Zechariah: The Book of
Zechariah: The Book of
Zechariah: The Book of
CHAPTER 1 prophet; and Zechari'ah said,
1 In the eighth month, in the 8 "I saw in the night, and be-
second year of Darius, the hold, a man riding upon a red
word of the LORD came to horse! He was standing
Zechari'ah the son of among the myrtle trees in the
Berechi'ah, son of Iddo, the glen; and behind him were
prophet, saying, red, sorrel, and white horses.
2 "The LORD was very angry 9 Then I said, `What are
with your fathers. these, my lord?' The angel
3 Therefore say to them, who talked with me said to
Thus says the LORD of hosts: me, `I will show you what
Return to me, says the LORD they are.'
of hosts, and I will return to 10 So the man who was
you, says the LORD of hosts. standing among the myrtle
4 Be not like your fathers, to trees answered, `These are
whom the former prophets they whom the LORD has sent
cried out, `Thus says the to patrol the earth.'
LORD of hosts, Return from 11 And they answered the
your evil ways and from your angel of the LORD who was
evil deeds.' But they did not standing among the myrtle
hear or heed me, says the trees, `We have patrolled the
LORD. earth, and behold, all the
5 Your fathers, where are earth remains at rest.'
they? And the prophets, do 12 Then the angel of the
they live for ever? LORD said, `O LORD of hosts,
6 But my words and my how long wilt thou have no
statutes, which I commanded mercy on Jerusalem and the
my servants the prophets, did cities of Judah, against which
they not overtake your fa- thou hast had indignation
thers? So they repented and these seventy years?'
said, As the LORD of hosts 13 And the LORD answered
purposed to deal with us for gracious and comforting
our ways and deeds, so has words to the angel who talked
he dealt with us." with me.
7 On the twenty-fourth day 14 So the angel who talked
of the eleventh month which with me said to me, `Cry out,
is the month of Shebat, in the Thus says the LORD of hosts:
second year of Darius, the I am exceedingly jealous for
word of the LORD came to Jerusalem and for Zion.
Zechari'ah the son of 15 And I am very angry with
Berechi'ah, son of Iddo, the the nations that are at ease;
for while I was angry but a lit - 3 And behold, the angel who
tle they furthered the disas- talked with me came forward,
ter. and another angel came for-
16 Therefore, thus says the ward to meet him,
LORD, I have returned to 4 and said to him, "Run, say
Jerusalem with compassion; to that young man,
my house shall be built in it, `Jerusalem shall be inhabited
says the LORD of hosts, and as villages without walls, be-
the measuring line shall be cause of the multitude of men
stretched out over Jerusalem. and cattle in it.
17 Cry again, Thus says the 5 For I will be to her a wall of
LORD of hosts: My cities shall fire round about, says the
again overflow with prosperi- LORD, and I will be the glory
ty, and the LORD will again within her.'"
comfort Zion and again 6 Ho! ho! Flee from the land
choose Jerusalem.'" of the north, says the LORD;
18 And I lifted my eyes and for I have spread you abroad
saw, and behold, four horns! as the four winds of the heav-
19 And I said to the angel ens, says the LORD.
who talked with me, "What 7 Ho! Escape to Zion, you
are these?" And he answered who dwell with the daughter
me, "These are the horns of Babylon.
which have scattered Judah, 8 For thus said the LORD of
Israel, and Jerusalem." hosts, after his glory sent me
20 Then the LORD showed to the nations who plundered
me four smiths. you, for he who touches you
21 And I said, "What are touches the apple of his eye:
these coming to do?" He an- 9 "Behold, I will shake my
swered, "These are the horns hand over them, and they
which scattered Judah, so that shall become plunder for
no man raised his head; and those who served them. Then
these have come to terrify you will know that the LORD
them, to cast down the horns of hosts has sent me.
of the nations who lifted up 10 Sing and rejoice, O
their horns against the land daughter of Zion; for lo, I
of Judah to scatter it." come and I will dwell in the
midst of you, says the LORD.
CHAPTER 2 11 And many nations shall
1 And I lifted my eyes and join themselves to the LORD
saw, and behold, a man with in that day, and shall be my
a measuring line in his hand! people; and I will dwell in the
2 Then I said, "Where are you midst of you, and you shall
going?" And he said to me, know that the LORD of hosts
"To measure Jerusalem, to see has sent me to you.
what is its breadth and what 12 And the LORD will inherit
is its length." Judah as his portion in the
like the wings of a stork, and hold, those who go toward the
they lifted up the ephah be- north country have set my
tween earth and heaven. Spirit at rest in the north
10 Then I said to the angel country."
who talked with me, "Where 9 And the word of the LORD
are they taking the ephah?" came to me:
11 He said to me, "To the 10 "Take from the exiles Hel-
land of Shinar, to build a dai, Tobi'jah, and Jedai'ah,
house for it; and when this is who have arrived from Baby-
prepared, they will set the lon; and go the same day to
ephah down there on its the house of Josi'ah, the son
base." of Zephani'ah.
11 Take from them silver and
CHAPTER 6 gold, and make a crown, and
1 And again I lifted my eyes set it upon the head of
and saw, and behold, four Joshua, the son of Jehoz'adak,
chariots came out from be- the high priest;
tween two mountains; and the 12 and say to him, `Thus
mountains were mountains of says the LORD of hosts, "Be-
bronze. hold, the man whose name is
2 The first chariot had red the Branch: for he shall grow
horses, the second black up in his place, and he shall
horses, build the temple of the LORD.
3 the third white horses, and 13 It is he who shall build
the fourth chariot dappled the temple of the LORD, and
gray horses. shall bear royal honor, and
4 Then I said to the angel shall sit and rule upon his
who talked with me, "What throne. And there shall be a
are these, my lord?" priest by his throne, and
5 And the angel answered peaceful understanding shall
me, "These are going forth to be between them both."'
the four winds of heaven, af- 14 And the crown shall be in
ter presenting themselves be- the temple of the LORD as a
fore the LORD of all the earth. reminder to Heldai, Tobi'jah,
6 The chariot with the black Jedai'ah, and Josi'ah the son
horses goes toward the north of Zephani'ah.
country, the white ones go to- 15 "And those who are far off
ward the west country, and shall come and help to build
the dappled ones go toward the temple of the LORD; and
the south country." you shall know that the LORD
7 When the steeds came out, of hosts has sent me to you.
they were impatient to get off And this shall come to pass, if
and patrol the earth. And he you will diligently obey the
said, "Go, patrol the earth." voice of the LORD your God."
So they patrolled the earth.
8 Then he cried to me, "Be- CHAPTER 7
with staff in hand for very the heavens shall give their
age. dew; and I will cause the rem -
5 And the streets of the city nant of this people to possess
shall be full of boys and girls all these things.
playing in its streets. 13 And as you have been a
6 Thus says the LORD of byword of cursing among the
hosts: If it is marvelous in the nations, O house of Judah and
sight of the remnant of this house of Israel, so will I save
people in these days, should you and you shall be a bless -
it also be marvelous in my ing. Fear not, but let your
sight, says the LORD of hosts? hands be strong."
7 Thus says the LORD of 14 For thus says the LORD of
hosts: Behold, I will save my hosts: "As I purposed to do
people from the east country evil to you, when your fathers
and from the west country; provoked me to wrath, and I
8 and I will bring them to did not relent, says the LORD
dwell in the midst of of hosts,
Jerusalem; and they shall be 15 so again have I purposed
my people and I will be their in these days to do good to
God, in faithfulness and in Jerusalem and to the house of
righteousness." Judah; fear not.
9 Thus says the LORD of 16 These are the things that
hosts: "Let your hands be you shall do: Speak the truth
strong, you who in these days to one another, render in your
have been hearing these gates judgments that are true
words from the mouth of the and make for peace,
prophets, since the day that 17 do not devise evil in your
the foundation of the house of hearts against one another,
the LORD of hosts was laid, and love no false oath, for all
that the temple might be these things I hate, says the
built. LORD."
10 For before those days 18 And the word of the LORD
there was no wage for man or of hosts came to me, saying,
any wage for beast, neither 19 "Thus says the LORD of
was there any safety from the hosts: The fast of the fourth
foe for him who went out or month, and the fast of the
came in; for I set every man fifth, and the fast of the sev-
against his fellow. enth, and the fast of the
11 But now I will not deal tenth, shall be to the house of
with the remnant of this peo- Judah seasons of joy and
ple as in the former days, gladness, and cheerful feasts;
says the LORD of hosts. therefore love truth and
12 For there shall be a sow - peace.
ing of peace; the vine shall 20 "Thus says the LORD of
yield its fruit, and the ground hosts: Peoples shall yet come,
shall give its increase, and even the inhabitants of many
cities; uninhabited;
21 the inhabitants of one 6 a mongrel people shall
city shall go to another, say- dwell in Ashdod; and I will
ing, `Let us go at once to en- make an end of the pride of
treat the favor of the LORD, Philistia.
and to seek the LORD of 7 I will take away its blood
hosts; I am going.' from its mouth, and its abomi-
22 Many peoples and strong nations from between its
nations shall come to seek teeth; it too shall be a rem-
the LORD of hosts in nant for our God; it shall be
Jerusalem, and to entreat the like a clan in Judah, and Ekron
favor of the LORD. shall be like the Jeb'usites.
23 Thus says the LORD of 8 Then I will encamp at my
hosts: In those days ten men house as a guard, so that
from the nations of every none shall march to and fro;
tongue shall take hold of the no oppressor shall again over-
robe of a Jew, saying, `Let us run them, for now I see with
go with you, for we have my own eyes.
heard that God is with you.'" 9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter
of Zion! Shout aloud, O
CHAPTER 9 daughter of Jerusalem! Lo,
1 An Oracle The word of the your king comes to you; tri-
LORD is against the land of umphant and victorious is he,
Hadrach and will rest upon humble and riding on an ass,
Damascus. For to the LORD on a colt the foal of an ass.
belong the cities of Aram, 10 I will cut off the chariot
even as all the tribes of Is- from E'phraim and the war
rael; horse from Jerusalem; and the
2 Hamath also, which bor- battle bow shall be cut off,
ders thereon, Tyre and Sidon, and he shall command peace
though they are very wise. to the nations; his dominion
3 Tyre has built herself a shall be from sea to sea, and
rampart, and heaped up silver from the River to the ends of
like dust, and gold like the the earth.
dirt of the streets. 11 As for you also, because
4 But lo, the Lord will strip of the blood of my covenant
her of her possessions and with you, I will set your cap-
hurl her wealth into the sea, tives free from the waterless
and she shall be devoured by pit.
fire. 12 Return to your stronghold,
5 Ash'kelon shall see it, and O prisoners of hope; today I
be afraid; Gaza too, and shall declare that I will restore to
writhe in anguish; Ekron also, you double.
because its hopes are con- 13 For I have bent Judah as
founded. The king shall perish my bow; I have made
from Gaza; Ash'kelon shall be E'phraim its arrow. I will bran-
dish your sons, O Zion, over the house of Judah, and will
your sons, O Greece, and make them like his proud
wield you like a warrior's steed in battle.
sword. 4 Out of them shall come the
14 Then the LORD will ap- cornerstone, out of them the
pear over them, and his arrow tent peg, out of them the bat -
go forth like lightning; the tle bow, out of them every
Lord GOD will sound the trum - ruler.
pet, and march forth in the 5 Together they shall be like
whirlwinds of the south. mighty men in battle, tram-
15 The LORD of hosts will pling the foe in the mud of
protect them, and they shall the streets; they shall fight
devour and tread down the because the LORD is with
slingers; and they shall drink them, and they shall con-
their blood like wine, and be found the riders on horses.
full like a bowl, drenched like 6 "I will strengthen the house
the corners of the altar. of Judah, and I will save the
16 On that day the LORD house of Joseph. I will bring
their God will save them for them back because I have
they are the flock of his peo- compassion on them, and
ple; for like the jewels of a they shall be as though I had
crown they shall shine on his not rejected them; for I am
land. the LORD their God and I will
17 Yea, how good and how answer them.
fair it shall be! Grain shall 7 Then E'phraim shall be-
make the young men flourish, come like a mighty warrior,
and new wine the maidens. and their hearts shall be glad
CHAPTER 10 as with wine. Their children
1 Ask rain from the LORD in shall see it and rejoice, their
the season of the spring rain, hearts shall exult in the
from the LORD who makes the LORD.
storm clouds, who gives men 8 "I will signal for them and
showers of rain, to every one gather them in, for I have re-
the vegetation in the field. deemed them, and they shall
2 For the teraphim utter non- be as many as of old.
sense, and the diviners see 9 Though I scattered them
lies; the dreamers tell false among the nations, yet in far
dreams, and give empty con- countries they shall remem-
solation. Therefore the people ber me, and with their chil-
wander like sheep; they are dren they shall live and re-
afflicted for want of a shep- turn.
herd. 10 I will bring them home
3 "My anger is hot against from the land of Egypt, and
the shepherds, and I will pun- gather them from Assyria;
ish the leaders; for the LORD and I will bring them to the
of hosts cares for his flock, land of Gilead and to