12 Tig Welding
12 Tig Welding
12 Tig Welding
Process Characteristics
In the USA the TIG process is also called gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW). TIG welding is a process where melting is produced by heating with an arc struck between a non-consumable tungsten electrode and the workpiece. An inert gas is used to shield the electrode and weld zone to prevent oxidation of the tungsten electrode and atmospheric contamination of the weld and hot filler wire (as shown below).
Tungsten is used because it has a melting point of 3370C, which is well above any other common metal.
Process Variables
The main variables in TIG welding are: Welding current Current type and polarity Travel speed Shape of tungsten electrode tip and vertex angle Shielding gas flow rate Electrode extension
Welding current
Weld penetration is directly related to welding current If the welding current is too low, the electrode tip will not be properly heated and an unstable arc may result If the welding current is too high, the electrode tip might overheat and melt, leading to tungsten inclusions
Electrons Ions
Current type/polarity Heat balance Weld profile Cleaning action Electrode capacity
AC 50% at work 50% at electrode Medium Yes every half cycle Good (3.2mm/225A)
DCEP 30% at work 70% at electrode Shallow, wide Yes Poor (6.4mm/120A)
Travel speed
Travel speed affects both weld width and penetration but the effect on width is more pronounced. Increasing the travel speed reduces the penetration and width Reducing the travel speed increases the penetration and width
Electrode tip angle Electrode tip with flat Electrode tip with a (or vertex angle) end balled end
Shielding gases
The following inert gases can be used as shielding gases for TIG welding: Argon Helium Mixtures of argon and helium Note: For austenitic stainless steels and some cupro-nickel alloys, argon with up to ~5% hydrogen may be used to improve penetration and reduce porosity
Argon Lower than with helium, which can be helpful when welding thin sections. Less change in arc voltage with variations in arc length. Lower than with helium, which gives reduced penetration. Argon is heavier than air, so requires less gas to shield in the flat and horizontal positions. Also, better draught resistance. Obtained from the atmosphere by the separation of liquefied air lower cost and greater availability. Performance item Arc voltage Helium Higher than with argon. Arc is hotter which is helpful in welding thick sections and viscous metals (eg nickel). High, which can be of advantage when welding metals with high thermal conductivity and thick materials. Helium is lighter than air and requires more gas to properly shield the weld. Exception: overhead welding. Obtained by separation from natural gas lower availability and higher cost.
Protection of weld
Shielding gas flow rate If the gas flow rate is too-low, the shielding gas cannot remove the air from the weld area and this may result in porosity and contamination. If the gas flow rate is too high, turbulence occurs at the base of the shielding gas column. Air tends to be sucked in from the surrounding atmosphere and this may also lead to porosity and contamination. Shielding gas flow rates are typically in the range ~10 to ~12 l/min rate too low
Back purging It is necessary to protect the back of the weld from excessive oxidation during TIG welding and this is achieved by the use a purge gas usually pure argon. For pipe welding, it is relatively easy to purge the pipe bore, but for plate/sheet welding it is necessary to use a purge channel or sometimes another operator positions and moves a back purge nozzle as the weld progresses. The initial stage of back purging is to exclude all the air at the back of the weld and having allowed sufficient time for this the flow rate should be reduced prior to starting to weld such that there is positive flow (typically ~4 l/min). Back purging should continue until two or more layers of weld have been deposited. For C and C-Mn steels it is possible to make satisfactory welds without a back purge.
Electrode extension
Electrode extension is the distance from the contact tube to the tungsten tip Because the contact tube is recessed inside the gas nozzle, this parameter can be checked indirectly by measuring the stickout length as shown below
If the electrode extension is too short, the electrode tip will not be adequately heated leading to an unstable arc If the electrode extension is too long, the electrode tip might overheat, cause melting and lead to tungsten inclusions As a general rule, stickout length should be 2 to 3 times the electrode diameter
Filler Wires
It is usual practice to use filler wires that have a similar composition to the parent metal but they may contain small additions of elements that will combine with any oxygen and nitrogen present.
Tungsten Inclusions
Small fragments of tungsten that enter a weld will always show up on radiographs because of the relatively high density of this metal and for most applications will not be acceptable. Thermal shock to the tungsten causing small fragments to enter the weld pool is a common cause of tungsten inclusions and is the reason why modern power sources have a current slope-up device to minimise this risk. This device allows the current to rise to the set value over a short period and so the tungsten is heated more slowly and gently.
Crater Cracking
Crater cracking is one form of solidification cracking and some filler metals can be sensitive to it. Modern power sources have a current slope-out device so that at the end of a weld when the welder switches off the current it reduces gradually and the weld pool gets smaller and shallower. This means that the weld pool has a more favourable shape when it finally solidifies and crater cracking can be avoided.