Unit 3 Divide and Conquer: Structure
Unit 3 Divide and Conquer: Structure
Unit 3 Divide and Conquer: Structure
+ + + +
( )
( )
( ) ( ) otherwise
small n if
n f n/2 2T
n g
n T e.
= i.
Where, T(n) is the time for DANDC on any input of size n & g (n) is the time
to compute the answer directly for small inputs. The function f(n) is the time
for dividing P and combining the solutions to subproblems.
The complexity of many divide-and-conquer algorithms is given by
recurrences of the form.
( )
( )
( ) ( )
> +
1 n n f b / n aT
1 n 1 T
n T
Where, a and b are known constants. We assume that T(1) is known and n
is a power of b (i.e. n = b
Self Assessment Question
1. The complexity of many divide-and-conquer algorithms is given by
recurrences of the form .
3.3 Binary Search
Let a
, 1 < i < n be a list of elements that are sorted in non-decreasing order.
Consider the problem of determining whether a given element x is present in
the list. If x is present we are to determine a value j such that a
= x. If x is
not present in the list, then j is to be set to zero.
Let P = (n, a
, .., a
, x) denote an arbitrary instance of this search problem,
n is the number of element in the list, a
.. a
is the list of elements
x is the element searched for.
We use divide-and-conquer strategy to solve this problem. Let small (p, q)
be true for n = 1.
In this case, G(p, q) will take the value i if x = a
, otherwise it will take the
value 0.
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Then, g(1) = u (1), if P has more than one element, it can be divided (or
reduced) into a new subproblem as follows:
Pick an index q in the range [i, I] and compare x with a
. There are 3
1) x = a
: In this case, the problem P is immediately stored.
2) x < a
: In this case, x has to be searched in the sublist (a
, a
, .., a
P reduces to (q i, a
, a
, x)
3) x > a
: In this case, x has to be searched in the sublist (a
, .. , a
P reduces to (i q,a
, ..,a
, x)
Any given problem, P gets divided (reduced) into one new subproblem. This
division takes only u(1) time. After a comparison with a
, the instance
remaining to be solved (if any) can be solved by using divide-and-conquer
If q is always chosen such that a
is the middle element (i.e. q = (n+1)/ 2),
then, the resulting search algorithm is known as binary search.
Algorithm 3.2 shows how binary search works for n elements where n > 0.
Algorithm 3.2
1. procedure BINSRCH (x, j)
2. integer low, mid, high, x,j;
3. low 1, high n;
4. while low s high do
5. mid (low + high)/2
6. case
7. :x<A(mid):high mid 1
8. :x>A(mid): low mid + 1
9. :else:j mid; return
10. end case
11. repeat
12. j o
13. endBINSRCH
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Suppose there are n elements, then, for successful search there is n
comparisons and for unsuccessful search there is n + 1 comparisons.
To determine the average behaviour, we need to look more closely at the
binary decision tree and equate its size to the number of element
comparison in the algorithm.
- The distance of a node from the root is one less than its level.
- The internal path length l is the sum of the distances of all internal nodes
from the root.
- The external path length E is the sum of the distances of all external
nodes from the root.
Let s(n) = average number of comparisons in a successful search.
u(n) = average number of comparisons in an unsuccessful search.
For successful search
Total distance of all node to the root = l
Average distance of a node from root =
Average number of element comparison for successful search = 1
( )
1 n S + = (1)
For unsuccessful search
Total distance from node = E
Average distance of any node from root
( )
( ) 1 n
n u
= (2)
E o(n + 1)
In other words, E on(n + 1)
Substituting in (2) ( ) ( ) n log n u o
Self Assessment Question
2. Average number of element comparison for successful search .
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3.4 Max. and Min.
The problem is to find the maximum and minimum items in a set of n
Algorithm 3.3
1. procedure SMAXMIN(max, min)
2. integer i, max, min;
3. max min A(1);
4. for I 2 to n do
5. if A(i)>max then max A(i)
6. else if A(i)<min then min A(i)
7. endif
8. endif
9. repeat
10. end SMAXMIN
Best Case: If we have n element, (n 1) element comparison.
Worst Case: If n elements are in descending order, 2 comparison will take
We have 2(n 1) element comparison.
Average Case: ( ) 1 n
element comparison
Algorithm 3.4 MaxMin is a recursive algorithm that finds the maximum and
the minimum of set of elements {a(i),a(i+1).,a(j)}. The situation of set sizes
one (i = j) and two (i = j 1) are handled separately. For sets containing
more than two elements, the midpoint is determined (just as in binary
search) and two new subprograms are generated. When the maxima and
minima of these subproblems are determined, the two maxima are
compared and two minima are compared to achieve the solution for the
entire set.
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Algorithm 3.4
1. Algorithm MaxMin (i,j, max, min)
2. // a[1:n] is a global array Parameter i and j are integers,
3. // 1 s i s j < n. The effect is to set max and min to the
4. // largest and smallest values in a [i, j], respectively.
5. {
6. if (i=j) then max:=min:=a[i]; //small(P)
7. else if (i = j 1) then //Another case of Small (P)
8. {
9. if a [i] < a[j] then
10. {
11. max:=a[j]; min:=a[i];
12. }
13. else
14. {
15. max:=a[i]; min:=a[j]
16. }
17. }
18. else
19. {
20. // If P is not small, divide P into subproblems
21. // Find where to split the set
22. mid:= (i+j)/2;
23. //Solve the subproblems
24. Maxmin (i, mid, max, min);
25. MaxMin (mid+i, j, max1, min1);
26. // Combine the solutions
27. if (max<max 1) then max:=max1;
28. if(min>min1) then min:=min1;
29. }
30. }
Algorithm 3.4 Recursively finds the maximum and minimum
The procedure is initially invoked by the statement MaxMin(1,n,x,y)
Suppose, we simulate MaxMin on the following nine elements:
A: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
22 13 5 8 15 60 17 31 47
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A good way of keeping track of recursive calls is to build a tree by adding a
node each time a new call is made. For this algorithm, each node has four
items of information: i,j, max and min. On the array a [ ] above, the tree of
Fig. 3.1 is produced.
Fig. 3.1: Trees of recursive calls of MaxMin
Examining Fig 3.1, we see that the root node contains 1 and 9 as the values
of i and j corresponding to the initial call to MaxMin. This execution produces
two new calls to MaxMin, where i and j have the values 1, 5 and 6, 9
respectively and thus split the set into two subsets of approximately the
same size. From the tree we can immediately see that the maximum depth
of recursion is four (including the first call). The circled numbers in the upper
left corner of each node represent the orders in which max and min are
assigned values.
If (n) represents this number, then the resulting recurrence relation is
( )
( )
( )
> + +
1 n 0
2 n 1
2 n 2 2 / n T 2 / n T
n T
When n is a power of two, n=2
for some positive integer k, then
T 2 ) n ( T + |
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2 2
T 2 2 +
+ |
2 4
T 4 + + |
s s
+ =
1 k i 1
i 1 k
2 ) 2 ( T 2
n 3
2 2 2
k 1 k
= + =
Note that 2
n 3
is the best, average and worst-case number of
comparisons when n is a power of two.
Self Assessment Question
3. A good way of keeping track of is to build a tree by adding a
node each time a new call is made.
3.5 Merge Sort
We assume throughout that the elements are to be sorted in non-decreasing
order. Given a sequence of n elements (also called keys) a[1], ., a[n],
the general idea is to imagine them split into two sets a[1], .. a[n/2]
and a[n/2+1],..,a[n]. Each set is individually sorted and the resulting
sorted sequences are merged to produce a single sorted sequence of n
Thus, we have another ideal example of the divide-and-conquer strategy in
which the splitting is into two equal-sized sets and the combining operation
is the merging of two sorted sets into one.
Mergesort (Algorithm 3.5) describes this process very succinctly using
recursion and a function Merge (Algorithm 3.6) which merges two sorted
sets. Before executing MergeSort, the n elements should be placed in a
[1:n]. Then MergeSort (1, n) causes the keys to be rearranged into the non-
decreasing order in a
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Algorithm 3.5
1. Algorithm MergeSort (low, high)
2. //a[low:high] is a global array to be sorted.
3. //small (P) is true if there is only one element
4. // to sort. In this case the list is already sorted.
5. {
6. if (low<high> then //If there are more than one element
7. {
8. //Divide P into subproblems
9. //Find where to split the set
10. mid:= (low+high)/2
11. //Solve the subproblems
12. MergeSort (low,mid);
13. MergeSort(mid+1, high);
14. //combine the solutions
15. Merge(low, mid, high)
16. }
17. }
Algorithms 3.6
Algorithm Merge (low, mid, high)
//a[low:high] is a global array containing two sorted
//subsets in a [low:mid} and in a [mid+1 :high]. The
//goal is to merge these two sets into a single set residing
// in a [low:high],b[ ] is an auxiliary global array.
h:=low; i:=low; j:=mid+1;
while ((h s mid) and (j s high)) do
If (a[h] s a[j] then
b[i]: a[h]; h:=h+1;
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b[i]:=a[j]; j:=j+1;
If (h>mid) then
for k = j to high do
b[i]:=a[k]; i:=i+1;
For k:=h to mid do
b[i]:=a[k]; i:=i+1;
for k:=low to high do a[k]:=b[k];
Fig. 3.2: Tree of calls of MergeSort (1, 10)
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Fig. 3.3: Tree of calls of Merge
Fig. 3.2 is a tree that represents the sequence of recursive calls that are
produced by MergeSort when it is applied to ten elements. The pair of values in
each node are the values of the parameters low and high. Notice how the
Splitting continues until sets containing a single element are produced. Fig. 3.3
is a tree representing the calls to produce Merge by MergeSort.
For example, the node containing 1, 2 and 3 represent the merging of [1:2]
with a[3].
If the time for the merging operation is proportional to n, then the
computing for Mergesort is described by the recurrence relation.
( )
( )
< +
t tan cons a is c , 1 n cn 2 / n aT
t tan cons is a , 1 n a
n T
When n is a power of 2, n=2
, we can solve this equation by successive
T 2 2 ) n ( T +
+ |
cn 2
T 4 + |
cn 2
T 2 4 +
+ |
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kcn ) 1 ( T 2
+ =
n log cn an + =
It is easy to see that if 2
< n s 2
, then
T(n) s T(2
Therefore, ( ) ( ) n log n O n T =
Self Assessment Question
4. If the time for the merging operation is proportional to n, then the
computing for Mergesort is described by the recurrence relation .
3.6 Quick Sort
In merge sort, the file a[1:n] was divided at its midpoint into subarrays which
were independently sorted and later merged.
In quick sort, the division into two subarrays is made so that the sorted
subarrays do not need to be merged later. This is accomplished by
rearranging the elements in a [1:n] such that a[i] s a[j] for all i between 1 and
m and all j between m+1 and n for some m, 1 s m s n. Thus, the elements in
a [1:m] and a[m+1:n] can be independently sorted. No merge is needed.
The rearrangement of the elements is accomplished by picking some
element of a[ ], say, t=a[s] and then reordering the other elements so that all
elements appearing before t in a[1:n] are less than or equal to t and all
elements appearing after t are greater than or equal to t. This rearranging is
referred to as partitioning.
Function Partition of Algorithm 3.7 accomplishes an in-place partitioning of
the elements of a[m:p 1]. It is assumed that a[p] > a[m] and that a[m] is the
partitioning element. If m = 1 and p 1 = n, then a[n + 1] must be defined
and must be greater than or equal to all elements in a[1:n]. The assumption
that a[m] is the partition element is merely for convenience; other choices for
the partitioning element than the first item in the set are better in practice.
The function, interchange (a, i, j) exchanges a[i] with a [j].
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Algorithm 3.7
1. Algorithm Partition (a,m,p)
2. //within a[m], a[m+1], ., a[p-1] the elements are
3. //rearranged in such a manner that if initially t=a[m],
4. //then after completion a[q]=t for some q between m
5. // and p-1, a[k] s t for m s k s q, and a[k] > t
6. //for q<k<p. q is returned. Set a[p]=
7. {
8. V:=a[m]; i:=m; j:=p;
9. repeat
10. {
11. repeat
12. i:=i+1
13. until (a[i]>v);
14. repeat
15. j:=j-1;
16. until (a[j]sv);
17. if (i<j) then Interchange (a, i, j);
18. } until (i>j);
19. a[m]:=a[j]; a[j]:=v; return j;
20. }
1. Algorithm Interchange (a,i,j)
2. //Exchange a[i] with a[j]
3. {
4. p:=a[i];
5. a[i]:=a[j]; a[j]:= p;
6. }
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Algorithm 3.8
1. Algorithm QuickSort(p,q)
2. //Sorts the elements a[p],,a[q] which reside in
3. //global array a[1:n] into ascending order; a[n+1] is
4. //considered to be defined and must be > all the
5. // elements in a [1:n]
6. {
7. if (p<q) then //If there are more than one element
8. {
9. // divide p into two subproblems
10. j:=Partition(a, p, q+1);
11. //j is the position of the partitioning element
12. // Solve the subproblems
13. QuickSort(p, j-1);
14. QuickSort(j+1, q);
15. // There is no need for combining solutions.
16. }
17. }
In analyzing QuickSort, we count only the number of element comparisons
C(n). It is easy to see that the frequency count of other operations is of the
same order as C(n). We make the following assumptions: the n elements to
be sorted are distinct, and the input distribution is such that the partition
element v=a[m] in the call to Partition (a,m,p) has an equal probability of
being the i
smallest element, 1 s i s p-m, in a[m:p-1].
First, let us obtain the worst-case value Cw(n) of C(n). The number of
element comparisons in each call of Partition is at most p m + 1. Let r be
the total number of elements in all the calls to Partition at any level of
recursion. At level one only one call, Partition (a, 1, n+1), is made and
r = n; at level two at most two calls are made and r = n 1; and so on. At
each level of recursion, O(r) element comparisons are made by Partition. At
each level, r is atleast one less than the r at the previous level, as the
partitioning elements of the previous level are eliminated. Hence, C
(n) is
the sum on r, as r varies from 2 to n, or O(n
The average value C
(n) of C(n) is much less than C
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Even though the worst-case time is O(n
), the average time is only O(n log
n). Let us now look at the stack space needed by the recursion. In the worst
case the maximum depth of recursion may be n 1. This happens, for
example, when the partition element on each call to Partition is the smallest
value in a[m:p-1]. The amount of stack space needed can be reduced to
O(log n) by using an iterative version of Quick Sort in which the smaller of
the two subarrays a[p : j 1] and a[j+1:q] is always sorted first. Also, the
second recursive call can be replaced by some assignment statements and
a jump to the beginning of the algorithm.
Algorithm 3.9
1. Algorithm QuickSort 2(p, q)
2. //Sorts the elements in a [p: q]
3. {
4. //stack is a stack of size 2 log (n)
5. repeat
6. {
7. while (p<q) do
8. {
9. j:=Partition (a,p,q+1):
10. if (j-p)<(q-j) then
11. {
12. Add (j+1); //Add j+1 to stack
13. Add(q); q:=j-1; // Add q to stack
14. }
15. else
16. {
17. Add(p; //Add p to stack)
18. Add (j-p); p:=j+1; //Add j-1 to stack
19. }
20. }// Sort the smaller subfile
21. if stack is empty then return:
22. Delete (q); Delete (p); //Delete q and p from stack
23. } until (false);
24. }
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We can now verify that the maximum stack space needed is O(log n)
Let S(n) be the maximum stack space needed. Then it follows that
( )
1 n 0
1 n
1 n
S 2
n S which is less than 2 log n
Self Assessment Question
5. The average value C
(n) of C(n) is much less than .
3.7 Summary
- In this unit, we discussed that the complexity of many divide-and-
conquer algorithms is given by recurrences of the form
( )
( )
> + |
1 n ) n ( f
1 n 1 T
n T (where a and b are known constants).
- For successful binary search, ( )
1 n S + = and for unsuccessful binary
search, ( )
1 n
n U
= .
- For Max and Min, 2
3 |
is the best, average and worst-case number
of comparisons where n is a power of two.
- For Merge sort , we have T(n) = O(n logn)
- For quicksort, the worst case time is O(n
), the average time is only
O(n logn).
3.8 Terminal Questions
1. Briefly explain the Binary search Method.
2. Write the Algorithm to find the maximum and minimum items in a set of n
3. Explain the concept of merge sort.
4. Sketch the Algorithm of Quick sort.
5. Write the Algorithm for sorting by Partitioning.
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3.9 Answers
Self Assessment Questions
1. ( )
( )
( ) ( )
> +
1 n n f b / n aT
1 n 1 T
n T
2. 1
3. Recursive calls
4. ( )
( )
< +
t tan cons a is c , 1 n cn 2 / n aT
t tan cons is a , 1 n a
n T
5. C
Terminal Questions
1. Let a
, 1 < i < n be a list of elements that are sorted in non-decreasing
order. Consider the problem of determining whether a given element x is
present in the list. If x is present, we are to determine a value j such that
= x. If x is not present in the list, then j is to be set to zero.
Let P = (n, a
, .., a
, x) denote an arbitrary instance of this search
problem, where n is the number of element in the list, a
.. a
the list of elements and x is the element searched for. (Refer section
2. Refer section 3.4
3. Refer section 3.5
4. Refer section 3.6
5. Refer section 3.6