12-The Inner Dimensions of Cosmic Rebirth

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The Inner Dimensions

of Cosmic Rebirth;
The ecology of choice and
transformation in a rapidly changing

Joseph R. Giove, USA.
The Rebirth Celebration, May 9th through 11th
2009, will be a global collaborative of people who
share compassion as a common passion. We will
unite our collective wisdom and power to
welcome a new cosmic birth, indicated by this
key period revealed in the Mayan Calendar. In
2004, we co-created the Harmonic Concordance.
In 2007 we honored and celebrated the Divine
Feminine in us and the world at the Mid-Point of
the Fifth Day through the Breakthrough
Joseph Giove is a technologist, biomedical Celebration. Last year on the Summer Solstice
we invited the Sacred Union of the Divine
engineer and clinical hypnotist whose passion is Feminine and Masculine within us in the
the practical application of consciousness Gathering of One, the Global Eden event. Now
research at both individual and collective levels. we are honored to celebrate the birth of
He has created and orchestrated hundreds of something new and unimagined in years past.
global meditations through InfinityAffinity.org, We celebrate the Rebirth of the Divine Plan in
which he founded in 1998. Mr. Giove's creation and in us. Please join us by going to
professional experience spans many technology www.CommonPassion.org and learning more.
areas, from software development to aerospace
and biomedicine. Mr. Giove is a public speaker, The primary focus of current affairs seems
corporate trainer and mind-body wellness to be the global economic meltdown and
expert (www.IntendBalance.com). His favorite global warming, two very apt metaphors for
topics: Embracing Change: Being Nimble in our time. These also have correspondences
Hyper-Time; Winning with Your Team; The in our personal lives: lost jobs and homes,
High-Performance Mind; and Thriving under large-scale failure of systems we've relied on
Stress. for modern conveniences and our
livelihood, diminishing future prospects for
economic growth, fear of biospheric
collapse, and a general malaise with the
state of the world.

Yet, as Carl discusses above, forward

movement now in evolution is in the realm
of consciousness; it is our consciousness that is evolving, as well as the consciousness of
all life. In view of this, we are served also by looking at the inner dimensions of these outer
changes. Here we may find not only solace and a place of spiritual grounding, but also solid
footing on the path moving us consciously and gracefully through these exciting times,
which are pregnant with possibilities and opportunities.

The current warming of the planet and the melting of the economy are clear results of the
consciousness that informed the human activity that led to these conditions: 1) In terms of
global warming, consciousness that is disconnected from and dispassionate to its impact on
the environment; 2) In terms of the economy, a consciousness disconnected from and
disempowered of its own value in relationship to its environment. So while on the surface
these may seem like unrelated phenomenon, the reality is a deep relatedness that has holistic
implications especially relevant for the times. Fortunately however, as Carl points out,
"consciousness" is changing and evolving; it is being directed by cosmic forces embedded
deep in the central Intelligence of the universe, which some may call God, G-d, Allah,
Brahman, Universal Intelligence, Great Spirit or Hunab-Ku. This Intelligence is
holographically nested in each of us. It is now calling us to rely on "It" and consciously co-
operate with evolution.

We can look out through It…and to It, and become awed, gracious and humbled by Beauty,
Truth, Grace, Harmony, Abundance, Divine Balance and Love. Or we can obscure It by
focusing on the distorted creations and lesser manifestations of humankind, which resulted
from a fragmented, separatist, greedy, self-absorbed consciousness. Fortunately, our
consciousness is evolving holistically by the Grace of G-d – by these cosmic emanations – and
we do not have to contemplate a future that is a mere extrapolation from the past. In fact, one of the
more profound insights from the genius and insight of the Mayans is this: the energies that
give rise to our manifested world change along a divine plan with which we can consciously
align, and that by doing so, we move into greater perfection with the divine plan. In other
words, the world that was is not what informs a new world. What informs a new world and
our new lives are powerful forces continually emanating from the inter-dimensional,
creative core and Intelligence of the universe. The Big Bang should no longer be perceived as
solely a historic event; rather, it is also the ultimate present moment, THE Holy Moment:
the perpetual bringing forth of new Light from the Creative Heart and Mind of the living
universe. By creating resonance with that Heart-Mind, we cooperate and thus quicken the
cosmic plan of creation. This will be the core shared intention of the Rebirth Celebration
Concordance: I AM resonating with the Creative Heart-Mind of the Living Universe. I AM the
Creative Heart-Mind of the Living Universe.

Inhale while looking up through the brow: I AM resonating with the Creative Heart-Mind of the
Living Universe.

Exhale and smile: I AM the Creative Heart-Mind of the Living Universe.

Those who focus on what's falling away, melting, dissolving – on what is no longer
supported by new evolutionary energies – may become despondent, fearful, scarce in their
thinking, jealous of opportunities, possessive of their resources, and mindless to the
consequences of their actions on others and on the environment. This is the very behavior
that is no longer supported by the underlying evolutionary impulses. Any system of a
personal, social, economic, political, educational,
114 commercial or medical nature that was
based on features of scarcity, separatism, greed, domination, control, imbalance, force,
conflict, etc. have lost their energetic foundation and are dissolving back into the void as we
speak. Amen and, respectfully, good riddance.

What is emerging now…what is being supported by the new evolutionary energies are
people creating systems based on collaboration, harmony, the implicit abundance of nature,
egalitarian awareness, the explicit and indelible nature of interrelatedness, interdependency
and interconnection. We may look around us with innocent eyes and joyously behold:
• a massive proliferation of social networking that has infiltrated all aspects of society
and commerce;
• technology enabling collaboration that crosses geopolitical, economic and ideological
• a massive "greening" movement that is increasing awareness of our impact on the
environment, with inspiring and creative programs being developed around the world
to restore our balance with nature;
• free and sustainable sources of energy that are slowly making their way into the
common awareness;
• new partnerships forming between long-time competitors;
• software being developed "free" by global communities of programmers in "open
source" models;
• ideas being shared and new economic models proliferating in communities around the
world, giving rise to alternative forms of currencies and exchange of value between
individuals without requiring a central bank or government to control…or to demand
a toll from each of us for the pleasure of their exploitation;
• humanity collectively solving stubborn problems like hunger, poverty and contagious
diseases without waiting for governments or other political systems.

These holistic, collaborative, more balanced, more ecologically aligned creations are
themselves an out-picturing of the new human consciousness informing these worldly
innovations. However, being focused on the dissolution of old systems may blind us to these
new emergent properties and to the magical nature of our times. This blindedness will
inevitably disempower us and prohibit our eyes-wide-open involvement. It will stop us from
asking pertinent questions, the answers of which will ignite our own personal fulfillment
and purpose now. Questions like: What are the characteristics of this new evolutionary wave
that is impinging on my inner nature? What is the deeper meaning of global warming,
economics, increasing novelty and accelerating time from an interior, self-reflective point of
view…the "inner ecology" of personal transformation? How can I best serve this unfoldment
for my personal and community welfare? How can I quicken my own alignment with these
new and exciting transformational energies being released upon the planet now?

What was once viewed as paradoxical or oxymoronic can now make sense and be seen or
felt in the higher light of multidimensional awareness. Now is the time we've been waiting
for. It's not in 2012 or some other imaginary date in the future. It's about now; it is now.

This is what the Rebirth Celebration is about on May 9, 10 and 11 of 2009. Leading up to this
grand celebration and the global meditation/prayer/concordance is a dialogue occurring in
the www.CommonPassion.org discussion forum. 115 Here we access the collective wisdom,
creativity and genius to answer the above questions, and this one: ¨What is being birthed?!"
Ultimately the answers are in the living of our lives, which we do consciously, intentionally
and collectively together as we navigate this magnificent shift of the ages.

When Saturn in transit sees the 8H from Sun or the planets therein
or sometimes the lord of the 8th house from Sun, then death or
troubles to the native’s father is denoted.

When Saturn in transit sees the 8H from Moon or the planets

therein or sometimes the lord of the 8th house from Moon, then death
or troubles to the native’s mother is denoted.

When Jupiter in his first round of transit touches Dragons Tail that
is the year of danger for the individual


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