1 John Quiz

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that we must confess our sins to receive forgiveness from God, Jesus Christ speaks on our behalf when we sin, and love is shown through deeds rather than just words.

The main themes discussed in the document are sin and forgiveness, the importance of keeping God's commandments, overcoming the world through faith in Jesus, and discerning true doctrine from false teachings.

The author says that if we say we have not sinned we make God a liar, but that if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. The author also mentions that Jesus Christ is the propitiation for our sins.

Bible Quiz

1 John 1. The author starts his epistle by saying that he is declaring that which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have loo ed upon, and our hands have handled.! "oncerning what or whom is the author spea ing# The $ord of life , who became incarnate, i.e., Jesus "hrist %1 John 1&1'() *. +f we say that we have not sinned, who do we ma e a liar, according to 1 John 1&1,# Jesus "hrist, the -on of .od, who is the $ord of life %1 John 1&1,) (. $ho is the propitiation forour sins#

Jesus "hrist %1 John *&*) /. 0ccording to the author, in order to claim that we now Jesus "hrist, what must we do# $e must eep his commandments %1 John *&() 1. $hat does the author say a person is, if a person says, + now 2im %Jesus "hrist)! but does not eep his commandments# The author says that such a person is a liar %1 John *&/) 3. The author mentions three things when he says that, all that is in the world... is not of the 4ather but is of the world.! $hich are these three the author mentions# The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life %1 John *&13) 5. $ho is mentioned from the 6ld Testament as the wic ed one! who murdered his brother!# "ain %1 John (&1*) 7. John instructs, 8ittle children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in 999999999 and 99999999999. :eed;action and in truth %1 John (&17) <. The author says that one can test if a spirit is of .od or not. $hat is the condition that John mentions as a test to now the -pirit of .od#=very spirit that confesses that Jesus "hrist has come in the flesh is of .od, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus "hrist has come in the flesh is not of .od %1 John /&*) 1,. $hat casts out fear, according to 1 John# >erfect love%1 John /&17) 11.

$hat does 1 John 1 say concerning what love is# The love of .od is eeping 2is commandments %1 John 1&() 1*. 0s indicated in 1 John 1&1, who is the one who overcomes the world# The one who believes that Jesus is the -on of .od%1 John 1&1) 1(. The author says in chapter 1 that there are three that bear witness in heaven. $hich are they# The 4ather, the $ord, and the 2oly -pirit, and these three are one %1 John 1&5) 1/. 0ccording to 1 John chapter 1 three things bear witness on earth and these three agree as one. $hat are they# The -pirit, the water and the blood%1 John 1&7) 11. $hat gift is granted to those who believe in the name of the -on of .od, according to 1 John 1# =ternal life %1 John 1&11'1()

1) Who wrote the first epistle of John? Bible Reference: a) John the Baptist b) John also called Mark c) John the apostle d) John Smith 2) To recei e parental for!i eness of sin from o"r #ea enl$ %ather& what m"st we do? Bible Reference: '1 John 1:() a) )bsol"tel$ ne er do it a!ain b) *onfess o"r sin to +od

c) Blame the ,e il d) Re eal the tr"e c"lprit -) Who speaks with o"r #ea enl$ %ather& on o"r behalf& when we sin? Bible Reference: '1 John 2:1) a) Saint .eter b) The an!el Michael c) *hrist Jes"s d) The saints in hea en /) %or whose name sake are o"r sins for!i en? Bible Reference: '1 John 2:12) a) Moses b) The apostle .eter c) 0"rs d) *hrist Jes"s 1) 2f we abide in *hrist Jes"s& what m"st we do? Bible Reference: '1 John 2:3) a) Speak in ton!"es b) 4i e as *hrist Jes"s li es c) Be s"ccessf"l in all that we choose to do d) #eal the sick 3) +od5s children are not to? Bible Reference: '1 John 2:11617) a) Share +od5s offer of sal ation with those who are different b) 4o e the sinf"l thin!s of the world c) )ssociate with non6*hristians d) 8one of the abo e 7) Which reli!ion has the answer as to how one can ha e a personal relationship with +od? Bible Reference: '1 John 2:2-) a) 2slam b) #ind" c) *hristianit$ d) J"daism 9) When *hrist Jes"s appears& we shall be :::::::& beca"se we shall see #im ;"st as #e is<

Bible Reference: '1 John -:2) a) %ri!htened b) 4ike #im c) #idin! in the cra!s d) ,isappointed () 0ne who is born of +od does not? Bible Reference: '1 John -:() a) = er sin b) +o to war c) 4i e in sin d) +et in ol ed in politics 1>) Beca"se +od lo es "s and we lo e +od& we? Bible Reference: '1 John /:17) a) Ma$ ha e boldness when we stand before *hrist Jes"s b) *an do whate er we want to

$hy did John write this epistle# %1&/, *&1, *&*3) 0 B " : = That your ?oy may be full That you sin not To warn against seducers 0ll of the above @one of the above

Auestion * +n this epistle what did John say that .od is that began with the letter 8!# %1&1,/&7) 0 B " : = 8amb of .od 8ight 8ove 0ll of the above BB"

Auestion (

$hat types of people did John call a liar or one who lies# %1&1,, *&/, **) 0 B " : = Those that say they have not sinned Those that say they now him but do not eep his commandments Those that deny that Jesus is come in the flesh 0ll of the above 0BB

Auestion / $hat did John say his hands had handled# %1&1) 0 B " : = Bread $ater turned to wine The $ord of life 0ll of the above @one of the above

Auestion 1 $hat did John say cleanses us from all sin# %1&5) 0 B " : = The blood of Jesus $ater baptism The $ord of .od 0ll of the above @one of the above

Auestion 3 +f "hristians do sin what should they do# %1&<) 0 B " : Blame the devil "onfess our sins .et up and start over again 0ll of the above

@one of the above

Auestion 5 +f a "hristian does sin what does he have# %*&1) 0 B " : = 0n 0dvocate with the 4ather, Jesus "hrist 0 guilty conscience 0 feeling of condemnation 0ll of the above @one of the above

Auestion 7 $hat did John say was all that was in the world# %*&13) 0 B " : = 8ust of the flesh 8ust of the eyes >ride of life 0ll of the above @one of the above

Auestion < $hat did John call his readers# %*&1*,1() 0 B " : = 4athers 8ittle children Coung men 0ll of the above @one of the above

Auestion 1, $hat did John say we now are# %(&*) 0 B "hristians -ons of .od

" : =

0 royal priesthood 0n holy nation 0 peculiar people

Auestion 11 2ow did John define sin# %(&/) 0 B " : = 0ll unrighteousness Dissing the mar The transgression of the law 0ll of the above 0B"

Auestion 1* $hat did John say about those who are born again# %(&<) 0 B " : = 0ssembles with other believers :oes not sin Ee?oices -houts @one of the above

Auestion 1( $hat 6ld Testament character did John use as an eFample of someone who did @6T love one another# %(&1*) 0 B " : = "ain =sau +shmael @abal @one of the above

Auestion 1/ $hat did John call a person who hates his brother# %(&11)

0 B " : =

0n angry man 0 sinner 0n unbeliever 0ll of the above @one of the above

Auestion 11 2ow did John say we should love# %(&17) 0 B " : = +n word and tongue +n deed and in truth +n spirit and in truth 0ll of the above @one of the above

Auestion 13 $hy are we to believe @6T every spirit but try the spirits whether they be of .od# %/&1) 0 B " : = -atan is see ing to ill and destroy Dany false prophets are gone out into the world $e have the gift of discerning of spirits 0ll of the above @one of the above

Auestion 15 $ho or what is greater than he that is in the world# %/&/) 0 B " : = 0ngels 2e that is in you 6vercoming -aints 0ll of the above @one of the above

Auestion 17 +n what is there no fear# %/&17) 0 B " : = Joy 8ove >atience >eace @one of the above

Auestion 1< $hat did John say about .odGs commandments# %1&() 0 B " : = They are not grievous They are pure They shall never pass away 0ll of the above @one of the above

Auestion *, $hat is the victory that overcomes the world# %1&/) 0 B " : = :etermination 4aith 8ove 0ll of the above @one of the above

Auestion *1 $hat three bear witness in earth# %1&7) 0 B " : = The 4ather, the $ord, and the 2oly .host The -pirit, the water, and the blood Doses, =li?ah and Jesus 0ll of the above @one of the above

Auestion ** $hat two word phrase did John use at least five times in the last chapter of 1 John# %*, 11,17'*,) 0 B " : = .od loves .od is -in not $e now @one of the above

Auestion *( 0t the end of this epistle what does John say we should eep ourselves from# %1&*1) 0 B " : = 4ornicators +dols 8iars Hnbelief @one of the above

According to Vs 1 Who is the book written to? _________________________ According to Vs 2 What is the propitiation for? _______________________ According to Vs 3 How do we know that we know Him? ________________________ According to Vs 5 In whom is the lo e of !od perfected? _______________________ According to Vs " What is the old commandment? ______________________ According to Vs # What is past? _______________________ According to Vs $ Who is in darkness? _____________________________ According to Vs 12 Wh% does &ohn write to the little children? ___________________________________ According to Vs 13 Who has the father known? ________________________________

According to Vs 1' Wh% did &ohn write to the %o(ng man? __________________________________ According to Vs 15 What sho(ld we not lo e? _______________________________ According to Vs 1) What is in the world? __________________________ According to Vs 2* +rom whom do we ha e an (nction? ____________________________________ According to Vs 21 What is not of the tr(th? ________________________________ According to Vs 25 What has He promised (s? ________________________________

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