return value shown below arrow
TaskManager: getNextTask() : Task
reply message shown with dashed arrow
Task: doTask()
asynchronous message shown with open arrowhead
Lifelines and activation boxes
lifeline: dashed vertical line for each object
activation box: solid box on lifeline for duration of object's activation
activation boxes can overlap to show concurrency
Other sequence diagram features
guard conditions: {condition} above message arrow
alternative flows: alt combined fragment
loops: loop combined fragment
return value shown below arrow
TaskManager: getNextTask() : Task
reply message shown with dashed arrow
Task: doTask()
asynchronous message shown with open arrowhead
Lifelines and activation boxes
lifeline: dashed vertical line for each object
activation box: solid box on lifeline for duration of object's activation
activation boxes can overlap to show concurrency
Other sequence diagram features
guard conditions: {condition} above message arrow
alternative flows: alt combined fragment
loops: loop combined fragment
return value shown below arrow
TaskManager: getNextTask() : Task
reply message shown with dashed arrow
Task: doTask()
asynchronous message shown with open arrowhead
Lifelines and activation boxes
lifeline: dashed vertical line for each object
activation box: solid box on lifeline for duration of object's activation
activation boxes can overlap to show concurrency
Other sequence diagram features
guard conditions: {condition} above message arrow
alternative flows: alt combined fragment
loops: loop combined fragment
return value shown below arrow
TaskManager: getNextTask() : Task
reply message shown with dashed arrow
Task: doTask()
asynchronous message shown with open arrowhead
Lifelines and activation boxes
lifeline: dashed vertical line for each object
activation box: solid box on lifeline for duration of object's activation
activation boxes can overlap to show concurrency
Other sequence diagram features
guard conditions: {condition} above message arrow
alternative flows: alt combined fragment
loops: loop combined fragment
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Design and UML Class Diagrams Suggested reading: Practical UML: A hands on introduction for developers
com/article/31863 UML Distilled Ch. 3, by M. Fowler