365 Steps To Self Confidence

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365 Steps to SelI ConIidence

By David Lawrence Preston; How To Books Ltd, 2001

Thi s book t ackl es sel f -
confidence and self-esteem. t
di scusses how you can
develop yourself to be more
aware of your behavior,
responses and how to be
more confident. t also talks
about how to know when you
are low on confidence and
self-esteem and what you
should do to remedy it.
There are many examples,
exercises and advices given
to further evaluate your
confidence level and what you
should do for your confidence
and self-esteem to grow. The
book makes you realize that
many factors influence who
you are today. Furthermore, it
helps you transform yourself
to be a better person.

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The Big dea
365 Steps to Self Confidence
A Prograrre lor Persora| Trarslorral|or |r Jusl a FeW V|rules a 0ay
imagine yourself as a confident person. Lastly, do
not stop with imagination but act confidently. You
should be happy and satisfied with your physical
characteristics, your emotional state, your
intellect and your social skills. Keep in mind that
your capabilities are far more than what you give
yourself credit for.
Some people gain confidence by accumulating
wealth. This is not the true indicator of confidence.
f a person is confident, he or she doesn't need to
flaunt what he or she gained and accomplished
over ti me. These peopl e i mpose hi gh
expectations on themselves but they are still
aware that they are not perfect.
No matter what your past is, if you intentionally
sow confidence within you, you will reap
confidence. Everyone has been influenced by
situations and conditions that happened in the
past. The person you become is a result of:
Your genetic inheritance and biochemistry
The environment in which you were raised,
including people
Your unique way of trying to make sense of it
all, both at the time and now
Confidence is not hereditary. Although genes and
hormones affect you, these are not part of the root
of confidence. Confidence is learned over time. t
starts when you are a child and develops more as
you grow older. t starts when you are weak and
vulnerable and blossoms over time.
Only you can foster your self-confidence. Accept
full responsibility for yourself. You'll discover how
revitalizing it is. t's your life, think and act for
yourself. Never put the blame on other people for:
your lack of self-confidence
howothers treat you
Sow the seeds of confidence and
watch them grow
Whose responsibility?
Howto build self confidence
Howconfident are you?
Bear in mind that you have the capability to attain
whatever goals you set for yourself but you have to
believe first that you can do it. Make the decision to
be confident. mitate the famous people and act as if
you are confident even if you're not. The reality is
that many of these famous people are shy but they
act as if they are not and succeed. Do not put
yourself down. Choose to love and respect yourself
and allowonly the best to happen to you.
When we talk about self-confidence, self-image
and self-esteem is not far behind. They are related
to self-confidence. Self-image is how you perceive
yourself to be. t consists of three core feelings:
Self-worth or the value you put in yourself.
Competence or your capability to succeed,
work out hardships, and the ability to think for
Belonging or others' acceptance and respect.
The result of the evaluation of your self-worth and
belonging serves as a basis for your self-esteem.
Your ultimate objective is to be confident, not only in
your outward appearance but deep inside you. This
can be attained with the help of TA formula
ntention, Thinking, magination and Action. You
must have the intention to be confident, then
change your way of thinking. Next, you must
2 oI 8
Author: 0av|d LaWrerce Preslor
Pub||sher: loW To 8oo|s Lld
0ate of Pub||cat|on: 2001
|8N : 0 13 2353Z 8
No. of Pages: 225 pages
A80uT TlE 800K:
365 Steps to SelI ConIidence by David Lawrence Preston
your thoughts, words and actions
failures, misfortunes and setbacks
or anything else
To better help you in gaining confidence, build a
'Wall of Confidence'. Post encouraging words that
will motivate you in gaining confidence. Also,
settle problems. Do not procrastinate when faced
with difficulties. You will deal with it sooner or later.
Better do it sooner to save your self from
additional pain, suffering and discomfort.
Besides, hiding from your problems does not help
your confidence a bit.
You have the power. You can alter your way of
thinking, imaginations, actions, behaviors and
habits. Use the power to slowly gain confidence. t
will growand develop step by step.
Human beings are motivated by a want or need,
perceptions of 'pleasure and pain,' and hopes and
expectations. The best technique is to establish a
worthy aspiration and look for the rationale in
accomplishing that aspiration and compel
yourself to act in order to achieve your aim.
Determination is behind all successes. You can
achieve whatever goals you place in front of you
with determination. When faced with difficulties,
the advantages you will obtain from deciding to
gain confidence will empower your determination
to keep you going. You will encounter
apprehension and fear but you will keep moving
People who think like a confident person believe
that they are confident and therefore, act
confidently. For this reason, positive thinkers are
the most successful and contented. We are the
Getting motivated
Think like a confident person
product of our thinking. Think positively and you'll
have a more positive outlook on life.
There is a four step method in combating negative
thoughts. With constant application, it becomes
natural for people to observe and follow them. They
Be mindful. Be aware to your thoughts, feelings
and reactions to circumstances and people
around you.
Stop disempowering thoughts.
Replace them with empowering thoughts.
Keep going until it becomes automatic.
nner critic is that voice inside you that plants
reservation in yourself. Challenge it and make it shut
up. Compel yourself not to listen to that voice but
instead, to think positively. Changing how you think
may take a while but you must be patient and
persevere with your goal. Don't let another negative
thought enter your mind.
Affirmation is a self-suggestion. When you repeat
the suggestion over and over again, you will
eventually believe what you keep on saying. t helps
to accentuate your good qualities, transform your
weaknesses into strengths, alter your behavior and
concentrate on what you want for yourself. With
constant application, it can become an effective way
to build self-confidence.
Our imagination is very powerful. t can make us see
any situation we think. f you always think negative
thoughts, your subconscious will eventually accept
what you feed to your mind and make it your reality.
That is why it is important that a person imagine
positive thoughts to gain confidence with the help of
the subconscious mind.
The four step method
Silencing the inner critic
Who do you imagine yourself to be?
3 oI 8 365 Steps to SelI ConIidence by David Lawrence Preston
Getting the most from creative
The 'As f' principle
Eat an elephant
Self-awareness 1: Your past
Creative imagery is a conscious effort of having
a mental i mage that wi l l affect your
subconscious mind. There are various
techniques in going about creative imagery. One
is fantasizing. Let your mind fantasize on what
you want to be or where you want to go. This will
assist you in having creative imagery and
eventually will help you achieve whatever your
goals are.
When you pretend to feel, speak and act
confidently, you will be more confident. That
confidence will radiate that others will see the
confidence in you and they will treat you
appropriately. Then, little by little, your
confidence will develop and eventually, the
pretense will become a reality. n the beginning it
may be intimidating, but with determination and
constant practice, it will change your thought
Take small steps until your apprehensions
become controllable. Don't let them eat you.
Take control of your feelings and be brave in
facing your fears. Program your subconscious
and continue moving forward. Challenge your
fears and win them.
Who you become is influenced by past
experiences and situations. Your genes (nature)
make up 25-35% of your character while your
understanding of past experiences (nurture)
composes the remaining 65-75%. Bear in mind
that confidence is learned especially during
childhood. t molds you to become the person
that you are. Confidence starts blossoming
when you are weak and as you grow older, it
imposes itself to you.
Confidence and self-esteem varies depending on
the situation and place. One can be confident with
his or her career but be unsuccessful with
relationships. You have to be more observant.
Know the kind of person you are and from there,
you can manage howyou will run your life. You can
make changes in your life and make them last.
Self-awareness 2: What are you
4 oI 8
David L. Preston is life coach, teacher, speaker and
author, and one of the UK's leading authorities on
personal and spiritual development.
His books have been translated into fifteen languages
and his Life Enrichment Programmes sold in twenty-
seven countries on every major continent. His 2005
book, 365 Ways to be Your Own Life Coach, is a
worldwide best seller, and his latest, 365 Steps to
Practical Spirituality is already climbing the best-
sellers lists.
Based in Bournemouth, David offers one-to-one and
group coaching, and gives courses in spiritual
enrichment, personal success, confidence building,
communication skills and self-management. His
inspirational talks, including after dinner speeches,
are popular with many audiences.
David has a strong reputation as a caring,
knowledgeable and inspiring instructor. He believes
that health, happiness and prosperity are within the
reach of all and everyone, including you, can quickly
make real improvements to their quality of life.

A80uT TlE AuTl0R:
365 Steps to SelI ConIidence by David Lawrence Preston
5 oI 8
Control dramas
Take care of your inner child
Your self-image started to develop as a baby and is
fully established when you reach maturity. The sad
part is that children do not have the capability to
differentiate fair and unfair. The rebukes they get as
children influence them and the effect of the
accumulated negative influences can be damaging.
Most people experience the denting of their
confidence during childhood. This is a result of what
is called 'conditioning' or a combination of rewards
and punishments. This affects them until maturity.
Once you gain understanding of these conditioning,
you can fight and overcome them. t is not your
experiences as a child that molds your confidence
but it is how you respond to it that builds your
There are four kinds of control dramas, namely:
intimidator, interrogator, aloof and poor me.
ntimidators are those who tried to control you.
nterrogators are those who regularly probe you and
find fault in you. Aloof people are often reserved and
create an appearance of mystery that makes them
unapproachable. Lastly, the "poor me people feels
that they are powerless and thus, constantly looks
for sympathy.
We learn how to draw attention by continually
playing dramas since we have observed that these
are effective tools in getting the attention we seek
when we were still children. Knowing control
dramas is very useful. Once you gain knowledge on
what, who and how these dramas affect you, you
can use them to better develop your personality.
The inner child is that characteristic that lives in you
which resembles your personality which is playful
and spontaneous, likes having fun, is imaginative,
loves the world of 'let's pretend', is sensitive, needs
to be cared and understood and likes to please,
seeking love and approval in return. You must
acknowledge your inner child as vital part of you.
One should stop pointing the finger at somebody
else and start forgiving to attain inner peace and
confi dence. Forgi veness does not mean
overlooking what the other person did but it means
that you are willing to move on regardless of what
happened. This is for your sake, not for the
perpetrators. Forgiveness is important for your
growth, maturity, self-esteem and confidence for
when you forgive, you free yourself with all the
hostility and anger inside you. Start forgiving
yourself for all your mistakes and failures.
Let go of the past for you to be able to develop your
confidence. The past can only influence you if you
permit it to. Always affirm yourself and let go of the
past and live in the present. Focus on what you
attained and what you aim for in the future, not what
your failures and mistakes are.
Self-acceptance is recognizing who you are and
being happy with it. t doesn't necessarily mean that
you like all the aspects of yourself. You can look for
ways to make yourself better. You can find a way to
be better informed, acquire new skills, change
unwanted habits and handle relationships and
problems more effectively. n doing this, accept that
there are some aspects in your life that you cannot
change no matter what you do. These will simply
require your acceptance. When you have accepted
this fact, you will be happier and more content.
Most people are not happy with their bodies. There
is always something wrong with it. Those people are
in grave danger to have low self-esteem. You must
accept who you are, along with your defects.
Forgive, forget and be free
Let go of the past
Body image
365 Steps to SelI ConIidence by David Lawrence Preston
6 oI 8
Besides, you can focus on those defects that can be
improved. Stop comparing yourself to other people.
Be grateful with what you have and stop focusing on
what you dislike.
Being physically fit is a great technique in
developing your confidence and self-image. You be
more confident from recognizing that you look good
and can physically handle life's many needs. Make a
commitment to exercise daily with something that
interests you like jogging, walking and aerobics.
Both calmness and confidence begins with physical
relaxation. When you have a stress-free body, it will
follow that your mind will be calmer and you have
more power to manage your feelings. Breathing is
the answer to have instantaneous calmness and
relaxation. t assists you to become more sensitive
to your body's responses. The breathing helps to
make your muscles more relaxed and it makes the
tension leave your body.
Anchor is a motivation to constantly activate an
emotion. t is a method in copying from your past
experiences those that can aid you to better deal
with the present. You must establish an anchor that
will motivate you to be more confident and calm.
After a while, you'll feel energetic physically and
Knowing your life's purpose stimulates and
encourages you and creates meaning and direction
to your life. When you establish the things that you
want to do, and you pour out all you can give in
fulfilling it, everything changes. dentifying your
purposes and knowing where you want to go and
what you want to accomplish to build up your
confidence and self-esteem.
Get in shape
Calmness and confidence
Find a purpose
Goals revisited
The thinkers think and the prover
Confident self-talk
Realistic goals create confidence and make you
handle and manage your life better. Clear and
realistic goals are important because they explain
your purpose, confirm you're serious about
achieving, encourage excitement, anticipation,
energy and enthusiasm, and they help you
remember what you want. t also prompts you to
obtain new knowledge and skills and discover
reservoirs of imagination and creativity you never
knewyou have.
The conscious mind is the thinker while the prover
is the subconscious. Bear in mind that the
subconscious is a powerful tool. Whatever we
think will finally be a reality. Oftentimes, we go back
to our subconscious for direction. This becomes a
cycle and whatever the subconscious feeds to us
will eventually strengthen our experience.
Confident self-talk contains any language that
assists in making you feel more confident. Change
'should' and 'shouldn't' into ' want to.' and ' don't
want to.' for the first one poses a limitation while
the latter gives you choices and options. Also, stop
generalizing. Keep a balance on things. Do not
always think that everything is in black and white.
You have to discontinue exaggerating and over-
A belief is a compilation of thoughts that we
acknowledge as correct. Most of them start when
you are still a child and some are due to your
surroundings. These have an impact on your
personality. t is very important to abandon those
which are causing damage to your confidence.
365 Steps to SelI ConIidence by David Lawrence Preston
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Confident attitudes
Concentrate on what you do well and
overcome weaknesses
Take a risk
Confidence building activities

A positive attitude manifests in all your activities. t
fosters confidence in all aspects of your life. When you
learn how to overcome negative attitudes, your
confidence, self-esteem, happiness and peace of
mind will bloom. Keep in mind that all the things that
happen do not build or destroy your self-confidence
but it's your attitude towards that situation.
You must first love yourself in order for you to know
your self-worth. Loving yourself is essential to love
others. t will be impossible to love another person if
you don't love yourself. How can you possibly give
what you don't have? When you begin to love yourself,
changes for the better will happen.
Concentrate on your potential and capabilities, not
your weaknesses and limitations. Make the most of
your strengths and talents. You'll find out that you have
plenty to nurture and cultivate.
Your weaknesses can be important traits which can be
worked on, or those which can make a little difference
to your life or those impossible to change. You have to
have knowledge about your weaknesses so you can
accept, overcome or transform them completely. Take
into consideration that patience and persistence are
the two vital qualities in building confidence. You can
achieve many things, and even turn weaknesses into
strengths if you are patient and persistent enough to
consciously make an effort to do it.
n order to gain confidence, you will need to face
obstacles and take risks that attract failure. Take the
risk and confront your fears. You are not perfect and
you will eventually make mistakes but just to be
yourself and brave your fear is sufficient.
When armed with high self-esteem, we don't fret about
making mistakes and being a failure. f we don't
succeed this time, there's always a next time. This
positive self-image means that you can fail but
still be happy and confident.
When you act confidently, you will not only feel
confident but others will have the impression that
you are. Your body language conveys ten times
more information than verbal language. No
matter how you try to hide it, your confidence, or
lack of it, will showin your body language.
Confidence, self-esteem and relationships work
two-ways: one is that your relationships describe
your self-confidence and the development of your
confidence and self-esteem develops your
relationship. People yearns acceptance and
recognition from others even if it means
compromising their personalities. This is what we
call conditions of worth.
What you should seek is your acceptance of
yourself and not the approval of the people
around you. t's impossible to please everyone
anyway. t's normal for people to want to be liked.
t is a problem though when you permit howother
people see you influence howyou see yourself. n
the long run, you wouldn't be happy trying to
please everyone.
We instantly judge the people we see. That is also
true with us. People get an impression of us very
fast. You must exude confidence when you meet
people especially those you meet for the first
time. Listening, conversational skills and
assertiveness can help you gain confidence.
The ability to communicate well entails you to be a
good listener. Value what the other person is
Confident body language
Conditions of worth and give up
approval-seeking behavior
First impressions, be a good
listener, stand up for yourself, and
be assertive
365 Steps to SelI ConIidence by David Lawrence Preston
8 oI 8
saying. Say something, express yourself well and
appeal to the emotions. You'll be surprised at how
confident you'll become when you are a good
Be assertive and stand up for yourself. t doesn't
follow that when you are assertive, you are
egotistical and impolite. You just have to make other
people understand you more. This way, you will gain
their admiration and they will start dealing with you
with respect. To be assertive, you can apply the TA
formula. Decide to be assertive, think like an
assertive person, imagine yourself behaving
assertively and lastly, act assertively.
Assertive people find it easy to say no when they
mean no while passive people, on the other hand,
have difficulty refusing a request. Giving it to a
request you don't want to do will lower your self-
confidence and self-respect. Don't feel obligated to
do what others' want you to do and don't feel that you
have to defend yourself. But be clear that what you
are refusing is the request, not the requestor.
Your behavior towards criticism is affected by your
childhood experiences. Those with very low self-
confidence easily get hurt. Also, there are people
who have difficulty believing in compliments. They
get suspicious why a person is giving her or him a
compliment. f you have confidence, whether people
criticize or compliment you won't affect how you see
Many people find it difficult to complain about
something. t may mainly be caused by low self-
esteem or not knowing howto ask or complain well. f
you have confidence, you won't have a problem with
Say no when you mean no
Compliments and criticisms
Howto ask for what you want
saying aloud the services you don't like. Just be
clear on what you are complaining about, talk to
the appropriate person, stay relaxed and
composed and knowthe names of the people you
are complaining to.
Lighten up! Explore the fun side of life. t will help
you gain self-esteem. Confident people joyfully
acknowledge that others may have a different
perspective. They don't have to show they are
always correct.
Emotional intelligence has two aspects: self-
awareness and the skill to know what others are
feeling and react accordingly. Be aware of
another person's sensitivity and acknowledge
them and identify with them. This will aid you in
being more confident when dealing with other
Less self-centeredness produces confidence and
self-esteem. Centering your interest in another
person develops their self-esteem and
consequently, develops your self-esteem too.
Helping others to be their best somehow brings
out the best in you too. As the saying goes, 'it is
better to give than to receive.'
Our spiritual self is the peace inside us which can
convey deep happiness. When we realize that we
are spiritual beings in human form, we can see
everything clearly and have peace. We can face a
Lighten up
Emotional intelligence
Take an interest in others
Choose peace
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365 Steps to SelI ConIidence by David Lawrence Preston

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