Vineyard Canada Newsletter December 2013
Vineyard Canada Newsletter December 2013
Vineyard Canada Newsletter December 2013
As 2013 ls wlndlng down, Lhe naLlonal 1eam ls ramplng up for 2014 and we LhoughL we would Lry Lo glve you a collage
of news and plcLures LhaL communlcaLe some of Lhe Lhlngs LhaL are happenlng ln our naLlonal and lnLernaLlonal famlly.
We began our [ourney as a naLlonal 1eam wlLhouL Cary and !oy 8esL aL Lhe helm ln SepLember 2012, and lL has been a
prlvllege Lo serve Lhls greaL famlly. We are encouraged by slgns of new llfe sprlnglng up everywhere! Many of you
probably don'L know who our naLlonal 1eam ls, so here we are, sLarLlng aL Lhe aclflc:
!"#$%& ()$ *(+,-&&) .(/"#& pasLor vancouver LasLslde vlneyard
Church and are our 8C reps. Cordle represenLs us Lo Lhe Lvangellcal
lellowshlp of Canada and has been busy crafLlng our new luslon
documenL whlch alms Lo glve some fresh language Lo our bellefs,
vlslon and mlsslon ln Lhe Canadlan conLexL.
Cur ralrle reps are 0() ()$ 1&#&2( 3&)+ who pasLor Lhe norLh
Calgary vlneyard. uan has been dolng a greaL [ob chalrlng our
meeLlngs, connecLlng wlLh 8ob on our budgeL, and 1eresa among
oLher Lhlngs, Lrles Lo corral Larry durlng hls manla eplsodes.
Cur CnLarlo reps are 4,#&) ()$ 4))( 5677(8,. 1hey pasLor Lhe
CLLawa valley vlneyard. Among oLher Lhlngs, Ahren has been helplng
us ln Lhlnklng sLraLeglcally and beglnnlng Lo re-develop our
communlcaLlons sysLems.
ALlanLlc/Cuebec reps .(##9 ()$ *(#&) .&:9 pasLor Lhe Pallfax MeLro
vlneyard. karen sends a monLhly naLlonal prayer leLLer Lo lnLercessors
who uphold our movemenL before Cod ln prayer. Larry has been
sLlrrlng up klngdom MulLlpllcaLlon/ church planLlng and connecLlng us
wlLh Lhe lnLernaLlonal vlneyard.
Cne of Lhe reasons Lhe naLlonal 1eam exlsLs ls Lo bulld sLrong relaLlonshlps across Lhe counLry. We are lnvolved ln Lhls
ln some way every day, Lhrough Lelephone calls, vlslLs, emalls, weblnars, gaLherlngs, soclal medla, vldeo meeLlngs, and
prayer. We do Lhls whlle pasLorlng our local churches, mosL of whlch we have planLed. 1he four couples who have
formed Lhe 'core' of Lhls Leam also consulL and parLner wlLh 'Lrans-local' vlneyard leaders, who are acLlve ln connecLlng
our counLry Lhrough mlsslons, [usLlce, worshlp, chlldren's mlnlsLry, Lheologlcal formaLlon, leadershlp developmenL eLc.
A number of our leaders are acLlvely engaged ln sLrengLhenlng our movemenL ouLslde of Lhelr local congregaLlons, and
one of our roles ls Lo help connecL people and resources.
!on 8esL [usL flnlshed 11 years of worklng wlLh vlneyard Canada. We Lhank hlm for
hls years of falLhful servlce and pray blesslng on hlm and krlsLen as Lhey sell Lhelr
house ln SL. SLephen n8 and dlscern whaL Lhelr nexL season mlghL look llke. 8esldes
addlng some more responslblllLy Lo 8ob's proflle, we are also ln Lhe process of
hlrlng a parL Llme dlglLal communlcaLlons person.
As we sLaLed ln an earller documenL we have begun Lo evaluaLe our naLlonal Leam
sLrucLure wlLh reglonal lnpuL. ?ou wlll be hearlng more abouL Lhls ln Lhe days ahead.
As wlLh mosL organlzaLlons ln a rapldly changlng envlronmenL, we deslre Lo sLay
flexlble, and also provlde sLablllLy ln Lhe mldsL of change for Lhe healLh and growLh
of our movemenL.
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Cne of Lhe churches LhaL have led Lhe way ln Lhls, and provlded a Llme Lo come LogeLher ln a dynamlc
fuslon of worshlp and prayer ls Lhe ParvesL vlneyard ln LdmonLon. 1he annual ralrle rayer SummlL
ls happenlng Aprll 4-3, 2014. 1hls wlll be preceded on Aprll 2-3 by Lwo symposlums, one on propheLlc
lnLercesslon, Lhe oLher on worshlp and Lhe creaLlve arLs. lor more lnformaLlon, you can conLacL
naLhan 8ousu aL naLhan[
lf you sense a call Lo pray for Lhe vlneyard movemenL ln Canada, you can recelve a newsleLLer every 4-6 weeks from
karen Levy by conLacLlng her aL levyk[[
8ob Pughes ls our flnanclal
manager, and has recenLly
Laken on furLher
responslblllLles wlLh general
communlcaLlons. 8esldes
handllng all of our naLlonal
and reglonal flnances, he's a
pleasure Lo work wlLh and
keeps us all on Lhe sLralghL
and narrow (and ouL of [all).
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Cne of Lhe key phrases LhaL grabbed our Leam ls aul's exhorLaLlon ln 1 Cor.11:1
lollow me, as l follow ChrlsL". As a Leam, we are commlLLed personally Lo Lhls, and Lo
calllng all our pasLors Lo a llfesLyle of menLorlng, especlally young leaders ln Lhe
maklng. lf we are golng Lo have a rhyLhm of releaslng new mlsslonal communlLles, we
have Lo be consLanLly Lralnlng and ralslng up new leaders, from chlldren Lhrough adulLs.
Leadershlp Lralnlng ls bullL upon Lhe foundaLlon of healLhy dlsclple maklng. Lach church and leadershlp Leam ls golng
Lo do Lhls dlfferenLly, buL we all musL do lL. Cne of Lhe resources LhaL may be helpful Lo some of our churches ls Lhe
new global lnlLlaLlve, vlneyard lnsLlLuLe(vl)
lf you or your church would llke Lo gaLher a few people Lo do a course or begln Lhe cerLlflcaLe program, please conLacL
!eremy 8urke, assoclaLe pasLor aL CLLawa valley vlneyard aL [eremy[ !eremy ls our naLlonal conLacL person
wlLh 8ob kasper, admlnlsLraLor for vl ln Columbus, Chlo. 8ob wlll be movlng Lo Cuebec wlLh hls wlfe uana and Lhelr
chlldren Lo begln mlnlsLry and church planLlng wlLh us ln Lhe summer of 2014. Some of you have meL Lhem ln our
klngdom MulLlpllcaLlon weblnars.
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We belleve ln grass rooLs lnlLlaLlves and reglonal communlLy llfe. AlmosL 30 of our 3 local church conLrlbuLlons Lo
Lhe naLlonal budgeL goes dlrecLly back lnLo our reglons for connecLlng and developmenL. 1here are naLlonal lacebook
groups LhaL are growlng places for leaders acLlve ln local churches Lo connecL wlLh oLhers Lo exchange ldeas and
encouragemenL. Some of Lhese are:
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(Lxplorlng lssues of [usLlce. 1here are enough resources llsLed here for a whole year of dlscovery!)
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WheLher lL ls our frlendshlp wlLh Lhe poor, or walklng beslde our
naLlve broLhers and slsLers, we are belng called Lo go deeper and
furLher ln Lhls !esus way. lease conLacL our frlends aL Lhe Wlnnlpeg
CenLre vlneyard abouL Lhe www.vlneyardschoolof[ lf you
know of people who are who feel compelled Lo learn ln Lhls
envlronmenL. We recenLly had
flve of our leaders, from each
reglon, aLLend Lhe flrsL gaLherlng
of Lhe vlneyard !usLlce neLwork held ln Chlcago www.vlneyard[ We
conLlnue our walk wlLh our Canadlan llrsL naLlons frlends, (whlch began ln our flrsL
naLlonal gaLherlng ln kelowna ln 1997), by havlng Cheryl 8ear wlLh us as one of our
speclal guesLs and speakers aL our naLlonal CelebraLlon ln klLchener nexL !uly.
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As klngdom workers, we wanL Lo sLay sharp, and always lncreaslng boLh our undersLandlng of ScrlpLure and Lhe culLure
ln whlch we are mlnlsLerlng Lhe gospel of !esus ChrlsL. 1hls probably happens besL aL a local or reglonal level, buL we
are also offerlng some naLlonal forums Lo faclllLaLe Lhls. We are plannlng Lo offer weblnars every second monLh. So far,
we have offered four: Lwo on Poldlng Lhe CenLre: 8elng CommunlLles of Moral ulscourse and Lwo on klngdom
MulLlpllcaLlon (kM). Cur nexL weblnar ls Wednesday !anuary 29
on 8uslness as Mlsslon" wlLh naoml LlppeLL and
1odd 8uLkowskl. 1hls wlll be a greaL opporLunlLy Lo lnvlLe Lhe buslness folks ln your communlLy Lo explore whaL Lhey do
for a llvlng from a klngdom perspecLlve. 8ob Pughes manages our emall llsL and lnvlLaLlons for Lhese evenLs and can be
reached aL bob[
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MosL of our churches are engaged aL some level
ln lnLernaLlonal mlsslons. We were well
represenLed aL Lhe recenL Asla SummlL ln
8angalore, lndla by 1odd, Mrs. 8., Shauna and
naLhan who learned and mlnlsLered ln Lhe mldsL
of many Aslan church leaders who have been
frlends for many years. WhaL a blesslng Lo see
Lhe frulL LhaL ls comlng from falLhful and
perslsLenL connecLlng!
Some of us are also lnvolved wlLh Lhe Afrlcan vlneyard Leaders neLwork. ?ou can check ouL Lhe
8wanda arLnershlp aL, 1hen, be sure Lo llke" Lhe Mlsslon aL and geL Lo know AnLolne, plcLured here, who
pasLors Lhe church ln Muyange, klgall.
ArL and Cyndl 8ae and Lhelr chlldren are llvlng ln AlLamlra, norLhern 8razll where Lhey work wlLh Lhe xlngu Mlsslon.
Whlle worklng Lo Lransform llves. and as a small slgn of Lhelr LradlLlonal, mlsslonary-Lype LalenLs.
8ecenLly, Lhey Lurned Lhls. lnLo Lhls!
A few of us wlll be aLLendlng Lhe lnLernaLlonal vlneyard leaders gaLherlng ln 8lo de !anelro, 8razll ln Aprll 2014. AL LhaL
Llme 8razll wlll become Lhe 12
AvC released wlLh a Llme of equlpplng and celebraLlon (Canada was Lhe 2
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We are busy plannlng a greaL evenL for Lhe whole famlly wlLh Lhe Lheme LncounLer !esus. Llve Lhe SLory." 1hls wlll be
held !uly 28-31 aL 8lngemans ark, a famlly frlendly desLlnaLlon ?ou wlll be hearlng loLs abouL
Lhls ln Lhe comlng days. We are very Lhankful for klm Maxwell from Lhe Cambrldge vlneyard who wlll be our
conference admlnlsLraLor, and wlll be worklng wlLh Lhe CnLarlo vlneyard communlLy who are hosLlng. Along wlLh greaL
worshlp, chlldren and youLh mlnlsLry our Lheme speakers wlll be uavld 8uls, Cheryl 8ear and 8obby uawklns. LeL's pray
for klm and Lhe huge Leam LhaL wlll be needed Lo faclllLaLe Lhls caLalyLlc gaLherlng.
1he Poly SplrlL ls allve and movlng ln Canada! LeL's rlse up and play our parL ln whaL Pe ls dolng. When l was speaklng
aL Lhe CLLawa valley vlneyard a few weeks ago l was so encouraged by boLh Lhe growLh Lhere, and Lhelr hearL for Lhe
wlder reglon. 1hey had [usL reLurned from Laklng 23 of Lhelr people on a one day 600 km reLurn Lrlp Lo be wlLh uave
and Llleen Slmpson and Lhe 8lce Lake vlneyard Lo worshlp LogeLher, share sLorles and have a meal LogeLher. 8oLh
churches were so blessed by Lhls day. We are hearlng loLs of sLorles llke Lhls across Lhe counLry. l guess LhaL's how you
grow a movlng!
Larry Levy for Lhe naLlonal 1eam