TimothyKovacsResume FullTimeUpdated
TimothyKovacsResume FullTimeUpdated
TimothyKovacsResume FullTimeUpdated
Current Address 500 E. College Ave Apt #407 +tate College& ,A *6)0* [email protected] Cell: 609-575-7943 Permanent Address 5 Am Co!"t $o%%insville& '( 0)69*
-o o%tain a .!ll-time position in in/!st"ial enginee"ing o" "elate/ .iel/ in o" a.te" 0a 20*4.
En*ineerin* Intern
May ! "ugust 2012 +a%"e + stems 4nc.6 0anas<!an& '( $evie9e/ ove" *&000 enginee"ing pa"t an/ assem%l /"a9ings .o" >+ 'av Ai"c"a.t Aa!nc: an/ $ecove" E<!ipment CAA$ED .o" acc!"ac . Assiste/ in t:e /evelopment o. an optimi8ation tool .o" >+ 0a"ine Co"ps E?pe/itiona" Ai".iel/ CEAED e..o"ts. 2ene"ate/ an/ implemente/ m!ltiple Access /ata%ases to t"ack pa"t s:ipments ."om enginee"ing companies to t:ei" "espective %!il/ sites. C"eate/ n!me"o!s E?cel "epo"ts /oc!menting speci.ic aspects o. enginee"ing /"a9ings t:at nee/e/ c:anges p"io" to p"o/!ction. Fas g"ante/ a >+ 2ove"nment sec!"it clea"ance in o"/e" to "evie9 con.i/ential mate"ials /!"ing emplo ment.
+em,er& 4nstit!te o. 4n/!st"ial Enginee"s C44ED& ,enn +tate C:apte" o 44E ,enn +tate 7ance 0a"at:on C-GH'D +em,er& +ociet o. 0an!.act!"ing Enginee"s C+0ED +em,er& +A, +t!/ent 4nte"est 2"o!p +em,er& ,o9e" o. ,ink CI"east Cance" A9a"enessD Cl!%
Jno9le/gea%le a%o!t +i? +igma& Aean 0an!.act!"ing& 70A4C& Faste $e/!ction& 5+& $oot Ca!se Anal ses& +tatistical K!alit 3,"ocess Cont"ol& an/ Enginee"ing Economic Anal ses
A!toCA7& +oli/Fo"ks& A!to/esk 4nvento"& 0A-AAI& 0inita%& +A, E$, so.t9a"e& an/ 0+ H..ice +!ite CAccess& =isio& Fo"/& ,o9e",oint& E?celD