Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga

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All about Neecha Bhanga Raj yoga

By Jerisun Gomes and Nikhil Gupta in Vedic Astrology/Jyotish Vidhya (Files) ALL about N !"B"ANG#AJA $%GA (!ancellation o& debilitation)

NB#$ is a 'ery common term amongst all the preachers o& astrology but its actual signi&icance is understood by only &e()

*hat+s (hy , decided to (rite something related to this concept) %k- so &irst let+s understand that ho( po(er&ul can this Neechbhang #a. yog be/

0o the ans(er is1

2hen ,n &ull s(ing- its po(er cannot be described- as it straight a(ay makes the nati'e an emperor nothing less than an emperor- i)e) many kings (ill report to such a person- e'en 3 (ell placed e4alted planets in a chart cannot match its po(er) 2hat 5ore , can say)

Neechbhang #a. yoga comes a&ter neech result only) 0erious 6roblems are part and parcel o& e'ery human7s li&e- but ho( many people ha'e the ability to decimate the ongoing problems and mo'e ahead //) %nly 8)9: people (ho ha'e such ability- taste e4traordinary success as a result o& neechbhang #a. yoga) *hat7s a reason (hy , say that NB#$ is 'ery 'ery rare) *he root cause o& the po(er o& this yoga is the ;"<G learning (hich nati'e may deri'e &rom the negati'e e4periences o& li&e and use those e4periences &or constructi'e purposes; For e4ample1 A person ne'er had enough &ood to eat during initial 9=>?8 years o& his li&e- later @ !,@ @ to completely decimate the hunger o& all the children (ho are su&&ering .ust like him and (ith time- due to this strong (ill and hard (ork- he is no( able to become the bread earner &or lakhs o& people) Actually by &eeding so many people he is not decimating the hunger o& lakhs o& people- instead he is A!*<ALL$ !"ALL NG,NG the BA@ @ 0*,N$ o& the those lakhs o& people) ,n a (ay he is telling his o(n destiny that ;@%N* 5 00 2,*" 5 ; or else , (ill simply destroy you.ust like a treatment (hich a tornado gi'es to a piece o& cotton)

"ence initial 9=>?8 years o& his li&e (as .ust like e4periencing N !" e&&ect- but he took his struggle as a challenge and decimated the hunger o& lakhs o& people later in his li&e- (hich V N A A,NG/5inister 2A0 N%* ABL *% @%) *hat7s the po(er o& Neechbhang #a. yoga) ,t makes the person so V #$ strong (illed that- e'en mountains cannot come in his &ront) "e (ill not de&lect his (ay due to that presence o& mountain instead he (ould mo'e ahead and (ould raise the le'el o& his (ill po(er to such an e4tent thathe is able to crush the (hole mountain under the thumb o& his &eet) Feel my (ords to &eel the po(er o& this yoga) 9 NB#$ can alone compete and (in o'er B8 Normal #a. yogas) 0o- ,F you also ha'e such (ill po(er to crush the mountains- you also ha'e Neech bhang #a. yoga)

*his is the reason (hy , am (riting a &ull article on it)

B<* 2 "AV *% !A# F<LL$ 0 *"A* 2" *" # *",0 #AJ $%GA ,0 # ALL$ ,N F<LL 02,NG %# N%* ,N AN$ !"A#*- be&ore declaring any result)

!aution1 2hole chart should be seen be&ore gi'ing any conclusion is astrology) First o& all let me list the rules related to this concept- as per the nadi te4ts1

A planet causing neechbhang (ill make the person emperor and that too in his youth)

a) depositor o& the sign occupied by the debilitated planet in Aendra b) !on.unction o& an e4alted planet (ith a debilitated planet (like sun and 0aturn in Libra and Aries- Jupiter and mars in !apricorn and cancerCetc)

N%* 1 N !"B"ANG #AJ $%GA @% N%* F<!*,%N &or nati'es (ith !AN! # A0! N@AN*)on the contrary it (ould obstruct the prosperity) (*his is as per @e'akeralam te4t)

Be&ore mo'ing ahead let me gi'e you one more concept- the more a deliberated planet is close to its highest debilitation degree- the more po(er&ul (ould be its neechbhang)

(Like in case o& 0un its 98 degree o& Libra) Let me also list the applicability o& this #a. yog as per other sources (right &rom 'arious &orums to blogs to books to general articles on ,nternet or as per my little humble e4perience)

9) Both e4alted and deliberated planet in one rashi) Jupiter D mars in cancer- !apricorn 0un and 0aturn in Aries and Libra Venus and mercury in Virgo or 6ieces etc

?) Lord o& rashi in (hich neech planet (debilitated 6lanet) is placed is in Aendra &rom moon or lagan &or e4ample i& sun is deliberated in Libra- *hen i& Venus is in Aendra &rom moon or lagan)

B) Lord o& the rashi in (hich the deliberated planet gets e4alted- in the Aendra &rom moon or lagan) For e4ample ,& sun is getting deliberated in Libra- then since sun gets e4alted in Aries)

*here&ore lord o& Aries i)e) mars is in Aendra &rom moon or lagan neech bhang occurs)

(Note1 , ha'e &e( reser'ations regarding the applicability o& the abo'e rule)

3) 2hen the deliberated planet gets e4alted in na'amsa (@>E) or shatyamsa (@>F8) in the Aendra (Guadrants)- trikond (*rines)- ?nd or 99th houses- neech bhang occurs)

=) 2hen a planet (in strength) aspects its o(n rashi in (hich a planet is getting deliberatedneech bhang occurs &or that planet)

For e41 moon is getting deliberated in 0corpio- aspected by mars (should be in strength))

(Note1 , ha'e &e( reser'ations regarding the applicability o& the abo'e rule too as , &eel that in this case Neechbhang (ill not be complete) F)2hen a deliberated planet gets a Vargottammi (planet occupies same rashi in lagan and na'amsa charts) position- neechbhang occurs)- again this is (ill not be complete but yes planet do gain strength- (hen happens to be Vargottammi)

H) 0ometimes neechbhang #a. yog occurs along (ith 'ipreet #a. $oga (V#$)- ,n these kind o& cases yoga becomes e4tremely po(er&ul)

For e41 > 5ercury getting deliberated in 9?th house being the lord o& Fth house) No( i& suppose Jupiter (hich is the lord o& 9?th house gets e4alted in 3th "ouse ((hich is a Iuadrant) and ob'iously Jupiter is also aspecting mercury) No( in this case mercury causing both V#$ and neechbhang #a. $oga- "ence this mercury becomes e4tremely po(er&ul) *here could be many more) *here are &e( other rare conditions o& neechbhang #a. yog (hich are hardly listed any(here)

9) 2hen there is a parai'artan yog ( 4change) bet(een t(o planets getting deliberated)

For e4ample (hen moon is placed in 0corpio and mars in cancer) "ere you can see that both 5oon and mars are getting debilitated but still in this case a kind o& neech bhang is happening due to the e4change o& rashi+s happening bet(een them) #esult can &urther impro'e i& there is more bene&ic in&luence on 5oon and mars and also i& both them are gaining adeIuate shadbala) 0o- here none o& them (ill gi'e a bad result)

?) 2hen a deliberated planet simply goes in the parai'artan yog (ith its &riend (naisargik and &unctional both))

For e4ample deliberated Venus is getting in parai'artan (e4change) (ith its naisargik and &unctional &riend mercury in Libra- specially &or Virgo- and !apricorn Ascendant)

B) 2hen the lord o& the rashi in (hich a planet is getting deliberated- also gets deliberated and the latter one recei'es neech bhang- then &ormer one (ill also get a po(er&ul neechbhang- but here the planet (hich is causing the Neech bhang o& the ?nd planet should be really po(er&ul( &rom the angle o& shadbala)) *his is termed as ;chained neech bhang #a. yoga

&or e4ample1 > ,& sun is placed in Libra and its rashi lord 'enus is also getting deliberated in Virgo and no( ,& 'enus gets a 0trong neech bhang then sun (ill also get a neech bhang)(0 chart o& 6rince !harles)


Assume mercury is getting deliberated in 6ieces- 6ieces lord Jupiter is also getting deliberated in !apricorn no( i& Jupiter gets a strong neech bhang then mercury (ould also get a neech bhang) (0 the chart o& sachin tendulkar)

0ome @,0*,N!*,%N01

@o you think that all neech bhang are o& the same kind/

*he ans(er is big no- some are more po(er&ul and some are less- let+s understand (hy/

*ake the e4ample o& Venus and mercury placed in Virgo (neech bhang &or 'enus) and in 6ieces (neechbhang &or mercury) or Jupiter mars in !apricorn and cancer (neech bang &or Jupiter and mars respecti'ely)

,n all the o& the abo'e e4amples !%55%N point is that neech bhang (i& occurring) 2ould be occurring (ith the help o& a &riend)

(,n the abo'e cases- Both Venus and mercury are &riendsJ also both Jupiter and mars are &riends))

But i& (e look at the case o& sun and 0aturn (in Aries &or sat and in Libra &or sun)Kout o& the these cases sun neechbhang (ould be more po(er&ul as 0aturn is a more male&ic planet as compared to sun and is also the inherent enemy o& 0un)(;*his is as per the rule- (hen more male&ic planet is e4alted and a comparati'ely less male&ic planet is deliberated- neechbhang occurs in a more po(er&ul (ay i& they are in con.unction)

0o let me take the case o& sun and 0aturn placed in Libra)(being more po(er&ul)- (hy is the Neechbhang o& 0un in Libra is more po(er&ul than in cases o& Jupiter- 5ars( and 'enusmercury) /

0ee- *" $ B%*" (sun and 0aturn) A# enemy+s (<nlike the case o& Jupiter D mars)/))'enus Dmercury))))that is the reason (hy here neech bhang o& sun (ould be much more po(er&ul as compared to the neechbhang o& 'enus- mercury- mars- Jupiter in similar 0ituation (e4alted and deliberated planet in the same rashi))

N%2 2"$ 5%# 6%2 #F<L/

0ee- e'en our most dreaded enemy can contribute in our success greatly- indeed- in most o& the times critics ha'e a more daunting role to play in our success story) $ou all (ill agree on this)

*his e4plains (hy 0aturn despite being an enemy o& sun- pro'ide huge strength to the sun in the process o& neechbhang) No( (ay it happens/

0aturn is planet o& hard (ork) persons (ho are 0aturn dominated are e4tremely hard (orkingthey also de'elop the Iuality o& perse'erance and patience due to the e&&ect o& 0aturn- 0aturn makes them stable in all the conditions and keeps them humble and do(n to earth) *hese people are truth dri'en and al(ays look to help anyone in need)

*here&ore (hen sun gets deliberated and 0aturn is placed (ith it nati'e tends to counter the odds (ith sheer hard (ork (hich is actually the ,@ AL (ay) 0%- this (as all about the rules- no( let+s come to the signi&icance part) "a'e you e'er thought that (hy this yoga is so po(er&ul/

<nderstand like this- there is a nati'e (ho ha'e all the Iualities to become success&ul in li&eright &rom hard (ork to intelligence to compassion to patience etc- but still due to some or the other una'oidable circumstance in li&e- he al(ays gets tested) "e again rises and again some person or circumstances pull him do(n and this process is happening again and again- 988+s o& time)

@espite all this there is one streak in him due to (hich he .ust do not looses heart- and al(ays tries to get up again in li&e) $ou can say that- it+s in his nature to al(ays &ight and &ight) (%nly &e( ha'e this kind o& nature)

No( in the abo'e process this person is continuously getting sancti&ied .ust like gold achie'es its highest purity at the highest temperatures and then (e all kno( that e'en a L@og has its @ayM) *he day his time gi'es him the &le4ibility to achie'e- this person has de'eloped the habit to e4tract ma4imum out that single opportunity) Assume a 'olcano la'a (aiting &or years and years to break the shackles o& earth to come out (ith Bang bang- assume a rocket taking time in reaching that threshold le'el by burning tons and tons o& &uel and as soon as it gets its escape 'elocity nothing could stop him to straighta(ay touch the uni'erse (ithin a matter o& seconds- a plane (hich take o&& in a regular manner cannot achie'e a height (hich a rocket !AN(.ust like a normal ra.a can gi'e the nati'e a sky but cannot dare to gi'e the uni'erse (hich a Neechbhang #a. yoga can

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