Catia Cadam Interface
Catia Cadam Interface
Catia Cadam Interface
The CATIA-CADAM Interface User's Guide describes how to translate drafting documents from CADAM Drafting to CATIA Version 5 and from CATIA Version 5 to CADAM Drafting. It explains how the product should be used and provides specific instructions for: Setting Options for the CATIA-CADAM Interface product Opening a CADAM Drafting model Saving a V5 Drafting document as a CADAM Drafting model It contains a detailed mapping table that shows how CADAM Drafting elements are interpreted in CATIA and how CATIA Drafting elements are interpreted in CADAM. In addition, guidelines are offered for preparing a CADAM Drafting model for translation.
Getting Started
Theme CATIA-CADAM Interface Methodology Purpose Describes how the product is intended to be used. Provides a detailed list of CADAM Drafting elements and the CATIA elements to which they correspond after translation.
Provides a detailed list of CATIA Drafting elements and the CADAM elements to which they correspond after translation.
Model Properties: Drafting standard (ANSI, ISO, JIS) The Interactive Drafting product explicitly associates a drafting standard (ANSI, ISO, JIS) to a drawing. This standard drives the display and behavior of some drafting elements (e.g., dimensions). The CADAM Drafting product associates a drafting standard with elements in a model, but does not associate a standard with the model. Therefore as a CADAM Drafting model is transferred, the elements within the model will be used to determine the standard. Specifically, the dimensions in the model are queried to determine the standard of the drawing. For example, if the CADAM Drafting model has ANSI standard dimensions, the Interactive Drafting drawing will be set to ANSI standard. In general practice, all elements in a CADAM Drafting model are of the same standard. If a model is encountered where elements from multiple standards exist, the standard of the first encountered dimension will be used. If no dimensions exist, the standard will be set based on the units of the CADAM Drafting model. If the units are metric, the standard will be set to ISO. Otherwise, the standard will be set to ANSI.
Sheet size
The Interactive Drafting product defines an explicit sheet size with all drawings. The CADAM Drafting product does not associate a fixed sheet size with a model. When transferring a CADAM Drafting model to Interactive Drafting, the sheet size is determined by defining a bounding box around all of the elements within the CADAM Drafting model. The sheet size of the Interactive Drafting drawing is then set to the smallest available sheet size that contains the calculated bounding box.
Not transferred (*) Not transferred The methodology to define prints/plots with Interactive Drafting is different than CADAM Drafting and therefore this data is not applicable. The Interactive Drawing product uses the same storage units for all drawings. The user is able to establish "working" units while interacting with the model. All interactions between the system and user will be done in "working" units.
Not transferred
Window sets
The concept of an offset spline does not exist in the interactive drafting product; therefore, the offset spline is transferred as a spline. Given this, the geometry is transferred, but the association between the offset spline and the parent spline is not transferred. Also, in certain cases where the curvature or the offset is large, the mathematically definition of the offset is not exactly reproduced. Therefore, a offset spline may be visually different after the transfer.
Geometric reference elements: Dittos Reference entities Symbol occurrence Exploded to geometry Not transferred (*) Exploded to geometry (manual step required) Before opening the CADAM Drafting model with the Interactive Drafting product, the user must first use the "Symbol-Convert" option of CADAM Drafting. This will allow the transfer of the exploded geometry to Interactive Drafting. Ditto geometry is exploded to geometric primitives as part of the transfer.
The current Interactive Drafting product only supports a subset of the line styles supported by CADAM Drafting. So, CADAM Drafting line styles are transferred to the closest available Interactive Drafting line style. The current Interactive Drafting product only supports a subset of the line widths supported by CADAM Drafting. In addition, the concept of pen and line weight is not supported. So, CADAM Drafting line widths are transferred to the closest available Interactive Drafting line width. Pen and line weight information is not transferred.
Element properties: Flange angle data Not transferred This information is not supported in the Interactive Drafting product. As the Interactive Drafting product works in conjunction with V5 3D design, this information is not applicable for Interactive Drafting.
Breakout Dot
Polyline Circle or areafill If the CADAM element is not filled, the element is transferred as a circle. If the CADAM element is filled, it is transferred as an areafill.
Raster Rectangle
Not transferred (*) Polyline or areafill If the CADAM element is not filled, the element is transferred as a polyline. If the CADAM element is filled, it is transferred as an areafill.
Polyline Polyline or areafill If the CADAM element is not filled, the element is transferred as a polyline. If the CADAM element is filled, it is transferred as an areafill.
Areafill and pattern data: Areafill boundary Areafill background color Areafill standard patterns Polyline Areafill color
Areafill pattern
CADAM Drafting areafill patterns are based on repeating lines or repeating cells. The current Interactive Drafting product supports patterns based on repeating lines only. The CADAM standard patterns based on repeating lines (hatch, grid, steel, dashes, copper, rubber, aluminum 1, aluminum 2, titanium, plywood, plank, tile) are transferred to a pattern simulating the CADAM pattern. CADAM standard patterns based on repeating cells (brick, soil, hex, herring) are transferred as basic hatch patterns. User defined CADAM areafill patterns are transferred as simple areafill hatch patterns.
Text based Annotations: Arrow with text Text with leader The text with leader functionality provided with the Interactive Drafting product is slightly different from CADAM Drafting. Specifically, with CADAM Drafting the user can define the length of the leader segment adjacent to the text. With Interactive drafting, the length of this segment is fixed. Therefore, the leader head position and the text position will transfer as it exists in the CADAM Drafting model, but the leader segments may not be visually the same. A CADAM Drafting balloon is transferred to a circle and a text element (rather than a balloon) because the functionality and text capabilities of a CADAM Drafting balloon are closer to an Interactive Drafting text element. If the balloon has a CADAM arrow attached, the arrow is transferred as a separate element. A CADAM Drafting delta is transferred to lines, arcs, and a text element as this best simulated the visual appearence of the CADAM delta symbol. If the delta has an arrow attached, the arrow is transferred as a separate element. In general, CADAM Drafting text elements are transferred to text elements in Interactive Drafting. As Interactive Drafting supports an intelligent GD&T element, the transfer will create a GD&T element when the CADAM Drafting string matches the characteristics of a standard GD&T. Note that a CADAM Drafting string with plain text and GD&T constructs may be transferred to a set of text elements and a set of GD&T elements. If multiple text and/or GD&T elements are create, they will be associated to each other. The text is transferred as individual letters. The text and lines are not associated after the transfer.
Character height
Font size
Note: CADAM Drafting supports negative character height, which is not supported by Interactive Drafting. Therefore, text with a negative character height will be transferred with the font size set to the absolute value of the character height. Although the CATIA-CADAM Interface product sets this property, it is not accessible to an Interactive Drafting user in the current release. Note: CADAM Drafting supports negative character width, which is not supported by Interactive Drafting. Therefore, text with a negative character width will be transferred with the character width set to the absolute value of the CADAM Drafting character width.
Character width
Character width
Not transferred (*) Character spacing Although the CATIA-CADAM Interface product sets this property, it is not accessible to an Interactive Drafting user in the current release. Note: CADAM Drafting supports negative horizontal spacing, which is not supported by Interactive Drafting. Therefore, text with a negative horizontal spacing will be transferred with the character spacing set to the absolute value of horizontal spacing.
Justification Plain text/bold The line weight property does not exist for text in the Interactive Drafting product. Therefore, any CADAM Drafting text with non-zero line weight is transferred to "bold" text in Interactive Drafting. This property does not affect the display of the text. With the current release of Interactive Drafting, all text behaves similar to "no scale". Although the CATIA-CADAM Interface product sets this property, it is not accessible to an Interactive Drafting user in the current release. Text boxes defined on slanted text display slanted with the CADAM Drafting product. The Interactive Drafting product will display the text characters slanted, but the text box will not display slanted.
Text box width Text orientation Not transferred (*) Not transferred (*) Text anchor point CADAM Drafting supports 5 horizontal by 5 vertical positions. Interactive Drafting supports 3 horizontal by 3 vertical positions. The transfer maps the CADAM Drafting position to the closest Interactive drafting anchor point. If the property is set to "no turn", the text is transferred with its orientation associated to the drawing Sheet. In this case, the text will not rotate if the view is rotated. If this property is set to "turn", the text is transferred with its orientation associated to the view. In this case, the text will rotate if the view is rotated.
Vertical spacing
Interline spacing
Although the CATIA-CADAM Interface product sets this property, it is not accessible to an Interactive Drafting user in the current release. Note: CADAM Drafting supports negative vertical spacing, which is not supported by Interactive Drafting. Therefore, text with a negative vertical spacing will be transferred with the interline spacing set to the absolute value of the vertical spacing.
Substring properties: Fractional display Full, half, and 3/4 superscripting and subscripting Numerator followed by denominator Superscripting and subscripting The current release of Interactive Drafting does not support a numerator over denominator display. Therefore the fraction will be displayed as numerator/denominator. The Interactive Drafting product does not support multiple lines or "stacked" super/subscripting. Text with 2 lines of super/subscripting will be transferred with the first "stacked" line transferred to superscript followed by the second "stacked" line as subscript. If a string has more than 2 stacked lines, the third and subsequent lines will be transferred as new lines in text string. The CADAM Drafting product supports three substring box displays. The Interactive Drafting product supports two substring box displays. The CADAM large and medium substring box are transferred to the Interactive Drafting large substring box display. The CADAM small substring box is transferred to the Interactive Drafting small substring box display. Note that CADAM can mix all three substring box displays within one string. For Interactive Drafting, all substring boxes within a string must be the same size. Therefore, if a CADAM string has different size substring boxes, all will be transferred as the size of the first substring box encountered in the string. In addition, the sizes of the substring boxes are not identical between CADAM Drafting and Interactive Drafting. Therefore, the text may have a slightly different overall size after the transfer.
Substring box
Substring box
Substring lozenge
Substring lozenge
Underscore/overscore Underline/overline
ISO Dimensions
ISO Dimensions JIS dimensions Dimension - non supported cases: Chamfer dimension Datum dimension Extension lines - broken, no-shown, or skewed
Exploded to geometry and text (*) Exploded to geometry and text (*) Exploded to geometry and text (*)
Chamfer dimensions are not supported in the current release of the Interactive Drafting product. Therefore, these dimensions are exploded into geometry and text. Datum dimensions are not supported in the current release of the Interactive Drafting product. Therefore, these dimensions are exploded into geometry and text. Dimensions with modified extension lines are not supported in the current release of the Interactive Drafting product. Therefore, these dimensions are exploded into geometry and text.
Parallel dimension to an arbitrary line Spline dimension Text, non-standard text in dimension text string Dimension, special cases: Diameter dimension (ANSI), two part dimension line
Dimensions that are created parallel to an arbitrary line are not supported in the current release of the Interactive Drafting product. Therefore, these dimensions are exploded into geometry and text Spline dimensions are not supported in the current release of the Interactive Drafting product. Therefore, these dimensions are exploded into geometry and text. Dimensions with non-standard text (e.g., line feeds, substring box, subscripting) are not supported in the current release of the Interactive Drafting product. Therefore, these dimensions are exploded into geometry and text.
For diameter dimensions with two part dimension lines, CADAM Drafting allows the interior portion of the dimension line to be not shown. The Interactive Drafting product supports the interior portion being not shown only when an addition segment is drawn on the opposite side of the circle. Therefore, the transferred dimension may not be visually identical.
Dimension with fixed leader The current version of the Interactive Drafting product does position not allow explicit placement of dimension leaders. Therefore, the dimension will be transferred as a leader, but the position of the text and leader may be visually different. In addition, text associated with a leader for an ISO or JIS dimension in the CADAM Drafting product is displayed parallel to dimension line. With the Interactive Drafting product, this text is displayed horizontally. Therefore in this case, the leader and text will display at a different angle after transfer. Radius dimension (ANSI), two part dimension line For radius dimensions with two part dimension lines, the portion of the dimension line on the interior of the arc is either not shown or drawn to the center of the circular arc on CADAM Drafting. The Interactive Drafting product allows the interior potion to be not shown, but it does not allow it to be drawn to the center of the arc. Therefore, all radius dimensions with two part dimension lines are transferred so the interior portion of the dimension line is not shown.
Dimension properties: Dimension association to geometric element Dimension association to geometric element CADAM Drafting supports both associative and non-associative dimensions. The current release of Interactive Drafting only supports associative dimensions. Given this difference, non-associative dimensions are still transferred, but additional geometry is also created to satisfy the association. The additional geometry that is created is not shown. The current version of the Interactive Drafting product does not support all end conditions supported by CADAM Drafting. Therefore, end conditions will be mapped to the closest possible supported end condition.
Dimension text
The CADAM Drafting product treats the entire dimension text is as one text string. The Interactive Drafting product divides this into the dimension value text, before, after, upper, and lower text. Therefore, CADAM Drafting dimension text will be mapping to the appropriate dimension subtext. As stated above in the special case section, the dimension text elements in Interactive Drafting do not support all of the text properties or capabilities of CADAM Drafting. If CADAM Drafting dimension text is encountered that contains not supported properties, the dimension is exploded to geometry and standard text. The current version of the Interactive Drafting product only supports dimensioning units of inches and millimeters. Therefore, dimensions using inch dimensioning units will be transferred to inch dimensioning units. All other dimensions will be transferred to millimeter dimensioning units. CADAM Drafting supports extension line gapping values of standard, no gap, and overlap. The interactive drafting product supports only positive values for blanking. "Standard" and "no gap" will be mapping to appropriate values of blanking. As overlap implies a negative blanking value, it will be transferred as 0 blanking (equivalent to no gap). The interactive drafting product supports only positive overrun values. Therefore, any CADAM Drafting overshoot value less than 0 will be transferred as 0. Because of differences in text properties, as well as differences in the way CADAM Drafting and CATIA V5 Interactive Drafting manage dimension text (see "Dimension text," above), the text location may be different after translation. CADAM Drafting supports three different sizes of text box frames. Interactive Drafting supports one text box frame. Therefore, the transferred text box frame may not be visually identical.
Dimension units
Tolerance, basic
Dual dimension value Tolerance, numerical tolerance Tolerance, numerical tolerance The display of the tolerance information is slightly different between CADAM Drafting and the Interactive Drafting product. For example, when you define an upper and lower tolerance that are equal, both are displayed. For this case, in the Interactive Drafting product, the tolerance value is displayed only once, preceded by the symbol. Upon transfer, the closest possible tolerance display will be chosen. CADAM Drafting allows you to create 1/2- or 3/4-size text for tolerance values. CATIA V5 Interactive Drafting supports only full-size text, so all tolerance values are displayed full size after translation.
Basic Tasks
Setting Options for the CATIA-CADAM Interface Product Opening a CADAM Drafting Model in V5 Saving a V5 Drafting Document as a CADAM Drafting Model
2. Select the Drafting category from the left column of the dialog box.
Select Explode dimensions to change dimensions into CATIA V5 text, lines, and arcs. Select Do not explode dimensions to reproduce dimensions as CATIA V5 dimensions.
2. In the File Selection dialog box, navigate to the appropriate folder. You can filter the list of files to display only CADAM Drafting models by defining Files of type: cdd (*.cdd) 3. Select the model.
Advanced Tasks
Theme Preparing a CADAM Drafting Model for Translation Purpose Provides guidelines for preparing a CADAM Drafting model for translation to CATIA in order to optimize the translation results.
Glossary A
accelerator key access bar access key See shortcut key. See desktop toolbar. The key that corresponds to an underlines letter on a menu or control (also referred to as a mnemonic access key). Designing software to be usable and accessible to the widest range of users, including users with disabilities. The state when an object is the focus of user input and its operations are available. The ending point for a selected range of objects. It is usually established at the object logically nearest the hot spot of the pointer when a user releases a mouse button. Compare anchor point. Object currently being edited. The window in which a user is currently working or directing input. An active window is typically at the top of the Z order and is distinguished by the color of its title bar. Compare inactive window. Collection of images you generate with the Tools -> Capture command. The starting point for a selected range of objects. An anchor point is usually established at the object logically nearest the hot spot of the pointer when a user presses a mouse button. Compare active end. A graphic design technique that involves adding colored pixels to smooth the jagged edges of a graphic. Window containing the CATIA Version 5 application. To commit a set of changes or pending transactions made in a secondary window, typically without closing that window. A text box in which the input focus automatically moves to the next control as soon as a user types the last character. The movement of text to fill a remaining gap after a user deletes other text. A technique where a display area automatically scrolls without direct interaction with a scroll bar.
An event or interaction that is automatically repeated.Atu-repeat events usually occur when a user holds down a keyboard key or presses and holds a special control (for example, scroll bar buttons).
background box edit Area in document windows to which you can apply a background color. A standard Microsoft Windows interface control that provides a discrete area for entering each character. A user can also edit text within the control.
cancel caret cascading menu check box To halt an operation or process and return to the state before it was invoked. Compare stop. See insertion point. A menu that is a submenu of a menu item (also referred to as a hierarchical menu, child menu, or submenu). A standard Windows control that displays a setting, either checked (set) or unchecked (not set). Compare option button. See cascading menu. A document window used within an MDI window. See also multiple document interface. (v.) To position the pointer over an object and then press and release a mouse button. See also press. (n.) The act of clicking. The area of storage for objects, data or their references after a user carries out a Cut or Copy command. The data format of a memory object on the clipboard. Applications can use the standard clipboard formats provided by Windows or register their own custom formats. A clipboard format is identified by a unique, unsigned integer value, called the "format name." Depth effect for viewing parts or all of a 3D object between two planes. To remove a window. A character is any symbol used for the organization, control, or representation of data. A group of such symbols used to describe a particular language. Each language (or group of languages) has its character set
contextual window
contiguous selection
A collection of characters that make up character set. See also locale. A code page (or code set) is a table mapping a given character (from a given character set) to a hexadecimal code position, or code point, for that code page. It contains the encoding values for a character set or several character sets. The encoding values in a code set provide the interface between the system and its input and output devices. A set of objects that shares some common aspect. A standard Windows control that can be used to provide interactive column titles for a list. A standard Windows control that combines a text box and interdependent list box. A standard Windows control that initiates a command or sets an option (also referred to as a push button). A set or group of objects whose aggregation is recognized as an object itself (for example, characters in a paragraph, named range of cells in a spreadsheet, or a grouped set of drawing objects). A relationship between a set of objects, such that making a change to one object affects another object in the set. An object that holds other objects. Information about an object and its current condition. It answers the questions "What is this" and "Why would I want to use it?" Compare reference Help and task-oriented Help. Specific to the conditions in which something exists or occurs. A menu that is displayed at the location of a selected object (also referred to as a shortcut menu). The menu contains the commands that are contextually relevant to the selection, and the most frequently used. You display the contextual menu by right-clicking. A secondary window with no title bar that is displayed next to an object; it provides contextual information about that object. A selection that consists of a set of objects that are logically sequential or adjacent to each other (also referred to as range selection). Compare disjoint selection.
An object that enables user interaction or input, often to initiate an action, display information, or set values. State of an object when selected. A generic term for the visible indication of where a user's interaction will occur. See also input focus, insertion point, and pointer.
data-centric design data link default default button A design in which users interact with their data directly without having to first start an appropriate editor or application. A link that propagates a value between two objects or locations. An operation or value that the system or application assumes, unless a user makes an explicit choice. The command button that is invoked when a user presses the ENTER key. A default button typically appears in a secondary window. The visual work area that fills the display. The desktop is also a container and can be used as a convenient location to place objects stored in the file system. A toolbar that docks to the desktop, similar to the taskbar. See also taskbar. A device-independent measure to use for layout. One horizontal unit is equal to one-fourth of the average character width for the current system font. One vertical unit is equal to one-eighth of an average character height for the current system font. A secondary window that gathers additional information from a user. A dialog box usually contains one or more controls, such as buttons, list boxes, combo boxes, and edit boxes, with which the user enters text, chooses options, or directs the action of the command. Compare message box, palette window, and property sheet. See unavailable. A selection that consists of a set of objects that are not logically sequential or physically adjacent to each other. Compare contiguous selection. See also extended selection. To manipulate an interface element, such as a toolbar, such that is aligns itself with the edge of another interface element, typically a window or pane.
dialog box
A common unit of data (typically a file) used in user tasks and exchanged between users. When saved on disk, a document is given a unique filename by which it can be retrieved. A window that provides a primary view of a document (typically its content). (v.) To press an release a mouse button twice in rapid succession. (n.) The act of double-clicking. Performs mirroring or pattern operations on an active object.
See text box. A common drop-down menu that includes general purpose commands for editing the current object, such as Cut, Copy, and Paste. ellipsis The "..." suffix added to a menu item or button label to indicate that the command requires additional information to be completed. When a user chooses the command, a dialog box is usually displayed for the user input of this additional information. embedded object See OLE embedded object. enter (v.) To type a character from the keyboard. (n.) A classification of an object based on its characteristics, behavior, and attributes. explicit selection A selection that a user intentionally performs with an input device. Compare implicit selection. extended selection A section technique that is optimized for the selection of a single object or single range using contiguous selection techniques (that is, canceling any existing selection when a new selection is made). However, it also supports modifying an existing selection using disjoint selection techniques. See also disjoint selection. extended selection list box A list box that supports multiple selection, but is optimized for a selection of a single object or single range. See extended selection and list box. Compare multiple selection list box. edit field Edit menu
filter File menu font font size Tool for organizing elements of V4 model document into layers. A common drop-down menu that includes commands for file operations, such as Open, Save, and Print. A set of attributes for text characters. The size of a font, typically represented in points.
geometry area glyph Area of a document window in which application data are displayed and edited. A generic term used to refer to any graphic or pictorial image that can be used on a button or in a message box. Compare icon. A standard Windows control that groups a set of controls.
group box
handle Help menu An interface element added to an object that provides a control point for moving, sizing, reshaping, or other operations pertaining to that object. A common drop-down menu that includes commands that provide access to Help information or other forms of user assistance. See also context-sensitive Help, and task-oriented Help. A selection that includes objects with different properties or type. Compare homogeneous selection. See cascading menu. To continue pressing a keyboard key, or mouse button. A selection that includes objects with the same properties or type. Compare heterogeneous selection. The specific portion of the pointer (or pointing device) that defines the exact location, or object, to which a user is pointing. The interaction area of a particular object or location with which a pointer or pointing device's hot spot must come in contact.
heterogeneous selection hierarchical menu hold down homogeneous selection hot spot
hot zone
icon implicit selection inactive inactive window A pictorial representation of an object. Compare glyph. A selection that is the result of inference or the context of some other operation. See also explicit selection. The state of an object which it is not the focus of a user's input. A window in which a user's input is not currently being directed. An inactive window is typically distinguished by the color of its title bar. Compare active window. The ability to edit an OLE embedded object in place, without opening it into its own window. The location where the user is currently directing input. The visual display of a control or other object that indicates when it has the input focus. The location where text or graphics will be inserted (also referred to as the caret). Also used for text box controls to indicate input focus. A technique that allows a user to directly interact with the content of an OLE embedded object without executing an explicit activation command. Compare outside-in activation. Ability to exchange data between CATIA Version 4 and CATIA Version 5. Ability to exchange CATIA Version 5 data between CATIA Version 5 workshops Ability to exchange data between CATIA Version 5 and OLE-compliant applications.
inside-out activation
jump A special form of a link that navigates to another location (also referred to as a hyperlink).
label landscape link The text (or graphic) that identifies a control (also referred to as a caption). An orientation where the long dimension of a rectangular area (for example, screen or paper) is horizontal. (v.) To form a connection between two objects. (n)) A reference to an object that is linked to another object. See also OLE linked object.
The descriptive form of referring to the location of a link source (also referred to as a moniker). A standard Windows control that displays a list of choices. See also extended selection list box. A standard Windows list box control that displays a set of objects. The control also supports different views and drag and drop. A part of a user's environment dedicated to international data to define conventions for a specified culture, such as time formatting, numeric formatting, and character classification, conversion, and collation. The process of adapting software for different countries, languages, or cultures.
marquee maximize MDI menu menu bar menu button menu item menu title See region selection and bounding outline. To make a window its largest size. See also minimize. See multiple document interface. A list of textual or graphical choices from which a user can choose. See also contextual menu. A horizontal bar at the top of a window, below the title bar, that contains menus. A command button that displays a menu. A choice on a menu. A text or graphic label that designates a particular menu. For drop-down menus, the titles is the entry in the menu bar; for cascading menus the menu title is the name of its parent menu item. A secondary window that is displayed to inform a user about a particular condition. Compare dialog box, palette window, and property sheet. To minimize the size of a window: in some cases, this means to hide the window. See also maximize. An operation creating a 3D object by duplicating an initial object. The duplication is defined by symmetry. See access key.
message box
A restrictive or limiting interaction because of operating in a mode. Modal often describes a secondary window that restricts a user's interaction with other windows. A secondary window can be modal with respect to its primary window or to the entire system. Compare modeless. mode A particular state of interactions, often exclusive in some way to other forms of interactions. model CATIA Version 4 model. model document Document containing a CATIA Version 4 model. modeless Not restrictive or limiting interaction. Modeless often describes a secondary window that does not restrict a user's interaction with other windows. Compare modal. modifier key A keyboard key that, when pressed, (and held), changes the actions of input. moniker See link path. most recently used List of most recently used files (MRU) located in the File menu for easy access. mouse A commonly used input device that has one or more buttons used to interact with a computer. It is also used as a generic term to include other pointing devices that operate similarly (for example, trackballs and headpointers). multiple document A technique for managing a set of windows whereby interface (MDI) documents are opened into windows (sometimes called child windows) that are constrained to a single primary (parent) window. See child window, and parent window. multiple selection list box A list box that is optimized for making multiple, independent selections. Compare extended selection list box and single selection list box.
network license A license maintained on a network license server for use upon request by a License Use Runtime (LUM) client. Compare nodelocked license. non-default drag and drop A drag (transfer) operation whose interpretation is determined by a user's choice of command. These commands are included in a pop-up menu displayed at the destination when the object is dropped.
nodelocked license
A type of license locked to a specific node, so that the product can be used only at that node. The nodelocked license is installed on the computer for which it was created. Compare network license.
object OLE An entity or component identifiable by a user that can be distinguished by its properties, operations, and relationships. Object Linking and Embedding. The name that describes the technology and interface for implementing support for object interaction. A data object that retains the original editing and operating functionality of the application that created it, while physically residing in another document. An object that represents or provides an access point to another object that resides at another location in the same container or a different, separate container. See also link. A generic term that refers to the actions that can be done to or with an object. A standard Windows control that allows a user to select from a fixed set of mutually exclusive choices (also referred to as a radio button). Compare check box. A technique that requires a user to perform an explicit activation command to interact with the content of an OLE embedded object. Compare inside-out activation.
outside-in activation
package palette window An OLE encapsulation of a file so that it can be embedded in an OLE container. A modeless secondary window that displays a tool bar of other choices, such as colors or patterns. Compare dialog box and message box. See also property sheet. One of the separate areas in a split window. A primary window that provides window management for a set of child windows. See also child window and multiple document interface. The principle that the state of an object is automatically preserved.
(v.) To position the pointer over a particular object an location. (n.) A unit of measurement for type (1 point equals approximately 1/72 inch). pointer A graphic image displayed on the screen that indicates the location of a pointing devices (also referred to as a cursor). portrait An orientation where the long dimension of a rectangular area (for example, screen or paper) is vertical. press To press and release a keyboard key. See also click. preview Tool allowing you to view a document or album image prior to printing. primary window The window in which the main interaction takes place. See also secondary window and window. progress indicator Any form of feedback that provides the user with information about the state of a process. progress indicator control A standard Windows control that displays the percentage of completion of a particular process as a graphical bar. project A window or task management technique that consists of a container holding a set of objects, such that when the container is opened, the windows of the contained objects are restored to their former positions. property Attribute or characteristic of an object that define its state, appearance, or value. property inspector A dynamic properties viewer that displays the properties of the current selection, usually of a particular type of object. Compare property sheet. property page A group of properties on a tabbed page or a property sheet. See also property sheet. property sheet A secondary window that displays the properties of an object when a user chooses its Properties command. Compare dialog box. See also property page. property sheet control A standard Windows control used to create property sheet interface. push button See command button.
radio button range selection redo See option button. See contiguous selection. Repeat the last operation.
reference Help
region selection
A form of online Help information that can contain conceptual and explanatory information. Compare task-oriented Help and context-sensitive Help. A selection technique that involves dragging out a bounding outline (also referred to as a marquee) to define the selected objects. The context or way an object relates to its environment. A standard Windows control that is similar to a standard text box, except that it also supports individual character and paragraph properties. Click using the right mouse button (to display contextual menu).
scale scope Operation that resizes the contents of document prior to printing or previewing. The definition of the extent that a selection is logically independent from other selections. For example, selections made in separate windows are typically considered to be independent of each other. To move the view of an object or information to make a different portion visible. A component of a scroll bar that allows the information to be scrolled by defined increments when the user clicks it. The direction of the arrow indicates the direction in which the information scrolls. A standard Windows control that supports scrolling. The component of a scroll bar that provides the visual context for the scroll box. Clicking (or tapping) in the scroll bar shaft scrolls the information by a screenful. See also scroll box. A component of a scroll bar that indicates the relative position (and optionally the proportion) of the visible information relative to the entire amount of information. The user can drag the scroll box to view areas of information not currently visible. See also scroll bar shaft. A window that provides information or supplemental interaction related to objects in a primary window. 3D view of a cross-section generated using a plane. To identify one or more objects upon which an operation can be performed. An object or set of objects hat have been selected.
scroll box
specification tree
spin box
The visual display of an object when it has been selected. A graphical control point of an object that provides direct manipulation support for operations of that object, such as moving, sizing, or scaling. A group of selected objects that you can store and retrieve. Tool used for sharing document files with other users. An entry in a menu used to group menu items together. Set of setup parameters and user preferences stored in non-editable files. A generic term that refers to the interface that allows the user control over the system. A generic term that refers to an action or technique that invokes a particular command or performs an operation with less interaction than its usual method. A link presented as an icon that provides a user with access to another object. A keyboard key or key combination that invokes a particular command (also referred to as an accelerator key). See contextual menu. A list box that only supports selection of a single item in the list. A special control that appears at the junction of a horizontal and vertical scroll bar or the right end of a status bar and provides an area that a user can drag to size the lower right corner of a window. A standard Windows control that displays and sets a values from a continuous range of possible values, such as brightness or volume. Area of the document window reserved for viewing the design specifications of a part, presented in the form of a tree structure. A control composed of a text box and increment and decrement buttons that allow a user to adjust a values from a limited range of possible values. An operation allowing splitting 3D objects using a plane. A division between panes that appears where a window has been split; the split bar visually separates window panes.
split box
A special control added to a window, typically adjacent to the scroll bar, that allows a user to split a window or adjust a window split. Typical view available in 3D workshops: top, bottom, front, back, left, right, isometric. An area that allows the display of state information of the information being viewed in the window, typically places at the bottom of a window. A standard Windows control that provides the functionality of a status bar. To halt a process or actions, typically without restoring the state before the process began. Compare cancel. See cascading menu.
tab control targeting taskbar A standard Windows control looks similar to a notebook or file divider and provides navigation between different pages or sections of information. To determine where pen input is directed. A special toolbar that docks on an edge of the desktop supplied by the system. The taskbar includes the Start button, buttons for each open primary window, and a status bar. Information about the steps involved in carrying out a particular task. Compare context-sensitive Help and reference Help. An object that automates the creation of new objects of a particular type. A standard Windows control in which a user can enter an edit text (also referred to as the edit field). A process that is part of a larger process or program. The horizontal area at the top of a window that identifies the window. The title bar also acts as a handle for dragging the window. A keyboard key that alternates between turning a particular operation, function, or mode on or off. A frame or special area that contains a set of other controls. A command button used in a toolbar (or status bar). A standard Windows control designed with the same characteristics as the toolbar.
task-oriented Help
A standard Windows control that provides a small pop-up window that provides descriptive text such as a label, for a control or graphic object. The visual feedback displayed during a transfer operation. A standard Windows control that allows a set of hierarchically related objects to be displayed as an expandable outline.
unavailable undo user-defined view The state of a control or data whose normal functionality is not presently available to a user (also referred to as dimmed). To reverse one operation performed on an object. 3D view an end user can generate by customizing view parameters. The view can be named. Also referred to as named view.
view toolbar viewing tools VRML Toolbar containing viewing tools. Tools for viewing contents of current document in different ways. Virtual Reality Markup Language. A vector-based language for modeling three-dimensional environments. It sends ASCII text files over the Internet, which are translated by the VRML viewing engine at the other end. VRML complements HTML. This format is useful for viewing CATIA Version 5 data using a Web browser.
well control window A control that is used to display color or pattern choices, typically used like an option button. A standard Windows object that displays information. A window is a separately controllable area of the screen that typically has a rectangular border. See also primary window and secondary window. A form of user assistance that automates a task through a dialog with the user. The convention where, as a user enters text, existing text is automatically moved from the end of a line to the next line.
wizard wordwrap
writing tool
Set of tools for completing specific tasks. Each type of document can be edited with a document-specific set of tools. A window or task management technique that consists of a container holding a set of objects, where the windows of the contained objects are constrained to a parent window. Similar to the multiple document interface, except that the window displayed within the parent window are of objects that are also contained in the workspace. A standard Windows pen interface control that supports text editing.
Z order The layered relationship of a set of objects, such as windows, on the display screen.
Index C
CADAM Drafting model, preparing for translation CADAM Drafting model, opening in CATIA V5 CATIA V5 document, saving as a CADAM Drafting model
dimensions, setting option to explode
guidelines for preparing a CADAM Drafting model for translation
mapping CADAM Drafting elements to V5 Drafting elements mapping table: structural model elements and model properties mapping table: geometric elements and geometric properties mapping table: non-text based annotations mapping table: text-based annotations and text properties dimensions and dimension properties mapping V5 Drafting elements to CADAM Drafting elements mapping table: structural model elements and model properties mapping table: geometric elements and geometric properties mapping table: non-text based annotations mapping table: text-based annotations and text properties methodology, explained
overlay parent models, support status options, setting
PROFESSIONAL CADAM model, support status preparing a CADAM Drafting model for translation
reference entities, support status
symbol tables, support status saving a CATIA V5 document as a CADAM Drafting model setting options