LMS Project Report

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Submitted for the partial fulfillment of Bachelor of computer Application III year (VI Semester) Requirement

Guided by : Mr. Amit Rathore (MCA)

Submitted by : Mukund Joshi B.C.A. Final Year

H.K. Hitech ( olle!e of I" and #ana!ement) $%%& #eheran "o'er& $st ( ) Road Sardarpura *odhpur (Ra+asthan)



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Candidates Roll No. Name Project Title Web & Software Base Sponsoring nstit!tion "ddress St!d# Center Code$ : Name$ "ddress Total nternal "ssessment & %&am Wor' %(ol!tion )ar's *!t of +,, ________________________ : : : : : ________________ ________________ _________________________ ________________ _________________________


-etail of %(ol!tion along wit. name & sign of Teac.er __________________________________________________ Partic!lar )ar's *!t of )ar's nternal "warded %&aminer Name & Signat!re



/orwarding b# 0ead *f St!d# Centre _________________________ 1Signat!re$ Name and St!d# Centre Seal2

(9) (10) (11)

_________________________ Remar's *f St!d# Centre ____________________ 3ni(ersit# Project %&aminer %(ol!tion Total )ar's "warded__________ *!t *f 500 -etail of %(ol!tion along wit. Name & Sign *f 3ni(ersit# )ar's *!t *f )ar's "warded nternal %&aminer Name & Signat!re

%&aminer. Partic!lar


Remar's *f 3ni(ersit# %&aminer ______________________



T.is is to certif# t.at Mukund Joshi .as s!ccessf!ll# s!bmitted .is project on

Library Management System

-!ring t.e academic #ear +,,45+,,6 n t.e partial f!lfillment of t.e award of t.e degree of Bac.elor of Comp!ter "pplication 0e .as completed t.is wor' !nder m# s!per(ision and not part of t.is project .as not been s!bmitted for t.e iss!e of an# ot.er -egree of -iploma.

Date : ,-./0./1 Place: *odhpur (M.C. Nehra) #ana!in! 2irector H.K. Hitech


Acknowl !" # n$
t is m# great pri(ilege to e&press m# profo!nd respect and gratit!de towards m# g!ide )r. "mit Rat.ore$ for pro(iding me all t.e g!idance and 'eeping .is e&perienced .ad o(er m# wor'. Words are inade7!ate to e&press deep sense of gratit!de towards )r. "mit Rat.ore$ for .is precio!s s!ggestions co!pled wit. constr!cti(e criticism w.ic. res!lted in !ltimate efficac#. 8ast$ b!t not t.e least$ am t.an'f!l to m# parents and all m# friends for consistent moral s!pport and enco!ragement & moti ate! at e er" #$a% o& li&e.



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The LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM manages the i!rar" s"stem# $hi%h is a! e to %onsider a ru es and regu ations o& institute and 'ro(ide easier and gra'hi%a inter&a%e to user &or eas" $orking. The so&t$are is designed &or i!rar" s"stem management. It %o(ers a as'e%ts o& a i!rar" s"stem ike ) *ine 'ena t" %harge# +hange o& &ine 'ena t" rate# 'ass$ord %hange# dai " re'ort# student detai # !ooks detai # sear%h o'tions et%. The main M,I -Main or Mu ti' e ,o%ument Inter&a%e. has &i(e menus# $hi%h are *i e# *orm# Sear%hing# Re'ort and /e '. The" a so &urther ha(e menu o'tions. It is (er" sim' e to se e%t the desire !utton and 0ust a&ter a % i%k e(ent the desired &orms are dis' a"ed. E(er" &orm has a detai s. The user do entr" o& data 0ust !" % i%king e(ents # The t"'ing $ork is a(oid as 'ossi! e. A&ter %om' etion o& entr" data stores in data !ase and resu t is dis' a"ed in resu t &orm a%%ording 'rogram. o o A sing e 'erson %an manage the sho$ des'ite o& %on(entiona s"stem There is not need to maintain so man" 'a'er $ork. A 'erson ike +om'uter 3'erator %an hand e this 0o! !e%ause inter&a%e is tota " gra'hi%a . OBJECT !E OF "# BRARY MA$AGEME$T SYSTEM " To (a idate the users assigning a user a%%ount to ea%h user %he%king his 'ass$ords at the time o& ogin. To generates a(ai a! e !ook ist# to 're'are dai " transa%tion re'ort# to 're'are month " transa%tion re'ort# to maintain issue and de'osit !ooks. To generate re'ort a issued !ook and 'arti%u ar student# and a so generate re'ort a missing !ooks. The e4isting s"stem $as manua and three Nos. % erks# one 'eon and one su'er(ising o&&i%er maintained $ork# $hi e 'resent s"stem is designed to hand e same $ork !" a 'erson $ho has !asi% kno$ edge o& %om'uter. The !asi% s"stem in(o (es so man" re%ords and &i ing s"stem# $hi e %urrent s"stem has no su%h t"'e o& re%ords. A re%ords %an !e stored as so&t %o'". To understand a s"stem I tr" to make it a ro!ust and stead". Stud" the data!ase management o& a s"stem. I studied the a(ai a! e I,E ike Mi%roso&t 1isua Basi% and Mi%roso&t A%%ess. To stud" the i!rar" s"stem and tr" to de(e o' so&t$are that manages a i!rar" $ith east e&&orts. manua the intera%tion !et$een 1isua Basi% and !a%k end MS2A%%ess as 'er


The i!rar" is an im'ortant modu e &or an" edu%ationa institute. Li!rar" ma" %ontain thousands o& !ooks# and its management is a (er" tough 0o!. The %are shou d !e taken &or 'ro'er distri!ution o& the resour%es. It shou d !e managed in a manner so that its resour%es are used e&&i%ient " and %on(enient ". *or this ru es and rights shou d !e 'ro(ided to ea%h user. Manua management o& su%h a arge s"stem is a (er" tedious 0o! and errors ma" o%%ur sometimes. This ma" a&&e%t the integrit" and %onsisten%" o& the s"stem resu ting in an im'ro'er resour%e distri!ution. /ere $e ha(e 'ro(ided a &u 2& edged i!rar" management s"stem# $hi%h $i %hange the %on(entiona manua management $ith a %om'uteri5ed i!rar" management s"stem. 6e ha(e tried our !est to 'ro(ide e&&i%ient and %on(enient transitor" o'erations &or i!rarian and users. 6e are (er" mu%h thank&u to a those $ho dire%t " or indire%t " he 'ed us in %om' eting this 'ro0e%t.

Mukund Joshi


Ca%e Study and Ra& 'ata To de(e o' a 'ro0e%t the &irst ne%essit" $as to get the in2de'th kno$ edge o& 1isua Basi% and ,ata!ase. And a so ana "5e the re7uirement o& the i%e %ream 'ar our. Feature% As this 'ro0e%t is (er" arge# so to maintain its reada!i it" $e ha(e di(ided this $ho e 'ro0e%t in (arious &un%tiona %om'onents. This &eature 'ro(ides a%%ura%"# ess e4e%ution time# error hand ing# and memor" imitation. Fl(&)*artin+ As $e %annot dire%t " %ode so $e started &rom 're'aring & o$ %harts o& ea%h %om'onent. *or this $e ha(e used to' do$n modu ar design and s'itted the 'ro0e%t into sma modu es. Sele)ti(n (, lan+ua+e A&ter 're'aring & o$ %hart the main 'ro! em $as to se e%t an a''ro'riate 'rogramming anguage. 6e ha(e se e%ted 1isua Basi% &or de(e o'ing this so&t$are !e%ause it8s (er" user &riend " and $orking in it is (er" eas". 1isua Basi% 'ro(ides (arious uti ities ike A%ti(e9 +ontro s and A%ti(e 9 %om'onent# $hi%h are (er" he '&u in making 'ro0e%t. In 1isua Basi% the user inter&a%e is termed as *orm. C(din+ It is the a%tua stage $here $e $rote instru%tions in 1isua Basi% to im' ement the & o$ %harts.


Fea%ibility Study and C(%t Bene,it Analy%i% *easi!i it" stud" is the most im'ortant ste' in S"stem Ana "sis. It is the determination o& $hether the 'ro0e%t is &easi! e or not. 3n%e it has !een determined that a 'ro0e%t is &easi! e# the ana "st %an go ahead and 're'are the 'ro0e%t s'e%i&i%ation $hi%h &ina i5es 'ro0e%t re7uirements. As this 'ro0e%t is not designed &or an" organi5ation &or management o& their i!rar". *irst o& a a se%urit" s"stem is 'ro(ided through a data!ase so that unauthori5ed user %annot a%%ess the i!rar"8s uti it". This management s"stem 'ro(ides a user I, to e(er" user# $hi%h 'ro(ides &a%i it" to a%%ess their a%%ount on ine. The i!rar" Management s"stem a so has (arious &orms in G:I# $hi%h 'ro(ides &o o$ing in&ormation; <. Student = +ustomer In&ormation >. Book A(ai a!i it" In&ormation. ?. Book Issue and Re%ei't In&ormation. @. Re'orts a!out a detai s. The &easi!i it" stud" %ontains a the &a%tors i.e. Te%hni%a # Beha(iora and E%onomi%a &easi!i it". The &o o$ing ste's $ere taken during &easi!i it" stud". M" Se &2s team eader and team mem!er $ith guidan%e o& m" 'rogrammer guide Mr. Amit Rathore. S"stem & o$%hart $as 're'ared and design re7uirement studies done. As this 'ro0e%t $as made as 'er assum'tion that the e4isting i!rar" management s"stem is manua . The e4isting s"stem $as manua and three Nos. % erks# one 'eon and one su'er(ising o&&i%er maintained $ork# $hi e 'resent s"stem is designed to hand e same $ork !" a 'erson $ho has !asi% kno$ edge o& %om'uter. The !asi% s"stem in(o (es so man" re%ords and &i ing s"stem# $hi e %urrent s"stem has no su%h t"'e o& re%ords. A re%ords %an !e stored as so&t %o'". +ost &easi!i it" stud" a so done $hi%h is &easi! e and &o o$ing;

Page 10

+ost !ene&it ana "sis done and $ith %onsideration o& &o o$ing 'oints. <. /ard$are +ost >. Aersonne +ost ?. *a%i it" +ost @. 3'erating +ost B. Su'' " +ost Te)*ni)al Fea%ibility This is %on%ern $ith s'e%i&"ing e7ui'ment and so&t$are that $i su%%ess&u " satis&" the user re7uirement. The te%hni%a needs o& the s"stem ma" (ar" %onsidera! "# !ut might in% ude ) The &a%i it" to 'rodu%e out'uts in a gi(en time Res'onse time under %ertain %onditions A!i it" to 'ro%ess a %ertain (o ume o& transa%tion at a 'arti%u ar s'eed *a%i it" to %ommuni%ate data to distant o%ation In e4amining te%hni%a &easi!i it"# %on&iguration o& the s"stem is gi(en more im'ortan%e than the a%tua make o& hard$are. The %on&iguration shou d gi(e the %om' ete 'i%ture a!out the s"stem8s re7uirements. The e4isting %om'uter s"stem 'ro'er " su''orts this so&t$are. To im' ement this the %om'an" does not re7uire additiona resour%es. /en%e it %an !e %on% uded that the 'ro'osed s"stem is te%hni%a " &easi! e. E)(n(mi)al Fea%ibility E%onomi%a Ana "sis is the most &re7uent " used te%hni7ue &or e(a uating the e&&e%ti(eness o& a 'ro'osed s"stem. E%onomi%a *easi!i it" is most %ommon " kno$n as %ost !ene&it ana "sis. It is the 'ro%edure to determine the !ene&its and sa(ings that are e4'e%ted &rom a 'ro'osed s"stem and %om'are them $ith %osts. This so&t$are redu%es the 'a'er $ork as $e as man'o$er and 'ro(ides the !etter management &or LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. It %an !e ana "5ed that the %ost o& 'ro'osed s"stem is mu%h ess than the !ene&its that %an !e deri(ed &rom it. So $e %an a%%e't it to !e e%onomi%a " &easi! e.

Page 11

'urati(n (Time Fea%ibility) Time *easi!i it" is a determination o& $hether a 'ro'osed 'ro0e%t %an !e im' emented &u " $ithin a sti'u ated 'eriod. I& a 'ro0e%t takes too mu%h time it is ike " to !e re0e%ted. The 'ro'osed s"stem takes a itt e time 'eriod &or im' ementation so it %an !e %onsidered as Time *easi! e So&t$are.

-ard&are Re.uirement ,(r im/lementin+ t*i% %(,t&are Inte mi%ro'ro%essor RAM /ard ,isk ,ri(e * o''" ,isk ,ri(e 2 1GA Monitor Standard Fe"!oard and Mouse S(,t&are Re.uirement ,(r im/lementin+ t*i% %(,t&are 3'erating S"stem *ront end Ba%k end 2 2 2 6indo$s G4=NT=>F=9A 2 2 2 CD@CE or higher <E MB <> MB -*ree s'a%e.

<.@@ MB

1isua Basi% E.D MS A+ESS

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ABO0T ! S0A# BAS C (FRO$T E$')

!i%ual Ba%i) C(n)e/t% Mi%roso&t 1isua Basi% is the &astest and easiest $a" to %reate a'' i%ations &or Mi%roso&t 6indo$sH. 6hether "ou are an e4'erien%ed 'ro&essiona or !rand ne$ to 6indo$s 'rogramming# 1isua Basi% 'ro(ides "ou $ith a %om' ete set o& too s to sim' i&" ra'id a'' i%ation de(e o'ment. So $hat is 1isua Basi%I The J1isua J 'art re&ers to the method used to %reate the gra'hi%a user inter&a%e -G:I.. Rather than $riting numerous ines o& %ode to des%ri!e the a''earan%e and o%ation o& inter&a%e e ements# "ou sim' " add 're2!ui t o!0e%ts into ' a%e on s%reen. I& "ouK(e e(er used a dra$ing 'rogram su%h as Aaint# "ou a read" ha(e most o& the ski s ne%essar" to %reate an e&&e%ti(e user inter&a%e. The JBasi%J 'art re&ers to the BASI+ -Beginners A 2Aur'ose S"m!o i% Instru%tion +ode. anguage# a anguage used !" more 'rogrammers than an" other anguage in the histor" o& %om'uting. 1isua Basi% has e(o (ed &rom the origina BASI+ anguage and no$ %ontains se(era hundred statements# &un%tions# and ke"$ords# man" o& $hi%h re ate dire%t " to the 6indo$s G:I. Beginners %an %reate use&u a'' i%ations !" earning 0ust a &e$ o& the ke"$ords# "et the 'o$er o& the anguage a o$s 'ro&essiona s to a%%om' ish an"thing that %an !e a%%om' ished using an" other 6indo$s 'rogramming anguage. The 1isua Basi% 'rogramming anguage is not uni7ue to 1isua Basi%. The 1isua Basi% 'rogramming s"stem# A'' i%ations Edition in% uded in Mi%roso&t E4%e # Mi%roso&t A%%ess# and man" other 6indo$s a'' i%ations uses the same anguage. The 1isua Basi% S%ri'ting Edition -1BS%ri't. is a $ide " used s%ri'ting anguage and a su!set o& the 1isua Basi% anguage. The in(estment "ou make in earning 1isua Basi% $i %arr" o(er to these other areas. 6hether "our goa is to %reate a sma uti it" &or "ourse & or "our $ork grou'# a arge enter'rise2$ide s"stem# or e(en distri!uted a'' i%ations s'anning the g o!e (ia the Internet# 1isua Basi% has the too s "ou need. ,ata a%%ess &eatures a o$ "ou to %reate data!ases# &ront2end a'' i%ations# and s%a a! e ser(er2side %om'onents &or most 'o'u ar data!ase &ormats# in% uding Mi%roso&t SLL Ser(er and other enter'rise2 e(e data!ases.

Page 13

A%ti(e9M te%hno ogies a o$ "ou to use the &un%tiona it" 'ro(ided !" other a'' i%ations# su%h as Mi%roso&t 6ord Aro%essor# Mi%roso&t E4%e s'readsheet# and other 6indo$s a'' i%ations. You %an e(en automate a'' i%ations and o!0e%ts %reated using the Aro&essiona or Enter'rise editions o& 1isua Basi%. Internet %a'a!i ities make it eas" to 'ro(ide a%%ess to do%uments and a'' i%ations a%ross the Internet or intranet &rom $ithin "our a'' i%ation# or to %reate Internet ser(er a'' i%ations. Your &inished a'' i%ation is a true .e4e &i e that uses a 1isua Basi% 1irtua Ma%hine that "ou %an &ree " distri!ute. !i%ual Ba%i) Editi(n%

1isua Basi% is a(ai a! e in three (ersions# ea%h geared to meet a s'e%i&i% set o& de(e o'ment re7uirements. The 1isua Basi% Learning edition a o$s 'rogrammers to easi " %reate 'o$er&u a'' i%ations &or Mi%roso&t 6indo$s and 6indo$s NTH. It in% udes a intrinsi% %ontro s# ' us grid# ta!# and data2!ound %ontro s. ,o%umentation 'ro(ided $ith this edition in% udes the Learn 1B No$ +, ' us the Mi%roso&t ,e(e o'er Net$ork -MS,NM. Li!rar" +,s %ontaining &u on ine do%umentation. The Aro&essiona edition 'ro(ides %om'uter 'ro&essiona s $ith a &u 2&eatured set o& too s &or de(e o'ing so utions &or others. It in% udes a the &eatures o& the Learning edition# ' us additiona A%ti(e9 %ontro s# the Internet In&ormation Ser(er A'' i%ation ,esigner# integrated 1isua ,ata!ase Too s and ,ata En(ironment# A%ti(e ,ata 3!0e%ts# and the ,"nami% /TML Aage ,esigner. ,o%umentation 'ro(ided $ith the Aro&essiona edition in% udes the 1isua Studio Aro&essiona *eatures !ook ' us Mi%roso&t ,e(e o'er Net$ork +,s %ontaining &u on ine do%umentation. The Enter'rise edition a o$s 'ro&essiona s to %reate ro!ust distri!uted a'' i%ations in a team setting. It in% udes a the &eatures o& the Aro&essiona edition# ' us Ba%k 3&&i%e too s su%h as SLL Ser(er# Mi%roso&t Transa%tion Ser(er# Internet In&ormation Ser(er# 1isua Sour%eSa&e# SNA Ser(er# and more. Arinted do%umentation 'ro(ided $ith the Enter'rise edition in% udes the 1isua Studio Enter'rise *eatures !ook ' us Mi%roso&t ,e(e o'er Net$ork +,s %ontaining &u on ine do%umentation. Startin+ !i%ual Ba%i) 3n%e "ou ha(e %om' eted the Setu' 'ro%edure# "ou %an start 1isua Basi% !" using the Start !utton on the 6indo$s task !ar. I& AutoA a" is ena! ed on "our s"stem# "ou %an a so start 1isua Basi% !" inserting the 1isua Basi% %om'a%t dis%.

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!i%ual Ba%i) C(n)e/t% In order to understand the a'' i%ation de(e o'ment 'ro%ess# it is he '&u to understand some o& the ke" %on%e'ts u'on $hi%h 1isua Basi% is !ui t. Be%ause 1isua Basi% is a 6indo$s de(e o'ment anguage# some &ami iarit" $ith the 6indo$s en(ironment is ne%essar". I& "ou are ne$ to 6indo$s 'rogramming# "ou need to !e a$are o& some &undamenta di&&eren%es !et$een 'rogramming &or 6indo$s (ersus other en(ironments. -(& 1ind(&% 1(r2%: 1ind(&%3 E4ent% and Me%%a+e% A %om' ete dis%ussion o& the inner $orkings o& 6indo$s $ou d re7uire an entire !ook. A dee' understanding o& a o& the te%hni%a detai s isnKt ne%essar". A sim' i&ied (ersion o& the $orkings o& 6indo$s in(o (es three ke" %on%e'ts; $indo$s# e(ents and messages. Think o& a $indo$ as sim' " a re%tangu ar region $ith its o$n !oundaries. You are 'ro!a! " a read" a$are o& se(era di&&erent t"'es o& $indo$s; an E4' orer $indo$ in 6indo$s# a do%ument $indo$ $ithin "our $ord 'ro%essing 'rogram# or a dia og !o4 that 'o's u' to remind "ou o& an a''ointment. 6hi e these are the most %ommon e4am' es# there are a%tua " man" other t"'es o& $indo$s. A %ommand !utton is a $indo$. I%ons# te4t !o4es# o'tion !uttons and menu !ars are a $indo$s. The Mi%roso&t 6indo$s o'erating s"stem manages a o& these man" $indo$s !" assigning ea%h one a uni7ue id num!er -$indo$ hand e.. The s"stem %ontinua " monitors ea%h o& these $indo$s &or signs o& a%ti(it" or e(ents. E(ents %an o%%ur through user a%tions su%h as a mouse % i%k or a ke" 'ress# through 'rogrammati% %ontro # or e(en as a resu t o& another $indo$Ks a%tions. Ea%h time an e(ent o%%urs# it %auses a message to !e sent to the o'erating s"stem. The s"stem 'ro%esses the message and !road%asts it to the other $indo$s. Ea%h $indo$ %an then take the a''ro'riate a%tion !ased on its o$n instru%tions &or dea ing $ith that 'arti%u ar message -&or e4am' e# re'ainting itse & $hen it has !een un%o(ered !" another $indo$.. As "ou might imagine# dea ing $ith a o& the 'ossi! e %om!inations o& $indo$s# e(ents and messages %ou d !e mind2!ogg ing. *ortunate "# 1isua Basi% insu ates "ou &rom ha(ing to dea $ith a o& the o$2 e(e message hand ing. Man" o& the messages are hand ed automati%a " !" 1isua Basi%N others are e4'osed as E(ent 'ro%edures &or "our %on(enien%e. This a o$s "ou to 7ui%k " %reate 'o$er&u a'' i%ations $ithout ha(ing to dea $ith unne%essar" detai s.

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0nder%tandin+ t*e E4ent5'ri4en M(del In traditiona or J'ro%edura J a'' i%ations# the a'' i%ation itse & %ontro s $hi%h 'ortions o& %ode e4e%ute and in $hat se7uen%e. E4e%ution starts $ith the &irst ine o& %ode and &o o$s a 'rede&ined 'ath through the a'' i%ation# %a ing 'ro%edures as needed. In an e(ent2dri(en a'' i%ation# the %ode doesnKt &o o$ a 'redetermined 'ath O it e4e%utes di&&erent %ode se%tions in res'onse to e(ents. E(ents %an !e triggered !" the userKs a%tions# !" messages &rom the s"stem or other a'' i%ations# or e(en &rom the a'' i%ation itse &. The se7uen%e o& these e(ents determines the se7uen%e in $hi%h the %ode e4e%utes# thus the 'ath through the a'' i%ationKs %ode di&&ers ea%h time the 'rogram runs. Be%ause "ou %anKt 'redi%t the se7uen%e o& e(ents# "our %ode must make %ertain assum'tions a!out the Jstate o& the $or dJ $hen it e4e%utes. 6hen "ou make assum'tions -&or e4am' e# that an entr" &ie d must %ontain a (a ue !e&ore running a 'ro%edure to 'ro%ess that (a ue.# "ou shou d stru%ture "our a'' i%ation in su%h a $a" as to make sure that the assum'tion $i Your %ode %an a so trigger a $a"s !e (a id -&or e4am' e# disa! ing the e(ents during e4e%ution. *or e4am' e# %ommand !utton that starts the 'ro%edure unti the entr" &ie d %ontains a (a ue.. 'rogrammati%a " %hanging the te4t in a te4t !o4 %ause the te4t !o4Ks +hange e(ent to o%%ur. This $ou d %ause the %ode -i& an". %ontained in the +hange e(ent to e4e%ute. I& "ou assumed that this e(ent $ou d on " !e triggered !" user intera%tion# "ou might see une4'e%ted resu ts. It is &or this reason that it is im'ortant to understand the e(ent2dri(en mode and kee' it in mind $hen designing "our a'' i%ation. ntera)ti4e 'e4el(/ment The traditiona a'' i%ation de(e o'ment 'ro%ess %an !e !roken into three distin%t ste's; $riting# %om'i ing# and testing %ode. :n ike traditiona anguages# 1isua Basi% uses an intera%ti(e a''roa%h to de(e o'ment# ! urring the distin%tion !et$een the three ste's. 6ith most anguages# i& "ou make a mistake in $riting "our %ode# the %om'i er %at%hes the error $hen "ou start to %om'i e "our a'' i%ation. You must then &ind and &i4 the error and !egin the %om'i e %"% e again# re'eating the 'ro%ess &or ea%h error &ound. 1isua Basi% inter'rets "our %ode as "ou enter it# %at%hing and high ighting most s"nta4 or s'e ing errors on the & ". ItKs a most ike ha(ing an e4'ert $at%hing o(er "our shou der as "ou enter "our %ode. In addition to %at%hing errors on the & "# 1isua Basi% a so 'artia " %om'i es the %ode as it is entered. 6hen "ou are read" to run and test "our a'' i%ation# there is on " a

Page 16

!rie& de a" to &inish %om'i ing. I& the %om'i er &inds an error# it is high ighted in "our %ode. You %an &i4 the error and %ontinue %om'i ing $ithout ha(ing to start o(er. Be%ause o& the intera%ti(e nature o& 1isua Basi%# "ouK &ind "ourse & running "our a'' i%ation &re7uent " as "ou de(e o' it. This $a" "ou %an test the e&&e%ts o& "our %ode as "ou $ork rather than $aiting to %om'i e ater. Startin+ t*e !i%ual Ba%i) 'E 6hen "ou run the 1isua Basi% Setu' 'rogram# it a o$s "ou to ' a%e the 'rogram items in an e4isting 'rogram grou' or %reate a ne$ 'rogram grou' and ne$ 'rogram items &or 1isua Basi% in 6indo$s. You are then read" to start 1isua Basi% &rom 6indo$s. To start 1isua Basi% &rom 6indo$s; 2 + i%k Start on the Task !ar. Se e%t Arograms# 1isua Studio and then Mi%roso&t 1isua Basi% E.D. + i%k Start on the Task !ar. Se e%t Arograms. :se the 6indo$s E4' orer to &ind the 1isua Basi% e4e%uta! e &i e. ,ou! e2% i%k the 1isua Basi% i%on. You %an a so %reate a short%ut to 1isua Basi%# and dou! e2% i%k the short%ut. 6hen "ou &irst start 1isua Basi%# "ou see the inter&a%e o& the integrated de(e o'ment en(ironment# as sho$n in *igure gi(en !e o$

Page 17

Fi+ure: 5 T*e !i%ual Ba%i) inte+rated de4el(/ment en4ir(nment

Sy%tem Re.uirement% ,(r !i%ual Ba%i) A//li)ati(n% The &o o$ing hard$are and so&t$are is re7uired &or 1isua Basi% a'' i%ations; AentiumH GDM/5 or higher mi%ro'ro%essor. 1GA E@D4@CD or higher2reso ution s%reen su''orted !" Mi%roso&t 6indo$s. Mi%roso&t 6indo$s NT @.D or ater# or Mi%roso&t 6indo$s GB or ater. >@ MB RAM &or 6indo$s GB=GC# ?> MB &or 6indo$s NT. Mi%roso&t Internet E4' orer (ersion @.D< or ater -(ersion @.D< Ser(i%e Aa%k < or ater &or ,/TML a'' i%ation de(e o'ers# and @.4 &or end2users o& these a'' i%ations.. ,isk s'a%e re7uirements; Standard Edition; t"'i%a insta ation @C MB# &u insta ation CD MB. Aro&essiona Edition; t"'i%a insta ation @C MB# &u insta ation CD MB. Enter'rise Edition; t"'i%a insta ation <>C MB# &u insta ation <@P MB. Additiona %om'onents -i& re7uired.; MS,N -&or do%umentation.; EP MB# Internet E4' orer @.4; a''ro4imate " EE MB. +,2R3M -no MS2,3S su''ort assumed..

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Pr(6e)t #imitati(n% A sing e 'ro0e%t %an %ontain u' to ?>#DDD Jidenti&iersJ -an" non reser(ed ke"$ord.# $hi%h in% ude# !ut are not imited to# &orms# %ontro s# modu es# (aria! es# %onstants# 'ro%edures# &un%tions# and o!0e%ts. Note that the a%tua num!er o& identi&iers is imited to a(ai a! e memor". 1aria! e names in 1isua Basi% %an !e no onger than >BB %hara%ters# and the names o& &orms# %ontro s# modu es# and % asses %annot !e onger than @D %hara%ters. 1isua Basi% im'oses no imit on the a%tua num!er o& distin%t o!0e%ts in a 'ro0e%t.

C(ntr(l #imitati(n% Ea%h non2gra'hi%a %ontro -a the %ontro s e4%e't sha'e# ine# image# and a!e . uses a $indo$. Ea%h $indo$ uses s"stem resour%es# imiting the tota num!er o& $indo$s that %an e4ist at one time. The e4a%t imit de'ends on the a(ai a! e s"stem resour%es and the t"'e o& %ontro s used. To redu%e %onsum'tion o& s"stem resour%es# use the sha'e# ine# a!e # and image %ontro s instead o& 'i%ture !o4 %ontro s to %reate or dis' a" gra'hi%s. T(tal $umber (, C(ntr(l% The ma4imum num!er o& %ontro s a o$ed on a sing e &orm de'ends on the t"'e o& %ontro s used and a(ai a! e s"stem resour%es. /o$e(er# there is a &i4ed imit o& >B@ %ontro names 'er &orm. A %ontro arra" %ounts on " on%e to$ard this imit !e%ause a the %ontro s in the arra" share a sing e %ontro name. The imit on %ontro arra" inde4es is D to ?>#PEP on a (ersions. I& "ou a"er %ontro s on to' o& ea%h other# su%h as using se(era &rame %ontro s $ithin other &rames# 1isua Basi% $i genera " a%%e't no more than >B e(e s o& nested %ontro s. C(de #imitati(n% The amount o& %ode that %an !e oaded into a &orm# % ass# or standard modu e is imited to EB#B?@ ines. A sing e ine o& %ode %an %onsist o& u' to <D>? !"tes. :' to >BE ! ank s'a%es %an 're%ede the a%tua te4t on a sing e ine# and no more than t$ent"2&our ine2 %ontinuation %hara%ters - Q. %an !e in% uded in a sing e ogi%a ine. Pr()edure%3 Ty/e%3 and !ariable% There is no imit on the num!er o& 'ro%edures 'er modu e. Ea%h 'ro%edure %an %ontain u' to E@F o& %ode. I& a 'ro%edure or modu e e4%eeds this imit# 1isua Basi% generates a %om'i e2time error. I& "ou en%ounter this error# "ou %an a(oid it !" !reaking e4treme "

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arge 'ro%edures into se(era sma er 'ro%edures# or !" mo(ing modu e2 e(e de% arations into another modu e. 1isua Basi% uses ta! es to store the names o& identi&iers -(aria! es# 'ro%edures# %onstants# and so on. in "our %ode. Ea%h ta! e is imited to E@F.

'## 'e)lare Table Ea%h &orm and %ode modu e uses a ta! e that %ontains a stru%ture des%ri!ing a ,LL entr" 'oint. Ea%h stru%ture uses a''ro4imate " @D !"tes# $ith a tota restri%ted si5e o& E@F# resu ting in rough " <#BDD de% arations a o$ed 'er modu e.

Pr(6e)t5$ame Table The entire a'' i%ation uses a sing e ta! e that %ontains a names. These in% ude;

+onstant names 1aria! e names :ser2de&ined O t"'e de&inition names Modu e names ,LL2'ro%edure de% aration names Pr(6e)t File F(rmat%

Mi%roso&t 1isua Basi% uti i5es and %reates a num!er o& &i es at !oth design and run time. 6hi%h &i es $i !e re7uired !" "our 'ro0e%t or a'' i%ation de'ends u'on its s%o'e and &un%tiona it".
Pr(6e)t File E7ten%i(n% 1isua Basi% 'rodu%es a num!er o& &i es $hen "ou %reate and %om'i e a 'ro0e%t. These %an !e %ategori5ed as &o o$s; design2time# mis%e aneous de(e o'ment# and run2 time. ,esign time &i es are the !ui ding ! o%ks o& "our 'ro0e%t; !asi% modu es -.!as. and &orm modu es -.&rm.# &or e4am' e. 1arious 'ro%esses and &un%tions o& the 1isua Basi% de(e o'ment en(ironment 'rodu%e mis%e aneous &i es; Aa%kage and ,e' o"ment 6i5ard de'enden%" &i es -.de'.# &or e4am' e.

Page 20

'e%i+n5time and Mi%)ellane(u% File% The &o o$ing ta! e ists a the design2time and mis%e aneous other &i es that ma" !e 'rodu%ed $hen "ou de(e o' an a'' i%ation; E4tension .!as .% s .%t .%t4 .d%a .dd& .de' .do! .do4 .dsr .ds4 .d$s .&rm .&r4 . og .o%a .'ag .'g4 .res .t ! .(!g .(! .(!' .(!r .(!$ .(!5 .$%t ,es%ri'tion Basi% modu e + ass modu e :ser +ontro &i e :ser +ontro !inar" &i e A%ti(e ,esigner %a%he Aa%kage and ,e' o"ment 6i5ard +AB in&ormation &i e Aa%kage and ,e' o"ment 6i5ard de'enden%" &i e A%ti(e9 do%ument &orm &i e A%ti(e9 do%ument !inar" &orm &i e A%ti(e ,esigner &i e A%ti(e ,esigner !inar" &i e ,e' o"ment $i5ard s%ri't &i e *orm &i e Binar" &orm &i e Log &i e &or oad errors +ontro T"'eLi! %a%he &i e Aro'ert" 'age &i e Binar" 'ro'ert" 'age &i e Resour%e &i e Remote Automation T"'eLi! &i e 1isua Basi% grou' 'ro0e%t &i e +ontro i%ensing &i e 1isua Basi% 'ro0e%t &i e Remote Automation registration &i e 1isua Basi% 'ro0e%t $orks'a%e &i e 6i5ard aun%h &i e 6e!+ ass /TML tem' ate

Page 21

Run5Time File% 6hen "ou %om'i e "our a'' i%ation# a the ne%essar" design2time &i es are

in% uded in the run2time e4e%uta! e &i es. Run2time &i es are isted in the &o o$ing ta! e; E4tension .d .e4e .o%4 .(!d .$%t Primary 8ey

,es%ri'tion In2'ro%ess A%ti(e9 %om'onent E4e%uta! e &i e or A%ti(e9 %om'onent A%ti(e9 %ontro A%ti(e9 do%ument state &i e 6e!+ ass /TML tem' ate

3ne or more &ie ds -%o umns. $hose (a ue or (a ues uni7ue " identi&" ea%h re%ord in a ta! e. A 'rimar" ke" does not a o$ Nu (a ues and must a $a"s ha(e a uni7ue (a ue. A 'rimar" ke" is used to re ate a ta! e to &oreign ke"s in other ta! es.

N3TE; You do not ha(e to de&ine a 'rimar" ke"# !ut itKs usua " a good idea. I& "ou donKt de&ine a 'rimar" ke"# Mi%roso&t A%%ess asks "ou i& "ou $ou d ike to %reate one $hen "ou sa(e the ta! e.

*or our tutoria # make the So% Se% R &ie d the 'rimar" ke"# meaning that e(er" student has a so%ia se%urit" num!er and no > are the same.

To do this# sim' " se e%t the So% Se% R &ie d and se e%t the 'rimar" ke" !utton

<. A&ter "ou do this# Sa(e the ta! e S&it)*in+ !ie&%

To s$it%h (ie$s &orm the datasheet -s'readsheet (ie$. and the design (ie$# sim' " % i%k the !utton in the to'2 e&t hand %orner o& the A%%ess 'rogram. ,atasheet 1ie$ ,is' a"s the (ie$# $hi%h a o$s "ou to enter ra$ data into "our data!ase ta! e. ,esign 1ie$

,is' a"s th (ie$# $hi%h a o$s "ou to enter &ie ds# data2t"'es# and des%ri'tions into "our data!ase ta! e.

Enterin+ 'ata

+ i%k on the ,atasheet 1ie$ and sim' " start J%huggingJ a$a" !" entering the data into ea%h &ie d. N3TE; Be&ore starting a ne$ re%ord# the So% Se% R &ie d must

Page 22

ha(e something in it# !e%ause it is the Arimar" Fe". I& "ou did not set a Arimar" Fe" then it is 3F.

Mani/ulatin+ 'ata

Adding a ne$ ro$ Sim' " dro' do$n to a ne$ ine and enter the in&ormation :'dating a re%ord Sim' " se e%t the re%ord and &ie d "ou $ant to u'date# and %hange its data $ith $hat "ou $ant

,e eting a re%ord Sim' " %e Se e%ting a (a ue &rom a dro'do$n !o4 $ith a set o& (a ues that "ou assign to it. This sa(es "ou &rom t"'ing it in ea%h time

E4am' e.+hoosing a %it" that is either Au!urn# Ba" +it"# * int# Mid and# or Sagina$

S$it%h to ,esign 1ie$ Se e%t the &ie d "ou $ant to a ter -+it". At the !ottom se e%t the Looku' Ta! In the ,is' a" +ontro !o4# se e%t +om!o Bo4 :nder Ro$ Sour%e T"'e# se e%t 1a ue List :nder Ro$ Sour%e# enter the (a ues ho$ "ou $ant them dis' a"ed# se'arated !" a %o umn. -Au!urn# Ba" +it"# * int# Mid and# Sagina$.

N3TE; This $i not a 'ha!eti5e them &or "ou# so "ou $i ha(e to do that "ourse &. It shou d ook something ike this; Se e%t in the datasheet (ie$ and "ou shou d see the %hange $hen "ou go to the %it" &ie d.


A&ter "ouK(e set u' mu ti' e ta! es in "our Mi%roso&t A%%ess data!ase# "ou need a $a" o& te ing A%%ess ho$ to !ring that in&ormation !a%k together again. The &irst ste' in this 'ro%ess is to de&ine re ationshi's !et$een "our ta! es. A&ter "ouK(e

Page 23

done that# "ou %an %reate 7ueries# &orms# and re'orts to dis' a" in&ormation &rom se(era ta! es at on%e. A re ationshi' $orks !" mat%hing data in ke" &ie ds 2 usua " a &ie d $ith the same name in !oth ta! es. In most %ases# these mat%hing &ie ds are the 'rimar" ke" &rom one ta! e# $hi%h 'ro(ides a uni7ue identi&ier &or ea%h re%ord# and a &oreign ke" in the other ta! e. *or e4am' e# tea%hers %an !e asso%iated $ith the students the"Kre res'onsi! e &or !" %reating a re ationshi' !et$een the tea%herKs ta! e and the studentKs ta! e using the Tea%herI, &ie ds.

+ut the entire ro$ and hit the ,e ete Fe" on the ke"!oard

A re'ort is an e&&e%ti(e $a" to 'resent "our data in a 'rinted &ormat. Be%ause "ou ha(e %ontro o(er the si5e and a''earan%e o& e(er"thing on a re'ort# "ou %an dis' a" the in&ormation the $a" "ou $ant to see it.

A data!ase is simi ar to a data &i e in that it is a storage ' a%e &or data. Like a data &i e# a data!ase does not 'resent in&ormation dire%t " to a userN the user runs an a'' i%ation that a%%esses data &rom the data!ase and 'resents it to the user in an understanda! e &ormat. ,ata!ase s"stems are more 'o$er&u than data &i es in that data is more high " organi5ed. In a $e 2designed data!ase# there are no du' i%ate 'ie%es o& data that the user or a'' i%ation must u'date at the same time. Re ated 'ie%es o& data are grou'ed together in a sing e stru%ture or re%ord# and re ationshi's %an !e de&ined !et$een these stru%tures and re%ords. 6hen $orking $ith data &i es# an a'' i%ation must !e %oded to $ork $ith the s'e%i&i% stru%ture o& ea%h data &i e. In %ontrast# a data!ase %ontains a %ata og that a'' i%ations use to determine ho$ data is organi5ed. Generi% data!ase a'' i%ations %an use the %ata og to 'resent users $ith data &rom di&&erent data!ases d"nami%a "# $ithout !eing tied to a s'e%i&i% data &ormat. A data!ase t"'i%a " has t$o main 'arts; &irst# the &i es ho ding the 'h"si%a data!ase and se%ond# the data!ase management s"stem -,BMS. so&t$are that a'' i%ations use to a%%ess data. The ,BMS is res'onsi! e &or en&or%ing the data!ase stru%ture# in% uding;

Maintaining re ationshi's !et$een data in the data!ase. Ensuring that data is stored %orre%t "# and that the ru es de&ining data re ationshi's are not (io ated.

Page 24

Re%o(ering a data to a 'oint o& kno$n %onsisten%" in %ase o& s"stem &ai ures.

Page 25

R l'$(on'l D'$')'*
A though there are di&&erent $a"s to organi5e data in a data!ase# re ationa data!ases are one o& the most e&&e%ti(e. Re ationa data!ase s"stems are an a'' i%ation o& mathemati%a set theor" to the 'ro! em o& e&&e%ti(e " organi5ing data. In a re ationa data!ase# data is %o e%ted into ta! es -%a ed re ations in re ationa theor".. A ta! e re'resents some % ass o& o!0e%ts that are im'ortant to an organi5ation. *or e4am' e# a %om'an" ma" ha(e a data!ase $ith a ta! e &or em' o"ees# another ta! e &or %ustomers# and another &or stores. Ea%h ta! e is !ui t o& %o umns and ro$s -%a ed attri!utes and tu' es in re ationa theor".. Ea%h %o umn re'resents some attri!ute o& the o!0e%t re'resented !" the ta! e. *or e4am' e# an Em' o"ee ta! e $ou d t"'i%a " ha(e %o umns &or attri!utes su%h as &irst name# ast name# em' o"ee I,# de'artment# 'a" grade# and 0o! tit e. Ea%h ro$ re'resents an instan%e o& the o!0e%t re'resented !" the ta! e. *or e4am' e# one ro$ in the Em' o"ee ta! e re'resents the em' o"ee $ho has em' o"ee I, <>?@B. 6hen organi5ing data into ta! es# "ou %an usua " &ind man" di&&erent $a"s to de&ine ta! es. Re ationa data!ase theor" de&ines a 'ro%ess %a ed norma i5ation# $hi%h ensures that the set o& ta! es "ou de&ine $i organi5e "our data e&&e%ti(e ".

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*P+,*- *C'..N

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ISS572764S I"







A C(m/lete Stru)ture (, t*e Pr(+ram

Analy%i%: In ana "sis# ,*,s and ER diagrams $i sho$.

'F'%: 92Le(e ,*,s; 2 2#er 1 Pro$o#e! #"#tem :ser A%kno$ edgement 2#er

+onte4t 2Le(e ,*,

Page 27

:%t2 e(e ,*,s; 2 Administrator A%kno$ edgement A%%ess 1.3 1.1 Co%trol $a%el +ogi% to A%%ess :ser Ma%age Area *"#tem 1.4 2#er ,rea



1.2 2#er 'egi#tratio %

A%kno$ edgement Grant a%%ess to :ser area


<st2Le(e ,*,

;nd2Le(e ,*,s; 2 1a idation in%orre%t 2#er +orre%t 1a idation 1.2.2 Login 1.2.3 +orre%t+ogi% 6ali!ate 1.2.4 2#er area to 2#er

1.2.1 'egi#trat o% .%tr"

!ata >nd2Le(e ,*, o& Aro%ess :ser Registration

Page 28

1a idation in%orre%t
,!mi%i#trator < > +ogi% :ser 2#er ma%age me%t 2#er ,!!7 Delete 2$!ate ?rd2Le(e ,*, o& Aro%ess :ser management 6ali!ate a!mi%i#trato r

A%kno$ edgement Re'ort

Page 29

0%er nter,a)e Be*a4i(r: In :ser Inter&a%e Beha(ior# State

,iagram $i sho$.
User load The system

Registration as :ser 'age

User Clic s

Load :ser area ogin

In'ut data *or

"e#istration Load administrator Area ogin 'age !dministrator (o#in In(a id user I, Entr" o& ogin and 'ass$ord

User area (o#in


Error in 1a idation and 'ass$ord

%alidate Save user as mem$er 1a idation ok

Error in

entr" o& ogin

%alidate !dministrator 1a idation and 'ass$ord area )elcome *a#e In&ormation o& +ognates Se e%tion 1a idation Control3k *anel

user to Clic on details 'f User :ser

Details Ba%k to detai Sho$

+ i%k on /ome + i%ked on home


!"administrator !dd Delete Update Events + i%ked to home User

Select Data Input new Data No No

Input update Data Delete !dd


Update !dd Delete

Conform Selected data No


!uthor !dd Update Delete

Conform input data Yes Save new Data Yes Delete selected Yes Data Save Chan#es

shop s




Page 30

Pr()e%% #(+i) (, ea)* m(dule: In this# & o$ %harts and 'seudo%ode $

* o$ %harts and their 'seudo%ode;

:. Re+i%trati(n M(dule: (Pr()e%% ' 5 :.;) *tart

De&a8lt $age )or User



Page 31

Re+i%trati(n !alidate ,un)ti(n 5 .rror re$ort 0o User , t7t:ser <id => :se rid Or t7t :ser </a%%&(rd => :ser Q/a%%&(rd Or ,c9%o<le!geme% t $age to 0%er Message ' ease &i s %orre%t in&ormation 1a idate S &a se *a e !ata to E se !ata;a#e ta;le 1a idate S true Mem;er# End i& T The data entr" &orm %ontains :ser Inter&a%e -te4t !o4. To enter the in&ormation t"'ed !" 0%er. *to$ T 1a idation I& (a idate S true then Sa(e 0%er as mem!er in 0%er data!ase ta! e E se Send error re'ort# a!out (a idation2&ai ed# to 0%er End i& (# ali!ate /9:

Page 32

S"5273" 27"AI: I365"

>>>>>>>>14 0-. 2*.'>>>>>>> *t8!=Na me )athe r Name ,!!re## 1 ,!!re## 2 Student <;n ER5dia+ram ,(r Student ma%ter Table

.mail Cit " Pho%e %o Ca8tio% Mo%e"

Boo? Id
(NP20 14 0-. 2*.' 0o$ic (! ,8thor (!

1oo9 Name

P8; (! .!itio% 4ear

1oo9 Co!e

Me!i8 m 'ec9 No.

1oo9 (!

1oo9 Ma#ter (0,1+.)

Page 33

7nrollment 3o
(NP20 14 0-.

Cla## )athar Name *ectio% ,!!re## Cit" *t8!e%t Name 0el No. .%r No.

*t8!e%t Ma#ter (0,1+.)

'ec9 No.

6ub Id
(NP20 14 0-. 2*.'

P8;(! P8; Name P8; ,!! 0el No


P8;li#her Ma#ter (0,1+.)

Page 34

Cla## )athar Name *ectio% ,!!re## Cit" *t8!e%t Name 0el No. .%r No.

*t8!e%t Ma#ter (0,1+.)

7nrollment 3o
(NP20 14 0-. 2*.' 'et8r%Da te 'et8r%

'ec9 No.


)i%e Da"#

1oo9 (!

.%rollme %t

(##8eDe$o#it (0,1+.)

Page 35

Data structures (Tables) for all the modules



Field $ame 'ata Ty/e 1idt* (, Field Enro ment -AF. Num!er Long Integer Stud Name Te4t >B Stud*Name Te4t >B Stud% ass Num!er > Se%tion Te4t < +aution Mone" Num!er ? StudAdd< Te4t BD StudAdd> Te4t BD Stud+it" Te4t >B StudTe No Num!er Long Integer TAB#E ; BOO8 MASTER Field $ame Book Id -AF. Book+ode Book Name To'i%Id AuthorId Edition Year Is!n Au! Id Sho' Id Aur,ate Medium Lost Ari%e Re%k No 'ata Ty/e Num!er Num!er Te4t Num!er Num!er Num!er Num!er Num!er Num!er ,ate Te4t Yes=No Num!er Num!er 1idt* (, Field Long Integer Long Integer BD Long Integer Long Integer Long Integer Long Integer Long Integer Long Integer C >D < Long Integer Long Integer

TAB#E ? Field $ame AuthorId -AF. Author*Name AuthorLName 'ata Ty/e Num!er Te4t Te4t

A0T-OR MASTER 1idt* (, Field Long Integer >B >B

Page 36

Authoremai AuthorAdd< AuthorAdd> Author%it" AuthorTe No

Te4t Te4t Te4t Te4t Num!er

?D BD BD ?D Long Integer



Field $ame Au!QI, -AF. Au!*name Au!LName Au!emai Au!Add< Au!Add> Au!+it" Au!Te No

'ata Ty/e Num!er Te4t Te4t Te4t Te4t Te4t Te4t Num!er

1idt* (, Field Long Integer >B >B ?D BD BD ?D Long Integer

TAB#E A Field $ame Sho'QI, Sho'Name Sho'*a4No Sho'emai


'ata Ty/e Num!er Te4t Numger Num!er

1idt* (, Field Long Integer @D Long Integer Long Integer

Page 37

Sho'Add< Sho'Add> Sho'+it" Sho'Ahone

Te4t Te4t Te4t Num!er

BD BD ?D Long Integer



Field $ame To'i%QI, To'i%

'ata Ty/e Num!er Te4t

1idt* (, Field Long Integer ?D

Page 38



Field $ame :serQI,< -AF. :serName< Aass$ord<

'ata Ty/e Num!er Te4t Te4t

1idt* (, Field Long Integer >D <D


0SER #OG $

Field $ame :serLogName :serLogAass$ord

'ata Ty/e Te4t Te4t

1idt* (, Field >B >B



Field $ame Enro ment BookId Issue,ate Return,ate *ine%harge ,a"s

'ata Ty/e Num!er Num!er ,ate ,ate Num!er Num!er

1idt* (, Field Long Integer Long Integer C C Long Integer Long Integer


Page 39

Main F(rm #ibrary Mana+ement Sy%tem

C(de (, M' F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& M,I *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! menua!tQ+ i%k-. 6ith A!out&rm .To' S >EDD .Le&t S ><DD .Sho$ End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuAth,e eteQ+ i%k-. 6ith Author&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >DDD .Le&t S >DDD

Page 40

.Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuAthEditQ+ i%k-. 6ith Author&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >DDD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuAthNe$Q+ i%k-. 6ith Author&rm .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >>DD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuAth3'nQ+ i%k-. 6ith Author&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >>DD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuBookEditQ+ i%k-. 6ith Book&rm .%mdne$!ook.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e!ook.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >@DD .Le&t S <CDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuBookNe$Q+ i%k-.

Page 41

6ith Book&rm .%mdu'date!ook.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >@DD .Le&t S <CDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! menu!ooksa(eQ+ i%k-. 6ith Book&rm .%mdu'date!ook.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >@DD .Le&t S <CDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! menu,ue!kQ+ i%k-. Re'ort,ueBk&rm.Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End Su! Ari(ate Su! menuIs,','tQ+ i%k-. 6ith Iss,e'osit&rm .To' S >DDD .Le&t S ><DD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! menuIs,'IssQ+ i%k-. 6ith Iss,e'osit&rm .To' S >DDD .Le&t S ><DD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! menuiss!kQ+ i%k-. Re'ortIssBk&rm.Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End Su! Ari(ate Su! menumissing!kQ+ i%k-. Re'ortmissing&rm.Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End Su! Ari(ate Su! Menu3't*ineQ+ i%k-. 6ith 3'tion&rm .%mdsetda"s.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >PDD .Le&t S ><DD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm<

Page 42

End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! Menu3't*ree,a"Q+ i%k-. 6ith 3'tion&rm .%mdset&ine.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >PDD .Le&t S ><DD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuAu!,e eteQ+ i%k-. 6ith Au! isher&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >DDD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuAu!EditQ+ i%k-. 6ith Au! isher&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >DDD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuAu!Ne$Q+ i%k-. 6ith Au! isher&rm .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >DDD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuAu!3'nQ+ i%k-. 6ith Au! isher&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se

Page 43

.%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >DDD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! menur'ta !kQ+ i%k-. Re'ortBooks&rm.Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End Su! Ari(ate Su! menusear%hQ+ i%k-. Sear%h&rm.Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuSho',e eteQ+ i%k-. 6ith Sho'&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >>DD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuSho'EditQ+ i%k-. 6ith Sho'&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >>DD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuSho'Ne$Q+ i%k-. 6ith Sho'&rm .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >>DD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith

Page 44

End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuSho'3'nQ+ i%k-. 6ith Sho'&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >>DD .Le&t S >DDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuStudEditQ+ i%k-. 6ith Student&rm .%mdAddne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S CDD .Le&t S CDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuStudNe$Q+ i%k-. 6ith Student&rm .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S CDD .Le&t S CDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuStud3'nQ+ i%k-. 6ith Student&rm .%mdAddne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S CDD .Le&t S CDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! menustudsa(eQ+ i%k-.

Page 45

6ith Student&rm .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S CDD .Le&t S CDD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuTo'i%EditQ+ i%k-. 6ith To'i%&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >EDD .Le&t S ><DD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! MenuTo'i%Ne$Q+ i%k-. 6ith To'i%&rm .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >EDD .Le&t S ><DD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! menuto'i%o'enQ+ i%k-. 6ith To'i%&rm .%mdne$.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdsa(e.Ena! ed S *a se .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >EDD .Le&t S ><DD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! menuto'i%sa(eQ+ i%k-. 6ith To'i%&rm .%mdde .Ena! ed S *a se .%mdu'date.Ena! ed S *a se .To' S >EDD

Page 46

.Le&t S ><DD .Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! Menu:ser,e eteQ+ i%k-. :ser&rm.Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End Su! Ari(ate Su! Menu:serEditQ+ i%k-. :ser&rm.Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End Su! Ari(ate Su! Menu:serNe$Q+ i%k-. :ser&rm.Sho$ (!Moda # M,I*orm< End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd %ode o& M,I *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT C(de (, 0%er M(dule TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& :serModu eTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it ,im Ma4userId As Integer KSSSSSSSSSSSSS&or *rom userSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Au! i% Su! * e4Grid:ser/ead-. 6ith :ser&rm.* e4Grid:ser K.+ ear KTo Set /eading Ro$s .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S J:ser I,J; .+o 6idth-D. S <BDD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JNameJ; .+o 6idth-<. S ?DDD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JAass$ordJ; .+o 6idth->. S D K to make heading ro$ !o d +a /eadBo d-:ser&rm.* e4Grid:ser# .+o s. End 6ith End Su! KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Grid o& :ser*orm SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Au! i% Su! * e4Grid:ser*i -. ,im R As B"te ,im :serRe% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im ReadRe% As String ReadRe% S Jse e%t :serId<# :serName<# 'ass$ord< &rom usermaster order !" :serId<J :serRe%.3'en ReadRe%# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& :serRe%.Re%ord+ount U D Then 6ith :ser&rm.* e4Grid:ser

Page 47

.Ro$s S :serRe%.Re%ord+ount V < 6hi e Not :serRe%.E3* RSRV< .Te4tMatri4-R# D. S :serRe%Wuserid< .Te4tMatri4-R# <. S :serRe%W:serName< .Te4tMatri4-R# >. S :serRe%W'ass$ord< I& :serRe%.E3* S True Then :serRe%.Mo(eLast End I& :serRe%.Mo(eNe4t 6end :serRe%.Mo(eLast Ma4userId S :serRe%.*ie ds-D..1a ue V < :serRe%.+ ose :ser&rm.t4t:serI,.Te4t S Ma4userId End 6ith End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& :serModu e +odeTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT +ode o& Main Mddu e KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Main Modu e TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it ,im gh-<D. As String Au! i% :ser+on As Ne$ A,3,B.+onne%tion Au! i% Su! main-. S' ash&rm.Sho$ End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT*or Ba%k:' &ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KSSSSSSSSSSSSSS S:B R3:TINE T3 MAFES ANY GRI,KS /EA,ING B3L,SSSSSSSSSSS Au! i% Su! /eadBo d-grid As MS* e4Grid# B"1a + As B"te. ,im i As Integer 6ith grid .Ro$ S D K se e%t <st ro$ in grid *or i S D To + 2 < .+o S i; .+e *ontBo d S True .*i4edA ignment-i. S & e4A ign+enter+enter Ne4t i End 6ith End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& +ode Main Modu eTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Page 48

S/la%* S)reen

KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& S' ash *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! *ormQ+ i%k-. :n oad Me Login&rm.Sho$ End Su! Ari(ate Su! Timer<QTimer-. Me.To' S <>B V Me.To' Me.6idth S Me.6idth V ECB Me./eight S Me./eight V ?GD Me.Le&t S Me.Le&t V CD I& Me.To' U <BDD Then Timer<.Ena! ed S *a se Timer>.Ena! ed S True End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! Timer>QTimer-. :n oad Me Login&rm.Sho$ End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. :n oad Me Login&rm.Sho$ End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. Timer<.Ena! ed S True End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& S' ash *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Page 49

#(+in F(rm

KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Login *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. +a Set:ser+on End Su! Ari(ate Su! %md%an%e Q+ i%k-. End End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdokQ+ i%k-. I& t4tuser ogname.Te4t S JJ And t4tuser og'$d.Te4t S JJ Then MsgBo4 JA ease &i +om'e ete In&ormationJ# (!+riti%a End I& ,im Re%Se% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im s7 og As String ,im i As Integer ,im & ag As Boo ean s7 og S JSELE+T username<# 'ass$ord< *rom usermaster 6/ERE username< S KJ X t4tuser ogname X JK AN, 'ass$ord< S KJ X t4tuser og'$d X JK J Re%Se%.3'en s7 og# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& Re%Se%.Re%ord+ount U D Then & ag S True :n oad Me M,I*orm<.Sho$ E se MsgBo4 JIn(a id :sername or Aass$ordJ End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! t4tuser og'sdQFe",o$n-Fe"+ode As Integer# Shi&t As Integer. I& t4tuser og'sd.Te4t S JJ Then E4it Su!

Page 50

I& Fe"+ode S (!Fe"Return Then %mdok.Set*o%us End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! t4tuser ognmQFe",o$n-Fe"+ode As Integer# Shi&t As Integer. I& t4tuser ognm.Te4t S JJ Then E4it Su! I& Fe"+ode S (!Fe"Return Then t4tuser og'sd.Set*o%us End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& Login *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

%%ue 'e/(%it F(rm

C(de (, %%ue 'e/(%it F(rm

KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Issue ,e'osit *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! %md% oseQ+ i%k-.

Page 51

:n oad Me End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or Sa(e Re%ordTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdsa(eQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 As String I& 3'tIssue.1a ue S True Then s7 S Jinsert into Issue,e'osit -Enro ment#Bookid#Issue,ate#Return. J X Q J(a ues -J X t4tEnrNo X J#J X t4t!ookId X J#KJ X ,TABkIssue,ate.1a ue X JK#J X Q o'tno.1a ue X J.J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 +a & e4grid&i sear%h E se s7 S Ju'date Issue,e'osit set Return,ateSKJ X ,TABkReturn,ate.1a ue X JK#ReturnS J X o't"es.1a ue X J #J X Q J,a"sS J X t4tda"s.Te4t X J# &ineS J X Q t4t&ine.Te4t X J $here enro ment S J X t4tEnrNo.Te4t X J !ookId S J X Q t4t!ookId.Te4t X J and Return S *a se J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 +a & e4grid&i sear%h End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! ,TABkReturn,ateQLost*o%us-. t4tda"s.Te4t S ,TABkReturn,ate.1a ue 2 ,TABkIssue,ate.1a ue End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. +a & e4grid&i sear%h End Su! KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS+ode &or *i * e4Grid SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Ari(ate Su! & e4grid&i sear%h-. ,im rsRe% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im i As Integer ,im s7 As String iSD 6ith * e4GridIss,e' .Te4tMatri4-i# D. S JEnro ment No.J; .+o 6idth-D. S <?BD .Te4tMatri4-i# <. S JBook IdJ; .+o 6idth->. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-i# >. S JIssue ,ateJ; .+o 6idth-@. S PBD .Te4tMatri4-i# ?. S JReturn ,ateJ; .+o 6idth-B. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-i# @. S JReturnJ; .+o 6idth-E. S <>DD .Te4tMatri4-i# B. S J*ineJ; .Te4tMatri4-i# E. S J,a"s J; .+o 6idth-P. S <>DD .+o 6idth-C. S GDD

Page 52

s7 S Jse e%t T &rom issuede'ositJ rsRe%.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% 6hi e Not rsRe%.E3* .Ro$s S .Ro$s V < iSiV< .Te4tMatri4-i# D. S rsRe%Wenro ment .Te4tMatri4-i# <. S rsRe%W!ookid .Te4tMatri4-i# >. S rsRe%Wissuedate I& IsNu -rsRe%Wreturndate. S *a se Then .Te4tMatri4-i# ?. S rsRe%Wreturndate E se .Te4tMatri4-i# ?. S JJ End I& .Te4tMatri4-i# @. S rsRe%Wreturn .Te4tMatri4-i# B. S rsRe%W&ine .Te4tMatri4-i# E. S rsRe%W,a"s rsRe%.Mo(eNe4t 6end rsRe%.+ ose End 6ith End Su! KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEnd SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Ari(ate Su! 3't,e'ositQ+ i%k-. Issue*ram.Ena! ed S *a se ,e'osit*ram.Ena! ed S True o't"es.1a ue S True End Su! Ari(ate Su! 3'tIssueQ+ i%k-. ,e'osit*ram.Ena! ed S *a se Issue*ram.Ena! ed S True o'tno.1a ue S True End Su! Ari(ate Su! t4tBookI,e'QLost*o%us-. I& 3't,e'osit.1a ue S True Then ,im rs!ook As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im s7 As String o't"es.1a ue S True I& t4tBookId,e' YU JJ Then s7 S Jse e%t T &rom Issue,e'osit $here !ookid S J X t4tBookId,e'.Te4t X J and return S &a seJ rs!ook.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rs!ook.Re%ord+ount U D Then t4tEnrNo.Te4t S rs!ookWenro ment ,TABkReturn,ate.1a ue S rs!ookWissuedate t4tda"s.Te4t S ,TABkReturn,ate.1a ue 2 ,TABkIssue,ate.1a ue

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End I& End I& End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! t4tEnrNoQ ost&o%us-. ,e!ug.Arint 3'tIssue.1a ue I& 3'tIssue.1a ue S True Then ,im re% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t stud&name &rom studentmaster $here enro ment S J X t4tEnrNo.Te4t X J J re%.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& re%.Re%ord+ount U D Then t4tStudName.Te4t S re%Wstud&name E se MsgBo4 JEnro ment No. Not *oundJ t4tStudName.Te4t S JJ End I& End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! t4t!ookIdQ ost&o%us-. I& 3'tIssue.1a ue S True Then ,im re% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t BookName &rom Bookmaster $here BookId S J X t4t!ookId.Te4t X JJ re%.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& re%.Re%ord+ount U D Then ! !ookname.+a'tion S ! !ookname.+a'tion X J J X Mid-re%W!ookname# <# >D. ! !ookname.+a'tion S :+ase- ! !ookname.+a'tion. E se MsgBo4 JBook No. Not *oundJ End I& End I& End Su! KAri(ate Su! t4tBookId,e'Q ost&o%us-. I& 3't,e'osit.1a ue S True Then ,im re% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t stud&name#!ookId &orm studentmaster $here !ookId S J X t4t!ookId.Te4t X J and enro mentS J X t4tEnrNo.Te4t X J J re%.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& re%.Re%ord+ount U D Then

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t4tStudName.Te4t S re%Wstud&name E se MsgBo4 JEnro ment No. Not *oundJ t4tStudName.Te4t S JJ End I& End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in Enro ment no Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tenrnoQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in Book Id Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!ookidQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in !ook id ,e'osit Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!ookid,e'QFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& Issue,e'osit *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

B((2 Ma%ter F(rm

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C(de (, B((2 Ma%ter F(rm TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Book *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Au! i% BookRe%No As Long Ari(ate Su! %md% oseQ+ i%k-. :n oad Me End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. +a %md*irstQ+ i%k End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or + ear Te4t &or Ne$ Entr"TTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdne$!ookQ+ i%k-. %mdsa(e!ook.Ena! ed S True t4t!kId.Te4t S JJ t4t!k%ode.Te4t S JJ t4t!kname.Te4t S JJ t4t!kto'i%Id.Te4t S JJ t4t!kauthI,.Te4t S JJ t4t!kedn"r.Te4t S JJ t4t!kis!n.Te4t S JJ t4t!k'u!Id.Te4t S JJ t4t!ksho'Id.Te4t S JJ t4t!k'ri%e.Te4t S JJ t4t!kre%kno.Te4t S JJ End Su!

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KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Sa(e Re%ordTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdsa(e!ookQ% i%k-. ,im s7 !ksa(e As String ,im tm' ost As Boo ean I& t4t!kId.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!kauthI,.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!kname.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!kto'i%Id.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!kauthI,.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!kedn"r.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!kis!n.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!k'u!Id.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!k'u!Id.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!ksho'Id.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!k'ri%e.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t!kre%kno.Te4t S JJ Then MsgBo4 JA ease *i A In&ormationJ# (!In&ormation# JIn%om' ete In&ormationJ t4t!kId.Set*o%us E se I& o't"es.1a ue Then tm' ost S o't"es.1a ue E se tm' ost S o'tno.1a ue End I& s7 !ksa(e S Jinsert into !ookmaster-!ookid#!ook%ode#!ookname#to'i%id#authorid# J X Q Jedition"ear#is!n#'u!id#sho'id#'urdate#medium# J X Q J ost#'ri%e#re%kno. J X Q J(a ues- J X t4t!kId.Te4t X J#J X t4t!k%ode.Te4t X J#KJ X Q t4t!kname.Te4t X JK#J X t4t!kto'i%Id.Te4t X J#J X Q t4t!kauthI,.Te4t X J#J X t4t!kedn"r.Te4t X J#J X Q t4t!kis!n.Te4t X J# J X t4t!k'u!Id.Te4t X J# J X Q t4t!ksho'Id.Te4t X J# KJ X Q ,TA!k'urdate.1a ue X JK# KJ X %m!medm.Te4t X JK# J X Q tm' ost X J# J X t4t!k'ri%e.Te4t X J# KJ X Q t4t!kre%kno.Te4t X JK.J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 !ksa(e +a %mdne$!ookQ+ i%k End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& :'date Re%ordTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdu'date!ookQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 As String s7 S Ju'date !ookmaster set J X Q J!ooknameS KJ X t4t!kname X JK# to'i%Id S J X t4t!kto'i%Id.Te4t X J# J X Q JauthorId S J X t4t!kauthI,.Te4t X J# Edition"ear S J X t4t!kedn"r.Te4t X J# J X Q JIs!n S J X t4t!kis!n.Te4t X J# 'u!Id S J X t4t!k'u!Id.Te4t X J# J X Q Jsho'Id S J X t4t!ksho'Id.Te4t X J# 'urdate S KJ X ,TA!k'urdate.1a ue X JK#J XQ Jmedium SKJ X %m!medm.Te4t X JK#'ri%e S J X t4t!k'ri%e.Te4t X J#J X Q Jre%kno S KJ X t4t!kre%kno.Te4t X JK $here !ookId S J X t4t!kId.Te4t X J J

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:ser+on.E4e%ute s7 +a %mdNe4tQ+ i%k End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %md*irstQ+ i%k-. BookRe%No S D +a Sho$BookRe%-BookRe%No. End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Goto Are(iousTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdAre(iousQ+ i%k-. ,im re% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset re%.3'en Jse e%t T &rom !ookmaster order !" BookI,J# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% BookRe%No S BookRe%No 2 < I& BookRe%No Y D Then BookRe%No S D End I& +a Sho$BookRe%-BookRe%No. End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or Goto Ne4t Re%ordTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdNe4tQ+ i%k-. ,im re% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset re%.3'en Jse e%t T &rom !ookmaster order !" BookI,J# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% BookRe%No S BookRe%No V < I& BookRe%No US re%.Re%ord+ount Then BookRe%No S re%.Re%ord+ount 2 < End I& +a Sho$BookRe%-BookRe%No. End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or Goto Last Re%ordTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdLastQ+ i%k-. ,im re% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset re%.3'en Jse e%t T &rom !ookmaster order !" BookI,J# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% BookRe%No S re%.Re%ord+ount 2 < +a Sho$BookRe%-BookRe%No. End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

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KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+omman *un%tion &or Sho$ Re%ordTTTTTTTTTT Au! i% Su! Sho$BookRe%-B"Re& RNo As Long. ,im re% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset re%.3'en Jse e%t T &rom !ookmaster order !" BookI,J# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& RNo U 2< Then %mdsa(e!ook.Ena! ed S *a se End I& I& re%.Re%ord+ount U D Then I& re%.E3* S True Then RNo S re%.Re%ord+ount 2 < End I& re%.Mo(e RNo t4t!kId.Te4t S re%W!ookid t4t!k%ode.Te4t S re%W!ook%ode t4t!kname.Te4t S re%W!ookname t4t!kto'i%Id.Te4t S re%Wto'i%id t4t!kauthI,.Te4t S re%WAuthorId t4t!kedn"r.Te4t S re%Wedition"ear t4t!kis!n.Te4t S re%WIs!n t4t!k'u!Id.Te4t S re%WAu!Id t4t!ksho'Id.Te4t S re%Wsho'id ,TA!k'urdate.1a ue S re%W'urdate %m!medm.Te4t S re%Wmedium I& re%W ost S True Then o't"es.1a ue S True E se o'tno.1a ue S True End I& t4t!k'ri%e.Te4t S re%W'ri%e t4t!kre%kno.Te4t S re%Wre%kno End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in AuthorId Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!kauthIdQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

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KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in !ook %ode Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!k%odeQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in Edition Year Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!kedn"rQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in !ook id te4t !o4TTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!kIdQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in Is!n No Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!kis!nQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in 'ri%e Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!k'ri%eQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in Au! isher Id Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!k'u!IdQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then

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Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in sho' Id Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!ksho'IdQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in To'i% Id Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t!kto'i%IdQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd Book *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Aut*(r F(rm

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3'tion E4' i%it ,im gh-<D. As String KTTTTTTTT*or ,e ete Re%ordTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdde Q+ i%k-. :ser+on.E4e%ute Jde ete &rom Authormaster $here AuthorId SJ X t4tauthId.Te4t X JJ * e4GridAuth.Remo(eItem -* e4GridAuth.Ro$. End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTT*or B ank the Te4t Bo4 *or Ne$ entr"TTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdne$Q+ i%k-. t4tauthId.Te4t S JJ

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t4tauth&name.Te4t S JJ t4tauth name.Te4t S JJ t4tauthemai .Te4t S JJ t4tauthte no.Te4t S JJ t4tauthadd<.Te4t S JJ t4tauthadd>.Te4t S JJ t4tauth%it".Te4t S JJ End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTT+ode *or Sa(e Re%ord TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdsa(eQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 sa(e As String ,im rsAuth As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset s7 sa(e S Jse e%t AuthorId &rom authormaster $here authorid S J X t4tauthId.Te4t XJJ rsAuth.3'en s7 sa(e# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rsAuth.Re%ord+ount U D Then MsgBo4 J,u' i%ate Re%ord J E4it Su! End I& I& t4tauthId.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tauth&name.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tauth name.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tauth%it".Te4t S JJ Then MsgBo4 JA ease *i A In&o.J# (!In&ormation# JIn%om' ete In&o.J t4tauthId.Set*o%us E se s7 sa(e S Jinsert into Authormaster-AuthorId# J X Q JAuthor&name#Author name#Authoremai #AuthorTe no# J X Q JAuthoradd<#Authoradd>#Author%it". J X Q J(a ues-J X t4tauthId X J#KJ X t4tauth&name X JK#KJ X t4tauth name X JK#KJ X t4tauthemai X JK#KJ X t4tauthte no X JK#KJ X t4tauthadd< X JK#KJ X t4tauthadd> X JK# KJ X t4tauth%it" X JK.J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 sa(e +a %mdne$Q+ i%k ,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t T &rom authormaster order !" AuthorI,J *i grid * e4GridAuth# s7 # C End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or :'date Re%ord TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdu'dateQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 As String

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s7 S Ju'date Authormaster set J X Q JAuthor&name S KJ X t4tauth&name X JK# Author name S KJ X t4tauth name X JK# J XQ JAuthoremai S KJ X t4tauthemai X JK# AuthorTe no S KJ X t4tauthte no X JK# J X Q JAuthoradd< S KJ X t4tauthadd< X JK# Authoradd> S KJ X t4tauthadd> X JK# J X Q JAuthor%it" S KJ X t4tauth%it" X JK $here AuthorId S J X t4tauthId.Te4t X J J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 s7 S Jse e%t T &rom authormaster order !" AuthorI,J *i grid * e4GridAuth# s7 # C

End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or &i * e4grid TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! * e4GridAuthQSe +hange-. 6ith * e4GridAuth t4tauthId S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# D. t4tauth&name S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# <. t4tauth name S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# >. t4tauthemai S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# ?. t4tauthadd< S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# @. t4tauthadd> S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# B. t4tauth%it" S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# E. t4tauthte no S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# P. End 6ith End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. +a %mdne$Q+ i%k KTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or Set /eading o& * e4gridTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 6ith * e4GridAuth K.+ ear .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JAuthorIdJ; .+o 6idth-D. S <DDD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S J*irst Name J; .+o 6idth-<. S <BDD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JLast NameJ; .+o 6idth->. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-D# ?. S JEmai J; .+o 6idth-?. S PBD .Te4tMatri4-D# @. S JAhoneNoJ; .+o 6idth-@. S <DDD .Te4tMatri4-D# B. S JAddress<J; .+o 6idth-B. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-D# E. S JAddress>J; .+o 6idth-E. S <>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# P. S J+it" J; .+o 6idth-P. S GDD KTTTT+a *un%tion &or set /eading Bo dTTTTTTT +a /eadBo d-* e4GridAuth# .+o s. KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT End 6ith

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,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t T &rom authormaster order !" AuthorI,J *i grid * e4GridAuth# s7 # C End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or on " num!er (a ue enter in AuthorId Te4tBo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tauthIdQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or on " num!er (a ue enter in Te No Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tauthte noQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& Author &orm %odeTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Page 65

Publi%*er F(rm

C(de (, Publi%*er F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Au! isher *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it ,im gh-<D. As String Ari(ate Su! %mdde Q+ i%k-. :ser+on.E4e%ute Jde ete &rom Au! ishermaster $here 'u!Id S J X t4t'u!Id.Te4t X JJ * e4GridAu!.Remo(eItem -* e4GridAu!.Ro$. End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdne$Q+ i%k-. t4t'u!Id.Te4t S JJ t4t'u!&name.Te4t S JJ t4t'u! name.Te4t S JJ t4t'u!emai .Te4t S JJ t4t'u!te no.Te4t S JJ t4t'u!add<.Te4t S JJ t4t'u!add>.Te4t S JJ t4t'u!%it".Te4t S JJ K t4t'u!Id.Set*o%us End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdsa(eQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 sa(e As String

Page 66

,im rs'u! As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset s7 sa(e S Jse e%t Au!Id &rom 'u! ishermaster $here 'u!id S J X t4t'u!Id.Te4t X J J rs'u!.3'en s7 sa(e# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rs'u!.Re%ord+ount U D Then MsgBo4 J,u' i%ate Re%ord J E4it Su! End I& I& t4t'u!Id.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t'u!&name.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t'u! name.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t'u!%it".Te4t S JJ Then MsgBo4 JA ease *i A In&o.J# (!In&ormation# JIn%om' ete In&o.J t4t'u!Id.Set*o%us E se s7 sa(e S Jinsert into 'u! ishermaster-'u!Id# J X Q J'u!&name#'u! name#'u!emai #'u!Te no# J X Q J'u!add<#'u!add>#'u!%it". J X Q J(a ues-J X t4t'u!Id X J#KJ X t4t'u!&name X JK#KJ X t4t'u! name X JK#KJ X t4t'u!emai X JK#KJ X t4t'u!te no X JK#KJ X t4t'u!add< X JK#KJ X t4t'u!add> X JK#KJ X t4t'u!%it" X JK.J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 sa(e +a %mdne$Q+ i%k ,im s7 s As String s7 s S Jse e%t T &rom 'u! ishermaster order !" 'u!IdJ *i grid * e4GridAu!# s7 s# C End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdu'dateQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 u'date As String s7 u'date S Ju'date Au! ishermaster set J X Q J'u!&nameS KJ X t4t'u!&name X JK# 'u! name S KJ X t4t'u! name X JK# J X Q J'u!emai S KJ X t4t'u!emai X JK# 'u!add< S KJ X t4t'u!add< X JK# J X Q J'u!add> S KJ X t4t'u!add> X JK# 'u!%it" S KJ X t4t'u!%it" X JK#J X Q J'u!te no SJ X t4t'u!te no X J $here 'u!Id S J X t4t'u!Id.Te4t X J J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 u'date ,im s7 u As String s7 u S Jse e%t T &rom 'u! ishermaster order !" 'u!IdJ *i grid * e4GridAu!# s7 u# C End Su! Ari(ate Su! * e4GridAu!QSe +hange-. 6ith * e4GridAu!

Page 67

t4t'u!Id S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# D. t4t'u!&name S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# <. t4t'u! name S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# >. t4t'u!emai S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# ?. t4t'u!add< S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# @. t4t'u!add> S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# B. t4t'u!%it" S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# E. t4t'u!te no S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# P. End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. K+a Set:ser+on +a %mdne$Q+ i%k 6ith * e4GridAu! K .+ ear .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JAu!isherIdJ; .+o 6idth-D. S <>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S J*irst Name J; .+o 6idth-<. S <BDD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JLast NameJ; .+o 6idth->. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-D# ?. S JEmai J; .+o 6idth-?. S PBD .Te4tMatri4-D# B. S JAddress<J; .+o 6idth-B. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-D# E. S JAddress>J; .+o 6idth-E. S <>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# P. S J+it" J; .+o 6idth-P. S GDD .Te4tMatri4-D# @. S JAhoneNoJ; .+o 6idth-@. S <DDD +a /eadBo d-* e4GridAu!# .+o s. End 6ith ,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t T &rom Au! ishermasterJ *i grid * e4GridAu!# s7 # C End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in Au! isher Id Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t'u!IdQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in 'u! te no Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4t'u!te noQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then

Page 68


S*(/8ee/er 'atail F(rm

C(de (, S*(/2ee/er F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& sho' *orm TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it ,im gh-<D. As String KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT*or ,e ete Re%ordTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdde Q+ i%k-. :ser+on.E4e%ute Jde ete &rom sho'master $here sho'Id S J X t4tsho'Id.Te4t X J J * e4Gridsho'.Remo(eItem -* e4Gridsho'.Ro$. End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or % ear te4t !o4 &or ne$ entr"TTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdne$Q+ i%k-. t4tsho'Id.Te4t S JJ t4tsho'name.Te4t S JJ t4tsho'&a4.Te4t S JJ

Page 69

t4tsho'emai .Te4t S JJ t4tsho'add<.Te4t S JJ t4tsho'add>.Te4t S JJ t4tsho'%it".Te4t S JJ t4tsho'te no.Te4t S JJ End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT*or Sa(e Re%ordTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdsa(eQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 sa(e As String ,im rsSho' As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset s7 sa(e S Jse e%t sho'Id &rom sho'master $here sho'id S J X t4tsho'Id.Te4t X J J rsSho'.3'en s7 sa(e# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rsSho'.Re%ord+ount U D Then MsgBo4 J,u' i%ate Re%ord J E4it Su! End I& I& t4tsho'Id.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tsho'name.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tsho'te no.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tsho'%it".Te4t S JJ Then MsgBo4 JA ease *i A In&o.J# (!In&ormation# JIn%om' ete In&o.J t4tsho'Id.Set*o%us E se s7 sa(e S Jinsert into sho'master-sho'Id# J X Q Jsho'name#sho'&a4no#sho'emai # J X Q Jsho'add<#sho'add>#sho'%it"#sho''hone. J X Q J(a ues-J X t4tsho'Id X J#KJ X t4tsho'name X JK#KJ X Q t4tsho'&a4 X JK#KJ X t4tsho'emai X JK#KJ X Q t4tsho'add< X JK#KJ X t4tsho'add> X JK#KJ X Q t4tsho'%it" X JK#KJ X t4tsho'te no X JK.J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 sa(e +a %mdne$Q+ i%k ,im s7 s As String s7 s S Jse e%t T &rom sho'master order !" sho'IdJ *i grid * e4Gridsho'# s7 s# C End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or :'date Re%ordTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! %mdu'dateQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 u'date As String s7 u'date S Ju'date sho'master set J X Q Jsho'nameS KJ X t4tsho'name X JK# sho''hone S KJ X t4tsho'te no X JK# J X Q Jsho'&a4no S KJ X t4tsho'&a4.Te4t X JK#sho'emai S KJ X t4tsho'emai .Te4t X JK# JXQ

Page 70

Jsho'add< S KJ X t4tsho'add< X JK# sho'add> S KJ X t4tsho'add>.Te4t X JK#J X Q Jsho'%it" SKJ X t4tsho'%it" X JK $here sho'Id S J X t4tsho'Id :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 u'date ,im s7 u As String s7 u S Jse e%t T &rom sho'master order !" sho'IdJ *i grid * e4Gridsho'# s7 u# C End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTT+ode &or Se e%t an" Re%ord in * e4grid and *i * e4gridTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! * e4Gridsho'QSe +hange-. 6ith * e4Gridsho' t4tsho'Id S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# D. t4tsho'name S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# <. t4tsho'&a4 S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# >. t4tsho'emai S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# ?. t4tsho'add< S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# @. t4tsho'add> S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# B. t4tsho'%it" S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# E. t4tsho'te no S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# P. End 6ith End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. K+a Set:ser+on +a %mdne$Q+ i%k KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTSet /eading o& * e4girdTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 6ith * e4Gridsho' K .+ ear .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JSho' IdJ; .+o 6idth-D. S <DDD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JSho' Name J; .+o 6idth-<. S <BDD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JSho' *a4NoJ; .+o 6idth->. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-D# ?. S JEmai J; .+o 6idth-?. S PBD .Te4tMatri4-D# @. S JAddress<J; .+o 6idth-@. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-D# B. S JAddress>J; .+o 6idth-B. S <>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# E. S J+it" J; .+o 6idth-E. S GDD .Te4tMatri4-D# P. S JAhoneNoJ; .+o 6idth-P. S <DDD +a /eadBo d-* e4Gridsho'# .+o s. End 6ith ,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t T &rom Sho'masterJ *i grid * e4Gridsho'# s7 # C

Page 71

End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in sho' &a4 no Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tsho'&a4QFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in sho' Id Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tsho'IdQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in sho' te no Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tsho'te noQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& Sho' *orm TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Page 72

0%er 'etail F(rm

C(de (, 0%er F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& :ser *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it ,im Ma4userId As Long KKS.S.SS.S.S.SS.S.S.S.S.SS.S.S.S.S.SS.S.S.S.S.S.S.S. Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. K +a Set:ser+on +a * e4Grid:ser/ead +a * e4Grid:ser*i K t4t:serI,.Te4t S Ma4userId End Su! KKS.S.SS.S.S.SS.S.S.S.S.SS.S.S.S.S.SS.S.S.S.S.S.S.S. Ari(ate Su! *ormQFe",o$n-Fe"+ode As Integer# Shi&t As Integer. I& Fe"+ode S (!Fe"Es%a'e Then :n oad Me End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdNe$:serQ+ i%k-. KTo + ear the Te4t Bo4es t4t:serI, S Ma4userId t4t:serName S JJ t4tAass$ord S JJ

Page 73

%mdModi&":ser.Ena! ed S *a se %md,e ete:ser.Ena! ed S *a se t4t:serName.Set*o%us End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdSa(e:serQ+ i%k-. ,im i As Integer ,im Sa(e:serRe% As String I& t4t:serI,.Te4t S JJ 3r t4t:serName.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tAass$ord.Te4t S JJ Then MsgBo4 JEnter +om' ete In&ormation J# (!In&ormation# JEm't" *ie dJ E se 6ith * e4Grid:ser *or i S < To .Ro$s 2 < I& t4t:serI,.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-i# D. Then MsgBo4 J,u' %ate Re%ordJ +a %mdNe$:serQ+ i%k E4it Su! End I& Ne4t Sa(e:serRe% S Jinsert into usermaster-:serId<# :serName<#'ass$ord<. J X Q J(a ues-J X t4t:serI,.Te4t X J#KJ X t4t:serName.Te4t X JK# KJ X Q t4tAass$ord.Te4t X JK.J :ser+on.E4e%ute Sa(e:serRe% .Ro$s S .Ro$s V < .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$s 2 <# D. S t4t:serI,.Te4t .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$s 2 <# <. S t4t:serName.Te4t .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$s 2 <# >. S t4tAass$ord.Te4t Ma4userId S .Te4tMatri4-* e4Grid:ser.Ro$s 2 <# D. V < End 6ith +a %mdNe$:serQ+ i%k End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdModi&":serQ+ i%k-. ,im Modi:serRe% As String Modi:serRe% S Ju'date usermaster set :serName< S KJ X t4t:serName.Te4t X JK # J X Q J'ass$ord< S KJ X t4tAass$ord.Te4t X JK $here :serId< S J X t4t:serI,.Te4t X JJ :ser+on.E4e%ute Modi:serRe% 6ith * e4Grid:ser .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# <. S t4t:serName.Te4t .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# >. S t4tAass$ord.Te4t End 6ith +a %mdNe$:serQ+ i%k

Page 74

t4t:serName.Lo%ked S *a se t4t:serI,.Lo%ked S *a se End Su! Ari(ate Su! %md,e ete:serQ+ i%k-. ,im Read:serRe% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im ,e :serRe% As String ,e :serRe% S Jde ete &rom usermaster $here J X Q Juserid< S J X * e4Grid:ser.Te4tMatri4-* e4Grid:ser.Ro$# D. X JJ 6ith * e4Grid:ser I& .Ro$ U < Then Read:serRe%.3'en ,e :serRe%# :ser+on# ad3'en,"nami% :ser+on.E4e%ute ,e :serRe% .Remo(eItem .Ro$ End I& End 6ith +a %mdNe$:serQ+ i%k End Su! Ari(ate Su! * e4Grid:serQSe %hange-. 6ith * e4Grid:ser I& .Ro$ S < Then t4t:serName.Lo%ked S True t4t:serName.Lo%ked S True t4t:serI,.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# D. t4t:serName.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# <. t4tAass$ord.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# >. %mdModi&":ser.Ena! ed S True %md,e ete:ser.Ena! ed S *a se End I& I& * e4Grid:ser.Ro$ U < Then %mdModi&":ser.Ena! ed S True %md,e ete:ser.Ena! ed S True t4t:serI, S .Te4tMatri4-* e4Grid:ser.Ro$# D. t4t:serName S .Te4tMatri4-* e4Grid:ser.Ro$# <. t4tAass$ord S .Te4tMatri4-* e4Grid:ser.Ro$# >. End I& End 6ith End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& :ser *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Page 75

T(/i) F(rm

C(de (, T(/i) F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& To'i% *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! %mdde Q+ i%k-. :ser+on.E4e%ute Jde ete &rom To'i%master $here To'i%Id SJ X t4tTo'i%Id.Te4t X JJ * e4GridTo'i%.Remo(eItem -* e4GridTo'i%.Ro$. End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdne$Q+ i%k-. t4tTo'i%Id.Te4t S JJ t4tTo'i%.Te4t S JJ End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdsa(eQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 sa(e As String ,im rsTo'i% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset s7 sa(e S Jse e%t To'i%Id &rom To'i%master $here To'i%id S J X t4tTo'i%Id.Te4t X JJ rsTo'i%.3'en s7 sa(e# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rsTo'i%.Re%ord+ount U D Then MsgBo4 J,u' i%ate Re%ord J E4it Su! End I&

Page 76

I& t4tTo'i%Id.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tTo'i%.Te4t S JJ Then MsgBo4 JA ease *i A In&o.J# (!In&ormation# JIn%om' ete In&o.J t4tTo'i%Id.Set*o%us E se s7 sa(e S Jinsert into to'i%master-to'i%Id# J X Q Jto'i%. J X Q J(a ues-J X t4tTo'i%Id X J#KJ X t4tTo'i% X JK.J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 sa(e +a %mdne$Q+ i%k ,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t T &rom To'i%master order !" To'i%IdJ *i grid * e4GridTo'i%# s7 # > End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdu'dateQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 u'date As String s7 u'date S Ju'date to'i%master set J X Q Jto'i%S KJ X t4tTo'i% X JK $here to'i%Id S J X t4tTo'i%Id :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 u'date ,im s7 u As String s7 u S Jse e%t T &rom To'i%master order !" To'i%IdJ *i grid * e4GridTo'i%# s7 u# > End Su! Ari(ate Su! * e4GridTo'i%QSe +hange-. 6ith * e4GridTo'i% t4tTo'i%Id S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# D. t4tTo'i% S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# <. End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. K+a Set:ser+on +a %mdne$Q+ i%k 6ith * e4GridTo'i% .+ ear .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JTo'i%IdJ; .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JTo'i% J;

.+o 6idth-D. S <DDD .+o 6idth-<. S <BDD

+a /eadBo d-* e4GridTo'i%# .+o s.

Page 77

End 6ith ,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t T &rom To'i%master order !" To'i%IdJ *i grid * e4GridTo'i%# s7 # > End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in to'i% id Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tTo'i%IdQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& To'i% *orm TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Page 78

Student F(rm

C(de (, Student Ma%ter KTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Student &ormTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it ,im gh-<D. As String Ari(ate Su! %mdAddne$Q+ i%k-. t4tstuderno.Te4t S JJ t4tstudname.Te4t S JJ t4tstud&name.Te4t S JJ t4tstud%m.Te4t S JJ t4tstudadd<.Te4t S JJ t4tstudadd>.Te4t S JJ t4tstud%it".Te4t S JJ t4tstudte no.Te4t S JJ End Su! Ari(ate Su! %md%an%e Q+ i%k-. :n oad Me End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdsa(eQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 sa(e As String ,im rsStud As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset

Page 79

s7 sa(e S Jse e%t Enro ment &rom studentmaster $here Enro ment S J X t4tstuderno.Te4t X J J rsStud.3'en s7 sa(e# :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rsStud.Re%ord+ount U D Then MsgBo4 J,u' i%ate Re%ord J E4it Su! End I& I& t4tstuderno.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tstudname.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tstud&name.Te4t S JJ 3r t4tstud%it".Te4t S JJ Then MsgBo4 JA ease *i A In&o.J# (!In&ormation# JIn%om' ete In&o.J t4tstuderno.Set*o%us E se s7 sa(e S Jinsert into studentmaster-enro ment# J X Q Jstudname#stud&name#stud% ass#studse%tion#%autionmone"# J X Q Jstudadd<#studadd>#stud%it"#studte no. J X Q J(a ues-J X t4tstuderno X J#KJ X t4tstudname X JK#KJ X t4tstud&name X JK#KJ X %m!% ass X JK#KJ X %m!se%tion X JK#J X t4tstud%m X J#KJ X t4tstudadd< X JK#KJ X t4tstudadd> X JK#KJ X t4tstud%it" X JK#KJ X t4tstudte no X JK.J :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 sa(e +a %mdAddne$Q+ i%k ,im s7 s As String s7 s S Jse e%t T &rom studentmaster order !" Enro mentJ *i grid * e4GridStud# s7 s# <D End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdu'adateQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 u'date As String s7 u'date S Ju'date studentmaster set J X Q JstudnameS KJ X t4tstudname X JK# stud&name S KJ X t4tstud&name X JK# J X Q Jstud% ass S KJ X %m!% ass.Te4t X JK#studse%tion S KJ X %m!se%tion.Te4t X JK# J XQ J%autionmone" S J X t4tstud%m X J# studadd<S KJ X t4tstudadd< X JK# J X Q Jstudadd> S KJ X t4tstudadd> X JK# stud%it" S KJ X t4tstud%it" X JK#J X Q Jstudte no SKJ X t4tstudte no X JK $here enro ment S J X t4tstuderno :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 u'date ,im s7 u As String s7 u S Jse e%t T &rom studentmaster order !" Enro mentJ *i grid * e4GridStud# s7 u# <D End Su! Ari(ate Su! * e4GridStudQSe +hange-. 6ith * e4GridStud

Page 80

t4tstuderno.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# D. t4tstudname.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# <. t4tstud&name.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# >. %m!% ass.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# ?. %m!se%tion.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# @. t4tstud%m.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# B. t4tstudadd<.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# E. t4tstudadd>.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# P. t4tstud%it".Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# C. t4tstudte no.Te4t S .Te4tMatri4-.Ro$# G. End 6ith End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. K +a Set:ser+on +a %mdAddne$Q+ i%k 6ith * e4GridStud K .+ ear .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JEnro ment No.J; .+o 6idth-D. S <BDD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JStudent Name J; .+o 6idth-<. S <BDD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S J*ather NameJ; .+o 6idth->. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-D# ?. S J+ assJ; .+o 6idth-?. S EDD .Te4tMatri4-D# @. S JSe%.J; .+o 6idth-@. S PBD .Te4tMatri4-D# B. S J+aut.Mone"J; .+o 6idth-B. S <@DD .Te4tMatri4-D# E. S JAddress<J; .+o 6idth-E. S <>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# P. S JAddress>J; .+o 6idth-P. S <>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# C. S J+it" J; .+o 6idth-C. S GDD .Te4tMatri4-D# G. S JAh. No.J; .+o 6idth-G. S <<PD +a /eadBo d-* e4GridStud# .+o s. End 6ith ,im s7 As String s7 S Jse e%t T &rom studentmasterJ *i grid * e4GridStud# s7 # <D End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in Enro ment no Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tStudErnoQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in %aution mone" Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tstud%mQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ

Page 81

End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in te no Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tstudte noQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd %ode o& student *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Sear)*in+ F(rm

C(de (, Sear)*in+ F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Sear%hing *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! %mdSear%hQ+ i%k-. ,im rsRe% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im s7 As String ,im *indRe% As Boo ean ,im +/eader As +o umn/eader KSSSSSSSSSSSSear%hing &or Book Name#Author Name#Au! isher Name#Edition#Re%k No.SSSSSSS I& o'tBkName.1a ue S True Then s7 S J se e%t Bookname# authorid# 'u!id# Re%kNo#edition"ear &rom !ookmaster $here !ookname S KJ X t4tBookName.Te4t X JK J L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.+ ear Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-<# # JBook NameJ# <CDD.

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Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-># # JAuthorJ# <BDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-?# # JAu! isherJ# <BDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-@# # JRe%k NoJ# <DDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-B# # JEditionJ# <BDD. KSSSSSSSSSSSSear%hing &or Book Name i& enter 'erti%u ar AuthorSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS E seI& o'tAuthorName.1a ue S True Then s7 S J SELE+T !ookmaster.!ookname *R3M !ookmaster 6/ERE !ookmaster.authorid S -se e%t authormaster.authorid &rom authormaster $here authormaster.author&name S KJ X T4tAuthorName.Te4t X JK .J L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.+ ear Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-<# # JBook NameJ# >DDD. KSSSSSSSSSSSSea%hing &or Book Name i& enter 'erti%u ar To'i%-Su!0e%t.NameSSSSS E seI& 3'tto'i%.1a ue S True Then s7 S Jse e%t Bookmaster.!ookname &rom !ookmaster $here !ookmaster.to'i%Id S -se e%t to'i%master.to'i%id &rom to'i%master $here to'i%master.to'i% S KJ X t4tTo'i%.Te4t X JK .J L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.+ ear Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-<# # JBook NameJ# >>DD. KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS KSSSSSSSSSSSSea%hing &or Book Name i& enter 'erti%u ar Au! isher NameSSSSS E seI& o'tAu!Name.1a ue S True Then s7 S Jse e%t Bookmaster.!ookname &rom !ookmaster $here !ookmaster.'u!Id S -se e%t 'u! ishermaster.'u!id &rom 'u! ishermaster $here 'u! ishermaster.'u!&name S KJ X t4tAu! isher.Te4t X JK .J L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.+ ear Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-<# # JBook NameJ# >>DD. KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS KSSSSSSSSSSSSea%hing &or Student Name and Book Name i& enter an" ,ateSSS E seI& o'tIss,ate.1a ue S True Then s7 S JSELE+T studentmaster.studname# !ookmaster.!ookname *rom issuede'osit# studentmaster# !ookmaster 6/ERE issuede'osit.enro mentSstudentmaster.enro ment And issuede'osit.!ookidS!ookmaster.!ookid And issuede'osit.issuedateSRJ X ,TABkIssue,ate.1a ue X JRJ L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.+ ear Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-<# # JStudent NameJ# >BDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-># # JBook NameJ# >>DD. KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS KSSSSSSSSSSSSea%hing Book Name and Issue ,ate i& enter the Name o& Student E seI& o'tStudName.1a ue S True Then s7 S Jse e%t !ookmaster.!ookname#issuede'osit.issuedate#issuede'osit.enro ment &rom !ookmaster#issuede'osit $here issuede'osit.!ookid S !ookmaster.!ookid and return S &a seNJ L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.+ ear Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-<# # JBook NameJ# >BDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-># # JIssue ,ateJ# <BDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-?# # JEnro NoJ# >>DD. KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Page 83

KSSSSSSSSSSSear%hing ,etai o& Student i& enter Enro ment no o& StudentSSSSS E seI& o'tEnro ment.1a ue S True Then s7 S Jse e%t Studname# Stud&name# stud% ass# studse%tion#%autionmone"#studadd<#studadd>#stud%it"#studte no &rom studentmaster $here enro ment S J X t4tStudErno.Te4t X J J L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.+ ear Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-<# # JStudNameJ# <CDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-># # JStud&NameJ# >DDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-?# # J+ assJ# BDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-@# # JSe%tionJ# BDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-B# # J+au.Mone"J# <>DD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-E# # JAddress<J# >DDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-P# # JAddress>J# >DDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-C# # JStud+it"J# <BDD. Set +/eader S L1sear%h.+o umn/eaders.Add-G# # JAhone No.J# >DDD. End I& KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS rsRe%.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rsRe%.Re%ord+ount U D Then *indRe% S True E se *indRe% S *a se I& *indRe% S True Then rsRe%.+ ose *i L(Sear%h s7 E se MsgBo4 JRe%ord Not *oundJ rsRe%.+ ose End I& End Su! KSSSSSSSSSSS*u%tion &or &i List1ie$ Sea%hing Resu tSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Au! i% Su! *i L(Sear%h-B"1a s7 As String. ,im Re%Sear%h As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset ,im i As Long# 0 As Long ,im LItem As ListItem Re%Sear%h.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% L1sear%h.ListItems.+ ear *or i S D To Re%Sear%h.Re%ord+ount 2 < Set LItem S L1sear%h.ListItems.Add LItem.Te4t S Re%Sear%h.*ie ds-D. I& Re%Sear%h.*ie ds.+ount U < Then *or 0 S < To Re%Sear%h.*ie ds.+ount 2 < LItem.Su!Items-0. S Re%Sear%h.*ie ds-0. Ne4t End I& Ne4t Re%Sear%h.+ ose End Su!

Page 84

KSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSEnd o& *un%tionSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Ari(ate Su! +ommand<Q+ i%k-. End End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. K +a Set:ser+on End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTT3n " num!er (a ue enter in Enro ment no Te4t Bo4 TTTTTTTTTTTT Ari(ate Su! t4tStudErnoQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii U BP 3r Fe"As%ii Y @C Then Fe"As%ii S D MsgBo4 J3n " Num!er 1a ue EnterJ End I& End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& Sear%hing *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Page 85

Re/(rt B((2% F(rm

C(de (, Re/(rt B((2% F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTRe'ort A X To'i% $ise Book *ormTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! %m!to'i%QLost*o%us-. ! /eading.+a'tion S %m!to'i%.Te4t X J 6ISE LIST... J End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdsear%hQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 As String ,im i As Long ,im rsRe% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset * e4GridBooksR't.+ ear 6ith * e4GridBooksR't .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JBook NameJ; .+o 6idth-D. S >DDD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JBook IdJ; .+o 6idth-<. S CDD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JAuthor NameJ; .+o 6idth->. S >>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# ?. S JEdition YearJ; .+o 6idth-?. S <CDD .Te4tMatri4-D# @. S JMediumJ; .+o 6idth-@. S <DDD

Page 86

.Te4tMatri4-D# B. S JTo'i% NameJ; End 6ith

.+o 6idth-B. S >BDD

I& 3'tto'i%.1a ue S True Then s7 S JSELE+T !ookmaster.!ookname# !ookmaster.edition"ear# !ookmaster.medium# Authormaster.author&name# to'i%master.to'i%J X Q J *rom !ookmaster# Authormaster# to'i%master $here !ookmaster.authorid S Authormaster.authorid And !ookmaster.to'i%id S to'i%master.to'i%idJ E se s7 S JSELE+T !ookmaster.!ookname# !ookmaster.edition"ear# !ookmaster.medium# Authormaster.author&name# to'i%master.to'i%J X Q J *rom !ookmaster# Authormaster# to'i%master $here !ookmaster.authorid S Authormaster.authorid And !ookmaster.to'i%id S to'i%master.to'i%idJ End I& :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 rsRe%.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rsRe%.Re%ord+ount S D Then E4it Su!

* e4GridBooksR't.Ro$s S rsRe%.Re%ord+ount V > 6hi e Not rsRe%.E3*-. iSiV< * e4GridBooksR't.Te4tMatri4-i# D. S rsRe%W!ookname * e4GridBooksR't.Te4tMatri4-i# <. S rsRe%Wedition"ear * e4GridBooksR't.Te4tMatri4-i# >. S rsRe%Wmedium * e4GridBooksR't.Te4tMatri4-i# ?. S rsRe%WAuthor&name * e4GridBooksR't.Te4tMatri4-i# @. S rsRe%WTo'i% rsRe%.Mo(eNe4t 6end rsRe%.+ ose End Su! Ari(ate Su! o'tA !ooksQ+ i%k-. ! /eading.+a'tion S JALL A1AILABLE B33FS LISTJ End Su! Ari(ate Su! %md+ oseQ+ i%k-. :n oad Me End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-.

Page 87

K+a Set:ser+on 6ith * e4GridBooksR't K.Ro$s S > .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JBook NameJ; .+o 6idth-D. S >DDD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JBook IdJ; .+o 6idth-<. S CDD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JAuthor NameJ; .+o 6idth->. S >>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# ?. S JEdition YearJ; .+o 6idth-?. S <CDD .Te4tMatri4-D# @. S JMediumJ; .+o 6idth-@. S <DDD .Te4tMatri4-D# B. S JTo'i% NameJ; .+o 6idth-B. S >BDD End 6ith %m!to'i%.ListInde4 S D End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd %ode o& Re'ort A X to'i% $ise Book *ormTTTTTTT

Re/(rt 'ue B((2 F(rm

C(de Re/(rt B((2 F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& Re'ort ,ue Book !ut not return *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! %mdsear%hQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 As String ,im i As Long ,im rsRe% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset

Page 88

* e4Grid,ue ist.+ ear 6ith * e4Grid,ue ist .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JBook NameJ; .+o 6idth-D. S >DDD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JStuedent NameJ; .+o 6idth-<. S CDD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JIssue ,ateJ; .+o 6idth->. S >>DD End 6ith I& t4tstudname.Te4t YU JJ Then MsgBo4 JA ease enter the student NameJ E se s7 S JSELE+T !ookmaster.!ookname# studentmaster.studname# Issuede'osit.Issue,ateJ X Q J*rom !ookmaster# studentmaster# issuede'osit 6/ERE issuede'osit.!ookid S !ookmaster.!ookid and issuede'osit.enro ment S studentmaster.enro ment and return S &a seJ End I& :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 rsRe%.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rsRe%.Re%ord+ount S D Then E4it Su! * e4Grid,ue ist.Ro$s S rsRe%.Re%ord+ount V > 6hi e Not rsRe%.E3*-. iSiV< * e4Grid,ue ist.Te4tMatri4-i# D. S rsRe%W!ookname * e4Grid,ue ist.Te4tMatri4-i# <. S rsRe%Wstudname * e4Grid,ue ist.Te4tMatri4-i# >. S rsRe%WIssuedate rsRe%.Mo(eNe4t 6end rsRe%.+ ose End Su! Ari(ate Su! t4tnameQLost*o%us-. ! /eading.+a'tion S J,:E B33FS 3* ST:,ENT NAME ;J X t4tname.Te4t End Su! Ari(ate Su! %md+ oseQ+ i%k-. :n oad Me End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. 6ith * e4Grid,ue ist .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JBook NameJ; .+o 6idth-D. S >PDD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JStudent NameJ; .+o 6idth-<. S >?DD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JIssue ,ateJ; .+o 6idth->. S <>DD End 6ith End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd %ode o& Re'ort ,ue Book !ut not return *ormTTTTTT

Page 89

Re/(rt (, %%ue B((2 F(rm

C(de (, Re/(rt %%ue B((2 F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT%ode o& Re'ort missing Books *orm TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! %mdsear%hQ+ i%k-. ,im s7 As String ,im i As Long ,im rsRe% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset * e4GridIssR't.+ ear 6ith * e4GridIssR't .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JBook NameJ; .+o 6idth-D. S >DDD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JStudennt NameJ; .+o 6idth-<. S CDD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JIssuedateJ; .+o 6idth->. S >>DD End 6ith I& o'tA Iss!k.1a ue S True Then s7 S JSELE+T !ookmaster.!ookname# studentmaster.studname# Issuede'osit.Issue,ateJ *rom !ookmaster# studentmaster# issuede'osit 6here issuede'osit.!ookid S !ookmaster.!ookid And issuede'osit.enro ment S studentmaster.enro ment End I& :ser+on.E4e%ute s7

Page 90

rsRe%.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rsRe%.Re%ord+ount S D Then E4it Su! * e4GridBooksR't.Ro$s S rsRe%.Re%ord+ount V > 6hi e Not rsRe%.E3*-. iSiV< * e4GridIssR't.Te4tMatri4-i# D. S rsRe%W!ookname * e4GridIssR't.Te4tMatri4-i# <. S rsRe%Wstudname * e4GridIssR't.Te4tMatri4-i# >. S rsRe%WIssuedate rsRe%.Mo(eNe4t 6end rsRe%.+ ose End Su! Ari(ate Su! o'tA Iss!kQ+ i%k-. ! /eading.+a'tion S JALL ISS:E, B33FS LISTJ End Su! Ari(ate Su! %md+ oseQ+ i%k-. :n oad Me End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. 6ith * e4GridIssR't .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JBook NameJ; .+o 6idth-D. S ?>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JStudent NameJ; .+o 6idth-<. S ?>DD .Te4tMatri4-D# >. S JIssue ,ateJ; .+o 6idth->. S >>DD End 6ith End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& %ode Re'ort Issue Book *ormTTTTTTTTTTTT

Page 91

Re/(rt (, Mi%%in+ B((2% F(rm

C(de Re/(rt mi%%in+ F(rm KTTTTTTTTTTRe'ort missing !ook istTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! %md+ oseQ+ i%k-. :n oad Me End Su! Ari(ate Su! %mdsho$Q+ i%k-. ,im s7 As String ,im i As Long ,im rsRe% As Ne$ A,3,B.Re%ordset * e4Gridmissing!k.+ ear 6ith * e4Gridmissing!k .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JBook NameJ; .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JTo'i% NameJ; End 6ith s7 S JSELE+T !ookmaster.!ookname# to'i%master.to'i% J X Q J*rom !ookmaster# to'i%master 6here !ookmaster.to'i%id S to'i%master.to'i%id And ost S TrueJ :ser+on.E4e%ute s7 rsRe%.3'en s7 # :ser+on# ad3'enStati% I& rsRe%.Re%ord+ount S D Then E4it Su! .+o 6idth-D. S >DDD .+o 6idth-<. S >DD

Page 92

* e4Gridmissing!k.Ro$s S rsRe%.Re%ord+ount V > 6hi e Not rsRe%.E3*-. iSiV< * e4Gridmissing!k.Te4tMatri4-i# D. S rsRe%W!ookname * e4Gridmissing!k.Te4tMatri4-i# <. S rsRe%WTo'i% rsRe%.Mo(eNe4t 6end rsRe%.+ ose End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. 6ith * e4Gridmissing!k .Te4tMatri4-D# D. S JBook NameJ; .Te4tMatri4-D# <. S JTo'i% NameJ; End 6ith End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd %ode o& Re'ort Missing *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT .+o 6idth-D. S ?DDD .+o 6idth->. S <BDD

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Ab(ut F(rm

C(de (, Ab(ut ,(rm TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT+ode o& A!out *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3'tion E4' i%it Ari(ate Su! %md3kA!outQ+ i%k-. :n oad Me End Su! Ari(ate Su! %md3kA!outQFe"Aress-Fe"As%ii As Integer. I& Fe"As%ii S >P Then :n oad Me End I& End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQ,ea%ti(ate-. :n oad Me End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQLoad-. Mo(e -S%reen.6idth 2 6idth. Z ># --S%reen./eight 2 /eight. Z >. 2 CDD K%entre the &orm on the s%reenEnd Su! End Su! Ari(ate Su! *ormQAaint-. %md3kA!out.Set*o%us End Su! KTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTEnd o& A!out *ormTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

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Testing is the most im'ortant ste' in S,L+ . In testing # the s"stem !eha(ior is o!ser(ed. 6e %an o!ser(e a the &eatures o& the so&t$are. 6e %an a so %he%k that $hether a the modu es are $orking 'ro'er " or not# the out'uts are re ia! e or not. In this so&t$are I use modu ar testingN in this a''roa%h I test e(er" modu e se'arate " !" in'utting the test data. A&ter su%%ess&u running ea%h modu e I %om!ine them and make sing e so&t$are . A&ter that I again test the $ho e 'ro0e%t !" in'utting test data. Te%tin+ Prin)i/le% There are some testing 'rin%i' es# $hi%h ha(e !een used &or this 'ro0e%t. a. !. %. d. A tests shou d !e tra%ea! e to %onsumer re7uirements. Tests shou d !e ' anned ong !e&ore testing !egin. Testing shou d !egin in a sma and 'rogress to$ards testing in a arge. To !e most e&&e%ti(e# testing shou d !e %ondu%ted !" an inde'endent third 'art". O4erall Sy%tem Te%tin+ It %an !e %ategori5ed as2 A//li)ati(n Fun)ti(n Te%tin+ :5 The &un%tiona it" o& ea%h a'' i%ation is tested in standa one &ashion in an attem't to un%o(er errors in its a'' i%ation. 'ataba%e Te%tin+ ;2 The a%%ura%" and integrit" o& data stored !" the s"stem is tested. Transa%tion 'ointed !" s"stem is e4amined to ensure that data are 'ro'er " stored# u'dated and retrie(ed. Tran%a)ti(n Te%tin+ :5 A series o& tests are %reated to ensure that ea%h % ass o&

transa%tion is 'ro%essed a%%ording to the re7uirement.

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T *$(n"

As mentioned ear ier $ho e s"stem is designed in di&&erent modu es. So it is (er" mu%h easier to test ea%h modu e !e&ore o(era s"stem testing. The testing o& indi(idua modu es $as %om' eted during the de(e o'ment itse &.

A module is a part of program for applications declaration and procedures that are started together as a unit. In a modu es di&&erent %he%k %arried out. 6hether the entr" menu is o'ened is o'ened 'ro'er " or not. No B ank re%ord is sa(ed. No du' i%ate Re%ord is sa(ed. Aro'er he ' messages are dis' a"ed &or the data in'ut. Are the %hanges made in the &orm re& e%ted in a the ta! e $hi e u'dating it. *un%tion ke"s are 'ro'er " or not.

Though some sam' es data $ere made at the time o& testing indi(idua modu es# !ut this ma" not !e su&&i%ient &or &urther testing o& the s"stem as a $ho e. So ne$ data $ere %reated &or a 'ossi! e rea i&e situations.

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S,*$ # S c+-($,
As $e kno$ $e that 'rote%tion o& a s"stem is most " needed in mu ti2user en(ironment# $here a &i e is shared among se(era users. Arote%tion me%hanism must 'ro(ide %ontro ed a%%ess !" restri%ting the t"'es the &i e# $hi%h %an !e made. A%%ess is 'ermitted or denied de'ending u'on se(era &a%tors# one o& $hi%h is the t"'e o& a%%ess re7uested. This is a mu ti2user 'ro0e%t that %an !e runs on the net$ork. So the s"stem se%urit" is (er" essentia thing &or 're(ent unauthori5ed a%%ess. This so&t$are has man" im'ortant se%urit" o'tions su%h as2 No!od" %an run the 'rogram $ithout ogin - :sername and 'ass$ord. There are t$o %ategories o& ogin a. Administrator !. :ser 3n " the administrator has &u %ontro to a%%ess a in&ormation. Same user %an8t ogin simu taneous ". There are man" ,ata 1a idations &eatures in the so&t$are.

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Im' ementation o& this s"stem re' a%es a manua s"stem $ith a ne$ %om'uteri5e s"stem. This s"stem8s im' ementation is (er" eas" and e(er" !od" %an insta this

so&t$are in their o$n s"stem i& he or she has a itt e &ami iar $ith %om'uter s"stem. E(er" 'erson $hi%h has a (er" itt e kno$ edge o& a %om'uter s"stem %an use this s"stem e&&e%ti(e and maintain the re%ords 'ro'osed in the s"stem easi " and e&&e%ti(e ". This s"stem %an !e insta ed at user8s site !" on " one % i%k o& mouse.

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RECO!ERY The s"stem is a! e to take !a%ku' o& the data stored inside the s"stem in an e4trerna stoage media su%h as & o''" disk# 5i' media et%. In %ase o& an" &ai ure a user %an restore their data $ith the he ' o& restore &a%i it" 'ro(ide $ith !a%ku' and restore the ost data. This s"stem uses an e&&e%ti(e !a%ku' me%hanism in $hi%h a user %an see the !a%ku' detai s a%%ording to the date and time and he %an &ind out the e4a%t da" or time o& &ai ure o& the s"stem. And re%o(er his most re%ent data.

S(,t&are E4(luti(n
Ernest Te o# a $e 2kno$n $riter in the &ie d o& arti&i%ia inte igen%e# %om'ared the e(o ution o& so&t$are# te%hno og" to the distin%t Ahase or La"erso& gro$th. The a"ers $ere !ui t one o(er the other in &our de%ades as sho$n !e o$; Ma)*ine #an+ua+e A%%embly #an+ua+e Pr()edure Oriented Pr(+rammin+ Ob6e)t Oriented Pr(+rammin+ 6ith ea%h La"er an im'ro(ement o(er the 're(ious one. A an Fe"# one o& the 'romoters o& the o!0e%t2oriented 'aradigm and designer o& sma Ta k# has said#As %om' e4it" in%reases# ar%hite%ture dominates the !asi% materia .To !ui d toda"8s %om' e4 so&t$are it is 0ust not enough to 'ut together se7uen%e o& 'rogramming statements sets o& 'ro%eduresa and modu es# $e need to in%or'orate sound %onstru%tion te%hni7ues X 'rogram stru%tures that are eas" to im' ement X modi&". 33A is an a''roa%h to 'rogram organi5ation X de(e o'ment that attem'ts to E iminate some o& the 'it &a s o& %on(entiona 'rogramming methods !" in%or'orating The !est o& stru%tured 'rogramming &eatures $ith se(era 'o$er&u ne$ %on%e'ts.

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Future En*an)ement This s"stem %an !e &urther enha%ed ater on $hene(er users need is %hanged or te%hno og" is u'dated or to satis&" the ne$ need o& the user. It %an !e easi " enhan%ed $ith the ne$ te%hno ogi%a %hanges and on demand o& user need. Pr(6e)t #imitati(n This s"stem is a! e to $ork on " to maintain re%ords o& some 'eriod o& time ike < to to "ear . I& $e $ant to use it &uther $e ha(e to make some %hanges in the s"stem and then $e %an use it e&&e%ti(e ". #imitati(n It needs the min. resour%es s'e%i&ied in the s"stem re7uirements 'ara. Summary In !rie& this s"stem is a %om'uteri5ed (ersion o& a o&&i%e s"stem $here arge no. o& transa%tions are made da" to da" and $e ha(e to do ot o& 'a'er $ork $ith on " &e$ imitation and in (er" o$ %ost !" %onsuming too mu%h ess %om'uter s"stem this s"stem 'ro(ides the good &un%tiona it" to kee' re%ord o& an o&&i%e. ,e(e o'ing a so&t$are 'ro0e%t is the resu t o& 'h"si%a # inte e%tua and emotiona streams $orking together in su%h a $a" that the resu tant $ork remains a sour%e o& ins'iration &ore(er.

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<. > ? @ B E

Mastering 1isua Basi% E.D -E(ange os Aetroutsos. *undamenta s o& ,ata!ase S"stem -Rame5 E masri# Shamkant B.Na(athe. S"stem Ana "sis and ,esign -E.M.A$ad. So&t$are Engineering -R.S.Aressman. /e ' M.S. 3&&i%e # MS,N Li!rar" ,ataBase ,esign $ith MS2A++ESS >DDD

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