SAP Table Buffering
SAP Table Buffering
SAP Table Buffering
grows in size For each table defined in the ABAP dictionary you can decide if and how the table should be buffered. To enable the buffering of tables, each SAP instance has two table buffers, the single record table buffer (also known as partial table buffer, TABLP) and the generic table buffer (TABL). The SAP buffers are illustrated in Figure 9.1. When an SAP system is delivered there are default settings on whether a table should be buffered. However, to optimize runtime, it may be necessary to change these settings. For customer-developed tables these settings must, in any case, be established by the developer.
SAP instance A
Table Buffer
SAP instance B
Table Buffer
Database interface
Database interface
Database instance
Database Buffer
This chapter deals with table buffering on the SAP application level. Table buffering on database level is dealt with in Chapter 11.
When should you read this chapter? You should read this chapter to help you:
Get detailed information on the possibilities of SAP buffering Monitor and optimize the efficiency of the buffering of SAP tables at
regular intervals
Decide whether customer-created database tables should be buffered Decide whether to buffer the condition tables created during
customizing for central SAP functions such as price determination or output determination To better understand this chapter you should have some familiarity with ABAP programming and SQL programming.
The main aim of the following chapters is to help you to identify performance problems in these areas, that is, to find the program or table causing the problem, in order to be able to then deal with it. However, before making any concrete changes to solve the problem, you should perform a technical analysis and also a logical analysis. The procedure for technical analysis is explained in this book. This type of analysis can be carried out by a system or database administrator, for example. The logical analysis can only be executed by the developer responsible. You should bear the following recommendations in mind:
For customer developed objects (program, table, index, number range
and so on): Changes to the buffering status or to database indices should be performed only after careful consultation between the developer and the system or database administrator.
The buffering status and database indices of SAP tables are already preset when the SAP system is delivered. In some cases it may be necessary to change these standard settings. Before you perform a change, you should look in the SAP Service Marketplace for notes on the program name, table or number name which will confirm whether or not you can change the object in question. These notes correspond to the SAP developer's input for the logical analysis. Changes performed without the proper expertise can lead to unexpected performance problems and to data inconsistencies. Take note of the warnings and recommendations provided in the respective sections of this book. An important part of performance optimization is to verify the success of changes that have been carried out and then to document the analysis, the changes made and their verification.
Buffering types
We differentiate between three different types of table buffering: single record buffering, generic buffering and full buffering. Single record buffering is suitable for accesses that are executed using all table keys in other words, all fields of the primary index. With single record buffering, each record (a row in a table) that is read from the database for the first time is archived in the buffer. Then, whenever the record needs to be read again, it can be read directly from the buffer. Let us take an example of a table <tab_sngl>, with the key fields <key1>, <key2> and <key3>. A record is read from the table with the following SQL statement:
SELECT SINGLE * FROM <tab_sngl> WHERE <key1> = a1 AND <key2> = a2 AND <key3> = a3.
Single record buffering
Assuming that single record buffering is activated for table <tab_sngl>, then the single record buffer will be accessed for this SQL statement and not the database. In order for the buffer to be accessed, the ABAP key word SINGLE must be contained in the SQL statement. SQL statements in which not all key fields are specified in the WHERE clause cannot be processed from single record buffers; instead, the database will be accessed. On the first attempt to access a table for which single record buffering is activated, if the required record is not in the database, information is stored in the buffer to indicate that the record does not exist. In other words, negative information is also buffered. On a second attempt to access this record, the buffer search recognizes that the record does not exist and thus makes no attempt to access the database. As a result, the number of entries for a specific table in the single record buffer may be larger than the number of actual records in that table in the database.
Full buffering
Full buffering is another way of buffering tables. With fully buffered tables, on the first reading of a table record, the entire table is loaded into the buffer. This type of buffering is mainly used for small tables. Figure 9.2 compares the different types of buffering. The buffered records of a table are shown in dark gray. A fully buffered table is shown on the left. Because the table is either completely contained in the buffer or not at all, either all entries will be dark gray or none at all. The right-hand table in Figure 9.2 shows a single-record buffered table. Some individual records are buffered, others are not.
Generic buffering
The third form of buffering is generic buffering with <n> key fields. On first read access of a record in a generically <n> buffered table, all records with the same <n> key field values as the targeted record are loaded into the buffer. In Figure 9.2 the table second from the left is a table for which generic buffering is activated and n = 1. For this table all records with the first key value = "002" are stored in the buffer. These records make up what is referred to as a generic region. Similarly, in the third column from the left, under "generic buffering, two key fields", the buffer contains generic regions with the first two key fields the same.
Full buffering
2 4 1 3 5 1 3 6 8 1 2 3 0 3 5 2 3 6 2 4 2 3 5 8 1 2 3 4
001 001 001 001 002 002 002 002 002 002 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 003
001 001 001 001 002 002 002 002 002 002 002 002 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 003 003
For table <tab_gen2> generic 2 buffering has been set. The first two primary key fields are the client (MANDT) and the company code (BUKRS). The table also contains the primary key fields <key3> and <key4>. Let us also assume that the table contains data on the company codes "Poland", "Czech Republic" and "Slovakia". The table is now accessed with the following SQL statement:
SELECT * FROM <tab_gen2> WHERE mandt = '100' AND bukrs = 'Poland AND <key3> = a3.
This statement causes the buffering of all records of table <tab_gen2> that correspond to client 100 and company code "Poland". If your SAP system has the users corresponding to the different company codes working on different application servers, only the data that is relevant to the company code used on a particular application is loaded in the buffers of that server. Buffer management is carried out by the database interface in the SAP work process. Single record buffered tables are stored in the SAP single record buffer (TABLP), generic and fully buffered tables are stored in the generic SAP table buffer (TABL). The tables in the buffer are sorted according to the primary key.
Buffer accessing
Even after a table is stored in the buffer, the database interface does not automatically access the table buffers. As we have explained above, to access a single-record buffered table, all fields of the primary key of the
table must be specified in the WHERE clause of the SQL statement with an EQUALS condition. Similarly, for a generic-n buffered table, the first "n" primary key fields in the WHERE clause must be specified with an EQUALS condition. Examine the following examples: For table <tab_gen3> generic 3 buffering has been set. The fields <key1>, <key2>, <key3> and <key4> are the key fields of the table. The following SQL statements access the SAP buffer:
SELECT * FROM <tab_gen3> WHERE <key1> = a1 AND <key2> = a2 AND <key3>
= a3
SELECT * FROM <tab_gen3> WHERE <key1> = a1 AND <key2> = a2 AND <key3>
The following SQL statements cannot be processed with the help of the SAP buffer and require access to the database:
SELECT * FROM <tab_gen3> WHERE <key1> = a1 SELECT * FROM <tab_gen3> WHERE <key3> = a3
The buffer for the generic-3 buffered table is not accessed, because the fields <key1>, <key2> and <key3> are not all specified. With a fully buffered table the buffer is always accessed, provided that the table in question has been loaded into the buffer. Table <tab_ful> has full buffering. The fields <key1>, <key2>, <key3> and <key4> are the key fields of the table. The following SQL statements access the SAP buffer:
SELECT * FROM <tab_ful> WHERE <key1> = a1 AND <key2> = a2 AND
<key3> = a3
SELECT * FROM <tab_ful> WHERE <key3> = a3
Because the second statement does not specify the fields <key1> and <key2> and the table in the buffer is sorted according to these key fields, all the data in the table must be read sequentially. If the table is relatively large (for example with more than 100 records) it will be more effective to optimize table access by not buffering the table but by creating a secondary index on the database using field <key3>. As we can see in this example, in some cases access to a database can actually be more optimal than accessing a buffer. We will look at this problem in greater detail at a later stage in the book.
Other exceptions
used to indicate statements that should deliberately not access the buffer.
SELECT FOR UPDATE statements. These statements set a database
Buffer synchronization
If an entry to a buffered table is changed, the corresponding entries in the table buffers of all SAP instances must be updated. This process is referred to as buffer synchronization. First of all we will look at changes to tables executed with an ABAP statement with no WHERE clause, that is to say with the ABAP statements UPDATE dbtab, INSERT dbtab, MODIFY dbtab or DELETE dbtab. Only one row in the table is changed in this case. Synchronization in the buffer involves four steps, as illustrated in Figure 9.3. As an example, let us assume that one record is changed in the buffered table T001. 1. On the SAP instance A, the buffered table T001 is changed by the ABAP statement UPDATE T001. The database interface modifies table T001 on the database and the buffer entry for instance A at the same time. Thus, the buffer of the local SAP instance A is updated synchronously. At this time, the buffers of all SAP instances except for A are not up-to-date. 2. After table T001 has been changed in the database, the database interface (DBIF) for SAP instance A, logs the change by writing an entry to the database table DDLOG. 3. Table DDLOG is periodically read by all SAP instances. On the basis of the DDLOG entry, the buffer entry for table T001 is invalidated. The buffers of the SAP instances are still not updated, but the content of table T001 in the buffer is marked as being invalid. 287
4. If table T001 is read again on an SAP instance other than A, the database interface can recognize that the data in the buffer is no longer valid. The data is reloaded from the database into the buffer. In this way, the buffers of all SAP instances other than instance A are asynchronously updated.
Pending period
After an invalidation, the contents of a table are not immediately loaded into the buffer at the next read access. Rather, a certain waiting or pending period is observed. The next "n" accesses are redirected to the database. The buffer is only reloaded after the pending period. This protects the buffer from frequent successive invalidations and reloading operations. The synchronization mechanism described here applies not only to table buffers, but also to other SAP buffers (such as the program buffer).
SAP instance A
Table Buffer UPDATE T001 ... Database interface Database interface
SAP instance B
Table Buffer
Buffer synchronization is controlled by the SAP profile parameters rdisp/ bufrefmode and rdisp/bufreftime. For an SAP system with only one SAP instance the parameter rdisp/bufrefmode should be set to "sendoff, exeauto". The "sendoff" entry means that no DDLOG entries can be written (as there is no other SAP instance to be synchronized). "exeauto" means that table DDLOG is read periodically. This is necessary for buffer synchronization after an import using the transport programs tp or R3trans. (The SAP Change and Transport system (CTS) writes entries to the DDLOG table to enable buffer synchronization after the import of buffered objects (for example table contents and programs). In an SAP system with multiple SAP instances rdisp/bufrefmode must contain the value "sendon, exeauto". rdisp/bufreftime specifies the frequency of
buffer synchronization. You should not change the default value of 60 (seconds). This means that table DDLOG is read every 60 seconds. Table entries are invalidated as follows:
If a record is changed in a table with single record buffering, then just Granularity of table invalidation
this record is invalidated. All other buffered table entries remain valid.
If a record in a fully buffered table is changed, then the entire contents
area in which this record is located, is invalidated. Thus, table contents are invalidated in the same units that they are filled. A somewhat different buffer synchronization procedure is used when a buffered table is changed through an ABAP statement that uses a WHERE clause, for example with UPDATE <dbtab> WHERE..., DELETE FROM <dbtab> WHERE... This type of ABAP statement can be used to change several records in a table. In this case, as a result, the entire <dbtab> table in question is invalidated in the buffer of the local SAP instance (instance A in our example) and on all other servers. For this reason, changes with WHERE clauses can increase buffer management workload much more than change operations that do not use a WHERE clause. When program or customizing settings are transported, invalidations also occur. Therefore, imports should not be carried out in a productive system at times of high workload. It is recommended that imports should be scheduled once or twice per week at times of low workload. Invalidations should not be confused with displacements, which are displayed in the SAP Memory Configuration Monitor (ST02) in the Swaps column. When there is not enough space in the buffer to store new data, the data that has not been accessed in the longest time is displaced. Displacement occurs asynchronously, determined by accesses to the buffer. It occurs when the space available in the buffer falls below a certain level or when access quality falls below a certain point.
Invalidations and displacements
Activating buffering
1. To activate or deactivate buffering for a table, call the ABAP dictionary function by selecting: Tools ABAP Workbench Dictionary 2. Enter the table name, select the Display button and then Technical settings.
3. To activate buffering, select Buffering switched on. Finally, enter the buffering type (full, generic or single record) and, in the case of generic buffering, the number of key fields. 4. Save the new settings. 5. Once they have been saved, you can activate the changes. The settings should then show the status "active", "saved". Since the technical settings of a table are linked to the SAP Change and Transport System (CTS), to change the buffering for a table you need a change request. Buffering can be activated or deactivated while the SAP system is running.
This setting deactivates buffering for a table. It is used if a table should not be buffered under any circumstances (for example, if it contains transaction data that is frequently changed).
This setting also deactivates buffering for a table. It means that it is possible to buffer this table, but in this particular system, for reasons of performance, buffering has been deactivated (for example, because the table is too large). Whether a given table with this characteristic should in fact be buffered can be ascertained from the analyses described later in this chapter.
Buffering switched on
This setting activates the buffering for the respective table. If you try to activate buffering for a table that SAP has delivered with the setting Buffering not allowed, this is considered a modification of the SAP system and must be registered in the SAP Service Marketplace. You should activate the buffering for such tables only if you have been explicitly advised to do so by SAP. If you set the buffering type for a client-dependent table to "full", the table will automatically be buffered as generic 1.
result, buffering is only suitable for small tables that are read frequently.
Buffer synchronization causes a somewhat considerable loss in
performance when accessing buffered tables. Therefore, only tables that are not changed often should be buffered.
Buffered tables are sorted and stored according to key fields. Table
buffering is therefore optimal for statements that access the table through the key fields. Table buffers do not support searching using secondary indexes.
Buffer synchronization occurs after a certain delay. Therefore, you
should only buffer tables for which short-term inconsistencies are acceptable. In the SAP system we differentiate between three types of data: transaction data, master data and customizing data. Transaction data includes, for example: sales orders, deliveries, material movements and material reservations which, for example, are stored in the tables VBAK, LIKP, MKPF and RESB. These tables grow over time and
Never buffer transaction data!
can reach several Mbytes or even Gbytes in size. In principle, transaction data should not be buffered.
As a rule, do not buffer master data!
Typical master data includes, for example, materials, customers and suppliers, stored in the tables MARA, KNA1 and LFA1. Tables with master data grow slowly over time and can reach sizes of several hundred Mbytes. For this reason, master data is generally not buffered. Another argument against buffering master data tables is that master data is normally accessed with many different selections and not necessarily via the primary key. Rather than buffering, accesses to these tables can be optimized by the use of secondary indices. Customizing data portrays, among other things, the business processes of your enterprise in the SAP system. Examples of customizing data include the definition of clients, the company codes, plant and sales organizations, for example in tables T000, T001, T001W and TVKO. Customizing tables are generally small and are seldom changed once the system has gone live. As such, customizing data is very suited to table buffering. Table TCURR, for example, contains exchange rates for foreign currencies. The key fields in this table are MANDT (client), KURST (type of exchange rate), FCURR (source currency), TCURR (target currency) and GDATU (start of validity period). In most customer systems this table is small, it is rarely changed and thus meets all the conditions for buffering. As a result, it is delivered by SAP with the status "full buffering" set. In some SAP systems, however, it may occur that this table grows quickly because many exchange rates are required and the rates are frequently changed. Because the table is fully buffered, older entries (entries with validity periods that have long since expired) are also loaded into the buffer, although they are no longer necessary for normal operation. As a result, once the table reaches a particular size, table buffering is no longer effective. If the table is changed during daily operation, invalidations and displacements reduce performance. In this case, you should remove the table from buffering. You should also try to achieve a long-term application-specific solution: are all table entries really necessary? Could old entries be removed for example by archiving? We will look at this example again in greater detail in the section Detailed table analysis on page 304.
Condition tables contain the customizing data for the central logical functions that determine such information as pricing, output determination, partner determination, account determination and so on. These functions are used in the logistics chain, for incoming sales orders, goods issue, billing and so on. Given that these transactions are extremely critical for performance in many SAP systems, the optimization of buffering for condition tables should receive special priority. Condition tables are: A<nnn>, B<nnn>, C<nnn>, D<nnn>, KOTE<nnn>, KOTF<nnn>, KOTG<nnn> and KOTH<nnn>, with <nnn> = 000999. Tables with nnn = 000499 are part of SAP standard and, with a few exceptions, are delivered with the attribute Buffering switched on. Tables with nnn = 500999 are generated in customizing as required and are not initially buffered. Table A005 contains customer and material-specific price conditions. In other words: In this table a price condition can be maintained for every combination of customer and material. In addition, a validity period can be set for the price condition. If the possibility of customer-specific prices is used intensively in an SAP system, and these prices are frequently changed, this table would grow very quickly. A problem similar to what we have described above in the example of table TCURR occurs: In this case the table would have to be removed from buffering. Other condition tables that would likewise grow quickly include A017 and A018 (prices for suppliers and material numbers).
Condition tables
occur. Monitoring of displacements is described in chapter 2, Analyzing SAP Memory Management on page 98. Before continuing with a detailed analysis, check that the table buffer has at least 10% free space and at least 20% free directory entries.
Tables may be buffered that, for reasons of performance, should not
have been buffered, either because they are changed (invalidated) too often or because they are too large.
Tables that should be buffered for reasons of performance are not
buffered. This is mainly the case for tables that are created in the customer system, whether explicitly in the ABAP dictionary or implicitly in customizing (for example, condition tables). 293
Monitoring table buffering is not a task that needs to be carried out periodically. There follows some examples of when table buffers should be examined:
Users complain about occasional long response times in a transaction
SQL statements related to buffered tables which would indicate reload processes caused by incorrect buffering.
On analyzing the single record statistics (transaction code STAT), you
frequently find the entry "Note: Tables were saved in the table buffer" (see also chapter 4, Single Record Statistics on page 149). The monitors and strategies described below help you to identify problems with incorrectly buffered tables.
Monitor Performance
2. A selection screen appears. Here, you can select the time period, the SAP instance and the type of table to be analyzed. For this analysis, select "All tables", "Since startup" and "This server". 3. A screen is displayed that lists details on ABAP and database accesses and buffer status for all tables in the SAP system. You can navigate between different lists using the arrow buttons (from SAP Basis 4.0 on). By double-clicking on a row you can view all the information that is available for that table. The most important fields are described in Table 9.1.
Field Table Explanation Name of the table; if it is a pooled table, the name of the table pool is given first, for example, KAPOL A004 The status of the table in the buffer if this table can be buffered. See Table 9.2 for more information
Buffer State
Explanation Buffering type: "ful" indicates full buffering, "gen" indicates generic buffering and "sng" indicates single record buffering. Space occupied by the table in the SAP table buffer
Buffer size [bytes] Size maximum [bytes] Invalidations ABAP/IV Processor requests DB activity
Maximum size of the table in the SAP table buffer since system startup
Number of invalidations
Number of ABAP table access requests received by the database interface, subdivided into Direct Reads, Sequential Reads, Updates, Inserts, Deletes Number of database operations (Prepare, Open, Reopen, Fetch or Exec), that the database interface has forwarded to the database, subdivided according to Direct Reads, Sequential Reads, Updates, Inserts, Deletes
DB activity Number of rows that are transferred between the database and the Rows SAP instance. affected Table 9.1 The fields in the Table Calls Statistics Monitor (Contd.)
A table access in an ABAP program is called a request. We differentiate between five different types of requests: Direct Reads, Sequential Reads, Inserts, Updates and Deletes . Direct Reads are SELECT SINGLE statements that have specified all the primary key fields in the WHERE clause with an EQUALS condition. All other select statements are known as sequential reads. Inserts, Updates and Deletes are referred to as Changes. In a request, the ABAP program calls up the database interface of the SAP work process. The database interface checks to see if the data needed for the query can be provided by the table buffer in the SAP instance. If this is not the case, the database interface passes the SQL statement on to the database. An SQL statement performing a read is made up of an OPEN operation, that transfers the SQL statement to the database, and one or more FETCHES, that transfer the resulting data from the database to the SAP work process. An SQL statement that is performing a change is similarly made up of an OPEN operation and an EXEC Operation. For more detailed explanations of the Prepare, Open, Reopen, Fetch and Exec operations, see chapter 4, Evaluating an SQL trace on page 155.
For tables that cannot be buffered, the database interface automatically passes each request on to the database. For direct reads, inserts, updates and deletes, each request corresponds to exactly one OPEN and one FETCH. For sequential reads the situation is more complex because for each request there can be more than one OPEN and more than one FETCH. For tables that can be buffered, requests encounter one of three possible situations:
The contents of the table are located in the buffer with the "valid"
status: The required data can be read from the buffer. As a result, this request requires no database activity.
The contents of the table are located in the "valid" buffer, but the SQL
statement does not specify the correct fields or it contains the clause BYPASSING BUFFER to prevent reading from the SAP buffer. A complete list of SQL statements that do not read from the SAP buffer can be found in the section Buffer accessing on page 285. In this situation, database activity is required to satisfy the request.
The table contents are not yet located in the buffer or are not valid: In
this situation the data needed for the request cannot be read from the buffer. The database interface loads the buffer (if the table is not in the pending period). During the initial buffer load process, the field Database activity: Rows affected is not increased. If a table has been loaded only once into the buffer and all subsequent requests are read from the buffer, the value in the Database activity: Rows affected field remains at zero in the table access statistics. If the table is invalidated or displaced and then reloaded into the buffer from the database or if the buffer is bypassed, the Database activity: Rows affected field is increased by the number of table rows that are read.
Buffer status
The Buffer State field shows the buffer status of a table. The various status possibilities are listed in Table 9.2.
Status valid Explanation The table (or parts of it) is valid in the buffer, which means that the next access can be read from the buffer. The table has been invalidated. It cannot yet be reloaded into the buffer because the operation that changed the table has not yet been completed with a "commit".
Status pending
Explanation The table has been invalidated. It cannot be loaded at the next access because the pending period is still running. The table has been invalidated. The pending period has expired and the table will be reloaded at the next access. The table is currently being loaded. The table is not in the buffer (because, for example, it was never loaded or it has been displaced). Can occur for tables with generic buffering: Some generic areas are valid, others have been invalidated because of changes. An error occurred while the table was being loaded. This table cannot be buffered.
Figure 9.5 shows the screen shot of a table access statistic in an SAP system (SAP Basis 3.1). The list is sorted according to the DB activity Rows affected column which indicates the number of records read from the database. At the top of the list we find buffered tables, such as the condition tables A004, A005 and A952. The entry KAPOL preceding the name indicates that these tables are located in the KAPOL table pool. We shall come back to the evaluation of this example in the next section.
2. In the following screen select All tables, Since startup and This server. 3. The screen that then appears should resemble that shown in Figure 9.5. First step: Determine number of database accesses In this first step sort the Table Call Statistics according to the "DB activity Rows affected" column. The number of "rows affected" is an indication of the database load caused by accesses to the table in question. The tables with high database activity will appear at the top of the list. These should be transaction data tables or large master data tables, for example,
the tables VBAK, S508 and MDVM in Figure 9.5. For many of these tables the number of requests is around the same as the number of "rows affected". For buffered tables the number of "rows affected" should be low, because for accesses to these tables, data should be read from the buffer and not from the database. Therefore, such tables should not appear towards the top of the list. If, as in Figure 9.5, you find buffered tables with a high number of "rows affected", there are two possible causes:
The table is relatively large and has been changed or displaced.
Reloading processes and database read accesses during the pending period are reflected in a high number of "rows affected". You should check to see if buffering should be deactivated for these tables.
The type of buffering does not match the WHERE clause in the read
accesses so the database interface cannot use the buffer. If buffered tables appear among the top entries in Table Calls Statistics sorted according to "rows affected", this is a sure sign that buffering these tables is counter-productive. These tables should be analyzed in greater detail.
Second step: Analyzing the rate of changes and invalidations In a second step, determine the rate of change of the buffered tables ("changes" / "requests" in the Table Calls Statistics) and the number of invalidations. To do this, sort according to the columns Invalidations or Changes. Using the guideline values given above, check to see if buffering should be deactivated for the tables with the highest rates of change and the most invalidations. Third step: Determining table size In a third step sort the Table Calls Statistics according to table size (the Buffer size column). First of all, you should check the buffering status of the largest table. It should be "valid". By comparing the values for "buffer size" and "size maximum" you can see if generic areas of the table have been displaced or invalidated. You should also check, using the guideline values given below, if buffering should be deactivated for the largest table. The following counters may be of use in deciding whether a table should be buffered or not: Tables that are smaller than 1 Mbyte and with an invalidation rate of less than 1% do not generally present any technical problems and can be buffered. Tables between 1 Mbyte and 5 Mbytes should have an invalidation rate of less than 0,1%. For tables that are bigger than 5 Mbytes, the developer must decide individually for each table whether buffering is worthwhile. Please note that these guideline values reflect experience up to the time of going to print of this book. Fourth step: logical analysis Before deactivating buffering for a table, as a fourth step you should consider the following recommendations:
For customer-developed tables 4.0B
Changes to table buffering status should only be made after joint consideration involving the developer and the system administrator.
For tables created by SAP
It may occur that you need to deactivate buffering for a table which had buffering activated in the standard delivery. An example could be the TCURR table mentioned above or the SAP condition tables (such as Annn). However you should never deactivate buffering unless you have analyzed the table functions closely. This applies in particular for SAP basis tables, such as the tables DDFTX and USR*. If you find an SAP table for which you wish to deactivate buffering, you should first look for related notes in the SAP Service Marketplace.
Verifying the effects of changes Once you have changed the buffering mode of a table, you should verify the success of your actions. Ideally, you should know the programs and transactions that access the tables in question and can directly observe how the changes affect runtime. In the Table Calls Statistics you can verify the success of your changes by comparing the number of "requests" to "rows affected". The purpose of a table buffer is to reduce the number of database accesses. This should be reflected in the ratio of "requests" to "rows affected". If, by changing the buffering for a table you have not managed to increase this ratio, reanalyze the buffer and, if in doubt, undo the changes you made to buffering. Example Figures 9.5 and 9.6 show two screen shots of Table Calls Statistics from two real SAP systems. Both lists are sorted according to the DB activity Rows affected column. We shall first of all look at Figure 9.5. As mentioned above, we would expect that tables with transaction data or a large volume of master data would be at the top of the table, such as the tables VBRK, S508, MDVM. However, at the top of the list we see the buffered condition tables A004, A005 and A952. The buffering status of these tables is "valid", which means that these tables are located in the buffer. On comparing the columns ABAP/IV Processor requests Total and DB activity Rows affected, you see that per request (that is to say, per ABAP access) an average of 1000 rows are read from the table. For these three tables a total of around 7.5 million rows were read. This represents around 75% of the records read for all of the tables together (9.7 million). It is likely that the very high number of reads for these three tables is caused by frequent buffer load-processes. To verify this suspicion, examine the number of invalidations and the size of the table in the buffer. To do this, double-click the row containing the table that you want to analyze. This takes you to a screen summarizing all the available information on this table. In our example you will see that tables A004, A005 and A952 are frequently invalidated, which means that they have an invalidation rate or more than 1% of the total requests. The size of the tables in the buffer (Buffer size [bytes] field in Figure 9.5)
is between 3 and 10 Mbytes. According to the guidelines for table buffering given above, these tables should not be buffered. By analyzing Table Calls Statistics in this case, we have come to the conclusion that buffering should be deactivated for tables A004, A005 and A952. On looking at the Changes column in Figure 9.5, at first you may be surprised to see that tables A004, A005 and A952 are invalidated although there are no changes indicated in the column Changes. This is because the column Changes only displays the changes that are performed on the local SAP instance (here, "appserv5_DEN_00"). Modifications are not shown in the Changes field if they are executed on other SAP instances or if the changes to the customizing tables are carried out in another SAP system, such as the development system, and then transferred to the SAP system being examined. Nevertheless these changes from other SAP systems do cause an invalidation of the buffer entries and as a result start a local buffer reloading process. An analysis similar to that just carried out on the Table Calls Statistics shown in Figure 9.5 can also be carried out for Figure 9.6. In this example the list is also sorted according to DB activity Rows affected and we also have a number of buffered tables at the top of the list. The entry "displcd" in the Buffer State column shows that table A005 was not invalidated because of a change, rather, it was displaced because of a lack of space in the buffer. Therefore, in this example two factors come together: On the one hand, tables were buffered that were possibly too large and changed too often for buffering, on the other hand the table buffer is too small and this causes displacements. You can see if displacements occur in the table buffer, by checking the Swaps column in the SAP Memory Configuration Monitor (transaction code ST02). Since the example in Figure 9.6 reveals two problems, the corresponding solution strategy is more complex. First of all, the size of the table buffers should be increased. The size and number of invalidations in tables A005, A004, A006 and A017 should be examined in more detail and using the guideline values listed above, you should decide whether buffering should be deactivated for these tables. For example, if you find that table A005 is larger than 1 Mbyte and the number of invalidations is greater than 0.1%, you should deactivate buffering for this table. After this first optimization step, you should carry out a second analysis on the Table Calls Statistics to see if the number of database accesses to the buffered tables is noticeably reduced. If not, analyze the table statistics further to determine whether you need to enlarge the table buffer size or deactivate buffering for other tables.
For computers with large main memory it is not unusual for the generic buffer table to be configured with as much as 100 Mbytes and single record buffers to be configured to 40 Mbytes.
To identify tables that are currently not buffered and may potentially benefit from being buffered, in a first step sort the Table Calls Statistics Monitor according to the ABAP/IV Processor requests Total column. At the top of the list you will normally find the tables DDNTF and DDNTT. These are ABAP dictionary tables that are stored in the NTAB buffers the "Field description buffer" and the "Table definition buffer". The next tables in the list will be as follows:
Tables with transaction data or large master data tables, such as the
tables MARA, MARC, VBAK, MKPF from SAP logistics modules and SAP update tables VBHDR, VBMOD and VBDATA. These tables cannot be buffered.
Buffered tables with customizing data. Make sure that buffered tables
If there are non-buffered customizing tables at the top of the list sorted by requests, you should consider activating buffering for these tables. You should pay particular attention to customer-developed tables. These include tables explicitly created in the ABAP dictionary (for example, tables with names beginning with Y or Z) and condition tables generated during customizing (for example with Annn, nnn = 500). The result from the first step is a list of tables that could potentially be buffered because they receive a high number of requests. Second step: technical analysis In the second step you can determine the invalidation rate and the size of the table with a technical analysis. One criterion for deciding if a table should be buffered is the change rate, which can be calculated from the ratio of Changes to Requests. Note that the Changes column only displays the changes on the selected SAP instance but not changes performed on other SAP instances nor those that are imported as table content. You should also determine the size of the table (see also the section Detailed table analysis on page 304). Third step: logical analysis In the third step check to see if the logical prerequisites for buffering are met (see also the section What tables should be buffered? on page 291).
For customer-developed tables: Changes
Table size
To determine if the technical prerequisites for buffering are met, contact the developer responsible to find out the purpose of the table and determine whether or not the tables should be buffered, from a logical point of view. For example, condition tables are usually suited to buffering, as mentioned above. The developer sets the type of table buffering. Note that single record buffering and generic buffering are only useful if the key fields are specified in the WHERE clause of the access requests. Changes to table buffering status should only be made after joint deliberation between the developer and the system administrator.
For tables created by SAP
The buffering status of SAP tables are already pre-set when the SAP system is delivered. Usually, most of the tables that can be buffered,
are buffered. If you find an SAP table that you feel should be buffered, check for relevant notes in the SAP Service Marketplace. You should never activate buffering for tables with the characteristic "Buffering not allowed", unless you have explicit instructions to do so from SAP. Activating buffering can lead to logical inconsistencies because of asynchronous buffer synchronization. You should therefore never activate buffering if you are not sure how the table functions and what type of accesses are made to the table. Activating buffering can also cause performance problems if the table is too big and/or is changed too frequently.
Table 9.3 Example of detailed analysis of generic regions for table TCURR
Rows per Distinct generic key values 2. FCURR 3. TCURR 4. GDATU 1 311 5 188 169 795
1001 10 000 50
209 2 920
Table 9.3 Example of detailed analysis of generic regions for table TCURR (Contd.)
Table 9.3 shows an example of the possible distribution of generic regions in table TCURR. (Compare also the section What tables should be buffered? on page 291.) The distribution displayed concerns productive client 100. This distribution analysis is interpreted as follows:
The Distinct values column shows the number of generic regions, which in this example is the number of different types of currency exchange (KURST field). Table TCURR contains 41 different types of currency exchange. Of these, 10 types have between 1 and 10 entries in the table (1-10 column), 14 types have between 11 and 100 entries and so on. Finally there are 6 exchange rates with between 10 000 and 100 000 entries. No exchange rate type has more than 100000 entries.
There are 1311 different combinations of exchange rate types (KURST field) and source currencies (FCURR). There is no combination with more than 10000 entries (The row 10000100000 is empty).
Last row; GATU
There are 169795 different entries with the combination MANDT, KURST, FCURR, TCURR and GDATU. This is also the total number of entries in client 100, because MANDT, KURST, FCURR, TCURR and GDATU make up the complete primary key for table TCURR. Ultimately, one row of this distribution analysis shows the average number of rows read when one, two or n fields of the primary key are specified. How does this distribution analysis actually help you to decide how table TCURR should be buffered?
First of all you can see that table TCURR has 169795 different entries
in the live client. If TCURR has full or generic-1 buffering, a change operation always invalidates the client entirely. Therefore, after a change operation 169 795 records must be reloaded into the buffer. In
other words: the buffer loading process is justified only if users need to make over 100 000 read accesses. The invalidation rate for this table must have been very low to ensure that buffering the table does not cause too great a reduction in performance.
Should you decide to set generic-3 buffering for table TCURR,
a maximum of 1 311 generic regions would be buffered, as can be seen in the "FCURR" row of the "Distinct values" column. The largest regions (50 in total) contain between 1001 and 10000 records. If a record in the table TCURR is changed, then a maximum of 10000 records would be invalidated and reloaded. 5188 generic regions would then have to be buffered.
From this analysis it is clear that full buffering for table TCURR is out of the question. Depending on the invalidation rate, this table should be set to generic-3 buffering, or not buffered at all. The larger the table, the more you should favor generic buffering. In the initial screen of the detailed table analysis you have the possibility of selecting the Analysis for fields function. This enables you to start analyses for any combination of table fields, to be specified in the fields Field1, Field2 and so on. With this analysis you can determine the selectivity of a secondary index. See also chapter 11, "Optimizing SQL Statements with Secondary Indexes".
2. In the selection screen you can specify the buffer for which you wish to view the synchronization activities. With the Select all button you can select all buffers. 3. Then select Read DDLOG. A list appears, displaying the synchronization operations in accordance with the selection criteria entered. Figure 9.7 shows an example of the output of this monitor. Table 9.4 explains the various different fields.
Field Hostname
Explanation Name of the application server that has written the synchronization entry. If the referral originates from an import, this column shows the entry "tp" or "R3trans". Unique identification (for internal use)
ID and SEQ.No. Date and Time Class Tablename Func Object key
Time stamp
Name of the buffer: NTAB, ABAP, TABLP, TABL etc. Name of the table to be synchronized Database operation: INS, DEL, UPD Relevant key, if the invalidated area is a generic region.
statements in the shared SQL area or in the SQL trace, this shows they are not being buffered properly. An SQL statement that was used to load a buffer can be recognized as follows:
The WHERE clause for the generic-n buffered tables, specifies the first
"n" fields with an equals sign. For a table with full buffering or generic1 buffering, this is the client (if the table is client-dependent).
The SQL statement contains an Order-by condition, which contains all
the fields of the table key. The following SQL statement loads the buffer for table TMODU, a generic-1 buffered table:
If the table to be buffered is a pooled table, during buffer loading there is a database access to the table pool in which the table is located. Pooled table A002 is fully buffered and is located in the KAPOL table pool. The SQL statement for loading the buffer is:
ATAB and KAPOL are important table pools. ATAB contains many SAP Basis buffered tables (such as T<nnn>), KAPOL contains many condition tables (such as A<nnn>).
Buffering tables in the main memory of the SAP application server is an important instrument for optimizing performance. Table buffering is only effective if the following conditions are met:
The table must be relatively small. The table must be accessed relatively often. The invalidation rate for the table must be low. The short-term inconsistency between the application servers, brought
The synchronization and loading processes of incorrectly buffered tables can cause a reduction in performance that far outweighs any gains in performance provided by buffering. In this case, users will sporadically notice long response times in a transaction that normally runs quickly. The Table Calls Statistics Monitor is the central tool for monitoring SAP table buffering. Using these statistics it can be decided whether the buffering of a particular table is effective or not. The main statistics to look at are the number of ABAP requests (ABAP/IV processor requests), the size of tables (buffer size [bytes]), the number of invalidations and the database activity (DB activity: Rows affected). Figure 9.8 shows the corresponding procedure roadmap for analyzing table buffering.
Many Invalidations for buffered tables? See rules on when to buffer tables and, if required deactivate buffering
Large Buffer size for buffered tables? See rules on when to buffer tables and, if required deactivate buffering
Many Rows affected for buffered tables? See rules on when to buffer tables and, if required deactivate buffering
Many Total ABAP Processor requests for non-buffered tables? See rules on when to buffer tables and, if required activate buffering
Figure 9.8 Procedure roadmap for analyzing the efficiency of table buffering
Important terms in this chapter After studying this chapter you should be familiar with the following terms:
Generic regions of a table Single record buffering, generic buffering Buffer synchronization Invalidation and displacement
Questions 1. Which of the following factors are reasons for not activating full buffering on a table? a) The table is very large.
b) In the SQL statement most frequently used to access the table, the first two of five key fields are contained in an equals condition. c) The table is changed frequently. 2. Which statements apply in regard to buffer synchronization? a) During buffer synchronization, the application server executing the change instructs the message server to communicate the change made to the buffered table to the other application servers. b) After a transaction changes a buffered table, the change transaction must first be completed with a database commit before the table can be reloaded into the buffer. c) In a central system the SAP profile parameter rdisp/bufrefmode must be set to "sendoff, exeoff". d) In a central system, the entries in the table buffer are never invalidated, because the table buffer is changed synchronously after a database change operation.