Pilih Perkataan Yang Terbaik Untuk Melengkapkan Ayat Berikut

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ENGLISH YEAR SIX Questions 1 4 Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

. Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut. 1. Alexander Graham Bell s !enerall" reco!n #ed as the $$$$$$. o% the telephone. A (. des !ner B n&entor C proposer ' starter

)he dent st p*ts on her $$$$$.. be%ore she starts +or,. A coat B -ac,et C o&erall ' trac,s* t


)he pass n! lorr" $$$$$ the +ater %rom that b ! p*ddle onto o*r clothes.






0e +ent to help 1amr 2s %ather to p c, man!oes n h s $$$$$.. . A orchard B !arden C % eld ' par,

Questions 5 7 Read the text and choose the best phrase %or each o% the p ct*res ! &en. Baca petikan dan pilih rangkai kata yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi.

Last +ee,3 N ta and her %am l" +ent to a 0estl %e concert. N ta2s %ather3 Enc , 4amal


to the concert. )he concert +as held


. All the people $$597$$$$$

+hen 0estl %e came on sta!e.


A dro&e the %am l" B ran + th h s %r ends

C ' C ' C '

c"cled + th h s + %e +al,ed + th some people at a stad *m near a beach clapped the r hands snapped the r % n!ers


A b" a par, B n a hotel


A shoo, the r heads B stomped the r %eet

Questions 8 10 Choose the best ans+er %or each o% the p ct*res ! &en. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi. :. A B C ' Am" lo&es her cat. )he tele& s on s on. )he cat s s tt n! on a so%a. )he cat lo&es to s t on the table.


A B C '

)he +oman s b*" n! a pa r o% shoes. A salesman s attend n! to a c*stomer. Enc , Rahmat and h s son ha&e -*st entered the shop. A ! rl s stand n! at the sport shoes sect on


A B C '

A +a ter s del &er n! %ood. A +a tress s ta, n! orders. A %am l" s eat n! n a resta*rant. A %am l" s order n! the r %ood and dr n,s.

Questions 11 15 Choose the best ans+er to % t the s t*at on sho+n n the p ct*re. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar. 11. A Ho+ lon! ha&e "o* !ro+n t= B 0here d d "o* b*" the pot o% cact*s= C 0h" d d "o* !o to Gent n! H !hlands= ' Ha&e "o* e&er been to Gent n! H !hlands=


A 0hat abo*t "o*= B I !o -o!! n! n the par,. C Are "o* b*s" th s e&en n!= ' Yo* as, too man" >*est ons.


A 'o "o* +ant to b*" t= B ?" car s at the +or,shop. C I + ll tell m" %ather +hat "o* sa d. ' )han, "o*. I -*st bo*!ht t last



A Is "o*r *mbrella %or sale= B 'o "o* l ,e that *mbrella= C 0hat a spec al *mbrella@ ' ?a" I hold "o*r *mbrella3



A Let2s %ollo+ h m@

B 0ho s h s mother= C 0hat b* ld n! s that= ' 0hat s Chon! 0e do n! there= Questions 16 20 Choose the best ans+er to complete the sentences. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat berikut.


A*an L l" +ept $$$$$ and $$$$$. *pon hear n! the bad ne+s. A B so%tl"3 so*ndl" b tterl"3 sadl" C ' sadl"3 so%tl" happ l"3 lo*dl"


)he dress +as too $$$$$. %or ? m as she co*ld not !et nto t. A loose B t !ht C b! ' prett"


Hana A

B Ho+ m*ch +ater do "o* need to coo, the &e!etables= a %e+ B m*ch C man" ' a l ttle

?other B C*st $$$$$$


)he b*s %are s $$$$$$than the tax %are b*t the tra n %are s the $$$$$$ . A B cheaper3 cheapest cheaper3 cheap C ' cheap3 cheap cheap3 cheapest


Rash d B 0hat does "o*r s ster l ,e to do= Cerem" B She $$$$$. to read. A l ,e B l ,es C l ,ed ' l , n!

Question 21 Choose the +ord that has the same meaning as the +ord *nderl ned. Pilih perkataan yang sama erti dengan perkataan yang bergaris. (1. Cas+ nder +as honest. He d d not l e. A B tr*th%*l ntell !ent C ' bra&e co*rteo*s

Questions 22 23 Choose the ans+er + th the correct spelling. Pilih perkataan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul. ((. Cenn" dran, a !lass o% oran!e $$$$$$ at the part". A B corda l cord al C ' cord el ,ord al .


)he ch ldren *sed the $$$$$$ to !o *p the %loor. A B ascalater escalator C ' escalator esccalator

Questions 24 25 Choose the sentence + th the correct punctuation. Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul. (/. A B C ' Loo,@ A#har s h d n! *nder the bed. Loo,3 A#har s h d n! *nder the bed@ Loo,= A#har s h d n! *nder the bed@ Loo,3 A#har s h d n! *nder the bed.


A B C '

DHa&e "o* been to the 4*ala L*mp*r Internat onal A rport=E as,ed m*ral to h s co*s n. DHa&e "o* been to the 4*ala L*mp*r Internat onal A rport=E as,ed ?*ral to h s co*s n. DHa&e "o* been to the 4*ala L*mp*r nternat onal a rport.E as,ed ?*ral to h s co*s n. DHa&e "o* been to the ,*ala l*mp*r nternat onal a rport=E as,ed ?*ral to h s co*s n.

Questions 26 30 Based on the p ct*re3 choose the best ans+er to % ll n the blan,s n the passa!e that %ollo+s. Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisikan pada tempat kosong dalam teks yang berikutnya.

)he people o% 4amp*n! Sentosa +ere &er" , nd $$.5(87$$$ help%*l. Fne morn n!3 the" !ot to!ether beca*se the" +anted $$.5(97$$$. repa r the br d!e. $$5(:7$$$.. the" +ere t red3 the" +or,ed hard. S nce the" +ere poor3 the & lla!e headman $$.5(;7$$. them some mone" to b*" th n!s. Some +omen $......5.<7$$..%ood %or them. )he" +or,ed happ l" and repa red the br d!e. (8. (9. A A so on B B and at C C s nce to ' ' beca*se n

(:. (;. .<.


So !a&e coo,


S nce ! &e coo,s


)here%ore ! &es coo,ed

' ' '

Altho*!h ! & n! coo, n!

Questions 31 35 Read the not ce belo+ and ans+er the >*est ons that %ollo+. Baca notis di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

To raise money for the Lovely Home Orphanage
egistration date! 11th Fctober (<1( egistration time! 9..<a.m. G:..<a.m. egistration "ee ! R?16 #ate o" e$ent %$ent time ! ! (<th Fctober (<1( Sess on 1 B ;.<<a.m. H 11.<<a.m. Sess on ( B 1(..<p.m. H (..<p.m. 'ri(e gi$ing time ! Sess on 1 B 11..<a.m. H 1(.<<p.m. Sess on ( B ..<<p.m. H ...<p.m. )enue ! *ategories ! +heme ! S*mmer Ialle" Centre Co*rt Gro*p A 5 9 H ; "ears old 7 Gro*p B51< G 1( "ears old 7 Nat*re )here + ll be booths set *p %or contributions. ,rganiser Aersat*an 1 ?ala"s a -ponsor S*mmer Ialle" ?ana!ement 4HA1ANAH INSAN *o.sponsor ?*nch, ns Sdn.Bhd. Se!ar 'a r es 5?7 Sdn.Bhd.

Prizes to be won
1st place! 2nd place! 3rd place! &200 plus hamper &150 plus hamper &100 plus hamper


0hen + ll the % rst sess on o% the dra+ n! e&ent start= A B 9..< a.m. ;.<< a.m. C ' 11..< a.m. 1(..< p.m.


Ho+ man" pr #es + ll be ! &en= A B )+o Jo*r C ' Sx E !ht


)he dra+ n! compet t on s or!an #ed to help $$$$$$$$$.. A B C ' Aersat*an 1 ?ala"s a Lo&el" Home Frphana!e 4HA1ANAH INSAN Se!ar 'a r es 5?7 Sdn.Bhd.


)he not ce tells abo*t $$$$$$$$$$$$ A B C ' a nat*re protect on campa !n. a dra+ n! compet t on %or , ds. a donat on act & t" %or an orphana!e. the Aersat*an 1 ?ala"s a2s act & t".


)he +ord contributions can best be replaced + th$$$$$$$$. A B o%%er n!s ass stance C ' presents donat ons

Questions 36 40 Read the ne+s report belo+ and ans+er the >*est ons that %ollo+. Baca laporan berita di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya. /uching0 -arawa1! 16 people +ere n-*red "esterda" as cro+ds %loc,ed to the c t" parade +h ch started at ; a.m. A car that +as %ollo+ n! the parade +ent o*t o% control and s+er&ed nto a cro+d o% spectators +ho +ere stand n! b" the road to +atch the parade. )he s t*at on became chaot c b*t pol ce +ere >* c, to control the s t*at on. )he dr &er3 h s passen!er and 1. spectators +ere ta,en to the hosp tal b" amb*lance. )he" +ere treated %or n-*r es ncl*d n! shoc,3 c*ts and %ract*res. )+o o% the n-*red ha&e been ,ept n the hosp tal %or obser&at on and +ere n a stable cond t on last n !ht. Spectator Cerome L m sa d3 E)he dr &er +as !o n! m*ch too %ast. It +as %r !hten n! %or e&er"bod".E )he parade resumed shortl" a%ter the amb*lance le%t the scene. Aol ce are no+ n&est !at n! the acc dent. .8. )he ne+s report s ma nl" abo*t $$$$$. A B C ' cond t on o% the n-*red spectators. the people n-*red n the acc dent. an acc dent at the c t" parade. spectators at the c t" parade.

.9. )he acc dent happened beca*se$$$$$$ A B C ' the dr &er +as %r !htened. the car +ent o*t o% control. the dr &er +as dr & n! carelessl". there +ere too man" people at the parade.

.:. ?ost o% the n-*red spectators +ere $$$$$$ A +arded.

B C '

sl !htl" +o*nded. n stable cond t on. ! &en o*tGpat ent treatment.

.;. )he +ord resumed can best be replaced b" $$$$$$$

A B C ' held halted cont n*ed postponed

/<. 0h ch o% the %ollo+ n! statement abo*t the ne+s report s not tr*e= A B C ' )he acc dent happened d*r n! the parade. Aol ce came n >* c,l" to control the s t*at on. )he spectators +atch n! the acc dent +ere scared. )he pat ents n the hosp tal are n ser o*s cond t on.

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