MreB Nature 2
MreB Nature 2
MreB Nature 2
It was thought until recently that bacteria lack the actin or tubulin lament networks that organize eukaryotic cytoplasm. However, we show here that the bacterial MreB protein assembles into laments with a subunit repeat similar to that of F-actinthe physiological polymer of eukaryotic actin. By elucidating the MreB crystal structure we demonstrate that MreB and actin are very similar in three dimensions. Moreover, the crystals contain protolaments, allowing visualization of actin-like strands at atomic resolution. The structure of the MreB protolament is in remarkably good agreement with the model for F-actin, showing that the proteins assemble in identical orientations. The actin-like properties of MreB explain the nding that MreB forms large brous spirals under the cell membrane of rod-shaped cells, where they are involved in cell-shape determination. Thus, prokaryotes are now known to possess homologues both of tubulin, namely FtsZ, and of actin.
A central component of the eukaryotic cytoskeleton is lamentous actin. Actin is the most abundant protein in many eukaryotic cells, and is conserved from yeast to humans1. In 1942, Straub isolated monomeric actin (G-actin) and discovered that raising the salt concentration causes G-actin to polymerize into lamentous actin (F-actin)2. Electron microscopy and X-ray bre diffraction have shown that F-actin consists of two protolaments that are twisted gently around one another to form a right-handed double helix. The subunits in each actin protolament have an approximately 55 A spacing3, and the helical pitch is variable owing to torsional exibility of the protolaments4. Under appropriate conditions actin will polymerize into a variety of polymers5. When actin is treated with gadolinium it assembles into sheets and cylinders of straight protolaments6. The lamentous polymers of actin determine the shape of many eukaryotic cells, besides having a vast range of other functions. The three-dimensional structure of G-actin which has a relative molecular mass of 43,000 (Mr 43K)has been determined in complexes with various actin-binding proteins that prevent actin polymerization710. Actin is a member of a larger superfamily of proteins11,12, which includes Hsp70 (ref. 13), cell-division protein FtsA14, and sugar kinases15,16. Crystal structures have revealed that each member of the actin superfamily has the characteristic core of actin, and is distinguished by additional insertions or deletions that are necessary for the specic function of each family member. A sequence database search revealed that the bacterial proteins MreB and StbA have sequence patterns in common with the actin superfamily11. MreB, among all proteins of the superfamily, is most closely related to actin in overall size11. The mreB gene is located in the gene cluster mre (murein cluster e). It is, together with mrd, the principal operon involved in determination of cell shape in bacteria1719. Recent evidence shows that MreB assembles into a cytoskeleton-like structure in Bacillus subtilis20. MreB and the closely related protein Mbl are important in regulating the cell shape of B. subtilis; immunouorescence reveals that elongated polymers of MreB and Mbl encircle the cell as large spirals under the cell membrane. The MreB proteins are widely distributed among rod-shaped, lamentous and helical bacteria20, suggesting that an MreB cytoskeleton is important to generate a non-spherical shape. To investigate whether MreB can self assemble into actin-like laments, we cloned and puried MreB from Thermotoga maritima. Biochemical and electron microscopic analyses show that the protein forms laments with a longitudinal repeat similar to that
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of eukaryotic actin. Elucidation of the crystal structure of MreB shows that it is indeed clearly related to actin. Furthermore, the crystal packing reveals the lamentous structure of an actin-like protein at atomic resolution. Here we provide biochemical and structural evidence for MreB as the bacterial actin homologue. The gene encoding MreB1 from T. maritima was amplied by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and cloned for overexpression in Escherichia coli strain C41 (see Methods). Thermotoga maritima has two mreB genes. We also cloned mreB2, but the protein was mostly insoluble (data not shown). A BLAST search with both proteins revealed that MreB1 is more closely related to MreB from B. subtilis, with 56% overall identity. MreB forms polymers under various conditions, as was initially investigated in a pelleting assay (Fig. 1). To polymerize, MreB requires ATP (Fig. 1a, lane 1) or GTP (lane 5). It can form laments in the absence of magnesium (lane 4). Polymers are formed over a wide pH range, the optimum being pH 67 (Fig. 1b). In contrast to actin polymerization, which requires physiological salt concentrations, T. maritima MreB is able to form laments over a wide range of salt concentrations, as high as 4 M NaCl. The fact that thermophilic organisms usually possess relatively high intracellular salt concentrations could explain the ability of T. maritima MreB to assemble in high salt.
Polymerization assays
Electron microscopy
The nature of MreB polymers, found in the pelleting assay, was investigated by electron microscopy of negatively stained samples. A variety of polymers formed under different conditions (see Fig. 2a, e). The simplest polymers are thin laments that appear to consist of two protolaments (each composed of a string of monomers), but such individual thin laments are rare. More common are pairs of thin laments, which are often curved (Fig. 2a) depending on the conditions used. Those shown in Fig. 2a are much more highly curved than would be required to produce the curved laments observed in vivo20. From our images it is unclear how the curvature is accommodated into the structure. The ltered image (Fig. 2d) of the polymer in Fig. 2b (diameter of ) apparently shows two thin laments, with an approxiabout 160 A longitudinal spacing (Fig. 2c). The thin laments mately 51 A appear to lack the distinct twist of the two-stranded helices of Factin, although they often appear to have a slight twist. At low NaCl concentrations (25 mM NaCl), MreB forms two-dimensional
a 2 mM ATP 2 mM GTP 4 mM Mg2+ 10 mM EDTA S + + P S + + P S P S + P S P S + + +
conformation6. It is possible, but not yet certain, that the MreB sheets also have an antiparallel arrangement of protolaments. The electron microscopic analysis shows that the polymers found in the pelleting assay and in all other tested conditions have a , which is reminiscent of the 55 A longitudinal spacing of 51 A spacing of F-actin's helical strands3.
crystalline sheets (Fig. 2e). The diffraction pattern from the sheets , and in addition a spacing of also shows a strong layer line at 51 A in the equatorial plane (Fig. 2f). Filtered images of the sheets 39 A (Fig. 2g) show individual laments that are consistent with the protolaments in the crystal structure (see below). They seem to be related to the gadolinium-induced sheets of actin, which consist of untwisted protolaments arranged in an antiparallel
f 51
d 39 g
To investigate the homology of MreB to actin in atomic detail, we determined the three-dimensional structure of MreB. We obtained trigonal and monoclinic crystals of MreB from T. maritima. The but were trigonal crystals, space group P3121, diffracted to 2.1 A partially twinned. The structure was solved by multiple anomalous dispersion (MAD), using the monoclinic crystals (space group C2, see Methods and Supplementary Information Table 1). The structures of both the apo- (NATI) and AMPPNP-containing trigonal crystals were solved by molecular replacement (Table 1). The structure of MreB conrms that it is a member of the actin family of proteins, and is characterized by two domains (I and II) that hold a nucleotide-binding site in the interdomain cleft12. Each domain is subdivided into two subdomains (A and B) (Fig. 3). The two larger subdomains (IA and IIA) have a common fold that comprises a ve-stranded b-sheet surrounded by three a-helices. These subdomains are connected through a helix, H4. The smaller subdomains (IB and IIB) are more diverse in the actin superfamily, and are probably unique to the specic function of the proteins. Notably, MreB shows exactly the same topology as actin in the structure of these domains (Fig. 4). This is in contrast to Hsp70, FtsA and, in particular, the sugar kinases. The position where the smaller subdomains are inserted is identical in the two proteins, that is, after the third strand (S3 and S11, respectively) of the b-meander of both subdomain IA and IIA. One signicant difference between actin and MreB is a loop that is inserted in actin in the equivalent of helix H8. The loop has been implicated in the intermolecular interaction between the subunits during initial assembly of the lament3. A three-dimensional structural similarity search revealed that MreB can be superimposed on actin (Protein Data Bank (PDB)
S13 c h 51 S12
S6 H1
S4 S5 H2
micrograph of a negatively stained MreB sheet. MreB (1 mg ml-1) was incubated for 30 min at 37 8C in 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 25 mM NaCl, 2 mM ATP (buffered) and 4 mM MgCl2. The protolaments are aligned vertically in the MreB sheet. Scale bar, 100 nm. , the lateral spacing is f, Diffraction image of sheet in e. The longitudinal repeat is 51 A . g, Filtered image of sheet in e. h, The protolaments found in the crystals of MreB t 39 A in the sheets is the same well with the ltered image in g. The longitudinal repeat of 51 A as in the crystals (Fig. 5). The lateral spacing in the sheets suggests that the protolaments interact with their at sides.
Figure 2 Electron micrographs of negatively stained MreB laments. a, Typical view of MreB laments when salt and neutral pH is used. MreB (1 mg ml-1) was incubated for 30 min at 37 8C in 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 100 mM NaCl, 3 mM CaCl2, 2 mM ATP (buffered) and 4 mM MgCl2. Scale bar, 100 nm. The lament indicated with an arrow is the same lament that is shown at a higher magnication in b. b, `Double' lament formed at high pH. MreB (1 mg ml-1) was incubated for 30 min at 37 8C in 100 mM BICINE, pH 9.0, 100 mM NaCl, 2 mM ATP (buffered) and 4 mM MgCl2. Scale bar, 100 nm. . c, Diffraction image of the polymer in b showing the rst strong layer line at 51 A d, Filtered image of b, treating both laments separately. The polymer is about 160 A , see Fig. 5). e, Electron wide, which suggests four single protolaments in total (each 40 A
H8 H11
S2 S3 S1 H3 S7 S8
H12 H4
Figure 3 Ribbon representation of the crystal structure of MreB complexed with AMPPNP and magnesium. MreB is a member of the actin family of proteins, showing the typical four-domain architecture. AMPPNP binds in a cleft between domains I and II. The four subdomains IA, IB, IIA and IIB correspond to subdomains 1, 2, 3 and 4 in actin. Virtually no differences are detectable from the two non-ligand-bound crystal structures (HRES, NATI). Images were created with MOLSCRIPT and RASTER3D38,39.
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Table 1 Renement statistics
............................................................................................................................................................................. * Twinning fraction as used in renement, operator -h, -k, l. Five per cent of reections were randomly selected for determination of the free R-factor (taking twinning into account where appropriate) before any renement. Temperature factors averaged for all atoms. r.m.s. deviations from ideal geometry for bond lengths and restraint angles36. k Percentage of residues in the `most-favoured region' of the Ramachandran plot and percentage of outliers (PROCHECK37). Protein Data Bank identiers for coordinates.
Residues Water, cofactor Resolution Twinning fraction* R-factor, R-free B average Geometry bonds/angles Ramachandrank PDB ID
1336 318 2.1 A ,0.01 0.194, 0.240 2 30.3 A , 1.2648 0.005 A 94.1%/0% 1JCF
1335 0, AMPPNP 3.1 A 0.055 0.206, 0.276 2 25.2 A , 1.4218 0.009 A 86.0%/0% 1JCG
over 310 Ca atoms entry 1ATN) with an r.m.s. deviation of 3.7 A and a z-score of 29.2 (ref. 21). MreB and HSC70 (constitutive Hsp70 protein; PDB entry 1HPM) superimpose with an r.m.s. deviation of over 299 Ca atoms and a z-score of 28.8. This gives the 3.4 A impression that MreB is closely related to Hsp70; however, a detailed comparison between the two structures reveals that Hsp70 has a substantial insertion of about 40 residues in subdomain IB, which is absent in MreB and actin. Moreover, Hsp70 contains a principal substrate-binding domain of more than 250 residues at
the carboxy-terminus. The other members of the actin superfamily are more distinct: hexokinase (PDB entry 1BDG) has an r.m.s. over 253 equivalent residues and a z-score of 14.3 deviation of 3.5 A when compared to MreB. Bacterial cell-division protein FtsA (PDB entry 1E4G) can be superimposed on MreB with an r.m.s. deviation over 270 residues and a z-score of 25.2. The fact that FtsA, as of 2.8 A a member of the actin family, acts together with the tubulin homologue FtsZ in bacterial cytokinesis suggests that it may also form laments. However, FtsA does not polymerize into actin-like laments in vitro, as tested under numerous conditions (data not shown). FtsA is distinguished from the other members of the actin family by the position of subdomain IB, which is located on the opposite side of subdomain IA (ref. 14). Another bacterial protein, StbA, which is involved in plasmid segregation is a putative member of the actin superfamily, but is shorter and probably lacks subdomain IIB (ref. 11). Elucidation of the structure reveals that MreB is most closely related to actin among all members of the actin family. The topology of the secondary structural elements is shared between the two proteins, even in the variable domains IB and IIB (Fig. 4).
Nucleotide-binding site
The nucleotide and the high-afnity, divalent cation-binding sites of MreB are located near the base of the cleft between domains I and II. The superposition of the nucleotide in the MreB structure (AMPPNP) on that of the actin structure (ATP; PDB entry 1YAG) shows that most of the active-site residues are at similar positions,
1 10
60 70
80 90
100 110
170 180
200 210
260 270
Figure 4 Sequence alignment of MreB1 from T. maritima to B. subtilis MreB (SWISSPROT: MREB_BACSU) and structure-based sequence alignment to yeast actin (SWISSPROT: ACT_YEAST; PDB, 1YAG) using DALI21. Secondary structural elements are shown according to DSSP output of MreB and actin. Helix and strand colours refer to the domain colours in Figs 3 and 5. Active site residues in MreB and actin are highlighted in
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light purple. Protolament contacts from one subunit to the next are marked in yellow; residues involved in protolament contacts to the previous subunit are coloured pink (see residues in Fig. 6). Boxed residues are conserved in all three sequences. Sequence identity is 56% between the two MreB proteins and 15% between MreB and actin. The alignment was prepared with ALSCRIPT40.
with the exception of the residues located in subdomain IB. These residues, which coordinate the g-phosphate, are tilted compared with those in actin (see stereo gure in Supplementary Information). This may indicate a different nucleotide state of the two proteins. Most of the residues involved in the coordination of the nucleotide are similar and can be superimposed (purple shaded residues in Fig. 4). Sometimes, where amino acids have changed as in the rst phosphatebinding loop (residues 914), the interactions are through the amide group of the main chain. Elsewhere, when the residues are different, their role is conserved, as in the hydrophobic pocket that surrounds the adenosine. In actin, the pocket is closed at the top by the hydrophobic part of Glu 214. MreB has Ile 208 at the equivalent position, which has the same role. In addition, actin has a salt bridge between Glu 214 and Arg 210. At the equivalent position of Arg 210, MreB has Glu 204, which forms a salt bridge to Lys 49. This is another example of coevolution, previously reported in a comparison between actin and Hsp70 (ref. 22). The phosphate moiety is bound as in actin, with glycines preceding helix H10 binding to the phosphates. The b-phosphate forms hydrogen bonds with the amides of Ala 13 and Asn 14. The hydrogen bond in actin between Lys 18 and the b-phosphate is not present in MreB, which has a Leu at the equivalent position. A notable feature of the crystal packing of both the monoclinic and the trigonal crystal forms is that they contain an MreB protolament in which the subunits are translated in one dimension (see Supplementary Information for the coordinates of the protolament). The straight nature of the protolament is an ideal building block for crystals, which is reected by the fact that crystals were obtained under many conditions. Most importantly, the spacing between the monomers in the longitudinal direction is identical to , Fig. 5). the spacing deduced from the electron micrographs (51 A The presence of these protolaments in both crystal forms and in all of the polymers that were investigated under the electron microscope indicates a high propensity of MreB to form protolaments. It also proves that intra-protolament contacts are biologically relevant and not just due to crystal packing. A closer look at the interface that is formed by two monomers along a protolament reveals that it is primarily composed of hydrophobic residues (Fig. 6). The two strands S12 (residues 227229) and S13 (residues 235238) interact with helix H9 (residues 266275, 277, 278) and with the loop between helix H11 and strand S15 (residues 300303). Helix H9 also makes contacts with helix H6 (residues 199202). The protolament interface is extended by hydrophobic interactions between residues
Figure 5 Both crystal forms (HRES, NATI) contain one-dimensional protolaments. Residues at the bottom of subdomains IA and IIA (1 and 3 in actin) insert into the cleft formed by subdomains IB and IIB (2 and 4 in actin). This is basically the same interaction that has been proposed for the longitudinal interaction in the two strands of F-actin, shown
as measured in crystal form NATI. in the left panel3. The protolament repeat is 51.1 A In the trigonal crystal form the protolament axis is aligned with the crystallographic cell axis a.
such as treadmilling, or forming a track for motor proteins. Nevertheless, the biochemical and structural data presented here strongly suggest that MreB is an excellent candidate for the actin homologue M in bacteria.
N327 P146 D35 E40
Protein expression and purication
The two MreB homologues from T. maritima (DSMZ number 3109: MreB1, TM0588 (SWALL: Q9WZ57); MreB2, TM1544 (SWALL: Q9X1N0)) were amplied by genomic PCR using primers that introduce unique cleavage sites for NdeI and BamHI into the product. The fragments were cloned into pHis17. This enables the proteins to be expressed under the control of the T7 promoter and adds eight residues to the C-terminus (GSHHHHHH). C41(DE3) cells27 were transformed, grown at 37 8C and induced in log phase (A600 = 0.6) with 1 mM IPTG. The cells were collected after 4 h induction, and the pellets were frozen in liquid nitrogen. Cells were thawed and lysed by the addition of lysozyme and subsequent sonication, in a buffer of 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.0. DNase I was added and after centrifugation (140,000g) the lysate was applied to a Ni2+-NTA column (QIAGEN). Buffer A was 300 mM NaCl and 50 mM Tris-HCl pH 6.0; buffer B was 1 M imidazole and 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 6.0. After washing with 5% buffer B the protein was eluted with 30% buffer B. Peak fractions were pooled and concentrated before loading onto a sephacryl S200 column (Amersham-Pharmacia) equilibrated in 20 mM Tris-HCl, 200 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA and 1 mM NaN3, pH 7.5.
S227 T202
S227 T202
M51 E200
Figure 6 Close-up of the protolament protein interface. The interaction surface 2, equalling 11.8% of the solvent-accessible surface of monomeric measures 1,709 A MreB. Residues are coloured as in Fig. 4 with yellow for those involved in contacts from one subunit to the one above, and pink for contacts to the subunit below. The image was created with MOLSCRIPT and RASTER3D38,39.
from the loop connecting helix H1 with strand S6 (residues 5159) and the two loops preceding strands S9 (residues 146148) and S11 (residues 165170). Hydrophilic interactions between Lys 330 and Asp 40, as well as Lys 331 and Asp 35, complete the interface. The resemblance between actin and MreB is reected in the structure of the lament as well as in the longitudinal repeat (Fig. 5). In addition, actin and MreB are in almost identical orientation in the protolament, resulting in the same longitudinal contact region. A discrepancy between F-actin and the laments of MreB is that F-actin is a twisted pair of protolaments. It is possible that the twist is imposed by different lateral interactions in actin, such as those from the actin-specic loop inserted in H8. In any case, the lateral interactions in actin are variable as the twisted parallel arrangement of the protolaments in F-actin can be converted into the straight antiparallel organization in the actin sheets6. The ltered image of an MreB sheet (Fig. 2g) can also be explained by a side view of adjacent protolaments (Fig. 2h). At the present resolution, the protolaments do not show a denite polarity; adjacent protolaments in the sheets are not obviously different. Cryo-electron microscopy is needed for a detailed analysis of the arrangement of the protolaments in both sheets and laments. We present here an actin-like protolament in atomic detail. Because the current model of F-actin is of low resolution, a detailed comparison between the protolament interface of MreB and actin is not possible at the moment. Interestingly, the rened model of F-actin23,24 is less similar to our crystal structure than the initial unrened model, in which the crystal structure of G-actin in complex with DNase I was used3. This nding is supported by the fact that the signicant conformational changes in the rened F-actin model are inconsistent with the structural changes identied in the analysis of domain movements made on the basis of four different crystal structures of actin25. Although it is impossible to compare the protolament interface in detail, the structure-based sequence alignment between MreB and actin shows that the residues involved in the monomer contacts along the protolament are not well conserved (Fig. 4). Apparently, evolution has allowed for (concomitant) mutations of residues on both sides of the interface. A low degree of conservation in the protolament interface has also been found for laments of FtsZ and tubulin26. Previous studies implicated MreB in the determination of cell shape in bacteria and showed MreB-dependent cytosketetal structures20, suggesting a functional similarity between MreB and actin. To further support this relationship, future experiments are needed, which may shed light on the dynamic behaviour of MreB. It remains to be seen whether MreB shares other properties with actin
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Polymerization assays
Puried T. maritima MreB (35.8K) was mixed in a volume of 40 ml with 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.0, 2 mM nucleotides, 4 mM MgCl2 and 100 mM NaCl, and incubated at 37 8C for 30 min, if not stated otherwise. Final protein concentration was 1 mg ml-1 (28 mM). (For exact conditions please refer to legend of Fig. 1a, b.) The reactions were centrifuged at 140,000g in a Beckman TLA100 rotor for 20 min at 20 8C. The supernatant was removed for analysis and the pellet washed with buffer containing the same components as the reaction buffer minus protein. Pellets were solubilized with SDS-containing gel loading buffer, using the same volume as for the supernatant. Samples were analysed on 12% SDSpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) gels.
Electron microscopy
MreB at 1 mg ml-1 in polymerization buffer (see Fig. 2 legend) was incubated at 37 8C for 30 min. Next, 5 ml of the reaction was put on carbon-coated copper electron microscopic grids. Excess liquid was blotted off. Grids were washed with a drop of water, stained with 2% uranyl acetate solution and dried. Pictures were taken with a Philips 208 electron microscope on lm plates at 40,00080,000 magnication. Images were digitized on a Zeiss SCAI CCD scanner at 2128-mm resolution, and analysed using MRC image processing software28.
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Supplementary information is available on Nature's World-Wide Web site ( or as a paper copy from the London editorial ofce of Nature.
We would like to thank S. Munro for critically reading the manuscript and the staff at ID14-4 of ESRF (Grenoble, France) for assistance with MAD data collection. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to F.V.D.E. (e-mail: [email protected]). The coordinates for HRES (space group C2), NATI (space group P3121) and AMPPNP are deposited in the Protein Data Bank under accession numbers 1JCE, 1JCF and 1JCF, respectively.