Death in Luxor
Death in Luxor
Death in Luxor
The Spine
The adventure is designed as free-form investigation, so most scenes offer at least several leads. I attempted to single out some of them as core clues and to construct a spine, but do not force the order of the scenes, and let the players do the investigations themselves. There is more than one way of discovering the horrible truth.
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slumbering beneath Luxor is enough to lose 2 points of Stability. One additional point reveals that in addition to imprisoning his dark army beneath Luxor, Ramesses the Third also bound a god worshipped by the sea people, and the consequences of the binding. This spend also reveals importance of frankincense and carob wood. Realization that there is not only an army of Deep Ones, but also a creature that was once worshipped as god imprisoned somewhere not far from Luxor is enough to warrant loss of 3 points of Stability and 1 point of Sanity.
sorry officer, my assistant is prone to flights of fancy, Im sure you can understand.) Stealth against difficulty 6 is required to sneak past the police unnoticed, or against difficulty 4 to hide on the plane and wait till the police go away.
Mysterious Note
As the plane lands, rolling Sense Trouble against difficulty 8 (dont tell the players the difficulty) will allow character to notice that one of policeman hides a note in his pocket. During the police inspection, Filch against difficulty 6 allows the character to steal the note. Accounting to identify the type of pen used to write the note and compare handwriting.
Investigations in Luxor
(page 4)
Should the police go after investigators, they are permitted a Sense Trouble roll to notice that something is amiss. Use these characteristics for all encounters with Luxor police.
Six Policemen
Attributes: Athletics 3, Firearms 4, Health 7, Scuffling 5, Weapons 4. Hit Threshold: 3 Weapon: -1 (Billy club), +1 (PO8 Luger)
Dreams in Luxor
(page 5)
Each night when the investigators go to sleep, have them make a 1-pont Stability check. Those who have fail, see a dream from the table on page 5.
Forensics, Medicine: Professor died from broken neck, all signs consistent with suicide. Evidence Collection locates broken glasses, blooded knife, and a vial of myrrh and that professors forehead is anointed with it. Archaeology identifies the stone block as keystone of sorts, and allows deciphering the symbols.
The easiest way to pass the police inspection is good role-playing. If investigators dont act suspiciously, their stories check out and they do not try to bring anything illegal into the country, then the police doesnt have a pretext to deport them. If however the trouble arises, the investigators can attempt the following: 1-point spend of Bargain, Cop Talk, Credit Rating, Flattery or Reassurance gets one character off the hook. The spending character does not have to be the one in trouble (Oh, Im
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Evidence Collection locates Jamisons expedition log. Evidence Collection 1-point spend to find the box with myrrh and wands.
Forensic to estimate time of death. Evidence Collection (core clue) to locate the letter from Rose Bollacher. Accounting to identify the handwriting.
When the investigators enter the room, the butler starts shooting at them. He empties his .38 revolver at two shots per round, hitting closest investigator on a roll of 5 or 6 (only on 6 if all investigators take cover) and doing +1 damage. After three rounds of shooting he will dive out of the window, and start running. For the purpose of the chase, the Butler has Athletics 6 and Scuffling 4. If subdued, Hypnosis against difficulty of 5 will get him to speak. The butler speaks only Egyptian (this is a good moment to allocate one of those Language points).
Evidence Collection 1-point spend to find the paper with safehouse location.
Cthulhu Mythos will confirm that the drawings are the real deal. This realisation triggers a 4point Stability (which is a Mythos shock, and is made against difficulty 5).
Wrapping Up Scene 1
(page 13)
Forensic to estimate time and cause of death. Occult to identify the pattern of fingers. Cryptography to decipher the writing.
Getting out of the building without attracting unwanted attention might require Stealth tests, but given the fact that it is a dark and stormy night, difficulty should be no more than 2 or 3.
In the terms of clues, this scene offers most of what is present in Scene 1a, except that all dead bodies and surviving servants are not present. The butler is also absent, being shot by the police during the initial search. Two policemen are stationed at the scene of crime. Getting past them requires Bargain, Cop Talk or Credit Rating. Another option is sneaking in, rolling Stealth against difficulty 3.
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Disguise against difficulty 4 is required if investigators want to blend in. If the barroom brawl breaks out, the seven bar patrons have Athletics 4, Scuffling 6 and Health 5. They fight using either fists (-2 damage) or broken bottles (-1 damage).
Cthulhu Mythos, Occult or Anthropology shows that the workers are simply enjoying the storm, and not conducting a ritual.
Seven Cultists
Abilities: Athletics 6, Scuffling 4, Health 6, Weapons 5. Weapon: -1 (Knife)
Core Clue: Rose Bollacher should convey either location of the dig or importance of the Old Persian to the investigators. Cthulhu Mythos will identity the statue. Access Honestly will tell when Rose is lying, though not why. Reassurance 1-poinr spend is required to get the statue from her.
Three Cultists
Abilities: Athletics 6, Scuffling 4, Health 6, Weapons 5. Hit Threshold: 3 Stealth Modifier: -1 Weapon: -1 (Knife)
The barkeeper can offer a wealth of information, but needs to be compensated accordingly $5 for investigator with at least one point in Bargain (no test or spend is necessary), or $10 for investigator without ability.
Core Clue: The Old Persian will offer to show investigators the new crypt. Madam Carlisle, Jack Saul and the Old Persian are mostly impervious to Access Honesty. Evidence Collection (if investigators search the tent) discovers a small locked wooden chest. Locksmith 1-point spend opens it. Contents of the chest includes a map showing location of the crypt discovered by Bollacher, a map showing location of the Prison of the Star Spawn, oil of myrrh and frankincense. Occult will warn about the curse, and 1-point spend is needed to conduct a cleansing ritual. The Curse: cursed investigator suffers -1 to all rolls and in addition looses one Stability point per day due to overwhelming feeling of approaching doom. If investigator is reduced to -12 Stability, he or she attempts to commit suicide. Psychoanalysis roll against difficulty 4 that would restore at least 4 Stability points will remove effects of the curse. Otherwise, the curse automatically ends at the end of the adventure.
This area describes approach to the dig. No action takes place here.
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Core clue: examination of any of the sarcophagi will give hints to location of the Prison of the Star Spawn.
If investigators are trying to open the crypt by themselves, they need to roll Athletics again difficulty 15. Archeology allows translation of the hieroglyphics on the stone. Danger Sense against difficulty 3 sometime during this scene should warn the investigators that something is wrong, but of course it should be too late to escape.
Wrapping up Scene 4
(page 26)
Five Cultists
Abilities: Athletics 6, Scuffling 4, Health 6, Weapons 5. Hit Threshold: 3 Stealth Modifier: -1 (in case of ambush) Weapon: -1 (Knife)
Any use of Explosives (no actual check required, except maybe to see if any of investigators got hurt) will collapse part of the tomb. Climbing out requires rolling Athletics against difficulty 4. Falling investigators receive d6-1 damage. Athletics against difficulty 5 is required to escape through the storm sewers.
Any character with points in Outdoorsman ability will notice footprints on the floor.
The map in this area shows the location of the Prison of the Star Spawn.
In this area investigators can replace the keystone to stop the flow of water.
Archaeology or Architecture will show that the crypt is on the verge of collapse. Danger Sense against difficulty 4 to avoid being surprised by Deep Ones. Athletics test against difficulty 5 is required to open any of sarcophagi. Archaeology and Cthulhu Mythos are required to translate the hieroglyphics (the character must have at least one point in both skills).
Sneaking up on the guards requires Stealth against difficulty 4. Breaking down the door requires rolling Athletics against difficulty 6. Cthulhu Mythos 1-point spend will warn the investigators about a shoggoth lurking in the sewers.
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(page 30)
Locksmith or Mechanical Repair against difficulty 3 to open the chest. The chest contains documents from Chicago House (Library Use identifies them), map to the Prison of the Star-Spawn, four vials with oil of myrrh), four spikes of carob wood, a box of frankincense, and an iron censer.
If investigators are escaping through the roof, climbing down requires Athletics against difficulty 5 (or against difficulty 2 if they have a rope). Falling from the roof onto the street causes 5 points of damage, while falling into a trash heap causes only 2 points.
Jack Saul
Attributes: Athletics 4, Firearms 5, Health 6, Scuffling 4. Hit Threshold: 3 Stealth Modifier: +1 Weapon: +1 (9mm pistol)
Lesser Shoggoth
Abilities: Athletics 11, Health 30, Scuffling 20. Hit Threshold: 3 (large) Alertness Modifier: +2 Stealth Modifier: -1 Weapon: +5 (pseudopod), +2 (snare, see corebook page 150) Armour: fire and electricity do only half damage; all physical weapons do only 1 point of damage; regenerates 2 Health each round until dead. Stability Loss: +3
Except for the sawed-off shotgun (damage +2) and ammunition, there is nothingz interesting here.
Access Honesty shown that Madam Carlisle doesnt reveal everything she knows (though it hardly would come as surprise to investigators) and possibly gives some hints to pressure points that would make her reveal that knowledge. Good role-playing or spending 1 point of Flattery is required for Madam Carlisle to reveal each bit of hidden agenda.
Madam Carlisle
Attributes: Athletics 3, Firearms 4, Health 5, Scuffling 4. Hit Threshold: 3 Stealth Modifier: +1 Weapon: +0 (.25 derringer)
Mechanical Repair can be used to start a car, should investigators choose to hijack one. Seeing the carnage causes 4-point Stability test. Examining the bodies finds a sole survivor. First Aid test against difficulty 5 helps the survivor live long enough to utter his last words. Evidence collection locates a case with myrrh oil, a packet of frankincense, and a pair of sharpened carob wood stakes inscribed with runes. Occult or Cthulhu Mythos indicates the runes as spell of binding.
Danger Sense against difficulty 3 to notice that investigators are being followed.
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Investigators without any mouth protection lose one point of Health or Athletics (their choice) for each 10 minutes they spend in the tomb. Cthulhu Mythos or Archaeology to read the inscription on the dais. Occult to recognise runes as foundation of Enochian magic. Cthulhu Mythos or Occult 1-pont spend to translate the inscription on the mosaic.
The Oil of Myrrh will repel Deep Ones. It takes d6 rounds from the moment of application to become effective. The Smoke of Frankincense makes Star Spawn attack at random (see below). The Stakes of Carob Wood cause terrible wounds on the Star Spawn (see below). To attack the body directly, an investigator first must make a 5-point Stability test to overcome terror and approach the pit. Any attack then is successful automatically, due to enormous size of the thing.
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The investigator than rolls Athletics against difficulty 4, with each tentacle adding +1 to the difficulty. E.g. investigator grabbed by four tentacles will have to beat difficulty 8, while investigator grabbed only by one tentacle will only have beat difficulty 5. If both the Star-Spawn and the investigator succeed or fail their rolls, the struggle continues. If StarSpawn wins and investigator loses, investigator in drawn into the pit. If Star-Spawn looses and investigator wins, the investigator manages to break free from the tentacle. Inflicting 10 or more points of damage on a tentacle makes it release grabbed investigator. Investigator can forfeit his or hers Athletics roll to make a single attack against the tentacle, but if it does not inflicts enough damage to release him or her, the unfortunate soul is drawn into the pit.
All products and trademarks mentioned here are the properties of their respective owners. Trail of Cthulhu is 2008, Pelgrane Press Ltd. Call of Cthulhu is 1981, Chaosium, Inc. Death in Luxor is 2007, Goodman Games. Death in Luxor is written by Harley Stroh. This conversion is written by Arseny Kuznetsov.
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Deep Ones
Abilities (on land/in water): Athletics 8/12, Health 9, Scuffling 8/12, Weapons 6/4 Hit Threshold: 4/5 Alertness Modifier: +0/+1 Stealth Modifier: +0/+1 Weapon: +1 (claw), Armour: -1 vs any (scales and skin) Stability Loss: +0
Madam Carlisle
Attributes: Athletics 3, Firearms 4, Health 5, Scuffling 4. Hit Threshold: 3 Stealth Modifier: +1 Weapon: +0 (.25 derringer)
Lesser Shoggoth
Abilities: Athletics 11, Health 30, Scuffling 20. Hit Threshold: 3 (large) Alertness Modifier: +2 Stealth Modifier: -1 Weapon: +5 (pseudopod), +2 (snare, see corebook page 150) Armor: fire and electricity do only half damage; all physical weapons do only 1 point of damage; regenerates 2 Health each round until dead. Stability Loss: +3
Jack Saul
Attributes: Athletics 4, Firearms 5, Health 6, Scuffling 4. Hit Threshold: 3 Stealth Modifier: +1 Weapon: +1 (9mm pistol)
Attributes: Athletics 3, Firearms 4, Health 7, Scuffling 5, Weapons 4. Hit Threshold: 3 Weapon: -1 (Billy club), +1 (PO8 Luger)
Abilities: Athletics 6, Scuffling 4, Health 6, Weapons 5. Hit Threshold: 3 Stealth Modifier: -1 Weapon: -1 (Knife)
Dig Workers
Abilities: Athletics 7, Scuffling 4, Health 6. Weapon: -2 (Bare hands)
Theosophist Devotees
Attributes: Athletics 4, Firearms 4, Health 5, Scuffling 3, Weapons 4. Hit Threshold: 3 Weapon: +1 (double-barrelled shotgun, see special shotgun rules on page 61 of Trail of Cthulhu corebook), -1 (Daggers)
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Archaeologist 9 6 10 1 4 2
Private Invest. 11 7 7 1
Parapsychologist 7 7 9 2
Military 9 7 11
Criminal 6 7 6
1 4 1
1 2
2 4 1 4 1 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 1 2 2 4 6 3 4 2 2 4
2 1
4 1
1 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2
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0 4 8 12 1 5 9 13 2 6 10 14 3 7 11 15
Drive: Occupation: Archaeologist Occupational Benefit: using appropriate abilities can grant you access to rare artefacts, museum storage, restricted collections, etc. Pillars of Sanity:
-12 -11 -10 -8 -7 -6 -4 -3 -2 0 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 -9 -5 -1 3 7 11 15
Build Points:
-12 -11 -10 -8 -7 -6 -4 -3 -2 0 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 -9 -5 -1 3 7 11 15
General Abilities
Athletics Conceal Disguise Driving Electrical Repair Explosives Filch Firearms First Aid Fleeing Health Hypnosis Mechanical Repair Piloting Preparedness Psychoanalysis Riding Sanity Stability Scuffling Sense Trouble Shadowing Stealth Weapons 5
Sources of Stability:
1 4
4 4 9
Technical Abilities
1 Art Astronomy Chemistry Craft Evidence Collection Forensics Locksmith Outdoorsman Pharmacy Photography
4 1 6 11 6 4
You knew Professor Bollacher from your undergrad days, when he was one of the radical research professors at the University of Chicago. You struck it off from your first meeting your passion for Archaeology and thorough investigation matched against his passion for all things Occult. Youve sparred, academically, over the years, even grudgingly conceding the point that his paper on the Lost Linguistics of the Proto-Atlantean Sea People was theoretically possible though complete balderdash. You have your own theory: Science is the bedrock of progress, and if the human race is ever to lift itself from the morass of superstition and myth, it will be through the judicious application of the scientific method. When Bollacher invited you to Luxor you agreed for two reasons: First, because it was an archaeologists opportunity of a lifetime, and second, because if anyone was going to keep the good doctor on his toes, it was going to have to be you.
0 4 8 12 1 5 9 13 2 6 10 14 3 7 11 15
Drive: Occupation: Private Investigator Occupational Benefit: can spend points of Disguise and Shadowing after the roll, 2 points sped improve result of the roll by 1. Pillars of Sanity:
-12 -11 -10 -8 -7 -6 -4 -3 -2 0 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 -9 -5 -1 3 7 11 15
Build Points:
-12 -11 -10 -8 -7 -6 -4 -3 -2 0 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 -9 -5 -1 3 7 11 15
General Abilities
Athletics Conceal Disguise Driving Electrical Repair Explosives Filch Firearms First Aid Fleeing Health Hypnosis Mechanical Repair Piloting Preparedness Psychoanalysis Riding Sanity Stability Scuffling Sense Trouble Shadowing Stealth Weapons 8 4 4
Sources of Stability:
2 2 4
4 11 2
Technical Abilities
Art Astronomy Chemistry Craft Evidence Collection Forensics Locksmith Outdoorsman Pharmacy Photography
2 2 2
7 7 10 4 6 4 5
If there was a trophy fight for hardest life, youd be the world champ. You started as a wouldbe featherweight prize fighter, but though you could take any punch, you werent strong enough to land the punches when it really counted. After four broken noses and a smashed cheekbone, you decided that the life of an unemployed PI was better than a washed up boxer. Though the big payday never came, you turned out to be a decent PI, due more to obscene runs of luck than any particular skill. You worked for Bollacher a few years back when he hired you to investigate his newlywed wife. What you found out wasnt pretty, but his young wife was. It turned out Rose had a weakness for being noticed, and fell hard for anyone willing to spend a night listening to her troubles. In the course of your investigations, you spent a lot of time listening to her, but you always kept the relationship professional, right? Now old prof is suspicious again, and hes looking for old friends he can trust. Youre not his friend, and youre not sure he can trust you, but the money is right, and theres always Rose
0 4 8 12 1 5 9 13 2 6 10 14 3 7 11 15
Drive: Occupation: Parapsychologist Occupational Benefit: you may purchase points in hypnosis ability. Pillars of Sanity:
-12 -11 -10 -8 -7 -6 -4 -3 -2 0 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 -9 -5 -1 3 7 11 15
Build Points:
-12 -11 -10 -8 -7 -6 -4 -3 -2 0 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 -9 -5 -1 3 7 11 15
General Abilities
Athletics Conceal Disguise Driving Electrical Repair Explosives Filch Firearms First Aid Fleeing Health Hypnosis Mechanical Repair Piloting Preparedness Psychoanalysis Riding Sanity Stability Scuffling Sense Trouble Shadowing Stealth Weapons 7 3
Sources of Stability:
1 2
1 2
8 7 4
Technical Abilities
4 1 Art Astronomy Chemistry Craft Evidence Collection Forensics Locksmith Outdoorsman Pharmacy Photography 1
6 7 9 6 8 4
You met Rose Bollacher on her wedding day, when the professor hired you to do read palms for his wedding guests. The gig was a lark for you you had always been an entertainer passing yourself off as a true medium but when you took Roses hand in your own, a powerful vision rushed over you. Rose Bollacher was doomed to a terrible fate. Since that day youve kept in touch with Rose. Shes been a good friend through hard times, and always loaned you money when you were down on your luck, so when you heard she was in trouble, you knew what you had to do: You pulled a quick scam, landing some easy money, and caught the first flight to Luxor. If your friend is in trouble, youre not going to stand by, and whoever is responsible is going to pay.
0 4 8 12 1 5 9 13 2 6 10 14 3 7 11 15
Drive: Occupation: Military Occupational Benefit: you can spend 2 Reassurance points to calm down panicking character, as long as your stability is above 0. You dont suffer increased combat difficulty until youre below -5 Health. Pillars of Sanity:
-12 -11 -10 -8 -7 -6 -4 -3 -2 0 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 -9 -5 -1 3 7 11 15
Build Points:
-12 -11 -10 -8 -7 -6 -4 -3 -2 0 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 -9 -5 -1 3 7 11 15
General Abilities
Athletics Conceal Disguise Driving Electrical Repair Explosives Filch Firearms First Aid Fleeing Health Hypnosis Mechanical Repair Piloting Preparedness Psychoanalysis Riding Sanity Stability Scuffling Sense Trouble Shadowing Stealth Weapons 6
Sources of Stability:
6 8 8 11 6
4 6
Technical Abilities
2 Art Astronomy Chemistry Craft Evidence Collection Forensics Locksmith Outdoorsman Pharmacy Photography 1 3 2 2
9 7 10
Youve made a living serving in foreign wars. Its been a decent life, and youve seen a lot more of the world than you might have if you had stuck around the family farm. Asia, Africa, South America. If there has been a continent at war in the last 15 years, youve been there lobbing rounds. Its not as if you like the thought of killing, but if someone is going to be making a profit off of war, you might as well be there, putting the money to good use. It came as a surprise when Uncle Aaron managed to track you down. He had a job for the black sheep of the family and wanted to know if you were interested. Youd never been in Egypt before, but youve always wanted to see the pyramids
0 4 8 12 1 5 9 13 2 6 10 14 3 7 11 15
Drive: Occupation: Criminal Occupational Benefit: can spend points of Conceal, Filch and Shadowing after the roll, 2 points spend improve result of the roll by 1. Pillars of Sanity:
-12 -11 -10 -8 -7 -6 -4 -3 -2 0 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 -9 -5 -1 3 7 11 15
Build Points:
-12 -11 -10 -8 -7 -6 -4 -3 -2 0 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 13 14 -9 -5 -1 3 7 11 15
General Abilities
Athletics Conceal Disguise Driving Electrical Repair Explosives Filch Firearms First Aid Fleeing Health Hypnosis Mechanical Repair Piloting Preparedness Psychoanalysis Riding Sanity Stability Scuffling Sense Trouble Shadowing Stealth Weapons 14 2 3
Sources of Stability:
3 4 2 2 4
1 3 4 3 6 3 4
Technical Abilities
1 Art Astronomy Chemistry Craft Evidence Collection Forensics Locksmith Outdoorsman Pharmacy Photography
2 2
6 7 8 6 4 8 3
For most of you life youve gotten by on your good looks and luck, hustling from one scam to the next. After skipping town from San Francisco, it was easy enough to talk your way into the graduate program at Chicago University, and from there, into a well-paid position as a research assistant. Most folks that get to know you well recognize you for a fraud, so you take pains to not to let anyone get too close. You never expected to be called up from the Chicago House team for the Luxor Expedition team. Chicago was comfortable, but youre expecting Luxor to be a lot less hospitable, especially when it comes to actual archeology. Chances are you wont stick around for long youve heard the Mediterranean is beautiful this time of year.