Himalayan Salt Health Benefits

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HIMALITA The Authentic Himalayan Salt

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UThe Health Benefits of


HIMALITA The Authentic Himalayan Salt

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Himalayan Salt: The Health Benefits


. 6

Learn Why Standard Table Salt is destroying Your Health

. 7

What is Himalayan Salt?

. 8

What is Sole?

. 11

How to Make Sole (So-Lay)

. 13

Promoting Consistent Ph Harmony within the Cells, Including the Brain

. 14

Encouraging Excellent Blood Sugar Health

. 21

Aiding Vascular Health

. 23

In Conjunction with Water, it is Vital for Blood Pressure Regulation

. 25

Controlling the Water Levels within the Body, Regulating Them for Proper Functioning

. 27

Aiding In Lessening the Common Wrinkles and the Aging Process

. 33


HIMALITA The Authentic Himalayan Salt

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Himalayan Salt: The Health Benefits

Prevents Cellulite, in Comparison with Table Salt

. 35

Himalayan Salt Helps Prevent Cavities

. 44

Treating and Preventing Foot Fungus Infections Naturally

. 45

Supporting Healthy Breathing Function

. 46

Lowering Incidence of Sinus Problems, and Promoting Over-All Sinus Health

. 49

Headaches: Causes, Symptoms and How to Avoid Them

. 55

Promoting Cellular Hydroelectric Energy Creation

. 57

Promoting the Increased Intake Capabilities of Food Elements Within
The Digestive Tract

. 59

Himalayan Salt Combats Digestive Disorders

. 62

Himalayan Crystal Salt: Best Natural Remedy for Sore Throats

. 65

Natural Alternatives to Common Menstrual Complaints

. 66


HIMALITA The Authentic Himalayan Salt

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Himalayan Salt: The Health Benefits

Reducing Muscle Cramps

. 68

Increasing Bone Strength

. 71

Naturally Promoting Healthy Sleep Patterns

. 74

Creating a Healthy Libido

. 75

Reduces Chances of Developing Rheumatism, Arthritis and Gout, When
Compared With Standard Chemically-Treated Salt

. 78

Reduces Chances of Developing Kidney and Gallbladder Stones in
Comparison with Standard Chemically-Treated Salt

. 79
Causes of Digestive Problems, Symptoms and Solutions

. 87

Motion Sickness and Different Treatments

. 88

Eliminating Ear Infections without Medications

. 89


HIMALITA The Authentic Himalayan Salt

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Himalayan Salt Lamps: The Health Benefits

Precisely how Do Himalayan Salt Lamps Work?

. 91
The actual Therapeutic Effects of Colors

. 91
Electromagnetic Oscillation

. 92
Light waves in the rainbow spectrum

. 93

Himalayan Salt Lamp is a Natural Ionizer

. 94

Himalayan Salt Lamp Range

. 95

My Final Thoughts
. 96


. 97


. 98


HIMALITA The Authentic Himalayan Salt

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Hi, my name is Gianfranco Simone. I'm extremely passionate about Himalayan Salt. I fell in love with
natural holistic medicine and became health conscious at a young age probably because my mother
was health conscious as well. But, unfortunately she was not aware that using table salt was
bad for our health. Instead she thought that TOO MUCH table salt was bad, and was unaware
of the health consequences of using this kind of salt.

It wasnt until recently that I found out all about table salt and was disturbed at what I read.
Some companies that sell these products are fully aware that the process that has been applied
to the sea salt to convert it into table salt is extremely bad for us and eventually will harm us, in
one way or the other.

The reason why I put this e-book together is because I wanted people to know the facts about
salt and the health risk they were exposed if they dont change their diets and routines (specially
their salt intake). Once I started researching and finding out all the natural ways on how
Himalayan salt can be used for our health benefits, I was amazed! It is natural and organic, right
from the earth and it has so many desirable qualities. Read on to find out how Himalayan salt
can help with diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, allergies, just to name a few.

I encourage you to read the entire e-book as it reveals a lot of information you might not be
aware of. If youre interested in a specific topic, I have created an index so you can skip right to
what really interests you. After you read this e-book, Im sure youll want to do some
adjustments in your daily diet, as did I.

Be well,

Gianfranco Simone


HIMALITA The Authentic Himalayan Salt

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Learn Why Standard Table Salt is Destroying Your Health

So many people are not aware that common
table salt is in fact packed with various forms
of chemicals as well as sugar. Commonly sold
table salt consists of 97.5% sodium chloride
and 2.5% chemical compounds such as
iodine as well as absorbents, and sugar.
Table salt is in addition dried at more than
1,200 Fahrenheit, a procedure that destroys
the majority of the organic chemical structures
of natural sea salt. Salt, while essential for life
as we know it, could be harmful when used in
this particular chemical form.

The actual table as well as cooking salt found in the majority of households, restaurants, and all
sorts of processed foods, is definitely empty from any nutritional value. It truly is lacking in the
valuable minerals, which make salt healthy for all of us. After refinement, sea salt is simply
sodium chloride, an artificial chemical type of salt, which our system basically recognizes as a
dangerous harmful invader!

Whenever we consume this kind of salt, our system can't dispose of it in a natural, healthy way.
This can result in swelling of the skin, bloating and hypertension over time.

In addition, refined salt crystals are also energetically dead, since their crystals have been
entirely isolated from one another. To help our system process chemical table salt, it requires
incredible amounts of energy in order to maintain our entire body at its optimum liquid balance.
This produces an unnecessary burdening of the elimination systems within our body. H2o is
additionally taken off several other body cells within the system so that they can counteract the
abnormal sodium chloride.

Research has revealed that for every single gram of table salt that your system can't process,
your entire body will use around 20 times the volume of cellular water in order to counteract the
sodium chloride in chemically-treated salt. This leads to
bloating, dimply skin, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, as well
as kidney and gall bladder stones. With the
understanding that the average American eats about
5,000 mg of sodium chloride each day, it really is
obvious that the problem is significant and requires

Deciding to use Himalayan Salt as a replacement will
have a massive influence on your overall health and


HIMALITA The Authentic Himalayan Salt

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Himalayan Crystal Salt Also Known As Rock Salt from Pakistan

2TUHimalayan SaltU0T2T started being offered by numerous
businesses in Europe, United States, and Australia during
the early twenty-first century. 0T2TUHimalayan SaltU2T6T 0T6Tis excavated in
the Khewra Salt Mines, the second biggest salt mine on this
planet, situated in Khewra, J helum District, Punjab, Pakistan,
about 300 kilometers from the Himalayas, about one
hundred sixty kilometres from Islamabad, and two hundred
and sixty kilometers from Lahore.

2TUHimalayan SaltU2T occasionally occurs in a scarlet or pinkish shade, and some deposits having an
off-white to translucent shade. It is regularly used for cooking much like typical table salt, brine,
and bath goods. Usually, 2TUHimalayan SaltU2T is utilized in the same manner as everyday table salt.
They are used as bath salts, and also for cooking purposes.

These days, large crystal rocks can also be utilized as Salt
lamps. A salt lamp is a lamp chiseled from a more
substantial salt crystal, often colored, with an
incandescent light bulb or a candle inside. The lamps
provide an appealing glow and tend to be appropriate for
use as nightlights or for background mood lighting. The
largest manufacturers of this product are situated close to
the source in Pakistan, with Poland and Iran also
providing variations.


HIMALITA The Authentic Himalayan Salt

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Himalayan Salt Features & Origins
Essentially the most substantial and unadulterated salts that has been discovered by man is
Himalayan Salt. It was initially widespread about 250 million years ago when the sunrays
condensed the early ocean bodies. Himalayan Salt is all natural and practically ideal for the
body, mainly because it provides exactly the same structure as the salt from the most ancient
sea; the sea from where our species evolved.
The salt is unchanged. That implies that it has nutrients and minerals which are present in, and
required by, the body. A combination of Himalayan Salt with high quality filtered or spring water
is referred to as Sole as well as brine water.


HIMALITA The Authentic Himalayan Salt

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What is a Himalayan Salt Crystal?

This salt descends from a period when the planet
earth was a perfect ecosystem. This crystal salt
develops from a low-lying region in the foothills of
the Himalayas and has been proven to contain 84
minerals essential to human life. With its
exceptional characteristics, this salt is an absolute
ocean of energy! The massive pressure associated
with the buckling of the Earth's crust within the
Himalayan mountain range triggered the
development of perfectly structured crystal grids
within the salt much like those of gemstones, from a
bio-energetically standpoint.

It is believed that the higher the transparency and the more neutral the crystal shade, the higher
the clarity of the Himalayan Salt. In this way, it is similar to diamonds.
Himalayan Salt is organic, clean, fresh, unadulterated, uncontaminated, and it has zero
impurities. It assists in maintaining the water content inside our bodies which results in a strong
ph balance in our cells, specifically in our brain cells.
Himalayan Salt assists in managing blood sugar levels and slowing down the progress of aging.
This wonder salt can also be important for the transmission of hydroelectric energy which can
be present in the cells of our body. It likewise enables superb amalgamation of nutrients in the
digestive tract and it enhance respiratory and sinus health.
Himalayan Salt will also help your body by assisting in the regulation of electrolytes. This assists
in homeostasis and helps to create harmony in the human body. Himalayan Salt has even more
health benefits: salt can be included in bath water for a comforting as well as soothing bath,
rebuilding the radiance of the epidermis.
This is the more detailed listing of all of the elements that your body requires, and have been
proven to be contained in the Himalayan Salt are: hydrogen, lithium, iron, beryllium, boron,
carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluoride, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, osmium, iridium, platinum,
gold, mercury, thallium, lead, bismuth, polonium, astatine, francium, radium, actinium, silicon,
phosphorus, sulfur, chloride, calcium, scandium, titanium, vanadium, chromium, manganese,
cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, gallium, germanium, arsenic, selenium, bromine, rubidium,
strontium, yttrium, zirconium, niobium, molybdenum, barium, lanthanum, cerium,
praseodymium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, ruthenium, rhodium,
palladium, silver, cadmium, indium, tin, antimony, tellurium, iodine, cesium, holmium, erbium,
thulium, ytterbium, lutetium, hafnium, tantalum, tungsten, rhenium, thorium, protactinium,
uranium, neptunium, and plutonium.
As you can see this is not your ordinary table salt.
This Is One of Mother Natures Best Creations!
Pink Himalayan Salt Microscopic View

HIMALITA The Authentic Himalayan Salt

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What is Sole? The Water of Life

Exactly where did life initially originate from? -
Answer: From the ocean. All the power
required to produce life is enclosed within the
water from the ocean, a water and salt solution
which many of us call Sole (pronounced so-
lay). All the life forms on planet earth today
blossomed from the ocean. It is a process that
even today is reflected in the development of a
human fetus within the womb. From the day of
conceiving onwards, the embryo passes
through all the phases of evolutionary growth.
Fish-like gills develop soon after five weeks,
and then gradually recede. Within this period,
two hundred and fifty million years of
development are re-enacted - an individual cell evolves into a knowledgeable human being. And
where does this unique life begin? In a Sole, I.e. within the amniotic fluid at a temperature of
98.6F inside the womb, a fluid that is a 1% water and salt solution (1 part salt, 100 parts water).
The term Sole has its origins from the word "soul". The fact is, in ancient times the Celts
believed Sole symbolized the soul, being the actual fluid from where all of us are born.

Salt is the mediator in between Energy and
Matter. The definition of salt derives from the
Latin word, Sal. In earlier period, the Roman
soldiers were paid with salt. The Latin word
salarium; which means a payment earned in
salt, is the root of the word salary. The word sal
is synonymous with its root origin, sol, yet again
synonymous with the Sole, Latin for Sun or
Sunrays. Mythologically, and from definition,
sole implies "liquid sunlight," the liquid
materialization of the Sun's Energy enclosed into
the geometric structure of a cube, able of
creating and sustaining life. This fundamentally explains the origin of life on Earth; from the Sole
of the primal oceans. Surprisingly, human blood consists of the exact same salty solution as
those of the primal sea; which is, a liquid composed of h2o and salt. In addition, it has the same
concentration as existed during those times when life left the primal sea. This particular salty
water streams through more than 56,000 miles of waterways and blood vessels throughout our
organism with the forces of gravity and levity and controls and balances each individual function
of our body. There can be no thoughts or actions without the presence of salt in the body.

Sole is a versatile, physical manifestation of pure light energy; it is the essential mineral infusion
for the body. You can restore electrolytes and balance your energy simply and naturally by
drinking one teaspoon of Sole solution every day. The Sole is an outstanding product for
balancing the pH levels in the body. With the Sole, you can also eliminate heavy metals
including lead, mercury, arsenic, amalgam as well as calcium since the crystal salt is able to
break-up their molecular structures.

HIMALITA The Authentic Himalayan Salt

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Whenever water and salt connect, the negative poles
from the water molecules encircle the positive ions in
the salt and the negative ions in the salt are enclosed
by the positive polarized particles of the water
molecules. This modifies the geometric structure of
the water and the salt, and produces something
absolutely new, a third dimension: Sole. The water no
longer is water and the salt no longer salt. The
elements have separated themselves from their
restrictions, abandoned their polarities because of the
resonant effects, and achieved a higher kind of
energy. Only through this process of reaching greater
levels of consciousness, are we able to relinquish our polarities and return back into the
oneness of all elements. This is precisely what transpires whenever water and salt meet again
after 250,000,000 year. The ability of the water to give up its unique identity, in exchange,
liberates the salt from its manifested identity-to overcome the forces of the grid work and to split
the sodium from chloride. Both elements are ionized, which frees their stored energy.

The functions of sodium:
The special qualities of salt allow for it to control functions within our bodies. Osmosis, the
foundation of cell metabolic process, is controlled specifically by the concentration of salt within
the cells. Salt plays a part in all of our bodily activities. Every thought, every motion, all of our
actions are steered by our brains together with the neurological system and the nerve and
neurones are only able to transfer signals when elements found in salt (such as potassium and
sodium) are present.

How Does Salt Conductivity Work?
The conductivity of salt can be simply proven by the following
experiment: each side of a electric circuit which has been
broken and to which a light bulb continues to be attached, are
held in sterilized water. The light bulb is not going to light up
as water will not conduct electricity. Now, add a little salt into
the water and then the light bulb will light up instantly. This is
how we are able to visualize the function of salt within the
human organism: only once enough salt is available can our
bodies perform correctly.

HIMALITA The Authentic Himalayan Salt

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Making a Brine Sole Solution (So-lay) - Step by Step Instructions
Note: The concentrated Sole solution is the starting point for many of the applications
described within this E-Book.

Step 1.
We all know that salt dissolves in water but were you aware that if you continue to keep adding
salt to a glass of water youll reach a point when the water will get saturated with salt? Did you
also know that once the water gets saturated with salt that the salt will lay on the bottom of the
glass without dissolving anymore? And this is what Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole is, super-
saturated, salty water. Heres how you can make it.
Place 1 inch of Himalayan Crystal Salt stones inside a glass jar
ideally one with a wooden, cork or plastic lid. Avoid using a metal
lead or a metal spoon. These materials will minimize the benefits of
the Sole. Add 2-3 inches of fine quality artesian or spring water (Fiji
water is good too), over the stones, totally covering the crystals with
water. Let it sit overnight.
Step 2.
If every one of the salt crystals has dissolved, include a couple more
salt crystals into the water. Your Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole is
ready once the water becomes 100 % saturated with salt and can't
dissolve any more crystals. There should always be salt crystals left
inside the jar. When you use up the Himalayan Crystal Salt Sole,
over time, add more water and more salt until the water is once more
saturated. Keep in mind, there should always be un-dissolved salt
crystals at the base of the jar. This is your proof that your water is
completely saturated with salt.
How Much Sole Should I drink?

Holistic Health Experts recommend one teaspoon of Sole mixed with one glass of water every
morning on empty stomach.

You will receive the biophysical aspect of the salt, which is the frequency pattern of the crystal
salt and also the biochemical aspect of the salt which containing all the essential minerals and
trace elements vital to humans. The body can only hold the frequency pattern of the crystal salt
Sole for about 24hrs. For that reason, we only take the Sole once each day on an empty
stomach. Individuals on Dialysis, or suffering from high blood pressure, should generally use
very little salt.

One teaspoon of Sole contains 478 mg of Sodium - Thats equivalent to 20% of the USDAs
recommended daily allowance of 2,500 mg.

HIMALITA The Authentic Himalayan Salt

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The Concentration of Sole

Sole = A completely saturated solution of water and Himalayan Crystal Salt. The water will
become saturated with salt once the water cannot dissolve more salt. At this stage, the salt
crystals reside un-dissolved on the bottom of the jar, showing that the solution has attained its
saturation limit. The water has become completely saturated with salt. And this is what we tend
to call Sole or Brine solution (So-lay)
Sole Solution = whenever we talk about a Sole solution or brine solution (So-lay) we speak of a
diluted quantity of the concentrated Sole in water. Whenever we consume the Sole mix with
water, we produce a Sole solution. Numerous therapeutic application found in here require a
Sole solution.
For Example:

- A 1% Sole solution is 1 part Sole and 99 parts water
- A 5% Sole solution is 5 parts Sole and 95 parts water
- A n 8% Sole solution is 8 parts Sole and 92 parts water, and so on

How to Make Various Concentrations of Sole Solution for Various Applications

How to Make Various Concentrations of Sole Solution for Various Applications
Percentage of Solution Amount of Crystal Salt Amount of Water Appli cation
1% Sole Solution 1/2 tsp. (2g) 200ml Water For Eyes & Nose
2 tsps. (10g) 1000ml Water For Inhalation
1 Kilo (2.2 lbs.) 100 liter / bath tub For Sole Bathing
2% Sole Solution 4 tsps. (20g) 1000ml Water For Inhalation
2 Kilos (4.5 lbs.) 100 liter / bath tub For Sole Bathing
3% Sole Solution 6 tsps. (30g) 1000ml Water For Inhalation
3 Kilos (6.6 lbs.) 100 liters / bath tub For Sole Bathing
10% Sole Solution 6 tsps. (100g) 1000ml Water For Partial Bathing
12 tsps (200g) 2000ml water For Partial Bathing


HIMALITA The Authentic Himalayan Salt

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Promoting Consistent pH Harmony within the Cells and Brain
The pH Balance Benefits of Himalayan Salt Crystals

The majority of us grab the container of salt off the shelf in the supermarket without even giving
it a thought. We have used it all our lives. Salt is salt. Right? Wrong.

Many people grab a saltshaker and sprinkle salt all over their meals prior to having tasted it.
Several taste and put a lot more salt on it as a habit rather than for taste.

So what? Our standard table salt is principally sodium chloride instead of salt. It's been
chemically cleaned in ovens so incredibly hot that the chemical composition has been changed
and it can be unhealthy for our bodies. It must provide us with the majority of the minerals our
bodies need for good functioning but the cleansing procedure has eradicated the majority of

The consequence of eating standard table salt is the formation of overly acidic edema, or
excessive fluids within the body tissue. Thats the reason why physicians tell us to avoid salt.
What we ended up consuming rather than natural salt packed with crucial minerals is actually
sodium chloride. In its attempt to control and remove the excessive sodium chloride, your body
produces excessive uric acid and the
outcome could be the creation of new
crystals which are lodged directly inside
your bones and joints. Short- term result
can be inflamed ankles, elevated
hypertension and cellulite. The long-term
consequences are different kinds of joint
disease, gout and kidney and gall bladder
stones might appear.

Fortunately it's not necessary to use this
kind of unnatural, mineral-free salt. Natural
products are obtainable which will improve
the taste of your food and still provide the
appropriate minerals at the same time.

One organic salt product is Natural Himalayan Crystal Salt (available online from
http://authentichimalayansalt.com/. Originated from the sun-induced evaporation of the
primeval sea during a period when the planet was a perfect ecosystem. 250 million years later,
after extreme pressure and heat coming from tectonic plate activity, the Himalayan Mountains
were formed and also the salt crystallized. It's the most natural type of salt available on the
planet today and possesses 84 all-natural elements important to human life.

It's got a fantastic, soothing salty flavor and has an array of overall health benefits for the human
body. In first place on this list of benefits is the recovery of the bodys normal pH balance. Your
body has an acid-alkaline percentage known as the pH or acid-base homeostasis, an
equilibrium in between positively charged ions which are acid-forming and negatively charged
ions, which are alkaline-forming.


HIMALITA The Authentic Himalayan Salt

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If the pH levels keep on being out of balance for extended durations, your body is affected
without you actually being conscious of it during the time. Many years later the outcome of
continuous acidosis or alkalosis will appear in the form of arthritis, persistent tiredness,
diabetes, hormonal imbalances, weakened body defense mechanism, osteoporosis, and
excessive weight along with other chronic problems. The uses of Himalayan Crystal Salt will
help maintain your pH in harmony as well as help you prevent these kinds of severe health
conditions later in life.

Furthermore, Himalayan Crystal Salt replenishes electrolytes within your body. Electrolytes are
electrically loaded and even function as conductor for electrical signals that are essential for
biologic functions through the entire body. These types of electrolytes aren't obtained in table

With the overall economy going down the drain many of us are actually rediscovering whats
important to us - loved ones, friends, community as well as health. Were returning to
experiencing the simple things. Starting to live in balance is often as easy as the salt you
choose to flavor your food.


HIMALITA The Authentic Himalayan Salt

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Important Information about pH Balance:
The Inner pH from the Body Is One of the Important Aspects in
Maintaining Organic and Natural Balance

The scale that is utilized with regard to measuring the ph, or hydrogen ion concentration is from
0 to 14, with 7 being the actual neutral stage. Therefore, an Alkaline Body ph signifies that the
actual ph of the blood is higher than 7 considering the perfect ph being 7.35. Over and above
this particular range the body activity is no longer optimum and also the metabolic rate may
be out of balance.

Metabolic sub products as well as our diet affect the actual pH of the body. Thus, the pH
balance is immediately impacted by various types of foods that many of us consume along with
the central mechanisms associated with their processing. Several foods that are acid in their
structure may become alkalinizing following metabolization, e.g. lemons. Consequently, it is
important to become more consciously alert to the effect that numerous food groups as well as
our own eating habits have on the internal environment of the entire body.

An acid body = oxidation = decay

Extreme level of acidity causes several disorders such as:
Weakening of the epidermis, hair, nails, the teeth
Deterioration of the digestive system
Excitability of the central nervous system, sciatic nerve pain
Propensity to depressive illness
Muscle spasms and cramping
Improves the likelihood of infections
Persistent fatigue
Obstructions of particular minerals which become inaccessible

The essential component matrix inside our universe is Hydrogen. Thus, the chance of
Hydrogen (pH Alkaline) is a primary factor in our Gene-Assist and ReGene-Assist. An alkaline
environment within the body helps the physical, Etheric and Subtle Bodies to draw in,
maintain as well as support the light Encoded Signals which are essential to connect the
Harmonic Keynotes for the optimum functioning of the human biology and the Transformational

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Simple Details about Life and Alkaline pH

The EGG We took a free range chicken egg and calculated it's pH:
The white of the egg possesses a pH of 9
The yoke of the egg cell possesses a pH of 6.5

Now, isnt this revealing? How is that?
The white from the egg having a pH of 9
provides a shielding cloak protecting the yolk
from harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungus. While
its composition, bearing the Hydrogen Matrix,
brings to fruition and takes part in the countless
cells forming the body of the newborn chicken.

Much like the egg once the fluids of the human
body are preserved at an Alkaline it shields the
body from harmful bacteria, viruses and fungus
as well as providing forth the Life-Giving Form of
the hexagonal geometry (the six pointed star)
inherent within the Hydrogen.

The Hydrogen Matrix - The etymology of Hydrogen discloses 2 words:

Hydro - meaning Water
Gen - (from Greek means Gens) =Born
So Hydrogen ="Born From Water"

Which reflects the embryonic and birthing process of most species. The Hydrogen Matrix
(Alkaline ph) is the bringer and defender of life it bears the Life-Giving Form.

Your body is actually 75% water - which is H2o. Meaning that there's two atoms of hydrogen
and one of oxygen inside a Trinitized relationship. Thus, you will find two times as many
hydrogen atoms as oxygen enclosed within a water molecule. Whenever we think about the
etymology of oxygen we have now the examples below:

Oxy/Oxi =Acid =burning/combustion
Gen =Genes =Born
So Oxygen ="Burning of the new born genes"
As a result, an Acidic ph collapses the regular performance of the biological systems producing
degenerative conditions in the human body and rendering an open environment for chronic in-

Egg Embryo

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Elements Affecting Body pH Levels

The next elements will have a great affect on the ph Level of the body:

Acidic Foods - Including junk food, meats, grains, greens, the majority of fruits, processed salt,
sugar, condiments (pickles, ketchup, etc.), soft drinks etc. have a ph between 2.8 to 5.5 which is
highly acidic.

Al kaline Foods - Almonds, all cantaloupes, unprocessed honey, plant pollen, maple syrup, figs,
dates, natural yogurt, cheese as well as dairies, earth vegetables, apricots, avocados, coconut,
grapes, molasses, raisins and lemon are typically alkaline forming foods.

Emotions - The Alkaline Level of your body will also be significantly affected by how you feel.
Memorable, pleased, love-filled thoughts often produce alkaline-forming chemical reactions
within the body. However, emotions that are filled up with frustration, worry, envy, dislike, etc.
create acidic-forming chemical reaction within your body.

Here is a quick guideline concerning the ph of numerous manufactured and all-natural foods. All
these pH factors could possibly fluctuate based on manufacturers and techniques involving
production accordingly, allow a variance factor of +/- .2

Canned Spaghetti & Meatballs 4.3
Canned Corn 5.7
Canned Pink Salmon 6.0
Canned Vegetable Soup 4.1
Canned Lentils 5.6
Canned Brown Beans 5.5
Baby Food Vegetable Chicken 5.8
Baby Food Custard 5.5
Baby Food Peaches 3.6
Most Salad Dressings 3 to 3.5
Spaghetti Sauce 3.5 to 4.5
All Meats 5 to 5.5
All Greens and Grains 5.8 to 6.2
Bananas 4.6
Raspberries 2.6
Tomatoes 3.5 to 3.8
Milk Homogenized 6.6
Soya Milk 6.4
Colas and Most Soft Drinks 1.8 to 2.5
Root Beer 3.8 to 4.5
Grape/Cranberry J uice 1.7
Wine 2.1 to 3
Most Fast Foods Burgers & Hot Dogs 5 to 5.5
Pizza (average) 3 to 4
Cookies, Biscuits, Pastries 4 to 5.5
Corn Chips, Cheezies, Munches 4 to 5.5
Note: most fruits and greens turn al kaline in the body


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Furthermore, 99% of the unhealthy food as well as fast foods, munchies, soft drinks, etc,
possess General Vitality, which is from 100 to 250 with some reaching 400. In comparison with
fresh organic vegetables that have General Vitality levels in the 2,000 plus range having a Life
Force 150 to 200 points above the General Vitality. Commercially grown produces possess a
General Vitality range from 400 to 1200 the reading is less regarding seedless and genetically
tampered produce.

The Life Force (calculated in units of White Light Potential) for organic un-tampered fresh
natural and organic produce is usually an average of 100 points greater than the General
Vitality. For genetically tampered and seedless produce the Life Force may read less than the
General Vitality by 100 points or so. For processed, canned along with other fast foods the Life
Force is going to be below the General Vitality by 70 to 120 points on average.

These food types include an array of peoples diets and so are for most parts of their own
everyday reality. Be one a vegan or a meat lover the actual acidic conditions within your body
tend to be widespread. Now, whenever we add to all of this the different forms of acidic water
which are ingested (distilled, de-ionized, reverse osmosis, super filtered, etc.) can it be any
wonder that the body system can be subject to all kinds of diseases.


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Himalayan Salt Helps Maintain Superb Blood Sugar Health

The Essential Element Meant for
Balancing Glucose Levels in People
with Diabetes

One of Himalayan Crystal Salt natural
benefits includes an extraordinary
capacity to balance glucose levels within
diabetics. Diabetes mellitus is a group of
metabolic diseases characterized by high
glucose levels that result from a deficiency
in insulin production, its action, or both.

You might have heard that in hospitals,
doctors will give patients having extremely
high blood sugar an IV of sodium chloride
to help reduce their blood glucose levels
to normal. Essentially, whenever salt
intake increased, regular blood glucose
was reduced and vice versa. Whenever
Himalayan Salt is consumed, its
absorbed into the circulatory system and activates the movement of water from the cells to the
blood by osmotic pressure, therefore improving blood volume as well as causing the kidneys to
flush out the excess sugar in the blood. Nevertheless, careful monitoring of blood pressure
levels is crucial since you don't want it to exceed the upper limit as it might put the individual in
danger of heart disease as well as other complications.

This highlights the truth that Himalayan Crystal Salt can be valuable in regulating blood sugar
levels. This is especially true considering the fact that Himalayan Crystal Salt possesses an
entirely different list of biologic qualities when compared with table salt or iodized salt. This can
be a crucial difference simply because salt continues to be stereotyped as bad for your health. It
must also be mentioned that about 75% of the salt in the typical American diet will come in the
form of table salt. This might be a sign that it's high time to switch towards the usage of
Himalayan Crystal Salt since it has been proven over and over to be the superior form of salt
with a myriad of health benefits kept in each and every granule.

A research was initially conducted wherein one group was given 2 grams of salt while the other
group was given a placebo. The outcome stated the individuals who ingested the small quantity
of salt had a glycemic response that was 8 % less than the individuals who had taken the
placebo. This means that some salt is useful for diabetics; nevertheless it is all about identifying
just how much salt should be taken.

In the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration didn't issue a recommendation; it simply referred
readers to Nutritionary Guidelines for US Citizens 2005. The guideline implies that Americans
should ingest less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium, which is equivalent to 5.8 grams of salt per
day. This guideline, together with additional scientific tests can firmly determine the essential
role of Himalayan Crystal Salt in balancing glucose levels among diabetics.

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There are 2 principal types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes, or
insulin shots dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), results from
the pancreas malfunction to secrete insulin. Most patients
having this type take insulin shots. The other one is Type 2
diabetes, or non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM),
which results from insulin resistance, a disorder in which cells
are not able to use insulin correctly.

In having Type I or Type II diabetes, sugar as well as salt is
well known to complicate the condition, as a result strict diets
are observed by diabetics. A strict diet indicates restraining
salt content within the food ingested by people with diabetes.
Nevertheless, you should remember that you would find
various forms of salt for human consumption: unprocessed
salt such as sea salt, processed salt or table salt, and iodized
salt. Himalayan Crystal Salt is the organic form of salt and is
also said to be a lot healthier when compared with iodized
salt. It's also proven to assist in preventing diabetes because
it aids with the intake of food from the intestinal tract as well
as maintains normal blood sugar levels.


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Himalayan Salt Aids Vascular Health

Crucial Minerals In Himalayan Crystal Salt Found To Enhance
Vascular Health

Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel Prizes once
stated that individuals could easily trace every
single illness, every condition, and every ailment
to a mineral deficiency. Accurate enough given
that minerals are generally part of our daily diet,
for this reason the term dietary minerals. These
are chemical components essential for the human
body to keep up optimal health. Dietary
professionals state that the necessities for
nutritional minerals are fulfilled simply having a
conventional well balanced diet. Any deficiency of
these essential minerals can distress biochemical
reactions in the body.

Among the structures within the body vulnerable
to a lack or overabundance of minerals are the
blood vessels. Vascular health doesn't principally
focus on the heart, it primarily involves the large
network of arteries, veins and capillary vessels
that course all through the body as they provide
the cellular material with food and oxygen. They
are also in control of the transport of body wastes
to excretory organs to avoid them from building up
and intoxicating the body. Regrettably, family
genes, eating habits, life-style and environmental
factors may change the integrity of blood vessels,
resulting to various vascular-related conditions
such as coronary artery disease, varicosities and
peripheral vascular diseases.

These days, the majority of us should consider mineral dietary supplements as we progressively
ingest unhealthy food, which make minerals and other nutrients more and more difficult for our
bodies to absorb. One way, if not the simplest way to obtain all of the essential minerals should
be to integrate Himalayan Crystal Salt in our diet. These salt crystals from the Himalayas are
often called salt diamonds or white gold due to their purity as well as a truckload of health
rewards. Moreover, the actual Himalayan Crystal Salt contains at least 84 essential and trace
minerals which our bodies require on a regular basis. Among these are generally potassium,
iron, phosphorus, chloride, sodium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, iodine,
selenium and molybdenum. All these are important to our body simply because they have
known biologic functions.


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As you have seen, Himalayan Crystal Salt is much more than simply the normal table salt
(sodium and chloride), it includes a wide array of minerals (mentioned in page 8). In fact, aside
from the noble gases, all of the organic elements of the periodic table can be obtained from
Himalayan Crystal Salt. Therefore, its content has organic and natural minerals as well as trace
elements that are located in the human body.

Having said all these, it is quite obvious that the specific minerals, which promote vascular
health, happen to be absolutely obtained in the Himalayan Crystal Salt, especially the dietary
minerals stated earlier. Strangely enough, the blood that runs through the vascular channels
consists mainly of water and you know what? ...Salt! Remember, the human body mostly is
made up of h2o as well as salt. So, the need for salt can't ever be compromised and there's no
refined or processed salt anywhere that could be as good as Himalayan Crystal Salt.


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In Conjunction with Water, it is Vital for Blood Pressure Regulation

Blood Pressure Defined

Blood pressure is divided into 2 areas, systolic and
diastolic. Systolic is the pressure of the heart beating.
Diastolic is the pressure of the heart as well as vessels
filling up. When blood pressure level figures are written
out, as in 120/80, the 120 is the systolic pressure and
80 is the diastolic pressure. Standard blood pressure
level is now regarded as a systolic pressure below 120,
and a diastolic pressure below 80. If your numbers tend
to be consistently greater than these following several
visits to your health care specialist, you might have
possibly pre-hypertension or high blood pressure levels.

Arteries which are maintained young though proper diet
and exercise are usually more flexible and unclogged.
Blood flows through them easily and without much
effort. Nevertheless, as we grow older, our blood
vessels become more vulnerable to plaque build-up
(due to diets high in saturated fat and sedentary lifestyles) and dont flex as well under
pressure. The result is faster blood flow, constantly. In the long run, this damages heart tissue,
arteries, kidney and other major organs.
Factors which affect blood pressure levels are heart rate, variations in blood volume and also
the contraction and dilation of arteries. A change in any one of these aspects, offering the other
2 continue to be stable, will certainly have an immediate impact on blood pressure levels. Blood
pressure regulation is reached via the dilation as well as constriction of arteries (vasodilation,
vasoconstriction) and also the control of blood volume as well as heart rate. A healthy
cardiovascular system might be preserved by means of regular aerobic fitness exercise such
as: jogging, running, riding a bicycle, skiing, playing golf or swimming.
Other actors that have been associated with hypertension include obesity; diabetes; stress;
insufficient intake of potassium, calcium, and magnesium; lack of physical activity; and chronic
alcohol consumption.


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How to Reduce High Blood Pressure

The reasons for hypertension arent always clear. Nevertheless, there
are lifestyle factors that play a role in high blood pressure that one could
Weight-loss: increase your lean body mass and eliminate the fat,
particularly the fat around your midsection.
Exercise: hearts in bodies that get frequent exercise remain healthy and
fit, as with every other muscle.
Salt: try to lessen your salt intake, and use healthier salt such as Himalayan Crystal Salt as it
contains the necessary minerals to preserve a health heart +other vital minerals which support
several bodily functions.
Al cohol and tobacco use: moderate your alcohol intake, and if you smoke - stop


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Himalayan Salt Helps to Control the Water Levels in the Human
Body, Managing them for Proper Functioning

Himalayan Salt sustains optimum levels of h2o as well as delivers necessary and important
minerals to get adequate performance of numerous processes and bodily organs.
Overall Body Water Percentage

Roughly 50 - 65% of the bodyweight in a healthy individual is h2o. This takes on an important
role to help one remain healthy through:

Controlling body temperature
Eliminating waste products within the body
Transporting vitamins and minerals, oxygen, enzymes, hormones along with glucose to the
body cells
Transporting away unhealthy toxins and metabolic waste materials from the body cells for
Padding joints as well as strengthening muscle tissue
Supplying healthy moisture to skin as well as other tissues

An individual continuously loses h2o throughout the day by way of perspiration, urine and
respiration. The volume of h2o a person loses depends upon variables like physical demands
and climate conditions. Additional factors affecting ones body water level include sickness,
medications, hormone changes as well as inadequate nourishment.

Being thirsty isn't the ideal sign of dehydration, because the thirst mechanism only starts when
you're actually slightly dehydrated. Beginning signs and symptoms of dehydration normally
include reduced energy or tiredness, headaches and lightheadedness.
Some other warning signs are:

Darkish colored urine that might have an odor, and/or infrequent urination
Dry lips, mouth, and/or skin
Nausea or vomiting
Bowel irregularity
Elevated temperature

Determining the right balance of water consumption will make
sure the body performs effectively, can make you feel healthier
plus more alert and may decrease the chance of serious medical
problems. Remaining correctly hydrated also will make sure you
are performing at your very best, enabling you to exercise much
more. The new Total Body Water Percentage feature on specific
Tanita Body Fat Monitors will assist you to stay inside the
healthy total body h2o levels.

Tanita Body Fat Monitors

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Healthy Total Body Water Percentage (TBW%)

Typical total body water percentage levels for a healthy adult are:
Women: 45 - 60%
Men: 50 - 65%
With regard to Athletes, the figure is roughly 5% over these averages, because they will likely
have higher muscular mass. Skeletal muscle tissue consists of more water compared to fat
(adipose) tissue.

Currently there aren't any verified standards pertaining to overweight/obese individuals, even
though the total body water percentage will certainly drop down below the typical healthy
ranges. The total amount can vary with respect to the degree of extra body fat.


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H2o - The Building Blocks to a Healthy Body

Until fairly recent, the majority of medical-related theory was based upon the premise that the
20% of one's body that's solid tissue is really what decided our health and wellness. The
explanation for this premise is the fact that the majority of outward warning signs of disease and
sickness tend to be found within solid tissues. It had
been believed that the 80% of one's body that is fluid
simply helped the framework regarding bone and
organ tissue. Today we now recognize the exact
opposite to be correct; the liquids, which circulate
throughout the body, are actually what establish the
degree of health and well-being. Our body is
actually a water mechanism, made to operate
mainly on water and minerals. By weight, bodies
are approximately 72% water, 8% chemical
substances, and 20% bone and solid tissue. Coming
from the simplest viewpoint, it's a common sense
formula: if we're comprised of 72% ordinary h2o, it
follows that; actual quality of h2o we drink can have an extremely dramatic result on our general
state of wellness. Every single healing and life providing procedure that occurs in the body
occurs because of water!

Within the past 10 years, medical-related scientific research has started to pay attention to the
incredible healing capability the human body provides and just how much this ability is
dependent upon water. The human body automatically aims to remain healthy and young; every
element operates in remarkable harmony to be able to mend broken bones, regenerate and
replace damaged tissues, as well as go after and eliminate hostile organisms. Within each one
of these amazing procedures there exists a single basic element...WATER!

Human blood, the primary substance of one's existence, is
actually more than 83% water and moves all through the
body, disbursing nutritional requirements, much needed
oxygen, in addition to antibodies when needed.

To enable your blood to correctly execute its numerous
crucial duties, your body needs to be adequately hydrated
with healthy water. An insufficient consumption of water
(or drinking water laced with pollutants) will cause the
qualities of the blood to alter and adversely impact
essentially all elements regarding our overall health.

The human brain is actually more than 75% water and
regulates every single process, which occurs within the

The brain is continuously transmitting and obtaining
electronic signals through the entire neurological system
manage control, its, in truth, simply a complex system of
little waterways.

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The actual liquid within our nervous system is composed almost totally of water and
minerals. Microscopic messengers known as transporter proteins and travel at the speed of
light to transport life-giving signals to each and every cell and organ in the body. Like all
communication networks, the purity of the service provider, the nervous system, impacts the
speed and clarity of the transmission. When the liquid within the nervous system is laced with
traces of chemicals and/or heavy metals such as lead, the effect is a postponed and distorted
transmission. Numerous experts currently
believe, as well as several research studies
reveal, that the distortion of these signals
could be the real cause of several neurological
system disorders such as Attention Deficit
Disorder, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,
Alzheimer's disease, anxiety, and depression.
It's been well documented that the clearness
of these signals has a significant impact on
our own ability to cope with stress as well as
our degree of coordination. Given the critical
role that water performs in the human brain
and neurological system, its high quality might
well be the most fundamental and critical
answer to a healthy long life.

Our own energy level is definitely influenced mainly by our intake of h2o. It's been medically
proven that merely a 5% decrease in human body fluids will result in a 25% to 30% decrease in
energy in the majority of individuals; a 15% decline leads to death! Additionally, it is
approximated that greater than 2/3 of all individuals don't consume adequate h2o and
experience some degree of dehydration. As a result a significant portion of the human
population functions at just 70 to 75% of their ability, or perhaps less. Regrettably, the majority
of people choose stimulants such as caffeine and sugar to improve his or her energy level,
instead of drinking more h2o, which happens to be exactly what the body requires to generate
natural energy. Caffeine, alcohol, and sugar are all strong diuretics, which in fact make the
human body, lose water, causing a additional loss of natural energy production and
consequently resulting in a reliance on artificial energy.

Most of the bodys energy arrives from the compound known as ATP, Adenosine-Tri-
Phosphate, which is produced in the course of the movement of water through the cell
membrane to create hydroelectric energy. ATP will then be saved in energy pools and be
utilized as chemical energy throughout our body. Appropriate mineral content of the body fluids
as well as the absence of pollutants produce the correct environment for this natural energy

The human body is really a complicated Hydro Generator, utilizing the elements of nature in
becoming the miraculous machine it was supposed to be. The purity of the h2o people consume
significantly influences our strength and energy levels. Whenever a harmful chemical (chlorine
included) gets inside the body, it has to then burn some of the strength and energy to help
reduce and repair damages created by that toxin. H2o is additionally what the liver utilizes to
process fat into usable energy. Ingesting a great deal of clean, chemical-free h2o accelerates
the metabolic process and enables the body to absorb nutrients better, leading to improved
strength and energy.

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The bodys detoxing system is possibly the single most vital aspect to the best possible overall
health. Additionally it is the main process, which depends most heavily on an excess
consumption of clean water. All of us have heard that we need to drink no less than 8 servings
of h2o every day. But bear in mind, drinking the minimum can only help preserve the minimum
degree of wellness. The body uses at the least 8 servings of h2o every day under regular, fairly
passive activity to keep fundamental bodily processes such as digestion, temperature control,
joint lubrication, and skin hydration. Each and every time we breathe out, blink our eyes, or
make any type of motion whatsoever, we burn up a portion of the available water in our system.
Even the continual beating of our heart is a water using procedure. We're constantly using up
the available water within our body. To ensure that our body properly performs the important job
of filtering and eliminating contaminants, we need to drink an amount of h2o higher than the
minimum. The greater the h2o excess, the greater the body is able to eliminate itself of all the
factors, which promote disease and aging. This is a magnificently basic process, which can
create a huge difference in the level of wellness we achieve and maintain. Yet, we must allow it
to occur simply by drinking a great deal of clean, healthy water!

Note: A healthier suggestion with regard to h2o intake would be a
minimum of 10-12 servings daily, with ideal advantages attained at 14-
16 servings dail y. (Caffeinated or sweetened drinks shouldn't be
counted in ones h2o intake, because they essentially make the body
excrete water.)

It's probably the greatest overall health improvement routine you
could develop plus it's so easy: drink a glass of h2o every 1 to 2
hours. Test it: drink a minimum of 10 servings of h2o daily for 1 week;
you may be surprised at exactly how much better you're feeling!

Every bit as essential as amount is to correct detoxification so is
quality. When we drink h2o, which already includes traces of harsh
chemicals, such as chlorine or some of the other 2100 various
artificial chemicals, which have already been found in our water
supplies, then this h2o doesn't have exactly the same capability to
pick up and take away chemical toxins from our body. Drinking water
that's free of toxins will take on and get rid of contaminants, which
find their way into our bodies by some other way. We're regularly
subjected to as well as consume a multitude of damaging chemicals.
From the foods all of us consume (containing artificial preservatives,
colors, and pesticide residue) to the clothing we wear (which often
have traces of laundry and/or dry cleaning chemicals which can be
absorbed through the skin) exposes all of us to harmful toxins. The
air we breathe as well as practically everything we touch contains
possibly damaging chemicals, which can be taken in by our bodies. It's
difficult, if not impossible, to preserve the cleanliness of the air we
breathe, the things we touch and the foods we eat. This particular fact simply makes the purity
of one's h2o much more crucial. The h2o level of quality is the only portion of our individual
surroundings that we can simply and effectively regulate. By having a plentiful consumption of
clean, healthy h2o, we enable our bodies to carry out each of the healing processes it's
naturally capable of.


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During this era of fast food, synthetic medicines, and complicated lifestyles, people often neglect
the obvious facts. Your body is a water machine, carrying out an incredible number of life-giving
jobs with each and every passing second. In every one of these synchronized miracles there
exists a single primary component: WATER!

Studying the human body can easily result in a mind-boggling admiration and respect for the
creator. Always keeping your body clean internally isn't just essential for health and well-being;
it's also a great action associated with gratitude regarding such a marvelous gift: LIFE!

What Is Osmosis?

Osmosis is the passage of water from a region of
high water concentration through a membrane to a
region of low water concentration. It is the
movement of water from an area of low solute
content to an area of high solute content. In our
bodies, water moves continuously in and out of the
cells. The elements form the solutes that pass in
and out of the cells. The elements are: Sodium,
Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium. All of these
elements are found in the Himalayan Crystal Salt.
These elements, also known as electrolytes,
support the efficiency of osmoregulation to occur
within the cells. Osmoregulation is the bodys
natural maintenance of water levels in and out of
our cells. Also the minerals and trace elements in
Himalayan Crystal Salt are bound in colloidal form.
Simply put; this colloidal form allows easy,
immediate absorption into the body making It the a
perfect source of electrolytes.


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Himalayan Salt Soap Aids in Lessening the Everyday Aging Process

Efficiency of the Himalayan Salt Soap:

Himalayan Salt possesses a purifying and rejuvenating
effect on your sensitive skin. It aids in clearing up skin
problems that include acne, eczema, as well as skin
psoriasis. Studies have indicated that individuals with
chronic obstructive respiratory disease and bronchial
asthma show a reduction in disease causing
microorganisms. At the same time, it may help clear
away the excessive mucus, regulates the immune
system, delivers anti-bacteriological and anti-
inflammatory relief, and is also an excellent anti-aging

Himalayan Salt Soap reaches the greatest influence in conjunction with Himalayan Salt steam
sauna at a temperature of 104 F and humidity 60-75%. This unusual and highly effective
combination lightly detoxifies your skin, possess a strong impact on the circulation of blood as
well as efficiently tighten up your skin tone.
How to use:

Before massaging the Himalayan Salt Soap into your entire body you need to have a shower
using warm water 85-90 F, lasting 20-25 seconds to help you open the pores of your skin.
Basic spreading: cleansing soap is applied to moist skin in a thin layer (like a film), applying to
the face, the entire abdominal cavity and chest, subsequently along the spinal column to the
flank and also the neck part, of course, if necessary, the joint parts as well as outer thighs.

Generally if the skin discomfort has persistent character the first seven days apply soap
outside (eczema, psoriasis, herpes, allergies, acne, pimples, etc.) to additionally lubricate the
affected zones smear veins locally, apply a layer of salt but dont rinse off and take a shower the
following morning. If it prickles rinse it with water, after that apply a layer of massaging salt on
the skin throughout the therapy twice.

Himalayan bath salts can enhance the consistency, strength and appearance of the epidermis,
combat bloating, promote sinus health, avoid muscle cramps and tenderness, regulate sleep,
reduce tension as well as support your libido. It is crucial that you purchase the salts in their 100
% pure, organic form to experience each one of these benefits.

Softer, Smoother Skin:

You almost certainly have experienced at least one from the following: dry, flaky skin, greasy
skin, or combination skin just about all prone to conditions including acne or dandruff. As you
get older, you may become aware of a loss of flexibility or even tightness of the epidermis,
leading to wrinkles and fine lines. In an attempt to reverse most of these rather unpleasant

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effects, you buy costly lotions and creams investing 100s of dollars on treatment options that
deliver solely empty promises, not really results.

Bathing in organic Himalayan Salt can be a low-cost skincare solution that isnt only pleasant,
its also very efficient. The salt is instantly absorbed into your epidermis, cleansing and purifying
your skin pores from the inside out, leaving you with a healthy, younger glow. Bathing in salt
also plumps up the skin, filling out wrinkles and fine lines. The highly effective cleansing
qualities of organic Himalayan Salt break down dangerous build up and harmful toxins that lead
to a boring, lifeless appearance along with irregular pigmentation. After bathing in Himalayan
Salt water, you will emerge with epidermis thats soft, gentle, as well as flexible to touch.

Limitations: So far weve not found any kind of negative effects.
Application of the cleaning soap on face and the body:

Acne, the skin disease characterized by inflammation of the
skin and formation of whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples,
usually forms on the face, neck, chest, upper back,
shoulders, and arms. These parts of the body are highly
susceptible to acne because they have the highest
concentrations of sebaceous glands. When these
sebaceous glands are stimulated by a hormone called
androgen, these glands go into hyper mode and start
producing excess oil (sebum). The excess oil is supposed
to be expelled through the skin's pores but sometimes,
pores can be blocked by hair follicles, dead skin, and other
debris. This debris, combined with the excess oil, can
further block skin pores and consequently cause acne.

Due to its components, Himalayan Salt Soap massaging increases the release of harmful
substances along with harmful toxins from your entire body. Additionally, it stimulates the
secretion of excess water from the skin and ligament, which helps prevent the collection of
harmful substances and cellulite, therefore the pores and skin become stronger, softer, more
firm, much smoother and healthier naturally.

Using organic Himalayan Salt revitalizes your body with calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Since it increases the circulation of blood, Himalayan Salt Soap softens rough and chapped skin
on hands, elbows, and feet and also may serve as a fantastic treatment for support in
strengthening the walls of venous vessels.

Sodium: - 98.35% Magnesium: .07% Iron: - .0006% Moisture: - .026% Insoluble: - .77%


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Himalayan Salt Helps Prevent Cellulite, in Comparison with Table
Salt and Sea Salt

In case you have recently been displeased with the
look associated with crumpled spots of fatty skin on
your thighs and tummy or any other areas of the
body below the waistline, and you also are in fact a
woman in her thirties or forties, it's most likely that
you've made your acquaintance with a condition of
the skin generally known as cellulite.

Fortunately it's categorized as a mild problem yet it's
infamously hard to remedy. Really the only helpful
solutions capable of making a long lasting effect are
the ones, which deal with the actual causes of the
trouble - typically the eating and life-style patterns
which deny a body important nutritional vitamins and
promote the appearance of cellulite and various
other skin conditions.

Although the link between cellulite development and
cigarette smoking is certainly one, which not many
are likely to be shocked to find out about, the
relationships between cellulite and a fundamental
part of one's regular diet regime is much less visible. Sodium is very important in the preparation
of numerous foods and it's also often put on independently to cooked food.

The significance of sodium to our well-being has actually been well-known ever since ancient
times when Roman soldiers were given their wages in salt - thus the English term salary. It's
difficult to acknowledge the reality that sodium consumption can additionally have an adverse
effect on skin condition.

Cellulite isn't just an external dilemma. Even though it disturbs most women immensely, it's also
wise to be "grateful" for cellulite. Have you figured out exactly why? Because cellulite indicates
that there are actually actions that you need to take slightly varied and/or a bit improved
pertaining to your body.

You must be grateful considering that cellulite isn't a disease or sickness but it's an indication
that circulation in the body is slow. This is often a result of not enough exercising or not
following a proper diet or perhaps it could be hormone imbalances too.


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Sea Salt vs. Table Salt and Cellulite

Improper sodium consumption may lead to cellulite. An excessive amount of table salt, which is
not simply salt that you sprinkle your meals with, but additionally the excessive sodium, which is
already in prepared food products, will certainly slow a person's metabolic rate down.

Reduced metabolic rate can result in putting on weight and regrettably allows harmful toxins to
stack up. Cellulite is only one means of exhibiting that you've got some toxic substances inside
your body, which shouldnt be there.

Exactly what salts should you use and just how much? Will it really make any difference?
Is Sea Salt any better compared to Table salt?

Is Sea salt is Better than Table salt in Order to Reduce Cellulite?

With regards to cellulite, generally it doesnt make a difference. Sea Salt could be a little bit
healthier however; you need to check the product labels!

Sea salt may include a few extra minerals (1% extra) such as iron, magnesium, sulfur simply
because sea salt has gone through a tiny bit less processing.

Table salt has gone through additional chemical
treatment and therefore it contains absolutely no
minerals whatsoever. Also water pollution is a huge
concern and may weaken sea salt health benefits in the
near future. Generally iodine is put onto both salts.

Table salt as well as sea salt include an anti-caking
ingredient. Anti-caking agents aren't right for you when
you wish to eliminate your cellulite. Such anti-caking
agents cause the salt to remain fine and powdery and
are shown under category E number: E 535, E551.
Fundamentally this helps prevent salt from sticking

Standard table salt holds h2o inside the tissues, which
results in water retention along with cellulite. After you substitute normal table salt with highly
structured Himalayan Salt, the excess h2o inside your body will be emitted. Furthermore,
whenever utilized in a bath, Himalayan Salt works well for the actual removal of impurities
caught in your skin's pores.

Certain nations throughout Europe continue to market fine sea salt which has anti-caking agent
category E 536=Potassium Ferro cyanide. E 536 is prohibited in the US. As it triggers low
toxicity, decreases o2 transportation within the bloodstream, it may cause breathing troubles,
lightheadedness or even headaches.

Is it possible to imagine? Look at the ingredients label on your salt right now and find out if the
anti-caking agent is actually deemed OK.

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Number Name Comments
(i) Sodium carbonate is naturally occurring in alkaline waters,
however it is also synthesised by the Solvay process or by
electrolysis of sea water. Sodium carbonate is used as an acidity
regulator, particularly in beer making. Excessive ingestion may
result in stomach upset. Typical products include beer, baking,
soft and fizzy drinks, medications. No known adverse effects in
small quantities. May irritate the eyes and respiratory tract.
(ii) Sodium hydrogen carbonate (Bicarbonate of soda) is used in
food mainly as a raising agent, but also as a base. It is prepared

(iii) Sodium sesquicarbonate occurs naturally in saline waters, it is
used as a base. No adverse effects are known.
Mineral salt, adjusting and modifying agent. Used as gastric
antacid and to replenish electrolytes in the body, cocoa,
confectionary, custard powder and as for 500. No known adverse
(i) Ammonium carbonate
(ii) Ammonium hydrogen carbonate
Produced from ammonium sulphate and calcium carbonate,
natural minerals. Mineral salt, adjusting and modifying agent.
Irritant to mucous membranes, alters pH of urine and may cause
loss of calcium and magnesium. Used in some medications,
baked goods, baking powder, cocoa items confectionary, ice
(i) Magnesium carbonate - Mineral salt, anti-caking, adjusting,
bleaching, modifying agent. Medically used as an antacid and
laxative. Magnesium is used in the treatment of heart attack
patients, and promotes the health of arteries, bones, nerves and
teeth, low-sodium salt substitute, table salt. Other names:
magnesium carbonate, magnesium (II) carbonate n-hydrate.

(ii) Magnesium hydroxide carbonate (syn. Magnesium hydrogen
carbonate) Magnesium hydrogen carbonate is used mainly as a
buffer and anti-caking agent, but it is also used as an anti-
bleaching agent. Typical products include sugar, salt, other
granular foods.
Hydrochloric acid
HCl can be prepared commercially by the reaction of sulphuric
acid with sodium chloride, or directly by reaction of hydrogen and
chlorine gases; the reaction is very exothermic and takes place
readily in sunlight or at elevated temperatures. The major use of
HCl is in the manufacture of other chemicals, but other principle
applications include metal pickling, gelatine, dyestuffs, casein,

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pharmaceuticals, synthetic rubber and metal chlorides
manufacture. Large amounts of hydrochloric acid are used in
effluent treatment and for the regeneration of ion exchange resins
in water treatment. Produced in the stomach to aid digestion. May
have teratogenic properties and may be carcinogenic when mixed
with formaldehyde. Safe in small quantities. Mainly for the
malting of beer, gelatine manufacture, cornflour. Other names:
muriatic acid, chlorohydric acid.
Mineral salt. Large quantities can cause gastric ulceration. Used
as an electrolyte replenisher. Used in brewing, salt substitute,
gelling agent, reduced sodium breads.
Calcium chloride
Mineral salt, modifying agent, preservative, firming agent,
sequestrant. Derived from brine. Used in jelly, cheese, and to
keep canned fruit/vegetable firm.
Natural salt, part of sea salt and rock salt. Prepared from
hydrochloric acid and ammonia. Should be avoided by people
with impaired liver or kidney function. Acidity regulator, flavour
and nutrient for yeast in yeast-fermented products such as flour
products, bread, bread mixes, low sodium salt substitute.
Natural salt, part of sea salt and rock salt. Mineral salt, firming
agent. Magnesium is an essential mineral. Used in foods and
pharmaceuticals. Industrial grade not for human consumption.
Can act as a laxative.
E513 Sulphuric acid
Sulphuric acid was manufactured by the lead-chamber
process until the mid-1930s, but this process has now been
replaced by the contact process, involving the catalytic oxidation
of sulphur dioxide. The structure of sulphuric acid is considered to
be a mixture of several rapidly interconverting equivalent forms.
Typical products include beer. Banned in Australia. Has
teratogenic properties. Avoid it.
Sodium sulphates
Prepared from salt and sulphuric acid. Mineral salt, anti-caking
agent for diluting colour powders in beer, biscuits, chewing gum,
confectionary. May upset the body's water balance.
Mineral salt, anti-caking agent for beer, pharmaceuticals, salt
substitute. No known adverse effects, but large doses can cause
severe gastrointestinal bleeding, use sparingly.
Calcium sulphate
Mineral salt occurs naturally in the form of gypsum, and may be
used as a sequestrant in food as well as a buffer and firming
agent. Artificial sweetener base, bleaching agent for bread rolls,
flour, tinned tomatoes, soy tofu, dried egg, cheese products, tooth
paste. Used in mortar, cement and plaster of Paris. Derived from
limestone. No known adverse effects.
White solid, used in water purification.
sulphate, Epsom
Prepared from magnesium salts and sulphuric acid. Natural
mineral. Mineral salt, firming agent for medications,
pharmaceuticals, nutrition supplements and infant formula as a

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mineral. Used in beer and a laxative. Dangerous to people with
kidney problems and has teratogenic properties.
E519 Copper sulphate
Mineral salt, anti-caking agent which is manufactured but occurs
naturally and used for making azo dyes. Fed to pigs to stimulate
growth. A cumulative poison. Essential mineral for many body
functions such as making blood and tissues to fighting infections.
Naturally in meat, cereals, vegetables. Used in infant formula as
a mineral supplement. NOT TO BE TAKEN ON ITS OWN.
Natural mineral, from which the commercial product is purified.
Aluminium sulphate is used to precipitate protein, for example
during the beer brewing process. It also strengthens the structure
of vegetables during processing. Found in Beer, pickled
vegetables, proteins (deodorant, as anti-bacterial agent)
Acceptable daily intake (ADI): None determined. Side effects:
Aluminium inhibits the uptake of B-vitamins. It may also influence
liver function in high concentrations. However with use of E520
the concentrations are too low.
sodium sulphate
Prepared from natural aluminium sulphate. It strengthens the
structure of vegetables during processing. It is used as acidity
regulator and bleaching agent in flour. Found in Flour, cheese,
confectionary. Acceptable daily intake (ADI): None determined.
Side effects: Aluminium inhibits the uptake of B-vitamins. It may
also influence liver function in high concentrations. However with
use of E521 the concentrations are too low.
Prepared from natural aluminium sulphate. It is used as acid
source in baking powder for bakery products, baked at high
temperature. It also stabilises colours. Used in Industrial baking
powder. Acceptable daily intake (ADI): Up to 0,6 mg/kg
bodyweight. Aluminium inhibits the uptake of B-vitamins. It may
also influence liver function in high concentrations. However with
use of E522 the concentrations are too low.
Prepared from natural aluminium sulphate. It is used as acid
source in baking powder for bakery products, baked at high
temperature. It also stabilises colours. Used in Industrial baking
powder. Acceptable daily intake (ADI): Up to 0,6 mg/kg
bodyweight. Aluminium inhibits the uptake of B-vitamins. It may
also influence liver function in high concentrations. However with
use of E523 the concentrations are too low.
E524 Sodium hydroxide
Prepared from natural salt. Adjusting agent, base and colour
solvent (caustic). Used in drain cleaners, cocoa products, sour
cream, edible fats and oils, jam, tinned vegetables, glaze on
pretzels, enhance the industrial peeling of fruits, to blacken olives
and in the preparation of caramel. Banned in Australia. Avoid it.
Mineral salt (caustic) used in cocoa products, cheese products,
jam black olives. Banned in Australia, check imported foods.
Avoid it.
526 Calcium Mineral salt made from lime as a firming and neutralising agent

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E526 hydroxide used in making beer, soap and glazing pretzels, infant formula as
a mineral, cocoa products, sour cream, edible fats and oils, jam,
tinned vegetables. Strong alkali used as acidity regulator, for
example in wine. A solution of calcium hydroxide can be used to
preserve eggs. A solution of calcium hydroxide and sugar (1:3) is
used to regulate the acidity in frozen products. In strengthens the
structure of vegetables during processing. No adverse effects in
small quantities.
Diluted household ammonia. Strong alkali used as acidity
regulator. Also used for the production of caramel. Found in Egg
and cocoa products, colours. Banned in Australia. Avoid it.
Mineral salt. Milk of magnesia. Strong alkali used as acidity
regulator. Used in cheese to enhance rennet and stabilises the
colour of vegetables during canning. Laxative in high
concentration. Banned in Australia. Avoid it.
Calcium oxide
Mineral salt prepared from chalk, used as adjusting and modifying
agent used in bread, confectionary, sour cream, dairy products,
tripe, tinned peas. Also used in the manufacture of sugar to
remove impurities, in bakery products as stabiliser and as a
nutrient for yeast. It is also used in the preparation of intestines
for sausages (as cover, not filling). Safe in small quantities.
Magnesium oxide
Prepared from several minerals. Alkali, neutraliser and anti-caking
agent. It can be found in frozen dairy products, butter, canned
peas, cocoa products, medications. Used as a medical laxative in
high concentrations. Banned in Australia. Avoid it.
Prepared from hydrogen ferrocyanide and sodium hydroxide.
Crystal modifier, anti-caking agent. No adverse effects known for
use in food. Use is very limited, partly due to the strong yellow
Prepared from hydrogen ferrocyanide and potassium hydroxide.
Synthetic crystallising agent. Metal removal in wine, anti-caking
agent, seasonings, spices. By-product of coal gas production; low
toxicity, reduces oxygen transport in the blood, which in turn may
cause breathing difficulties, dizziness or headache. Banned in
the United States.
Prepared from hydrogen mangano-cyanide and iron hydroxide.
Used as anti-caking agent. Used in liquorice powder (salmiak).
Acceptable daily intake (ADI): None determined. Side effects:
None in the concentrations used. Can be used by all religious
groups, vegetarians and vegans.
Prepared from hydrogen ferrocyanide and calcium hydroxide.
Used as anti-caking agent. Found in Low-sodium salt. Acceptable
daily intake (ADI): Up to 25 mg/kg bodyweight. None in the
concentrations used.
Synthetic compound. Used as anti-oxidant, especially to inhibit
browning in potato products. Acceptable daily intake (ADI): Up to
0,7 mg/kg bodyweight. Side effects:

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Thiosulphate is converted into sulphite and has similar side
effects, see E221 . Can be used by all religious groups,
vegetarians and vegans.
Occurs naturally as monetite. Buffer, neutralising and raising
agent in yeast products, dietary supplement. Banned in Australia.
Avoid it.
(i) : Acid sodium aluminium phosphate
(ii) : Alkaline sodium aluminium phosphate
Synthetically produced from aluminium, phosphoric acid and
sodium hydroxide.
Acidity regulator, emulsifier used in baked goods, cheese products,
confectionary, mince meat, frozen fish, stews. A risk to babies,
elderly and people suffering from kidney and heart complaints.
Aluminium impairs the calcium and phosphorous uptake by the
body. Possible link to osteoporosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's
disease. Avoid it.
Banned in Australia. Avoid it. See Above.
edible bone
Derived from steaming animal bones. Used as anti-caking agent,
emulsifier and source of phosphorous in food supplements. Main
use, however, is in cosmetics (such as tooth paste) Used in dried
milk for coffee machines, cane sugar, and as filler in tablets.
Cannot be used by vegans, vegetarians, Muslims, J ews or Hindus.
The product is made of animal bones, such as from pigs and cattle.
Calcium sodium
Produced from sodium phosphate and calcium phosphate from
non-animal origin. Used as emulsifier and stabiliser. Found in
Processed cheese, frozen bakery products Acceptable daily intake
(ADI): Up to 70 mg/kg bodyweight. Polyphosphates may inhibit
digestive enzymes in high concentrations.
Produced by heating calcium phosphate. Emulsifier and stabiliser
salts for use in foods mainly with dairy and cheese products in
them, everything but fizzy drinks! May cause enzyme blocking in
the digestive system and cause calcium phosphorous imbalance.
Banned in Australia. Avoid it.
Produced by heating ammonium hydrogen phosphate. Emulsifier
salts as for 544, plus chewing gum, beer, cider, herb teas,
confectionary, processed nuts. Also used as nutrient for yeast and
increases water binding properties. Banned in Australia. Avoid it.
See 544
E550 Sodium silicate
(i) Sodium silicate
(ii) Sodium metasilicate
Produced by heating siliciumdioxide (quartz, sand) and
sodiumcarbonate. Used as anti-caking agent, to preserve eggs,
and to improve mechanical peeling of peaches. Also as a carrier for
aromas. Found in Canned peaches, preserved eggs, vanilla

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powder. Acceptable daily intake (ADI): None determined. Side
effects: None known
Silicon dioxide
From sand or Quartz. No adverse effects are known in food use.
Artificial sweetener, anti-caking agent, thickener and stabiliser in
beer, confectionary, sausages, dried milk - huge range of foods.
Calcium silicate
Derived from limestone and diatomaceous earth (the silicified
skeletons of diatoms, a single celled plankton), antacid, glaze,
polishing, release, dusting agent in chewing gum, coating agent on
rice. No known adverse effects.
(i) Magnesium silicate
(ii) Magnesium trisilicate
Produced from magnesium sulphate and sodium silicate or directly
from minerals such as talcum, sepiolite and steatite Antacid, glaze,
polish, release, anti-caking, dusting, coating agent. Avoid it.
Banned in Australia.
E553(b) Talc
Produced from magnesium sulphate and sodium silicate or directly
from minerals such as talcum, sepiolite and steatite Has been
linked to stomach cancer, typical products are polished rice,
chocolate, confectionary, icing sugar, noodles, medicinal tablets.
Produced from several natural minerals. Mineral salt, anti-caking
agent. Used in salt, dried milk substitutes, egg mixes, sugar
products and flours. Aluminium is known to cause placental
problems in pregnancy and has been linked to Alzheimer's
Parkinson's, bone loss.
Produced from several natural minerals. Used as anti-caking agent.
Found in dry products, but hardly used. Acceptable daily intake
(ADI): None determined. Side effects: None known
Produced from several natural minerals. Used as anti-caking agent.
Used in dry products (milk), but hardly used. See 554
No known adverse effects. A natural type of clay from volcanic
origin. Decolouriser, filter medium, emulsifier and anti-caking agent.
Used in pharmaceutical agents for external use, edible fats and
oils, sugar, wine. Known to block skin pores.
silicate (Kaolin)
A fine usually white clay formed by the weathering of aluminous
minerals (such as feldspar). No known adverse effects, except in
large quantities can cause intestinal obstruction and tumours.
Mineral salt, anti-caking agent used in medications and vending
machine dried milk. Used in cosmetics, blocks skin pores.
Stearic acid
Saturated fatty acid, possibly of pig origin, cascarilla bark extract or
vegetable fats. Anti-caking agent in chewing gum, confectionary,
butter or vanilla flavouring for drinks, artificial sweeteners.
No known adverse effects in food use. Stabiliser, anti-caking and
release agent, emulsifier for artificial sweeteners and confectionary.
Inhalation of the powder is harmful.
E572 Magnesium See 572. Emulsifier, Anti-caking agent

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E574 Gluconic acid
Gluconic acid occurs naturally in fruit, honey, kombucha tea and
wine and is used as a food additive, an acidity regulator. It is also
used in cleaning products where it helps cleaning up mineral
deposits. It is a strong chelating agent, especially in alkaline
solution. It chelates the cations of calcium, iron, aluminium, copper,
and other heavy metals.
Glucono delta-
No known adverse effects in food. Food acid, artificial sweetener
base, acidity regulator. Made from glucose. Stops 'stone' formation
during manufacture with milk and beer. Found in gluten free food,
processed meat, cheese.
Sodium salt of gluconic acid, E574. Synthetic. Picks up metal
traces and holds them in the product. Dietary supplement and
sequestrant found in baked goods, confectionary, soft, sports and
fizzy drinks, processed meats, nutritional supplements, desserts.
Banned in Australia. Avoid it.
Synthetic. Picks up metal traces and holds them in the product. No
known adverse effects, mildly toxic by ingestion. Sequestrant,
stabiliser. Used for treating hypokalemia (low levels of calcium).
See 576.
Synthetic. Picks up metal traces and holds them in the product. No
known adverse effects but may cause stomach upsets and heart
problems. Firming agent and buffer, sequestrant, acidity regular,
artificial sweetener base. Used medically to replenish calcium in the
body. Is contained in a large range of products but meat and
cheese, infant formula supplement.
Colour-retention agent; Iron salt of gluconic acid, E574.; used in
olives, iron supplements (use sparingly). In small amounts it is safe
but may cause gastrointestinal stress. Used in the treatment of iron
deficiency anaemia. Restricted in the USA for colouring olives only
as is known to cause death in children up to 24 months with only 1
- 2 grams! Acceptable daily intake (ADI): Up to 0,8 mg/kg
E585 Ferrous lactate
Iron salt of lactic acid, E270. Iron supplement. Found in infant
formula. Acceptable daily intake (ADI):
Up to 0,8 mg/kg bodyweight. Side effects: None known. Lactic acid
and lactates can be consumed by all religious groups, vegans and
vegetarians. Although the name refers to milk, it is mot made from
milk and thus suitable for people with milk allergy or lactose

Himalayan Salt is 100% Organic and does not contain any of the elements mentioned above.


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Himalayan Salt Helps Prevent Cavities

Dental Hygiene is probably the most important concerns
in the personal hygiene and sanitation of a individuals
body. Tartar, cavities and bad breath can be hard to
manage even with todays modern dental treatments.
Nonetheless, there is an alternative to popular dental
hygiene which can be both economical as well as simple
to use. Besides brushing your teeth with tooth paste, its
also possible to clean them with a brine formula. Brine
solution is generally known as Sole . This is a
composition of distilled pure water and Himalayan Crystal
Salt. During thousands of years, men and women from
the Himalayas implemented pure Himalayan Salt as a
technique of cleaning and strengthening their teeth and
avoiding gingivitis.

As an added benefit, Himalayan Crystal Salt contains a component called potassium that
prevents the gums from bleeding (Bleeding Gums). And, combined with the various minerals
and nutrients in Himalayan Crystal Salt, you can find calcium: a mineral which fortifies as well as
whitens your teeth. Applying pure brine solution any
time you brush your teeth wont just help make your
teeth whiter and cleaner, it will make your breath

For those who have sore and bleeding gums, gargling
3 to 4 times every day using Himalayan Salt and water
solution might help. An infected tooth is usually
agonizing and also makes your entire body to hurt.
Applying Himalayan Salt along with water and swishing
it through the aching tooth can help remove the
pathogenic agents and eliminate bacteria and germs.


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Healing and Avoiding Foot Fungus Infections Organically

It's itchy, unpleasant and may be obtained just about any place: foot fungus, its not enjoyable to
cope with. Typically referred to as athlete's foot, it's due to the Ringworm fungi. It has been
predicted that 70% of individuals in the United States experience a case of athlete's foot
sometime throughout their lives. For most, the issue will be so minor that they wont have any
idea it's there!
Reasons and the signs of Foot Fungus

Fungus grows fastest in wet, damp, warm
and moist conditions and, as mentioned
above, is attributed to the ringworm fungi.
This makes fitness centers, swimming
pools and bathhouses common places to
pick up athletes foot. As a protective
measure, you may wear a set of flip-flops
or other footwear you won't care getting
wet, to act as a shield in between your
feet and any potential fungus. As to why a
number of people acquire athlete's foot
and other do not it's up for discussion.
Many people are simply weaker to fungal
infections than others. It could be
transmitted through the contact with other
people but cases of that occurring are unusual. Actually, we have seen numerous instances
when a couple living with each other have shared the same bathtub for many years without the
other contracting athlete's foot. You will know when you have it from the itchiness, burning and
soreness which develop either on the bottom of your foot/feet, in your toe(s) or perhaps in
between your toe(s) also known as moccasin type, interdigital sort or inflammatory form,
Dealing with Foot Fungus Infections

The conventional medication strategy for foot fungus is miconazole nitrate cream (at a
concentration of 2%). This medication works by suppressing the synthesis of ergosterol, an
essential element of the fungi cell wall. Regrettably, the miconazole ointment could be absorbed
into the blood stream (albeit in small amounts and also depending on usage). While having a
foreign element presented into your blood stream isn't the best thing to your body's defenses,
miconazole is especially troublesome given that ergosterol is a provitamin. A provitamin is term
for an element that your body can turn into a vitamin, in this instance vitamin D which is the key
vitamin in defining your emotions and sleeping patterns. Miconazole is certainly not an element I
would like in my system!
An additional athlete's foot remedy, and something which is far better for your health and
wellbeing, is to use Himalayan Crystal Salt. To apply the crystal salt to deal with your infection,
simply make Sole a mixture with some Himalayan Salt and water and rub it to the affected
regions. Himalayan Salt enables you to destroy fungus since it tends to absorb the humidity out

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of things. Keep in mind, salt regulates the osmosis process within our systems via this same
method. Dryness certainly is the rival #1 against fungi. Without a damp atmosphere, fungus
simply cannot survive eradicating away the fungus!
Using Himalayan Salt for foot fungus also offers an additional benefit. It is not harmful if
additional salt gets absorbed into your bloodstream unlike Miconazole, your system requires it
either way. Yes, you will find individuals who consume a lot of salt, but that is iodine-filled table
salt they are referring to. Himalayan
Crystal Salt is another kind, a healthy
Organic kind. Table salt is extremely
bad for you and drains your body's
water resources unlike Himalayan
Crystal Salt which is filled with life vitality
and also aids you to restore your body's
natural balance of fluids, without water
Salt for foot fungus is an excellent
therapy choice for one more reason: it
possesses anti-bacterial and antiviral
qualities. Even though that may seem just like an antibiotic, it isn't. They've the same ends but
an extremely different means. Himalayan Crystal Salt obtains its anti-bacterial attributes from
the osmosis effect: whenever bacteria intakes salt it swells their cell walls and causes then to
bloat. The more swollen the unhealthy bacteria are, the easier it is for the body's white blood
cells to eliminate them, unlike prescription antibiotics which work by searching for every living
microorganisms in your body and eliminating them.
Whenever you've got itches, burning feet keep in mind that salt for fungus can be an excellent,
organic therapy and is far better to your overall health than medicines. Himalayan Crystal Salt
will have your feet also, you feeling better very quickly! And you will be dealing with and
avoiding foot fungus infections naturally.


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Himalayan Salt Helps to Maintain Healthy Respiratory Functions

Considering that the side effects of pollution in our environment appear to be entirely
unavoidable, it seems reasonable that we should purify and take care of our respiratory system
in the same way we cleanse and take care of our epidermis, hair, etc.

Serious respiratory disorder diseases including asthma, allergies, and bronchitis are typically
connected with pollution. Since, as we are able to see that these illnesses have been greater in
industrial countries. We have found that allergic illnesses are absolutely a prevalent as well as
maximizing problem in American Society. Walker and Sheikh (2005) report that roughly 20% of
the UK population (about 75% of these with asthma) experiences some type of rhinitis however
the high number is greatest within teenagers and young adults. To be able to maintain our
healthy living in this century, the benefits derived from ancient salt-cave therapies, well known in
Eastern and Central European countries, could be harnessed in an original way to preserve
ideal breathing function.


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A device containing Halite mineral rock salt from Kwera salt
Mines which have originated from Himalayan Salt Rang
Mountain Pakistan. This is Pipe inhaler supplying a handy
method to improve and maintain your breathing right from
home. These have been utilized to effectively deal with all
sorts of respiratory illnesses. Breathing via the Salt pipe will
force air through the 20-22 million year old minerals. The
beneficial effects which subsequently get through to each and
every microscopic part of the respiratory system and may
even affect breathing problems which can be a result of:

Breathing difficulty
Respiratory problems caused by smoking
Sinus problem, Hay fever
Chest infections
Bronchial asthma, Allergies
Persistent Cough and Sore throats

The actual Salt Cave treatment therapy is not really new. A Polish physician F. Bochkowsky
once described them in a book published in 1843 that said that salt miners hardly ever
experienced respiratory illnesses. Since then, many people have visited several salt mines,
caves and subterranean sanatorium in Pakistan Kwera salt mines Asthama resert, Prajd-
Romania, Wieliczka (Poland), Solzbad (Austria), Parajd (Romania), Solotvino (Ukrainian
Carpathians), and Nakhichevan (Azerbaijan) for treatment of breathing problems including
asthma, swelling of lower and upper respiratory tracts, plus some allergy symptoms. At Prajd
and Soltovino, thousands of men and women having trouble with respiratory illness have visited
these cave every year because of the salty, disinfectant atmosphere within the mines is
incredibly helpful for healing as well as reducing asthma and other respiratory illnesses. The
practice of taking patients having respiratory diseases into salt mines for therapy gradually
spread all through Eastern Europe. This is now a widespread as well as popular therapy in
eastern and central Europe, but practically unknown anywhere else. This therapy is drug-free,
non-invasive and enjoyable treatment that works extremely well to supplement or as an
alternative to the conventional medications. Nevertheless, as a result of travel, transportation
and other connected problems cave treatments can be very expensive, time-consuming and not
easily accessible making the Himalayan Salt inhaler an excellent alternative.

'If Muhammad does not go to the mountain, the mountain will go to Muhammad' (Spanish
proverbs) In this case is very accurate. The actual benefits of the mountain are being
delivered to you from the other side of the world


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Himalayan Salt Helps Lowering Incidence of Sinus Problems, and
Promoting Over-all Sinus Health

Mechanism of Himalayan Salt Therapy (Heliotherapy)

By far the handiest as well as cost effective method of practicing Himalayan Salt therapy is
making use of Salt inhalers. Salt pipes improve the healing results of salt treatments utilized
more than 2000 years in Himalayan Salt caves/mines.

The Dry Salt Inhaler has Himalayan Salt/Halite salt crystals, created 20-22 million years ago at
the heart of Miocene, from the famous Transylvanian Praid Salt Mine where professional
medical stats support the claim that Himalayan Salt treatments increases the medical condition
of individuals being affected by breathing illnesses by as much as 90%.

While using the inhaler, the Himalayan Salt crystals placed in the unit are absorbed by the
humid air and the small particles within the range of 0.1-2.5 microns:

Penetrate directly into each and every corner of the respiratory system, the bronchi,
bronchioles and alveoli and deposit upon the top of the cells. The Himalayan Salt micro particles
eliminate microorganisms as well as germs, eliminating secretions.

Natural Himalayan Salt particles possess a significant amount of negative charge. The healing
influence of negative ions is: anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, controlling the mineral metabolic
rate of the body as well as cleansing the respiratory system.

The inhaled Himalayan Salt particles, because of the hydrophilic characteristics, absorb the
gluey mucous obstructing the air pipes. They unblock obstructions, reestablish the standard
transfer of mucous and expand the air passage. Because of their non-steroid, anti-inflammatory
qualities they provide an all-natural method of dealing with asthma.

The Himalayan Salt micro particles humidify and liquidize the bronchial secretions inside the
bronchial tree, which results in an alleviation of the bronchospasm.

They clear out the sinus cavities from abnormal mucus expand the respiratory tract
passageway inside the nasal area as well as the tubes of the sinuses, which in turn increases
the drainage of the sinuses. The Himalayan Salt particles decrease discomfort producing
coughing and sneezing.

The inhaled Himalayan Salt micro particles provide an all-natural therapy when the alveoli* at
the end of the bronchioles become blocked with mucous and bacteria and the alveoli are unable
to grab sufficient oxygen, like the instances of emphysema, fibrosis, etc. Because of the
blocking up of the alveoli through mucous, inhalation gets to be more and more complicated and
fluid buildup within the lung area might result in respiratory failure.


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The micro particles of Himalayan Salt cleanse sticky secretions, eliminate toxins and by
eliminating microbes and bacteria, they assist to recover the regular transportation of mucous.
The salt crystals assist to relaxed, recover and restore swollen lungs. In the alveoli oxygen is
fortified with the negative ions of the salt particles. Together with the oxygen then assimilated
through the blood stream they will provide the purifying and cleansing benefits to each and
every organ of the body.

Himalayan Salt therapy treatment (HT) kills pathogenic microorganisms throughout the
respiratory tract (Chervinskaya and Zilber, 1995)In turn, the bodys normal microflora
repopulate the area and the removal of pathogens leads to a reduction in inflammation from the
immune response. The numbers of immune cells are normalized, while both numbers and
activation of alveolar macrophages* increase. The normalization in immune response explains
much of HTs action for treating asthma. (K. J . Dillon, Close-to- Nature Medicine)

A crucial purpose of breathing process happens within the clusters of thin-walled incredibly tiny
air sacs known as alveoli in which carbon dioxide from the cells and clean oxygen from the
atmosphere are swapped. (Amazingly there are around three hundred million air sacs within the
lungs, the surface region of a tennis court.) Alveolar macrophages are white-colored blood cells
plus they are major players in the defense mechanisms to remove dangerous intruders for
instance contagious microorganisms. Macrophages help eliminate microorganisms as well as
tumor cells and play a crucial role in the protection of the lungs. By practically swallowing
allergens debris and other intruders they will maintain clean air sacs.


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Nasal Irrigation with Himalayan Salt Promotes Sinus Health

Reducing occurrence associated with sinus complications, as well as promoting over-all
sinus health
Consider Cleansing Your Nose with Nasal Irrigation

Prior to reaching for costly over-the-
counter or even prescription allergy
solutions, you might want to attempt an
affordable alternative treatment that has
a tendency to work: nasal irrigation, or
cleansing out your nasal area a few times
daily with warm salt water. The majority
of medical research on nasal irrigation
with regard to allergic reactions is rather
positive, and there is very little risk with
little outlay of money for trying.

Spring symbolizes the start of plant
pollen season, much like the same yellowish dust particles that coats your motor vehicle
likewise fills your sinus pathways, leading to enough discomfort to induce a hypersensitive
reaction. Nasal irrigation basically flushes away the particles that cause the allergic reactions.

Numerous scientific institutions, for example the Mayo Clinic, recommend the usage of nasal
irrigation. The most up-to-date research appeared in J anuary 2009, with all the 200 individuals
in the research study revealing some relief associated with symptoms from twice daily

Cleansing Your Nose with Nasal Irrigation

To attempt this, you can spend about $2.00 on a bulb syringe. Or else you can acquire a neti
pot, which usually looks like a little oil lamp, frequently utilized by yoga enthusiasts. Nasal
irrigation is referred to as jala netti in the ancient Indian practice of Ayurveda

Sources: Live Science April 16, 2009

For those who have seasonal allergic reactions, Hay fever or persistent sinusitis, nasal irrigation
is an easy and cheap application that can assist to alleviate your symptoms. Originating in the
Ayurvedic medical tradition, nasal irrigation or jala neti has been utilized for thousands of years
to assist in gently flushing away particles that cause allergies as well as sinus bacterial

The purpose of cleansing your nose with Nasal Irrigation, which typically is made of an all-natural
saline solution, is to reduce and sometimes clear away the persistent irritant so your body can
be granted an opportunity to recover itself. Quite often antihistamines, antibiotics and even

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surgical treatments are used to deal with these types of
conditions but accomplish very little to relieve their
underlying causes, nor their recurrence.

Alternatively, nasal irrigation has revealed much
promise, not merely anecdotally but also in scientific
studies. One up to date research in kids actually
discovered that Nasal Irrigation considerably reduced
signs while decreasing the need for prescription drugs
such as steroid nasal sprays.

Nasal irrigation is effective not simply for relief of symptoms whenever your allergies or sinuses
are acting up, but in addition for routine cleansing.

Nasal irrigation has been part of yoga-Tai Chi health-oriented cleansing rituals for thousands
of years, and enthusiasts make use of a neti pot (a small, teapot-like pot) to pour gradually
salted warm water directly into one nostril and then let it run out from the other. Many will also
purposely breathe out the water to further cleanse their sinus passages.

Research shows that utilizing saltwater nasal irrigation every day it helped to protect from the
common cold.

Exactly why is Himalayan Salt Nasal Irrigation Beneficial to
Your Sinuses and More?

Salt in its natural form has many healing qualities when consumed or even utilized as a
soak. Not only are brine baths, which you may make at your home by adding plenty (about 2.6
pounds of salt for a 27-32 gallon tub) of organic, high quality salt such as Himalayan Salt in your
bathwater, a terrific way to rejuvenate the body, but Himalayan Salt rooms are also expanding in

Salt room visitors relax inside the room for 30 minutes or perhaps an hour just to inhale the salty
air. Historical reports say theyre good for anything from bronchial asthma to respiratory
bacterial infections to stress.

Nasal irrigation, nevertheless, is likely beneficial not simply because of the healing effects of
salt, but additionally due to the physical flushing which helps eliminate irritants.

If you are planning to implement salt in your nasal irrigation I recommend you stay away from
standard processed salts and rather use our high quality Himalayan Salt.

Neti Pot

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Cleansing Your Nose with Nasal Irrigation: How to Do it

Nasal irrigation takes a bit of getting used to, but
when you understand the process youll discover
how easy it truly is. To start, youll require:

All organic Himalayan Salt
Distilled water
A Neti Pot
Cloth or towel

The process, discussed beneath, might appear
unconventional initially. Nevertheless, when
mastered, youll quickly understand exactly how
favorable Nasal Irrigation is for sinus difficulties.

1. Obtain a practical container. The neti pot is especially fashioned with a spout that fits easily in
one nostril. For alternatives use a bulb syringe, a compact flower irrigating pot or just a teacup.

2. Fill up the container with lukewarm salt water. Use a 1% Sole solution. Strained or sterilized
water is most beneficial. Exact measurements are: 1% Sole solution 0.35 ounces of crystal
salt in 3.4 ounces of lukewarm water

3. Have some tissues within easy reach for this following part. Over the sink, lean the head
frontward so that you are looking straight down toward the sink. Place the spout into the right
nostril. It is crucial that you inhale through your mouth. Turn the head to the right and allow
water transfer to the right nostril and eave through the left nostril. Normally, you are going to feel
the water as it moves through your sinuses.

It is okay if a portion of the water drains into your mouth. J ust spit it out and adjust the lean of
your head.

4. After utilizing a cup of water, do again the above procedure for the other nostril.

5. To complete, get rid of all remaining water by rapidly blowing air out both equally open
nostrils 15 times on the sink. Prevent the urge to close off 1 nostril, because doing so might
push water inside your Eustachian tube.

It is very important comply with each of the directions cautiously and carry on with the Nasal
Irrigation routine until eventually all your signs and symptoms resolve. Nasal
Irrigation therapy may take 3 to 6 months with regards to a persistent infection, so have
patience. For serious issues such as seasonal allergies, carry out the Nasal Irrigation up to 4
times each day until your symptoms improve.

Regarding persistent issues like infections, it can be common to perform the Nasal Irrigation at
least once a day and continue for several months.


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Clearing Your Breathing Passages: How to Do it

Clear your breathing passages when you have a
cold by adding Himalayan salt to boiling water
and inhaling the steam. Put your head over the
steam and cover with a towel to keep the steam
enclosed in the area. Breathe the vapors for 10
to 15 minutes to clear minor congestion in the
nose and breathing passages. This is not a
substitute for medicines used to treat more
severe breathing problems such as bronchitis or
asthma. Continue to take those medications as
directed by your physician. Steam breathing is a
temporary technique for improving breathing. If
your breathing does not improve, call a doctor

Use a 1% Sole solution = 2 table spoons of Himalayan Crystal Salt (10g) + 1000ml Water.
You might use a 2% or 3% Sole solution depending to your needs.


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Headaches: Causes, Symptoms and Ways to Prevent Them

Headaches are amongst the most frequent medical problem confronted by many people.
They're, actually, more predominant today than in the past, taking in consideration the
increased of stress in our lifestyles. There are numerous factors behind headaches: muscle
stress, nasal infection, high blood pressure, dehydration and potassium deficiency to mention a

Muscle tension headaches originate from spasms in the muscles around the neck and facial
area. These muscles stretch tendons from the neck and radiate discomfort upwards producing a
headache. Due to the placement of nerves around the neck, pain related to these muscles will
not be experienced in the actual muscles themselves but instead as a headache. Among the
best methods to treat tension headaches is by filling up a bag with Himalayan Crystal Salt and
setting it close to your neck. You will notice the benefits instantly as your mind starts to relax
and you begin to calm down and unwind. Stress headaches could be triggered by your
emotions therefore the energy balancing properties of Himalayan Crystal Salt will give you
results rapidly and will gently put you in a state of relaxation, enabling the muscles to release
and unwind in the process.

A sinus headache might be especially
unpleasant and is the consequence of
obstruction in the sinuses either from an
infection or perhaps an allergen. Both will
result in an inflammatory reaction and the
production of mucous. All of that excess
mucous results in a accumulation of
pressure in the sinuses which forces on
nerves in the face to cause a headache.
Even though this kind of headache can be
especially unpleasant, you will discover
sinus headache relief by means of
Himalayan Crystal Salt. First, use a
combination of crystal salt and water to produce a 1% Sole solution and after that use that
solution like a nasal rinse using a neti pot. The salt will assist cutting through and get rid of the
mucous and, as an additional benefit, the anti-bacterial and antiviral attributes of the salt will
assist to fight any existing infections. Proper use of a Sole will have you feeling better before
you know it.

Dehydration, unlike high blood pressure, is an actual reason behind headaches in numerous
people. Even though it isn't known for sure how dehydration leads to headaches, there exist
some rumors. It's believed that a dehydration headache could be the results of your body
attempting to preserve adequate fluid levels. Whenever the water in your body declines beneath
a certain threshold, blood vessels in the brain thin and this constriction is believed to intensify
the pain receptors in the lining that surrounds your brain. The brain itself cannot feel pain. The
best remedy for a dehydration headache is avoidance: don't allow it to happen in the first place.
This can be done by making sure you consume sufficient amounts of water during the day and
by replacing fluid-robbing drinks such as coffee or any other caffeinated drinks with water or

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sports drinks. Another approach to attempt is to drink a glass of water mixed with 2 teaspoons
of brine solution every day.

Contrary to table salt, Himalayan Crystal Salt doesn't require your body to utilize water in order
to process it. Quite the contrary, this process balances your body's fluid levels which assist to
ensure you have enough proper level of fluids therefore preventing a potential headache.

Another advantage of drinking Sole is that it possesses electrolytes: low electrolyte levels are
usually a significant contributing aspect to the degree of dehydration headaches.

Potassium insufficiency can significantly impact the human body. Potassium is the third most
abundant in our body and performs an essential part in chemical responses with other minerals,
for example sodium. Potassium is required by each individual cell in the body helping to
eliminate toxic compounds, balances pH levels, control muscle movements and produces
energy. Considering that list, it's not hard to discover how not enough potassium may affect the
body negatively. The primary reason that low levels trigger headaches is due to symptom water
retention. Too much water inside the tissues can result in tension headaches in certain areas of
the body and pressure headaches (much like sinus headaches) around the face. Drinking one
glass of water mixed with 1 teaspoon of Sole each day will provide you with all of the potassium
you require to ensure you are never deficient. Using Himalayan Crystal Salt you will never
experience a potassium he deficiency headache again.

As we discussed, there are various kinds of headaches and symptoms. The most popular
denominator among every one of them is that Himalayan Crystal Salt will help relieve them. Use
it to your benefit and leave behind headaches.


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Himalayan Salt Promotes Cellular Hydroelectric Energy Creation

One of many questions all of us ask new a customer is How much water do you drink daily?
Since a 5 % decrease in water levels might cause exhaustion and memory loss, we had been
duly perplexed whenever a client replied that he had not had a glass of drinking water in the last
4 years! His system was just like a cement block and had the texture of armor plating! He had
nerve pain, muscles spasms plus disc deterioration to boot! Caffeine, green tea and fruit drinks
were his beverages of choice - all very dehydrating!

A lot is often written and disputed about the incredible importance of hydration and re-hydration
for the bodys systems as well as organs. Nevertheless, water will serve many other crucial
requirements within your body that aren't so well known.

One of these important functions
concerns the muscles of the body. The
incredible importance of h2o in muscle
tissue goes right down to the cellular
level. Within the soft tissues of the
body, water stands for about 75% of
the overall amount of cellular structure.
Outside of the cellular material, 94% of
the blood as well as other fluids are
water. Water has a tendency and a
desire, to circulate from low
concentration solutions to higher
concentration solutions. This is whats
called osmosis. Because of this
process of osmosis, h2o outside of the
cell can easily circulate through the cell
membrane layers and into the actual cell itself. The primary difference in concentration involving
the solutions on the inside and those outside the cell causes osmosis, which actually, produces
hydroelectric energy within the cell. This particular energy is harnessed as Adenosine Tri-
phosphate (ATP), the vitality fuel of the entire body.

ATP is extracted from the cellular material to produce, develop and partition brand new cells, as
well as to secrete products from within the cell. This kind of energy fuel is additionally used to
transfer data throughout the neurological system. Lack of hydration can then minimize our levels
of energy as well as our muscles capabilities to contract.

We understand that good general health can be simply assessed by how much energy we need
to spend and in many individuals we have seen, it is drastically lacking! Never go out without
that bottle of water in hand!

Food is primarily used to restore damaged areas and to overcome the overall deterioration of
the body. Nevertheless the energy produced from your meals are much less than that produced
by natural hydroelectrically-generated energy inside individual cellular material. The majority of
the energy utilized by our body originates from just how much of hydroelectric energy is
produced at the cell level. Clearly the body will be jeopardized should we find ourselves even a
little bit dehydrated!

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Nevertheless, other conditions will certainly occur if you experience lack of water flowing
throughout the cell membrane to produce this hydroelectric energy. One such concern is the
buildup of the level of acidity in the cells. Without having the existence of ample water, the cell
cannot preserve the balance of alkalinity and acidity, known as pH and it becomes too acidic. As
soon as the acidity reaches a certain level a chemical response takes place that can cause
soreness producers known as kinins, together with their subordinates, called K agents. This
result in the affected cells becoming painful with the intention to immobilize the area in order for
the process of repair can begin.

This is a common occurrence within muscle tissue but possibly
even more significant to the entire body are the intervertebral
gaps in the spine. These discs consist of approximately 80%
water. The body tends to start its dehydration at about age
twenty and these discs are sometimes a principal section of
concern. If these discs come to be dehydrated then reduction of
these gaps can take place, which can therefore result in spinal
damage and nerve compression.

The water inside all these discs is known as bound water.
Bound water as the name suggests water that is presently
providing a purpose within the body. H2o in the body also
comes in a free state which means that it is readily available for
a new job. When we stay hydrated, we are topping up our free
h2o levels. Whenever we dont consume a sufficient amount of
water on a regular basis then we dont possess a supply of
water designed for serving important functions in the body, for
example maintaining intervertebral gaps and creating
hydroelectric energy in cells.

Now how much water is enough? One should drink anywhere between 1.5 4 quarts of water
per day. The quantity mainly depends upon how big is the individual, their own life-style and
their environment. Nevertheless alcohol, coffee and tea tend to force water out from the body,
so they are classified as drying agents. Having said this, it is very important to remember that
consuming that much water decreases the bodys salt levels because the amount of urine
passed each day is very high therefore the quantity of salt passed is also very high. Since salt is
used to push acid out of a cell, salt depletion could cause cramping. Consuming a good amount
of mineral water as well as organic Himalayan Salt consumption in ones diet will help to avoid
this issue.

Naturally, consuming anywhere near this much water can appear to be a relatively challenging
prospect. Instead of drinking out of a large 1.5 - 2 quarts bottle, it will help to consume out of a
smaller bottle or glass and continue to refill it during the day.


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Himalayan Salt Helps to Increased the Absorption of Minerals
within the Intestinal Tract
How intestinal tract absorption works:

The epithelial cells that line the intestinal tract are closely mounted on one another at their
lumen-facing border by tight junctions, which are somewhat impermeable to the majority of
substances other than water. Consequently, the major reduction for the assimilation of most
materials from the lumen into the bloodstream is the apical and basolateral membranes of these
cells. Lipid-soluble substances can be transferred over the apical cell membranes by passive
diffusion down their concentration gradient. The short- and medium-chain fatty acids, which
derive from lipid food digestion inside the small intestinal tract, pass directly into the
bloodstream. Nonetheless, the monoglycerides and long-chain fatty acids are resynthesized into
triglycerides by the epithelial cells in the midgut and integrated into small spheres
(chylomicrons), that are transferred over the basolateral membrane in the lymphatic system.
Fat-soluble vitamins, long-chain alcohols, and other lipids also
appear to be included in chylomicrons and to enter the
lymphatic system.

The intestinal cell membranes are moderately impermeable to
the passive diffusion of water-soluble monosaccharides,
proteins, vitamin supplements, as well as minerals that
represent a significant portion of the mandatory nutrients. All
these nourishing substances are precisely transferred over
the intestinal tract cell membranes by carrier-mediated
transport. Membrane carriers combine with the nutrient at one
membrane area and move it over the membrane for release
to the opposite surface area. Some simply assist in the
diffusion of an element down its concentration gradient;
others are able of carrying nutrient towards its concentration
gradient, which demands either a direct or indirect investment
of cellular energy.

The metabolic procedures of the entire body demand a few different minerals. Some, such as
iron, calcium, sodium, and chloride are essential in reasonably large amounts. Others including
manganese and zinc are labeled trace minerals because they're needed in only much smaller

The nutrient that is needed in most significant quantity for digestive system, absorption,
metabolism, and excretion of waste elements is water. Because it easily diffuses throughout the
cell membranes down toward its concentration gradient, the net release or intake of water is
dependent upon the net secretion or intake of all other substances. Sodium, chloride, and
bicarbonate are the primary ions, which are contained, in the extra cellular bodily fluids which
bathe the body cells of all vertebrates and that are transferred over cell membranes.
Consequently, the transportation of those electrolytes is the primary driving force for the release
or intake of water.

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Himalayan Salt - Water Flush

There is a much more superior procedure for purifying the digestive tract devoid of the
hazardous effects of traditional colonics and enemas. This technique will flush your entire
digestive system, while colonics and enemas will simply reach the colon or a small part of it.
Colonics may be costly and undesirable, while our saltwater technique is easy and can be
performed anywhere, even when away from home.

The Saltwater Flush offers an inner bath for your entire body, drawing out harmful toxins mainly
because it detoxifies your entire intestinal tract. Remember, it can do no harm at any time. The
digestive pathways require a good cleansing, but do it naturally - the saltwater way.

Saltwater Flush:

2 level teaspoons fine Natural Himalayan Salt
1 quart lukewarm water

Put Himalayan Salt in quart jar. For optimum results, use Natural
Himalayan Salt, not ordinary iodized salt. Add water to jar and
stir. Drink the entire quart of salt and water first thing in the
morning. This should be taken on an empty stomach. A straw
makes it much simpler to consume.

The salt and water won't separate but will remain intact in liquid
form and thoroughly rinse out the entire tract in several hours.
Several eliminations will likely take place. The saltwater contains
the same unique gravity as the blood, therefore the kidneys can't
pick-up the h2o and the blood can't pick-up the salt. This can be
consumed as frequently as required for appropriate cleansing of
the complete digestive tract. Use it on an empty stomach when
you need help with elimination.

After consuming the salt water, lie on your right side for around 30 minutes. Following your 30
minutes, you are free to get up and go about your duties.

You'll have elimination in 1 to 2 hrs, although many people are a little different. Try not to pass
gas, except using the toilet, mainly because it could be liquid coming through.

Why Himalayan Salt?

Salt has been utilized throughout the years like a preservative as well as to draw out harmful
toxins. Himalayan Salt won't do harm whenever used in this way and definitely will sterilize and
make it possible for the human body to repair itself. When you've got a wound on your arm that
becomes infected, treating the arm in saltwater will extract out poisons. If you have damaged
the intestinal tract with fissures or diverticulitis, (small pockets in colon) the salt will cleanse in a
similar way.

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How it Works

The exit of the digestive system into the smaller intestines is on the lower right hand side of the
stomach. Whenever you consume the saltwater it flows to the bottom of the stomach area,
below the opening. To have the saltwater go into the small intestine, you should tip the stomach
like a teapot to ensure the saltwater flows through. That's why you will lay down on your right

When the saltwater is inside the smaller intestines, muscle contractions will carry it around the
remaining way. In approximately one hour you'll be able to massage your left hand side of the
lower abdominal area and hear fluids gurgling. They are fluids that have flowed into your large
intestines pretty much ready for evacuation.

For additional help with eliminating, consider the herb laxative tea at nighttime in order to
loosen, then your saltwater cleanse each morning to completely clean it out. If for some reason
the saltwater can't be consumed in the morning, then at least consider more herb laxative tea
upon waking.


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Causes of Digestive Problems, Symptoms and Solutions

Digestion disorders will affect the majority of people at some stage in their lives. Inadequate diet
is possibly the primary factor behind it, obviously, genetics play a role too. In spite of this, we
can overcome the issue with good nutrition. The issue is the world has become so degraded
that it could be challenging to get enough minerals and vitamins, and thats exactly what the
body needs to preserve itself, in order to prevent difficulties like bad digestion. So what's the
solution? Himalayan Crystal Salt! For those who have never tried using salt for digestion before
then you should keep reading.

How Can You Tell if You Have a Digestive Disorder?

Signs range from, but aren't limited to: aches, bloating, exhaustion, nausea, ulcers and even
canker sores. Keep in mind; these are just a few of the signs of digestive problems.

Cramps, Bloating and Indigestion: The root cause of such digestive disorders is partially
digested food! Your body must break down whatever you eat or drink. It does this by means of
mechanical force (mainly chewing) and digestive fluids (gastric acid and enzymes are the major
ones). Whenever this specific procedure fails, you aren't able to process your food entirely and
the digestive tract will fill with gas. This gas is what causes the bloated feeling you might have
after consuming a particularly fatty meal, because fat is difficult to digest.
The primary causes associated with cramps and bloating are: not chewing your food enough
and not enough gastric acid.
Not enough acid in your stomach means that the food cannot be digested properly but also
indicates your body to keep particular valves open, letting gastric acid in where it shouldn't be,
leading to indigestion. pH imbalances could also trigger your brain to send signals to your
stomach instructing it to stop acid production entirely, adding more stress to the condition.

Good news! Himalayan Crystal Salt is In fact, one of the most effective remedies for indigestion
available today. Your body uses salt to control its fluid intake through a function called osmosis

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and osmosis immediately impacts the pH balance of your body. If you don't consume enough
salt your body is unable to balance its own pH which may result in insufficient gastric acid. Treat
this issue by making Sole by mixing 1 table spoon of Himalayan Crystal Salt to 1 quart of Fiji
water and make it part of your daily diet.

Fatigue is a frequent indication that it's generally
ignored. However chronic fatigue or fatigue right
after eating can be a indication that you require
some digestion assistance. If your body is
unable to digest its food, you might experience
your digestive tract full of gas but a far more
severe side-effect is that you won't absorb many
of the minerals and vitamins from the food you
eat! The bad absorption of nutrients can be as a
result of deficiency of gastric acid, but it may
also be due to damage of the intestinal wall where we take in much of our vitamins and minerals
into our blood stream. A damaged intestinal tract is not able to transform food into energy in an
efficient manner which will make you sluggish and lethargic.
Whenever Himalayan Salt is ingested as a Sole solution, Himalayan Crystal Salt assists in
several ways. First off, it assists your body recover its optimal pH which restores the digestive
fluids back on track. Additionally, it provides your body with a portion of the minerals and
vitamins which are not be capable to acquire from food. The vitamins and minerals in the
Himalayan Salt are packaged in really small containers and never have to be broken down to be
assimilated. Along with appropriate nutritional support your body will be well on its way to
restoring itself and you'll soon saying hasta la vista to stomach aches.

You feel nauseous whenever your body determines that there is
something inside your stomach it must get out immediately. If you
experience nausea after eating normal foods you might be
encountering the signs of gastrointestinal difficulties. Traditional
medicine lacks a solid reason behind the causes of reoccurring
nausea but based on (naturopathy), it is an indication that your vital
force has run out of equilibrium.


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Himalayan Crystal Salt, when consumed as "Sole", assists the body's vital force to re-stabilize.
The energy contained in the Himalayan Crystal Salt supports the flow of energy within your
body. It's hard to maintain a proper health without harmonizing your vital force and Himalayan
Crystal Salt can assist you reach that goal.

Ulcers, often known as peptic ulcers, are acidic portions of the digestive
system (G.I.) tract and tend to be linked to the Helicobacter pylori bacteria.
They are often extremely distressing and are by far the most frequent illnesses
of the digestive system. Consuming a glass of water mixed with a 1 teaspoon
of Sole daily might help regain appropriate pH balance to your G.I. tract along
with delivering crucial minerals to assist the body repair itself.

Canker Sores

While the specific reason for cankers sores is a
mystery, the link involving digestive problems and
cankers sores is shown to be remarkable. Himalayan
Crystal Salt, consumed as a Sole (1 teaspoon a day)
solution, will assist combat the acidic setting cankers
sores require to flourish. Also, you might make a paste
using 1 table spoon of salt and a bit of water and
applying it right to the canker sore, this will get rid of
them very quickly.
If you're experiencing unpleasant digestive problems
and want an alternative solution to this issue, you
should definitely try Himalayan Crystal Salt. From
bloating to ulcers to cankers sores, Himalayan Crystal
Salt will aid you eliminate these unpleasant, distressing


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Himalayan Crystal Salt can Help You with Your Sore Throat
Causes of Swollen Throat Glands
Your glands swell when they are aiding in
fighting an infection. Regrettably, this
aggravation may cause discomfort when
eating or drinking. It happens because
those glands work extremely hard to pump
out white blood cells which combat the
issue within your body. So, while they may
result in causing you pain, they are an
indication that the body is fighting the
foreign intruders as well as it can.
Himalayan Crystal Salt operates by
assisting to eliminate your infection, not by
attempting to decrease your glands
Viral vs. Bacterial

Sore throat virus indicators are virtually identical to bacterial however with a virus youll not
generate mucous inside your throat unlike bacterial infections. The two infections will result in
redness, inflammation, and discomfort whenever swallowing; both might induce a fever. For
those who have a sore throat and do not wish to take a antibiotics or if you have discovered the
infection as vial, then you should definitely try Himalayan Salt.
Himalayan Salt for Sore Throat

Salt for a sore throat does works; nonetheless it must be the correct type of salt. Himalayan
Crystal Salt has exceptional antiviral as well as anti-bacterial properties together with minerals
and vitamins to aid the body and also energy balancing properties that will assist our bodies to
obtain ultimate health. To use Himalayan Crystal Salt to relieve your infection you must produce
a brine solution. This solution is just a combination of salt and
water which you should gargle with about 3 to 5 times per day.
The salt will assist to get rid of the infection, whether viral or
bacterial, therefore allowing your immune system to get rid of
the condition completely.

There are numerous approaches to deal with a sore throat but
you need to use the method thats best for your body. As an
organic treatment for sore throat, Himalayan Salt is the very
best. Why damage your body by using medications or let a viral
infection fester more than it has to? Start feeling much better
sooner; uses Himalayan Salt for your sore throat.


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A Natural Alternative to Prevent Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps are believed to affect a minimum of 50% of all adult females and as much as
90% of teenage girls. Cramps fluctuate in intensity from a heavy feeling in the tummy to an
extreme discomfort that could impact a woman's overall lifestyle.

The inner lining of the uterus accumulates
each month when preparing for a probable
pregnancy. If an egg cell is not fertilized,
following ovulation obviously, there's no
pregnancy therefore, the lining of the uterus
is shed. During this shedding process, a
woman's hormone levels start to adjust: her
estrogen and progesterone ranges both
begin to decline. The uterus lining itself gets
enlarged and is discarded as the menstrual
flow. As the lining is broken down,
substances referred to as prostaglandins
are released causing contraction of the
uterine muscles. This contraction starves the lining tissues of oxygen causing them to die;
subsequently, they break off from the uterine wall. The contractions then force this lining via the
cervix and finally out from the body. The discomfort that is experienced during menstruation is
actually due to the contractions from the uterine muscles and this pain becomes more serious
the harder those uterine muscles work. Yet another aspect in that influences the intensity of the
pain is the progesterone levels: the greater the quantities, the more serious the discomfort.
Additional factors that increase menstrual cramps include lack of exercise and emotional stress.
Also cramps may be followed by migraines, nausea, vomiting and either diarrhea or

Most women choose conventional medicine to be able to cope
with menstrual symptoms, understandably. Symptoms,
particularly extreme ones, can disrupt a woman's way of life.
But wouldn't you rather choose a highly effective organic
treatment over a potentially harmful medication? Menstrual
cramps and salt might not exactly seem like they go hand to
hand but trust me, they do. The salt I'm talking about is,
naturally, Himalayan Crystal Salt. Contrary to common table
salt which steals h2o out of your body, Himalayan Salt will
balance your fluid levels and won't dehydrate you. Additionally,
it supplies the body with minerals and vitamins which are used
to replenish blood lost during menstrual cycles.

Himalayan Crystal Salt may be used in 2 different ways for
relieve menstrual cramps.

The first method is to make a brine solution " Sole" . Pour one
teaspoon of Sole in a glass of water. This mixture will help you

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to rebalance your bodily fluids, fight internal swelling and even stabilize your energy or Chi as
the Chinese call it. Collectively, these factors result in less severe uterine contractions therefore,
less pain. Consider brine solution " 2TUSoleU2T" as the essential solution to treat menstrual symptoms.

The 2nd method to makes use of the salt is to fill a small Ziploc bag with salt crystals and
position the bag close to your neck. Remember that salt possess the power to balance your
body. Once you have positioned the salt around your neck you will start to
feel relax, restful and the stress associated with day-to-day life will
gradually begin to disappear. Given that emotional stress is
believed to have significant impact in the severity of
menstrual cramps, a peaceful mind-set will work miracles!
After you have undergone the astonishing peace that
2TUHimalayan Crystal SaltU2T may bring for you, you will be
addicted. A peaceful and rested mind doesn't just aid in reducing
the discomfort associated with menstruation, it will help you in
most aspects of your life. Less stress indicates less cortisol that
circulates through your system; less cortisol results in less swelling and as
you might discover, low-level chronic swelling such as this caused by daily stress continues to
be associated with many long-term diseases such as Chron's and colitis.

Salt and menstrual cramps really do go hand-in-hand. Consider 2TUHimalayan Crystal SaltU2T as the
natural approach to deal with those unpleasant monthly occurrences. Using medications may
lower the pain; however it simply hides the symptoms. Using a brine solution " 2TUSoleU2T" will assist
to lessen menstrual cramps by dealing with the actual root cause of pain and without placing
any stress on your liver or kidneys like conventional prescription drugs do. Dont wait until the
arrival of your menstrual cycle to obtain the solution. Buy it now and have it ready. You will be
happy you came across this information.


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Himalayan Salt Helps to Relieve Muscle Cramps

How to Treat Muscle Cramps and Spasms

Have you ever had muscle spasms or muscle cramps? If so, you already know they usually are
extremely painful. Sometimes, a muscle may spasm so forcefully that it produces a bruise on
the skin. Most muscle spasms and cramps are unconscious contractions of a muscle. A severe
muscle spasm wont release on its own and requires manual stretches to help loosen up and
lengthen the shortened muscle. Spasms and cramps could be moderate or incredibly painful.
They may happen to any skeletal muscle, but they are most frequent within the hip, legs and
feet, and muscles that cross 2 joints (the calf muscle, for example). Cramping can consist of
part of a muscle or each of the muscles in a group. Probably the most frequently affected
muscle groups are:

Back of lower leg/calf (gastrocnemius)
Back of thigh (hamstrings)
Front of thigh (quadriceps)
Feet, hands, arms, abdomen

Muscle cramps vary in level from a minimal
twitch or tic to significant discomfort. A cramped
muscle can feel rock-hard and last a few
seconds to a few minutes or longer. Its not rare
for cramps to ease up and then come back more
than once before they go away completely.

What May Cause Muscle Cramps

The specific root cause of muscle cramps continues to be unknown, nonetheless the theories most
often reported include:

Altered neuromuscular control
Electrolyte depletion
Poor conditioning
Muscle fatigue
Doing a new activity

Additional factors, which were related to muscle cramps, include doing exercises in extreme
heat. The belief is that muscle cramps tend to be frequent through physical exercise in the heat
due to the fact sweating contains fluids as well as electrolyte (salt, potassium, magnesium and
calcium). When these types of minerals fall to certain levels, the likelihood of muscle spasms
raises. Because athletes are more inclined to get cramps in the preseason, near the end of (or
the night after) extreme or extended exercise, some believe that the lack of training results in

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Altered Neuromuscular Control May be the Cause of Cramps

Although each one of these hypotheses are
being studied, scientists have discovered
more evidence that the Altered structured
neuromuscular control hypothesis is the
primary pathophysiological mechanism results
in exercise-associated muscle cramping
(EAMC). Altered neuromuscular control is
frequently linked to muscle exhaustion and
causes a disruption of muscle coordination
and control.

Based on a review of the literature conducted by Martin Schwellnus from the University of Cape
Town, the data sustaining both the electrolyte depletion and dehydration hypotheses as the
reason for muscle cramps is not convincing. He reviewed the available documents sustaining
these hypotheses and found primarily anecdotal scientific findings and one small case-control
research with just 10 subjects. He also discovered another 4 scientific potential cohort studies
which evidently didnt support the electrolyte depletion and dehydration hypotheses as the
cause of muscle cramps. Within his evaluation, Schwellnus concludes that the electrolyte
depletion and dehydration hypotheses do not provide possible pathophysiological
mechanisms with sustaining scientific facts which may effectively describe the medical
presentation and management of exercise-associated with muscle cramping.

He proceeds to write:

Scientific evidence for the altered neuromuscular control hypothesis is based on evidence
from research studies in human models of muscle cramping, epidemiological studies in
cramping athletes, and animal experimental data. Whilst it clear that further evidence to support
the altered neuromuscular control hypothesis is also required, research data are accumulating
that sustain this as the principal pathophysiological mechanism for the etiology of exercise-
associated muscle cramping (EAMC).

Treating Muscle Cramps

Cramping generally goes away by itself with no treatment,
however, these suggestions seems to help speed the
healing process:

Cease the activity, which triggered the cramp
Carefully extend and massage the cramping muscle
Hold the joint in an extended position till the cramp


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Avoiding Muscle Cramps

Until we uncover the specific root cause of
muscle cramps, its going to be difficult to say
with any confidence ways to avoid them.
Nevertheless, specialists and professional
athletes alike generally recommend the
following tips:

Improve fitness and avoid muscle fatigue

Stretch out regularly following workout

Warm-up prior to exercise

Stretch the calf muscle:
In a standing lunge with both your feet pointed forward, straighten the rear leg.

Stretch the hamstring muscle: Sit having one leg folded in and the other straight out, foot
upright and toes and ankle relaxed. Lean frontward a bit, touch foot of straightened leg. (Repeat
with opposite lower-leg.)

Stretch the quads muscle: While standing, hold top of foot with opposite hand and lightly pull
heel toward buttocks. (Repeat with opposite leg.)

Take Himalayan Salt Baths regularly

Most muscle cramps are not serious. If your muscle cramps are severe, regular or continual,
seek medical advice.


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Himalayan Salt Boosts Bone Strength

Himalayan Salt delivers a multitude of trace minerals, vital for the well-being of our

I figured you want to learn how a few of these
minerals perform in the body, along with the
symptoms that are the result of a shortage of each
particular mineral, so when you consume the
Himalayan Salt and drink Sole, you know exactly how
all of the minerals are helping your body to stay

The essential significance of minerals and trace
minerals is largely underestimated. Their order of
importance with regards to a healthy body organism
is equivalent to that of vitamins. Our ordinary diet of
processed and refined foods does not provide a
sufficient supply of these vitally important minerals and trace minerals, thus our metabolism is
affected by lack of these. Himalayan Salt is a fantastic nutritional supplement that provides these
minerals in a form, which can be easily digested by the body.


Functions: bone and tooth formation, nerve activation, and blood coagulation.
Symptoms of deficiency: muscular cramps, jimjams, deafness, insomnia, tooth decay, and
hemorrhage. Calcium is found in Himalayan Salt!


Functions: bone formation, activation of over 300 enzymes, energy metabolism, transmission of
communication through the nervous system, hormone production, muscular function, heart.

Symptoms of deficiency: muscle weakness, heart trouble, bone trouble, nervousness, anxiety,
and depression. Magnesium is found in Himalayan Salt!


Functions: necessary for blood coagulation, central nervous system, insulin production, and
thyroid function.

Symptoms of deficiency: ears ringing, hearing problems, tiredness, lack of muscle coordination,
joint pains, restlessness, pessimism, lack of libido. Manganese is found in Himalayan Salt!

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Functions: activation of energy production, building of bone structure, building of cartilage, and
building of cellular connective tissue.

Symptoms of deficiency: wan skin, lackluster hair, flabby tissues, joint problems, and fears.
Sulfur is found in Himalayan Salt!


Functions: necessary for connective tissue, cartilage, bones, teeth, blood cells, hair, skin.

Symptoms of deficiency: skin problems, rapid decline of arteries, hair loss, and brittle nails.
Silicon is found in Himalayan Salt!


Functions: activates a multitude of enzymes; is a component part of insulin; necessary for
protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism; immune system, growth, detoxification.

Symptoms of deficiency: lack of growth, proneness to infection, tiredness, wounds wont heal
properly, virility problems, menstrual problems, lack of energy, skin cracks around mouth,
depression. Zinc is found in Himalayan Salt!


Functions: necessary for: hemoglobin synthesis, immune system, bone structure, skin and hair

Symptoms for deficiency: weakness, lack of strength, discoloration of skin and hair, dermatitis,
anemia. Copper is found in Himalayan Salt!


A mineral essential to bone formation and maintenance, energy metabolism, nerve function and
acid balance. Phosphorus is found in Himalayan Salt!


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Functions: assists the production of thyroid hormones, energy production, stress management
and growth.

Symptoms of deficiency: tiredness, obesity, increased heartbeat, nervousness. Iodine is found
in Himalayan Salt!


Functions: Strength of bones and teeth, lowers blood lipids, inhibits cholesterol synthesis.
Vanadium is found in Himalayan Salt!


Functions: A mineral that is important to dental and bone health. Greatly improves resistance to
cavities. Fluoride is found in Himalayan Salt!

The Himalayan Salt therapy or Sole Drinking Therapy is a well-proven successful remedy for
bone deficiencies and their symptoms, and has generated remarkable improvements of the
state of health for millions of people worldwide.


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Himalayan Salt Helps to Naturally Promote Healthy Sleep Patterns

As outlined by Dr. Vitiello, an internationally
recognized professional in sleep and sleep
disorders: low levels of sodium in the blood
cause blood volume to decrease, and the
sympathetic neurological system grows more
active to be able to compensate. That causes
sleepers to awaken more frequently and have
trouble returning to sleep.

An investigation research looked at the sleep
of 9 twenty three year old men that were put
on reduced, standard and large sodium diets.

Whenever they were on reduced sodium
diets, (0.5 grams per day), the men
awakened throughout the night nearly twice as often and got around 10 % less sleep than once
they were on standard diets, which included 2g daily.

After they were on a large sodium diet, 5g a day, the men slept longer and wakened significantly
less during the night than once they were on standard diets.

If perhaps you were on a self-imposed limited salt diet (do not go against doctors orders) and
wish to try out increasing it slightly, unprocessed Himalayan Salt is claimed to be a far better
source of salt than the chemically derived table salt commonly used, as Himalayan Salt contains
all kinds of other valuable compounds such as minute quantities of potassium as well as

Nevertheless, professionals have cautioned that individuals with hypertension should always
keep their sodium intake low, considering that the benefit from a low sodium diet with regards to
blood pressure outweighs its detrimental effect on sleeping.

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Himalayan Salt Helps Maintain a Healthy Libido & Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

How Does Hypertension Impact Your Sexual Desire?

High blood pressure levels may have a large number of negative consequences on different
aspects of your lifestyle, including your sexual performance and fundamental sexual interest.
There are numerous reasons why high blood pressure can impact your sex drive, from
psychological (for example the fear that having sexual intercourse whenever your blood
pressure is elevated might cause cardiac arrest) to physical (for example high blood pressure
levels preventing arousal). The truth of the matter is that being affected by hypertension may
and often will impact your sexual desire.

The Process

Whether you are man or woman, high blood pressure may lead to physical symptoms that are
detrimental to your libido. While the particular physical symptoms fluctuate based on gender,
they typically lead to either a decreased desire to engage in sexual intercourse or a decreased
ability to physically perform. Males having out
of control hypertension often are afflicted by
some degree of erectile dysfunction. Many
experts have discovered that upward of 70 %
in men experiencing high blood pressure
levels also are afflicted by some sort of
erectile dysfunction, and for almost 50 % of
them, the inability is serious.

While the results of high blood pressure levels
on male sex drive have always been
observed, these days, it has begun to be
recognized that this may also have profoundly negative effects on females. In a 2000 research,
released in The American J ournal of Hypertension, it was established that women affected by
high blood pressure levels experienced a considerably greater chance of encountering
discomfort while having sex than those with normal blood pressure. Furthermore, they were not
as likely to generate sufficient lubrication and less likely to achieve climax as a result.


Among the first steps considered by the majority of individuals who have high blood pressure is
to begin a plan of prescribed medications. Sadly, exactly the same medicines that are proven to
reduce hypertension are also frequently related to sexual side effects. Specially, medications
containing beta-blockers and diuretics could cause substantial erectile issues among men that
take them. For that reason, males often combine erectile dysfunction medications with their high
blood pressure drugs. Nevertheless, it is crucial to go over all medications youre taking

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(prescription or over-the-counter) with your health-care specialist before you take additional
drugs or otherwise altering your treatment.

In case you have medications to manage your high blood pressure levels and you are
convinced they may be negatively affecting your sexual libido, it really is important to speak to
your health-care specialist to ensure all of your current treatment options are discussed.

Influence of salt consumption as well as healthy diet on
reproductive performance

The evolutionary breakthrough associated with salt appetite is likely to be connected to the
ability of the brain to react to salt depletion by a specific drive for optional acquisition of salt.
This drive is inherent in animals and insects. Various authors now have emphasized the
difficulties that arthropods and herbivores encounter when attempting to satisfy their desire for
salt, which is in short supply within plants. Butterflies of the Lepidoptera order usually carry on
puddling behavior. Noticed Papilio polytes sipping sea water at very low tide to fulfill their salt
needs. Salt ingestion by males impacts their reproductive success, while the transmission of
sodium to the female improves reproductive propensity.

Salt consumption, sexual practice and the chronic fatigue

Experts have explained a large number of traits in mammalian and avian species, which
developed over time to attract mates and ensure reproduction. Neurological mechanisms, which
are associated with mate preference, are mostly unidentified. Of interest, sex-related interest is
associated to the dopaminergic reward system, and salt is suggested as a factor in the
regulation of the dopaminergic system. Dopamine is very important for motor functions and
basic arousal. It may have some connection to means of ejaculation and neuroendocrine effects
of intercourse or any other processes connected with copulation. Several hypothalamic areas
including the medial preoptic area as well as the paraventricular nucleus are the source of
pathways for reflexive move. Dopamine acting at the medial preoptic area level might control
male organ penile erection. Impotence problems have become a matter of concern over the
ages, along with beliefs as well as therapies such as salt.

Dopamine of renal origin has natriuretic and
diuretic effects. Examined the consequence of low
salt diet on the renal dopaminergic system within
individuals with cardiovascular malfunction. Salt
limitation resulted in an activation of antinatriuretic
and antidiuretic systems. Nevertheless, the renal
capacity to synthesize dopamine was in fact
improved, possibly, like a counter-regulatory
mechanism. Normally, a saline load improves
kidney dopamine production and natriuresis.


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Steroid receptors, for example, progestin receptors may be triggered following therapy using
chemicals like dopamine. An evaluation by Auger demonstrated that several somasensory cues
generally experienced by females-those connected with sexual intercourse can stimulate
progestin receptors to affect both neuronal reaction as well as oestrus behavior.

Altered sexual performance is certainly referred to as a possible problem in the control over high
blood pressure levels by salt limitation as illustrated by the Test of Antihypertensive
Interventions and Management (TAIM). Including a low salt diet plan to either chlorthalidone or
atenolol therapy couldnt enhance blood pressure control. Even more disturbing, were much
more consistent symptoms of exhaustion and erectile dysfunction among individuals assigned
to significant salt restriction.

Minimal salt intake continues to be incriminated in
the pathogenesis of the chronic fatigue syndrome
(CFS), a dysfunction seen as a serious disabling
exhaustion, which includes sexual inactivity. Signs
and symptoms consist of reduced concentration,
awareness or memory capabilities and decreased
sexual desire and orthostatic hypotension.
Therapy comprises of recommending increased
nutritional salt or fludrocortisone to avoid irregular
reflex initiation. Bou Holaigah et al from J ohns
Hopkins encouraged individuals with CFS not to
stop their dietary salt consumption, many of them
being dependent on self-imposed salt restriction.
Of relevant interest is a recent analysis of the
impact of lowered salt intake on learning and
memory functionality in salt-sensitive (Ss) Dahl
rats-an animal model of salt-dependent high blood pressure levels. Salt limitation created a
substantial decrement in selective intellectual functions, with noticeable difference in social
recognition memory and a significant disability in the social transmission of food preference.
These sorts of findings place a cautionary notice into the usage of severe salt restriction.


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Lessens Possibility of Developing Rheumatism, Arthritis and Gout,
in Comparison to Typical Chemically-Treated Sodium

Arthritis and the actual positive results associated with
Himalayan Crystal Salt

Consuming standard table salt leads to the
development of edema, or simply surplus liquid
within the body tissues, that is also the main
cause of cellulite. For this reason medical
professionals tell us to stay away from sodium.
For every single gram of sodium chloride,
which the human body can't eliminate, the
system utilizes twenty-three times more cellular
water in order to neutralize this sodium. In the
event the sodium chloride continues to be
excessive, your system recrystalizes the table
salt through the use of accessible animal
proteins that also can't be broken down and
removed. Your system utilizes these types of
proteins to produce uric acid to eliminate the
extra sodium.

Since the human body can't get rid of uric acid,
it adheres itself with the sodium chloride to
create new crystals which are transferred
straight inside the bones and joints. This is actually the reason behind different types of
rheumatisms for example arthritis, gout, and kidney or gallbladder stones. This re-crystallizing is
a human body's band-aid remedy for the cells and organs in an effort to safeguard the body
from permanent damages associated with reckless food consumption. However over time, this
poisons the body simply because those substances will not be discarded...

Recommended Reduction Technique

Before eating anything, have one teaspoon of Sole (see making Sole) along with high quality
h2o. (Fiji water)

Continue to keep having high quality h2o during the day, a minimum of 2-3 gallons.

Create a cool Sole poultice from pure Sole solution (26%) and put it on to the affected spots.
Cover using dry cloth bandage.


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Decreases Likelihood of Developing Kidney or Gallbladder Stones
in Comparison with Typical Chemically Treated Salt

This is an all-natural strategy to successfully as well as painlessly eliminate from your
gallbladder and liver, the majority of stones, gravel, crystals, debris and residues, which impede
the human body's detoxification and recovery. This detoxifies your liver bile ducts and ultimately
purifies your bloodstream by making your liver cleaner and work more efficient.

It is a method that you can do in your own home, during a single weekend, utilizing ingredients
from the neighborhood supermarket - for just a little over $15.00.

Furthermore, it's non-toxic, quick performing, doesn't have side-effects, encourages improved
well-being, increases the degree of available energy, gives independence from many allergy
symptoms, plus it assists in coping with addictions.

Even though this method has been used with great results for uncounted generations, its typical
usage has mostly been forgotten about, and at this point in time its distribution isn't just
unfamiliar but actually covered up by the conventional professional medical community.

Intent behind this cleanse:

This specific cleanse may be used to clear your liver and gallbladder of gall stones, gravel and
sand so that it will drastically enhance your body's wellness. This liver cleansing also offers the
chance to get rid of contaminants and harmful toxins in the gallbladder and liver. You may
expect any allergies to fade away increasingly more with every following cleanse. Every liver
cleanse "cures" a distinct group of allergies, indicating that the liver is compartmentalized -
various parts having various responsibilities. In addition, the liver cleanse gets rid of the majority
of shoulder, upper arm and upper back discomfort.

We can't recommend that this cleanse be utilized INSTEAD of a gallbladder operation (only you
and/or your personal doctor will make that determination after discovering everything about the
benefits associated with this cleanse). Having said that, because this treatment can't worsen a
problem, it comes with an exceptional possibility that such a procedure may in fact not be
required following one or more of such liver cleanses.
The primary benefit is undoubtedly that the liver cleanse not only purges the gallbladder of its
contents, but additionally will do serious house cleaning inside the liver that a surgical procedure
can't ever accomplish.

What you'll receive within these pages:

1) Comprehensive set of ingredients for the cleanse
2) Comprehensive directions how you can perform the cleanse
3) Exact timetable of the process
4) Clarification of the main reasons why this particular cleanse works as well as it does


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One of the primary purposes of the liver organ is to
produce bile, one to two quarts per day! The liver organ
is filled with tubes (biliary tubules), which supply the bile
to a single large conduit - the common bile duct. The
gallbladder is connected to the common bile duct and
provides for a storage tank. Consuming fat or protein
activates the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after
approximately 20 minutes (or following the consumption
of a liver cleanse solution). The accumulated bile
completes a journey along the common bile duct into the
small intestine and ultimately into the colon (large
intestine). Obviously the gallbladder doesn't store
sufficient bile in order to neutralize all the liver cleanse
solution you've consumed. The unfilled gallbladder next
messages its master, the liver organ, in order to dispose
of all available bile vigorously into your common bile duct

In this manner, your liver organ works itself virtually
inside out and then drains every bit of the available bile along with stones, gravel and crystals in
order to condition (treat) all the bile aided by the strong liver cleanse treatment. Himalayan Salt
acts to calm down the tubules to ensure the passing of bigger stones will be pain-free and easy.
Himalayan Salt additionally helps vacate the small and large intestinal tracts of feces.

For a lot of people, which includes kids, the biliary ductwork (tubing) is blocked with gallstones.
Many get allergic reactions or hives; however some may have no signs or symptoms
whatsoever. If the gallbladder is scanned or X-rayed, absolutely nothing is found. Generally,
your most severe stones aren't inside the gallbladder but are found in the liver. In addition to
that, the majority is not big enough and not calcified, which is a pre-requisite pertaining to
visibility on X-ray. You'll find more than half dozen varieties of gallstones; the majority of them
will have cholesterol crystals inside them. They usually are black, red, white, green or tan

Green varieties obtain coloring by being covered with bile. Once dissected and viewed under a
microscopic lens, several include imbedded unknown objects. Could they be fluke remnants?
Some are the same shape as corks having longitudinal grooves under the tops. We're able to
visualize the clogged bile ducts by these types of shapes. Some other stones can be
composites - produced from little ones - demonstrating that they regrouped within the bile duct
following the previous cleanse.

In the very core of every stone, researchers discovered a clump of bacteria, indicating an
inactive amount of parasite could have started off the development of the stone. Possibly it's the
liver's purpose to encapsulate parasite adults to prevent becoming damaged as a result of this
attacker. That may be acceptable for a few, but what about numerous encapsulations?

At some point this above-described defense process will become an enormous clog, which
stops a liver organ from detoxing and removing damaging materials like solvents and parasites.

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The simple truth is, while the stones expand and come to be far more numerous, the back-
pressure in the liver leads to its making of less bile, and that is, naturally the transportation
method for any unwanted materials.

Picture the scenario of one's garden hose getting marbles in it. A reduced amount of water will
flow, which unfortunately will lessen the capability of your water hose to be able to spew out the
marbles. Having gallstones and liver stones, far less unwanted cholesterol actually leaves your
body and cholesterol levels could increase. The liver cleanse will usually lead to a decline in
cholesterol levels.

Furthermore, gall/liver stones, simply being porous, can gather up bacteria, cysts, viruses as
well as parasite stages which are moving throughout the liver. In this manner, "nests" of
contamination are generally created, which continuously supply your body with new aggravating
bacteria. Absolutely no stomach infection including ulcers (check out Manuka Honey as a
possible remedy for ulcers) or intestinal bloating can be alleviated completely without eliminating
such stones within the gallbladder and liver.

Getting ready:

Cleansing your liver bile ducts is easily the most effective treatment you are able to perform in
an effort to enhance your body's health and wellness. The liver detox should be carried out
every six months if at all possible. Preferably, it needs to be a part of the semi-annual
kidney/liver/parasite cleanse. This particular routine is extremely important and improves the
total benefits.

Step I (recommended):

Complete all dental work first, if at all possible. Ideally, ones mouth
needs to be metal free and clear of pathogenic bacteria. If possible, all
teeth cavities need to have been cleaned. A contaminated mouth could
place a huge strain on a liver, burdening it right after cleansing. Get rid of
all dental problems first for optimum outcomes.

Step II (optional):

Performing a kidney cleanse prior to cleansing a liver is additionally strongly
recommended although not essential. You would want your kidneys, bladder
and urinary tract in prime condition to allow them to properly eliminate all
materials incidentally absorbed from your intestinal tract when the bile is
getting released. The process is to obtain a number of different herbs at a
herbal supply house and make a tea that you simply sip, just like a very good
wine, slowly, many times each day, for a number of weeks. The end result will
be good clean kidneys without any urinary tract infection. It requires
persistence however it will work! And yet it costs virtually nothing at all!

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Step III (required):

Consume apple juice for 3 days prior to a liver cleanse. During these 72 hours, eat frugally, if
you need to, and then merely small quantities of natural unprocessed fruit and/or vegetable
salads. Each day drink a minimum of one whole quart of top quality, unfiltered, ideally
homemade apple juice. You ought to be able to look at the sediments at the base of the
package. The pectin in apple juice assists to soften and flatten the stones inside the gallbladder
and liver. This tends to additionally aid the passage throughout the bile ducts. This particular
semi-fast additionally empties your intestinal tract of its food content plus helps make the
collection of stones less troublesome.

Ingredients Dosage
Himalayan Salts 4 Tablespoons (not less!!!)
Olive oil 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup (light olive oil is easier to
get down, use only the best cold pressed
virgin oil)
Fresh grapefruit and lemons.
Do not use concentrate or store-bought
juice. Make your own.
Enough to squeeze 1/4 cup of lemon and 1/2
cup of grapefruit juice for the cleanse itself. If
you cannot get grape fruits then use only
lemons or vise versa.
Ornithine (optional) 4 to 8, to be sure you can sleep.
Suitable jar with non-metallic lid Shake your mixture well and gulp it down
1/2 cup of lemon/grapefruit juice Use a couple of ounces of this juice each time
to help get down the Himalayan Salt solution
(four feedings) if desired.


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Step IV - (Process):

Select a day such as Saturday for your cleanse so you can relax the following day. Don't take
any medications, vitamin supplements or other pills you're able to live without. They might
impede results of the cleanse.

End all parasite or kidney cleansing the previous day.

Have a no-fat fruit breakfast and light fat-free lunch for instance cooked cereals with fruit but no
butter or milk. This enables the bile to accumulate and create pressure inside the liver. Greater
pressure forces out more stones.

2:00 PM. Don't drink or eat after 2:00 o'clock.

In the event you break this specific rule you might feel rather miserable later on. Make your
Himalayan Salt drink. At 2:00pm, combine 4 heaping tablespoons of Himalayan Salt in 3 cups of
drinking water and put it in a bottle. This will make 4 portions, 3/4 cup each.

You should remember the fact that the initial portion starts at 6:00pm with the 2nd portion for
that evening will be used at 8:00pm. Your additional 2 needed portions will be reserved for the
next morning. Put the bottle inside the refrigerator for getting ice cold (this is for ease and taste
only). Consider an optional rectal enema before

4:00 PM with distilled (not chlorinated) tepid water to completely clean out your large intestines
of all unwanted faecal matter. The cleaner the intestines are, the simpler it'll be for any stones to
be removed. Furthermore, if you wish to view precisely what you'll be getting rid of, it's far more
appetizing to look just for stones rather than get turned off by pungent feces.

6:00 PM. ingest a single portion (3/4
cup) of the ice cold ready Himalayan Salt
h2o. In the event you didn't make this
potion beforehand at 2:00 PM, combine
a single heaping tablespoon in 3/4 cup of
drinking water now. You could include
1/8 teaspoon of vitamin C powder to
enhance the flavor.

In case you don't have any vitamin C
powder you can add just a little citrus
juice to boost the flavor; but it's totally
optional. You may definitely drink a
couple of mouthfuls of water after that or
simply rinse your mouth.

8:00 PM. Duplicate the above mentioned by having one more 3/4 cup of Himalayan Salt water.
You haven't had any food since 2 oclock; however, you will likely not experience hunger. Get
the nighttime tasks completed now. Do not answer the telephone and become ready to remain
alone for the rest of the night. The timing for the actual cleanse is pretty essential to obtain good
results. Don't be more than 10 minutes earlier or later regarding everything that comes after this.

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9:45 PM. Pour 3/4 cup of the premium quality olive oil in the pint jar. Pour the prepared 3/4-cup
of squeezed grapefruit and lemon juice in the measuring cup; now add this to the oil. Shut the
jar securely using its lid and shake vigorously until very well blended, virtually watery. Only fresh
squeezed fruit juice will accomplish this. Now go to the restroom at least once, even if this
causes you to be a bit overdue for the 10 o'clock drink. Be prepared to go to bed and remain in
bed. Do not tidy up your kitchen. Get it done in the morning.

10:00 PM. Go ahead and take the solution to your bedroom if you'd like, but drink it
standing upright. Ingest this concoction you've blended. Should you have them,
consider 4 optional Ornithine capsules using the initial drink to ensure that you can
sleep throughout the night. Consider 8 should you already have problems with
insomnia. Get the entire thing down quickly, if at all possible. Extremely older
people, as well as feeble persons, ought to space this over duration of five
minutes. Lay down right away. The quicker you lie down, the more stones you'll get
out. Place the knees up to your chest like the fetal position. Rest on your right side
a minimum of 30 minutes. The oil/citrus drink concoction will go to
your gallbladder and liver. The organs won't understand how to
handle THAT much oil emulsion, hence they will spasm and throw
off all of the obtainable bile - as well as stones, gravel and crystals.

1/2 hour later - you could flip on your back with an excellent thick feather pillow. Make an effort
to contemplate precisely what is transpiring inside the liver.

Think nurturing thoughts - the liver is actually sensitive and responsive to thoughts of bitterness,
vindictiveness as well as hate. Attempt to maintain completely still for around 30 minutes or at a
minimum 20 minutes. Imagine the detoxing activity occurring. You might sense a train of stones
rolling down the bile ducts just like marbles. There is very little chance of pain since the bile duct
valves will be wide open - on account of the Himalayan Salt. Lay back and fall asleep. Now let
Mother Nature perform her part.

The next day you'll be cleaner, a great deal cleaner, as well as healthier as compared to before.

The next morning (early): Upon wakening, take the 3rd portion of ready Himalayan Salt
solution. In case you have indigestion or nausea (extremely improbable), hold back until it's
disappeared before ingesting the Himalayan Salt. Do not take this portion prior to 6:00 AM. It
might be a smart idea to avoid getting up and have another person give you this portion. This
particular drink will work as a gentle laxative and induce numerous future loose bowel

2 hours later. Drink the 4th (the final 1 - Thankfully!) serving of Himalayan Salt water.
Drink 3/4 cup of the mixture. And go back to bed if you want.

Following 2 more hours you could get up and put a little something in your empty stomach.
Begin with a little fresh-made fruit juice. Thirty minutes later, try to eat some fresh fruit. One hour
after that you might eat normal food yet keep it light, raw and natural. By dinner the following
day (Sunday) you ought to feel completely recovered and prepared to slay a dragon.


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Exactly how well did you perform?

Anticipate diarrhea the morning of the 2nd day (Sunday). An effective way to determine what
you're really removing would be to defecate in a white porcelain bowl or big white plastic pail.
The bowl or pail is needed as opposed to the toilet to observe the reddish colored deposits that
gather in the bottom of the container (stones float on the top) and those deposits would typically
become lost somewhere in the bottomless pit of a toilet therefore you would've overlooked
them. Should you not choose to view the deposits - go ahead and utilize the toilet.

One other way can be to utilize the toilet and look in it for stones by using a flashlight. Search
for any greenish types, because this is evidence that they're real gallstones rather than food
remains. Solely bile from your liver is actually green. The actual bowel movement (should there
be some) sinks, however gall and liver stones float as a result of cholesterol content. Ultimately,
you might have to get rid of as much as 2 thousand stones, in a number of treatments, in a
period of one year or thereabouts, until the liver is actually clean enough to free you of all your
allergies, upper back pain, or any other symptoms, completely. The initial cleanse might free
you from them for some time, however as the stones in the back of your liver move frontward,
they could supply you with the exact same symptoms again. You can duplicate the
gallbladder/liver cleanse in two-month time intervals until eventually no stones appear.

Under no circumstances do this cleanse while you are sick. Expecting women need to seek
advice from a pediatrician. Older persons ought to do the purge with the guidance from a
medical adviser.

In some cases, the bile ducts can be filled with cholesterol crystals, which didn't form into round
stones. These crystals appear as chaff" floating on the surface of toilet bowl waters. It might be
tan in color, sheltering countless little white crystals. Clearing this chaff is equally as essential as
getting rid of stones.


The above-mentioned treatment is contrary to numerous present day professional medical
points of views. Gallstones are generally regarded as very few, not really thousands. They don't
really become associated with aches and pains apart from gallbladder attacks. It's easy to
realize why this can be believed: By the point you've had severe pain attacks, a number of
stones inside the gallbladder, are adequately sized as well as properly calcified to appear on X-
ray, and they've brought on irritation. Once the gallbladder is removed surgically, your severe
pain attacks will be eliminated, however bursitis, allergies, digestive troubles as well as other
symptoms happen again and become even worse.

Stones typically are not considered to inhabit your liver. In the event the liver is operated on, just
the biggest and most severe culprits can be eliminated - however uncountable stones, gravel
and crystals stay in an already blocked liver, which in turn has not really improved whatsoever.

The simple truth is self-evident: Individuals, who have had their gallbladder operatively
eliminated, continue to get rid of green, bile-coated stones with this liver purge. Anybody who
wants to dissect these types of eradicated stones is able to see the concentric circles and
crystals of cholesterol correspond with textbook images regarding "gallstones", precisely.

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In the extremely improbable event you experience waves of discomfort reaching upward to your
throat, you may have a gallstone caught inside a bile duct. A clay-colored faeces is proof of bile
duct obstruction. 2TUHimalayan SaltU2T could calm down the bile duct in just 20 minutes.

Mix a heaping tbsp. with 3/4 cup of drinking water. However, drink this only on an empty
stomach or else you could feel rather sick. Having a sizeable dosage of Valerian herb, 6-8
supplements 4 times each day, this includes bedtime, can also help to calm down the duct. In
the event you find comfort, you can be certain it has been a spasm in the bile duct network. The
mineral magnesium contained in the 2TUHimalayan SaltU2T calms spasms. It could be wise to clear the
liver several times (in two week time intervals except if too sick) to attempt to disengage the
actual sticking gallstone. If that doesn't alleviate the discomfort you will want to refer to a
healthcare professional.

Typically it's suggested to eliminate parasitic organisms as well as cleanse the kidneys
beforehand. In case your throat discomfort is serious enough, you could simply zap the parasitic
organisms and proceed using the liver cleanse immediately.

To acquire long-term liver wellness, you need to manage the consumption of higher fat foods,
which include ice cream, potato chips, salad dressings, cheese, butter (excessive), cream, and
excessively high quantities of milk (greater than 3 servings per day).

Emotions connected with animosity, vindictiveness, belligerence along
with hate tend to be harmful to liver wellness. Prevent all of these at all
cost!!! Ignore the 'bad' other people do to you personally as well as
ignore the 'good' you've done to other people. Discover ways to


This valuable material explained prior is not intended to be
medical health advice, or a prescribed medication for any
illness. The writer is absolved of all responsibility as a result of
the usage of this material.

Moderate eliminative actions, like short-term (24 hour) diarrhea,
are common with this type of purge.

Should you have any kind of uncertainties whatsoever whether or
not this treatment is effective, or whether it's of any value, you
need to seek advice from a health care professional, that is
experienced in alternative and natural healing methods.


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Causes of Digestive Problems, Symptoms and Solutions

Digestion disorders will affect the majority of people at some stage in their lives. Inadequate diet
is possibly the primary factor behind it, obviously, genetics play a role too. In spite of this, we
can overcome the issue with good nutrition. The issue is the world has become so degraded
that it could be challenging to get enough minerals and vitamins, and thats exactly what the
body needs to preserve itself, in order to prevent difficulties like bad digestion. So what's the
solution? Himalayan Crystal Salt! For those who have never tried using salt for digestion before
then you should keep reading.
How Can You Tell if You Have a Digestive: Disorder?

Signs range from, but aren't limited to: aches, bloating, exhaustion, nausea, ulcers and even
canker sores. Keep in mind; these are just a few of the signs of digestive problems.

Cramps, Bloating and Indigestion
The root cause of such digestive disorders is
partially digested food! Your body must break
down whatever you eat or drink. It does this
by means of mechanical force (mainly
chewing) and digestive fluids (gastric acid and
enzymes are the major ones). Whenever this
specific procedure fails, you aren't able to
process your food entirely and the digestive
tract will fill with gas. This gas is what causes
the bloated feeling you might have after
consuming a particularly fatty meal, because
fat is difficult to digest.
The primary causes associated with cramps and bloating are: not chewing your food
enough and not enough gastric acid.
Not enough acid in your stomach means that the food cannot be digested properly but also
indicates your body to keep particular valves open, letting gastric acid in where it shouldn't be,
leading to indigestion. pH imbalances could also trigger your brain to send signals to your
stomach instructing it to stop acid production entirely, adding more stress to the condition.

Good news! Himalayan Crystal Salt is In fact, one of the most effective remedies for indigestion
available today. Your body uses salt to control its fluid intake through a function called osmosis
and osmosis immediately impacts the pH balance of your body. If you don't consume enough
salt your body is unable to balance its own pH which may result in insufficient gastric acid. Treat
this issue by making a Sole solution 1 tablespoon of Himalayan Crystal Salt to 1 quart of high
quality water and make it part of your daily diet.


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Motion Sickness and Different Treatments

Motion sickness is a very common issue and yet there is not a natural way for alleviating the
symptoms. What causes motion sickness? Basically, motion sickness occurs when there is an
imbalance between the messages that the eyes and ear fluid are sending to the brain. Consider
your ear fluid as the gyroscope for the body. This informs your brain where the horizon is (these
fluids are affected by Gravity) is. Typically, this information is synchronized with your eyes and
other senses. Whenever these senses get out of synch, motion sickness occurs. Exactly the
same fluids are also accountable for the nausea felt whenever you come down with an ear
infection. The membranes get swollen and are not able to send accurate information to your
brain. Many people have a more hypersensitive inner-ear balance than others and it is these
hypersensitive individuals who are susceptible to motion sickness. In contrast to an ear infection
in which the membranes become inflamed, with motion sickness the fluid inside the ears
becomes too jostled around and therefore an incorrect reading of your positioning in space is
sent to the brain creating confusion.

An excellent motion sickness treatment that doesn't
require any drugs is to simply close your eyes. If
you shut off your eyes input your brain will have less
incorrect information to process therefore your
nausea will minimize. Clearly, you can use Gravol
but it contains many side-effects, probably the most
noticeable one which is extreme drowsiness. So,
what is the natural motion sickness remedy which
will not make you drowsy? Himalayan Crystal Salt!!!
The salt works in various ways and it is used both
internally and externally.

Internally: First make what we call Sole which is a mixture of water and salt and put a couple of
drops inside your ears. You may also drink a half-glass of Sole solution before leaving to your
destination (assuming you are aware you are susceptible to motion sickness) however it will
work if you drink it even after the sickness had begun. To make the Sole solution you just mix a
tablespoon of Himalayan Crystal Salt with 1 gallon of water. Thats it! Once the salt is dissolve
completely, use an eye-dropper and place a few drops in each one of the ears. As for
consuming the glass of water, the one thing you should remember is that the water must be
lukewarm. The salt will assist you to rebalance the fluids within your body particularly those in
the inner ear which is the source of the actual problem.

You may also apply the salt externally. J ust fill a bag or perhaps pouch with Himalayan Crystal
Salt and wear it close to your neck. The energy balancing attributes of the salt should have you
feeling relaxed and well balanced right away!

You may be wondering how, precisely, the salt balances your energy and the fact is that nobody
knows for sure. However its considered that the energetic properties of the Himalayan Salt
crystals connect with our own electro-magnetic field and liberate any obstructions or points of
energy stagnation that you might have.

Stop taking drug medication and start using Himalayan Crystal Salt against motion sickness

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Eliminating Ear Infections without Medications

Ear infections cause pulsing, pounding, sharp
pain and vary from mild to severe. Even worse,
sometimes an individual will develop an
inclination towards infection in that area resulting
in reoccurring ear infections, quite an unpleasant
Dealing with ear infections with traditional
medication consists of dosage after dosage of
harmful anti-bionics. While they get rid of the
infection, they cause harm to the rest of the body
just like they heal. Antibiotics make your immune
system weak and exposed to new (possibly
more virulent) infections. Himalayan Crystal Salt
will help you cure your ear infection without any
side effects like the one cause by antibiotics.
Himalayan Salt works best if apply right away so
you need to know the symptoms of an ear
Ear infection symptoms are quite obvious since
most of them are originated in the ear: short-term
hearing loss, a clogged feeling in the ear as well
as pain is the primary ones. Additional non-
localized symptoms include high temperature
and wooziness.
After you have established that you've an ear infection, begin to use Himalayan Crystal Salt as
soon as possible. The simplest way to use the salt is as a brine solution, a combination of
Himalayan Salt and water. Using an eye-dropper, apply a couple of drops inside the affected
ear. The brine solution is going to begin working right away. It will help to relieve ear infection
pain given that Himalayan Salt is a natural antibacterial and antiviral. Salt, whenever absorbed
by bacteria, expands their cell walls making them bloat causing them to be weaker and simpler
for your body to fight. The brine solution "Sole" can also help remove any unwanted fluids inside
the ear which is certainly the cause of that blocked sensation and therefore the short-term loss
of hearing. Because Himalayan Crystal Salt possesses natural fluid-balancing attributes and
since salt is required to handle the osmosis process within the body, it can help to restore the
proper level of fluids inside your ears. Both of these mechanisms by itself should tremendously
reduce the signs of your ear infection.


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The Self-Healing Body
Our body is an amazing creation of nature. It provides you with all the components it needs not
just to maintain itself, but additionally to give rise to new life. Each and every normal, balanced
body possesses an innate capability to control and restore itself, achieving and, wherever
necessary, reestablishing the natural equilibrium of bodily processes, a state referred to as
homeostasis. It is these inborn mechanisms which usually cure us while we are ill, not
physicians, nor even prescription medication. Our bodies are entirely able to regenerating
themselves therefore we should be ultra cautious whenever using terms like "incurable".

Physicians who identify an illness as incurable are actually proclaiming that they have reached
the limit of their experience and knowledge as medical experts. "Terminal" is often a term that
simply spreads fear. It suppresses and lessens our body's innate defenses. Traditional medical
science only compares the chemical processes in living beings, the processes that can be
proven. As a result, disease is generally suppressed, substituted, or operated upon, but almost
never healed. An additional treatment, on the flip side, compares the abilities and energetic
correlations and interactions within the living organism. In comparison to conventional
treatments, the importance here is on regulation as well as prevention.

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Precisely How Do Himalayan Salt Lamps Work?

Himalayan Salt lamps have the same impact as the ionizer. Then again, the organic ionization
of any crystal lamp can't be compared with an ionizer. The salt crystal lamp is only able to
provide an ionizing effect. Nevertheless, salt crystal lamps have numerous benefits in several
aspects as well as increase the normal environment of your space.

A TV or computer system monitor's electromagnetic field is within
roughly 100-160Hz zones. Your brain waves on the other hand,
generate just 8Hz, in accordance with the Schuman resonance
frequency. Consequently, your body is actually subjected to as
much as 20 times greater frequency patterns than it's typically
used to. The results of this kind of exposure cause anxiousness,
sleeping disorders plus lack of attentiveness or concentration
deficiencies. Furthermore, you will have an amount of much more
free radicals in your body, considered to be a contributing factor
to cancer. Because of this kind of continual contact with different
wavelengths, our personal electromagnetic energy field gets
imprinted with the wavelengths forced on it, which in turn upsets the
natural growth and development of the cells. Since the atomic
framework in the salt, that's currently neutral, its likely that any
unnatural frequencies may be harmonized or well-balanced from the
lit Himalayan Salt lamp. Because it functions like an organic amplifier
for the resonant frequency of 8-10 cycles in each second, that's very
essential for our own existence. By using a Himalayan Salt lamp we
are able to alter and reduce the effects of electromagnetic
wavelengths attributable to electronic products naturally.

A salt crystal lamp adheres the negative ions together with the surplus positive ions. Once the
Himalayan Salt Lamp gets heated, it soaks in humidity so the crystal will likely be moist on the
surface area. That accumulates an ion field. With the lamp, the positively charged environment
in a room could be neutralized. Additionally, the colorings of the salt crystal stones possess a
therapeutic influence. Typically the beneficial worth of the colored crystals is to reorganize the
epidermal layer of your skin. Medical tests done using children possessing ADHD indicators
have demonstrated that following just one week of contact with a Himalayan Salt Lamp, his or
her symptoms went away. However, when taking out the lamps, the actual symptoms came

The actual Therapeutic Effects of Colors

Orange: Allows for a sense of security and safety and is also beneficial to the neurological
system the mind as well as stimulates your kidneys and bladder.
Yellow: Promotes mental understanding and stimulates your pancreas, liver and gall bladder.
Red: Fortifies your essential life force and also stimulates your heart and blood circulation.
Pink: Facilitates a feeling of alliance and love as well as opens up the emotional body.
White: Features a purifying and cleansing result to represent the healing factor.
Brown: Aids you to discover your own harmony and also helps earthiness.

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Electromagnetic Oscillation

An electromagnetic belt encompasses our planet, and inside this belt every single type of life
form comes and goes. As a result, every single form of life on the earth is dependent upon the
strength of this electromagnetic field of vibration, referred to as the Schumann resonance
frequency, that says the provided frequency of this electromagnetic field is at 7.83 Hz (cycles)
per second. This value in considered being the resonant frequency of the earth. The resonant
frequency is the most frequently used measurement used on mammals and may be measured
as the resonant frequency of our own brains using an EEG.

In addition, a salt crystal, in its natural condition, displays the precise frequency oscillation
benefit. And yet because of our industrialized and technological lifestyle, the human being is
now being impacted, specifically in our homes and workplaces, to unnatural electromagnetic
wavelengths with more diverse frequency values, as a result of electronics equipment. Such
wavelengths have been verified not just to disrupt the human body, but also to enhance
sickness, because they continually overlap our own normal resonant frequency. Because of this
kind of continuous contact with different wavelengths, our very own electromagnetic energy field
gets printed with the wavelengths pushed on it, which will annoy the normal growth and
development of our cells. As a result of nuclear framework in the salt, thats neutral, its likely
that the unnatural wavelengths could be equaled or balanced from the Himalayan Salt Lamp
since it operates like a natural amplifier for your resonant frequency of 8-10 cycles per second,
thats essential for our life. By using a salt crystal lamp we can easily modify and reduce the
effects of electromagnetic wavelengths, a result of electronic products in natural manner.


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Light Waves in the Rainbow Spectrum

Whenever we discuss light we imply, in most
cases, the oscillation energies, or
electromagnetic wavelengths that are lying in
a nanometer, array noticeable to the human
eye. Through the color therapy it's well
known that the human body requires light
waves from the rainbow spectrum (300-700
nanometers) regarding the health and
preservation of the entire body. All of our
body's cells are supplied by light using fresh
energy through electromagnetic
wavelengths. As a result the actual atomic
framework of an single cell vibrates in their
individual given sequence and will radiate bio
photons like the cell's personal
electromagnetic energy field.

The actual oscillation benefits from salt crystal lamps depend on crystalline color composition
within the so-called warm clay/tone variety of 600-700 nanometers. For many years, the
industry of medicine is actually utilizing irradiation together with monochromatic light, because
these color vibration areas have strong effect on the cell generating capabilities.

As to what degree a Himalayan Salt Lamp can be used regarding natural irradiation treatment,
is not yet been found, as additional investigation is needed. Nevertheless, salt crystal lamps
have already been utilized therapeutically for decades.


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Himalayan Salt Lamp is a Natural Ionizer

Most of us reside as well as are
employed in environments focused on
technology; computers, television sets,
copiers, printers, microwaves, air
conditioning units and heating units,
simply to mention a few. These types of
so called "conveniences" give off high
levels of positive ions in the air all of us
breathe, which could lead to physical
and mental fatigue and also impact your
overall wellness. By far the most
hazardous degrees of positive ions exist
in POLLUTED towns and cities.
Exhaust gases from automobiles,
trucks, and buses; manufacturing plant
smoke, tobacco smoke, dust and soot, along with electromagnetic air pollution virtually all blend
to produce a strong combination of POSITIVE IONS and OZONE which progressively damage
the lungs and destroy our health and well-being.

You probably have realized that your own sense of wellness is actually more intense in natural
mountain air, or perhaps on the seaside, or even following a thunderstorm. This really is
because of the greater concentration of negative ions in those environments. It's no coincidence
that therapeutic health spas tend to be situated in regions having foaming salt water or roaring
mountain springs that produce abundant negative ions which in turn causes air particles to
attain electrical or ionic harmony.

Himalayan Salt lamps are extremely well suited for everyday use within the entire home, in
bedrooms, living rooms, dining areas, hallways, meditation rooms, near televisions and
computers, or anywhere people smoke. Make use of these wonderful lamps around workplaces
to lessen fatigue, Himalayan Salt Lamps can reduce the consequence of all that radiation and
also beautifies the atmosphere of the work space. It increases ones concentration and refreshes
one as a result of eliminating the consequences of the unnatural environment. Utilize the lamp
inside waiting rooms to produce a calming environment, during therapeutic massage, as well as
any place else you would like to regain or simply keep the pure quality of air.

The advantage of ionizers is definitely well recognized. Although
the majority of ionizers in the marketplace are artificial devices, the
salt crystal lamp is really a gorgeous option of our mother earth,
with virtually no sound without damaging OZONE!

European people have already been conscious of the health
advantages of salt for decades, and individuals experiencing
persistent congestive difficulties visit centers situated in salt mines
for the purpose of therapy! It's known as SPELEOTHERAPY. The
really dry, negative ion-rich atmosphere of such salt mines assists
to clear out a patients bronchial tubes and sinuses, as well as
destroy bacteria along with other microbes.

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We Recommend: Small or Medium
Himalayan Salt Lamp for a night-light.
Since the lamp is passive rather than
fan-driven, the actual distance of
negative-ion output is restricted. The
large lamp is highly "therapeutic" out
over approximately 10 feet, and a
common "medium" lamp out over
roughly several feet. From then on, any
beneficial impact falls off rather quickly.
Simply because negative-ions are
actually high-energy packets, its range
of air travel could expand out over many
yards. Typically the lamp ought to be
regarded as efficient just for the room
that it is placed.

To learn more concerning Himalayan Salt Lamps as well as associated merchandise kindly visit
The Salt Institute - Our planet's primary resource of trustworthy specifics of salt (sodium
chloride) along with over 14,000 identified applications.

In order to receive the most benefits of your Himalayan Salt lamp please take in consideration
the flowing information:

The lamp has a range of reach. This means that even though a lamp is "ON" and heated, you
might not be receiving all possible benefits if you aren't within the lamp's reach.

(Mini) 3-5 lb. salt lamp 8 x 8 sq. feet
(Small) 6-8 lb. salt lamp 10x10 sq. feet
(Medium) 9-11 lb. salt lamp 12x12 sq. feet
(Large) 12-15 lb. salt lamp 14x14 sq. feet
(Extra Large) 16-20 lb. salt lamp 15x15 sq. feet
(J umbo) 21-25 lb. salt lamp 16x16 sq. feet
(Extra J umbo) 30-40 lb. salt lamp 20x20 sq. feet
(Super J umbo) 40-60 lb. salt lamp 25x25 sq. feet


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My Final Thoughts

Yes those are all the benefits of this wonderful salt. Remember that we cannot live without salt
but at the same time you have to be careful what type of salt and how much salt you eat.

Everything in excess is bad, even 2TUHimalayan Crystal SaltU2T. Also remember there is always an
organic medicine for every imbalance the body might be suffering.

Thank you very much to taking the time to read this eBook and please share it with your friends
and family. Im sure they will really appreciate this information as well.

If you enjoyed this information please share
it with you friends and family!!

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This valuable material explained prior is not intended to be
medical health advice, or a prescribed medication for any
illness. The writer is absolved of all responsibility as a result of
the usage of this material.

Should you have any kind of uncertainties whatsoever
whether or not these treatments are effective, or whether it's of
any value or benefit to your health, you need to seek advice
from a health care professional, that is experienced in
alternative and natural healing methods.


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