Synthetic Biology, A Primer, Imperial College Press
Synthetic Biology, A Primer, Imperial College Press
Synthetic Biology, A Primer, Imperial College Press
p between biology, nature and architecture Chap 2 : basic concepts in engineering basic concepts in living architecture, the aim/goal of living architecture Chap 3 : foundational technologies how the concept of living architecture was founded, whats the foundation of living architecture, Chap 4 : minimal cells and synthetic life how living architecture starts from micro/macro scale and scaled up, analogy to biology, biomimetics Chap : parts, devices and systems what are the components/systems devised to ma!e living architecture wor!, what !ind of bacteria, environmental stimuli/influences Chap " : modelling synthetic biology systems how architects/material scientists/scientists collaborate to ma!e pro#ects of living architecture, eg: $%&rmstrong, '%'iodowni! Chap ( : applications of designed biological systems realised pro#ects )biological concrete*, pro#ects under construction, pro#ects to be realised/done in the future +he possibilities of self healing coatings +he importance of materials with self healing properties ,ther factors influencing the success of living architecture- economy, politics, social factors Chap . : i/0' reference to information obtained from events%tal!s attended Chap 1 : the societal impact of synthetic biology public response to this new technology, whether it will be accepted, is this a long term solution to degrading buildings, is it a feasible option to build a sustainable built environment, how to ma!e the public accept the technology, how to ma!e it economically feasible Chap 12 : proforma of common laboratory techni3ues ris!s and failures 4 cost &ppendi5 1 : findings%information/report of events%tal!s attended &ppendi5 2 : glossary, !eywords, theme words
Keywords to define, that will be common in the whole essay, have to make clear the meanings to normal readers (non-architecture readers 6ioenergy, biosensor, biomaterial, metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, systems biology 05perimental structural biology research, non linear dynamical systems design, analysis and control /oal to develop biological technologies to enhance global health and sustainability &pply synthetic biology to bioprocess engineering with a particular focus on the production of therapeutic proteins and the use of in vivo biosensors for developing and controlling metabolic pathways related to protein production and glycosylation
Preface )optional 7*
8ynthetic biology is an e5citing and rapidly evolving new research field with the potential to transform our fundamental understanding of biological systems as well as our ability to manipulate them for the benefit of the built environment and its users% +he origins of synthetic biology can be traced bac! to the early 11"2s when developments in our understanding of the genetic code in the form of 9:& led to the ;central dogma of molecular biology where 9:& encodes $:&, which encodes protein macromolecules% +his rapid growth in molecular and genomic understanding was enabled by the parallel developments of new technologies and capabilities, including increasing computing power and the establishment of sophisticated information systems, as well as the ability to rapidly se3uence 9:&% +his rapid accumulation of biological information is correlated with the increasing interdisciplinary nature of biological research% <t is not surprising anymore to see physicists, chemists and computing scientists attracted to answering fundamental 3uestions of living processes% 0ngineering science )principally systems analysis and signal processing* has been applied for many years to the analysis of biological systems in systems biology% ,ne uni3ue aspect of synthetic biology is the fusion of engineers and engineering principles with molecular biologists and systems biology thin!ing% ,ne of the driving forces in synthetic biology is the desire to ma!e biological deign and implementation easier and more predictable in biotechnology applications li!e bioenergy and biomanufacturing% Synthetic Biology aims to give a broad overview of the emerging field of synthetic biology and the foundational concepts on which it is built% +he boo! introduces readers to fundamental concepts in molecular biology and engineering and then e5plores the two ma#or themes for synthetic biology, namely ;bottom-up and ;topdown engineering approaches% ;top down engineering utilises a conceptual framewor! of engineering and systematic design to build new biological systems by integrating robustly characterised biological parts into an e5isting system through the use of e5tensive mathematical modelling% 6ottom-up approach involves the design and building of synthetic protocells using basic chemical and biochemical building bloc!s from scratch% 05emplars of cuttingedge applications using synthetic biology principles are presented, including the
production of novel biofuels from renewable feedstoc!s, microbial synthesis of pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals, and the design and implementation of biosensors to detect infections and environmental waste% +he boo!s also uses the <nternational /enetically 0ngineered 'achine )i/0'* competition to illustrate the power of synthetic biology as an innovative research and training science% =inally, the primer/essay includes a chapter on ethical, legal and societal issues surrounding synthetic biology, illustrating the legitimate integration of social sciences in synthetic biology research%
Chapter ! Introduction to "iology +his introduction is intended to provide a brief overview of the basic principles that lie at the heart of biology% >aving an understanding of the basic principles will aid the physical scientist and engineer to model biological systems and also to communicate with biologists% +here are 2 basic concepts to understand to engineer biological systems : how information flows in biological systems and how this information flow is controlled% ?ith an understanding of these concepts one can, in principle, apply engineering principles to the design and building of new biological systems :what we call synthetic biology% Chapter # $oundational %echnologies <n this chapter, we will e5amine the enabling technologies that precipitated the rise of synthetic biology and describe the foundational technologies that modern synthetic biology is built upon% 8ynthetic biology brings together the principles common to all branches of engineering principles define synthetic biology and how advances in biology and chemistry in the last decades of the 22th century set the scene for the sub#ect to emerge% =inally we will touch on upcoming technologies that may define the ne5t generation of synthetic biology research% Chapter & 'inimal cells and synthetic life <n this chapter, we will discuss the concepts of synthetic life and minimal cells% 6ottom-up synthetic biology aims to give us new cells that are rationally engineered to act as specialised chassis% & few e5amples of the advantages of synthetic cells are : - @sing engineered cells would be more predictable than using natural cells that we dont fully understand - 8ynthetic cells can be engineered to be streamlines for one tas! only, allowing them to use fewer resources than natural cells - Cells constructed from the bottom up can be made dependent on specific conditions, which can be used to prevent them from thriving outside of the desired environment% Chapter ( )pplications of *esigned "iological Systems <n this chapter we highlight current areas of research on real-world applications, and suggest future areas of investigation +he use of biological technologies for useful purposes dates bac! to the emergence of human civilisation itself% =or e5ample, humans have use yeast to ferment beer and wine for thousands of years% +oday biological technologies are found throughout diverse areas of industry% 8ynthetic biology promises to accelerate the development of
optimised and novel biotechnologies that will be integrated in many aspects of industry and life% 8ubchapters in chapter ( - +he potential for developing applications of synthetic biology - Criteria for developing applications in synthetic biology 8ynthetic biology devices are not suitable for all applications, and it is possible to define some criteria for areas where they will be most suitable for commercial development% )a* +he application area must be sufficiently homogenous to permit one design to wor! in a wide range of situations )b* +he application area must have sufficiently large volume to #ustify the cost of development )c* +he environment that the synthetic system is used in must be compatible with the chassis in which it has been implemented )d* 9anger of accidental release of the synthetic system into unintended areas )e* 8electing suitable applications for the commercialisation of synthetic biology in public acceptance or at least the absence of public cooperation )f* Aublic benefit, potential ris!, li!elihood of direct e5posure to the synthetic biological system - Challenges in developing applications in synthetic biology )a* competition from e5isting processes which will be associated with significant pressures to remain in place in the form of previous investment in development and infrastructure )b* need for robust and efficient scale-up <t is important to note that the synthetic biology product must be made in sufficient 3uantity to meet the whole mar!et, otherwise the mar!et will not be able to rely on the product and will use non-synthetic biology alternatives, eventually eroding the mar!et for the synthetic biology product% )c* need for validation )d* availability of a distribution networ! to transport the product form the factory to the user Chapter 1 +he societal impact of synthetic biology <n this chapter we discuss ma#or areas of concern with respect to the societal impacts of synthetic biology% +hese include biosafety and the environment : biosecurity, biohac!ing, ownership, philosophical and theological issues, public values and new global ine3uity