The Book of
The Book of
The Book of
CHAPTER 1 tan answered the LORD, "From
1 There was a man in the going to and fro on the earth,
land of Uz, whose name was and from walking up and down
Job; and that man was blame- on it."
less and upright, one who 8 And the LORD said to Sa-
feared God, and turned away tan, "Have you considered my
from evil. servant Job, that there is none
2 There were born to him like him on the earth, a
seven sons and three daugh- blameless and upright man,
ters. who fears God and turns away
3 He had seven thousand from evil?"
sheep, three thousand camels, 9 Then Satan answered the
five hundred yoke of oxen, LORD, "Does Job fear God for
and five hundred she-asses, nought?
and very many servants; so 10 Hast thou not put a hedge
that this man was the greatest about him and his house and
of all the people of the east. all that he has, on every side?
4 His sons used to go and Thou hast blessed the work of
hold a feast in the house of his hands, and his possessions
each on his day; and they have increased in the land.
would send and invite their 11 But put forth thy hand
three sisters to eat and drink now, and touch all that he
with them. has, and he will curse thee to
5 And when the days of the thy face."
feast had run their course, Job 12 And the LORD said to Sa-
would send and sanctify them, tan, "Behold, all that he has is
and he would rise early in the in your power; only upon him-
morning and offer burnt offer- self do not put forth your
ings according to the number hand." So Satan went forth
of them all; for Job said, "It from the presence of the
may be that my sons have LORD.
sinned, and cursed God in 13 Now there was a day when
their hearts." Thus Job did his sons and daughters were
continually. eating and drinking wine in
6 Now there was a day when their eldest brother's house;
the sons of God came to 14 and there came a messen-
present themselves before the ger to Job, and said, "The oxen
LORD, and Satan also came were plowing and the asses
among them. feeding beside them;
7 The LORD said to Satan, 15 and the Sabe'ans fell upon
"Whence have you come?" Sa- them and took them, and slew
the servants with the edge of 1 Again there was a day when
the sword; and I alone have the sons of God came to
escaped to tell you." present themselves before the
16 While he was yet speak- LORD, and Satan also came
ing, there came another, and among them to present him-
said, "The fire of God fell from self before the LORD.
heaven and burned up the 2 And the LORD said to Sa-
sheep and the servants, and tan, "Whence have you
consumed them; and I alone come?" Satan answered the
have escaped to tell you." LORD, "From going to and fro
17 While he was yet speak- on the earth, and from walk-
ing, there came another, and ing up and down on it."
said, "The Chalde'ans formed 3 And the LORD said to Sa-
three companies, and made a tan, "Have you considered my
raid upon the camels and took servant Job, that there is none
them, and slew the servants like him on the earth, a
with the edge of the sword; blameless and upright man,
and I alone have escaped to who fears God and turns away
tell you." from evil? He still holds fast
18 While he was yet speak- his integrity, although you
ing, there came another, and moved me against him, to de-
said, "Your sons and daugh- stroy him without cause."
ters were eating and drinking 4 Then Satan answered the
wine in their eldest brother's LORD, "Skin for skin! All that a
house; man has he will give for his
19 and behold, a great wind life.
came across the wilderness, 5 But put forth thy hand now,
and struck the four corners of and touch his bone and his
the house, and it fell upon the flesh, and he will curse thee
young people, and they are to thy face."
dead; and I alone have es- 6 And the LORD said to Sa-
caped to tell you." tan, "Behold, he is in your
20 Then Job arose, and rent power; only spare his life."
his robe, and shaved his head, 7 So Satan went forth from
and fell upon the ground, and the presence of the LORD, and
worshiped. afflicted Job with loathsome
21 And he said, "Naked I sores from the sole of his foot
came from my mother's to the crown of his head.
womb, and naked shall I re- 8 And he took a potsherd
turn; the LORD gave, and the with which to scrape himself,
LORD has taken away; blessed and sat among the ashes.
be the name of the LORD." 9 Then his wife said to him,
22 In all this Job did not sin "Do you still hold fast your in-
or charge God with wrong. tegrity? Curse God, and die."
10 But he said to her, "You
CHAPTER 2 speak as one of the foolish
women would speak. Shall we ness seize it! let it not rejoice
receive good at the hand of among the days of the year,
God, and shall we not receive let it not come into the num-
evil?" In all this Job did not sin ber of the months.
with his lips. 7 Yea, let that night be bar-
11 Now when Job's three ren; let no joyful cry be heard
friends heard of all this evil in it.
that had come upon him, they 8 Let those curse it who
came each from his own curse the day, who are skilled
place, Eli'phaz the Te'manite, to rouse up Levi'athan.
Bildad the Shuhite, and 9 Let the stars of its dawn be
Zophar the Na'amathite. They dark; let it hope for light, but
made an appointment togeth- have none, nor see the eyelids
er to come to condole with of the morning;
him and comfort him. 10 because it did not shut
12 And when they saw him the doors of my mother's
from afar, they did not recog- womb, nor hide trouble from
nize him; and they raised their my eyes.
voices and wept; and they 11 "Why did I not die at birth,
rent their robes and sprinkled come forth from the womb
dust upon their heads toward and expire?
heaven. 12 Why did the knees receive
13 And they sat with him on me? Or why the breasts, that I
the ground seven days and should suck?
seven nights, and no one 13 For then I should have lain
spoke a word to him, for they down and been quiet; I should
saw that his suffering was have slept; then I should have
very great. been at rest,
14 with kings and counselors
CHAPTER 3 of the earth who rebuilt ruins
1 After this Job opened his for themselves,
mouth and cursed the day of 15 or with princes who had
his birth. gold, who filled their houses
2 And Job said: with silver.
3 "Let the day perish wherein 16 Or why was I not as a hid-
I was born, and the night den untimely birth, as infants
which said, `A man-child is that never see the light?
conceived.' 17 There the wicked cease
4 Let that day be darkness! from troubling, and there the
May God above not seek it, weary are at rest.
nor light shine upon it. 18 There the prisoners are at
5 Let gloom and deep dark- ease together; they hear not
ness claim it. Let clouds dwell the voice of the taskmaster.
upon it; let the blackness of 19 The small and the great
the day terrify it. are there, and the slave is
6 That night — let thick dark- free from his master.
these things, and the words of and his shoots spread over his
your mouth be a great wind? garden.
3 Does God pervert justice? 17 His roots twine about the
Or does the Almighty pervert stoneheap; he lives among the
the right? rocks.
4 If your children have sinned 18 If he is destroyed from his
against him, he has delivered place, then it will deny him,
them into the power of their saying, `I have never seen
transgression. you.'
5 If you will seek God and 19 Behold, this is the joy of
make supplication to the his way; and out of the earth
Almighty, others will spring.
6 if you are pure and upright, 20 "Behold, God will not re-
surely then he will rouse him- ject a blameless man, nor take
self for you and reward you the hand of evildoers.
with a rightful habitation. 21 He will yet fill your mouth
7 And though your beginning with laughter, and your lips
was small, your latter days with shouting.
will be very great. 22 Those who hate you will
8 "For inquire, I pray you, of be clothed with shame, and
bygone ages, and consider the tent of the wicked will be
what the fathers have found; no more."
9 for we are but of yesterday,
and know nothing, for our CHAPTER 9
days on earth are a shadow. 1 Then Job answered:
10 Will they not teach you, 2 "Truly I know that it is so:
and tell you, and utter words But how can a man be just be-
out of their understanding? fore God?
11 "Can papyrus grow where 3 If one wished to contend
there is no marsh? Can reeds with him, one could not an-
flourish where there is no wa- swer him once in a thousand
ter? times.
12 While yet in flower and 4 He is wise in heart, and
not cut down, they wither be- mighty in strength — who has
fore any other plant. hardened himself against him,
13 Such are the paths of all and succeeded? —
who forget God; the hope of 5 he who removes mountains,
the godless man shall perish. and they know it not, when he
14 His confidence breaks in overturns them in his anger;
sunder, and his trust is a spi- 6 who shakes the earth out of
der's web. its place, and its pillars trem-
15 He leans against his ble;
house, but it does not stand; 7 who commands the sun,
he lays hold of it, but it does and it does not rise; who seals
not endure. up the stars;
16 He thrives before the sun, 8 who alone stretched out the
you less than your guilt de- will fail; all way of escape will
serves. be lost to them, and their
7 "Can you find out the deep hope is to breathe their last."
things of God? Can you find
out the limit of the Almighty? CHAPTER 12
8 It is higher than heaven — 1 Then Job answered:
what can you do? Deeper than 2 "No doubt you are the peo-
Sheol — what can you know? ple, and wisdom will die with
9 Its measure is longer than you.
the earth, and broader than 3 But I have understanding as
the sea. well as you; I am not inferior
10 If he passes through, and to you. Who does not know
imprisons, and calls to judg- such things as these?
ment, who can hinder him? 4 I am a laughingstock to my
11 For he knows worthless friends; I, who called upon
men; when he sees iniquity, God and he answered me, a
will he not consider it? just and blameless man, am a
12 But a stupid man will get laughingstock.
understanding, when a wild 5 In the thought of one who
ass's colt is born a man. is at ease there is contempt
13 "If you set your heart for misfortune; it is ready for
aright, you will stretch out those whose feet slip.
your hands toward him. 6 The tents of robbers are at
14 If iniquity is in your hand, peace, and those who provoke
put it far away, and let not God are secure, who bring
wickedness dwell in your their god in their hand.
tents. 7 "But ask the beasts, and
15 Surely then you will lift up they will teach you; the birds
your face without blemish; of the air, and they will tell
you will be secure, and will you;
not fear. 8 or the plants of the earth,
16 You will forget your mis- and they will teach you; and
ery; you will remember it as the fish of the sea will declare
waters that have passed away. to you.
17 And your life will be 9 Who among all these does
brighter than the noonday; its not know that the hand of the
darkness will be like the morn- LORD has done this?
ing. 10 In his hand is the life of
18 And you will have confi- every living thing and the
dence, because there is hope; breath of all mankind.
you will be protected and take 11 Does not the ear try words
your rest in safety. as the palate tastes food?
19 You will lie down, and 12 Wisdom is with the aged,
none will make you afraid; and understanding in length
many will entreat your favor. of days.
20 But the eyes of the wicked 13 "With God are wisdom and
might; he has counsel and un- this, my ear has heard and un-
derstanding. derstood it.
14 If he tears down, none can 2 What you know, I also
rebuild; if he shuts a man in, know; I am not inferior to you.
none can open. 3 But I would speak to the
15 If he withholds the waters, Almighty, and I desire to ar-
they dry up; if he sends them gue my case with God.
out, they overwhelm the land. 4 As for you, you whitewash
16 With him are strength and with lies; worthless physicians
wisdom; the deceived and the are you all.
deceiver are his. 5 Oh that you would keep
17 He leads counselors away silent, and it would be your
stripped, and judges he makes wisdom!
fools. 6 Hear now my reasoning,
18 He looses the bonds of and listen to the pleadings of
kings, and binds a waistcloth my lips.
on their loins. 7 Will you speak falsely for
19 He leads priests away God, and speak deceitfully for
stripped, and overthrows the him?
mighty. 8 Will you show partiality to-
20 He deprives of speech ward him, will you plead the
those who are trusted, and case for God?
takes away the discernment of 9 Will it be well with you
the elders. when he searches you out? Or
21 He pours contempt on can you deceive him, as one
princes, and looses the belt of deceives a man?
the strong. 10 He will surely rebuke you
22 He uncovers the deeps out if in secret you show partiali-
of darkness, and brings deep ty.
darkness to light. 11 Will not his majesty terrify
23 He makes nations great, you, and the dread of him fall
and he destroys them: he en- upon you?
larges nations, and leads 12 Your maxims are proverbs
them away. of ashes, your defenses are
24 He takes away under- defenses of clay.
standing from the chiefs of 13 "Let me have silence, and
the people of the earth, and I will speak, and let come on
makes them wander in a path- me what may.
less waste. 14 I will take my flesh in my
25 They grope in the dark teeth, and put my life in my
without light; and he makes hand.
them stagger like a drunken 15 Behold, he will slay me; I
man. have no hope; yet I will de-
fend my ways to his face.
CHAPTER 13 16 This will be my salvation,
1 "Lo, my eye has seen all that a godless man shall not
pray to him?'
CHAPTER 21 16 Behold, is not their pros-
1 Then Job answered: perity in their hand? The
2 "Listen carefully to my counsel of the wicked is far
words, and let this be your from me.
consolation. 17 "How often is it that the
3 Bear with me, and I will lamp of the wicked is put out?
speak, and after I have spo- That their calamity comes
ken, mock on. upon them? That God distrib-
4 As for me, is my complaint utes pains in his anger?
against man? Why should I not 18 That they are like straw
be impatient? before the wind, and like chaff
5 Look at me, and be ap- that the storm carries away?
palled, and lay your hand 19 You say, `God stores up
upon your mouth. their iniquity for their sons.'
6 When I think of it I am dis- Let him recompense it to
mayed, and shuddering seizes themselves, that they may
my flesh. know it.
7 Why do the wicked live, 20 Let their own eyes see
reach old age, and grow their destruction, and let them
mighty in power? drink of the wrath of the
8 Their children are estab- Almighty.
lished in their presence, and 21 For what do they care for
their offspring before their their houses after them, when
eyes. the number of their months is
9 Their houses are safe from cut off?
fear, and no rod of God is 22 Will any teach God knowl-
upon them. edge, seeing that he judges
10 Their bull breeds without those that are on high?
fail; their cow calves, and 23 One dies in full prosperity,
does not cast her calf. being wholly at ease and se-
11 They send forth their little cure,
ones like a flock, and their 24 his body full of fat and the
children dance. marrow of his bones moist.
12 They sing to the tam- 25 Another dies in bitterness
bourine and the lyre, and re- of soul, never having tasted of
joice to the sound of the pipe. good.
13 They spend their days in 26 They lie down alike in the
prosperity, and in peace they dust, and the worms cover
go down to Sheol. them.
14 They say to God, `Depart 27 "Behold, I know your
from us! We do not desire the thoughts, and your schemes
knowledge of thy ways. to wrong me.
15 What is the Almighty, that 28 For you say, `Where is the
we should serve him? And house of the prince? Where is
what profit do we get if we the tent in which the wicked
dwelt?' hungry.
29 Have you not asked those 8 The man with power pos-
who travel the roads, and do sessed the land, and the fa-
you not accept their testimony vored man dwelt in it.
30 that the wicked man is 9 You have sent widows away
spared in the day of calamity, empty, and the arms of the fa-
that he is rescued in the day therless were crushed.
of wrath? 10 Therefore snares are
31 Who declares his way to round about you, and sudden
his face, and who requites him terror overwhelms you;
for what he has done? 11 your light is darkened, so
32 When he is borne to the that you cannot see, and a
grave, watch is kept over his flood of water covers you.
tomb. 12 "Is not God high in the
33 The clods of the valley are heavens? See the highest
sweet to him; all men follow stars, how lofty they are!
after him, and those who go 13 Therefore you say, `What
before him are innumerable. does God know? Can he judge
34 How then will you comfort through the deep darkness?
me with empty nothings? 14 Thick clouds enwrap him,
There is nothing left of your so that he does not see, and
answers but falsehood." he walks on the vault of heav-
CHAPTER 22 15 Will you keep to the old
1 Then Eli'phaz the Te'manite way which wicked men have
answered: trod?
2 "Can a man be profitable to 16 They were snatched away
God? Surely he who is wise is before their time; their foun-
profitable to himself. dation was washed away.
3 Is it any pleasure to the 17 They said to God, `Depart
Almighty if you are righteous, from us,' and `What can the
or is it gain to him if you make Almighty do to us?'
your ways blameless? 18 Yet he filled their houses
4 Is it for your fear of him with good things — but the
that he reproves you, and en- counsel of the wicked is far
ters into judgment with you? from me.
5 Is not your wickedness 19 The righteous see it and
great? There is no end to your are glad; the innocent laugh
iniquities. them to scorn,
6 For you have exacted 20 saying, `Surely our adver-
pledges of your brothers for saries are cut off, and what
nothing, and stripped the they left the fire has con-
naked of their clothing. sumed.'
7 You have given no water to 21 "Agree with God, and be
the weary to drink, and you at peace; thereby good will
have withheld bread from the come to you.
the fatherless; they take the saying, `No eye will see me';
widow's ox for a pledge. and he disguises his face.
4 They thrust the poor off the 16 In the dark they dig
road; the poor of the earth all through houses; by day they
hide themselves. shut themselves up; they do
5 Behold, like wild asses in not know the light.
the desert they go forth to 17 For deep darkness is
their toil, seeking prey in the morning to all of them; for
wilderness as food for their they are friends with the ter-
children. rors of deep darkness.
6 They gather their fodder in 18 "You say, "They are swiftly
the field and they glean the carried away upon the face of
vineyard of the wicked man. the waters; their portion is
7 They lie all night naked, cursed in the land; no treader
without clothing, and have no turns toward their vineyards.
covering in the cold. 19 Drought and heat snatch
8 They are wet with the rain away the snow waters; so
of the mountains, and cling to does Sheol those who have
the rock for want of shelter. sinned.
9 (There are those who 20 The squares of the town
snatch the fatherless child forget them; their name is no
from the breast, and take in longer remembered; so
pledge the infant of the poor.) wickedness is broken like a
10 They go about naked, tree.'
without clothing; hungry, they 21 "They feed on the barren
carry the sheaves; childless woman, and do no
11 among the olive rows of good to the widow.
the wicked they make oil; they 22 Yet God prolongs the life
tread the wine presses, but of the mighty by his power;
suffer thirst. they rise up when they de-
12 From out of the city the spair of life.
dying groan, and the soul of 23 He gives them security,
the wounded cries for help; and they are supported; and
yet God pays no attention to his eyes are upon their ways.
their prayer. 24 They are exalted a little
13 "There are those who while, and then are gone; they
rebel against the light, who wither and fade like the mal-
are not acquainted with its low; they are cut off like the
ways, and do not stay in its heads of grain.
paths. 25 If it is not so, who will
14 The murderer rises in the prove me a liar, and show that
dark, that he may kill the poor there is nothing in what I
and needy; and in the night say?"
he is as a thief.
15 The eye of the adulterer CHAPTER 25
also waits for the twilight, 1 Then Bildad the Shuhite an-
the Almighty answer me!) Oh, was timid and afraid to de-
that I had the indictment writ- clare my opinion to you.
ten by my adversary! 7 I said, `Let days speak, and
36 Surely I would carry it on many years teach wisdom.'
my shoulder; I would bind it 8 But it is the spirit in a man,
on me as a crown; the breath of the Almighty,
37 I would give him an ac- that makes him understand.
count of all my steps; like a 9 It is not the old that are
prince I would approach him. wise, nor the aged that under-
38 "If my land has cried out stand what is right.
against me, and its furrows 10 Therefore I say, `Listen to
have wept together; me; let me also declare my
39 if I have eaten its yield opinion.'
without payment, and caused 11 "Behold, I waited for your
the death of its owners; words, I listened for your wise
40 let thorns grow instead of sayings, while you searched
wheat, and foul weeds instead out what to say.
of barley." The words of Job 12 I gave you my attention,
are ended. and, behold, there was none
that confuted Job, or that an-
CHAPTER 32 swered his words, among you.
1 So these three men ceased 13 Beware lest you say, `We
to answer Job, because he was have found wisdom; God may
righteous in his own eyes. vanquish him, not man.'
2 Then Eli'hu the son of 14 He has not directed his
Bar'achel the Buzite, of the words against me, and I will
family of Ram, became angry. not answer him with your
He was angry at Job because speeches.
he justified himself rather 15 "They are discomfited,
than God; they answer no more; they
3 he was angry also at Job's have not a word to say.
three friends because they 16 And shall I wait, because
had found no answer, al- they do not speak, because
though they had declared Job they stand there, and answer
to be in the wrong. no more?
4 Now Eli'hu had waited to 17 I also will give my answer;
speak to Job because they I also will declare my opinion.
were older than he. 18 For I am full of words, the
5 And when Eli'hu saw that spirit within me constrains
there was no answer in the me.
mouth of these three men, he 19 Behold, my heart is like
became angry. wine that has no vent; like
6 And Eli'hu the son of new wineskins, it is ready to
Bar'achel the Buzite an- burst.
swered: "I am young in years, 20 I must speak, that I may
and you are aged; therefore I find relief; I must open my lips
ways of a man, and he sees all say to me, and the wise man
his steps. who hears me will say:
22 There is no gloom or deep 35 `Job speaks without
darkness where evildoers may knowledge, his words are
hide themselves. without insight.'
23 For he has not appointed 36 Would that Job were tried
a time for any man to go be- to the end, because he an-
fore God in judgment. swers like wicked men.
24 He shatters the mighty 37 For he adds rebellion to
without investigation, and his sin; he claps his hands
sets others in their place. among us, and multiplies his
25 Thus, knowing their words against God."
works, he overturns them in
the night, and they are CHAPTER 35
crushed. 1 And Eli'hu said:
26 He strikes them for their 2 "Do you think this to be
wickedness in the sight of just? Do you say, `It is my
men, right before God,'
27 because they turned aside 3 that you ask, `What advan-
from following him, and had tage have I? How am I better
no regard for any of his ways, off than if I had sinned?'
28 so that they caused the 4 I will answer you and your
cry of the poor to come to friends with you.
him, and he heard the cry of 5 Look at the heavens, and
the afflicted — see; and behold the clouds,
29 When he is quiet, who can which are higher than you.
condemn? When he hides his 6 If you have sinned, what do
face, who can behold him, you accomplish against him?
whether it be a nation or a And if your transgressions are
man? — multiplied, what do you do to
30 that a godless man should him?
not reign, that he should not 7 If you are righteous, what
ensnare the people. do you give to him; or what
31 "For has any one said to does he receive from your
God, `I have borne chastise- hand?
ment; I will not offend any 8 Your wickedness concerns a
more; man like yourself, and your
32 teach me what I do not righteousness a son of man.
see; if I have done iniquity, I 9 "Because of the multitude
will do it no more'? of oppressions people cry out;
33 Will he then make requital they call for help because of
to suit you, because you re- the arm of the mighty.
ject it? For you must choose, 10 But none says, `Where is
and not I; therefore declare God my Maker, who gives
what you know. songs in the night,
34 Men of understanding will 11 who teaches us more than
with the Almighty? He who ar- loins, and his power in the
gues with God, let him answer muscles of his belly.
it." 17 He makes his tail stiff like
3 Then Job answered the a cedar; the sinews of his
LORD: thighs are knit together.
4 "Behold, I am of small ac- 18 His bones are tubes of
count; what shall I answer bronze, his limbs like bars of
thee? I lay my hand on my iron.
mouth. 19 "He is the first of the
5 I have spoken once, and I works of God; let him who
will not answer; twice, but I made him bring near his
will proceed no further." sword!
6 Then the LORD answered 20 For the mountains yield
Job out of the whirlwind: food for him where all the wild
7 "Gird up your loins like a beasts play.
man; I will question you, and 21 Under the lotus plants he
you declare to me. lies, in the covert of the reeds
8 Will you even put me in the and in the marsh.
wrong? Will you condemn me 22 For his shade the lotus
that you may be justified? trees cover him; the willows of
9 Have you an arm like God, the brook surround him.
and can you thunder with a 23 Behold, if the river is tur-
voice like his? bulent he is not frightened; he
10 "Deck yourself with is confident though Jordan
majesty and dignity; clothe rushes against his mouth.
yourself with glory and splen- 24 Can one take him with
dor. hooks, or pierce his nose with
11 Pour forth the overflow- a snare?
ings of your anger, and look
on every one that is proud, CHAPTER 41
and abase him. 1 "Can you draw out Lev-
12 Look on every one that is i'athan with a fishhook, or
proud, and bring him low; and press down his tongue with a
tread down the wicked where cord?
they stand. 2 Can you put a rope in his
13 Hide them all in the dust nose, or pierce his jaw with a
together; bind their faces in hook?
the world below. 3 Will he make many suppli-
14 Then will I also acknowl- cations to you? Will he speak
edge to you, that your own to you soft words?
right hand can give you victo- 4 Will he make a covenant
ry. with you to take him for your
15 "Behold, Be'hemoth, servant for ever?
which I made as I made you; 5 Will you play with him as
he eats grass like an ox. with a bird, or will you put him
16 Behold, his strength in his on leash for your maidens?