Basics of MRI PDF
Basics of MRI PDF
Basics of MRI PDF
Professor Sir Michael Brady FRS FREng Department of Engineering Science Oxford University Michaelmas 2004
T1 Weighted Image
MR image of a horizontal slice through the brain. In this T1-weighted image, grey matter is lightly coloured, while white matter appears darker.
T2 Weighted Image
T2/ms CSF grey matter white matter 1.5T 500 8090 7080
Over the past 20 years, we have developed new ways to image anatomy, new ways to see inside the body, noninvasively
We can watch the body in action, as it responds to the injection of a drug or contrast agent, to highlight aberrant physiology
We can watch the body functioning in a whole range of ways the brain thinking, degradation in white matter, and the pulsing of the heart
Now we are beginning to image cellular and molecular processes the convergence of molecular biology and image analysis
MRI machines
The Magnet
Magnets field strength: imaging 0.2T to 2.0T spectroscopy- 2.0T to 7.0T Low field Intermediate High field Ultra high 0.2- 0.5T 0.5- 1.5T 1.5- 4.0T > 4.0T Earths magnetic field = 510-5 Tesla
gradient coil
Diagnosing multiple sclerosis (MS) Diagnosing brain tumours Diagnosing spinal infections Visualizing torn ligaments in the wrist, knee and ankle Visualizing shoulder injuries Evaluating bone tumours, and herniated discs in the spine Diagnosing strokes in their earliest stages
Protons (= hydrogen nuclei) have two spin states. They act like miniature tops and precess about the field direction
Spin, moment
All nuclei have spin multiples of Combined with charge moment Nucleus with odd spin acts like a small dipole magnet If nucleus has S spin states, the moment (magnet) has 2S+1 stable states in an external magnetic field Hydrogen (proton): S = 2 states
B0 field
mI = +
mI =
N up
1.5T, T=310K, P(E)exp(E/kT)
N down
hB0 exp kT
When the RF energy is turned off, the newly high energy nucleus may revert to its low energy state, giving off RF energy in the process
So what?
The resonant frequency at which this happens is called the Larmor frequency: In this equation,
= B0
Critically, this constant depends on the biochemical nature of the stuff and its surroundings: Chemical Shift A typical field strength B0 used in MRI is 1.5 Tesla At this field strength, the Larmor frequencies for Hydrogen and Carbon 13 (the atoms most relevant in medical imaging) are 63.9 MHz and 16.1 MHz respectively. Probing with different frequencies of RF energy enables us to build a spectrum of what is in the sample
B1 rotates about B0
Applying a pulse B1
The longer the RF pulse is applied, and the stronger it is, the bigger the deflection of the net magnetic field, that is, the bigger the angle . It can reach 90, or even 180 degrees. The bigger , the longer it takes to recover when the RF is turned off.
M xy
x-y plane
time frequency
time frequency
The relaxation constant T1 For the nuclei to return to their initial energy states by emitting energy (the MR signal), the excited spin system must be exposed to an electromagnetic field oscillating with a frequency at or close to the Larmor frequency. This process can occur by the nuclei being `stimulated' by surrounding nuclei and is assumed to occur in a simple exponential manner
M z (t ) M 0 = (M z (0) M 0 )e
t T1
T1 is called the spin-lattice relaxation time It corresponds to the time required for the system to return to 63% of its equilibrium value after it has been exposed to a 90 pulse
T1 Weighted Imaging
white matter
grey matter
Optimal TR
T1 Weighted Image
T1 Relaxation
dMz(t) = [Mz(t) M0] dt T1 Mz(t) = M0 + {Mz(0) M0}exp(-t/T1)
saturationrecovery Mz Mz(0) = 0 t M0 Mz inversionrecovery M0
Mz(0) = M0 t
The contribution of all the spins precessing around the external magnetic field B0 produces a net magnetisation M0. When a 90 RF pulse is applied, this net magnetisation is tipped onto the x,y-plane. Dephasing of the spins results in a quick decrease of the net magnetisation in the x,y-plane. The dephasing is exponential and characterised by T2.
M T (t ) = M T (0)e
T2 is called the spin-spin relaxation time T2 values are 40-200ms depending on the tissue T2 is approximately ten times smaller than T1. Different scan sequences show up differences in these relaxation times generating what are referred to as T1, T2 or proton density (the concentration of protons) weighted images.
T2 Relaxation
dMxy(t) = Mxy(t) dt T2 Mxy(t) = Mxy(0) exp(t/T2)
T2 Weighted Imaging
Echo Amplitude
grey white
T2 a T2 a T2 b ln T2 b Optimum TE = T2 a T2 b
Optimum TE
T2 Weighted Image
T2/ms CSF grey matter white matter 1.5T 500 8090 7080
Slice Selection
time G 0 frequency
To image a slice of material requires a method of exciting only material within that slice. This is achieved by superimposing a small spatially varying magnetic field, Gz , called a gradient field. The field is applied in the same direction as while the RF pulse is applied.
Three mutually orthogonal gradient coils are used to localise a nucleus in x-, y-, and z-. Normally a slice is localised (z) and then a coil pair in x,y
Note: motion of the subject will be local in k-space so have a global effect on the image!
Each row of k-space contains the raw data received under a particular phase gradient, where the order in which the rows are recorded depends on the imaging sequence used; Once all of kspace has been assembled, it is Fourier transformed (2D FFT) to obtain the image
Illustration of the MR read gradient and signals generated at different spatial locations. The illustration shows all the signals in phase which corresponds to the zeroth row of k-space. The material at A and D has a high MR signal, the material at B and C has a low signal. A and C are towards the left so have a low frequency of precession; B and D are on the right so have a higher frequency.
phase-encoding gradients
A, B and C have high, medium and low MR signals. They are at the same x-position so have the same frequency of precession. Their y-positions are encoded by repeated scanning with different phase gradients. With a zero phase gradient (the central row), all the signals are in phase. With a positive phase gradient (the top row), A has a phase lead, and C has a phase lag with respect to B. Recording the signals under all phase gradients allows the y-positions to be recovered by Fourier Transforming k-space.
(x,y) = B0 + Gxx + Gyy phase (x,y,t) = 2 B0dt + 2 Gxxdt + 2 Gyydt elemental signal S(x,y,t) = (x,y) exp{i (x,y,t)} total signal S(t) = (x,y) exp{i (x,y,t)} dxdy
A Few Substitutions
total signal S(t) = (x,y) exp{i (x,y,t)} dxdy kx(t) = Gxdt ky(t) = Gydt
total signal S(t) = (x,y) exp{2i(kxx+kyy)} dxdy This is the standard Fourier Equation!