Messages From The Mountain, September 2009
Messages From The Mountain, September 2009
Messages From The Mountain, September 2009
September 27-28
September 11-12 Yom Kippur
Parashat Nitzavim Sunday, September 27
Friday, September 11 Kol Nidrei, 8 pm
Candlelighting, 7:00 pm
Oneg Shabbat, 5:45 pm Monday, September 28
Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm Family Service, 9 am
Morning Service, 10:30 am
Saturday, September 12 Havurot, 1 pm
Torah Study, 9:30 am Afternoon Service (led by MSTY), 2:30 pm
Shabbat Morning Service, 10:30 am Grief Support, 3:30 pm
Yizkor/Memorial Service, 4:30 pm
S’lichot Ne’ilah/Concluding Service, 5:15 pm
Saturday, September 12
Service, 10:30 pm
October 2-3
September 18-19 Friday, October 2
Rosh Hashanah Candlelighting, 6:33 pm
Friday, September 18 Oneg Shabbat, 5:45 pm
Candlelighting, 6:51 pm Erev Sukkot Service, 6:15 pm
Evening Service, 8 pm in the Sukkah, weather permitting
Kever Avot
(Memorial Services at the Cemetery)
Wednesday, September 23
Memorial Service, 6 pm
September 2009/Elul 5769-Tishrei 5770 Page 3 Messages from the Mountain
October 30-31
October 16-17 Parachat Lech-Lecha
Parachat Bereshit Friday, October 30
Friday, October 16 Candlelighting, 6: 01 pm
Candlelighting, 6: 15 pm Oneg Shabbat, 5:45 pm
Oneg Shabbat, 5:45 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm
Kabbalat Shabbat Service, 6:15 pm
Saturday, October 31
Saturday, October 17 Torah Study, 9:30 am
Torah Study, 9:30 am Shabbat Morning Service, 10:30 am
Shabbat Morning Service, 10:30 am
September Birthdays
September 1 September 8 September 13 September 19 September 23
Limor Belkin * William Belford Shauna Goldman Rick Rosales Lynn Ames
Adam Nazarian Sylvia Krapin Jamie Tennen Susan Davidoff
Ann Lauterbach September 20
September 2 Louann Pranses September 14 Edward Babenco September 24
Jacqueline Gulbas Benjamin Puschett * Ross Blackburn Becky Horowitz * Jamie Frank *
Alan Gaman William Klein Fred Marcus
September 3 September 9 Ellen Goodman Amelia Krohn Helene Solomon
Greta Duran Salomon Holaschutz Douglas Leffman
David Novick Zachary Krasne * September 15 Al Schlusselberg September 25
Anat Reiter Alan Krasne Sarah Velasco Aaron Goodman
September 4 Arlene Sonnen Sylvia Wechter
Cindy (Louis) Cohen September 10 Robert Washer September 27
Katie Schmidt Marlene Fass September 21 Haidi Appel
Mark Fenenbock * September 16 Bita Mobbs Seymour Ash
September 5 Peter Herman Zachary Ducorsky * Elise Puschett *
Rosalie Kaufman Jack Heydemann William Goldfarb Craig Schecter * September 28
Steven Lauterbach Sara Rueff Muriel Tucker Amanda Metrikin *
Cameron Mansfield September 11 Jean Scherotter
Jeremy Gopin September 17 September 22
September 6 Brent Gulbas Barry Kobren David Eisner September 29
Olga Kosheleva Richard Katz Kenneth Given * Michael Robalin *
Vladik Kreinovich September 18 Quyen Nguyen
September 7 Carsen Culter Irma Oppenheim * September 30
Lori Gaman September 12 Sidney Kligman Amanda Robalin Andrew Marcus
Gabriel Levin Tova Herman Phillip Tennen Alex Stein David Pearlman
Elaine Rosen Asa Shiloff
Samuel Westermann
Josephine Witkoff
September Anniversaries
September 1 September 5 September 17
Paul & Susan Krupp * Phil & Judy Bargman * Bob & Jane Rosen
Garrett & Sylvia Levin Richard & Rosalie Kaufman *
September 19
September 2 September 7 Alan & Jean Kahn
Hal & Pat Marcus Marty & Jody Klein
Ron & Debbie Marcus * Phil & Ann Rothstein * September 20
Mickey & Susan Schwartz Charlie & Sue Zaltz
September 11
September 3 Steve & Lori Shapiro September 24
Ross & Linda Fruithandler * Charley Pittle & Kristie Eichhorn‐Pittle
Jeff & Ruth Katz September 12
Alan & Mimi Pittle Marv & Charlene Abrams September 25
Stuart & Shari Schwartz Dennis & Anat Reiter * Charles & Betty Stein
In the coming weeks, Temple Mount Sinai will offer child care at the following times:
• at our Shabbat evening services on September, 11, and 25, and October 16, 23, and 30,
beginning at 6 pm;
• on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur mornings following the Family Services around 10
am (this program is for children 11 and under); and
• at our evening services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (September 18, October 27)
beginning at 7:45 pm.
Please call the Temple office at 532-5959 to RSVP for the Rosh Hashanah and Yom
Kippur child care programs.
Temple wants no one to miss the chance to worship during the Holidays, or year‐
round, because of difficulty in attending or special hearing, vision or mobility
requirements. A few of the ways we can help:
• Assistive listening devices are available at all services, in both the Sanctuary and
the Chapel. This system provides improved sound quality through headphones.
Receivers are available at the entrance to each room.
• Large‐print prayer books and programs are also available. Ask an usher near the
entrance to the Sanctuary.
• A section of our Sanctuary will be easily wheel‐chair accessible during all High
Holiday services.
• Select High Holiday services will be videotaped and made available to those
unable to attend. Call us to arrange for this service.
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S’lichot, September 12 —
The Overture to the Holiday Season
Selichot is a brief service which introduces many of Selichot is traditionally held in the middle of the
the sights and sounds that will be a part of our prayer night. We observe it in our Chapel at 10:30 pm,
experience during the High Holidays. The Torah Saturday, September 12.
covers are changed to white; the shofar is blasted;
Avinu Malkeynu is chanted. It has been rightly
compared to the overture before the curtain is raised
on Erev Rosh Hashanah.
Do you have children in first grade or younger? Do they like to sing and dance? Do they like to sit in a
circle and listen to stories?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, please bring your children and join us to welcome
Shabbat at our special B’nai Shabbat services once a month. B’nai Shabbat is an experiential (touch,
smell, see…) Shabbat service conducted on the bimah in the Zork Sanctuary at 5:15 pm. At the service
there will be candle lighting, singing with Rabbi Bach, and joyful prayer.
B’nai Shabbat participants are invited to join the rest of the congregation at 5:45 pm for our delicious
oneg prepared by Simon Bir. Simon promises to fix snacks that the children will enjoy. Following the
oneg, childcare will be available for the children, and parents are invited to enjoy our Kabbalat Shabbat
Service, beginning at 6:15 pm.
Please join us for our first B’nai Shabbat Service on Friday, September 11 at 5:15 pm. To RSVP for the
service or for more information please contact Alanna at 532‐5959 or [email protected].
September 2009/Elul 5769-Tishrei 5770 Page 13 Messages from the Mountain
The word Mishpachot means families in planned activities and meet each other on a
Hebrew. The Mischpachot program at deeper level than usual. Mishpachot also
Temple Mount Sinai is a youth group for introduces children to the idea of
children in pre‐K through second grades participating in a youth group and excites
and their families. The goal of Mishpachot them for the years to come in Noar, Mini‐
is to have Jewish families participate in MSTY, and MSTY.
Our kick‐off event for the year will be a Pool
Party at the home of Liz and Erik de Vos on
Saturday, September 12 at 4 pm. We will
meet in the de Vos’s backyard for dinner,
swimming, and a little learning about
S’lichot. Participants are asked to help by
bringing a vegetarian side dish.
Our October Mishpachot event is a family
trip to the La Union Corn Maize on Sunday,
October 25. We will meet at the entrance to
the Maize at 3 pm. We'll wander through
the corn, pick pumpkins, and enjoy roasted
corn. The entrance fee for ages 6 and up is
$7; 5 and under are free.
If your family would like to participate in
these events please contact Alanna Bach at
532‐5959 or [email protected].
Mishpachot is sponsored in part by the
Jewish Federation of El Paso and our events
are open to all families.
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Gesher (bridge in Hebrew) is a hands‐on listen to the shofar, learn to sing “Slicha,
Jewish learning program run by Temple Todah, Bvakasha”, and eat apples and
Mount Sinai for children from birth honey.
through four years and their parents. During our Simchat Torah and “Pumpkin”
Throughout the year, children and parents classes we will read In the Beginning and
explore Jewish holidays and common Pumpkin Circle, dance and sing with toy
preschool themes with a Jewish twist (like Torahs, see a real Torah up close, decorate
“What’s Jewish about Pumpkins and a gourd centerpiece, and eat pumpkin
Gourds?” and “What’s Jewish about bread.
We hope your family will join us for a year
Our rich curriculum, designed by Alanna of Jewish fun and learning. Gesher is
Bach, includes playtime with thematic toys, funded in part by the Jewish Federation of
singing, movement, stories, craft projects, El Paso and all families are welcome to
and thematic snacks. Gesher meets at attend. Please contact Alanna Bach at
Temple in Schwartz Hall from 10 to 11 am [email protected] or 532‐
approximately twice a month. There is an 5959 for complete registration
$80 per family registration fee for this information.
Our September classes will meet on
Sunday, September 13, to explore Rosh
Hashanah and Sunday, September 27, to
learn about Yom Kippur.
Our October classes will meet on Sunday,
October 11, to explore Simchat Torah and
Sunday, October 25, to learn “What’s
Jewish about pumpkins and gourds.”
During the Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
classes we will read books about the New
Year, practice saying I’m sorry, decorate an
apple napkin holder, make holiday cards,
September 2009/Elul 5769-Tishrei 5770 Page 16 Messages from the Mountain
in honor of Evelyn & Edward in memory of Steve Stein by Hilda Ruth Kahn & Andrew Kahn Rose
Schwartz's Special Anniversary by Reedman Garden Fund:
Norma Levenson, Ann & Tibor in memory of Morris Main by Anne in honor of Leslie Dorfman's
Schaechner, Frances Blumenthal, Hollander Birthday by Stuart & Frances Kahn
Irene Oppenheimer
in memory of Morris Weiss by in memory of Andrew Kahn by
in honor of Shari Schwartz's Special Arthur Weiss Buddy & Ellen Dorfman
Birthday by Mark & Dori Fenenbock
in memory of Gerald Seth Tate by in memory of Andrew Kahn by
in honor of Benjamin Ettinger’s Bar Merton & Laura Goldman Stuart & Frances Kahn
Mitzvah by Arthur & Rhoberta
in memory of Bessie Eppstein by
Sylvan & Margie Landau Krasne Discretionary Fund:
in honor of the birth of Jillian Dean
speedy recovery to Doris Goodman
Gulbas by Mimi Lait in honor of Cheryl & Norman
by Gershon & Barbara Ettinger
in honor of Jay Heins' Special Gordon's Special Anniversary by
speedy recovery to Barbara Loeser Bob & Elaine Krasne
Birthday by Bob & Shirley Goldfarb
by Gershon & Barbara Ettinger,
in memory of Ida Spivack by Stuart in honor of Carolyn & Sheldon
Dorlee Henderson, Stuart & Shari
& Shari Schwartz Gopin's Special Anniversary by Bill
& Anne Spier
in memory of Benjamin Goldman by speedy recovery to Mimi Lait by
Estelle Goldman in honor of Ann Schaechner's
Ruth Braun, Dick & Jean Scherotter,
Birthday by Bob & Elaine Krasne
in memory of Fred Sauermilch by Lynn Silverman, Irene
Neal & Evelyn Axelrod Oppenheimer, Bud & Charlotte in honor of Joyce & Larry
Ramenofsky, Bill & Marcia Dahlberg, Annenberg's Special Anniversary by
in memory of Lothar Blumenthal by
Bruce & Erline Gordon, Louis & Marty & Bonnie Colton
Frances Blumenthal
Cindy Cohen, Dick & Toni Harris, in honor of Bob & Elaine Krasne's
in memory of Israel Feldberg by Joe
Bob & Sara Shiloff, Larry Gladstone Anniversary by Dick & Robin Krasne
speedy recovery to Mildred Marcus in memory of David Goodman by
in memory of Norman Feldman by
by Ruth Braun Marty & Bonnie Colton
Ann Feldman
speedy recovery to Anne Spier by in memory of Thama Lee Friedman
in memory of Robert Harrell by
Mimi Lait by Bud & Charlotte Ramenofsky, Bill
Arthur Weiss
& Marcia Dahlberg, Ron & Judy
in memory of Samuel Ovsay by Blumenfeld, Bob & Sara Shiloff,
Arthur Weiss Jon Heller High Holiday Fund: Marty & Bonnie Colton, Larry &
in memory of Louis Ovsay by Arthur in honor of Marilyn & Hy Joyce Anenberg, Bill & Anne Spier
Weis Silverstein’s Special Birthdays by speedy recovery to Mildred Marcus
in memory of Vivienne Corn by Bob Fifi Heller‐Kaim & Boris Kaim by Marty & Bonnie Colton
& Sara Shiloff, David & Susie Novick, in memory of Ben Gelfand by Fifi speedy recovery to Mimi Lait by
Bob & Elaine Krasne, Stuart & Shari Heller‐Kaim & Boris Kaim Bob & Elaine Krasne, Marty &
Schwartz, Marty & Bonnie Colton, Bonnie Colton
Bill & Anne Spier, Sara Mansfield,
Kahn Youth Endowment Fund: speedy recovery to David Metrikin
Nat & Nanci Maddux, Dr. & Mrs.
in memory of Frances L. Kahn by by Bob & Elaine Krasne
Solomon Heller, Ruth Braun, Neal &
Evelyn Axelrod, Bud & Charlotte Alan & Jean Kahn speedy recovery to Julian Borschow
Ramenofsky, Isabel Schnadig, Bill & by Marty & Bonnie Colton
Marcia Dahlberg, Bud & Geane Isadore Kahn Memorial Fund:
Glaser, Bradley & Francine
in honor of Amy Gitterman's Special Amelia G. Krohn Basic Judaism
Beckman, Frank & Eleanor Levy, Collection:
Birthday by Buddy, Ellen, Adam &
Bob & Jane Snow, Arthur Weiss,
Leslie Dorfman in memory of Edna Mathias Krohn
Morton & Luann Katz, Keith & Becky
Myers, Gershon & Barbara Ettinger, by Matt & Elizabeth Krohn
Leslie & Scott Bormaster, Robert &
Jeanne Herderson, Ken & Barbara
September 2009/Elul 5769-Tishrei 5770 Page 22 Messages from the Mountain
Landscape Special Projects Fund: in memory of Robert Scher by in honor of past and present
in honor of the great‐grandson of Danielle Scher presidents of Temple Mount Sinai
Norma Levenson by Ruth Braun in memory of Corrine Sonnen by Jon by Leon & Judy Feldt
in memory of Doris Eisenberg by & Arlene Sonnen in memory of Florence Schoichet by
Louis & Cindy Cohen in memory of Bella Harris by Dick & Bob & Blanche Brown
in memory of Henrietta Scherotter Toni Harris in memory of Emanuel Bromberg by
by Norma Levenson in memory of Antonio Arbona Howard & Glenda Bromberg
Bennazar by Jaime Arbona in memory of Andrea Valdez Garcia
by Raquel Aldama
Lauterbach Campership Fund:
Jo Ann Rothbardt Petersen
in honor of Dylan Isaac Barnes by
Healing Resource Center: Tree of Life Fund:
Ruth Braun
in honor of Phil Bargman's Special in memory of Hal Anenberg by
in honor of Bernie & Judy
Birthday by Jack Eisenberg, Dick & Larry & Joyce Anenberg
Lauterbach's granddaughter, Lacy
Jill, by Abe & Annette Goldberg Jean Scherotter, Marty & Bonnie
Colton, Bob & Elaine Krasne Youth Fund:
speedy recovery to Joyce Blackledge
by Abe & Annette Goldberg in honor of Bruce Gulbas' Special in memory of Geri Given by Jim Levy
Birthday by Phil & Judy Bargman & Liz Goodman‐Levy
speedy recovery to Barbara Loeser
by Louis & Cindy Cohen in honor of Evelyn & Edward
Schwartz's Special Anniversary by
Phil & Judy Bargman Zork Memorial Library Fund:
Mazon: A Jewish Response to in memory of Rosalind L. Heymann
in memory of Vivienne Corn by Phil
Hunger: & Judy Bargman by LoisAnn Markowitz
in honor of Ann Schaechner's in memory of Geri Given by Kitty
Birthday by Edward & Evelyn Suhler
Schwartz Prayer Book Fund:
in honor of Jay Heins' Special in appreciation of Ed Solomon by
Birthday by Valerie Barnett Hal & Linda Ettinger
in memory of Laura Rosenberg by in memory of Eric Lee Markowitz by
Jim & Marian Daross LoisAnn Markowitz
speedy recovery to Julian Borschow in memory of Herbert Given by
by Bill & Anne Spier Bernadine Belkin
Mailing Address
Rabbi ..................................................................................... Larry Bach
Rabbi Emeritus ..................................................................Ken Weiss Temple Mount Sinai is the Reform
Administrator ................................................................... Sally Parke
Administrative Assistant .................................. Buddy Schwartz Jewish congregation serving El
Religious School Director ................................................ Grace Bir
Outreach Director ......................................................... Susan Jaffee Paso, Texas.
Family Educator ........................................................... Alanna Bach
Youth Advisors ............ Stacy Berry and Alison Westermann We are a congregation of
Building Manager ............................................... Frank Hernandez
House Keeping ....................................................... Ramona Pinales supportive, caring and diverse
Accompanist ................................................................Linda McClain
Bulletin Editor ............................................................. Susan Novick people with a rich history.
David Kern ............................................................................ President
Temple is a place for prayer, ritual,
Shari Schwartz ........................................................ President‐Elect spirituality, education, wholeness
Marian Daross ........................................................... Vice President
Greta Duran ................................................................ Vice President and healing, social action and
Ellen Goodman .......................................................... Vice President
Jon Sonnen .................................................................. Vice President celebration.
Tommy Goldfarb ...................................................... Vice President
Stephanie Calvo .................................................................. Secretary
Marcia Dahlberg ............................... Immediate Past President
Join us as we explore, through
these elements of sacred living, the
Rick Amstater, Olivia Chavez, Joyce Davidoff,
Scott Feldt, Lori Gaman, Susie Goldman,
richness of Jewish faith and
Jack Heydemann, David Leffman, tradition.
David Mansfield, Hal Marcus, David Novick
Debby Robalin, Nancy Rothschild, Phil Rothstein