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We will be creating a short five minute film that is based around the thriller genre. Our thriller film will have a subgenre of rape and revenge. The film will be called Behind Closed Doors we aim to market our film through mediums such as Television! Cinema! "nternet e.g. #ouTube! $ewspapers %through advertising! posters and film reviews&. The use of the internet will be ver' significant as we are able to distribute our film to our desired audience in an efficient wa' without an' costs! this helped b' the improvements in technolog' mean that teenagers these da's are constantl' using social networking sites such as (acebook and Twitter and also adults which means our film potentiall' can be watched on a great scale b' the vast ma)orit' of the population.

*s a group we conducted primar' market research which involves the collection of data that does not alread' e+ist! we done this in the form of brainstorms and creative ideas we have thought of! we was able to narrow down the genre and idea of the film into two films. We have chosen to make our five minute video on based upon a rape concept as we believe its something that is going to create a challenge for us to pull off and from looking at previous 'ears its something that most people avoid in their ,-./ 0edia coursework! so it will bring something new to the table. We watched a series of short films on #ouTube which helped us come to our conclusion and some Tv dramas such as 1uther to assist our takings. Within the group we realised that a thriller2rape film would be an interesting film genre to choose! as rape is a sensitive sub)ect! we decided to then continue with this idea as we wanted to go that e+tra mile in order to keep the audience entertained and enticed into the film. We conducted secondar' research to help us with our findings as we looked at real rape articles to help bring the realistic and heartfelt side to things! we continued to watch episodes of 1uther 3pisode 4 5 . 6eason -! which helped us understand the wa' in which we should approach the rape scene.

Target Audience:
Our target audience is aimed at 478 in order for us to use the rape idea we had to make it so that the audience was old enough and the content was suitable for viewers! the reason wh' we have chosen 478 rather than )ust 498 is that we believe that our film will not onl' be interesting to watch but hopefull' people will be able to gain something from it and learn about the right things to do in certain situations where rape could occur. With high levels of se+ual content and language we came to a group conclusion that 478 would be the best age for our viewers! due to parents being offended b' their children watching inappropriate things for their age! also if e+posed to 'ounger viewers the' might be sub)ected

to being influenced b' our film! in an attempt to replicate the on goings in the film.

Our film will be accessible in man' places such as Cinemas! this will help generate revenue for our film we are also going to allow our film to be shown on #ouTube for free! plus 6k' 0ovies for people who are e:uipped with the home cinema package which will allow them to view our film. The film will be released on #ouTube for free as it enables an'one and ever'one to watch our film and helps stimulate the demand for the film as people will want to view it but ma' not necessaril' be able to afford it! meaning that our audience will not be sociall' deprived.

Our compan' is called D06 3ntertainment which stands for Daniel 0argaret and 6unra) 3ntertainment! this will be used to distribute our film across a wide range of mediums such as T;! internet! newspapers! which allows us not onl' to reach an audience nationall' but we will be able to distribute it on a national scale allowing people overseas to view and comment on our production. D06 3ntertainment is a British compan' which will in turn distribute Behind Closed Doors on a national scale and depending on the reaction from the film! if it receives good comments and wide range of interested and happ' consumers! then it might look to team up with an international institution like .< th Centur' (O= to help distribute the film on a wide scale! D06 3ntertainment could tr' and distribute it alone! however teaming up with a institution like .< th Centur' (O= will help them earn more revenue as the merger will help with e+perience and knowledge of foreign markets.

We have chosen to stick to the t'pical stereot'pe of a rape scene! gathering two actors! one being a bigger male and one being a petite and small girl who can easil' be manipulated into doing what he wants. We have tried to move awa' from the standard representation of the t'pical drunken female being overpowered b' the male and have opted for a different approach where the girl who is se+uall' assaulted is actuall' attacked b' her own relative being her father! b' doing so we hope to create a different atmosphere turning the dad into an antagonist and the girl into a protagonist! this will entice our audience to continue watching as the' fear for the girls safet' and almost engage in the film themselves creating feelings towards the characters.

Media Language:
Throughout our film we will be tr'ing to dissect the technical aspects of 0ise>en> scene! Cinematograph' and 6ound to the greatest of our abilit' in order to create an atmosphere which builds a verisimilitude for the audience. We want to be ver' accurate involving our 6ound as this is the most important part of this

film! as sound could easil' ruin an'thing we create. We have decided to make this film from the side of both characters showing a split screen effect which will build up tension and foreshadow events to come. Bod' language is going to be a ke' factor of media language which we will and need to focus upon! the tension between the protagonist and the antagonist will be create not onl' through verbal dialogue but also non>verbal communication! suggesting when the protagonist is feeling uncomfortable and the antagonist is making his move. *s a group we agreed that props is going to be a main convention which we need to have spot on in order to create the best outline for a film! as we want to show pictures of the antagonists dead wife which will show his reasoning behind his actions however will be a great plo' for us to use to help put more emphasis on the hatred aimed at the antagonist b' the audience. The one ma)or issue we have here is that we dont want to be too t'pical and stick to the basic conventions of media we want to use our media language to venture into different sub)ects which havent been looked at in Thriller2?ape short films and manipulate them to our advantage.

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