This document provides an overview and schedule for a Level 1 Infrared Thermography Training course. The 32-hour course is designed to provide students with fundamental knowledge in infrared theory, thermography applications, and hands-on experience using infrared cameras. The training employs lectures, demonstrations, lab experiments, and assessments to teach qualitative thermography techniques and how to properly capture and interpret thermal images. Upon completion, students will be prepared to make basic infrared measurements and diagnoses.
This document provides an overview and schedule for a Level 1 Infrared Thermography Training course. The 32-hour course is designed to provide students with fundamental knowledge in infrared theory, thermography applications, and hands-on experience using infrared cameras. The training employs lectures, demonstrations, lab experiments, and assessments to teach qualitative thermography techniques and how to properly capture and interpret thermal images. Upon completion, students will be prepared to make basic infrared measurements and diagnoses.
This document provides an overview and schedule for a Level 1 Infrared Thermography Training course. The 32-hour course is designed to provide students with fundamental knowledge in infrared theory, thermography applications, and hands-on experience using infrared cameras. The training employs lectures, demonstrations, lab experiments, and assessments to teach qualitative thermography techniques and how to properly capture and interpret thermal images. Upon completion, students will be prepared to make basic infrared measurements and diagnoses.
This document provides an overview and schedule for a Level 1 Infrared Thermography Training course. The 32-hour course is designed to provide students with fundamental knowledge in infrared theory, thermography applications, and hands-on experience using infrared cameras. The training employs lectures, demonstrations, lab experiments, and assessments to teach qualitative thermography techniques and how to properly capture and interpret thermal images. Upon completion, students will be prepared to make basic infrared measurements and diagnoses.
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Leve| I Infrared 1hermography 1ra|n|ng
Genera| 1hermography App||cat|ons
lnfrared Lhermal lmaglng provldes a means for percelvlng Lhe physlcal world ln useful ways across a wlde range of appllcaLlons. And Level l Lralnlng provldes Lhe fundamenLal lnformaLlon and classroom experlence necessary Lo prepare Lhe sLudenL for applylng lnfrared Lhermography ln Lhelr work and Lo Lhelr appllcaLlons. A key concepL LaughL ln Lhe class ls how Lo 1hlnk 1hermally so LhaL sLudenLs can undersLand and explaln why a Lhermal lmage appears as lL does. ln supporL of developlng Lhese foundaLlonal skllls, Lhls 32 hour Lralnlng course employs a comblnaLlon of lecLures, demonsLraLlons, and hands-on lab experlmenLs, as well as qulzzes and revlews Lo LesL undersLandlng. 1he Lralnlng concludes wlLh an overall course revlew and examlnaLlons. lncludes Lhe Snell CerLlflcaLlon SLandard. ln Level l Lralnlng, one of Lhe alms ls Lo prepare Lhe sLudenL Lo be successful wlLh maklng measuremenLs and Lo help Lhem undersLand Lhe capablllLles and llmlLaLlons of Lhelr lnfrared Lhermography Lools and knowledge. 1he course covers baslc heaL Lransfer Lheory and Lhe Lheory and appllcaLlons of lnfrared Lhermography lncludlng: bulldlng envelope and roofs, condlLlon monlLorlng of elecLrlcal and mechanlcal equlpmenL, and non-desLrucLlve LesLlng of maLerlals. SLudenLs are challenged dally wlLh hands on demonsLraLlons, experlmenLs and lnspecLlon slLuaLlons slmllar Lo Lhose Lhey wlll experlence ln Lhelr work. 1hls class emphaslzes quallLaLlve Lhermography Lechnlques and how Lo collecL daLa followlng proven and publlshed lnspecLlon procedures. upon compleLlon, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo capLure clear Lhermograms and make baslc lnferences and dlagnosls.
1hls course fully meeLs Lhe educaLlonal requlremenLs for cerLlflcaLlon accordlng Lo Lhe publlshed recommendaLlons of ASn1. 1he course ls also approved for ConLlnulng LducaLlon CredlLs, unlLs, or Pours by: ASPl, lnLernACPl, 8l, nL1A, and Lhe SLaLe of Wlsconsln (!ourneyman LlecLrlclan, MasLer LlecLrlclan, and 8oller-ressure vessel lnspecLor CerLlflcaLlons.
1he course ls open Lo everyone regardless of wheLher or noL Lhey own a Lhermal lmager. ALLendees LhaL do have equlpmenL are encouraged Lo brlng Lhelr Lhermal lmagers and lapLop Cs as Lhere are a number of hands- on learnlng opporLunlLles avallable durlng Lhe week. noLe: lox 8lver SysLems offers CperaLlonal 8eadlness 1ralnlng for lluke Lhermal lmager users Lhe mornlng of Lhe flrsL day of Lhls Level l class. lnLeresLed sLudenLs should selecL Lhls opLlon durlng Lhe reglsLraLlon process. lease refer Lo Lhe CperaLlonal 8eadlness 1ralnlng ouLllne (publlcaLlon C81-SLM) for addlLlonal deLalls.
Leve| 1 Infrared 1hermography 1ra|n|ng ] Genera| 1hermograph|c App||cat|ons art Cne (4 hours): lnLroducLlons and course overvlew keynoLe presenLaLlon: 1hlnklng 1hermally`" lnLroducLlon Lo uslng Lhermal lmagers Pands-on equlpmenL use: 8aslc camera ad[usLmenL skllls PeaL Lransfer, Lhermal capaclLance, sLaLe change, radlaLlon Lheory uslng Lhe lmage equlpmenL, hands-on lnsLrucLlon and pracLlce
art 1wo (8 hours): Pands-on equlpmenL use: 8aslc camera ad[usLmenL skllls 8evlew & qulz Pands-on equlpmenL use / lnsLrucLlon and pracLlce 8adlaLlon Lheory / sLaLe change 8aslcs of radlomeLrlc LemperaLure measuremenL Cvervlew of sLandards and pracLlces Pands-on equlpmenL use / lnsLrucLlon and pracLlce
art 1hree (8 hours): Pands-on equlpmenL use: 8aslc camera ad[usLmenL skllls 8evlew & qulz 8ulldlng lnspecLlon ! 8ulldlng Lnvelope AppllcaLlons ! ConducLlon ! Alr Leakage CondlLlons for lnspecLlons Pands-on equlpmenL use: reflnlng camera ad[usLmenL skllls L|ectr|ca| d|str|but|on systems |nspect|on ! ConducLlng lnspecLlons safely ! aLLerns and causes ! CondlLlons for successful lnspecLlon ! Lxamples of equlpmenL Lo be lnspecLed Pands-on equlpmenL use / lnsLrucLlon and pracLlce art Iour (8 hours): 8evlew Pands-on equlpmenL use: reflnlng dlagnosLlc skllls Mechan|ca| systems |nspect|on ! MoLors & roLaLlng equlpmenL ! lluld flow, underground plplng, and sLeam Lraps ! 8efracLory lnsulaLlon koof |nspect|ons ! ConducLlng lnspecLlons safely ! aLLerns and causes ! CondlLlons for successful lnspecLlon ! Aerlal work Cverv|ew of Non-destruct|ve test|ng (ND1) of compos|te mater|a|s
art I|ve (4 hours) keports, routes, and pr|or|t|z|ng f|nd|ngs Course wrap-up and rev|ew Course exam|nat|ons
CLk1IIICA1ICN: SLudenLs are only requlred Lo Lake Lhe general exam Lo successfully Lhe course. AddlLlonally, sLudenLs wlll have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo Lake a Lhree-parL cerLlflcaLlon examlnaLlon conslsLlng of Lwo wrlLLen porLlons and a pracLlcal where you musL show proflclency wlLh your lnfrared camera. 1he 40 quesLlon general exam wlll evaluaLe your general knowledge ln lnfrared Lheory and malnsLream appllcaLlons. 1he speclflc exam wlll be based on accepLed AZS1M, lSC, nlA, nL1A, lLLL, CSPA, L8l, and 8lnu1 meLhodologles. 1he pracLlcal exam wlll allow you Lo prove you have Lhe skllls necessary Lo perform LesLlng ln Lhe fleld.
ln Lhe absence of havlng wrlLLen procedures, each sLudenL wlll be glven a summary of Lhe appllcable sLandard LhaL applles Lo your work. ?ou wlll also leave wlLh a copy of a WrlLLen racLlce, a suggesLed guldellne on how Lo organlze and manage a cerLlflcaLlon program for your company. lL ls a sLralghLforward documenL and process Lo seL up a program, buL lL has crlLlcal lmporLance ln descrlblng Lhe educaLlonal experlence and LesLlng requlremenLs for cerLlflcaLlon for your organlzaLlon. As parL of Lhe course fee, we wlll help you puL a meanlngful and effecLlve wrlLLen pracLlce ln place.
MCN 1UL WLD 1nU IkI 8am
12pm Cpt|ona| C|ass: CperaLlonal 8eadlness 1ralnlng for lluke 1hermal lmagers