Acquiring A Yidam

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SELECTED BY JAMPA NAMGYAL augmented illusions no. 12 < web source

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ac ui!ing a "idam February 22nd, 2007 Most Yidams are given through initiation. If we have a lineage that selflessly seeks the happiness of the world, all reasonable and serious seekers are given Yidams and onne ted to guides. If we have lineages vain of power and tradition, relatively few are given guides. !hen we have egotisti al lineages that hide tea hings, then it is rare to find followers with Yidams, and they must wait many years for the lama "or tea her# to de ide that they are worthy. $his is the lowest type of lineage. It is not up to the lama or a harya to de ide the worthiness of a andidate % it is up to the dakini or bhairava. If these guides do not like the person, they will not ome. &ut they de ide the worthiness, not the lama. For the lama to laim that role is to e' eed his authority. (s a general rule, if a novi e of good moral hara ter annot re eive a guide within a year, then the lineage is taking undue power, and the novi e must look elsewhere. )ery little trans endent insight omes from e'ternal tea hing % all true transformational knowledge omes inwardly, and should be guided by a dakini or bhairava. If a lineage lut hes at its Yidams *like buried treasure+, then the novi e must go elsewhere. ,e or she usually has three hoi es. -ne is to go on pilgrimage to sa red sites where monks and saints have done meditation. .ometimes a link is maintained at su h sites to the deities involved. /rolonged meditation in su h pla es may rekindle the spark, and the past visionary atmosphere may return "so the seeker may onta t a Yidam there#. $he se ond hoi e is meditation, whi h reates a link. 0'tended meditation and on entration on finding a Yidam an slowly reate a brilliant meditative flame around a person, and sooner or later, the sheer intensity of desire and on entration will apture the attention of the bodhisattva, bhairava, or dakini. It is the sheer desire for a guide whi h will draw one down if the person shines with the light of effort. $he third method to onta t a Yidam is through dream yoga. $here are some bhairavas who prefer to work with people who are fully ons ious. ,owever, there are also guides who prefer to work with the inner bodies while the person is asleep. $hese are spe ialists and may be alled down in different ways.

-ne te hni1ue is to visuali2e the inside of the physi al body as perfe tly empty and still. It should appear as dark with perhaps only a few stars. $he only winds are those of pea e. 3rops of ne tar should be visuali2ed as falling on invisible waters whi h respond with on entri ir les of blue light. In the enter of one of the ir les is the bi4a "seed# mantra ,5M, lit up in radiant blue light. $his leanses the inner body whi h then sparkles with subtle blue light. (s the novi e rests, he or she should hant the mantra OM BHAIRAVA HUM. &y doing this ea h night, the mind is leansed and a pathway is developed for the entran e of the guide. It is important to note that guides ome at the beginning of a 4ourney, not at the end. $o put off a guide until years of philosophi al training are over, kills spiritual development. $he guide is most vital at the beginning, to untangle universal truth from lineage 4argon. If you seek a Yidam, seek a beautiful one to begin. -ne6s path should begin in a positive way. Yidams an always take on their wrathful forms but it is no way to begin. 3estru tion emerges when it is ne essary, but stepping onto the path is a reative hoi e. )isuali2e the light that refle ts your inner being best, and surround yourself with it like a great flame. 7all upon a spe ifi deity, or any bodhisattva who harmoni2es with your light "or personality#. You must see with your heart that you do not have a ghost or demon that responds to your all but a true guide. (sk his or her name, visuali2e the name and see if the being stays. If it stays true and bright, ask if it will guide you on the path. "If he or she says yes, then# this is your Yidam. 8aining and ommuni ating with a Yidam is ertainly an esoteri pra ti e, and one on whi h some seekers spend a great deal of time and effort. $hough the above mentioned diffi ulties asso iated with ertain spiritual lineages are sometimes the reason that students are not given Yidams, there is also another very good reason why seekers are not assigned Yidams9 $o gain a Yidam, people in lineages must re1uest one. $hen the tea her must gauge if assigning one will do any good, as the ma4or Yidam problem is that people annot see them. 0ven if they have one assigned, it does no good if there is a wall of ignoran e between them "the seeker and the Yidam#. $he Yidam ould be there but the person annot see or hear them. It is a waste of time on both sides. Yidams an prote t the seeker from distra tions and demons, motivate and guide him or her, and e'plain the paths of spiritual development.

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