LMS Project Report
LMS Project Report
LMS Project Report
Submitted for the partial fulfillment of Bachelor of computer Application III year (VI Semester) Requirement
H.K. Hitech ( olle!e of I" and #ana!ement) $%%& #eheran "o'er& $st ( ) Road Sardarpura *odhpur (Ra+asthan)
-etail of %(ol!tion along wit. name & sign of Teac.er __________________________________________________ Partic!lar )ar's *!t of )ar's nternal "warded %&aminer Name & Signat!re
/orwarding b# 0ead *f St!d# Centre _________________________ 1Signat!re$ Name and St!d# Centre Seal2
_________________________ Remar's *f St!d# Centre ____________________ 3ni(ersit# Project %&aminer %(ol!tion Total )ar's "warded__________ *!t *f 500 -etail of %(ol!tion along wit. Name & Sign *f 3ni(ersit# )ar's *!t *f )ar's "warded nternal %&aminer Name & Signat!re
%&aminer. Partic!lar
T.is is to certif# t.at Mukund Joshi .as s!ccessf!ll# s!bmitted .is project on
Date : ,-./0./1 Place: *odhpur (M.C. Nehra) #ana!in! 2irector H.K. Hitech
Acknowl !" # n$
t is m# great pri(ilege to e&press m# profo!nd respect and gratit!de towards m# g!ide )r. "mit Rat.ore$ for pro(iding me all t.e g!idance and 'eeping .is e&perienced .ad o(er m# wor'. Words are inade7!ate to e&press deep sense of gratit!de towards )r. "mit Rat.ore$ for .is precio!s s!ggestions co!pled wit. constr!cti(e criticism w.ic. res!lted in !ltimate efficac#. 8ast$ b!t not t.e least$ am t.an'f!l to m# parents and all m# friends for consistent moral s!pport and enco!ragement & moti ate! at e er" #$a% o& li&e.
I3"R425 "I43 6R78A 7
I3"R425 "I43
S9S"7# S"529 87ASIBI:I"9 S"529 A32 4S" B7378I" A3A:9SIS
S9S"7# I#6:7#73"A"I43 S9S"7# S7 5RI"9 S9S"7# R7 4VR9 S48"<AR7 7V4:A"I43 43 :5SI43 BIB:I4=RA6H9
The LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM manages the i!rar" s"stem# $hi%h is a! e to %onsider a ru es and regu ations o& institute and 'ro(ide easier and gra'hi%a inter&a%e to user &or eas" $orking. The so&t$are is designed &or i!rar" s"stem management. It %o(ers a as'e%ts o& a i!rar" s"stem ike ) *ine 'ena t" %harge# +hange o& &ine 'ena t" rate# 'ass$ord %hange# dai " re'ort# student detai # !ooks detai # sear%h o'tions et%. The main M,I -Main or Mu ti' e ,o%ument Inter&a%e. has &i(e menus# $hi%h are *i e# *orm# Sear%hing# Re'ort and /e '. The" a so &urther ha(e menu o'tions. It is (er" sim' e to se e%t the desire !utton and 0ust a&ter a % i%k e(ent the desired &orms are dis' a"ed. E(er" &orm has a detai s. The user do entr" o& data 0ust !" % i%king e(ents # The t"'ing $ork is a(oid as 'ossi! e. A&ter %om' etion o& entr" data stores in data !ase and resu t is dis' a"ed in resu t &orm a%%ording 'rogram. o o A sing e 'erson %an manage the sho$ des'ite o& %on(entiona s"stem There is not need to maintain so man" 'a'er $ork. A 'erson ike +om'uter 3'erator %an hand e this 0o! !e%ause inter&a%e is tota " gra'hi%a . OBJECT !E OF "# BRARY MA$AGEME$T SYSTEM " To (a idate the users assigning a user a%%ount to ea%h user %he%king his 'ass$ords at the time o& ogin. To generates a(ai a! e !ook ist# to 're'are dai " transa%tion re'ort# to 're'are month " transa%tion re'ort# to maintain issue and de'osit !ooks. To generate re'ort a issued !ook and 'arti%u ar student# and a so generate re'ort a missing !ooks. The e4isting s"stem $as manua and three Nos. % erks# one 'eon and one su'er(ising o&&i%er maintained $ork# $hi e 'resent s"stem is designed to hand e same $ork !" a 'erson $ho has !asi% kno$ edge o& %om'uter. The !asi% s"stem in(o (es so man" re%ords and &i ing s"stem# $hi e %urrent s"stem has no su%h t"'e o& re%ords. A re%ords %an !e stored as so&t %o'". To understand a s"stem I tr" to make it a ro!ust and stead". Stud" the data!ase management o& a s"stem. I studied the a(ai a! e I,E ike Mi%roso&t 1isua Basi% and Mi%roso&t A%%ess. To stud" the i!rar" s"stem and tr" to de(e o' so&t$are that manages a i!rar" $ith east e&&orts. manua the intera%tion !et$een 1isua Basi% and !a%k end MS2A%%ess as 'er
The i!rar" is an im'ortant modu e &or an" edu%ationa institute. Li!rar" ma" %ontain thousands o& !ooks# and its management is a (er" tough 0o!. The %are shou d !e taken &or 'ro'er distri!ution o& the resour%es. It shou d !e managed in a manner so that its resour%es are used e&&i%ient " and %on(enient ". *or this ru es and rights shou d !e 'ro(ided to ea%h user. Manua management o& su%h a arge s"stem is a (er" tedious 0o! and errors ma" o%%ur sometimes. This ma" a&&e%t the integrit" and %onsisten%" o& the s"stem resu ting in an im'ro'er resour%e distri!ution. /ere $e ha(e 'ro(ided a &u 2& edged i!rar" management s"stem# $hi%h $i %hange the %on(entiona manua management $ith a %om'uteri5ed i!rar" management s"stem. 6e ha(e tried our !est to 'ro(ide e&&i%ient and %on(enient transitor" o'erations &or i!rarian and users. 6e are (er" mu%h thank&u to a those $ho dire%t " or indire%t " he 'ed us in %om' eting this 'ro0e%t.
Mukund Joshi
Ca%e Study and Ra& 'ata To de(e o' a 'ro0e%t the &irst ne%essit" $as to get the in2de'th kno$ edge o& 1isua Basi% and ,ata!ase. And a so ana "5e the re7uirement o& the i%e %ream 'ar our. Feature% As this 'ro0e%t is (er" arge# so to maintain its reada!i it" $e ha(e di(ided this $ho e 'ro0e%t in (arious &un%tiona %om'onents. This &eature 'ro(ides a%%ura%"# ess e4e%ution time# error hand ing# and memor" imitation. Fl(&)*artin+ As $e %annot dire%t " %ode so $e started &rom 're'aring & o$ %harts o& ea%h %om'onent. *or this $e ha(e used to' do$n modu ar design and s'itted the 'ro0e%t into sma modu es. Sele)ti(n (, lan+ua+e A&ter 're'aring & o$ %hart the main 'ro! em $as to se e%t an a''ro'riate 'rogramming anguage. 6e ha(e se e%ted 1isua Basi% &or de(e o'ing this so&t$are !e%ause it8s (er" user &riend " and $orking in it is (er" eas". 1isua Basi% 'ro(ides (arious uti ities ike A%ti(e9 +ontro s and A%ti(e 9 %om'onent# $hi%h are (er" he '&u in making 'ro0e%t. In 1isua Basi% the user inter&a%e is termed as *orm. C(din+ It is the a%tua stage $here $e $rote instru%tions in 1isua Basi% to im' ement the & o$ %harts.
Fea%ibility Study and C(%t Bene,it Analy%i% *easi!i it" stud" is the most im'ortant ste' in S"stem Ana "sis. It is the determination o& $hether the 'ro0e%t is &easi! e or not. 3n%e it has !een determined that a 'ro0e%t is &easi! e# the ana "st %an go ahead and 're'are the 'ro0e%t s'e%i&i%ation $hi%h &ina i5es 'ro0e%t re7uirements. As this 'ro0e%t is not designed &or an" organi5ation &or management o& their i!rar". *irst o& a a se%urit" s"stem is 'ro(ided through a data!ase so that unauthori5ed user %annot a%%ess the i!rar"8s uti it". This management s"stem 'ro(ides a user I, to e(er" user# $hi%h 'ro(ides &a%i it" to a%%ess their a%%ount on ine. The i!rar" Management s"stem a so has (arious &orms in G:I# $hi%h 'ro(ides &o o$ing in&ormation; <. Student = +ustomer In&ormation >. Book A(ai a!i it" In&ormation. ?. Book Issue and Re%ei't In&ormation. @. Re'orts a!out a detai s. The &easi!i it" stud" %ontains a the &a%tors i.e. Te%hni%a # Beha(iora and E%onomi%a &easi!i it". The &o o$ing ste's $ere taken during &easi!i it" stud". M" Se &2s team eader and team mem!er $ith guidan%e o& m" 'rogrammer guide Mr. Amit Rathore. S"stem & o$%hart $as 're'ared and design re7uirement studies done. As this 'ro0e%t $as made as 'er assum'tion that the e4isting i!rar" management s"stem is manua . The e4isting s"stem $as manua and three Nos. % erks# one 'eon and one su'er(ising o&&i%er maintained $ork# $hi e 'resent s"stem is designed to hand e same $ork !" a 'erson $ho has !asi% kno$ edge o& %om'uter. The !asi% s"stem in(o (es so man" re%ords and &i ing s"stem# $hi e %urrent s"stem has no su%h t"'e o& re%ords. A re%ords %an !e stored as so&t %o'". +ost &easi!i it" stud" a so done $hi%h is &easi! e and &o o$ing;
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+ost !ene&it ana "sis done and $ith %onsideration o& &o o$ing 'oints. <. /ard$are +ost >. Aersonne +ost ?. *a%i it" +ost @. 3'erating +ost B. Su'' " +ost Te)*ni)al Fea%ibility This is %on%ern $ith s'e%i&"ing e7ui'ment and so&t$are that $i su%%ess&u " satis&" the user re7uirement. The te%hni%a needs o& the s"stem ma" (ar" %onsidera! "# !ut might in% ude ) The &a%i it" to 'rodu%e out'uts in a gi(en time Res'onse time under %ertain %onditions A!i it" to 'ro%ess a %ertain (o ume o& transa%tion at a 'arti%u ar s'eed *a%i it" to %ommuni%ate data to distant o%ation In e4amining te%hni%a &easi!i it"# %on&iguration o& the s"stem is gi(en more im'ortan%e than the a%tua make o& hard$are. The %on&iguration shou d gi(e the %om' ete 'i%ture a!out the s"stem8s re7uirements. The e4isting %om'uter s"stem 'ro'er " su''orts this so&t$are. To im' ement this the %om'an" does not re7uire additiona resour%es. /en%e it %an !e %on% uded that the 'ro'osed s"stem is te%hni%a " &easi! e. E)(n(mi)al Fea%ibility E%onomi%a Ana "sis is the most &re7uent " used te%hni7ue &or e(a uating the e&&e%ti(eness o& a 'ro'osed s"stem. E%onomi%a *easi!i it" is most %ommon " kno$n as %ost !ene&it ana "sis. It is the 'ro%edure to determine the !ene&its and sa(ings that are e4'e%ted &rom a 'ro'osed s"stem and %om'are them $ith %osts. This so&t$are redu%es the 'a'er $ork as $e as man'o$er and 'ro(ides the !etter management &or LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. It %an !e ana "5ed that the %ost o& 'ro'osed s"stem is mu%h ess than the !ene&its that %an !e deri(ed &rom it. So $e %an a%%e't it to !e e%onomi%a " &easi! e.
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'urati(n (Time Fea%ibility) Time *easi!i it" is a determination o& $hether a 'ro'osed 'ro0e%t %an !e im' emented &u " $ithin a sti'u ated 'eriod. I& a 'ro0e%t takes too mu%h time it is ike " to !e re0e%ted. The 'ro'osed s"stem takes a itt e time 'eriod &or im' ementation so it %an !e %onsidered as Time *easi! e So&t$are.
-ard&are Re.uirement ,(r im/lementin+ t*i% %(,t&are Inte mi%ro'ro%essor RAM /ard ,isk ,ri(e * o''" ,isk ,ri(e 2 1GA Monitor Standard Fe"!oard and Mouse S(,t&are Re.uirement ,(r im/lementin+ t*i% %(,t&are 3'erating S"stem *ront end Ba%k end 2 2 2 6indo$s G4=NT=>F=9A 2 2 2 CD@CE or higher <E MB <> MB -*ree s'a%e.
<.@@ MB
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A%ti(e9M te%hno ogies a o$ "ou to use the &un%tiona it" 'ro(ided !" other a'' i%ations# su%h as Mi%roso&t 6ord Aro%essor# Mi%roso&t E4%e s'readsheet# and other 6indo$s a'' i%ations. You %an e(en automate a'' i%ations and o!0e%ts %reated using the Aro&essiona or Enter'rise editions o& 1isua Basi%. Internet %a'a!i ities make it eas" to 'ro(ide a%%ess to do%uments and a'' i%ations a%ross the Internet or intranet &rom $ithin "our a'' i%ation# or to %reate Internet ser(er a'' i%ations. Your &inished a'' i%ation is a true .e4e &i e that uses a 1isua Basi% 1irtua Ma%hine that "ou %an &ree " distri!ute. !i%ual Ba%i) Editi(n%
1isua Basi% is a(ai a! e in three (ersions# ea%h geared to meet a s'e%i&i% set o& de(e o'ment re7uirements. The 1isua Basi% Learning edition a o$s 'rogrammers to easi " %reate 'o$er&u a'' i%ations &or Mi%roso&t 6indo$s and 6indo$s NTH. It in% udes a intrinsi% %ontro s# ' us grid# ta!# and data2!ound %ontro s. ,o%umentation 'ro(ided $ith this edition in% udes the Learn 1B No$ +, ' us the Mi%roso&t ,e(e o'er Net$ork -MS,NM. Li!rar" +,s %ontaining &u on ine do%umentation. The Aro&essiona edition 'ro(ides %om'uter 'ro&essiona s $ith a &u 2&eatured set o& too s &or de(e o'ing so utions &or others. It in% udes a the &eatures o& the Learning edition# ' us additiona A%ti(e9 %ontro s# the Internet In&ormation Ser(er A'' i%ation ,esigner# integrated 1isua ,ata!ase Too s and ,ata En(ironment# A%ti(e ,ata 3!0e%ts# and the ,"nami% /TML Aage ,esigner. ,o%umentation 'ro(ided $ith the Aro&essiona edition in% udes the 1isua Studio Aro&essiona *eatures !ook ' us Mi%roso&t ,e(e o'er Net$ork +,s %ontaining &u on ine do%umentation. The Enter'rise edition a o$s 'ro&essiona s to %reate ro!ust distri!uted a'' i%ations in a team setting. It in% udes a the &eatures o& the Aro&essiona edition# ' us Ba%k 3&&i%e too s su%h as SLL Ser(er# Mi%roso&t Transa%tion Ser(er# Internet In&ormation Ser(er# 1isua Sour%eSa&e# SNA Ser(er# and more. Arinted do%umentation 'ro(ided $ith the Enter'rise edition in% udes the 1isua Studio Enter'rise *eatures !ook ' us Mi%roso&t ,e(e o'er Net$ork +,s %ontaining &u on ine do%umentation. Startin+ !i%ual Ba%i) 3n%e "ou ha(e %om' eted the Setu' 'ro%edure# "ou %an start 1isua Basi% !" using the Start !utton on the 6indo$s task !ar. I& AutoA a" is ena! ed on "our s"stem# "ou %an a so start 1isua Basi% !" inserting the 1isua Basi% %om'a%t dis%.
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!i%ual Ba%i) C(n)e/t% In order to understand the a'' i%ation de(e o'ment 'ro%ess# it is he '&u to understand some o& the ke" %on%e'ts u'on $hi%h 1isua Basi% is !ui t. Be%ause 1isua Basi% is a 6indo$s de(e o'ment anguage# some &ami iarit" $ith the 6indo$s en(ironment is ne%essar". I& "ou are ne$ to 6indo$s 'rogramming# "ou need to !e a$are o& some &undamenta di&&eren%es !et$een 'rogramming &or 6indo$s (ersus other en(ironments. -(& 1ind(&% 1(r2%: 1ind(&%3 E4ent% and Me%%a+e% A %om' ete dis%ussion o& the inner $orkings o& 6indo$s $ou d re7uire an entire !ook. A dee' understanding o& a o& the te%hni%a detai s isnKt ne%essar". A sim' i&ied (ersion o& the $orkings o& 6indo$s in(o (es three ke" %on%e'ts; $indo$s# e(ents and messages. Think o& a $indo$ as sim' " a re%tangu ar region $ith its o$n !oundaries. You are 'ro!a! " a read" a$are o& se(era di&&erent t"'es o& $indo$s; an E4' orer $indo$ in 6indo$s# a do%ument $indo$ $ithin "our $ord 'ro%essing 'rogram# or a dia og !o4 that 'o's u' to remind "ou o& an a''ointment. 6hi e these are the most %ommon e4am' es# there are a%tua " man" other t"'es o& $indo$s. A %ommand !utton is a $indo$. I%ons# te4t !o4es# o'tion !uttons and menu !ars are a $indo$s. The Mi%roso&t 6indo$s o'erating s"stem manages a o& these man" $indo$s !" assigning ea%h one a uni7ue id num!er -$indo$ hand e.. The s"stem %ontinua " monitors ea%h o& these $indo$s &or signs o& a%ti(it" or e(ents. E(ents %an o%%ur through user a%tions su%h as a mouse % i%k or a ke" 'ress# through 'rogrammati% %ontro # or e(en as a resu t o& another $indo$Ks a%tions. Ea%h time an e(ent o%%urs# it %auses a message to !e sent to the o'erating s"stem. The s"stem 'ro%esses the message and !road%asts it to the other $indo$s. Ea%h $indo$ %an then take the a''ro'riate a%tion !ased on its o$n instru%tions &or dea ing $ith that 'arti%u ar message -&or e4am' e# re'ainting itse & $hen it has !een un%o(ered !" another $indo$.. As "ou might imagine# dea ing $ith a o& the 'ossi! e %om!inations o& $indo$s# e(ents and messages %ou d !e mind2!ogg ing. *ortunate "# 1isua Basi% insu ates "ou &rom ha(ing to dea $ith a o& the o$2 e(e message hand ing. Man" o& the messages are hand ed automati%a " !" 1isua Basi%N others are e4'osed as E(ent 'ro%edures &or "our %on(enien%e. This a o$s "ou to 7ui%k " %reate 'o$er&u a'' i%ations $ithout ha(ing to dea $ith unne%essar" detai s.
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0nder%tandin+ t*e E4ent5'ri4en M(del In traditiona or J'ro%edura J a'' i%ations# the a'' i%ation itse & %ontro s $hi%h 'ortions o& %ode e4e%ute and in $hat se7uen%e. E4e%ution starts $ith the &irst ine o& %ode and &o o$s a 'rede&ined 'ath through the a'' i%ation# %a ing 'ro%edures as needed. In an e(ent2dri(en a'' i%ation# the %ode doesnKt &o o$ a 'redetermined 'ath O it e4e%utes di&&erent %ode se%tions in res'onse to e(ents. E(ents %an !e triggered !" the userKs a%tions# !" messages &rom the s"stem or other a'' i%ations# or e(en &rom the a'' i%ation itse &. The se7uen%e o& these e(ents determines the se7uen%e in $hi%h the %ode e4e%utes# thus the 'ath through the a'' i%ationKs %ode di&&ers ea%h time the 'rogram runs. Be%ause "ou %anKt 'redi%t the se7uen%e o& e(ents# "our %ode must make %ertain assum'tions a!out the Jstate o& the $or dJ $hen it e4e%utes. 6hen "ou make assum'tions -&or e4am' e# that an entr" &ie d must %ontain a (a ue !e&ore running a 'ro%edure to 'ro%ess that (a ue.# "ou shou d stru%ture "our a'' i%ation in su%h a $a" as to make sure that the assum'tion $i Your %ode %an a so trigger a $a"s !e (a id -&or e4am' e# disa! ing the e(ents during e4e%ution. *or e4am' e# %ommand !utton that starts the 'ro%edure unti the entr" &ie d %ontains a (a ue.. 'rogrammati%a " %hanging the te4t in a te4t !o4 %ause the te4t !o4Ks +hange e(ent to o%%ur. This $ou d %ause the %ode -i& an". %ontained in the +hange e(ent to e4e%ute. I& "ou assumed that this e(ent $ou d on " !e triggered !" user intera%tion# "ou might see une4'e%ted resu ts. It is &or this reason that it is im'ortant to understand the e(ent2dri(en mode and kee' it in mind $hen designing "our a'' i%ation. ntera)ti4e 'e4el(/ment The traditiona a'' i%ation de(e o'ment 'ro%ess %an !e !roken into three distin%t ste's; $riting# %om'i ing# and testing %ode. :n ike traditiona anguages# 1isua Basi% uses an intera%ti(e a''roa%h to de(e o'ment# ! urring the distin%tion !et$een the three ste's. 6ith most anguages# i& "ou make a mistake in $riting "our %ode# the %om'i er %at%hes the error $hen "ou start to %om'i e "our a'' i%ation. You must then &ind and &i4 the error and !egin the %om'i e %"% e again# re'eating the 'ro%ess &or ea%h error &ound. 1isua Basi% inter'rets "our %ode as "ou enter it# %at%hing and high ighting most s"nta4 or s'e ing errors on the & ". ItKs a most ike ha(ing an e4'ert $at%hing o(er "our shou der as "ou enter "our %ode. In addition to %at%hing errors on the & "# 1isua Basi% a so 'artia " %om'i es the %ode as it is entered. 6hen "ou are read" to run and test "our a'' i%ation# there is on " a
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!rie& de a" to &inish %om'i ing. I& the %om'i er &inds an error# it is high ighted in "our %ode. You %an &i4 the error and %ontinue %om'i ing $ithout ha(ing to start o(er. Be%ause o& the intera%ti(e nature o& 1isua Basi%# "ouK &ind "ourse & running "our a'' i%ation &re7uent " as "ou de(e o' it. This $a" "ou %an test the e&&e%ts o& "our %ode as "ou $ork rather than $aiting to %om'i e ater. Startin+ t*e !i%ual Ba%i) 'E 6hen "ou run the 1isua Basi% Setu' 'rogram# it a o$s "ou to ' a%e the 'rogram items in an e4isting 'rogram grou' or %reate a ne$ 'rogram grou' and ne$ 'rogram items &or 1isua Basi% in 6indo$s. You are then read" to start 1isua Basi% &rom 6indo$s. To start 1isua Basi% &rom 6indo$s; 2 + i%k Start on the Task !ar. Se e%t Arograms# 1isua Studio and then Mi%roso&t 1isua Basi% E.D. + i%k Start on the Task !ar. Se e%t Arograms. :se the 6indo$s E4' orer to &ind the 1isua Basi% e4e%uta! e &i e. ,ou! e2% i%k the 1isua Basi% i%on. You %an a so %reate a short%ut to 1isua Basi%# and dou! e2% i%k the short%ut. 6hen "ou &irst start 1isua Basi%# "ou see the inter&a%e o& the integrated de(e o'ment en(ironment# as sho$n in *igure gi(en !e o$
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Sy%tem Re.uirement% ,(r !i%ual Ba%i) A//li)ati(n% The &o o$ing hard$are and so&t$are is re7uired &or 1isua Basi% a'' i%ations; AentiumH GDM/5 or higher mi%ro'ro%essor. 1GA E@D4@CD or higher2reso ution s%reen su''orted !" Mi%roso&t 6indo$s. Mi%roso&t 6indo$s NT @.D or ater# or Mi%roso&t 6indo$s GB or ater. >@ MB RAM &or 6indo$s GB=GC# ?> MB &or 6indo$s NT. Mi%roso&t Internet E4' orer (ersion @.D< or ater -(ersion @.D< Ser(i%e Aa%k < or ater &or ,/TML a'' i%ation de(e o'ers# and @.4 &or end2users o& these a'' i%ations.. ,isk s'a%e re7uirements; Standard Edition; t"'i%a insta ation @C MB# &u insta ation CD MB. Aro&essiona Edition; t"'i%a insta ation @C MB# &u insta ation CD MB. Enter'rise Edition; t"'i%a insta ation <>C MB# &u insta ation <@P MB. Additiona %om'onents -i& re7uired.; MS,N -&or do%umentation.; EP MB# Internet E4' orer @.4; a''ro4imate " EE MB. +,2R3M -no MS2,3S su''ort assumed..
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Pr(6e)t #imitati(n% A sing e 'ro0e%t %an %ontain u' to ?>#DDD Jidenti&iersJ -an" non reser(ed ke"$ord.# $hi%h in% ude# !ut are not imited to# &orms# %ontro s# modu es# (aria! es# %onstants# 'ro%edures# &un%tions# and o!0e%ts. Note that the a%tua num!er o& identi&iers is imited to a(ai a! e memor". 1aria! e names in 1isua Basi% %an !e no onger than >BB %hara%ters# and the names o& &orms# %ontro s# modu es# and % asses %annot !e onger than @D %hara%ters. 1isua Basi% im'oses no imit on the a%tua num!er o& distin%t o!0e%ts in a 'ro0e%t.
C(ntr(l #imitati(n% Ea%h non2gra'hi%a %ontro -a the %ontro s e4%e't sha'e# ine# image# and a!e . uses a $indo$. Ea%h $indo$ uses s"stem resour%es# imiting the tota num!er o& $indo$s that %an e4ist at one time. The e4a%t imit de'ends on the a(ai a! e s"stem resour%es and the t"'e o& %ontro s used. To redu%e %onsum'tion o& s"stem resour%es# use the sha'e# ine# a!e # and image %ontro s instead o& 'i%ture !o4 %ontro s to %reate or dis' a" gra'hi%s. T(tal $umber (, C(ntr(l% The ma4imum num!er o& %ontro s a o$ed on a sing e &orm de'ends on the t"'e o& %ontro s used and a(ai a! e s"stem resour%es. /o$e(er# there is a &i4ed imit o& >B@ %ontro names 'er &orm. A %ontro arra" %ounts on " on%e to$ard this imit !e%ause a the %ontro s in the arra" share a sing e %ontro name. The imit on %ontro arra" inde4es is D to ?>#PEP on a (ersions. I& "ou a"er %ontro s on to' o& ea%h other# su%h as using se(era &rame %ontro s $ithin other &rames# 1isua Basi% $i genera " a%%e't no more than >B e(e s o& nested %ontro s. C(de #imitati(n% The amount o& %ode that %an !e oaded into a &orm# % ass# or standard modu e is imited to EB#B?@ ines. A sing e ine o& %ode %an %onsist o& u' to <D>? !"tes. :' to >BE ! ank s'a%es %an 're%ede the a%tua te4t on a sing e ine# and no more than t$ent"2&our ine2 %ontinuation %hara%ters - Q. %an !e in% uded in a sing e ogi%a ine. Pr()edure%3 Ty/e%3 and !ariable% There is no imit on the num!er o& 'ro%edures 'er modu e. Ea%h 'ro%edure %an %ontain u' to E@F o& %ode. I& a 'ro%edure or modu e e4%eeds this imit# 1isua Basi% generates a %om'i e2time error. I& "ou en%ounter this error# "ou %an a(oid it !" !reaking e4treme "
Page 19
arge 'ro%edures into se(era sma er 'ro%edures# or !" mo(ing modu e2 e(e de% arations into another modu e. 1isua Basi% uses ta! es to store the names o& identi&iers -(aria! es# 'ro%edures# %onstants# and so on. in "our %ode. Ea%h ta! e is imited to E@F.
'## 'e)lare Table Ea%h &orm and %ode modu e uses a ta! e that %ontains a stru%ture des%ri!ing a ,LL entr" 'oint. Ea%h stru%ture uses a''ro4imate " @D !"tes# $ith a tota restri%ted si5e o& E@F# resu ting in rough " <#BDD de% arations a o$ed 'er modu e.
Pr(6e)t5$ame Table The entire a'' i%ation uses a sing e ta! e that %ontains a names. These in% ude;
+onstant names 1aria! e names :ser2de&ined O t"'e de&inition names Modu e names ,LL2'ro%edure de% aration names Pr(6e)t File F(rmat%
Mi%roso&t 1isua Basi% uti i5es and %reates a num!er o& &i es at !oth design and run time. 6hi%h &i es $i !e re7uired !" "our 'ro0e%t or a'' i%ation de'ends u'on its s%o'e and &un%tiona it".
Pr(6e)t File E7ten%i(n% 1isua Basi% 'rodu%es a num!er o& &i es $hen "ou %reate and %om'i e a 'ro0e%t. These %an !e %ategori5ed as &o o$s; design2time# mis%e aneous de(e o'ment# and run2 time. ,esign time &i es are the !ui ding ! o%ks o& "our 'ro0e%t; !asi% modu es -.!as. and &orm modu es -.&rm.# &or e4am' e. 1arious 'ro%esses and &un%tions o& the 1isua Basi% de(e o'ment en(ironment 'rodu%e mis%e aneous &i es; Aa%kage and ,e' o"ment 6i5ard de'enden%" &i es -.de'.# &or e4am' e.
Page 20
'e%i+n5time and Mi%)ellane(u% File% The &o o$ing ta! e ists a the design2time and mis%e aneous other &i es that ma" !e 'rodu%ed $hen "ou de(e o' an a'' i%ation; E4tension .!as .% s .%t .%t4 .d%a .dd& .de' .do! .do4 .dsr .ds4 .d$s .&rm .&r4 . og .o%a .'ag .'g4 .res .t ! .(!g .(! .(!' .(!r .(!$ .(!5 .$%t ,es%ri'tion Basi% modu e + ass modu e :ser +ontro &i e :ser +ontro !inar" &i e A%ti(e ,esigner %a%he Aa%kage and ,e' o"ment 6i5ard +AB in&ormation &i e Aa%kage and ,e' o"ment 6i5ard de'enden%" &i e A%ti(e9 do%ument &orm &i e A%ti(e9 do%ument !inar" &orm &i e A%ti(e ,esigner &i e A%ti(e ,esigner !inar" &i e ,e' o"ment $i5ard s%ri't &i e *orm &i e Binar" &orm &i e Log &i e &or oad errors +ontro T"'eLi! %a%he &i e Aro'ert" 'age &i e Binar" 'ro'ert" 'age &i e Resour%e &i e Remote Automation T"'eLi! &i e 1isua Basi% grou' 'ro0e%t &i e +ontro i%ensing &i e 1isua Basi% 'ro0e%t &i e Remote Automation registration &i e 1isua Basi% 'ro0e%t $orks'a%e &i e 6i5ard aun%h &i e 6e!+ ass /TML tem' ate
Page 21
Run5Time File% 6hen "ou %om'i e "our a'' i%ation# a the ne%essar" design2time &i es are
in% uded in the run2time e4e%uta! e &i es. Run2time &i es are isted in the &o o$ing ta! e; E4tension .d .e4e .o%4 .(!d .$%t Primary 8ey
,es%ri'tion In2'ro%ess A%ti(e9 %om'onent E4e%uta! e &i e or A%ti(e9 %om'onent A%ti(e9 %ontro A%ti(e9 do%ument state &i e 6e!+ ass /TML tem' ate
3ne or more &ie ds -%o umns. $hose (a ue or (a ues uni7ue " identi&" ea%h re%ord in a ta! e. A 'rimar" ke" does not a o$ Nu (a ues and must a $a"s ha(e a uni7ue (a ue. A 'rimar" ke" is used to re ate a ta! e to &oreign ke"s in other ta! es.
N3TE; You do not ha(e to de&ine a 'rimar" ke"# !ut itKs usua " a good idea. I& "ou donKt de&ine a 'rimar" ke"# Mi%roso&t A%%ess asks "ou i& "ou $ou d ike to %reate one $hen "ou sa(e the ta! e.
*or our tutoria # make the So% Se% R &ie d the 'rimar" ke"# meaning that e(er" student has a so%ia se%urit" num!er and no > are the same.
To do this# sim' " se e%t the So% Se% R &ie d and se e%t the 'rimar" ke" !utton
To s$it%h (ie$s &orm the datasheet -s'readsheet (ie$. and the design (ie$# sim' " % i%k the !utton in the to'2 e&t hand %orner o& the A%%ess 'rogram. ,atasheet 1ie$ ,is' a"s the (ie$# $hi%h a o$s "ou to enter ra$ data into "our data!ase ta! e. ,esign 1ie$
,is' a"s th (ie$# $hi%h a o$s "ou to enter &ie ds# data2t"'es# and des%ri'tions into "our data!ase ta! e.
Enterin+ 'ata
+ i%k on the ,atasheet 1ie$ and sim' " start J%huggingJ a$a" !" entering the data into ea%h &ie d. N3TE; Be&ore starting a ne$ re%ord# the So% Se% R &ie d must
Page 22
ha(e something in it# !e%ause it is the Arimar" Fe". I& "ou did not set a Arimar" Fe" then it is 3F.
Mani/ulatin+ 'ata
Adding a ne$ ro$ Sim' " dro' do$n to a ne$ ine and enter the in&ormation :'dating a re%ord Sim' " se e%t the re%ord and &ie d "ou $ant to u'date# and %hange its data $ith $hat "ou $ant
,e eting a re%ord Sim' " %e Se e%ting a (a ue &rom a dro'do$n !o4 $ith a set o& (a ues that "ou assign to it. This sa(es "ou &rom t"'ing it in ea%h time
E4am' e.+hoosing a %it" that is either Au!urn# Ba" +it"# * int# Mid and# or Sagina$
S$it%h to ,esign 1ie$ Se e%t the &ie d "ou $ant to a ter -+it". At the !ottom se e%t the Looku' Ta! In the ,is' a" +ontro !o4# se e%t +om!o Bo4 :nder Ro$ Sour%e T"'e# se e%t 1a ue List :nder Ro$ Sour%e# enter the (a ues ho$ "ou $ant them dis' a"ed# se'arated !" a %o umn. -Au!urn# Ba" +it"# * int# Mid and# Sagina$.
N3TE; This $i not a 'ha!eti5e them &or "ou# so "ou $i ha(e to do that "ourse &. It shou d ook something ike this; Se e%t in the datasheet (ie$ and "ou shou d see the %hange $hen "ou go to the %it" &ie d.
A&ter "ouK(e set u' mu ti' e ta! es in "our Mi%roso&t A%%ess data!ase# "ou need a $a" o& te ing A%%ess ho$ to !ring that in&ormation !a%k together again. The &irst ste' in this 'ro%ess is to de&ine re ationshi's !et$een "our ta! es. A&ter "ouK(e
Page 23
done that# "ou %an %reate 7ueries# &orms# and re'orts to dis' a" in&ormation &rom se(era ta! es at on%e. A re ationshi' $orks !" mat%hing data in ke" &ie ds 2 usua " a &ie d $ith the same name in !oth ta! es. In most %ases# these mat%hing &ie ds are the 'rimar" ke" &rom one ta! e# $hi%h 'ro(ides a uni7ue identi&ier &or ea%h re%ord# and a &oreign ke" in the other ta! e. *or e4am' e# tea%hers %an !e asso%iated $ith the students the"Kre res'onsi! e &or !" %reating a re ationshi' !et$een the tea%herKs ta! e and the studentKs ta! e using the Tea%herI, &ie ds.
+ut the entire ro$ and hit the ,e ete Fe" on the ke"!oard
A re'ort is an e&&e%ti(e $a" to 'resent "our data in a 'rinted &ormat. Be%ause "ou ha(e %ontro o(er the si5e and a''earan%e o& e(er"thing on a re'ort# "ou %an dis' a" the in&ormation the $a" "ou $ant to see it.
A data!ase is simi ar to a data &i e in that it is a storage ' a%e &or data. Like a data &i e# a data!ase does not 'resent in&ormation dire%t " to a userN the user runs an a'' i%ation that a%%esses data &rom the data!ase and 'resents it to the user in an understanda! e &ormat. ,ata!ase s"stems are more 'o$er&u than data &i es in that data is more high " organi5ed. In a $e 2designed data!ase# there are no du' i%ate 'ie%es o& data that the user or a'' i%ation must u'date at the same time. Re ated 'ie%es o& data are grou'ed together in a sing e stru%ture or re%ord# and re ationshi's %an !e de&ined !et$een these stru%tures and re%ords. 6hen $orking $ith data &i es# an a'' i%ation must !e %oded to $ork $ith the s'e%i&i% stru%ture o& ea%h data &i e. In %ontrast# a data!ase %ontains a %ata og that a'' i%ations use to determine ho$ data is organi5ed. Generi% data!ase a'' i%ations %an use the %ata og to 'resent users $ith data &rom di&&erent data!ases d"nami%a "# $ithout !eing tied to a s'e%i&i% data &ormat. A data!ase t"'i%a " has t$o main 'arts; &irst# the &i es ho ding the 'h"si%a data!ase and se%ond# the data!ase management s"stem -,BMS. so&t$are that a'' i%ations use to a%%ess data. The ,BMS is res'onsi! e &or en&or%ing the data!ase stru%ture# in% uding;
Maintaining re ationshi's !et$een data in the data!ase. Ensuring that data is stored %orre%t "# and that the ru es de&ining data re ationshi's are not (io ated.
Page 24
Re%o(ering a data to a 'oint o& kno$n %onsisten%" in %ase o& s"stem &ai ures.
Page 25
R l'$(on'l D'$')'*
A though there are di&&erent $a"s to organi5e data in a data!ase# re ationa data!ases are one o& the most e&&e%ti(e. Re ationa data!ase s"stems are an a'' i%ation o& mathemati%a set theor" to the 'ro! em o& e&&e%ti(e " organi5ing data. In a re ationa data!ase# data is %o e%ted into ta! es -%a ed re ations in re ationa theor".. A ta! e re'resents some % ass o& o!0e%ts that are im'ortant to an organi5ation. *or e4am' e# a %om'an" ma" ha(e a data!ase $ith a ta! e &or em' o"ees# another ta! e &or %ustomers# and another &or stores. Ea%h ta! e is !ui t o& %o umns and ro$s -%a ed attri!utes and tu' es in re ationa theor".. Ea%h %o umn re'resents some attri!ute o& the o!0e%t re'resented !" the ta! e. *or e4am' e# an Em' o"ee ta! e $ou d t"'i%a " ha(e %o umns &or attri!utes su%h as &irst name# ast name# em' o"ee I,# de'artment# 'a" grade# and 0o! tit e. Ea%h ro$ re'resents an instan%e o& the o!0e%t re'resented !" the ta! e. *or e4am' e# one ro$ in the Em' o"ee ta! e re'resents the em' o"ee $ho has em' o"ee I, <>?@B. 6hen organi5ing data into ta! es# "ou %an usua " &ind man" di&&erent $a"s to de&ine ta! es. Re ationa data!ase theor" de&ines a 'ro%ess %a ed norma i5ation# $hi%h ensures that the set o& ta! es "ou de&ine $i organi5e "our data e&&e%ti(e ".
Page 26
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Page 27
:%t2 e(e ,*,s; 2 Administrator A%kno$ edgement A%%ess 1.3 1.1 Co%trol $a%el +ogi% to A%%ess :ser Ma%age Area *"#tem 1.4 2#er ,rea
<st2Le(e ,*,
;nd2Le(e ,*,s; 2 1a idation in%orre%t 2#er +orre%t 1a idation 1.2.2 Login 1.2.3 +orre%t+ogi% 6ali!ate 1.2.4 2#er area to 2#er
Page 28
1a idation in%orre%t
,!mi%i#trator < > +ogi% :ser 2#er ma%age me%t 2#er ,!!7 Delete 2$!ate ?rd2Le(e ,*, o& Aro%ess :ser management
Page 29
User Clic s
Error in
%alidate !dministrator 1a idation and 'ass$ord area )elcome *a#e In&ormation o& +ognates Se e%tion 1a idation Control3k *anel
Conform input data Yes Save new Data Yes Delete selected Yes Data Save Chan#es
shop s
Page 30
Page 31
Re+i%trati(n !alidate ,un)ti(n 5 .rror re$ort 0o User , t7t:ser <id => :se rid Or t7t :ser </a%%&(rd => :ser Q/a%%&(rd Or ,c9%o<le!geme% t $age to 0%er Message ' ease &i s %orre%t in&ormation 1a idate S &a se *a e !ata to E se !ata;a#e ta;le 1a idate S true Mem;er# End i& T The data entr" &orm %ontains :ser Inter&a%e -te4t !o4. To enter the in&ormation t"'ed !" 0%er. *to$ T 1a idation I& (a idate S true then Sa(e 0%er as mem!er in 0%er data!ase ta! e E se Send error re'ort# a!out (a idation2&ai ed# to 0%er End i& (# ali!ate /9:
Page 32
>>>>>>>>14 0-. 2*.'>>>>>>> *t8!=Na me )athe r Name ,!!re## 1 ,!!re## 2 Student <;n ER5dia+ram ,(r Student ma%ter Table
Boo? Id
(NP20 14 0-. 2*.' 0o$ic (! ,8thor (!
1oo9 Name
1oo9 Co!e
1oo9 (!
Page 33
7nrollment 3o
(NP20 14 0-.
Cla## )athar Name *ectio% ,!!re## Cit" *t8!e%t Name 0el No. .%r No.
'ec9 No.
6ub Id
(NP20 14 0-. 2*.'
Page 34
Cla## )athar Name *ectio% ,!!re## Cit" *t8!e%t Name 0el No. .%r No.
'ec9 No.
)i%e Da"#
1oo9 (!
.%rollme %t
(##8eDe$o#it (0,1+.)
Page 35
Field $ame 'ata Ty/e 1idt* (, Field Enro ment -AF. Num!er Long Integer Stud Name Te4t >B Stud*Name Te4t >B Stud% ass Num!er > Se%tion Te4t < +aution Mone" Num!er ? StudAdd< Te4t BD StudAdd> Te4t BD Stud+it" Te4t >B StudTe No Num!er Long Integer TAB#E ; BOO8 MASTER Field $ame Book Id -AF. Book+ode Book Name To'i%Id AuthorId Edition Year Is!n Au! Id Sho' Id Aur,ate Medium Lost Ari%e Re%k No 'ata Ty/e Num!er Num!er Te4t Num!er Num!er Num!er Num!er Num!er Num!er ,ate Te4t Yes=No Num!er Num!er 1idt* (, Field Long Integer Long Integer BD Long Integer Long Integer Long Integer Long Integer Long Integer Long Integer C >D < Long Integer Long Integer
TAB#E ? Field $ame AuthorId -AF. Author*Name AuthorLName 'ata Ty/e Num!er Te4t Te4t
Page 36
?D BD BD ?D Long Integer
Field $ame Au!QI, -AF. Au!*name Au!LName Au!emai Au!Add< Au!Add> Au!+it" Au!Te No
'ata Ty/e Num!er Te4t Te4t Te4t Te4t Te4t Te4t Num!er
Page 37
BD BD ?D Long Integer
Page 38
0SER #OG $
1idt* (, Field Long Integer Long Integer C C Long Integer Long Integer
C(de (, M' F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& M,I *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! menua!tQ+ i%k-. 6ith A!out&rm .To' S >EDD .Le&t S ><DD .Sho$ End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuAth,e eteQ+ i%k-. 6ith Author&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >DDD .Le&t S >DDD
Page 40
.Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuAthEditQ+ i%k-. 6ith Author&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >DDD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuAthNe$Q+ i%k-. 6ith Author&rm .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >>DD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuAth3'nQ+ i%k-. 6ith Author&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >>DD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuBookEditQ+ i%k-. 6ith Book&rm .%mdne$!ook.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e!ook.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >@DD .Le&t S <CDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuBookNe$Q+ i%k-.
Page 41
6ith Book&rm .%mdu'date!ook.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >@DD .Le&t S <CDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! menu!ooksa(eQ+ i%k-. 6ith Book&rm .%mdu'date!ook.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >@DD .Le&t S <CDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! menu,ue!kQ+ i%k-. Re'ort,ueBk&rm.Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End Su! Ari(ate Su! menuIs,','tQ+ i%k-. 6ith Iss,e'osit&rm .To' S >DDD .Le&t S ><DD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! menuIs,'IssQ+ i%k-. 6ith Iss,e'osit&rm .To' S >DDD .Le&t S ><DD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! menuiss!kQ+ i%k-. Re'ortIssBk&rm.Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End Su! Ari(ate Su! menumissing!kQ+ i%k-. Re'ortmissing&rm.Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End Su! Ari(ate Su! Menu3't*ineQ+ i%k-. 6ith 3'tion&rm .%mdsetda"s.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >PDD .Le&t S ><DD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm<
Page 42
End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! Menu3't*ree,a"Q+ i%k-. 6ith 3'tion&rm .%mdset&ine.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >PDD .Le&t S ><DD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuAu!,e eteQ+ i%k-. 6ith Au! isher&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >DDD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuAu!EditQ+ i%k-. 6ith Au! isher&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >DDD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuAu!Ne$Q+ i%k-. 6ith Au! isher&rm .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >DDD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuAu!3'nQ+ i%k-. 6ith Au! isher&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se
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.%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >DDD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! menur'ta !kQ+ i%k-. Re'ortBooks&rm.Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End Su! Ari(ate Su! menusear%hQ+ i%k-. Sear%h&rm.Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuSho',e eteQ+ i%k-. 6ith Sho'&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >>DD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuSho'EditQ+ i%k-. 6ith Sho'&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >>DD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuSho'Ne$Q+ i%k-. 6ith Sho'&rm .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >>DD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith
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End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuSho'3'nQ+ i%k-. 6ith Sho'&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >>DD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuStudEditQ+ i%k-. 6ith Student&rm .%mdAddne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S CDD .Le&t S CDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuStudNe$Q+ i%k-. 6ith Student&rm .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S CDD .Le&t S CDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuStud3'nQ+ i%k-. 6ith Student&rm .%mdAddne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S CDD .Le&t S CDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! menustudsa(eQ+ i%k-.
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6ith Student&rm .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S CDD .Le&t S CDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuTo'i%EditQ+ i%k-. 6ith To'i%&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >EDD .Le&t S ><DD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuTo'i%Ne$Q+ i%k-. 6ith To'i%&rm .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >EDD .Le&t S ><DD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! menuto'i%o'enQ+ i%k-. 6ith To'i%&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >EDD .Le&t S ><DD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! menuto'i%sa(eQ+ i%k-. 6ith To'i%&rm .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >EDD
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.Le&t S ><DD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! Menu:ser,e eteQ+ i%k-. :ser&rm.Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End Su! Ari(ate Su! Menu:serEditQ+ i%k-. :ser&rm.Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End Su! Ari(ate Su! Menu:serNe$Q+ i%k-. :ser&rm.Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd %ode o& M,I *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT C(de (, 0%er M(dule TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& :serModu eTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it ,im Ma4userId As Integer KSSSSSSSSSSSSS&or *rom userSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Au! i% Su! * e4Grid:ser/ead-. 6ith :ser&rm.* e4Grid:ser K.+ ear KTo Set /eading Ro$s .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S J:ser I,J; .+o 6idth-D. S <BDD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JNameJ; .+o 6idth-<. S ?DDD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JAass$ordJ; .+o 6idth->. S D K to make heading ro$ !o d +a /eadBo d-:ser&rm.* e4Grid:ser# .+o s. End 6ith End Su! KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Grid o& :ser*orm SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Au! i% Su! * e4Grid:ser*i -. ,im R As B"te ,im :serRe% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im ReadRe% As String ReadRe% S Jse e%t :serId<# :serName<# 'ass$ord< &rom usermaster order !" :serId<J :serRe%.3'en ReadRe%# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& :serRe%.Re%ord+ount U D Then 6ith :ser&rm.* e4Grid:ser
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.Ro$s S :serRe%.Re%ord+ount V < 6hi e Not :serRe%.E3* RSRV< .Te4tMatri4-R# D. S :serRe%Wuserid< .Te4tMatri4-R# <. S :serRe%W:serName< .Te4tMatri4-R# >. S :serRe%W'ass$ord< I& :serRe%.E3* S True Then :serRe%.Mo(eLast End I& :serRe%.Mo(eNe4t 6end :serRe%.Mo(eLast Ma4userId S :serRe%.*ie ds-D..1a ue V < :serRe%.+ ose :ser&rm.t4t:serI,.Te4t S Ma4userId End 6ith End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& :serModu e +odeTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT +ode o& Main Mddu e KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Main Modu e TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it ,im gh-<D. As String Au! i% :ser+on As Ne$ A,3,B.+onne%tion Au! i% Su! main-. S' ash&rm.Sho$ End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT*or Ba%k:' &ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KSSSSSSSSSSSSSS S:B R3:TINE T3 MAFES ANY GRI,KS /EA,ING B3L,SSSSSSSSSSS Au! i% Su! /eadBo d-grid As MS* e4Grid# B"1a + As B"te. ,im i As Integer 6ith grid .Ro$ S D K se e%t <st ro$ in grid *or i S D To + 2 < .+o S i; .+e *ontBo d S True .*i4edA ignment-i. S & e4A ign+enter+enter Ne4t i End 6ith End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& +ode Main Modu eTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& S' ash *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! *ormQ+ i%k-. :n oad Me Login&rm.Sho$ End Su! Ari(ate Su! Timer<QTimer-. Me.To' S <>B V Me.To' Me.6idth S Me.6idth V ECB Me./eight S Me./eight V ?GD Me.Le&t S Me.Le&t V CD I& Me.To' U <BDD Then Timer<.Ena! ed S *a se Timer>.Ena! ed S True End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! Timer>QTimer-. :n oad Me Login&rm.Sho$ End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. :n oad Me Login&rm.Sho$ End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. Timer<.Ena! ed S True End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& S' ash *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Login *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. +a Set:ser+on End Su! Ari(ate Su! %md%an%e Q+ i%k-. End End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdokQ+ i%k-. I& t4tuser ogname.Te4t S JJ And t4tuser og'$d.Te4t S JJ Then MsgBo4 JA ease &i +om'e ete In&ormationJ# (!+riti%a End I& ,im Re%Se% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im s7 og As String ,im i As Integer ,im & ag As Boo ean s7 og S JSELE+T username<# 'ass$ord< *rom usermaster 6/ERE username< S KJ X t4tuser ogname X JK AN, 'ass$ord< S KJ X t4tuser og'$d X JK J Re%Se%.3'en s7 og# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& Re%Se%.Re%ord+ount U D Then & ag S True :n oad Me M,I*orm<.Sho$ E se MsgBo4 JIn(a id :sername or Aass$ordJ End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! t4tuser og'sdQFe",o$n-Fe"+ode As Integer# Shi&t As Integer. I& t4tuser og'sd.Te4t S JJ Then E4it Su!
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I& Fe"+ode S (!Fe"Return Then %mdok.Set*o%us End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! t4tuser ognmQFe",o$n-Fe"+ode As Integer# Shi&t As Integer. I& t4tuser ognm.Te4t S JJ Then E4it Su! I& Fe"+ode S (!Fe"Return Then t4tuser og'sd.Set*o%us End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& Login *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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:n oad Me End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or Sa(e Re%ordTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdsa(eQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 As String I& 3'tIssue.1a ue S True Then s7 S Jinsert into Issue,e'osit -Enro ment#Bookid#Issue,ate#Return. J X Q J(a ues -J X t4tEnrNo X J#J X t4t!ookId X J#KJ X ,TABkIssue,ate.1a ue X JK#J X Q o'tno.1a ue X J.J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 +a & e4grid&i sear%h E se s7 S Ju'date Issue,e'osit set Return,ateSKJ X ,TABkReturn,ate.1a ue X JK#ReturnS J X o't"es.1a ue X J #J X Q J,a"sS J X t4tda"s.Te4t X J# &ineS J X Q t4t&ine.Te4t X J $here enro ment S J X t4tEnrNo.Te4t X J !ookId S J X Q t4t!ookId.Te4t X J and Return S *a se J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 +a & e4grid&i sear%h End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! ,TABkReturn,ateQLost*o%us-. t4tda"s.Te4t S ,TABkReturn,ate.1a ue 2 ,TABkIssue,ate.1a ue End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. +a & e4grid&i sear%h End Su! KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS+ode &or *i * e4Grid SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Ari(ate Su! & e4grid&i sear%h-. ,im rsRe% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im i As Integer ,im s7 As String iSD 6ith * e4GridIss,e' .Te4tMatri4-i# D. S JEnro ment No.J; .+o 6idth-D. S <?BD .Te4tMatri4-i# <. S JBook IdJ; .+o 6idth->. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-i# >. S JIssue ,ateJ; .+o 6idth-@. S PBD .Te4tMatri4-i# ?. S JReturn ,ateJ; .+o 6idth-B. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-i# @. S JReturnJ; .+o 6idth-E. S <>DD .Te4tMatri4-i# B. S J*ineJ; .Te4tMatri4-i# E. S J,a"s J; .+o 6idth-P. S <>DD .+o 6idth-C. S GDD
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s7 S Jse e%t T &rom issuede'ositJ rsRe%.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% 6hi e Not rsRe%.E3* .Ro$s S .Ro$s V < iSiV< .Te4tMatri4-i# D. S rsRe%Wenro ment .Te4tMatri4-i# <. S rsRe%W!ookid .Te4tMatri4-i# >. S rsRe%Wissuedate I& IsNu -rsRe%Wreturndate. S *a se Then .Te4tMatri4-i# ?. S rsRe%Wreturndate E se .Te4tMatri4-i# ?. S JJ End I& .Te4tMatri4-i# @. S rsRe%Wreturn .Te4tMatri4-i# B. S rsRe%W&ine .Te4tMatri4-i# E. S rsRe%W,a"s rsRe%.Mo(eNe4t 6end rsRe%.+ ose End 6ith End Su! KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEnd SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Ari(ate Su! 3't,e'ositQ+ i%k-. Issue*ram.Ena! ed S *a se ,e'osit*ram.Ena! ed S True o't"es.1a ue S True End Su! Ari(ate Su! 3'tIssueQ+ i%k-. ,e'osit*ram.Ena! ed S *a se Issue*ram.Ena! ed S True o'tno.1a ue S True End Su! Ari(ate Su! t4tBookI,e'QLost*o%us-. I& 3't,e'osit.1a ue S True Then ,im rs!ook As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im s7 As String o't"es.1a ue S True I& t4tBookId,e' YU JJ Then s7 S Jse e%t T &rom Issue,e'osit $here !ookid S J X t4tBookId,e'.Te4t X J and return S &a seJ rs!ook.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rs!ook.Re%ord+ount U D Then t4tEnrNo.Te4t S rs!ookWenro ment ,TABkReturn,ate.1a ue S rs!ookWissuedate t4tda"s.Te4t S ,TABkReturn,ate.1a ue 2 ,TABkIssue,ate.1a ue
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End I& End I& End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! t4tEnrNoQ ost&o%us-. ,e!ug.Arint 3'tIssue.1a ue I& 3'tIssue.1a ue S True Then ,im re% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t stud&name &rom studentmaster $here enro ment S J X t4tEnrNo.Te4t X J J re%.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& re%.Re%ord+ount U D Then t4tStudName.Te4t S re%Wstud&name E se MsgBo4 JEnro ment No. Not *oundJ t4tStudName.Te4t S JJ End I& End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! t4t!ookIdQ ost&o%us-. I& 3'tIssue.1a ue S True Then ,im re% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t BookName &rom Bookmaster $here BookId S J X t4t!ookId.Te4t X JJ re%.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& re%.Re%ord+ount U D Then ! !ookname.+a'tion S ! !ookname.+a'tion X J J X Mid-re%W!ookname# <# >D. ! !ookname.+a'tion S :+ase- ! !ookname.+a'tion. E se MsgBo4 JBook No. Not *oundJ End I& End I& End Su! KAri(ate Su! t4tBookId,e'Q ost&o%us-. I& 3't,e'osit.1a ue S True Then ,im re% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t stud&name#!ookId &orm studentmaster $here !ookId S J X t4t!ookId.Te4t X J and enro mentS J X t4tEnrNo.Te4t X J J re%.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& re%.Re%ord+ount U D Then
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t4tStudName.Te4t S re%Wstud&name E se MsgBo4 JEnro ment No. Not *oundJ t4tStudName.Te4t S JJ End I& End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in Enro ment no Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tenrnoQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in Book Id Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!ookidQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in !ook id ,e'osit Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!ookid,e'QFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& Issue,e'osit *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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C(de (, B((2 Ma%ter F(rm TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Book *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Au! i% BookRe%No As Long Ari(ate Su! %md% oseQ+ i%k-. :n oad Me End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. +a %md*irstQ+ i%k End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or + ear Te4t &or Ne$ Entr"TTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdne$!ookQ+ i%k-. %mdsa(e!ook.Ena! ed S True t4t!kId.Te4t S JJ t4t!k%ode.Te4t S JJ t4t!kname.Te4t S JJ t4t!kto'i%Id.Te4t S JJ t4t!kauthI,.Te4t S JJ t4t!kedn"r.Te4t S JJ t4t!kis!n.Te4t S JJ t4t!k'u!Id.Te4t S JJ t4t!ksho'Id.Te4t S JJ t4t!k'ri%e.Te4t S JJ t4t!kre%kno.Te4t S JJ End Su!
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KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Sa(e Re%ordTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdsa(e!ookQ% i%k-. ,im s7 !ksa(e As String ,im tm' ost As Boo ean I& t4t!kId.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!kauthI,.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!kname.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!kto'i%Id.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!kauthI,.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!kedn"r.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!kis!n.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!k'u!Id.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!k'u!Id.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!ksho'Id.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!k'ri%e.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!kre%kno.Te4t S JJ Then MsgBo4 JA ease *i A In&ormationJ# (!In&ormation# JIn%om' ete In&ormationJ t4t!kId.Set*o%us E se I& o't"es.1a ue Then tm' ost S o't"es.1a ue E se tm' ost S o'tno.1a ue End I& s7 !ksa(e S Jinsert into !ookmaster-!ookid#!ook%ode#!ookname#to'i%id#authorid# J X Q Jedition"ear#is!n#'u!id#sho'id#'urdate#medium# J X Q J ost#'ri%e#re%kno. J X Q J(a ues- J X t4t!kId.Te4t X J#J X t4t!k%ode.Te4t X J#KJ X Q t4t!kname.Te4t X JK#J X t4t!kto'i%Id.Te4t X J#J X Q t4t!kauthI,.Te4t X J#J X t4t!kedn"r.Te4t X J#J X Q t4t!kis!n.Te4t X J# J X t4t!k'u!Id.Te4t X J# J X Q t4t!ksho'Id.Te4t X J# KJ X Q ,TA!k'urdate.1a ue X JK# KJ X %m!medm.Te4t X JK# J X Q tm' ost X J# J X t4t!k'ri%e.Te4t X J# KJ X Q t4t!kre%kno.Te4t X JK.J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 !ksa(e +a %mdne$!ookQ+ i%k End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& :'date Re%ordTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdu'date!ookQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 As String s7 S Ju'date !ookmaster set J X Q J!ooknameS KJ X t4t!kname X JK# to'i%Id S J X t4t!kto'i%Id.Te4t X J# J X Q JauthorId S J X t4t!kauthI,.Te4t X J# Edition"ear S J X t4t!kedn"r.Te4t X J# J X Q JIs!n S J X t4t!kis!n.Te4t X J# 'u!Id S J X t4t!k'u!Id.Te4t X J# J X Q Jsho'Id S J X t4t!ksho'Id.Te4t X J# 'urdate S KJ X ,TA!k'urdate.1a ue X JK#J XQ Jmedium SKJ X %m!medm.Te4t X JK#'ri%e S J X t4t!k'ri%e.Te4t X J#J X Q Jre%kno S KJ X t4t!kre%kno.Te4t X JK $here !ookId S J X t4t!kId.Te4t X J J
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:ser+on.E4e%ute s7 +a %mdNe4tQ+ i%k End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %md*irstQ+ i%k-. BookRe%No S D +a Sho$BookRe%-BookRe%No. End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Goto Are(iousTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdAre(iousQ+ i%k-. ,im re% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset re%.3'en Jse e%t T &rom !ookmaster order !" BookI,J# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% BookRe%No S BookRe%No 2 < I& BookRe%No Y D Then BookRe%No S D End I& +a Sho$BookRe%-BookRe%No. End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or Goto Ne4t Re%ordTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdNe4tQ+ i%k-. ,im re% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset re%.3'en Jse e%t T &rom !ookmaster order !" BookI,J# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% BookRe%No S BookRe%No V < I& BookRe%No US re%.Re%ord+ount Then BookRe%No S re%.Re%ord+ount 2 < End I& +a Sho$BookRe%-BookRe%No. End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or Goto Last Re%ordTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdLastQ+ i%k-. ,im re% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset re%.3'en Jse e%t T &rom !ookmaster order !" BookI,J# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% BookRe%No S re%.Re%ord+ount 2 < +a Sho$BookRe%-BookRe%No. End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+omman *un%tion &or Sho$ Re%ordTTTTTTTTTT Au! i% Su! Sho$BookRe%-B"Re& RNo As Long. ,im re% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset re%.3'en Jse e%t T &rom !ookmaster order !" BookI,J# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& RNo U 2< Then %mdsa(e!ook.Ena! ed S *a se End I& I& re%.Re%ord+ount U D Then I& re%.E3* S True Then RNo S re%.Re%ord+ount 2 < End I& re%.Mo(e RNo t4t!kId.Te4t S re%W!ookid t4t!k%ode.Te4t S re%W!ook%ode t4t!kname.Te4t S re%W!ookname t4t!kto'i%Id.Te4t S re%Wto'i%id t4t!kauthI,.Te4t S re%WAuthorId t4t!kedn"r.Te4t S re%Wedition"ear t4t!kis!n.Te4t S re%WIs!n t4t!k'u!Id.Te4t S re%WAu!Id t4t!ksho'Id.Te4t S re%Wsho'id ,TA!k'urdate.1a ue S re%W'urdate %m!medm.Te4t S re%Wmedium I& re%W ost S True Then o't"es.1a ue S True E se o'tno.1a ue S True End I& t4t!k'ri%e.Te4t S re%W'ri%e t4t!kre%kno.Te4t S re%Wre%kno End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in AuthorId Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!kauthIdQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in !ook %ode Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!k%odeQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in Edition Year Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!kedn"rQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in !ook id te4t !o4TTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!kIdQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in Is!n No Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!kis!nQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in sho' Id Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!ksho'IdQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in To'i% Id Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!kto'i%IdQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd Book *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
Aut*(r F(rm
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3'tion E4' i%it ,im gh-<D. As String KTTTTTTTT*or ,e ete Re%ordTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdde Q+ i%k-. :ser+on.E4e%ute Jde ete &rom Authormaster $here AuthorId SJ X t4tauthId.Te4t X JJ * e4GridAuth.Remo(eItem -* e4GridAuth.Ro$. End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTT*or B ank the Te4t Bo4 *or Ne$ entr"TTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdne$Q+ i%k-. t4tauthId.Te4t S JJ
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t4tauth&name.Te4t S JJ t4tauth name.Te4t S JJ t4tauthemai .Te4t S JJ t4tauthte no.Te4t S JJ t4tauthadd<.Te4t S JJ t4tauthadd>.Te4t S JJ t4tauth%it".Te4t S JJ End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTT+ode *or Sa(e Re%ord TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdsa(eQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 sa(e As String ,im rsAuth As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset s7 sa(e S Jse e%t AuthorId &rom authormaster $here authorid S J X t4tauthId.Te4t XJJ rsAuth.3'en s7 sa(e# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rsAuth.Re%ord+ount U D Then MsgBo4 J,u' i%ate Re%ord J E4it Su! End I& I& t4tauthId.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tauth&name.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tauth name.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tauth%it".Te4t S JJ Then MsgBo4 JA ease *i A In&o.J# (!In&ormation# JIn%om' ete In&o.J t4tauthId.Set*o%us E se s7 sa(e S Jinsert into Authormaster-AuthorId# J X Q JAuthor&name#Author name#Authoremai #AuthorTe no# J X Q JAuthoradd<#Authoradd>#Author%it". J X Q J(a ues-J X t4tauthId X J#KJ X t4tauth&name X JK#KJ X t4tauth name X JK#KJ X t4tauthemai X JK#KJ X t4tauthte no X JK#KJ X t4tauthadd< X JK#KJ X t4tauthadd> X JK# KJ X t4tauth%it" X JK.J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 sa(e +a %mdne$Q+ i%k ,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t T &rom authormaster order !" AuthorI,J *i grid * e4GridAuth# s7 # C End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or :'date Re%ord TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdu'dateQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 As String
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s7 S Ju'date Authormaster set J X Q JAuthor&name S KJ X t4tauth&name X JK# Author name S KJ X t4tauth name X JK# J XQ JAuthoremai S KJ X t4tauthemai X JK# AuthorTe no S KJ X t4tauthte no X JK# J X Q JAuthoradd< S KJ X t4tauthadd< X JK# Authoradd> S KJ X t4tauthadd> X JK# J X Q JAuthor%it" S KJ X t4tauth%it" X JK $here AuthorId S J X t4tauthId.Te4t X J J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 s7 S Jse e%t T &rom authormaster order !" AuthorI,J *i grid * e4GridAuth# s7 # C
End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or &i * e4grid TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! * e4GridAuthQSe +hange-. 6ith * e4GridAuth t4tauthId S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# D. t4tauth&name S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# <. t4tauth name S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# >. t4tauthemai S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# ?. t4tauthadd< S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# @. t4tauthadd> S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# B. t4tauth%it" S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# E. t4tauthte no S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# P. End 6ith End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. +a %mdne$Q+ i%k KTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or Set /eading o& * e4gridTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 6ith * e4GridAuth K.+ ear .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JAuthorIdJ; .+o 6idth-D. S <DDD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S J*irst Name J; .+o 6idth-<. S <BDD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JLast NameJ; .+o 6idth->. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-D# ?. S JEmai J; .+o 6idth-?. S PBD .Te4tMatri4-D# @. S JAhoneNoJ; .+o 6idth-@. S <DDD .Te4tMatri4-D# B. S JAddress<J; .+o 6idth-B. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-D# E. S JAddress>J; .+o 6idth-E. S <>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# P. S J+it" J; .+o 6idth-P. S GDD KTTTT+a *un%tion &or set /eading Bo dTTTTTTT +a /eadBo d-* e4GridAuth# .+o s. KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT End 6ith
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,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t T &rom authormaster order !" AuthorI,J *i grid * e4GridAuth# s7 # C End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or on " num!er (a ue enter in AuthorId Te4tBo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tauthIdQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or on " num!er (a ue enter in Te No Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tauthte noQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& Author &orm %odeTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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Publi%*er F(rm
C(de (, Publi%*er F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Au! isher *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it ,im gh-<D. As String Ari(ate Su! %mdde Q+ i%k-. :ser+on.E4e%ute Jde ete &rom Au! ishermaster $here 'u!Id S J X t4t'u!Id.Te4t X JJ * e4GridAu!.Remo(eItem -* e4GridAu!.Ro$. End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdne$Q+ i%k-. t4t'u!Id.Te4t S JJ t4t'u!&name.Te4t S JJ t4t'u! name.Te4t S JJ t4t'u!emai .Te4t S JJ t4t'u!te no.Te4t S JJ t4t'u!add<.Te4t S JJ t4t'u!add>.Te4t S JJ t4t'u!%it".Te4t S JJ K t4t'u!Id.Set*o%us End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdsa(eQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 sa(e As String
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,im rs'u! As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset s7 sa(e S Jse e%t Au!Id &rom 'u! ishermaster $here 'u!id S J X t4t'u!Id.Te4t X J J rs'u!.3'en s7 sa(e# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rs'u!.Re%ord+ount U D Then MsgBo4 J,u' i%ate Re%ord J E4it Su! End I& I& t4t'u!Id.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t'u!&name.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t'u! name.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t'u!%it".Te4t S JJ Then MsgBo4 JA ease *i A In&o.J# (!In&ormation# JIn%om' ete In&o.J t4t'u!Id.Set*o%us E se s7 sa(e S Jinsert into 'u! ishermaster-'u!Id# J X Q J'u!&name#'u! name#'u!emai #'u!Te no# J X Q J'u!add<#'u!add>#'u!%it". J X Q J(a ues-J X t4t'u!Id X J#KJ X t4t'u!&name X JK#KJ X t4t'u! name X JK#KJ X t4t'u!emai X JK#KJ X t4t'u!te no X JK#KJ X t4t'u!add< X JK#KJ X t4t'u!add> X JK#KJ X t4t'u!%it" X JK.J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 sa(e +a %mdne$Q+ i%k ,im s7 s As String s7 s S Jse e%t T &rom 'u! ishermaster order !" 'u!IdJ *i grid * e4GridAu!# s7 s# C End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdu'dateQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 u'date As String s7 u'date S Ju'date Au! ishermaster set J X Q J'u!&nameS KJ X t4t'u!&name X JK# 'u! name S KJ X t4t'u! name X JK# J X Q J'u!emai S KJ X t4t'u!emai X JK# 'u!add< S KJ X t4t'u!add< X JK# J X Q J'u!add> S KJ X t4t'u!add> X JK# 'u!%it" S KJ X t4t'u!%it" X JK#J X Q J'u!te no SJ X t4t'u!te no X J $here 'u!Id S J X t4t'u!Id.Te4t X J J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 u'date ,im s7 u As String s7 u S Jse e%t T &rom 'u! ishermaster order !" 'u!IdJ *i grid * e4GridAu!# s7 u# C End Su! Ari(ate Su! * e4GridAu!QSe +hange-. 6ith * e4GridAu!
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t4t'u!Id S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# D. t4t'u!&name S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# <. t4t'u! name S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# >. t4t'u!emai S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# ?. t4t'u!add< S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# @. t4t'u!add> S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# B. t4t'u!%it" S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# E. t4t'u!te no S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# P. End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. K+a Set:ser+on +a %mdne$Q+ i%k 6ith * e4GridAu! K .+ ear .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JAu!isherIdJ; .+o 6idth-D. S <>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S J*irst Name J; .+o 6idth-<. S <BDD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JLast NameJ; .+o 6idth->. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-D# ?. S JEmai J; .+o 6idth-?. S PBD .Te4tMatri4-D# B. S JAddress<J; .+o 6idth-B. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-D# E. S JAddress>J; .+o 6idth-E. S <>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# P. S J+it" J; .+o 6idth-P. S GDD .Te4tMatri4-D# @. S JAhoneNoJ; .+o 6idth-@. S <DDD +a /eadBo d-* e4GridAu!# .+o s. End 6ith ,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t T &rom Au! ishermasterJ *i grid * e4GridAu!# s7 # C End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in Au! isher Id Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t'u!IdQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in 'u! te no Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t'u!te noQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then
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C(de (, S*(/2ee/er F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& sho' *orm TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it ,im gh-<D. As String KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT*or ,e ete Re%ordTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdde Q+ i%k-. :ser+on.E4e%ute Jde ete &rom sho'master $here sho'Id S J X t4tsho'Id.Te4t X J J * e4Gridsho'.Remo(eItem -* e4Gridsho'.Ro$. End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or % ear te4t !o4 &or ne$ entr"TTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdne$Q+ i%k-. t4tsho'Id.Te4t S JJ t4tsho'name.Te4t S JJ t4tsho'&a4.Te4t S JJ
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t4tsho'emai .Te4t S JJ t4tsho'add<.Te4t S JJ t4tsho'add>.Te4t S JJ t4tsho'%it".Te4t S JJ t4tsho'te no.Te4t S JJ End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT*or Sa(e Re%ordTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdsa(eQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 sa(e As String ,im rsSho' As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset s7 sa(e S Jse e%t sho'Id &rom sho'master $here sho'id S J X t4tsho'Id.Te4t X J J rsSho'.3'en s7 sa(e# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rsSho'.Re%ord+ount U D Then MsgBo4 J,u' i%ate Re%ord J E4it Su! End I& I& t4tsho'Id.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tsho'name.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tsho'te no.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tsho'%it".Te4t S JJ Then MsgBo4 JA ease *i A In&o.J# (!In&ormation# JIn%om' ete In&o.J t4tsho'Id.Set*o%us E se s7 sa(e S Jinsert into sho'master-sho'Id# J X Q Jsho'name#sho'&a4no#sho'emai # J X Q Jsho'add<#sho'add>#sho'%it"#sho''hone. J X Q J(a ues-J X t4tsho'Id X J#KJ X t4tsho'name X JK#KJ X Q t4tsho'&a4 X JK#KJ X t4tsho'emai X JK#KJ X Q t4tsho'add< X JK#KJ X t4tsho'add> X JK#KJ X Q t4tsho'%it" X JK#KJ X t4tsho'te no X JK.J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 sa(e +a %mdne$Q+ i%k ,im s7 s As String s7 s S Jse e%t T &rom sho'master order !" sho'IdJ *i grid * e4Gridsho'# s7 s# C End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or :'date Re%ordTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdu'dateQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 u'date As String s7 u'date S Ju'date sho'master set J X Q Jsho'nameS KJ X t4tsho'name X JK# sho''hone S KJ X t4tsho'te no X JK# J X Q Jsho'&a4no S KJ X t4tsho'&a4.Te4t X JK#sho'emai S KJ X t4tsho'emai .Te4t X JK# JXQ
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Jsho'add< S KJ X t4tsho'add< X JK# sho'add> S KJ X t4tsho'add>.Te4t X JK#J X Q Jsho'%it" SKJ X t4tsho'%it" X JK $here sho'Id S J X t4tsho'Id :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 u'date ,im s7 u As String s7 u S Jse e%t T &rom sho'master order !" sho'IdJ *i grid * e4Gridsho'# s7 u# C End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or Se e%t an" Re%ord in * e4grid and *i * e4gridTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! * e4Gridsho'QSe +hange-. 6ith * e4Gridsho' t4tsho'Id S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# D. t4tsho'name S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# <. t4tsho'&a4 S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# >. t4tsho'emai S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# ?. t4tsho'add< S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# @. t4tsho'add> S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# B. t4tsho'%it" S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# E. t4tsho'te no S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# P. End 6ith End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. K+a Set:ser+on +a %mdne$Q+ i%k KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTSet /eading o& * e4girdTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 6ith * e4Gridsho' K .+ ear .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JSho' IdJ; .+o 6idth-D. S <DDD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JSho' Name J; .+o 6idth-<. S <BDD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JSho' *a4NoJ; .+o 6idth->. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-D# ?. S JEmai J; .+o 6idth-?. S PBD .Te4tMatri4-D# @. S JAddress<J; .+o 6idth-@. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-D# B. S JAddress>J; .+o 6idth-B. S <>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# E. S J+it" J; .+o 6idth-E. S GDD .Te4tMatri4-D# P. S JAhoneNoJ; .+o 6idth-P. S <DDD +a /eadBo d-* e4Gridsho'# .+o s. End 6ith ,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t T &rom Sho'masterJ *i grid * e4Gridsho'# s7 # C
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End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in sho' &a4 no Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tsho'&a4QFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in sho' Id Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tsho'IdQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in sho' te no Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tsho'te noQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& Sho' *orm TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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C(de (, 0%er F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& :ser *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it ,im Ma4userId As Long KKS.S.SS.S.S.SS.S.S.S.S.SS.S.S.S.S.SS.S.S.S.S.S.S.S. Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. K +a Set:ser+on +a * e4Grid:ser/ead +a * e4Grid:ser*i K t4t:serI,.Te4t S Ma4userId End Su! KKS.S.SS.S.S.SS.S.S.S.S.SS.S.S.S.S.SS.S.S.S.S.S.S.S. Ari(ate Su! *ormQFe",o$n-Fe"+ode As Integer# Shi&t As Integer. I& Fe"+ode S (!Fe"Es%a'e Then :n oad Me End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdNe$:serQ+ i%k-. KTo + ear the Te4t Bo4es t4t:serI, S Ma4userId t4t:serName S JJ t4tAass$ord S JJ
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%mdModi&":ser.Ena! ed S *a se %md,e ete:ser.Ena! ed S *a se t4t:serName.Set*o%us End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdSa(e:serQ+ i%k-. ,im i As Integer ,im Sa(e:serRe% As String I& t4t:serI,.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t:serName.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tAass$ord.Te4t S JJ Then MsgBo4 JEnter +om' ete In&ormation J# (!In&ormation# JEm't" *ie dJ E se 6ith * e4Grid:ser *or i S < To .Ro$s 2 < I& t4t:serI,.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-i# D. Then MsgBo4 J,u' %ate Re%ordJ +a %mdNe$:serQ+ i%k E4it Su! End I& Ne4t Sa(e:serRe% S Jinsert into usermaster-:serId<# :serName<#'ass$ord<. J X Q J(a ues-J X t4t:serI,.Te4t X J#KJ X t4t:serName.Te4t X JK# KJ X Q t4tAass$ord.Te4t X JK.J :ser+on.E4e%ute Sa(e:serRe% .Ro$s S .Ro$s V < .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$s 2 <# D. S t4t:serI,.Te4t .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$s 2 <# <. S t4t:serName.Te4t .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$s 2 <# >. S t4tAass$ord.Te4t Ma4userId S .Te4tMatri4-* e4Grid:ser.Ro$s 2 <# D. V < End 6ith +a %mdNe$:serQ+ i%k End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdModi&":serQ+ i%k-. ,im Modi:serRe% As String Modi:serRe% S Ju'date usermaster set :serName< S KJ X t4t:serName.Te4t X JK # J X Q J'ass$ord< S KJ X t4tAass$ord.Te4t X JK $here :serId< S J X t4t:serI,.Te4t X JJ :ser+on.E4e%ute Modi:serRe% 6ith * e4Grid:ser .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# <. S t4t:serName.Te4t .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# >. S t4tAass$ord.Te4t End 6ith +a %mdNe$:serQ+ i%k
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t4t:serName.Lo%ked S *a se t4t:serI,.Lo%ked S *a se End Su! Ari(ate Su! %md,e ete:serQ+ i%k-. ,im Read:serRe% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im ,e :serRe% As String ,e :serRe% S Jde ete &rom usermaster $here J X Q Juserid< S J X * e4Grid:ser.Te4tMatri4-* e4Grid:ser.Ro$# D. X JJ 6ith * e4Grid:ser I& .Ro$ U < Then Read:serRe%.3'en ,e :serRe%# :ser+on# ad3'en,"nami% :ser+on.E4e%ute ,e :serRe% .Remo(eItem .Ro$ End I& End 6ith +a %mdNe$:serQ+ i%k End Su! Ari(ate Su! * e4Grid:serQSe %hange-. 6ith * e4Grid:ser I& .Ro$ S < Then t4t:serName.Lo%ked S True t4t:serName.Lo%ked S True t4t:serI,.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# D. t4t:serName.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# <. t4tAass$ord.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# >. %mdModi&":ser.Ena! ed S True %md,e ete:ser.Ena! ed S *a se End I& I& * e4Grid:ser.Ro$ U < Then %mdModi&":ser.Ena! ed S True %md,e ete:ser.Ena! ed S True t4t:serI, S .Te4tMatri4-* e4Grid:ser.Ro$# D. t4t:serName S .Te4tMatri4-* e4Grid:ser.Ro$# <. t4tAass$ord S .Te4tMatri4-* e4Grid:ser.Ro$# >. End I& End 6ith End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& :ser *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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T(/i) F(rm
C(de (, T(/i) F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& To'i% *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! %mdde Q+ i%k-. :ser+on.E4e%ute Jde ete &rom To'i%master $here To'i%Id SJ X t4tTo'i%Id.Te4t X JJ * e4GridTo'i%.Remo(eItem -* e4GridTo'i%.Ro$. End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdne$Q+ i%k-. t4tTo'i%Id.Te4t S JJ t4tTo'i%.Te4t S JJ End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdsa(eQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 sa(e As String ,im rsTo'i% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset s7 sa(e S Jse e%t To'i%Id &rom To'i%master $here To'i%id S J X t4tTo'i%Id.Te4t X JJ rsTo'i%.3'en s7 sa(e# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rsTo'i%.Re%ord+ount U D Then MsgBo4 J,u' i%ate Re%ord J E4it Su! End I&
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I& t4tTo'i%Id.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tTo'i%.Te4t S JJ Then MsgBo4 JA ease *i A In&o.J# (!In&ormation# JIn%om' ete In&o.J t4tTo'i%Id.Set*o%us E se s7 sa(e S Jinsert into to'i%master-to'i%Id# J X Q Jto'i%. J X Q J(a ues-J X t4tTo'i%Id X J#KJ X t4tTo'i% X JK.J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 sa(e +a %mdne$Q+ i%k ,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t T &rom To'i%master order !" To'i%IdJ *i grid * e4GridTo'i%# s7 # > End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdu'dateQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 u'date As String s7 u'date S Ju'date to'i%master set J X Q Jto'i%S KJ X t4tTo'i% X JK $here to'i%Id S J X t4tTo'i%Id :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 u'date ,im s7 u As String s7 u S Jse e%t T &rom To'i%master order !" To'i%IdJ *i grid * e4GridTo'i%# s7 u# > End Su! Ari(ate Su! * e4GridTo'i%QSe +hange-. 6ith * e4GridTo'i% t4tTo'i%Id S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# D. t4tTo'i% S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# <. End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. K+a Set:ser+on +a %mdne$Q+ i%k 6ith * e4GridTo'i% .+ ear .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JTo'i%IdJ; .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JTo'i% J;
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End 6ith ,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t T &rom To'i%master order !" To'i%IdJ *i grid * e4GridTo'i%# s7 # > End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in to'i% id Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tTo'i%IdQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& To'i% *orm TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
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Student F(rm
C(de (, Student Ma%ter KTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Student &ormTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it ,im gh-<D. As String Ari(ate Su! %mdAddne$Q+ i%k-. t4tstuderno.Te4t S JJ t4tstudname.Te4t S JJ t4tstud&name.Te4t S JJ t4tstud%m.Te4t S JJ t4tstudadd<.Te4t S JJ t4tstudadd>.Te4t S JJ t4tstud%it".Te4t S JJ t4tstudte no.Te4t S JJ End Su! Ari(ate Su! %md%an%e Q+ i%k-. :n oad Me End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdsa(eQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 sa(e As String ,im rsStud As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset
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s7 sa(e S Jse e%t Enro ment &rom studentmaster $here Enro ment S J X t4tstuderno.Te4t X J J rsStud.3'en s7 sa(e# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rsStud.Re%ord+ount U D Then MsgBo4 J,u' i%ate Re%ord J E4it Su! End I& I& t4tstuderno.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tstudname.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tstud&name.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tstud%it".Te4t S JJ Then MsgBo4 JA ease *i A In&o.J# (!In&ormation# JIn%om' ete In&o.J t4tstuderno.Set*o%us E se s7 sa(e S Jinsert into studentmaster-enro ment# J X Q Jstudname#stud&name#stud% ass#studse%tion#%autionmone"# J X Q Jstudadd<#studadd>#stud%it"#studte no. J X Q J(a ues-J X t4tstuderno X J#KJ X t4tstudname X JK#KJ X t4tstud&name X JK#KJ X %m!% ass X JK#KJ X %m!se%tion X JK#J X t4tstud%m X J#KJ X t4tstudadd< X JK#KJ X t4tstudadd> X JK#KJ X t4tstud%it" X JK#KJ X t4tstudte no X JK.J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 sa(e +a %mdAddne$Q+ i%k ,im s7 s As String s7 s S Jse e%t T &rom studentmaster order !" Enro mentJ *i grid * e4GridStud# s7 s# <D End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdu'adateQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 u'date As String s7 u'date S Ju'date studentmaster set J X Q JstudnameS KJ X t4tstudname X JK# stud&name S KJ X t4tstud&name X JK# J X Q Jstud% ass S KJ X %m!% ass.Te4t X JK#studse%tion S KJ X %m!se%tion.Te4t X JK# J XQ J%autionmone" S J X t4tstud%m X J# studadd<S KJ X t4tstudadd< X JK# J X Q Jstudadd> S KJ X t4tstudadd> X JK# stud%it" S KJ X t4tstud%it" X JK#J X Q Jstudte no SKJ X t4tstudte no X JK $here enro ment S J X t4tstuderno :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 u'date ,im s7 u As String s7 u S Jse e%t T &rom studentmaster order !" Enro mentJ *i grid * e4GridStud# s7 u# <D End Su! Ari(ate Su! * e4GridStudQSe +hange-. 6ith * e4GridStud
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t4tstuderno.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# D. t4tstudname.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# <. t4tstud&name.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# >. %m!% ass.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# ?. %m!se%tion.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# @. t4tstud%m.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# B. t4tstudadd<.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# E. t4tstudadd>.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# P. t4tstud%it".Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# C. t4tstudte no.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# G. End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. K +a Set:ser+on +a %mdAddne$Q+ i%k 6ith * e4GridStud K .+ ear .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JEnro ment No.J; .+o 6idth-D. S <BDD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JStudent Name J; .+o 6idth-<. S <BDD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S J*ather NameJ; .+o 6idth->. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-D# ?. S J+ assJ; .+o 6idth-?. S EDD .Te4tMatri4-D# @. S JSe%.J; .+o 6idth-@. S PBD .Te4tMatri4-D# B. S J+aut.Mone"J; .+o 6idth-B. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-D# E. S JAddress<J; .+o 6idth-E. S <>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# P. S JAddress>J; .+o 6idth-P. S <>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# C. S J+it" J; .+o 6idth-C. S GDD .Te4tMatri4-D# G. S JAh. No.J; .+o 6idth-G. S <<PD +a /eadBo d-* e4GridStud# .+o s. End 6ith ,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t T &rom studentmasterJ *i grid * e4GridStud# s7 # <D End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in Enro ment no Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tStudErnoQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in %aution mone" Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tstud%mQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ
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End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in te no Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tstudte noQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd %ode o& student *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
Sear)*in+ F(rm
C(de (, Sear)*in+ F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Sear%hing *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! %mdSear%hQ+ i%k-. ,im rsRe% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im s7 As String ,im *indRe% As Boo ean ,im +/eader As +o umn/eader KSSSSSSSSSSSSear%hing &or Book Name#Author Name#Au! isher Name#Edition#Re%k No.SSSSSSS I& o'tBkName.1a ue S True Then s7 S J se e%t Bookname# authorid# 'u!id# Re%kNo#edition"ear &rom !ookmaster $here !ookname S KJ X t4tBookName.Te4t X JK J L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.+ ear Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-<# # JBook NameJ# <CDD.
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Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-># # JAuthorJ# <BDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-?# # JAu! isherJ# <BDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-@# # JRe%k NoJ# <DDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-B# # JEditionJ# <BDD. KSSSSSSSSSSSSear%hing &or Book Name i& enter 'erti%u ar AuthorSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS E seI& o'tAuthorName.1a ue S True Then s7 S J SELE+T !ookmaster.!ookname *R3M !ookmaster 6/ERE !ookmaster.authorid S -se e%t authormaster.authorid &rom authormaster $here authormaster.author&name S KJ X T4tAuthorName.Te4t X JK .J L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.+ ear Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-<# # JBook NameJ# >DDD. KSSSSSSSSSSSSea%hing &or Book Name i& enter 'erti%u ar To'i%-Su!0e%t.NameSSSSS E seI& 3'tto'i%.1a ue S True Then s7 S Jse e%t Bookmaster.!ookname &rom !ookmaster $here !ookmaster.to'i%Id S -se e%t to'i%master.to'i%id &rom to'i%master $here to'i%master.to'i% S KJ X t4tTo'i%.Te4t X JK .J L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.+ ear Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-<# # JBook NameJ# >>DD. KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS KSSSSSSSSSSSSea%hing &or Book Name i& enter 'erti%u ar Au! isher NameSSSSS E seI& o'tAu!Name.1a ue S True Then s7 S Jse e%t Bookmaster.!ookname &rom !ookmaster $here !ookmaster.'u!Id S -se e%t 'u! ishermaster.'u!id &rom 'u! ishermaster $here 'u! ishermaster.'u!&name S KJ X t4tAu! isher.Te4t X JK .J L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.+ ear Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-<# # JBook NameJ# >>DD. KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS KSSSSSSSSSSSSea%hing &or Student Name and Book Name i& enter an" ,ateSSS E seI& o'tIss,ate.1a ue S True Then s7 S JSELE+T studentmaster.studname# !ookmaster.!ookname *rom issuede'osit# studentmaster# !ookmaster 6/ERE issuede'osit.enro mentSstudentmaster.enro ment And issuede'osit.!ookidS!ookmaster.!ookid And issuede'osit.issuedateSRJ X ,TABkIssue,ate.1a ue X JRJ L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.+ ear Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-<# # JStudent NameJ# >BDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-># # JBook NameJ# >>DD. KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS KSSSSSSSSSSSSea%hing Book Name and Issue ,ate i& enter the Name o& Student E seI& o'tStudName.1a ue S True Then s7 S Jse e%t !ookmaster.!ookname#issuede'osit.issuedate#issuede'osit.enro ment &rom !ookmaster#issuede'osit $here issuede'osit.!ookid S !ookmaster.!ookid and return S &a seNJ L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.+ ear Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-<# # JBook NameJ# >BDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-># # JIssue ,ateJ# <BDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-?# # JEnro NoJ# >>DD. KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
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KSSSSSSSSSSSear%hing ,etai o& Student i& enter Enro ment no o& StudentSSSSS E seI& o'tEnro ment.1a ue S True Then s7 S Jse e%t Studname# Stud&name# stud% ass# studse%tion#%autionmone"#studadd<#studadd>#stud%it"#studte no &rom studentmaster $here enro ment S J X t4tStudErno.Te4t X J J L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.+ ear Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-<# # JStudNameJ# <CDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-># # JStud&NameJ# >DDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-?# # J+ assJ# BDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-@# # JSe%tionJ# BDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-B# # J+au.Mone"J# <>DD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-E# # JAddress<J# >DDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-P# # JAddress>J# >DDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-C# # JStud+it"J# <BDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-G# # JAhone No.J# >DDD. End I& KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS rsRe%.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rsRe%.Re%ord+ount U D Then *indRe% S True E se *indRe% S *a se I& *indRe% S True Then rsRe%.+ ose *i L(Sear%h s7 E se MsgBo4 JRe%ord Not *oundJ rsRe%.+ ose End I& End Su! KSSSSSSSSSSS*u%tion &or &i List1ie$ Sea%hing Resu tSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Au! i% Su! *i L(Sear%h-B"1a s7 As String. ,im Re%Sear%h As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im i As Long# 0 As Long ,im LItem As ListItem Re%Sear%h.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% L1sear%h.ListItems.+ ear *or i S D To Re%Sear%h.Re%ord+ount 2 < Set LItem S L1sear%h.ListItems.Add LItem.Te4t S Re%Sear%h.*ie ds-D. I& Re%Sear%h.*ie ds.+ount U < Then *or 0 S < To Re%Sear%h.*ie ds.+ount 2 < LItem.Su!Items-0. S Re%Sear%h.*ie ds-0. Ne4t End I& Ne4t Re%Sear%h.+ ose End Su!
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KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEnd o& *un%tionSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Ari(ate Su! +ommand<Q+ i%k-. End End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. K +a Set:ser+on End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in Enro ment no Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tStudErnoQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& Sear%hing *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
Page 85
Re/(rt B((2% F(rm
C(de (, Re/(rt B((2% F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTRe'ort A X To'i% $ise Book *ormTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! %m!to'i%QLost*o%us-. ! /eading.+a'tion S %m!to'i%.Te4t X J 6ISE LIST... J End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdsear%hQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 As String ,im i As Long ,im rsRe% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset * e4GridBooksR't.+ ear 6ith * e4GridBooksR't .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JBook NameJ; .+o 6idth-D. S >DDD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JBook IdJ; .+o 6idth-<. S CDD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JAuthor NameJ; .+o 6idth->. S >>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# ?. S JEdition YearJ; .+o 6idth-?. S <CDD .Te4tMatri4-D# @. S JMediumJ; .+o 6idth-@. S <DDD
Page 86
I& 3'tto'i%.1a ue S True Then s7 S JSELE+T !ookmaster.!ookname# !ookmaster.edition"ear# !ookmaster.medium# Authormaster.author&name# to'i%master.to'i%J X Q J *rom !ookmaster# Authormaster# to'i%master $here !ookmaster.authorid S Authormaster.authorid And !ookmaster.to'i%id S to'i%master.to'i%idJ E se s7 S JSELE+T !ookmaster.!ookname# !ookmaster.edition"ear# !ookmaster.medium# Authormaster.author&name# to'i%master.to'i%J X Q J *rom !ookmaster# Authormaster# to'i%master $here !ookmaster.authorid S Authormaster.authorid And !ookmaster.to'i%id S to'i%master.to'i%idJ End I& :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 rsRe%.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rsRe%.Re%ord+ount S D Then E4it Su!
* e4GridBooksR't.Ro$s S rsRe%.Re%ord+ount V > 6hi e Not rsRe%.E3*-. iSiV< * e4GridBooksR't.Te4tMatri4-i# D. S rsRe%W!ookname * e4GridBooksR't.Te4tMatri4-i# <. S rsRe%Wedition"ear * e4GridBooksR't.Te4tMatri4-i# >. S rsRe%Wmedium * e4GridBooksR't.Te4tMatri4-i# ?. S rsRe%WAuthor&name * e4GridBooksR't.Te4tMatri4-i# @. S rsRe%WTo'i% rsRe%.Mo(eNe4t 6end rsRe%.+ ose End Su! Ari(ate Su! o'tA !ooksQ+ i%k-. ! /eading.+a'tion S JALL A1AILABLE B33FS LISTJ End Su! Ari(ate Su! %md+ oseQ+ i%k-. :n oad Me End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-.
Page 87
K+a Set:ser+on 6ith * e4GridBooksR't K.Ro$s S > .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JBook NameJ; .+o 6idth-D. S >DDD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JBook IdJ; .+o 6idth-<. S CDD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JAuthor NameJ; .+o 6idth->. S >>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# ?. S JEdition YearJ; .+o 6idth-?. S <CDD .Te4tMatri4-D# @. S JMediumJ; .+o 6idth-@. S <DDD .Te4tMatri4-D# B. S JTo'i% NameJ; .+o 6idth-B. S >BDD End 6ith %m!to'i%.ListInde4 S D End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd %ode o& Re'ort A X to'i% $ise Book *ormTTTTTTT
C(de Re/(rt B((2 F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Re'ort ,ue Book !ut not return *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! %mdsear%hQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 As String ,im i As Long ,im rsRe% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset
Page 88
* e4Grid,ue ist.+ ear 6ith * e4Grid,ue ist .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JBook NameJ; .+o 6idth-D. S >DDD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JStuedent NameJ; .+o 6idth-<. S CDD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JIssue ,ateJ; .+o 6idth->. S >>DD End 6ith I& t4tstudname.Te4t YU JJ Then MsgBo4 JA ease enter the student NameJ E se s7 S JSELE+T !ookmaster.!ookname# studentmaster.studname# Issuede'osit.Issue,ateJ X Q J*rom !ookmaster# studentmaster# issuede'osit 6/ERE issuede'osit.!ookid S !ookmaster.!ookid and issuede'osit.enro ment S studentmaster.enro ment and return S &a seJ End I& :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 rsRe%.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rsRe%.Re%ord+ount S D Then E4it Su! * e4Grid,ue ist.Ro$s S rsRe%.Re%ord+ount V > 6hi e Not rsRe%.E3*-. iSiV< * e4Grid,ue ist.Te4tMatri4-i# D. S rsRe%W!ookname * e4Grid,ue ist.Te4tMatri4-i# <. S rsRe%Wstudname * e4Grid,ue ist.Te4tMatri4-i# >. S rsRe%WIssuedate rsRe%.Mo(eNe4t 6end rsRe%.+ ose End Su! Ari(ate Su! t4tnameQLost*o%us-. ! /eading.+a'tion S J,:E B33FS 3* ST:,ENT NAME ;J X t4tname.Te4t End Su! Ari(ate Su! %md+ oseQ+ i%k-. :n oad Me End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. 6ith * e4Grid,ue ist .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JBook NameJ; .+o 6idth-D. S >PDD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JStudent NameJ; .+o 6idth-<. S >?DD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JIssue ,ateJ; .+o 6idth->. S <>DD End 6ith End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd %ode o& Re'ort ,ue Book !ut not return *ormTTTTTT
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C(de (, Re/(rt %%ue B((2 F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT%ode o& Re'ort missing Books *orm TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! %mdsear%hQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 As String ,im i As Long ,im rsRe% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset * e4GridIssR't.+ ear 6ith * e4GridIssR't .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JBook NameJ; .+o 6idth-D. S >DDD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JStudennt NameJ; .+o 6idth-<. S CDD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JIssuedateJ; .+o 6idth->. S >>DD End 6ith I& o'tA Iss!k.1a ue S True Then s7 S JSELE+T !ookmaster.!ookname# studentmaster.studname# Issuede'osit.Issue,ateJ *rom !ookmaster# studentmaster# issuede'osit 6here issuede'osit.!ookid S !ookmaster.!ookid And issuede'osit.enro ment S studentmaster.enro ment End I& :ser+on.E4e%ute s7
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rsRe%.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rsRe%.Re%ord+ount S D Then E4it Su! * e4GridBooksR't.Ro$s S rsRe%.Re%ord+ount V > 6hi e Not rsRe%.E3*-. iSiV< * e4GridIssR't.Te4tMatri4-i# D. S rsRe%W!ookname * e4GridIssR't.Te4tMatri4-i# <. S rsRe%Wstudname * e4GridIssR't.Te4tMatri4-i# >. S rsRe%WIssuedate rsRe%.Mo(eNe4t 6end rsRe%.+ ose End Su! Ari(ate Su! o'tA Iss!kQ+ i%k-. ! /eading.+a'tion S JALL ISS:E, B33FS LISTJ End Su! Ari(ate Su! %md+ oseQ+ i%k-. :n oad Me End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. 6ith * e4GridIssR't .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JBook NameJ; .+o 6idth-D. S ?>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JStudent NameJ; .+o 6idth-<. S ?>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JIssue ,ateJ; .+o 6idth->. S >>DD End 6ith End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& %ode Re'ort Issue Book *ormTTTTTTTTTTTT
Page 91
C(de Re/(rt mi%%in+ F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTRe'ort missing !ook istTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! %md+ oseQ+ i%k-. :n oad Me End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdsho$Q+ i%k-. ,im s7 As String ,im i As Long ,im rsRe% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset * e4Gridmissing!k.+ ear 6ith * e4Gridmissing!k .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JBook NameJ; .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JTo'i% NameJ; End 6ith s7 S JSELE+T !ookmaster.!ookname# to'i%master.to'i% J X Q J*rom !ookmaster# to'i%master 6here !ookmaster.to'i%id S to'i%master.to'i%id And ost S TrueJ :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 rsRe%.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rsRe%.Re%ord+ount S D Then E4it Su! .+o 6idth-D. S >DDD .+o 6idth-<. S >DD
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* e4Gridmissing!k.Ro$s S rsRe%.Re%ord+ount V > 6hi e Not rsRe%.E3*-. iSiV< * e4Gridmissing!k.Te4tMatri4-i# D. S rsRe%W!ookname * e4Gridmissing!k.Te4tMatri4-i# <. S rsRe%WTo'i% rsRe%.Mo(eNe4t 6end rsRe%.+ ose End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. 6ith * e4Gridmissing!k .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JBook NameJ; .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JTo'i% NameJ; End 6ith End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd %ode o& Re'ort Missing *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT .+o 6idth-D. S ?DDD .+o 6idth->. S <BDD
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Ab(ut F(rm
C(de (, Ab(ut ,(rm TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& A!out *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! %md3kA!outQ+ i%k-. :n oad Me End Su! Ari(ate Su! %md3kA!outQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii S >P Then :n oad Me End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQ,ea%ti(ate-. :n oad Me End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. Mo(e -S%reen.6idth 2 6idth. Z ># --S%reen./eight 2 /eight. Z >. 2 CDD K%entre the &orm on the s%reenEnd Su! End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQAaint-. %md3kA!out.Set*o%us End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& A!out *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
Page 94
Testing is the most im'ortant ste' in S,L+ . In testing # the s"stem !eha(ior is o!ser(ed. 6e %an o!ser(e a the &eatures o& the so&t$are. 6e %an a so %he%k that $hether a the modu es are $orking 'ro'er " or not# the out'uts are re ia! e or not. In this so&t$are I use modu ar testingN in this a''roa%h I test e(er" modu e se'arate " !" in'utting the test data. A&ter su%%ess&u running ea%h modu e I %om!ine them and make sing e so&t$are . A&ter that I again test the $ho e 'ro0e%t !" in'utting test data. Te%tin+ Prin)i/le% There are some testing 'rin%i' es# $hi%h ha(e !een used &or this 'ro0e%t. a. !. %. d. A tests shou d !e tra%ea! e to %onsumer re7uirements. Tests shou d !e ' anned ong !e&ore testing !egin. Testing shou d !egin in a sma and 'rogress to$ards testing in a arge. To !e most e&&e%ti(e# testing shou d !e %ondu%ted !" an inde'endent third 'art". O4erall Sy%tem Te%tin+ It %an !e %ategori5ed as2 A//li)ati(n Fun)ti(n Te%tin+ :5 The &un%tiona it" o& ea%h a'' i%ation is tested in standa one &ashion in an attem't to un%o(er errors in its a'' i%ation. 'ataba%e Te%tin+ ;2 The a%%ura%" and integrit" o& data stored !" the s"stem is tested. Transa%tion 'ointed !" s"stem is e4amined to ensure that data are 'ro'er " stored# u'dated and retrie(ed. Tran%a)ti(n Te%tin+ :5 A series o& tests are %reated to ensure that ea%h % ass o&
Page 95
T *$(n"
As mentioned ear ier $ho e s"stem is designed in di&&erent modu es. So it is (er" mu%h easier to test ea%h modu e !e&ore o(era s"stem testing. The testing o& indi(idua modu es $as %om' eted during the de(e o'ment itse &.
A module is a part of program for applications declaration and procedures that are started together as a unit. In a modu es di&&erent %he%k %arried out. 6hether the entr" menu is o'ened is o'ened 'ro'er " or not. No B ank re%ord is sa(ed. No du' i%ate Re%ord is sa(ed. Aro'er he ' messages are dis' a"ed &or the data in'ut. Are the %hanges made in the &orm re& e%ted in a the ta! e $hi e u'dating it. *un%tion ke"s are 'ro'er " or not.
Though some sam' es data $ere made at the time o& testing indi(idua modu es# !ut this ma" not !e su&&i%ient &or &urther testing o& the s"stem as a $ho e. So ne$ data $ere %reated &or a 'ossi! e rea i&e situations.
Page 96
S,*$ # S c+-($,
As $e kno$ $e that 'rote%tion o& a s"stem is most " needed in mu ti2user en(ironment# $here a &i e is shared among se(era users. Arote%tion me%hanism must 'ro(ide %ontro ed a%%ess !" restri%ting the t"'es the &i e# $hi%h %an !e made. A%%ess is 'ermitted or denied de'ending u'on se(era &a%tors# one o& $hi%h is the t"'e o& a%%ess re7uested. This is a mu ti2user 'ro0e%t that %an !e runs on the net$ork. So the s"stem se%urit" is (er" essentia thing &or 're(ent unauthori5ed a%%ess. This so&t$are has man" im'ortant se%urit" o'tions su%h as2 No!od" %an run the 'rogram $ithout ogin - :sername and 'ass$ord. There are t$o %ategories o& ogin a. Administrator !. :ser 3n " the administrator has &u %ontro to a%%ess a in&ormation. Same user %an8t ogin simu taneous ". There are man" ,ata 1a idations &eatures in the so&t$are.
Page 97
Im' ementation o& this s"stem re' a%es a manua s"stem $ith a ne$ %om'uteri5e s"stem. This s"stem8s im' ementation is (er" eas" and e(er" !od" %an insta this
so&t$are in their o$n s"stem i& he or she has a itt e &ami iar $ith %om'uter s"stem. E(er" 'erson $hi%h has a (er" itt e kno$ edge o& a %om'uter s"stem %an use this s"stem e&&e%ti(e and maintain the re%ords 'ro'osed in the s"stem easi " and e&&e%ti(e ". This s"stem %an !e insta ed at user8s site !" on " one % i%k o& mouse.
Page 98
RECO!ERY The s"stem is a! e to take !a%ku' o& the data stored inside the s"stem in an e4trerna stoage media su%h as & o''" disk# 5i' media et%. In %ase o& an" &ai ure a user %an restore their data $ith the he ' o& restore &a%i it" 'ro(ide $ith !a%ku' and restore the ost data. This s"stem uses an e&&e%ti(e !a%ku' me%hanism in $hi%h a user %an see the !a%ku' detai s a%%ording to the date and time and he %an &ind out the e4a%t da" or time o& &ai ure o& the s"stem. And re%o(er his most re%ent data.
S(,t&are E4(luti(n
Ernest Te o# a $e 2kno$n $riter in the &ie d o& arti&i%ia inte igen%e# %om'ared the e(o ution o& so&t$are# te%hno og" to the distin%t Ahase or La"erso& gro$th. The a"ers $ere !ui t one o(er the other in &our de%ades as sho$n !e o$; Ma)*ine #an+ua+e A%%embly #an+ua+e Pr()edure Oriented Pr(+rammin+ Ob6e)t Oriented Pr(+rammin+ 6ith ea%h La"er an im'ro(ement o(er the 're(ious one. A an Fe"# one o& the 'romoters o& the o!0e%t2oriented 'aradigm and designer o& sma Ta k# has said#As %om' e4it" in%reases# ar%hite%ture dominates the !asi% materia .To !ui d toda"8s %om' e4 so&t$are it is 0ust not enough to 'ut together se7uen%e o& 'rogramming statements sets o& 'ro%eduresa and modu es# $e need to in%or'orate sound %onstru%tion te%hni7ues X 'rogram stru%tures that are eas" to im' ement X modi&". 33A is an a''roa%h to 'rogram organi5ation X de(e o'ment that attem'ts to E iminate some o& the 'it &a s o& %on(entiona 'rogramming methods !" in%or'orating The !est o& stru%tured 'rogramming &eatures $ith se(era 'o$er&u ne$ %on%e'ts.
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Future En*an)ement This s"stem %an !e &urther enha%ed ater on $hene(er users need is %hanged or te%hno og" is u'dated or to satis&" the ne$ need o& the user. It %an !e easi " enhan%ed $ith the ne$ te%hno ogi%a %hanges and on demand o& user need. Pr(6e)t #imitati(n This s"stem is a! e to $ork on " to maintain re%ords o& some 'eriod o& time ike < to to "ear . I& $e $ant to use it &uther $e ha(e to make some %hanges in the s"stem and then $e %an use it e&&e%ti(e ". #imitati(n It needs the min. resour%es s'e%i&ied in the s"stem re7uirements 'ara. Summary In !rie& this s"stem is a %om'uteri5ed (ersion o& a o&&i%e s"stem $here arge no. o& transa%tions are made da" to da" and $e ha(e to do ot o& 'a'er $ork $ith on " &e$ imitation and in (er" o$ %ost !" %onsuming too mu%h ess %om'uter s"stem this s"stem 'ro(ides the good &un%tiona it" to kee' re%ord o& an o&&i%e. ,e(e o'ing a so&t$are 'ro0e%t is the resu t o& 'h"si%a # inte e%tua and emotiona streams $orking together in su%h a $a" that the resu tant $ork remains a sour%e o& ins'iration &ore(er.
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<. > ? @ B E
Mastering 1isua Basi% E.D -E(ange os Aetroutsos. *undamenta s o& ,ata!ase S"stem -Rame5 E masri# Shamkant B.Na(athe. S"stem Ana "sis and ,esign -E.M.A$ad. So&t$are Engineering -R.S.Aressman. /e ' M.S. 3&&i%e # MS,N Li!rar" ,ataBase ,esign $ith MS2A++ESS >DDD
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