Memorandum - Bosnia Export August 2001

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MEMORANDUM 8/15/01 The Data Every BF loan recommendation has a list of USAID goals met.

. We queried our database searching for every loan that had export listed in USAID goals met. he follo!ing is the list of industries in BF "ortfolio that e#"orting com"anies belong to$ accom"anied by a""roved amounts$ number of com"anies "er industry$ and number of loans.
Automotive services, nec Bolts, nuts, rivets, and was ers Bottled and canned so!t drin"s Bread, ca"e, and related products Candy % ot er con!ectionery products C ic"en e&&s C ocolate and cocoa products Construction materials, nec Coo"ies and crac"ers Cut stone and stone products *a+ricated ru++er products, nec *ood crops &rown under cover *ootwear, e,cept ru++er, nec *rei& t transportation arran&ement *urniture and !i,tures, nec .eneral !arms, primarily animal /oists, cranes, and monorails Leat er &oods, nec 0en1s % +oys1 underwear % ni& twear 0otor ve icle parts and accessories 2on!errous !oundries, nec 3!!ices and clinics o! dentists 3perative +uilders 4aints and allied products 4oultry slau& terin& and processin& 4re!a+ricated metal +uildin&s 5ransportation services 6ausa&es and ot er prepared meats 6awmills and planin& mills, &eneral 6oap and ot er deter&ents 7p olstered ouse old !urniture 8e&eta+les and melons 9ood products, nec

500,000 1,000,000 210,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 1'0,000 2,500,000 1,2(0,000 1,'00,000 ))0,000 2##,000 1,0#0,000 1,000,000 2$0,000 )#-,000 200,000 1,500,000 200,000 250,000 2,'#0,000 1,-$2,000 250,000 $#5,000 2,#00,000 1,#)#,1(0 1,000,000 150,000 $,000,000 10,5$-,000 -00,000 2,$00,000 1,('$,#$2,')5,000 #','$1,5--

% 1.05% 2.10% 0.##% $.1#% 2.10% 0.$(% 5.2#% 2.(#% $.5(% 1.)#% 0.51% 2.1)% 2.10% 0.#)% 1.')% 0.#2% $.1#% 0.#2% 0.52% 5.'#% #.05% 0.52% 0.'2% 5.0$% $.11% 2.10% 0.$1% (.2-% 22.0)% 1.)-% #.)2% $.51% 5.)$% 100.00%

# Companies
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 # #5

# Loans
2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 $ 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 $ 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1) 1 $ 1 ( (-

From the table above$ one can see that USAID BF has a""roved %& '($()*$+,, to com"anies that are e#"ort oriented$ e#"ort their "roducts "artially or in total$ or have high e#"ort "otential. here are '+ com"anies in BF "ortfolio that are characteri-ed as e#"ort oriented. ., loans have been a""roved to these com"anies. he biggest concentration is in sa!mills /%& *0.+ million1 and !ood "roducts /%& 2.(3 million1 industries.

From our last re"ort$ BF has a""roved ) more loans to com"anies that have e#"ort "otential. We also added t!o com"anies that !ere not included in the last re"ort. he follo!ing is a list of com"anies that !ere considered in above table4
Company Name Cen!le, doo 7nis 5adiv doo 0i<a doo 2ia&ara doo 6ami<a 4romet d<l =es doo .%6 Industry doo =amen doo 5een doo /eli, e,port pp B*0 d<l 5ranspromet d<l 4rome, tv pp 4ol<asi po *erin& dd >u"avicar d<l A&roslavi<a ?? .umacomerc doo *A3 Commerce Company @ental 60 po Bar+ara doo 0e&atti doo Ae?er"a pp& 0etalia doo /oldin& 6tanic doo @ilce doo Blan Commerce Budo B,port doo @rime,C/ellas dd >ose d<l A&roside, pp AlCB, d<l A<e doo Aan< 4ilana 4aloc doo 6a+i, doo Company /appy Ans C drive doo Lo"ve doo @rvored doo @rvo!le, pp 4rote, doo 4o+<eda 6elavi Dora 1 2 $ # 5 ( ' ) 10 2ote: 11 5 e accuracy o! in!ormation provided is limited to accuracy o! 12 CI06 entries. 5 e real num+ers may +e somew at di!!erent, 1$ owever pinpointed industries t at e,port t e most o! t eir 1# products are certainly accurate. 15 1( 1' 1) 120 21 22 2$ 2# 25 2( 2' 2) 2$0 $1 $2 $$ $# $5 $( $' $) $#0 #1 #2 #$ ## #5 I! B* !inds out t at we need more speci!ic data suc as: e,port created, !uture e,port potential, etc, we recommend t at every responsi+le Landin& Associate calls up is; er +orrower and !inds out a+out t e volume o! revenues !rom e,port created +y particular company !rom t e list on t e le!t in 2000. In t at case, we could add up all revenues o! all e,port companies in B* port!olio and compare t at num+er to t e total e,port o! Bi/ in 2000.

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