ENGL 487 Log
ENGL 487 Log
ENGL 487 Log
ctober !th Week 1 Total hours: 5 During m" first #ee$ of the internship, % &e'ise& a series of (uestions that % belie'e& #oul& benefit stu&ents) %n or&er to create a list of (uestions that #oul& a&e(uatel" represent #hat stu&ents #ishe& to $no# on campus, % sur'e"e& a number of stu&ents) *he (uestions that most commonl" appeare& &uring m" sur'e" #ere chosen for m" inter'ie# (uestions) Subse(uentl", % compose& an email to a group of professors to inter'ie#, an& state& m" intentions for con&ucting the inter'ie#) +hile #aiting to hear bac$ from each professor, % consulte& Sher"l to get the 'i&eo e(uipment necessar" for each inter'ie#) *hat being sai&, % spent time #or$ing in the me&ia lab of ,oss -all to learn ho# to operate the camera, #ireless au&io e(uipment, an& tripo&) ctober .th/12th Week 2 Total hours: 5 During the secon& #ee$ of m" internship, man" people respon&e& to m" email) *hereafter, % set a sche&ule to inter'ie# each person) *he first person % #as sche&ule& to inter'ie# #as *ina) % rehearse& ho# to assemble the camera prior to meeting #ith her) 0fter assembling an& reassembling the camera se'eral times, % hea&e& o'er to Car'er -all to con&uct the inter'ie#) nce % got there, % intro&uce& m"self an& informe& *ina of #hat the inter'ie# process consiste& of, as #ell as some of the techni(ues % planne& to implement) 1or e2ample, % &eci&e& to ha'e the inter'ie#ee #ait fi'e secon&s before ans#ering m" (uestions to simplif" the e&iting process) % ha& &eci&e& that % &i& not #ant to be seen nor hear& &uring the inter'ie#) *hat being sai&, % #ire& *ina #ith the au&io e(uipment) During the inter'ie#, *ina stoppe& spea$ing a fe# times to clarif" the content of the (uestion as$e&) *hus, % use& the fi'e/secon& principle to ensure % #oul& easil" be able to e&it out scenes #here the inter'ie#ee #as clearl" confuse&) 0fter finishing the inter'ie#, % hea&e& bac$ o'er to ,oss -all to chec$ the camera) % notice& a bu33ing soun&, #hich left me &isma"e&, since % #as hoping, immensel", that the entire inter'ie# process #oul& flo# smoothl") 4ut the &istorte& au&io cause& me to belie'e that % ha& ma&e a mista$e in setting up the au&io e(uipment, #hich meant that % #oul& ha'e to con&uct the inter'ie# again) % &eci&e& to recor& m"self to test the au&io e(uipment) % trie& troubleshooting the au&io malfunction, but to no a'ail) % &eci&e& that % shoul& consult Sher"l for assistance)
ctober 13th/15th Week 3 Total hours: 5 During the thir& #ee$, % ma&e it m" priorit" to ensure that the 'i&eo e(uipment #oul& function perfectl" for future inter'ie#s) *hat being sai&, % consulte& Sher"l about m" technical &ifficulties) She, too, ha& no i&ea #h" the au&io #as malfunctioning) 0fter consulting m" internship a&'isor, % &eci&e& to consult Geoff to help me troubleshoot the au&io malfunction) 0fter meeting #ith him, #e ran a series of tests in the me&ia lab to ensure the au&io #as functioning properl") +e &eci&e& that, perhaps, % ha& assemble& to e(uipment #rong since the 'olume button #as turne& &o#n) 4" turning up the 'olume, the au&io functione& properl") *hus, % ensure& the au&io e(uipment #oul& #or$ properl" b" &ouble/chec$ing the e(uipment) *hat being sai&, % too$ time to rea& manuals on the au&io an& 'i&eo e(uipment to ensure that % ha& a profoun& un&erstan&ing of the e(uipment % #as #or$ing #ith) ctober 20th/2.th Week 4 Total hours: 10 During the fourth #ee$, % #as sche&ule& to meet #ith a&&itional professors) %nter'ie#ing 6enn" an& 7ichele seeme& to go much better than m" first inter'ie#) % #as able to assemble the camera #ith ease an& e2plain #hat the inter'ie# consiste& of) % &ouble/chec$e& to ensure the au&io #as turne& up an& assemble& properl") 0fter con&ucting the inter'ie#, % #ent bac$ to the me&ia center to chec$ o'er the footage) 8nfortunatel", the bu33ing soun& &i& no go a#a") 1rustrate& an& &isma"e&, % consulte& Geoff again, an& trie& to figure out #hat #as causing this problem) +e e'entuall" conclu&e& that % #as simpl" #or$ing #ith &efecti'e e(uipment after testing the au&io e(uipment again) E'en though the 'olume #as turne& up an& % spo$e &irectl" into the microphone, the bu33ing soun& #as still present) *hus, Geoff loane& me a long microphone so % coul& continue m" inter'ie#s unimpe&e&) *he ne#er microphone #or$e& perfectl") Since the #ireless au&io e(uipment #as &efecti'e, % &eci&e& to email the professors % ha& pre'iousl" inter'ie#e& an& as$e& for an a&&itional inter'ie# as a result of technical &ifficulties) *he three professors consente& to being part of the inter'ie# again)
ctober 29th :o'ember 2n& Week 5 Total hours: 5 During the fifth #ee$, % #as sche&ule& to meet #ith another professor, along #ith the people % ha& pre'iousl" inter'ie#e&) *his #ee$, % focuse& on re&oing the past inter'ie#s an&
inter'ie#ing Sean) *han$full", the au&io &i& not malfunction) % consulte& #ith Geoff regar&ing the t"pes of e&iting soft#are that % shoul& use, an& he ma&e a number of recommen&ations) % e'entuall" &eci&e& % shoul& #or$ #ith 0&obe Premiere to e&it m" inter'ie#s) *hat being sai&, % began #atching L"n&a)com 'i&eos about ho# to use the aforementione& program) %n a&&ition, % began composing m" memo for m" internship) :o'ember 3r&/5th Week 6: Total hours: 5 During the si2th #ee$, % performe& m" final inter'ie#s #ith 4rianna an& 4ethan") 0gain, the inter'ie# process #ent smoothl") % learne& that % #as becoming more ac(uainte& #ith using the 'i&eo e(uipment an& as$ing inter'ie# (uestions) +hen % first began inter'ie#ing professors, % #as ner'ous an& unsure #hether % #as assembling the e(uipment correctl") % too$ time to import the recor&e& &ata to Dropbo2 to ensure % #oul& ha'e access to the files since % ha& to return the 'i&eo e(uipment to Sher"l) :o'ember 10th/1.th Week 7 Total hours: 10 During the se'enth #ee$, % spent the entire #ee$ going o'er L"n&a)com 'i&eos to e&ucate m"self ho# to operate 0&obe Premiere) %n a&&ition, % began plotting ho# % shoul& pro&uce the 'i&eo content) % e'entuall" &eci&e& to go #ith m" original plan, #hich consiste& of e&iting out m" 'oice an& ha'ing a title screen print the (uestions as$e& across the screen) %n a&&ition, % contemplate& ho# % shoul& create an intro an& outro for each 'i&eo) :o'ember 19th/23r& Week 8 Total hours: 15 During the eighth #ee$, % &o#nloa&e& 0&obe Premiere) % spent time practicing ho# to use the site #ith the assistance of L"n&a)com) *he #ebsite ha& a series of pro;ects that % ha& complete& in or&er to practice using the soft#are) 0fter becoming some#hat ac(uainte& #ith the program, % began importing the recor&e& footage to a single fol&er that % coul& use to access from 0&obe Premiere) *hereafter, % create& a file for each professor an& began e&iting out m" 'oice for each 'i&eo)
:o'ember 2<th/30th Week 9 Total hours: 20 During the ninth #ee$, % began #or$ing on m" progress report) %n a&&ition, % spent the bul$ of m" time clarif"ing (uestions regar&ing 0&obe Premiere b" #atching a&&itional L"n&a)com 'i&eos an& e&iting out information in each inter'ie# that % &i& not #ant the 'ie#er to see) Some of the (uestions % ha& as$e& the professors #ere (uite &ifficult to ans#er) 0s a result, some of the professors encountere& problems &e'eloping a soun& ans#er) % &eci&e& to e&it out parts #here the professors &i& not appear confi&ent to gi'e the 'ie#ers the illusion that the professors are, in&ee&, confi&ent in their professions, such as $no#ing #hat moti'ates them to teach an& #h" their course#or$ can benefit stu&ents) E&iting out certain sections #ithin each inter'ie# re(uire& me to ma$e meticulous e&its, such as choosing a specific point #here % shoul& start an& en& the 'i&eo) %n a&&ition, % ha& to consi&er #hether % shoul& cut out (uestions #here some of the professors clearl" coul& not ans#er the (uestion) December 1st/9th Week 10 Total hours: 20 During the 10th #ee$, % focuse& mainl" on impro'ing the aesthetics of the 'i&eos) % focuse& on #hat colors #oul& be appropriate to a&& to the 'i&eo, the best font si3e an& t"peface, as #ell as ho# to implement transitions in each 'i&eo) *o elaborate, % use& car&inal re& as #ell as blac$ since those colors are use& on the English Department #ebpage) %n terms of the technical changes % ma&e to the 'i&eos, % set a specifie& amount of time for each title to appear on the page) 1urthermore, % use& a fa&e to blac$ transition for the beginning an& the en&ing of each 'i&eo) %n a&&ition, % use& a crosso'er fa&e to transition bet#een each clip) 4" &ragging an& &ropping #here % #ante& to ma$e certain transitions, % #as able to manipulate ho# the 'i&eo #oul& appear to 'ie#ers) % &eci&e& to use car&inal re& for the title bar, couple& #ith a blac$ gra&ient #ith slight opacit"= the title bar #as &esigne& to appear at a cur'e& angle) %n terms of t"pefaces, % chose 0rial #ith the touch of a sha&o# since this t"peface is legible to 'ie#ers) December 1!th/20h Week 11 Total hours: 20 During the final #ee$ of m" internship, % chec$e& o'er each 'i&eo to ensure that no errors #ere foun&) *hat being sai&, % too$ time to crop out some intru&ing images that #ere capture& in the inter'ie#, such as the microphone hanging in front of the camera) %n a&&ition, % trie& resol'ing issues #ith the camera sha$ing, but % coul& not fi2 this problem #ithout cutting out the entire clip)
During the first fe# inter'ie#s, % &i& not ha'e the shoe to place the microphone on, #hich #oul& ha'e been inserte& on top of the camera) 0s a result, % ha& to ph"sicall" hol& &o#n the microphone on top of the camera throughout the first fe# inter'ie#s) During 6enn">s inter'ie#, for e2ample, % recall becoming e2tremel" fatigue&, #hich cause& m" han&s to tremble #hile hol&ing the microphone on top of the camera) Conse(uentl", the en& of the 'i&eo is tainte& #ith rumbling soun&s that % coul& not resol'e #ithout actuall" &eleting the clip) 0fter e&iting the 'i&eos, % sent the 0&obe Premiere files to Sher"l 'ia 3ip file) *he files contain une&ite& footage, along #ith the e&ite& footage) *he final thing % complete& #as m" final report, #hich ga'e a &etail o'er'ie# of m" internship e2perience) 0lso, % &eci&e& to use an online portfolio since pro&uce& onl" &igital #or$)