Jeremiah Prison Ministry Jeremiah Prison Ministry Jeremiah Prison Ministry Jeremiah Prison Ministry
Jeremiah Prison Ministry Jeremiah Prison Ministry Jeremiah Prison Ministry Jeremiah Prison Ministry
Jeremiah Prison Ministry Jeremiah Prison Ministry Jeremiah Prison Ministry Jeremiah Prison Ministry
JPM is an outreach of Martinsburg Christian Center, Martinsburg, WV Celebrated 13 years of Prison Ministry in 2012
I WAS IN PRISON AND YOU VISITED ME MATT. 25:36B We are serving Him by serving them! His mercy endures forever. Psalm 106:1 VOLUME 13, ISSUE 11
OUR MISSION & VISION Our Mission to help men in prison reach their fullest in the Lord. What we do Ministering to their spirit, soul and body, though one on one mentoring as their spiritual advisor and friend. How we began Jeremiah Prison Ministry began on November 30, 1999, which was birth out of a bond for a young man that made a wrong choice in life.. Our Vision to be able to go into the prison chapels without the inmates having to take us off their visiting list. We know with God ALL things ARE Possible! 72 men have been released in 13 years. We still are ministering to 68 inmates in 5 states.
Please make sure to use our new address when sending a donation.
Pag 2 1ee*in& you informed about the P2 Courts to "han&e the senten"in& laws for +u#enile offender ser#in& life without *arole 1ee* *rayin& it3s not o#er yetPRAYER CORNER ~Pray for Kevin, Mike, Domingo, Michael, & Richard that God blesses them financially. ~Pray for Larry, Ricky, Lewis, Corey, Bob, Greg, & Eric to receive favor for commutation and retrials. ~Pray for Jeremiah as we continue to believe for a miracle for his release. ~Pray for continued healing for Bob, Larry, & Harvey. ~Pray our granddaughter Leah she is still having migraines. Leah is 18! ~Pray for Andy our grandson, he carries a 3.96 avg. at DSU. He had surgery & is doing GREAT!. ~Pray for all our family spiritually, physically and financially. ~Pray continue to for my brother, Norman. Pray for Toms brother, John, as he is on dialysis. ~Pray for the salvation of the world. Pray for inmates and their families, our Nation, our leaders, our military and their families. ~Pray for prison reform in our nation. ~Pray for Bill our dear friend & his wife Rose for good health. ~Pray for Dotty & her husband Stan for good health. ~Pray for us for strength and wisdom in all we do, that we remain cancer free and healthy to do Gods work, for our cars to be mechanically sound. You are an Extended Hand and a vital part of this ministry. Together we are making a difference with Jesus Christ, taking life to a dark place !e go "ecause you send us. Thank You so much
'ou ha#e a )od4&i#en *ur*ose and assi&nment on this earth 'ou are not an a""ident 'our life has a *ur*ose Sto* fo"usin& on your weaknesses and "om*arin& yourself to others .hate#er )od has "alled you to do% )od wants you to su""eed at it 'ou are s*e"ial 'ou are a winner 'ou are in"redible )od lo#es you ri&ht where you are% your *ast and all $e"ei#in& 5is lo#e is the first ste* 'ou will ne#er e6*erien"e a hi&h le#el of su""ess if you are "onstantly down on yourself .hen you "onstantly re+e"t who you are you limit your ability to su""eed 'ou will find yourself shunnin& other *eo*le 'ou will shy away from takin& risks 'ou will ha#e fear of re+e"tion or failure 'ou will make e6"uses 7etermine you are &oin& to see yourself the way )od sees you .hen you s*end time in the .ord of )od you will (e"ome what the .ord says you are (e transformed into )od3s ima&e (e "han&ed )od made you 5e "an use 'our *ersonality 'our style 'our looks 'our &ifts
#he /i$le says you are8 *n over9comer. ) ohn .8: * royal priesthood. ) Peter '8; #he head and not the tail. 4euteronomy '<8)= * "oint9heir with Christ. >omans <8)? @od is a Master at ma3ing champions out of no$odies. Stay focused on what @od says a$out you. %tAs time that you are Free #o /e BourselfC
Free To Be Yourself
Satan says! +Bou0re not worthy.+ esus says! +So whatD % *M.+ Satan loo3s $ac3 and sees our mista3es. @od loo3s $ac3 and sees the cross. 1e doesn0t calculate what you did in the past. %t0s not even on the record. Sure! there are lots of reasons why @od shouldn0t have called us. /ut if we are magically in love with 1im! if we hunger for 1im more than our ne&t $reath! 1e0ll use us in spite of who we are! where we0ve $een! or what we loo3 li3eC /ut $e transformed $y the renewing of your mind. >omans )'8'$