Construction Logistics Plan Guidance For Planners

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Construction Logistics Plan Guidance

For planners


Transport for London

Section 1


Section 1 Introduction 3 Section 2 Policy background 6 Section 3 Typical contents of a CLP 8 Section 4 Contractual relationships 11 Section 5 Handbooks 12 Section 6 Monitoring compliance, reporting and review 13 Section 7 Associated documents 14 Section 8 Checklist: What to look out for in a CLP 15 Annex Example structure of a CLP 17

Transport for London (TfL) has developed this guidance to encourage safe and efficient construction logistics operations within the Capital. This publication is part of a series of guidance documents are designed to support transport planners, the construction industry and its logistic operations. They are open for comment and will be periodically reviewed based on collective feedback. If you have any comments on document structure, content or their general usefulness, please email [email protected] with CLP Guidance in the subject line. Construction Logistics Plans (CLPs) are an important management tool for planners, developers and all parties involved in the planning process for construction work. They are an effective way of reducing the negative effects of construction work such as congestion, pollution and noise that may affect local communities, residents, businesses and the environment. This guidance explains what to look for in a CLP. Further information is available in TfLs CLP Guidance for Developers. A well-written CLP benefits the local environment and road-users, and can generate cost savings by streamlining deliveries. Other benefits include: Improved air quality from reduced traffic and congestion

Raised standards of safety on the roads, with particular emphasis on vulnerable road users Better highway efficiency by reducing the effects of construction activity through better delivery management and access More cost effective construction logistics activity In addition to being a planning requirement, many elements of a CLP are already used by construction companies as part of their internal planning and construction management process. A CLP brings all these actions into one document. 1.2 What is a CLP? It describes how the project will be run and managed. It contains the following sections: Overview of the development site explains where the site is located, its points of access, existing situation and nature of the development Forecast of possible trip generation to identify the potential phased impact of delivery and waste removal trips on the road network and environment without the use of mitigation measures Summary of policies and procedures all the written guidance the developer will use during construction

Chapter 2 Operating performance

Construction Logistics Plan Guidance for planners

Site operations and access to show how the policies and procedures will reduce the number and impact of construction trips Management of the CLP practical day-to-day overview of how the CLP will be managed Contractual relationships and obligations of sub-contractors these should be set out in writing before work on the construction site starts. TfL has its own criteria that can be used as a starting point. For more information go to or refer to the annex at the end of this document Contractors handbook this sets out the requirements for all operatives on the construction site Monitoring compliance, reporting and review to identify how delivery activity and compliance with the CLP contractual requirements will be monitored and reported 1.3 Types of CLPs Developers will be asked to submit one of two different types of CLPs. One is a single development plan where construction is limited to one site. The other is a framework where a construction site is part of a larger development. Developers working in an Opportunity Area Planning Framework (OAPF) where construction work is taking place on multiple sites, or in a locally designated framework area, will need to show how their CLP considers integration

of their site with others in the area. They must also show they have considered issues such as combined supply chains and freight consolidation by consulting and collaborating with other developers. 1.4 When are they submitted? CLPs can be submitted to the local planning authority at several stages: Pre-application discussion stage The earlier the CLP is submitted in the planning process, the better. At this point an outline plan or full plan is submitted to accompany the development application to the planning authority and, where required, the Greater London Authority or TfL. Post-granted discharge of conditions and/or highway design stages At this stage it is likely that a planning authority,as part of its conditions, will request a detailed CLP. Developers usually submit this once planning permission has been granted, using a 'discharge of condition' application. For large highway schemes further CLPs may be supplied at the highways design stage to the planning or highway authority. This is normally either a London borough or TfL, and sometimes both. TfL always urges developers to discuss construction matters at the earliest possible stage in order to iron out any possible issues.

Coordination Where a construction is part of a larger redevelopment such as an OAPF, it is important that the CLP includes details of how the developer will work with neighbouring construction sites. Opportunities to benefit from economies of scale and collaborative efficiencies should be included in the plan. These economies may be increased by using water transport (the London Blue Ribbon network) and rail transport. If you are planning combined road transport deliveries, you will find a Freight Journey Planner available at a useful tool for maximising delivery efficiencies.

Point to note Dont confuse CLPs with Transport Assessments or Statements prepared by developers to determine whether the potential impact of a new development will have significant implications for transport. Further information about transport assessments can be found in the Guidance on Transport Assessment (2007) available on the Department for Transport and TfL websites.

Section 1Introduction

Construction Logistics Plan Guidance for planners

Section 2

Policy background

This section explains why CLPs are used in planning and outlines the key national and London strategic planning policy documents that underpin them. A CLP must be explicit in how it supports existing policies, including: 2.1 Traffic Management Act (2004) Part 2 sets out the responsibility of local authorities to manage traffic networks within their geographical area of responsibility. This includes efficient use of the network and the requirement to take measures to avoid contributing to traffic congestion. Part 5 outlines the responsibility of local authorities in Greater London to manage the strategic route network. This includes TfLs role to manage certain areas of the Greater London route network. Again, the requirement for efficient use of the network and the requirement to avoid congestion are made clear. 2.2 National Planning Policy Framework The framework includes promoting the use of sustainable transport throughout the UK, safe road design, and the efficient and sustainable delivery of goods and supplies. 2.3 The London Plan (2011) This makes specific reference to CLPs as a way of making more efficient use of the road network. Chapter 6 of the London Plan (policies 6.3 and 6.14) encourages developers to submit CLPs and consider freight. CLPs are secured

for applications which are referable to the Mayor, governed by the Mayor of London Order 2008 where they are construction matters. In addition they are encouraged where they are construction issues on all other applications. This should form part of a wider submission, which will also include a Transport Assessment or Transport Statement and travel plan. For further information, refer to TfLs Transport Assessment Best Practice Guidance. CLPs should also refer to the sites Travel Plan, which will include measures to encourage construction staff to travel to work sustainably. 2.4 The Mayors Transport Strategy (2010) This promotes the adoption of CLPs that recognise efficiency, and environmental and safety benefits. 2.5 Local authority policy Londons local authorities develop their own guidance and policies about the use of CLPs and what they need to include. However, they must conform with the London Plan. Croydon, for example, has produced guidance for developers stating that a CLP must include actions for improving air quality, reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and minimising disturbance to local residents and businesses caused by construction. 2.6 London Freight Plan (2008) CLPs are one of the key parts of TfLs London Freight Plan, which aims to increase sustainable freight transport within the Capital.

There is also a close link with Delivery and Servicing Plans (DSPs). These aim to achieve more efficient coordination and management of a sites delivery and servicing, with a consequent reduction in road freight traffic. 2.7 OAPF areas development requirement There are a significant number of OAPFs in London, plus areas where extensive development is expected in line with the objectives of the London Plan.

CLPs can be effective at significantly reducing construction transport movements in and around OAPF developments as they can cover multiple sites, and should be considered as part of the OAPF process. In these areas of high construction activity, the use of freight consolidation is more likely to be considered and can be effective at reducing the areas overall impact on the capacity operation, increasing safety of the local highway and delivering environmental benefits.

Section 2 Policy background

Construction Logistics Plan Guidance for planners

Section 3

Typical contents of a CLP

This section provides an overview of what a typical CLP should include. 3.1 Introduction The type of CLP submitted to a planning authority, details of the applicant, name of the site, overview of the site, and key issues to be addressed. 3.2 Site information The location of the site, and the size and nature of the development. 3.3 Construction details What the developer will need to consider to ensure road trips to and from the construction site are planned and managed safely, reducing the risk to other road users and pedestrians. Headings in this section should include: Works programme details of the scheme including indicative dates for each stage of the construction process Possible trip generation as part of the CLP the developer will need to identify the number of trips associated with the construction project at the earliest possible stage. This will vary between phases, and will require close cooperation with all subcontractors. This information will be important for target-setting and measuring actual road activity. The mechanism for identifying the number of trips will rest with the contractor, but must be realistic and withstand scrutiny Routing details such as a map of showing primary and secondary designated routes must show how vehicles will keep to main routes and comply with the restrictions of the London Lorry Control Scheme. Monitoring the use of these routes is also required Delivery scheduling to efficiently manage the transport of supplies to the construction site, developers should use scheduling and booking software. The program may be an in-house or a generic commercial product. There is also a CLP tool on the TfL website. Developers should also consider, within the local authoritys agreed time restrictions, transporting freight during off-peak hours Use of holding areas and vehicle calloff developers should make provision for vehicles to be held off-site, acknowledging and taking into account local and red route restrictions, and ensuring there is no on-road queuing Permit schemes and access these may be needed around or within the construction site, and should be discussed with the developer as part of preparing the CLP Impact on the highway if changes to the highway are necessary for construction access, this should be considered as part of the CLP. The relevant highway authority should be consulted at the earliest possible stage Swept Path Analysis details of a swept path analysis for operational vehicles will be included as part of the planning application but this is unlikely to include the analysis of construction vehicles As such this should be included as part of the CLP Parking, loading and unloading arrangements it is necessary to include details of any parking bay suspensions needed to allow construction vehicles to enter and leave the site. Also refer to any specific parking, loading and unloading arrangements Hours of operation the CLP should provide details of the hours of operation that construction activities will be limited to. Developers should also consider transporting freight during off-peak hours, providing they comply with local authority guidelines 3.4 Traffic management How traffic will be managed during the various phases of the construction, including the type of construction vehicles to be used and when, parking arrangements for delivery vehicles, pedestrian cyclists, bus and general traffic considerations. 3.5 Developing and using policies and procedures Policies and procedures that the developer will put in place during the construction project. Policies should include: Waste minimisation examples of best practice are available on the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) website. Go to and type construction recycling case studies in the search box Use of alternative modes of transport showing consideration of using water freight and rail, particularly for moving bulk raw

Section 3 Typical contents of a CLP

Construction Logistics Plan Guidance for planners

Section 4

Contractual relationships
materials. The London Blue Ribbon Network, for example, includes the Thames, navigable tributaries and the London canal system. An interactive map of the operational London wharves can be found on the Port of London Authority website, Another example is the railhead at Purley, south London, for transporting aggregate materials Work-Related Road Risk (WRRR) companies working on a TfL contract must comply with TfLs WRRR contract requirements. Find out more from the TfL Contractors page on the FORS website, Common procurement for use in partnership with developers at neighbouring sites to reduce the volume of road traffic. Where applicable, the developer should indicate the origin of the materials along with the collective disposal of wastage building and recyclable materials Consolidation and/or collaboration use where possible to reduce road traffic. Ways of consolidating include flexible pay as you go approaches that eliminate the fixed costs of a dedicated facility. These approaches are effective in reducing the negative impact of transporting materials by decreasing the number of road trips made. Reports on London Construction Consolidation Centres (LCCs) can be found in the freight section on the TfL website Off-site fabrication this can reduce road traffic to the construction site, which is particularly advantageous if it is within a busy traffic area. Developers should make reference to off-site fabrication if this is to be used, giving detail of the movement from the fabrication point to the construction site and any overgauge road moves that may be needed 3.6 Monitoring compliance, reporting and review How developers will monitor and report the following: Contract compliance of main and sub-contractors Site trip generation and reducing the impact of trips through mitigation measures Use of alternative transport modes Benchmarks and targets Adherence to timescale plans for major logistics activity For further details about monitoring, see section 6 in this document. 3.7 CLP management How the CLP will be managed, including the contact details of a named person the planning authority and other stakeholders, including TfL, can approach to discuss the CLP. A developer should introduce contractual requirements that address road safety and environmental performance, and communicate these through the supply chain. If the developers contractors do not comply with these requirements, it will be classified as a material breach of their contract and could lead to them being refused access to the site. It is the developers responsibility to ensure their requirements are part of the main contractors and subcontractors contracts. The main contractor is responsible for ensuring that all sub-contractors conform to the terms and conditions set. An example is how TfL has introduced new WRRR requirements into its existing and new contracts. Find out more from the TfL contractors section on the FORS website, Within a set number of days of being awarded a contract, the contractor should supply compliance information to the developer. The developer should also ask to receive regular compliance reports from its main contractor, which can be made available to the planning authority upon request. It is therefore recommended each contract requires suppliers to register with FORS. 4.1 WRRR WRRR and compliance must be included in any CLP. TfL requires all its contractors to: Achieve FORS Bronze standard with 90 days of contract award
10 Section 3 Typical contents of a CLP

Fit side guards, Class VI mirrors, close proximity sensors, warning alarms and near-side CCTV (or a Fresnel lens) to vehicles over 3.5 tonnes including those previously exempted Ensure all drivers receive approved safety training (Safer Urban Driving or similar FORS-approved courses) within an agreed timeframe which will be dependent on the duration of the construction project: 60 days is typical Undertake driver licence checks with the DVLA regularly and before any driver works on the contract Fit rear cyclist warning signs Submit collision reports to TfLs freight and fleet programmes team 4.2 Environment CLP measures should help minimise the impact on the environment. All contracts should follow the requirements set out by TfL. These are: Minimum euro engine standards for drive-train CO2 reporting Driver training (Greener City Driving or similar FORS-approved courses) within an agreed timeframe, which will be dependent on the duration of the construction project: 60 days is typical

Construction Logistics Plan Guidance for planners


Section 5


Section 6

Monitoring compliance, reporting and review

5.2 Drivers handbook Owing to the subcontracted nature of the construction industry, it is important that all drivers are aware of their obligations. Therefore, a drivers handbook should include essentials relating to environment and safety. It should be concise, specific to the individual construction project, and should include: Authorised routes to and from the site Site opening times Booking and scheduling information Site entry and exit points, and other information relating to access Anti-idling Vulnerable road user safety As CLPs must help reduce the environmental impact of construction sites and the risk of road-related incidents, they need to be monitored and reviewed throughout the project. The CLP should set out details of how monitoring and reporting will be carried out for: Contract compliance of main and subcontractors, Site trip generation and reducing the impact of trips through mitigation measures. This should include the results of using the booking and scheduling tool on the construction site, compared to the post-mitigation targets identified at the planning stage. Where targets are missed further mitigation should be introduced The use of other transport modes should be reviewed and agreed with the developer, and shown to have been used. Benchmarks and targets should be agreed at the planning discussion stage, in particular deliveries by volume and transport mode Adherence to timescale plan for major logistics activity. The planning authority is usually responsible for monitoring the CLP. For larger and multiple schemes a construction working group, possibly including stakeholder representatives, may be beneficial

5.1 Contractors handbook The CLP should contain details of the contractors' handbook. Producing a handbook is an effective way to ensure that all contractors are aware of their obligations. This should include the following: Safety toolbox talk setting out how and when these will take place, including frequency and duration and an outline of topics to be included. These should be environmental and safety orientated Anti-idling toolbox talk setting out how and when these will happen for all drivers, including frequency and duration Vehicle routing and delivery scheduling system an explanation to contractors of the routing and delivery system in use, contractors access and their requirement to utilise the schedule deliveries system Driver training an outline of how and when this will happen during the contract, and the company that will carry out the training Contract compliance reporting contractors must report on any requirements that are part of the planning condition and/ or the CLP. This must happen at a preagreed time, such as daily, weekly or monthly. The complexity and frequency of the reporting will reflect the scale and duration of the construction project


Section 5Handbooks

Construction Logistics Plan Guidance for planners


Section 7

Associated documents

Section 8

Checklist: What to look out for in a CLP

Section 1: Introduction Details of the applicant submitting the CLP Name of the site Type of CLP Overview of the site and main issues to be addressed Section 2: Site information Location of the site Size and nature of the development Details of any parking constraints near the site Details of site access including public transport, cycling and footways Any changes to services during the construction phase Section 3: Construction details Details of the scheme Works programme showing indicative dates for each stage of construction Overview of the different stages of the construction processes Access arrangements for vehicles Details of any parking bays that may need to be suspended to make way for large construction vehicles Number of deliveries Hours of site operation Proposed routing Number and type of construction vehicles for each development phase Parking, loading and unloading arrangements and monitoring methods Swept path analysis Measures to address any issues regarding entry, access and exit to the site Details of storage of plant and materials Section 4: Traffic management Details of how traffic will be managed during the various stages of construction Type of construction vehicles needed and when Parking arrangements for delivery vehicles Pedestrian, cyclist, bus and general traffic considerations.

CLPs form part of a broader strategy relating to sustainable travel and transport during the life of the development project, including: Construction staff travel plans during construction there will be significant movement of employees working on the construction site. Where possible, maximum use should be made of the public transport network. Therefore, the CLP should include a summary of local public transport to the construction site, and a description of how the construction organisation will discourage its use of private transport. Local public transport maps should be included and made available to site personnel. Oyster promotions should be publicised, and safe and secure cycle parking be made available at the construction site DSPs a key planning consideration is how to reduce delivery and servicing activity and related journeys when the development is completed and in use. Because of this, a DSP is needed before a building or development is finished. An essential consideration is the physical layout of a building, with dedicated delivery and servicing access. This must be shown in the building design and in plans associated with the CLP, and discussed and agreed with the planning authority at the pre-application stage.

As part of the New Way to Plan, the DSP is usually included as part of the travel plan Staff and visitor travel plan this follows after the construction is complete. It aims to reduce carbon impact by cutting the amount of travel and, where possible, encouraging a shift from people driving to using public transport, walking or cycling. This will reduce the proportion of journeys to work made in single occupancy vehicles


Section 7 Associated documents

Construction Logistics Plan Guidance for planners


Annex Example structure of a CLP

Section 5: Developing and using policies Minimising waste Use of other modes of transport Vehicle renewal replacement Consolidation and/or collaboration with nearby developers Off-site fabrication

Section 6: Monitoring, compliance, reporting and review How the CLP will be monitored Compliance arrangements Reporting and review arrangements Section 7: CLP management Overview of how CLP, is managed and who is responsible for it.

Introduction What does TfL want from a CLP? 1. Reduced trips in peak periods leading to less congestion 2. Less emissions 3. Improved vehicle safety 4. Evidence that the site is managing logistics effectively and to plan How are these aspirations supported by national, regional and local policies? Policy or policies promoting CLPs Policy or policies promoting: 1. Reduced trips in peak periods leading to less congestion 2. Less emissions 3. Improved vehicle safety CLP structure 1. Site Information 2. Outline construction programme 3. Trip generation: a. Initial b. With mitigations listing the mitigations

4. Description of what is proposed a. Reduced trips in peak periods leading to less congestion i. Core elements: 1. Use of delivery schedule to plan ahead and resolve site access conflicts 2. Approved route plans to ensure vehicles use roads with adequate capacity 3. Coordination with nearby sites by producing monthly, weekly and daily site access schedules, and attending regular coordination planning meetings with local authorities and neighbouring sites ii. Options 1. Use of off-peak times for deliveries 2. Consolidation 3. Call-off holding areas 4. Use of alternative modes b. Less emissions i. Core elements: 1. Vehicle replacement Euro engine standards


Section 8 Checklist: What to look out for in a CLP

Construction Logistics Plan Guidance for planners


2. Driver training 3. Transport CO2 reporting ii. Options 1. Use of off-peak times for deliveries 2. Consolidation 3. Use of alternative modes c. Improved safety i. Core elements: 1. Use of contract requirements a. Driver training b. Transport collision reporting c. Mirrors d. Side guards e. Close proximity warning systems f. Warning stickers g. FORS bronze h. Collision reporting

ii. Options 1. Use of off-peaks for deliveries 2. Consolidation 3. Use of alternative modes 5. Evidence that the site is managing logistics effectively and to plan i. Core elements: 1. Data from a delivery schedule tool, including evidence of site-arrival vehicle and driver-compliance checks 2. Collision reporting 3. CO2 reporting 4. Financial provision for independent monitoring ii. Options 1. Proposed mitigation for trip reduction, if the results are not as planned


Annex Example structure of a CLP

Construction Logistics Plan Guidance for planners


Transport for London Windsor House 4250 Victoria Street London SW1H 0TL April 2013
CC013_005 ConstructionLogisitics_Planners

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