction - 5 to 250 tons
ACME® Type DXT Evaporator
ACME ® Type CRX Condenser
NEW Compact Design - 5 to 20 Tons
nominal tons of duty and are manufactured in large quantities using Demand-Flow • Tubes - Copper high performance en-
hanced design roller expanded into
Manufacturing to provide the lowest cost per ton available and consistent quality.
multiple-grooved tube sheets. Other
materials available for corrosive duty.
Nominal capacity based on 14,400 BTUH per ton, 85°F condenser water, 10°F range with R-22 service at 105°F condensing temp.
Comprehensive rating tables are available for R-22, R-134a and R-404a. Windows™ selection software available.
Pump-down capacity is based on 80% of free shell volume with R-22 at 90°F per ARI.
Capacity includes 0.00025 hr•ft2•°F/Btu additive fouling, 0.0005 hr•ft2•°F/Btu total fouling factor.
ACME ® Type AHX Condenser
NEW High-Capacity Design - 25 to 400 Tons
Nominal capacity based on 14,400 BTUH per ton, 85°F condenser water, 10°F range with R-22 service at 105°F condensing temp. ‡ = 125 Lb. FF Flange
Comprehensive rating tables are available for R-22, R-134a and R-404a. Windows™ selection software available. § = 150 Lb. RF Flange
Pump-down capacity is based on 80% of free shell volume with R-22 at 90°F per ARI.
2 2
Capacity includes 0.00025 hr•ft •°F/Btu additive fouling, 0.0005 hr•ft •°F/Btu total fouling factor.
ACME ® MHX Marine Condenser
NEW Compact Design - 5 to 330 Tons
in the highest efficiency condensers available. All condensers are manufac- • Heads - Cast bronze to withstand the cor-
rosive effects of sea water duty. Single-
tured with 3/4” diameter 90/10 cupro-nickel tubing to provide heavy wall con- pass 14” & 16” heads are fabricated from
struction and ease of service from commonly available tube cleaning devices. steel and epoxy coated.
• Connections - All water side connections
Modifications are FPT except 12” 1-pass, 14” and 16”
ACME® refrigeration heat exchangers are available with special materials of models which have flanges. Refrigerant
construction as required. Fresh water condensers can be made from stainless connections are steel and bored to ODS
of copper tubing. Relief, vent and drain
steel for increased life with poor quality cooling water. Vessels can be equipped connections are provided.
with cupro-nickel tubes and tube sheets or titanium tubes for sea water duty. If • Codes - The refrigerant side is con-
your application calls for something special, just ask. structed to the latest edition of the ASME
Section VIII Div 1 code and stamped.
Refrigerant side dual-rated for 450 psi at
150°F or 305 psi at 250°F. Water side de-
sign pressure is 150°F at 150 psi. Shell
side is tested at 1.1 times and tube side
is tested is 1.3 times the design pressure.
• Finish - Exterior surfaces are cleaned
and painted with an enamel primer.
ACME® Type MHX Marine Condenser
90/10 Cupro-Nickel
Tubes & Tubesheets
Bronze or Epoxy
Coated Heads
ACME ® Packaged Chillers
Compressor Options
ACME® chillers are available with Scroll, Semi-Her-
metic, Screw or Open-Drive Compressors.
Control Options
Both mechanical and PLC controls are available for
most chillers. All units are furnished with 115 VAC
control voltage transformer to eliminate additional
field wiring.
Optional Features
With more than 50-years experience in building pack-
aged chillers, the number of special options we can
supply is extensive. Commonly requested options in-
clude cylinder unloading, automatic lead-lag selection, DDRC Ice Rink Chillers include open drive compres-
hot-gas-bypass, anticycling timers, audible and remote sors, dual-circuit shell-and-tube evaporator, shell-and-
alarms, cooling tower interlocks, integral pumps and tube condensers, welded structural steel frame, and
tanks, remote start interlocks, and remote communi- mechanical controls. The compressors are mounted
cations ports just to mention a few. on a floating base to reduce vibration transmission to
the surroundings.
Air-Cooled Chiller Packages
ACME® Type AARC outdoor chillers are designed for
quiet operation and built to with-stand continual duty
in the weather. All components, including controls are
self-contained. Heavy-gauge mill galvanized steel
panels are prepainted for superior appearance and
corrosion resistance. AARC chillers are available from
5 to 140 tons.
Optional Features
Numerous options are available including flood-control
for operation to -20°F ambient, hot-gas-bypass, addi-
tional steps of cylinder unloading, additional pilot lights
and gauges, pump packages and anti-recycle timers. Standard Features
Models can be specified with reciprocating or AARC standard features include replaceable core filter
screw compressors. dryer and sight glass, charging valve, liquid line shut off
valve, balanced port expansion valve and service valves.
Acme® DX Evaporators Acme® Flooded Evaporators