MassDevelopment Annual Report 2012

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Way to grow.

2012 Annual Report

Those who earn elective ofce know that the media and their political opponents will watch to see if their records in ofce match their rhetoric on the campaign trail. What applies for politicians should apply to organizations too, but outside of careful investors, few reread annual reports to see if yesterdays promises have become todays outcomes. Accordingly, while this report looks at case studies highlighting the impacts that MassDevelopment offerings had on people and places throughout the Commonwealth, I want to recall what I wrote in this space last year: In the coming year, I will be overseeing an effort to develop both new programs and performance-measurement metrics that will make MassDevelopment an even more effective, more valuable part of the states economic development team. Readers can evaluate our efcacy for themselves, but I am pleased to note that MassDevelopment fullled this pledge. New nance programs noted in these pages include our Green Loan program and innovative methods for more effectively employing the Brownelds Redevelopment Fund. New real estate projects include, in coordination with the Taunton Development Corporation, the expansion of Myles Standish Industrial Park by redeveloping the former Dever State School. The physical transformation of that site will create economic growth just like our work at 100 Cambridge Street in Boston, 1550 Main in Springeld, and Village Hill Northampton, all of which continue to thrive. In an age where analytical aggregators like Nate Silver of The New York Times can become quasi-celebrities, those who want to do their own deep dives into data should check out our business plan at and review the metrics that we use to insure that we live up to our standards. Last years report contained just two general goals, whereas this business plan has eight specic ones. We look forward to working with all of you to turn promises made into results executed so that Massachusetts becomes an even better place in which to work and do business.

Marty Jones President and CEO

Letter from the President and CEO


Our new campus provides children with a vastly improved environment where they can live, learn, and heal.
Joan Wallace-Benjamin, Ph.D., President and CEO The Home for Little Wanderers

The Home for Little Wanderers, Walpole

Challenge The Home for Little Wanderers offers vital services to help vulnerable families and children. The organization needed a low-cost way to expand its campus in Walpole, fund new programs, and hire new teachers. How could this be accomplished on a limited budget? Solution MassDevelopment issued an $18 million tax-exempt bond on The Homes behalf. By using bond proceeds to build an educational and residential campus, the organization can now create stafng opportunities over the next three years.
two school buildings, two dorms, and other housing. Jobs are being created, and as many as forty more at-risk children will now have a safe place to swim, hike, learn, and grow.

Growing organizations
MassDevelopment Team: Benny Wong, Dick Lynch, and David Bancroft

Impact Our low-cost nancing solution is enabling The Home to build

Greater Boston

We found a partner who believed in our purpose.

Charles Norton, CEO Southbridge Associates LLC

Southbridge Associates LLC, Southbridge

Challenge Southbridge Associates owns the Southbridge
Business Center and needed funds to refurbish a building for a growing tenant, SCHOTT North America. But loan-to-value ratios made securing funds challenging.

Growing manufacturing
MassDevelopment Team: Bob Seega, Kelly Arvidson, Roy Angel, and Shyla Matthews

Solution MassDevelopment recognized the projects importance to the Town of Southbridge. Using our business and funding expertise, we worked with TD BankSouthbridge Associates existing bankto provide a $1.5 million loan. Impact The refurbished building will allow SCHOTT North America to expand its presence in Massachusetts. More than 70 jobs will be created, and Southbridge is advancing its reputation as a manufacturing hub.


Riverwalk Properties, Lawrence

Challenge Salvatore Lupoli is leading the transformation of Lawrences Riverwalk Mill complex. The developer needed $32 million to revitalize 210,000 square feet of commercial space, including the future home of NxStage Medical. But the project couldnt support a debt level that high. Solution Eastern Bank and MassDevelopment formed a critical partnership. Together, we structured a deal that included a $28.37 million nancing package, $6.5 million New Markets Tax Credit, and $3 million loan. Impact The Riverwalk project was able to move forward. In the rst phase of redevelopment alone, 2,400 jobs have been created. And new tenants like NxStage Medical and Enterprise Bank are helping to transform the City of Lawrence.

Growing communities
MassDevelopment Team: Simmee Silton, Mike Galligan, Tania Hartford, and Ken Goode


Hundreds of jobs have been created. Peoples lives are now different because of MassDevelopment.
Sal Lupoli, President and CEO Riverwalk Properties

Its more than new buildings. Its new opportunities for more students.
Eric Hieser, Executive Director Sturgis Charter Public School

Sturgis Charter Public School, Hyannis

Challenge Sturgis Charter Public School is a college preparatory International Baccalaureate high school serving Cape Cod. Ranked #1 in the state and #15 nationally, Sturgis needed nancing to build a second facility to meet growing student demand but could not get more help from its bank alone.

Growing education
MassDevelopment Team: Joe Grivers, Jim Walsh, Louis Teixeira, and Larry Cameron

Solution MassDevelopments nancing included a $6 million qualied school construction bond, $1.75 million tax-exempt bond, and $2 million taxable bond. And because of our Charter School Guarantee Program, we could guarantee the bank loan. Impact Our nancing solution is allowing Sturgis to expand its campus while limiting the banks exposure. More than 50 jobs will be created, and 400 more Cape Cod students will have an opportunity to come 9 to this nationally-ranked school.




Now we can manufacture a green product with green energy.

Joe Nickerson, Vice President Pro Pel Plastech

Pro Pel Plastech, Inc., South Deereld

Challenge Pro Pel Plastech provides recycled plastic for plastics manufacturers throughout New England. Pro Pel needed a loan to install a solar panel system on the roof of its manufacturing facility. But solar projects are difcult to nance through traditional sources. Solution MassDevelopment issued its rst Green Loan to Pro Pel. We created the program to ease the way for businesses and organizations in the Commonwealth to become more energy efcient. Impact The loan is a win-win for the environment and Pro Pel Plastech. The solar panels are expected to generate 25% of the companys annual electricity requirements, reduce utility expenses by 25%, and create six jobs.

Growing sustainability
MassDevelopment Team: Beth Murphy, Sean Calnan, Frank Canning, and Charlene Golonka


MassDevelopments Real Estate group turns the states most challenging development sites into useful job-producing resources. We own and manage properties, and help municipalities turn around blighted neighborhoods, vacant buildings, and former industrial sites. Through our Technical Assistance programs, we also help communities with site planning, site development feasibility studies, and other real estate analysis. Planning & Development
Our Planning & Development Department takes on projects that often serve the states neediest communities. The projects usually involve government-owned properties or challenges that discourage private-sector involvement, such as environmental contamination, demolition requirements, or permitting obstacles.

The Engineering Department serves as a municipal engineering department for Devens and either supports or takes the lead on projects statewide for MassDevelopment or under contract to local governments. We manage consultants and contractors performing road design; demolition design and construction; and architectural design and construction.

Growing revenue MassDevelopment, in partnership

with the Taunton Development Corporation, formed a nonprot corporation to expand Tauntons Myles Standish Industrial Park. An estimated $1.8 million in annual tax revenues and 2,400 jobs are expected to be created.

Growing expertise MassDevelopment provided demolition consulting and resident engineer services for two major buildings on the former Mastex property in Holyoke. We performed a feasibility analysis; managed engineers and contractors during demolition; and oversaw site cleanup. Today, this site hosts the Green High Performance Computing Center.

Growing cities MassDevelopment teamed up with the Boston

District Council of the Urban Land Institute to study the potential for developing the Merrimack Street end of Haverhills downtown, the John Fitch Highway commercial area in Fitchburg, and a large open site in Fall River. Were also exploring how to create various connections to Pittselds downtown.


Asset Management
The Asset Management Department manages our properties including 100 Cambridge Street in Boston, Devens, the Jodrey State Fish Pier in Gloucester, the SouthCoast Research & Technology Park in Fall River, and 1550 Main Street in Springeld. Our expertise includes sales, leasing, property management, maintenance, and landlord-tenant relations.

Growing industries MassDevelopment approved the

sale of land for the expansion of New England Studios, a state-of-the-art lm and television production facility in Devens. The facility will include four 18,000-square-foot Hollywood-style sound stages, production support ofces, and storage buildings.


Real Estate

At MassDevelopment, our nancing capabilities can help your project at every stage, from predevelopment to construction to permitting. In FY 2012, we supported $2.3 billion of investment in 98 Massachusetts communities.

Growing possibilities MassDevelopment provided loans and loan guarantees totaling $45.3 million for businesses and organizations, helping employers nance capital investments to expand operations. We introduced new loan products and enhancements for emerging technology businesses, rental housing, commercial real estate, and energy efciency.

The Emerging Technology Fund nances stafng and other working capital needs for growing technology and advanced manufacturing companies, helping them increase employment and production. Multifamily Real Estate Loans nance development of apartment units with a focus on downtown and transit-oriented projects, furthering the Commonwealths efforts to increase workforce housing. Commercial Real Estate Improvement Loans support employment and downtown revitalizations by nancing building improvements needed to increase occupancy. MassDevelopment also helped manufacturers that need equipment by raising both our maximum equipment loan and maximum loan guarantee to $2 million. In FY 2012, we delivered low-cost tax-exempt bond nancing for 91 organizations totaling more than $2.2 billion. In addition to last years new Manufacturing Innovation Initiative programs and this years expanded loan products, we continued our support for manufacturers by issuing $29.4 million in industrial revenue bonds. Housing also became a renewed focus for both affordable and market-rate units, as MassDevelopment issued $284.9 million in tax-exempt bonds on behalf of housing projects.


We launched new ways to use the Brownelds Redevelopment Fund to help communities create development-ready sites, come up with redevelopment plans, and rehabilitate existing buildings. The Pad-Ready Site Program funds work at municipally-owned sites with redevelopment potential, but which developers nd unattractive because of dilapidated buildings in addition to contamination. Brownelds District Redevelopment Planning and the ability to remediate in-building contaminants also help municipalities or developers nd reuses for these challenging sites. MassDevelopment provided $5.4 million to 36 brownelds projects for site assessment and remediation.


Financing programs

During FY12, MassDevelopment worked on 280 projects and invested nearly $2.5 billion.

Greater Boston
Affordable Rental Housing Bond 820 SRO LLC Cambridge, $4,631,735 Danube Apartments LLC Boston, $5,300,000 Madison Park Development Corporation Roxbury, $26,500,000 Trinity Mattapan Heights Five Limited Partnership Mattapan, $14,820,000 Annual Lease Revenue 100 Cambridge Street Boston, $22,191,952 Brownelds Remediation Chelsea Neighborhood Housing Services Chelsea, $238,654 Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation Dorchester, $80,000 Somerville Community Corporation Somerville, $133,000 Brownelds Site Assessment Asian Community Development Corporation Boston, $100,000 Chelsea Neighborhood Housing Services Chelsea, $15,075 City of Chelsea Chelsea, $83,000 East Boston CDC East Boston, $72,000 Somerville Community Corporation Somerville, $43,950 Brownelds Site Assessment/Remediation Codman Square Neighborhood Development Corporation Dorchester, $22,000 Viet-AID Dorchester, $102,000 Community Health Center Grant Bowdoin Street Health Center Dorchester, $24,575


East Boston Neighborhood Health Center East Boston, $25,000 Joseph M. Smith Community Health Center Allston, $25,000 South End Community Health Center Boston, $25,000 Community Service Loan Dudley Economic Empowerment, Inc. Roxbury, $400,000 Cultural Facilities FundCapital Grant Amazing Things Arts Center Framingham, $207,356 Amazing Things Arts Center Framingham, $10,644 American Repertory Theatre Company, Inc. Cambridge, $146,213 Boston Ballet, Inc. Boston, $45,000 Boston Center for the Arts Boston, $76,954 Boston Symphony Orchestra Boston, $250,000 Cambridge Community Television Cambridge, $250,000 Citi Performing Arts Center Boston, $250,000 Dance Complex Cambridge, $11,542 Davis Museum and Cultural Center Wellesley, $165,000

Inquilinos Boricuas en Accin Boston, $400,000 Massachusetts Audubon Society Lincoln, $119,000 Massachusetts Historical Society Boston, $100,000 Mayors Ofce of Arts, Tourism & Special Events Dorchester, $67,254 Museum of Fine Arts Boston, $400,000 Museum of Science Boston, $250,000 Newton Historical Society Newton, $218,000 Paul Revere House Boston, $250,000 Spontaneous Celebrations, Inc. Jamaica Plain, $28,000 Springstep Medford, $103,850 USS Constitution Museum Boston, $55,900 Emerging Technology Fund Loan Powerhouse Dynamics Newton, $1,000,000 Equipment Loan S & B Realty Trust/PSG Framing Somerville, $92,000


Project listing

Export Loan Guarantee70% S & B Realty Trust/PSG Framing Somerville, $64,400 I-Cubed Note FR Sturtevant Street, LLC Somerville, $10,000,000 Mortgage Insurance Guarantee Built by Nature Group, LLC Canton, $500,000 New Markets Tax Credits 5 CC, LLC Boston, $8,250,000 Pre Development Loan Bartlett Yard LLC Roxbury, $50,000 Qualied Zone Academy Bond Friends of Excel Academy Charter Schools, Inc. East Boston, $5,000,000 Real Estate Loan 5 CC Investment Fund, LLC Boston, $4,100,000 Carter Street LLC Chelsea, $3,537,845 Tax-Exempt 501(c)(3) Bond Babson College Babson Park, $13,680,000 Berklee College of Music Boston, $90,000,000 Boston Architectural College Boston, $5,800,000

The Boston Conservatory Boston, $24,500,000 Boston Medical Center Boston, $108,950,000 Buckingham Browne & Nichols Cambridge, $15,000,000 Camp Ramah in New England, Inc. Norwood, $3,750,000 CareGroup, Inc. Boston, $120,280,000 The Chestnut Hill School Chestnut Hill, $9,155,000 Covenant Health Systems Cambridge, $12,365,000 Dedham Country Day School Dedham, $7,800,000 Dimock Community Health Center Roxbury, $9,347,670 Family Service Association of Greater Boston Jamaica Plain, $5,988,000 Hallmark Health System, Inc. Melrose, $10,000,000 Hallmark Health System, Inc. Melrose, $19,963,116 Hallmark Health System, Inc. Melrose, $30,999,965 Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates Newton, $40,000,000 Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates Newton, $46,095,000


Hebrew College Newton, $7,400,000 The Home for Little Wanderers, Inc. Boston, $18,000,000 The Institute of Contemporary Art, Inc. Boston, $6,408,949 Justice Resource Institute, Inc. Boston, $14,645,000 Maimonides School Brookline, $7,000,000 Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology Newton, $3,500,000 Mount Ida College Newton, $26,000,000 Park School Corporation Brookline, $14,025,000 Partners HealthCare System, Inc. Boston, $331,320,000 Solomon Schechter Day School, Inc. Newton, $9,500,000 South Shore Young Mens Christian Association Quincy, $42,000,000 Wellesley College Wellesley, $49,800,000 Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research Cambridge, $40,535,000 Work Incorporated Dorchester, $7,865,000 YMCA of Greater Boston Boston, $10,800,000

Tax-Exempt Exempt 501(c)(3) Lease Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology Newton, $1,000,000 Tufts Shared Services, Inc. Boston, $2,500,000 Tax-Exempt Industrial Development Bond Built by Nature Group, LLC Canton, $5,000,000 Tax-Exempt Nonprot Housing Bond Brownstone Apartments LLC Boston, $6,640,000 Lighthouse of Revere, Inc. Revere, $8,000,000 Linden Ponds, Inc. Hingham, $152,230,000 The Stone Institute and Newton Home for Aged People Newton, $4,750,000


Project listing

Affordable Rental Housing Bond Fitchburg Place Limited Partnership Fitchburg, $9,800,000 Annual Lease Revenue Devens Properties Devens, $868,858 Transitions at Devens Devens, $1 Brownelds Remediation City of Worcester Worcester, $400,000 Town of Hudson Hudson, $455,000 Brownelds Remediation Loan Bolton Conservation Trust, Inc. Bolton, $325,000 Brownelds Site Assessment Town of Athol Athol, $11,624 Brownelds Site Assessment/Remediation Bolton Conservation Trust, Inc. Bolton, $93,842 City of Gardner Gardner, $150,000 Commercial Loan Alternatives Unlimited, Inc. Whitinsville, $2,000,000 Massachusetts Biomedical Initiatives Worcester, $680,000 Community Health Center Grant Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center Worcester, $24,074

Cultural Facilities FundCapital Grant Alternatives Unlimited, Inc. Whitinsville, $160,000 Apple Tree Arts, Inc. Grafton, $250,000 Fruitlands Museum, Inc. Harvard, $73,000 Worcester Art Museum Worcester, $310,000 Emerging Technology Fund Loan Advanced Micro Sensors, Inc. Shrewsbury, $2,000,000 Quiet Logistics Devens, $2,500,000 Expanded Loan Guarantee Bevovations, LLC Leominster, $250,000 Green Loan Solect Energy Development LLC Hopkinton, $235,000 Mortgage Insurance Guarantee Alternatives Unlimited, Inc. Whitinsville, $604,485 Horace Mann Educational Associates, Inc. Millbury, $800,000 Public Entity Bond Massachusetts Development Finance Agency (Devens Utility DepartmentElectric System) Devens, $8,145,000 Real Estate Development 18 Independence: Sunoco Devens, $100,000 38 Jackson Road: BMS Devens, $728,000


51 Independence: Rock Tenn Devens, $175,000 122 Hospital Road: New England Studios Devens, $1,200,000 Aireld: Devens Solar Devens, $300,000 Devens Regional 911 Project Devens, $200,000 EBZ 2A: Citizens Solar Devens, $1,030,000 Hospital Road Kiosk: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Devens, $1,416,000 Metric Net Zero Housing Devens, $1,600,000 Miscellaneous Private Projects in Devens Devens, $125,000 Transformations Net Zero Housing Devens, $736,334 Real Estate Loan ARC Community Services, Inc. Fitchburg, $1,000,000 Bolton Conservation Trust, Inc. Bolton, $325,000 Southbridge Associates II, LLC Southbridge, $1,500,000 Real Estate Services Municiple Services Central Region, $112,817 Real Estate Support Services Devens Regional 911 Project Devens, $222,000

Tax-Exempt 501(c)(3) Bond Alternatives Unlimited, Inc. Whitinsville, $6,044,850 Assumption College Worcester, $28,610,000 Christopher House Inc. Worcester, $1,1307,000 Eagle Hill Foundation of Massachusetts, Inc. Hardwick, $24,000,000 Horace Mann Educational Associates, Inc. Millbury, $6,570,000 Lawrence Academy Groton, $8,400,000 The New England Center for Children, Inc. Southborough, $11,950,000 Seven Hills Foundation, Inc. Worcester, $8,051,000 Trustees of Clark University Worcester, $19,085,000 UMass Memorial Healthcare, Inc. Worcester, $90,990,000 University of Massachusetts Worcester, $40,465,000 Tax-Exempt 501(c)(3) Lease Milford Regional Medical Center Milford, $5,036,000 UMass Memorial Medical Center, Inc. Worcester, $20,000,000


Project listing

Annual Lease Revenue Cape Ann Fisheries Building Gloucester, $347,820 Jodrey State Pier Gloucester, $412,200 Brownelds Remediation Loan Riverview Place LLC Salem, $250,000 Brownelds Site Assessment 160 Park Street LLC North Reading, $23,000 Lawrence CommunityWorks, Inc. Lawrence, $28,540 North Shore Community Development Coalition Salem, $67,150 Town of Chelmsford Chelmsford, $93,003 Brownelds Site Assessment/Remediation City of Peabody Peabody, $497,068 Lawrence CommunityWorks, Inc. Lawrence, $79,150 Lawrence CommunityWorks, Inc. Lawrence, $731,032 Town of Chelmsford Chelmsford, $94,735 Town of Chelmsford Chelmsford, $59,832 Town of Merrimac Merrimac, $13,200

Charter School Loan Innovation Academy Charter School Tyngsborough, $2,000,000 Commercial Loan United States Biological Corporation Salem, $500,000 Community Health Center Grant Greater Lawrence Family Health Center Lawrence, $25,000 Lynn Community Health Center Lynn, $25,000 Community Service Grant United Teen Equality Center, Inc. Lowell, $425,000 Community Service Loan United Teen Equality Center, Inc. Lowell, $425,000 Cultural Facilities FundCapital Grant City of Lowell Lowell, $310,000 The Discovery Museums Acton, $172,000 Lynn Museum & Historical Society Lynn, $272,500 New England Quilt Museum Lowell, $77,000 RAW Art Works Lynn, $138,000 Emerging Technology Fund Loan CryoXtract Instruments, LLC Woburn, $800,000


Environmental Bond Westford Solar LLC Westford, $5,800,000 Equipment Loan Tropical Products, Inc. Salem, $105,000 Export Loan Guarantee70% Tropical Products, Inc. Salem, $73,500 United States Biological Corporation Salem, $500,000 Mortgage Insurance Guarantee 90 Newburyport Turnpike Realty Trust Rowley, $140,000 Household Goods Recycling of Massachusetts, Inc. Acton, $133,000 New Markets Tax Credits Riverwalk Partners, LLC Lawrence, $6,500,000 Real Estate Loan Riverview Place LLC Salem, $1,150,000 Riverwalk Investment Fund LLC Lawrence, $3,000,000 Real Estate Services Municipal Services North Region, $165,621 Tax-Exempt 501(c)(3) Bond Brooks School North Andover, $24,115,000

Glen Urquhart School Beverly, $4,794,521 Household Goods Recycling of Massachusetts, Inc. Acton, $1,197,000 Innovation Academy Charter School Tyngsborough, $10,200,000 Penacook Place Haverhill, $3,258,000 Shore Country Day School Beverly, $12,500,000 Tax-Exempt 501(c)(3) Lease Emerson Hospital Concord, $4,000,000 Tax-Exempt Industrial Development Bond Bomco, Inc. Gloucester, $4,000,000 J.S.B. Industries, Inc. Lawrence, $9,450,000 Jacquelines Gourmet Cookies Salem, $3,100,000 Odoardi Properties, LLC Ipswich, $2,068,000 Soundown Corporation Salem, $1,126,000 Tax-Exempt Nonprot Housing Bond New England Deaconess Association Concord, $52,250,000


Project listing

Annual Lease Revenue Fall River151 Martine Street Fall River, $1,476,790 Brownelds Remediation Loan Dunham Realty, Inc Attleboro, $275,000 Brownelds Site Assessment Barbour Corporation Brockton, $75,926 Capstone Communities, LLC Brockton, $36,759 Capstone Communities, LLC Brockton, $15,486 City of New Bedford New Bedford, $42,395 Alvaro P. Correia Acushnet, $14,149 Brownelds Site Assessment/Remediation Attleboro Redevelopment Authority Attleboro, $260,000 CDC/EDC Lines of Credit New Bedford Economic Development Council, Inc. New Bedford, $1,250,000 Charter School Bond Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School and Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School Education Foundation, Inc. Harwich, $3,960,000 Sturgis Charter Public School and The William Sturgis Friends of Education Foundation, Inc. Hyannis, $9,750,000

Charter School Loan Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School and Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter School Education Foundation, Inc. Harwich, $990,000 Rising Tide Charter Public School Plymouth, $400,000 Sturgis Charter Public School and The William Sturgis Friends of Education Foundation, Inc. Hyannis, $1,937,500 Commercial Loan Rising Tide Charter Public School Plymouth, $400,000 Community Health Center Grant Greater New Bedford Community Health Center New Bedford, $25,000 Harbor Health Services, Inc. Hyannis, $25,000 Community Service Loan North Cottage Program, Inc. Norton, $100,000 Cultural Facilities FundCapital Grant Cahoon Museum of American Art Cotuit, $400,000 Cape Cod Community College Educational Foundation West Barnstable, $157,000 Little Theatre of Fall River, Inc. Fall River, $38,000 Provincetown International Film Festival Provincetown, $200,000 Rotch-Jones-Duff House and Garden Museum New Bedford, $38,000


Soule Homestead Education Center Middleborough, $74,445 Welleet Preservation Hall Welleet, $245,000 Cultural Facilities FundFeasibility/Technical Grant Town of Barnstable Hyannis, $18,800 Environmental Bond Fairhaven Wind LLC Fairhaven, $3,035,957 Scituate Wind LLC Scituate, $3,062,956 Equipment Loan Custom Blends, Inc. Brockton, $350,000 UpSource, Inc. New Bedford, $175,000 Export Loan Guarantee70% Custom Blends, Inc. Brockton, $245,000 New Markets Loan Fund Candleworks Ventures, LLC New Bedford, $945,000 Real Estate Development Myles Standish Industrial Park Expansion Taunton, $470,670

Real Estate Loan Horace Mann Educational Associates, Inc. Attleboro, $500,000 Real Estate Services Municipal Services South, $24,796 Southeast Regional Loan Fund Candleworks Ventures, LLC New Bedford, $500,000 UpSource, Inc. New Bedford, $175,000 Tax-Exempt 501(c)(3) Bond Cape Cod Healthcare, Inc. Hyannis, $25,800,000 Dean College Franklin, $14,400,000 People, Incorporated Fall River, $3,592,000 South Shore Hospital South Weymouth, $20,000,000 Southcoast Hospitals Group New Bedford, $46,965,000 Tax-Exempt 501(c)(3) Lease Southcoast Hospitals Group Fall River, $20,000,000 TechDollars Outer Cape Health Services, Inc. Welleet, $250,000


Project listing

100% Export Loan Fran Company, LLC Pittseld, $200,400 Annual Lease Revenue 1550 Main Street Springeld, $1,536,556 Brownelds Site Assessment City of Chicopee Chicopee, $40,000 Town of Greeneld Greeneld, $50,000 Town of Williamstown Williamstown, $70,000 Brownelds Site Assessment/Remediation City of Chicopee Chicopee, $147,250 City of Chicopee Chicopee, $952,750 Community Health Center Grant Hilltown Community Health Center Worthington, $25,000 Cultural Facilities FundCapital Grant The Colonial Theatre Pittseld, $234,000 Edith Wharton Restoration Lenox, $137,000 Norman Rockwell Museum Stockbridge, $138,000

Northampton Community Music Center, Inc. Northampton, $100,000 The Samuel Harrison Society, Inc. Pittseld, $63,000 Springeld Library & Museums Association Springeld, $250,000 Cultural Facilities FundSystem Replacement Grant Berkshire Music School Pittseld, $5,000 Emerging Technology Fund Loan Court Square Group Springeld, $500,000 Export Loan Guarantee70% Fran Company, LLC Pittseld, $140,280 Green Loan Pro Pel Plastech, Inc South Deereld, $758,460 Manufacturing Implementation Loan DieCast Connections Company Chicopee, $300,000 New Markets Tax Credits Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center Holyoke, Inc. Holyoke, $14,500,000 Real Estate Development/Infrastructure Village Hill Northampton Northampton, $2,588,930 Real Estate Loan Armbrook Senior Living LLC Westeld, $3,897,500


Real Estate Services Greylock Glen Adams, $251,108 Municipal Services West Region, $90,632 Tax-Exempt 501(c)(3) Bond Baystate Medical Center Springeld, $25,000,000 Berkshire Medical Center Pittseld, $84,490,000 Clinical & Support Options, Inc. Greeneld, $1,100,000 Collaborative for Educational Services Northampton, $2,125,000 Northern Berkshire Healthcare, Inc. North Adams, $35,444,870 Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Williamstown, $30,000,000 Western New England University Springeld, $8,380,000 Young Womens Christian Association of Western Massachusetts, Inc. Springeld, $2,525,000

Tax-Exempt 501(c)(3) Lease Baystate Medical Center Springeld, $20,000,000 Holyoke Medical Center Holyoke, $3,000,000 Tax-Exempt Industrial Development Bond CJBW Stamp LLC Greeneld, $1,438,653 The October Company, Inc. Easthampton, $3,200,000


Project listing

Consolidated Balance Sheet FY 2012

Cash and cash equivalents Investments Investments in joint ventures Loans receivable, net Deferred outow interest rate swap Accounts receivable and other assets Project escrow deposits Predevelopment projects, net Financing costs, net Deferred expenses, net Assets held for sale Capital assets, net Total assets $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 60,607,108 13,407,816 93,604,288 21,643,394 17,211,576 2,114,252 1,595,580 6,737,055 1,715,776 138,840 $ 185,911,833

$ 237,637,868 $ 642,325,386

Accounts payable and accrued expenses Bonds, notes, and accrued interest payable Deferred interest rate swap Project escrows Deferred revenue Total liabilities Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets $ $ $ $ 6,439,700 21,643,394 2,130,134 4,592,648 $ 190,203,618

$ 225,009,494 $ 417,315,892 $ 642,325,386

FY 2012


Gregory P. Bialecki, Chair

Secretary Executive Ofce of Housing and Economic Development

John F . (Jay) Hurley

President Iron Workers District Council of New England

Gerald D. Cohen, Vice Chair

President SF Properties, Inc.

W. Estella Johnson
Director of Economic Development City of Cambridge

David M. Abromowitz
Director Goulston & Storrs, P.C.

Dennis R. Kanin
Co-Founder and Principal New Boston Ventures LLC

Christopher E. Goode
Vice President Global Corporate Affairs and Public Policy EMC Corporation

Richard Kronish
University of Massachusetts Boston (retired)

Meghan T. Lynch
Senior Analyst Abt Associates, Inc.

Matthew J. Gorzkowicz
Designee of Secretary Jay Gonzalez Massachusetts Executive Ofce for Administration and Finance

Patricia McGovern
Senior Vice President for Corporate and Community Affairs Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

2012 Board of Directors


160 Federal Street, Seventh Floor, Boston, MA 02210 800.445.8030 I

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