Castle Falkenstein Errata 1.3
Castle Falkenstein Errata 1.3
Castle Falkenstein Errata 1.3
Throughout: Knigseig (or Kniggseig) should be Knigssieg (with umlauts over the o) Throughout: Wittlesbach should be Wittelsbach Pg. 12: Falkenburg is German for "Falcon's Fortress", not "Falcon's Mountain" Pg. 24: "The Unseelie Step In": Sleswig should be Schleswig Pg.24: Landfortresses are assembled in Dresden, not Dusseldorf Pg. 30: Map Key: "Hills" should read "Forest" Pg. 35: The Indian Alliance. The date on this should be 1830. Pg. 41, 169: Sir Francis Richard Burton should be Sir Richard Francis Burton Pg. 46: "Heck, we even have the original Dr. Frankenstein" should read "Heck, we even had the..." Pg. 47: Lord Yosho Tomino should be Lord Yoshikazu Tomino Pg. 95: Sir Robert Burnell should be Sir Robert Brunel Pg. 117: "Soldiers of the Steam Age" Paragraph two: "and at least one ranking sergeant" should read "at least four ranking sergeants." Paragraph three: "cuirassiers (who wear metal breastplates)" should read "cuirrassiers (Heavy Cavalry who wear metal breastplates)" Paragraph three: "The cavalry are the glamor boys of the army" should read "The most glamorous divisions of the army are the Guards, followed by the Jaeger or Rifle Corps, who use expensive smoothbore rifles. Next come the Cavalry; they don't slog..." Pg. 118: "Barracks Life" "Life as an officer in the armies..." should read "Being an officer is considered a proper gentleman's pursuit. However, life as an officer in the armies..." Pg. 119: "Style and Panache" Paragraph two: "The British love ornate frogging and tall bearskin shakos" should read "The British love ornate frogging and tall bearskin busbys. The Guards wear shakoes, while the regular army wear spiked helmets, like Prussian pickelhaubes." Pg. 119: Uniforms of Selected Regiments Replace indicated regiments with the following:
Name Life Guards Royal Horse Guards 16th Lancers Description Red coat, blue pants w/ red stripe, bearskin busby, boots Blue tunic, white pants, epaulets, helmet with silver spike Dark blue tunic, pants, white trim, gold epaulets, czapka
Red tunic, green/blue kilt, socks, ostrich bonnets Blue coat, pants w/scarlet trim, sash, boots, turban or pith Blue tunic w/red trim, pants, high boots, czapka Short blue Algerian tunic, blousy red pants, gaiters, sash,
Notes: A Busby is a low-crowned fur cap worn by Hussars and other regiments, but only in Great Britain A Czapka is a type of helmet, worn only by Lancers. Pg. 170: Dragon Lord Verthrax should be Dragon Lord Verithrax Pg. 199, the Thaumic Energy Requirements for Megron's Realm of Dreaming were omitted. They are:
Megron's Realm of Dreaming Dreams of Prophecy Dreams of Warning Nightmares Erotic Dreams Killing Dreams Dream Barrier 10 10 6 6 16 8
Pg. 69: Nautilus Statistics: Should be 160 Wounds, not 180. Pg. 77: Magnetic Ray Projector: Omitted- Size: Medium (100 Wounds) Pg. 79: Lightning Hurler: Omitted- Size: Large (120 Wounds) Pg. 87:Verne Cannon: Should be 220 Wounds, not 250
compliment of one Great, four Goods, and one Poor. So, now your Detective's abilities are three Poors, four Goods, a Great and an Exceptional. Pg. 82, paragraph four. As stated above, the reference to "raising" abilities when creating your Dramatic Persona is erroneous. See the corrected example above.