Btech Mae All Syllabus For Amity University Rajasthan
Btech Mae All Syllabus For Amity University Rajasthan
Btech Mae All Syllabus For Amity University Rajasthan
"ull Time
7t is hoped that it will help the students study in a planned and a structured manner and promote effective learning. 0ishing you an intellectually stimulating stay at Amity University. 8uly )+((
Amity School of #ngineering and Technology/ 9b.ectives The graduates of Amity School of #ngineering and Technology shall/ A. !emonstrate technical competence in engineering design and analysis consistent with the practice of a specialist and with the broad perspective of the generalist. !evelop the hallmarks of professional conduct including a keen cogni5ance of ethical choices together with the confidence and skills to lead to follow and to transmit ideas effectively. 7nculcate learning as a lifelong activity and as a means to the creative discovery development and implementation of technology. :ecome excellent professionals by developing strong human values and pride in their heritage and culture
". !.
(. (oal of the Programme: The ;A# program has established a broad goal and a set of specific ob.ectives given in Table below/
Detailed )*+ecti,e! of MAE Program MAE )*+ecti,e ( <raduates will understand the evolving ;echanical and Automation #ngineering systems from their underlying physical principles and properties. <raduates will design ;echanical and Automation #ngineering systems by applying underlying mathematical principles supporting software for engineering model preparation and analysis.
A#ET )*+ecti,e
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<raduates will be effective in team-based ;echanical and Automation #ngineering practice. <raduates will be proficient in the systematic explorations of alternatives for ;echanical and Automation #ngineering systems design. <raduates will demonstrate compliance with professional ethics. <raduates will be proficient in the use of communications $oral presentations and written reports% to articulate their ideas effectively. <raduates will be prepared for the continuing learning and self-improvement necessary for a productive career in ;echanical and Automation #ngineering. <raduates will play leadership roles in their professions respect human values and have pride in their culture and heritage.
A A :
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). #tudent! )utcome! / The broad student outcomes are based on the students ability to demonstrate/ )utcome '/ $Scientific foundation% 0hen faced with a technical problem the student should be able to use applied scientific knowledge (A/ to identify and implement relevant principles of mathematics and computer science. ( :/ to identify and implement relevant principles of physics and chemistry ( "/ to identify and implement relevant principles of engineering science )utcome %/ $#xperimentation% the ability to design experiments conduct experiments and analy5e experimental data. )utcome -/ $Tools% an ability to use the relevant tools necessary for engineering practice. )utcome 4/ $Technical design% the technical ability to design a prescribed engineering sub-system )utcome ./ $!esign assessment% the ability to develop and assess alternative system designs based on technical and non-technical criteria .A/ to define overall needs and constraints. .B/ to assess the social and environmental re@uirements of the system and its impact on the global society. )utcome // $Professionalism% the ability to recogni5e and achieve high levels of professionalism in their work. )utcome 0/ $&eadership% ability to assume leadership roles and respect human values.
)utcome 1/ $Teamwork% the ability to function on teams. )utcome 2/ $"ommunication% the ability to communicate effectively and persuasively. )utcome '&/ $#thics and morals% a critical understanding of ethical and moral systems and respect for human values in a social context. )utcome ''/ $!iversity% an understanding and appreciation of diversity and pluralism. )utcome '%/ $&ifelong learning% a recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in lifelong learning and development. *. This booklet contains the Program Structure the !etailed "urriculum and the Scheme of #xamination. The Program Structure includes the courses $"ore A #lective% arranged semester wise. The importance of each course is defined in terms of credits attached to it. The credit units attached to each course has been further defined in terms of contact hours i.e. lecture 'ours $&% Tutorial 'ours $T% Practical 'ours $P%. Towards earning credits in terms of contact hours ( &ecture and ( Tutorial per week are rated as ( credit each and ) Practical hours per week are rated as ( credit. Thus for example an &-T-P structure of *-+-+ will have * credits *-(-+ will have , credits and *-(-) will have - credits. ,. The "urriculum A Scheme of #xamination of each course includes the course ob.ectives course contents scheme of examination and the list of text A references. The scheme of examination defines the various components of evaluation and the weightage attached to each component. The different codes used for the components of evaluation and the weightage attached to them are/ Com3onent! "ase !iscussion2 Presentation2 Analysis 'ome Assignment Pro.ect Seminar 3iva 4ui5 Attendance "lass Test Term Paper #nd Semester #xamination Code! " 'A P S 3 4 A "T TP ## 4eightage (5) - - (+ - - (+ - - (+ - - (+ - - (+ - - (+ (+-((+ - (6+
-. 7t is hoped that it will help the students study in a planned and a structured manner and promote effective learning. 0ishing an intellectually stimulating stay at Amity University.
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P6)(6AMME #T67C7T6E
"86#T #EME#TE6
Cour!e Code :T; (+( :T; (+) :T; (+* :T; (+, :T; (+:T; (+> :T; ()+ :T; ()( :T; ()) :T; ()* :T; (), :T; (,* :T; (,, :T; (,:T; (,> :T; (,6 :T; (,? Cour!e Title Applied ;athematics - 7 Applied Physics-7 B Dields A 0aves Applied "hemistry #lements of ;echanical #ngineering 7ntroduction to "omputers A Programming in " #lectrical Science Applied Physics &ab - 7 Applied "hemistry &ab #lements of ;echanical #ngineering &ab Programming in " &ab #lectrical Science &ab #nglish :ehavioural Science - 7 Doreign &anguage - 7 Drench <erman Spanish 8apanese "hinese T)TA: :ecture (:) <our! Per 4ee= * ) ) ) ) ) ( ( ) Tutorial (T) <our! Per 4ee= ( ( ( ( ( Practical (P) <our! Per 4ee= ) ) ) ) ) Total Credit! , * * ) * * ( ( ( ( ( ( ) Page 9o>
:T; )+( :T; )+) :T; )+* :T; )+, :T; )+:T; ))+ :T; ))( :T; ))) :T; ))* :T; ),+ :T; ),* :T; ),, :T; ),:T; ),> :T; ),6 :T; ),? Applied ;athematics - 77 Applied Physics-77 B ;odern Physics #nvironmental Studies 9b.ect 9riented Programming using "C
* ) , ) ) ( ( )
( ( ( ( -
) ) ) ) -
, * , * * ( ( ( ( * ( )
#ngineering ;echanics Applied Physics &ab - 77 9b.ect 9riented Programming using "C C &ab #ngineering ;echanics &ab #ngineering <raphics &ab #nglish :ehavioural Science B 77 Doreign &anguage - 77 Drench <erman Spanish 8apanese "hinese T)TA:
:T; *)) :T; *)* :T; *,( :T; *,* :T; *,, :T; *,:T; *,> :T; *,6 :T; *,? :T; **+
Programming &ab - 7 $Eumerical Analysis% #lectronics &ab "ommunication Skills B 7 :ehavioural Science B 777 Doreign &anguage - 777 Drench <erman Spanish 8apanese "hinese Term Paper $#valuation% T)TA:
( ( )
) ) -
( ( ( ( )
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:T; ,+( :T; ,+) :T; ,+* :T; ,+, :T; ,+:T; ,+> :T; ,)+ :T; ,)( :T; ,)) :T; ,)* :T; ,,( :T; ,,* :T; ,,, :T; ,,:T; ,,> :T; ,,6 :T; ,,? Finematics A !ynamics of ;achines 'eat A ;ass Transfer ;anufacturing ;achines Theory of ;etal Dorming #lectrical ;achines Principles of "omputer <raphics Finematics A !ynamics of ;achines &ab ;anufacturing ;achines &ab #lectrical ;achines &ab Principles of "omputer <raphics &ab "ommunication Skills - 77 :ehavioural Science B 73 Doreign &anguage - 73 Drench <erman Spanish 8apanese "hinese T)TA: * ) * * * ) ( ( ) ( ( ) ) ) ) , * * * * ) ( ( ( ( ( ( )
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:T; >+( :T; >+) :T; >+* :T; >+, :T; >+:T; >+> :T; >)+ :T; >)( :T; >)) :T; >)* :T; >,( :T; >,* :T; >,, :T; >,:T; >,> :T; >,6 :T; >,? ;anagement of ;anufacturing Systems ;achine !esign B 77 Dluid Power Systems ;etal "utting A Tool !esign 7" #ngine A <as Turbine "omputer Eetworks ;achine !esign &ab - 77 Dluid Power Systems &ab ;etal "utting A Tool !esign &ab "omputer Aided !rafting A !esign &ab "ommunication Skill B 73 :ehavioural Science B 37 Doreign &anguage - 37 Drench <erman Spanish 8apanese "hinese T)TA: * * ) * * ) ( ( ) ( ( ? ) ) ) ) ? * * * * * * ( ( ( ( ( ( )
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* * * * * *
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:T; ?+( :T; ?+) :T; ?)+ 4uality "ontrol A 4uality Assurance Gefrigeration A Air-conditioning Gefrigeration A Air-conditioning &ab * * * * ) * * ( * *
Electi,e! (Any one from folloBing Bith Practical) :T; ?+* Advanced ;ethods of ;anufacturing :T; ?+, <ear Technology
:T; ?+:T; ?)( :T; ?)) :T; ?)* :T; ?,( :T; ?,* :T; ?,, :T; ?,:T; ?,> :T; ?,6 :T; ?,? :T; ?>+
Artificial 7ntelligence A Gobotics Advanced ;ethods of ;anufacturing &ab <ear Technology &ab Artificial 7ntelligence A Gobotics &ab "ommunication Skills - 37 :ehavioural Science - 3777 Doreign &anguage - 3777 Drench <erman Spanish 8apanese "hinese Pro.ect $!issertation% T)TA:
* ( ( )
) ) ) -
* ( ( ( ( ( )
BTM '&'
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Differential Calculu! Successive differentiation &eibnit5Is theorem $without proof% ;ean value theorem TaylorIs theorem $proof% Gemainder terms Asymptote A "urvature Partial derivatives "hain rule !ifferentiation of 7mplicit functions #xact differentials Tangents and Eormals ;axima Approximations !ifferentiation under integral sign 8acobians and transformations of coordinates. Module 88: 8ntegral Calculu! Dundamental theorems Geduction formulae Properties of definite integrals Applications to length area volume surface of revolution improper integrals ;ultiple 7ntegrals-!ouble integrals Applications to areas volumes. Module 888: )rdinary Differential ECuation! Dormation of 9!#s !efinition of order degree A solutions 9!# of first order / ;ethod of separation of variables homogeneous and non homogeneous e@uations #xactness A integrating factors &inear e@uations A :ernoulli e@uations <eneral linear 9!# of nth order Solution of homogeneous e@uations 9perator method ;ethod of undetermined coefficients Solution of simple simultaneous 9!#.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM '&%
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: )!cillation! & 4a,e! )!cillation!: 7ntroduction to S.'.;. !amped 9scillations/ !ifferential #@uation and its solution logarithmic decrement 4uality Dactor !ifferent conditions of damping of harmonic oscillations. Dorced oscillations/ Amplitude and Dre@uency Gesponse Gesonance Sharpness of Gesonance Plane Progre!!i,e 4a,e!: !ifferential #@uation and Solution Superposition of Progressive 0aves stationary waves. 7ltra!onic!/ <eneration and application of ultrasonicwaves. Module 88: 4a,e 9ature of :ight 7nterference/ "oherent Sources "onditions of interference 7nterference due to division of wavefront Dresnels biprism 7nterference due to division of amplitude EewtonIs rings 7nterference due to thin films . !iffraction/ Dresnel and Draunhofer diffraction Draunhofer diffraction at a single slit double slit E Slits Transmission grating Gayleigh criterion and Gesolving power of grating. Polari5ation/ :irefringence Eicol prism Production and analysis of plane circularly and elliptically polari5ed light 'alf and @uarter wave plates 9ptical rotation Polarimeter. Module 888: Electromagnetic! Scalar and vector fields gradient of a scalar field physical significance of gradient e@uipotential surface. &ine surface and volume integrals !ivergence and curl of vector field and mathematical analysis physical significance #lectric flux <aussI law Proof and Applications <auss divergence and Stokes theorems. !ifferential form of <aussI &aw AmperesI &aw !isplacement current Daradays &aw ;axwell e@uations in free space A isotropic media $7ntegral form A differential form% #; wave propagation in free space Poynting vector.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
Dour basic sciences Physics "hemistry ;athematics and :iology are the building blocks in engineering and technology. "hemistry is essential to develop analytical capabilities of students so that they can characteri5e transform and use materials in engineering and apply knowledge in their field. All engineering fields have uni@ue bonds with chemistry whether it is Aerospace ;echanical #nvironmental and other fields the makeup of substances is always a key factor which must be known. Dor electronics and computer science engineering apart from the material computer modeling and simulation knowledge can be inherited from the molecule designing. The upcoming field of technology like Eanotechnology and :iotechnology depends fully on the knowledge of basic chemistry. 0ith this versatile need in view course has been designed in such a way so that the student should get an overview of the whole sub.ect.
BTM '&-
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 4ater Technology 7ntroduction and specifications of water 'ardness and its determination $#!TA method only% Alkalinity :oiler feed water boiler problems B scale sludge priming A foaming/ causes A prevention :oiler problems B caustic embrittlement A corrosion / causes A prevention "arbonate A phosphate conditioning colloidal conditioning A calgon treatment 0ater softening processes / &ime B soda process 7on exchange method 0ater for domestic use. Module 88: "uel! "lassification calorific value of fuel $gross and net% !etermination of calorific value of fuels bomb calorimeter Solid fuels - Proximate and ultimate analysis 9ctane A "etane Eo. and its significance. Eumericals on combustion Module 888: 8n!trumental Method! of analy!i! 7ntroduction= Principles of spectroscopy= &aws of absorbance 7G/ Principle 7nstrumentation Application U3/ Principle 7nstrumentation Application E;G/ Principle 7nstrumentation Application Module 8A: :u*ricant! 7ntroduction= ;echanism of &ubrication= Types of &ubricants= "hemical structure related to &ubrication= Properties of lubricants= 3iscosity and 3iscosity 7ndex= 7odine 3alue= Aniline Point= #mulsion number= Dlash Point= Dire Point= !rop Point= "loud Point= Pour Point. Selection of &ubricants. Module A: Corro!ion 7ntroduction ;echanism of dry and wet corrosion Types of corrosion-<alvanic "oncentration cell soil pitting intergranular waterline. Passivity. Dactors influencing corrosion. "orrosion control.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
References: #ngineering "hemistry B !ara and !ara Spectroscopy- J.G Sharma "orrosion #ngineering B Dontenna and <reene
BTM '&4
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: "undamental Conce3t! !efinition of thermodynamics system surrounding and universe phase concept of continuum macroscopic A microscopic point of view Thermodynamic e@uilibrium property state path process cyclic process Keroth first and second law of thermodynamics "arnot "ycle 7ntroduction to 7.". #ngines-two Afour stoke S.7. and ".7. engines. 9tto cycle. !iesel cycle. Module 88: #tre!! And #train Analy!i! Simple stress and strain/ introduction normal shear and stresses-strain diagrams for ductile and brittle materials. #lastic constants one-dimensional loadings of members of varying cross-section Strain #nergy Properties of material-strength elasticity stiffness malleability ductility brittleness hardness and plasticity etc= "oncept of stress and strain stress strain diagram tensile test impact test and hardness test. Module 888: Ca!ting & "orging 7ntroduction of casting pattern mould making procedures sand mould casting casting defects allowances of pattern. Dorging-introduction upsetting A drawing out drop forging press forging A m2c forging Module 8A: 4elding & #heet metal Bor=ing 7ntroduction of welding processes classification gas welding arc welding resistance welding. 7ntroduction to sheet metal shop Shearing trimming blanking piercing shaving notching stretch forming nibbling coining embossing and drawing.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM '&.
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8ntroduction 7ntroduction to computer history von-Eeumann architecture memory system $hierarchy characteristics and types% '20 concepts $729 !evices% S20 concepts $System S20 A Application S20 utilities%. !ata Gepresentation/ Eumber systems character representation codes :inary octal hexadecimal and their interconversions. :inary arithmetic floating point arithmetic signed and unsigned numbers ;emory storage unit. Module 88: Programming in C 'istory of " 7ntroduction of " :asic structure of " program "oncept of variables constants and data types in " 9perators and expressions/ 7ntroduction arithmetic relational &ogical Assignment 7ncrement and decrement operator "onditional bitwise operators #xpressions 9perator precedence and associativity. ;anaging 7nput and output 9peration formatting 729. Module 888: "undamental "eature! in C " Statements conditional executing using if else nesting of if switch and break "oncepts of loops example of loops in " using for while and do-while continue and break. Storage types $automatic register etc.% predefined processor "ommand &ine Argument. Module 8A: Array! and "unction! 9ne dimensional arrays and example of iterative programs using arrays )-! arrays Use in matrix computations. "oncept of Sub-programming functions #xample of user defined functions. Dunction prototype Geturn values and their types calling function function argument function with variable number of argument recursion. Module A: Ad,anced feature! in C Pointers relationship between arrays and pointers Argument passing using pointers Array of pointers. Passing arrays as arguments. Strings and " string library. Structure and Union. !efining " structures <iving values to members Array of structure Eested structure passing strings as arguments. Dile 'andling.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
The ob.ective of the course is to provide a brief knowledge of #lectrical #ngineering to students of all disciplines. This "ourse includes some theorems related to electrical some lawIs related to flow of current voltages basic knowledge of Transformer basic knowledge of electromagnetism basic knowledge of electrical network.
BTM '&/
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Ba!ic Electrical Euantitie! :asic #lectrical definitions-#nergy Power "harge "urrent 3oltage #lectric Dield Strength ;agnetic Dlux !ensity etc. Gesistance 7nductance and "apacitance. 7deal Source 7ndependent Source and "ontrolled Source Module 88: 9etBor= Analy!i! TechniCue! & Theorem! "ircuit Principles/ 9hmIs &aw FirchoffIs "urrent &aw FirchoffIs 3oltage &aw Eetwork Geduction/ StarB !elta Transformation Source Transformation Eodal Analysis &oop analysis. Superposition theorem TheveninIs Theorem EortonIs theorem and Geciprocity theorem. Module 888: Alternating Current Circuit! Peak Average and G;S values for alternating currents Power calculation/ reactive power active power "omplex power power factor impedance reactance conductance susceptance Gesonance/ series Gesonance parallel resonance basic definition of 4 factor A :and-width. Module 8A: Tran!former! :asic Transformer 9peration principle "onstruction 3oltage relations current relations &inear circuit models open circuit test short circuit test Transformer #fficiency.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM '%&
(+. To plot graph showing the variation of magnetic field with distance along the aixs of a circular coil carrying current and hence estimate the radius of the coil. ((. To determine the value of acceleration due to gravity $NgI% in the laboratory using bar pendulum. (). To determine the moment of inertia of a flywheel about its own axis of rotation. (*. To determine the density of material of the given wire with the help of sonometer.
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
BTM '%'
(+. !etermine the strength of hydrochloric acid solution by titrating it against standard sodium hydroxide solution conduct metrically ((. !etermination of !issolved oxygen in the given water sample. (). To determine the total residual chlorine in water. (*. !etermination of amount of oxalic acid and ' )S9, in ( & of solution using E2(+ Ea9' and E2(+ F;n9 , solution. (,. !etermination of viscosity of given oil by means of Gedwood viscometer 7. (-. To determine flash point and fire point of an oil by Pensky ;artinIs Apparatus (>. To determine the 7odine value of the oil.
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
BTM '%%
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Ditting Shop
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
P6)(6AMM89( 89 C :AB
Cour!e Code: BTM '%Credit 7nit!: &'
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
BTM '%4
(+. To measure power A power factor in a three phase load using three ammeter A three voltmeter method.
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
The course is intended to give a foundation of #nglish &anguage. The literary texts are indented to help students to inculcate creative A aesthetic sensitivity and critical faculty through comprehension appreciation and analysis of the prescribed literary texts. 7t will also help them to respond form different perspectives.
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Aoca*ulary Use of !ictionary Use of 0ords/ !iminutives 'omonyms A 'omophones Module 88: E!!ential! of (rammar ? 8 Articles Parts of Speech Tenses Module 888: E!!ential! of (rammar ? 88 Sentence Structure Sub.ect -3erb agreement Punctuation Module 8A: Communication The process and importance Principles A benefits of #ffective "ommunication Module A: #3o=en Engli!h Communication Speech !rills Pronunciation and accent Stress and 7ntonation Module A8: Communication #=ill!?8 !eveloping listening skills !eveloping speaking skills Module A88: Communication #=ill!?88 !eveloping Geading Skills !eveloping writing Skills Module A888: 4ritten Engli!h communication Progression of Thought2ideas Structure of Paragraph Structure of #ssays Module 8@: #hort #torie! 9f Studies by Drancis :acon !ream "hildren by "harles &amb The Eecklace by <uy de ;aupassant A Shadow by G.F. Earayan <lory at Twilight :habani :hattacharya Module @: Poem! All the 0orlds a Stage To Autumn 9Q "aptain ;y "aptain. 0here the ;ind is 0ithout Dear Psalm of &ife Shakespeare Feats 0alt 0hitman Gabindranath Tagore '.0. &ongfellow
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) A +CT (<A (+ EE 6+
BTM '4-
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: #elf: Core Com3etency Understanding of Self "omponents of Self B Self identity Self concept Self confidence Self image Module 88: TechniCue! of #elf ABarene!! #xploration through 8ohari 0indow ;apping the key characteristics of self Draming a charter for self Stages B self awareness self acceptance and self reali5ation Module 888: #elf E!teem & Effecti,ene!! ;eaning and 7mportance "omponents of self esteem 'igh and low self esteem ;easuring your self esteem Module 8A: Building Po!iti,e Attitude ;eaning and nature of attitude "omponents and Types of attitude 7mportance and relevance of attitude Module A: Building Emotional Com3etence #motional 7ntelligence B ;eaning components 7mportance and Gelevance Positive and Eegative emotions 'ealthy and Unhealthy expression of emotions Module A8: End?of?#eme!ter A33rai!al 3iva based on personal .ournal Assessment of :ehavioural change as a result of training #xit &evel Gating by Self and 9bserver
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) #AP )+ A +Mid Term Te!t (CT) )+ A8AA *+ Gournal for #ucce!! (G)#) )-
Gose <./ 9xford Textbook of Public 'ealth 3ol., (H?-. &aDasto and &arson/ 0hen Teams 0ork :est )++( Gesponse :ooks $Sage% Eew !elhi 8 0illiam Pfeiffer $ed.% Theories and ;odels in Applied :ehavioural Science 3ol ) <roup $(HH>%= Pfeiffer A "ompany Smither Gobert !.= The Psychology of 0ork and 'uman Performance (HH, 'arper "ollins "ollege Publishers
"6E9C< ? 8
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To familiari5e the students with the Drench language with the phonetic system with the syntax with the manners with the cultural aspects
BTM '44
Cour!e Content!:
Module A: 33> &' to -0: 7nitH! 'I %I 7nitH - )*+ect if 'I % 9nly grammar of UnitR */ ob.ectif * , and Contenu le$ical: 7nitH ': DHcou,rir la langue franJai!e : (oral et Hcrit) (. se prRsenter prRsenter @uel@uIun faire la connaissance des autres formules de politesse rencontres ). dire2interroger si on comprend *. Eommer les choses 7nitH %: "aire connai!!ance (. donner2demander des informations sur une personne premiers contacts exprimer ses goSts et ses prRfRrences ). Parler de soi/ parler du travail de ses activitRs de son pays de sa ville. 7nitH -: )rgani!er !on tem3! (. dire la date et lIheure Contenu grammatical: (. ). *. ,. -. organisation gRnRrale de la grammaire article indRfini dRfini contractR nom ad.ectif masculin fRminin singulier et pluriel nRgation avec T de U Vmoi aussiV Vmoi non plusV interrogation / 7nversion est-ce @ue @ui @ue @uoi @uIest-ce @ue oW @uand comment @uel$s% @uelle$s% 7nterro-nRgatif / rRponses / oui si non >. pronom [email protected] pour insister aprXs une prRposition 6. futur proche
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
(E6MA9 ? 8
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable the students to converse read and write in the language with the help of the basic rules of grammar which will later help them to strengthen their language. To give the students an insight into the culture geography political situation and economic opportunities available in <ermany
BTM '4.
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8ntroduction Self introduction/ heissen kommen wohnwn lernen arbeiten trinken etc. All personal pronouns in relation to the verbs taught so far. <reetings/ <uten ;orgenQ <uten TagQ <uten AbendQ <ute EachtQ !anke sehrQ !ankeQ 3ielen !ankQ $es tut mir &eidQ% 'allo wie gehtIsZ/ !anke gutQ sehr gutQ primaQ ausge5eichnetQ #s gehtQ nicht so gutQ so la laQ miserabelQ Module 88: 8nter,ieB!3iel To assimilate the vocabulary learnt so far and to apply the words and phrases in short dialogues in an interview B game for self introduction. Module 888: Phonetic! Sound system of the language with special stress on !ipthongs Module 8A: Countrie!I nationalitie! and their language! To make the students ac@uainted with the most widely used country names their nationalitie and the language spoken in that country. Module A: Article! The definite and indefinite articles in masculine feminine and neuter gender. All 3egetables Druits Animals Durniture #atables modes of Transport Module A8: Profe!!ion! To ac@uaint the students with professions in both the genders with the help of the verb LseinM. Module A88: Pronoun! Simple possessive pronouns the use of my your etc. The family members family Tree with the help of the verb Lto haveM Module A888: Colour! All the color and color related vocabulary B colored colorful colorless pale light dark etc. Module 8@: 9um*er! and calculation! ,er* K=o!tenL The counting plural structures and simple calculation like addition subtraction multiplication and division to test the knowledge of numbers. L0ie viel kostet dasZM Module @: 6e,i!ion li!t of Eue!tion 3ronoun! 0 B 4uestions like who what where when which how how many how much etc.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
Schul5 <riesbach !eutsche Sprachlehre f[r Ausl\nder P.& Ane.a !eutsch 7nteressant- ( ) A * Gosa-;aria !allapia55a et al Tangram Aktuell A(2( ) :raun Eieder Schm]e !eutsch als Dremdsprache (A <rundkurs
#PA98#< 8
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable students ac@uire the relevance of the Spanish language in todayIs global context how to greet each other. 'ow to present 2 introduce each other using basic verbs and vocabulary
BTM '4/
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 A brief history of Spain &atin America the language the culture^and the relevance of Spanish language in todayIs global context. 7ntroduction to alphabets Module 88 7ntroduction to NSaludosI $'ow to greet each other. 'ow to present 2 introduce each other%. <oodbyes $despedidas% The verb llamarse and practice of it. Module 888 "oncept of <ender and Eumber ;onths of the years days of the week seasons. 7ntroduction to numbers (-(++ "olors Gevision of numbers and introduction to ordinal numbers. Module 8A 7ntroduction to SER and ESTAR $both of which mean To :e%.Gevision of N SaludosI and NLlamarseI. Some ad.ectives nationalities professions physical2geographical location the fact that spanish ad.ectives have to agree with gender and number of their nouns. #xercises highlighting usage of Ser and Estar. Module A Time demonstrative pronoun $#ste2esta A@uel2a@uella etc% Module A8 7ntroduction to some key AG 2#G27G ending regular verbs.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
GAPA9E#E ? 8
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable the students to learn the basic rules of grammar and 8apanese language to be used in daily life that will later help them to strengthen their language.
BTM '40
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: #alutation! Self introduction Asking and answering to small general @uestions Module 88: Cardinal 9um*er! Eumerals #xpression of time and period !ays months Module 888: Ten!e! Present Tense Duture tense Module 8A: Pre3o!ition! Particles possession Dorming @uestions Module A: Demon!trati,e! 7nterrogatives pronoun and ad.ectives Module A8: De!cri3tion "ommon phrases Ad.ectives to describe a person Module A88: #chedule Time Table everyday routine etc. Module A888: )uting! <oing to see a movie party friendIs house etc.
:earning )utcome
Students can speak the basic language describing above mentioned topics
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
C<89E#E 8
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
There are many dialects spoken in "hina but the language which will help you through wherever you go is ;andarin or Putonghua as it is called in "hinese. The most widely spoken forms of "hinese are ;andarin "antonese <an 'akka ;in 0u and `iang. The course aims at familiari5ing the student with the basic aspects of speaking ability of ;andarin the language of ;ainland "hina. The course aims at training students in practical skills and nurturing them to interact with a "hinese person.
BTM '41
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 Show pictures dialogue and retell. <etting to know each other. Practicing chart with 7nitials and Dinals. $"'AGT B The "hinese Phonetic Alphabet "alled L'anyu PinyinM in ;andarin "hinese.% Practicing of Tones as it is a tonal language. "hanges in *rd tone and Eeutral Tone. Module 88 <reetings &et me 7ntroduce The modal particle LneM. Use of Please N@ingM B sit have tea ^^^^.. etc. A brief self introduction B Ei hao maZ Kai.ianQ Use of LbuM negative. Module 888 Attributives showing possession 'ow is your 'ealthZ Thank you 0here are you fromZ A few Professions like B #ngineer :usinessman !octor Teacher 0orker. Are you busy with your workZ ;ay 7 know your nameZ Module 8A Use of L'ow manyM B People in your familyZ Use of L5heM and LnaM. Use of interrogative particle LshenmeM LshuiM LmaM and LnarM. 'ow to make interrogative sentences ending with LmaM. Structural particle LdeM. Use of LEinM when and where to use and with whom. Use of guixing. Use of verb L5uoM and how to make sentences with it. Module A Damily structure and Gelations. Use of LyouM B Lmei youM. ;easure words !ays and 0eekdays. Eumbers. ;aps different languages and "ountries.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
The knowledge of ;athematics is necessary for a better understanding of almost all the #ngineering and Science sub.ects. 'ere our intention is to make the students ac@uainted with the concept of basic topics from ;athematics which they need to pursue their #ngineering degree in different disciplines.
BTM %&'
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: :inear Alge*ra 'ermitian and Skew 'ermitian ;atrix Unitary ;atrix 9rthogonal ;atrix #lementary Gow Transformation Geduction of a ;atrix to Gow #chelon Dorm Gank of a ;atrix "onsistency of &inear Simultaneous #@uations <auss #limination ;ethod <auss-8ordan ;ethod #igen 3alues and #igen 3ectors of a ;atrix "aley'amilton Theorem !iagonali5ation of a ;atrix 3ector Space &inear 7ndependence and !ependence of 3ectors &inear Transformations. Module 88: 8nfinite #erie! !efinition of Se@uence :ounded Se@uence &imit of a Se@uence Series Dinite and 7nfinite Series "onvergence and !ivergence of 7nfinite series "auchyIs Principle of "onvergence Positive Term 7nfinite Series "omparison test !IAlembertIs Gatio test. GaabeIs Test "auchyIs nth root Test. &ogarithmic Test Alternating Series &eibnit5Is Test Absolute and conditioinal convergence Uniform "onvergence Power Series and its 7nterval of "onvergence. Module 888: Com3le$ Analy!i! !e ;oivreIs Theorem and Goots of "omplex Eumbers &ogarithmic Dunctions "ircular 'yperbolic Dunctions and their 7nverses. Dunctions of a "omplex 3ariables &imits "ontinuity and !erivatives Analytic Dunction "auchy-Giemann #@uations $without proof% 'armonic Dunction 'armonic "on.ugates "onformal ;apping :ilinear Transformations "omplex &ine 7ntegral "auchy 7ntegral Theorem "auchy 7ntegral Dormula !erivative of Analytic Dunction Power Series Taylor Series &aurent Series Keroes and Singularities Gesidues Gesidue Theorem #valuation of Geal 7ntegrals of the Dorm and
F $cos sin % d
f $ x% dx . F $ x% Module 8A: #tati!tic! and Pro*a*ility ;oments Skewness Furtosis Gandom 3ariables and Probability !istribution ;ean and 3ariance of a Probability !istribution :inomial !istribution Poisson !istribution and Eormal !istribution.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM %&%
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: #3ecial Theory of 6elati,ity ;ichelson-;orley experiment 7mportance of negative result 7nertial A non-inertial frames of reference #insteinIs postulates of Special theory of Gelativity Space-time coordinate system Gelativistic Space Time transformation $&orent5 transformation e@uation% Transformation of velocity Addition of velocities &ength contraction and Time dilation ;ass-energy e@uivalence $#insteinIs energy mass relation% A !erivation of 3ariation of mass with velocity Module 88: 4a,e Mechanic! 0ave particle duality !e-:roglie matter waves phase and group velocity 'eisenberg uncertainty principle wave function and its physical interpretation 9perators expectation values. Time dependent A time independent Schr]dinger wave e@uation for free A bound states s@uare well potential $rigid wall% Step potential. Module 888: Atomic Phy!ic! 3ector atom model &S and .-. coupling Keceman effect $normal A anomalous% Paschen-:ach effect `-ray spectra and energy level diagram ;oseleys &aw &asers B #instein coefficients conditions for light amplification population inversion optical pumping three level and four level lasers 'e-Ee and Guby laser Properties and applications of lasers. Module 8A: #olid #tate Phy!ic! SommerfieldIs free electron theory of metals Dermi energy 7ntroduction to periodic potential A Fronig-Penny model $4ualitative% :and Theory of Solids Semi-conductors/ 7ntrinsics and #xtrinsic Semiconductors photoconductivity and photovotaics :asic aspects of Superconductivity ;eissner effect.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
E9A86)9ME9TA: #T7D8E#
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
The term environment is used to describe in the aggregate all the external forces influences and conditions which affect the life nature behaviour and the growth development and maturity of living organisms. At present a great number of environment issues have grown in si5e and complexity day by day threatening the survival of mankind on earth. A study of environmental studies is @uite essential in all types of environmental sciences environmental engineering and industrial management. The ob.ective of environmental studies is to enlighten the masses about the importance of the protection and conservation of our environment and control of human activities which has an adverse effect on the environment.
BTM %&-
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: The multidi!ci3linary nature of en,ironmental !tudie! !efinition scope and importance Eeed for public awareness Module 88: 9atural 6e!ource! 6eneBa*le and non?reneBa*le re!ource!: Eatural resources and associated problems Dorest resources/ Use and over-exploitation deforestation case studies. Timber extraction mining dams and their effects on forests and tribal people. 0ater resources/ Use and over-utili5ation of surface and ground water floods drought conflicts over water dams-benefits and problems. ;ineral resources/ Use and exploitation environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources case studies. Dood resources/ 0orld food problems changes caused by agriculture and overgra5ing effects of modern agriculture fertili5er-pesticide problems water logging salinity case studies. #nergy resources/ <rowing energy needs renewable and non-renewable energy sources use of alternate energy sources case studies. &and resources/ &and as a resource land degradation man induced landslides soil erosion and desertification. Gole of an individual in conservation of natural resources. #@uitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles. Module 888: Eco!y!tem! "oncept of an ecosystem Structure and function of an ecosystem Producers consumers and decomposers #nergy flow in the ecosystem #cological succession Dood chains food webs and ecological pyramids 7ntroduction types characteristic features structure and function of the following ecosystem/ a. Dorest ecosystem b. <rassland ecosystem c. !esert ecosystem d. A@uatic ecosystems $ponds streams lakes rivers ocean estuaries% Module 8A: Biodi,er!ity and it! con!er,ation 7ntroduction B !efinition/ genetic species and ecosystem diversity :iogeographical classification of 7ndia 3alue of biodiversity/ consumptive use productive use social ethical aesthetic and option values :iodiversity at global national and local levels 7ndia as a mega-diversity nation 'ot-spots of biodiversity Threats to biodiversity/ habitat loss poaching of wildlife man wildlife conflicts #ndangered and endemic species of 7ndia "onservation of biodiversity/ 7n-situ and #x-situ conservation of biodiversity Module A: En,ironmental Pollution !efinition " a auses effects and control measures of/ a. Air pollution
b. 0ater pollution c. Soil pollution d. ;arine pollution e. Eoise pollution f. Thermal pollution g. Euclear pollution Solid waste management/ "auses effects and control measures of urban and Gole of an individual in prevention of pollution. Pollution case studies. !isaster management/ floods earth@uake cyclone and landslides.
industrial wastes.
Module A8: #ocial 8!!ue! and the En,ironment Drom unsustainable to sustainable development Urban problems and related to energy 0ater conservation rain water harvesting watershed management Gesettlement and rehabilitation of people= its problems and concerns. "ase studies. #nvironmental ethics/ 7ssues and possible solutions "limate change global warming acid rain o5one layer depletion nuclear accidents and holocaust. "ase studies. 0asteland reclamation "onsumerism and waste products #nvironmental Protection Act Air $Prevention and "ontrol of Pollution% Act 0ater $Prevention and control of Pollution% Act 0ildlife Protection Act Dorest "onservation Act 7ssues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation Public awareness Module A88: <uman Po3ulation and the En,ironment Population growth variation among nations Population explosion B Damily 0elfare Programmes #nvironment and human health 'uman Gights 3alue #ducation '73 2 A7!S 0omen and "hild 0elfare Gole of 7nformation Technology in #nvironment and 'uman 'ealth "ase Studies Module A888: "ield 4or= 3isit to a local area to document environmental assets-river 2 forest2 grassland2 hill2 mountain. 3isit to a local polluted site B Urban 2 Gural 2 7ndustrial 2 Agricultural Study of common plants insects birds Study of simple ecosystems-pond river hill slopes etc $Dield work e@ual to - lecture hours%
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5% CT (<A #DADE A EE 6+
'eywood 3.' A 0aston G.T. (HH-. <lobal :iodiversity Assessment. "ambridge Univ. Press ((,+p. 8adhav ' A :hosale 3.;. (HH-. #nvironmental Protection and &aws. 'imalaya Pub. 'ouse !elhi )?, p. ;ckinney ;.&. A School G.;. (HH>. #nvironmental Science Systems A Solutions 0eb enhanced edition. >*Hp. ;haskar A.F. ;atter 'a5ardous Techno-Science Publication $T:% ;iller T.<. 8r. #nvironmental Science 0adsworth Publishing "o. $T:% 9dum #.P. (H6(. Dundamentals of #cology. 0.:. Saunders "o. USA -6,p Gao ; E. A !atta A.F. (H?6. 0aste 0ater treatment. 9xford A 7:' Publ. "o. Pvt. &td. *,-p. Sharma :.F. )++(. #nvironmental "hemistry. <eol Publ. 'ouse ;eerut Survey of the #nvironment The 'indu $;% Townsend ". 'arper 8 and ;ichael :egon #ssentials of #cology :lackwell Science Trivedi G.F. 'andbook of #nvironmental &aws Gules <uidelines "ompliances and Standards 3ol 7 and 77 #nviro ;edia $G% Trivedi G. F. and P.F. <oel 7ntroduction to air pollution Techno-Science Publication $T:% 0anger F.!. (HH? #nvironnemental ;anagement. 0.:. Saunders "o. Philadelphia USA ,HHp
BTM %&4
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8ntroduction Geview of " !ifference between " and "CC Procedure 9riented and 9b.ect 9riented Approach. :asic "oncepts/ 9b.ects classes Principals like Abstraction #ncapsulation 7nheritance and Polymorphism. !ynamic :inding ;essage Passing. "haracteristics of 9b.ect-9riented &anguages. 7ntroduction to 9b.ect-9riented ;odeling techni@ues $9b.ect Dunctional and !ynamic ;odeling%. Module 88: Cla!!e! and )*+ect! Abstract data types 9b.ect A classes attributes methods "CC class declaration &ocal "lass and <lobal "lass State identity and behaviour of an ob.ect &ocal 9b.ect and <lobal 9b.ect Scope resolution operator Driend Dunctions 7nline functions "onstructors and destructors instantiation of ob.ects Types of "onstructors Static "lass !ata Array of 9b.ects "onstant member functions and 9b.ects ;emory management 9perators. Module 888: 8nheritance 7nheritance Types of 7nheritance access modes B public private A protected Abstract "lasses Ambiguity resolution using scope resolution operator and 3irtual base class Aggregation composition vs classification hiRrarchies 9verriding inheritance methods "onstructors in derived classes Eesting of "lasses. Module 8A: Polymor3hi!m Polymorphism Type of Polymorphism B "ompile time and runtime Dunction 9verloading 9perator 9verloading $Unary and :inary% Polymorphism by parameter Pointer to ob.ects this pointer 3irtual Dunctions pure virtual functions. Module A: #tring!I "ile! and E$ce3tion <andling ;anipulating strings Streams and files handling formatted and Unformatted 7nput output. #xception handling <eneric Programming B function template class Template Standard Template &ibrary/ Standard Template &ibrary 9verview of Standard Template &ibrary "ontainers Algorithms 7terators 9ther ST& #lements The "ontainer "lasses <eneral Theory of 9peration 3ectors.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
E9(89EE689( MEC<A98C#
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
9b.ective of this course is to provide fundamental knowledge of force system and its effect on the behaviour of the bodies that may be in dynamic or in static state. 7t includes the e@uilibrium of different structures like beams frames truss etc and the force transfer mechanism in the different components of a body under given loading condition.
BTM %&.
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: "orce !y!tem & #tructure Dree body diagram #@uilibrium e@uations and applications. Plane truss perfect and imperfect truss assumption in the truss analysis analysis of perfect plane trusses by the method of .oints method of section. Module 88: "riction Static and Finetic friction laws of dry friction co-efficient of friction angle of friction angle of repose cone of friction friction lock efficiency of screw .ack transmission of power through belt Module 888: Di!tri*uted "orce !etermination of center of gravity center of mass and centroid by direct integration and by the method of composite bodies mass moment of inertia and area moment of inertia by direct integration and composite bodies method radius of gyration parallel axis theorem Pappus theorems and its application polar moment of inertia. Module 8A: 4or= ?Energy 0ork energy e@uation conservation of energy 3irtual work impulse momentum conservation impact of bodies co-efficient of restitution loss of energy during impact !Ialembert principle
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM %%&
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
BTM %%%
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
BTM %%-
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: (eneral 7mportance Significance and scope of engineering drawing &ettering !imensioning Scales Sense of proportioning !ifferent types of pro.ections 9rthographic Pro.ection :.7.S. Specifications. Module 88: Pro+ection! of Point and :ine! 7ntroduction of planes of pro.ection Geference and auxiliary planes pro.ections of points and &ines in different @uadrants traces inclinations and true lengths of the lines pro.ections on Auxiliary planes shortest distance intersecting and non-intersecting lines. Module 888: Plane! other than the 6eference Plane! 7ntroduction of other planes $perpendicular and obli@ue% their traces inclinations etc. Pro.ections of points and lines lying in the planes conversion of obli@ue plane into auxiliary Plane and solution of related problems. Module 8A: Pro+ection! of Plane "igure! !ifferent cases of plane figures $of different shapes% making different angles with one or both reference planes and lines lying in the plane figures making different given angles $with one of both reference planes%. 9btaining true shape of the plane figure by pro.ection. Module A: Pro+ection of #olid! Simple cases when solid is placed in different positions Axis faces and lines lying in the faces of the solid making given angles. Module A8: De,elo3ment of #urface !evelopment of simple ob.ects with and without sectioning. 7sometric Pro.ection
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
The course is intended to give a foundation of #nglish &anguage. The literary texts are indented to help students to inculcate creative A aesthetic sensitivity and critical faculty through comprehension appreciation and analysis of the prescribed literary texts. 7t will also help them to respond form different perspectives.
BTM %4&
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Aoca*ulary Use of !ictionary Use of 0ords/ !iminutives 'omonyms A 'omophones Module 88: E!!ential! of (rammar ? 8 Articles Parts of Speech Tenses Module 888: E!!ential! of (rammar ? 88 Sentence Structure Sub.ect -3erb agreement Punctuation Module 8A: Communication The process and importance Principles A benefits of #ffective "ommunication Module A: #3o=en Engli!h Communication Speech !rills Pronunciation and accent Stress and 7ntonation Module A8: Communication #=ill! ? 8 !eveloping listening skills !eveloping speaking skills Module A88: Communication #=ill! ? 88 !eveloping Geading Skills !eveloping writing Skills Module A888: 4ritten Engli!h communication Progression of Thought2ideas Structure of Paragraph Structure of #ssays Module 8@: #hort #torie! 9f Studies by Drancis :acon !ream "hildren by "harles &amb The Eecklace by <uy de ;aupassant A Shadow by G.F. Earayan <lory at Twilight :habani :hattacharya Module @: Poem! All the 0orlds a Stage To Autumn 9Q "aptain ;y "aptain. 0here the ;ind is 0ithout Dear Psalm of &ife Shakespeare Feats 0alt 0hitman Gabindranath Tagore '.0. &ongfellow
E$amination #cheme/
A +-
CT (-
<A (+
EE 6+
BTM %4-
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Thin=ing a! a tool for Pro*lem #ol,ing 0hat is thinking/ The ;ind2:rain2:ehaviour "ritical Thinking and &earning/ ;aking Predictions and Geasoning ;emory and "ritical Thinking #motions and "ritical Thinking Thinking skills Module 88: <indrance! to Pro*lem #ol,ing Proce!! Perception #xpression #motion 7ntellect 0ork environment Module 888: Pro*lem #ol,ing Gecogni5ing and !efining a problem Analy5ing the problem $potential causes% !eveloping possible alternatives #valuating Solutions Gesolution of problem 7mplementation :arriers to problem solving/ Perception #xpression #motion 7ntellect 0ork environment Module 8A: Plan of Action "onstruction of P9A ;onitoring Geviewing and analy5ing the outcome Module A: Creati,e Thin=ing !efinition and meaning of creativity The nature of creative thinking "onvergent and !ivergent thinking 7dea generation and evaluation $:rain Storming% 7mage generation and evaluation !ebating The six-phase model of "reative Thinking/ 7"#!7P model Module A8: End?of?#eme!ter A33rai!al 3iva based on personal .ournal Assessment of :ehavioural change as a result of training #xit &evel Gating by Self and 9bserver
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! #AP A Mid Term Te!t (CT) A8AA Gournal for #ucce!! (G)#)
4eightage (5)
"6E9C< ? 88
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable the students to overcome the fear of speaking a foreign language and take position as a foreigner speaking Drench. To make them learn the basic rules of Drench <rammar.
BTM %44
Cour!e Content!:
Module A: 33>-1 40: 7nitH -: )*+ect if -I 4I .> / Module B: 33> 40 to 0. 7nitH 4I . Contenu le$ical: 7nitH -: )rgani!er !on tem3! (. donner2demander des informations sur un emploi du temps un horaire SE"D B 7maginer un dialogue ). rRdiger un message2 une lettre pour ^ i% prendre un rende5-vous2 accepter et confirmer2 annuler ii% inviter2accepter2refuser *. Daire un programme dIactivitRs imaginer une conversation tRlRphoni@ue2un dialogue Propositions- interroger rRpondre 7nitH 4: DHcou,rir !on en,ironnement (. situer un lieu ). sIorienter sIinformer sur un itinRraire. *. "hercher dRcrire un logement ,. connactre les rythmes de la vie 7nitH .: !Ninformer (. demander2donner des informations sur un emploi du temps passR. ). donner une explication exprimer le doute ou la certitude. *. dRcouvrir les relations entre les mots ,. savoir sIinformer (. Ad.ectifs dRmonstratifs ). Ad.ectifs possessifs2exprimer la possession Y lIaide de / i. T de U ii. ACnom2pronom dis.oint *. "on.ugaison pronominale B nRgative interrogative construction Y ldinfinitif ,. 7mpRratif2exprimer lIobligation2lIinterdiction Y lIaide de T il faut^. U2 Til ne faut pas^ U -. passR composR >. 4uestions directes2indirectes
Contenu grammatical:
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
(E6MA9 88
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable the students to converse read and write in the language with the help of the basic rules of grammar which will later help them to strengthen their language. To give the students an insight into the culture geography political situation and economic opportunities available in <ermany 7ntroduction to <rammar to consolidate the language base learnt in Semester 7
BTM %4.
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: E,erything a*out Time and Time 3eriod! Time and times of the day. 0eekdays months seasons. Adverbs of time and time related prepositions Module 88: 8rregular ,er*! 7ntroduction to irregular verbs like to be and others to learn the con.ugations of the same $fahren essen lessen schlafen sprechen und \hnliche%. Module 888: #e3ara*le ,er*! To comprehend the change in meaning that the verbs undergo when used as such Treatment of such verbs with separable prefixes Module 8A: 6eading and com3rehen!ion Geading and deciphering railway schedules2school time table Usage of separable verbs in the above context Module A: Accu!ati,e ca!e Accusative case with the relevant articles 7ntroduction to ) different kinds of sentences B Eominative and Accusative Module A8: Accu!ati,e 3er!onal 3ronoun! Eominative and accusative in comparison #mphasi5ing on the universal applicability of the pronouns to both persons and ob.ects Module A88: Accu!ati,e 3re3o!ition! Accusative propositions with their use :oth theoretical and figurative use Module A888: Dialogue! !ialogue reading/ N7n the market placeI NAt the 'otelI
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
#PA98#< 88
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable students ac@uire more vocabulary grammar 3erbal Phrases to understand simple texts and start describing any person or ob.ect in Simple Present Tense.
BTM %4/
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 Gevision of earlier modules. Module 88 Some more AG2#G27G verbs. 7ntroduction to root changing and irregular AG2#G27G ending verbs Module 888 ;ore verbal phrases $eg !ios ;io 4ue lastima etc% adverbs (bueno/malo, muy, mucho, bastante, poco). Simple texts based on grammar and vocabulary done in earlier modules. Module 8A Possessive pronouns Module A 0riting2speaking essays like my friend my house my school2institution myself^.descriptions of people ob.ects etc computer2internet related vocabulary
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
GAPA9E#E ? 88
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable the students to converse in the language with the help of basic particles and be able to define the situations and people using different ad.ectives.
BTM %40
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Aer*! Transitive verbs intransitive verbs Module 88: More 3re3o!ition! ;ore particles articles and likes and dislikes. Module 888: Term! u!ed for in!truction! Eo parking no smoking etc. Module 8A: Ad,er*! !ifferent adverbial expression. Module A: 8n,itation! and cele*ration! <iving and receiving presents 7nviting somebody for lunch dinner movie and how to accept and refuse in different ways Module A8: Com3rehen!ionN! Short essay on Damily Driend etc. Module A88: Con,er!ation! Situational conversations like asking the way At a post office family Module A888: 8llne!! <oing to the doctor hospital etc.
:earning )utcome
Students can speak the language describing above-mentioned topics.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
C<89E#E 88
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
"hinese is a tonal language where each syllable in isolation has its definite tone $flat falling rising and rising2falling% and same syllables with different tones mean different things. 0hen you say LmaM with a third tone it mean horse and LmaM with the first tone is ;other. The course aims at familiari5ing the student with the basic aspects of speaking ability of ;andarin the language of ;ainland "hina. The course aims at training students in practical skills and nurturing them to interact with a "hinese person.
BTM %41
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 !rills Practice reading aloud 9bserve Picture and answer the @uestion. Tone practice. Practice using the language both by speaking and by taking notes. 7ntroduction of basic sentence patterns. ;easure words. <lad to meet you. Module 88 0here do you liveZ &earning different colors. Tones of LbuM :uying things and how muchit costsZ !ialogue on change of ;oney. ;ore sentence patterns on !ays and 0eekdays. 'ow to tell time. Saying the units of time in "hinese. &earning to say useful phrases like B ?/++ ((/)- (+/*+ P.;. everyday afternoon evening night morning */-? one hour to begin to end ^.. etc. ;orning Afternoon #vening Eight. Module 888 Use of words of location like-li wais hang xia Durniture B table chair bed bookshelf .. etc. !escription of room house or hostel room.. eg what is placed where and how many things are there in itZ Geview &essons B Preview &essons. #xpression NyaoM LxiangM and LyaoshiM $if%. !ays of week months in a year etc. 7 am learning "hinese. 7s "hinese difficultZ Module 8A "ounting from (-(+++ Use of Lchang-changM. ;aking an 7n@uiry B 0hat time is it nowZ 0here is the Post 9fficeZ !ays of the week. ;onths in a year. Use of Preposition B L5aiM LgenM. Use of interrogative pronoun B LduoshaoM and L.iM. L0hoseMZZZ Sweater etc is itZ !ifferent <ames and going out for exercise in the morning. Module A The verb L@uM <oing to the library issuing a book from the library <oing to the cinema hall buying tickets <oing to the post office buying stamps <oing to the market to buy things.. etc <oing to the buy clothes ^. #tc. 'obby. 7 also like swimming. "omprehension and answer @uestions based on it.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
BTM -&'
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: #olution of Alge*raic and Tran!cendental ECuation #rror in a series approximation :isection ;ethod 7teration method ;ethod of false position Eewton-Gaphson method #olution! of #imultaneou! eCuation <auss elimination method 8acobi iteration method <auss Seidal method Module 88: 8nter3olation Dinite !ifferences !ifference tables Polynomial 7nterpolation: EewtonIs forward and backward formula "entral !ifference Dormulae/ <auss forward and backward formula. 7nterpolation with une@ual intervals/ &agrangeIs 7nterpolation Eewton !ivided difference formula Module 888: 9umerical 8ntegration and Differentiation 7ntroduction Eumerical differentiation Eumerical 7ntegration/ Trape5oidal rule SimpsonIs (2* and *2? rules. Module 8A: #olution of differential ECuation! #ulerIs ;ethod Gunga-Futta ;ethods. Module A: #tati!tical Com3utation Dre@uency chart "urve fitting by method of least s@uares fitting of straight lines polynomials exponential curves etc !ata fitting with "ubic splines.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
T<E6M)D 9AM8C#
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
9b.ective of this course is to impart in depth understanding of the principles of thermodynamics and heat transfer. This course also helps students understand the application of basic fluid mechanics thermodynamic and heat transfer principles and techni@ues including the use of empirical data to the analysis of representative fluid and thermal energy components and systems encountered in the practice of electrical electronic industrial and related disciplines of engineering.
BTM -&%
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Ba!ic conce3t! Thermodynamic system intensive and extensive properties cyclic process Keroth &aw of Thermodynamics 0ork and heat Dlow work Module 88: "ir!t :aB of Thermodynamic! ;echanical e@uivalent of heat internal energy Analysis of non-flow system flow process and control volume steady flow energy e@uation flow processes Module 888: #econd :aB of Thermodynamic! and Entro3y 'eat #ngine heat pump Felvin Planck and "lausius statement of Second &aw of Thermodynamics Perpetual motion machine Geversible cycle- "arnot "ycle "lausius ine@uality entropy Principle of entropy increase concepts of availability irreversibility. Module 8A: Air?Cycle! "arnot cycle 9tto cycle !iesel cycle !ual cycle Stirling cycle #rricsson cycle :rayton cycle= Geversed "arnot cycle. Module A: Pro3ertie! of #team Use of steam tables wet steam superheat steam different processes of vapour ;ollier !iagram. Module A8: 6eci3rocating Air com3re!!or! Single stage compressor 7sothermal efficiency adiabatic efficiency clearance volume volumetric efficiency and multi-stage compression with intercooling.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM -&-
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: #im3le !tre!!e! and !train! "oncept of stress and strain= 'ookeIs law JoungIs modulus Poisson ratio stress at a point stress and strains in bars sub.ected to axial loading. ;odulus of elasticity stress produced in compound bars sub.ect to axial loading. Temperature stress and strain calculations due to applications of axial loads and variation of temperature in single and compound walls. Module 88: Com3ound !tre!! and !train! The two dimensional system= stress at a point on a plane principal stresses and principal planes= ;ohrIs circle of stress. <raphical and Analytical methods for stresses on obli@ue section of body. Shear force and bending moment diagrams for cantilever simply supported and overhanging beams. Module 888: Bending #tre!! Theory of bending stresses in beams due to bending assumptions in the simple bending theory derivation of formula/ its application to beams of rectangular circular and channel sections composite 2 flitched beams bending and shear stresses in composite beams. Module 8A: Tor!ion !erivation of torsion e@uation and its assumptions. Applications of the e@uation of the hollow and solid circular shafts torsional rigidity combined torsion and bending of circular shafts principal stress and maximum shear stresses under combined loading of bending and torsion analysis of close-coiled-helical springs. Module A: Thin cylinder! and !3here! !erivation of formulae and calculation of hoop stress longitudinal stress in a cylinder and sphere sub.ected to internal pressure. Module A8: Column! and !trut! "olumns and failure of columns #ulerIs formulas= Gankine-<ordonIs formula 8ohnsonIs empirical formula for axially loaded columns and their applications. Module A88: #lo3e and deflection Gelationship between moment slope and deflection ;ohrIs theorem= ;oment area method= method of integration= ;acaulayIs method/ Use of all these methods to calculate slope and deflection for the following/ a% "antilevers b% Simply supported beams with or without overhang c% Under concentrated loads uniformly distributed loads or combination of concentrated and uniformly distributed loads
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
References: Sadhu Singh LStrength of ;aterialsM Fhanna Publishers Eew !elhi )+++. Timoshenko S.P. L#lements of Strength of ;aterialsM #ast-0est affiliated Eew !elhi )+++. 'ibbler G.". L;echanics of ;aterialsM Prentice 'all Eew !elhi (HH,. Popov #ger P. L#ngg. ;echanics of solidsM Prentice 'all Eew !elhi (HH?. Denner Goger. T L;echanics of SolidsM U.F. :.". Publication Eew !elhi (HH+. Srinath &.S. LStrength of ;aterialsM ;c;illan Eew !elhi )++(
BTM -&4
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 Atomic structure of metals crystal structure crystal lattice of $i% :ody centered cubic $ii% face centered cubic $iii% closed packed hexagonal crystallographic notation of atomic planes polymorphism and allotropy solidification of crystalli5ation $i% nuclear formation $crystal growth% $ii% crystal imperfection #lementary treatment of theories of plastic deformation phenomenon of slip twinning dislocation identification of crystallographic possible slip planes and direction in D"" :"" ".P. recovery re-crystalli5ation preferred orientation causes and effects on the property of metals. Module 88 7ntroduction to #ngineering materials their mechanical behaviour testing and manufacturing properties of materials physical properties of materials classification of engineering materials. Module 888 <eneral principles of phase transformation in alloys phase rule and e@uilibrium diagrams #@uilibrium diagrams of :inary system in which the components form a mechanical mixture of crystals in the solid state and are completely mutually soluble in both li@uid state. #@uilibrium diagrams of a systems whose components have complete mutual solubility in the li@uid state and limited solubility in the solid state in which the solid state solubility deceases with temperature. #@uilibrium diagram of alloys whose components have complete mutual solubility in the li@uid state and limited solubility in solid state $Alloy with a peritectic transformation% #@uilibrium diagrams of a system whose components are sub.ect to allotropic change. 7ron carbon e@uilibrium diagram. Phase transformation in the iron carbon diagram $i% Dormation of Austenite $ii% Transformation of austenite into pearlite $iii% ;artensite transformation in steel time temperature transformation curves. Module 8A Principles and applications of heat treatment processes vi5. annealing normali5ing hardening tempering= harden ability A its measurement surface hardening processes. !efects in heat treatment and their remedies= effects produced by alloying elements on the structures and properties of steel. !istribution of alloying elements $Si ;n. Ei. "r. ;o. T&. Al% in steel.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM -&.
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: "luid Pro3ertie! and "luid #tatic! Eewtonian and Eon-Eewtonian Dluids= 3iscosity= 7ncompressible and compressible fluids compressibility. Dorces on plane surfaces forces on curved surfaces buoyant forces and stability of floating bodies metacentre and metacentre height. Module 88: ;inematic! of "luid Motion Steady and unsteady flow= uniform and non-uniform flow= &aminar and turbulent flow= streamline path line and streak line= continuity e@uation irrotational and rotational flow velocity potential and stream function vortex flow free and forced vortex. Module 888: Dynamic! of "luid "loB #ulerIs e@uation of motion and its integration to yield :ernoulliIs e@uation its practical applications B Pilot tube 3enturi meter= steady flow momentum e@uation force exerted on a pipe bend. Module 8A: Dimen!ional Analy!i! and Princi3le! of #imilarity :uckingham -Theorem and its applications <eometric Finematics and !ynamic similarity= !imensionless numbers-Geynolds Droude #uler ;ach 0eber Eumber and their significance. Module A: :aminar and Tur*ulent "loB GeynoldIs experiment critical velocity steady laminar flow through a circular tube flow between parallel plates. Transition from laminar to turbulent flow courses of turbulence velocity distribution law near a solid boundary velocity distribution in rough pipes 'a5en B 0illiamsIs formula. Module A8: Analy!i! of Pi3e "loB #nergy losses minor losses in pipe lines concept of e@uivalent length flow between two reservoirs and multiple pipe systems B in series and parallel siphon. Module A88: "loB Mea!urement! ;easurement of flow using 3enturi meter orifice meter Pitot tube measurement of flow in open channels B rectangular triangular trape5oidal weir "ipoeletti weir.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
:asic knowledge of #lectronics is very essential for an engineer it will help in building up the electronics A automation skills in ;echanical #ngineers.
BTM -&/
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 Geview of !iodes &#! Kener and Tunnel !iode and their characteristics Applications of diodes-Gectifiers $'alf and full wave :ridge%. Module 88 :8T-construction and characteristics Transistor as an amplifier "# ": and "" configurations 7ntroduction to ;9SD#T. Module 888 "oupling G" coupled Amplifiers Transformer coupling 7ntroduction to oscillators. 7ntroduction to feedback-Positive and negative
9PA;P as adder
subtractor. 7ntegrator
Module A 7ntroduction to digital electronics logic gates basic laws and theorems of :oolean algebra 7ntroduction to "ombinational "ircuits "oncept of memory cell and introduction to Dlip-flops G S 8 F ! and T.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM -%&
:i!t of E$3eriment!:
MEC<A98C# )" #):8D# :AB (. ). *. ,. -. >. 6. ?. H. Universal Testing ;achine Tensile Test $;S% !ouble Shear Test $;S% "ompression Test $"7% :rinell 'ardness Eo. 75od 7mpact Testing ;achine Gockwell 'ardness Tester Spring Stiffness $Spring "ompression Testing machine%
(+. Torsion testing machine ":78D MEC<A98C# :AB (. ). *. ,. -. >. 3erification of :ernoulliIs Theorem #xperiment using 3enturimeter !etermination of coefficient of !ischarge "d "c "Q Using "ircular2triangular2rectangular orifice To find ma.or head losses in a pipe line To find minor head losses in a pipe line $sudden expansion2contraction2bend%
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
BTM -%'
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
#oftBare 6eCuired: Turbo "2"CC Cour!e Content!: A!!ignment! Bill *e 3ro,ided for the folloBing:
(. Analysis of various numerical and statistical techni@ues
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
E:ECT6)98C# :AB
Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!: :i!t of E$3eriment!:
(. ). *. ,. -. >. 6. ?. To study the 37 characteristic of a diode. To study Kener breakdown. To study the characteristics of a "# Transistor. To study the 37 characteristic of ": A"" Transistor To study transistor as an a amplifiers To study the Truth Table of Universal gates To study 9P Amp. As inverting and non-inverting Amp. To study 9P Amp in open loop and close loop.
BTM -%-
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
C)MM798CAT8)9 #;8::# ? 8
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To form written communication strategies necessary in the workplace
BTM -4'
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8ntroduction to 4riting #=ill! #ffective 0riting Skills Avoiding "ommon #rrors Paragraph 0riting Eote Taking 0riting Assignments Module 88: :etter 4riting Types Dormats Module 888 ;emo Agenda and ;inutes Eotice and "irculars Module 8A: 6e3ort 4riting Purpose and Scope of a Geport Dundamental Principles of Geport 0riting Pro.ect Geport 0riting Summer 7nternship Geports
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ CA" )A (+ (D (+ (P (+ A -
"AD B "ommunication Assessment Dile <! B <roup !iscussion <P B <roup Presentation
BTM -4-
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8nter3er!onal Communication: An 8ntroduction 7mportance of 7nterpersonal "ommunication Types B Self and 9ther 9riented Gapport :uilding B E&P "ommunication ;ode Steps to improve 7nterpersonal "ommunication Module 88: Beha,ioural Communication ;eaning and Eature of behavioural communication Persuasion 7nfluence &istening and 4uestioning <uidelines for developing 'uman "ommunication skills Gelevance of :ehavioural "ommunication for personal and professional development Module 888: 8nter3er!onal #tyle! Transactional Analysis &ife Position2Script Analysis <ames Analysis 7nteractional and Transactional Styles Module 8A: Conflict Management ;eaning and nature of conflicts Styles and techni@ues of conflict management "onflict management and interpersonal communication Module A: 9egotiation #=ill! ;eaning and Eegotiation approaches $Traditional and "ontemporary% Process and strategies of negotiations Eegotiation and interpersonal communication Module A8: End?of?#eme!ter A33rai!al 3iva based on personal .ournal Assessment of :ehavioural change as a result of training #xit &evel Gating by Self and 9bserver
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) #AP )+ A +Mid Term Te!t (CT) )+ A8AA *+ Gournal for #ucce!! (G)#) )-
"6E9C< ? 888
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To provide the students with the know-how To master the current social communication skills in oral and in written. To enrich the formulations the linguistic tools and vary the sentence construction without repetition.
BTM -44
Cour!e Content!:
Module B: 33> 0/ 11 7nitH / Module C: 33> 12 to'&- 7nitH 0 Contenu le$ical: 7nitH /: !e faire 3lai!ir (. acheter / exprimer ses choix dRcrire un $forme dimension poids et matiXres% payer ). parler de la nourriture deux faeons dIexprimer la @uantitR commander un repas au restaurant *. parler des diffRrentes occasions de faire la ffte 7nitH 0: Culti,er !e! relation! (. mactriser les actes de la communication sociale courante $Salutations prRsentations invitations remerciements% ). annoncer un RvRnement exprimer un souhait remercier sIexcuser par Rcrit. *. caractRriser une personne $aspect physi@ue et caractXre% Contenu grammatical: (. ). *. ,. -. >. 6. ?. accord des ad.ectifs @ualificatifs articles partitifs ERgations avec de ne^rien2personne2plus 4uestions avec combien @uel^ expressions de la @uantitR ne^plus2tou.ours - encore pronoms complRments directs et indirects accord du participe passR $auxiliaire T avoir U% avec direct H. 7mpRratif avec un pronom complRment direct ou indirect (+. construction avec T @ue U - 8e crois @ue2 8e pense @ue2 8e sais @ue
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
(E6MA9 ? 888
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable the students to converse read and write in the language with the help of the basic rules of grammar which will later help them to strengthen their language. To give the students an insight into the culture geography political situation and economic opportunities available in <ermany
BTM -4.
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Modal ,er*! ;odal verbs with con.ugations and usage 7mparting the finer nuances of the language Module 88: 8nformation a*out (ermany (ongoing) 7nformation about <ermany in the form of presentations or LGeferatMB neighbors states and capitals important cities and towns and characteristic features of the same and also a few other topics related to <ermany. Module 888: Dati,e ca!e !ative case comparison with accusative case !ative case with the relevant articles 7ntroduction to * different kinds of sentences B nominative accusative and dative Module 8A: Dati,e 3er!onal 3ronoun! Eominative accusative and dative pronouns in comparison Module A: Dati,e 3re3o!ition! !ative preposition with their usage both theoretical and figurative use Module A8: Dialogue! 7n the Gestaurant At the Tourist 7nformation 9ffice A telephone conversation Module A88: Direction! Eames of the directions Asking and telling the directions with the help of a roadmap Module A888: Con+unction! To assimilate the knowledge of the con.unctions learnt indirectly so far
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
#PA98#< 888
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable students ac@uire knowledge of the Set2definite expressions $idiomatic expressions% in Spanish language and to handle some Spanish situations with ease.
BTM -4/
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 Gevision of earlier semester modules Set expressions $idiomatic expressions% with the verb Tener 0eather
oner, !r".
Module 88 7ntroduction to #ustar^and all its forms. Gevision of #ustar and usage of it Module 888 Translation of Spanish-#nglish= #nglish-Spanish. Practice sentences. 'ow to ask for directions $using estar% 7ntroduction to 7G C A C 7ED7E7T73# D9G; 9D A 3#G: Module 8A Simple conversation with help of texts and vocabulary #n el restaurante #n el instituto #n el aeropuerto Module A Geflexives
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
GAPA9E#E ? 888
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable the students to converse in the language with the help of basic verbs and to express themselves effectively and narrate their everyday short encounters. Students are also given pro.ects on 8apan and 8apanese culture to widen their hori5on further. 9ote: The 8apanese script is introduced in this semester.
BTM -40
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Aer*! !ifferent forms of verbs/ present continuos verbs etc Module 88 ;ore Adverbs and adverbial expressions Module 888: Counter! &earning to count different shaped ob.ects Module 8A: Ten!e! Past tense Past continuous tense. Module A: Com3ari!on "omparative and Superlative degree Module A8: 4i!he! and de!ire! #xpressing desire to buy hold possess. Usage in negative sentences as well. "omparative degree Superlative degree. Module A88: A33ointment 9ver phone formal and informal etc.
:earning )utcome
Students can speak the language and can describe themselves and situations effectively They also gain great knowledge in terms of 8apanese lifestyle and culture which help them at the time of placements.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
C<89E#E 888
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
Doreign words are usually imported by translating the concept into "hinese the emphasis is on the meaning rather than the sound. :ut the system runs into a problem because the underlying name of personal name is often obscure so they are almost always transcribed according to their pronciation alone. The course aims at familiari5ing the student with the basic aspects of speaking ability of ;andarin the language of ;ainland "hina. The course aims at training students in practical skills and nurturing them to interact with a "hinese person.
BTM -41
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 !rills !ialogue practice 9bserve picture and answer the @uestion. 7ntroduction of written characters. Practice reading aloud Practice using the language both by speaking and by taking notes. "haracter writing and stroke order Module 88 ;easure words Position words e.g. inside outside middle in front behind top bottom side left right straight. !irectional words B beibian xibian nanbian dongbian 5hong.ian. 9ur school and its different building locations. 0hat game do you likeZ !ifference between LhiiM and LnengM LkeyiM. Module 888 "hanging affirmative sentences to negative ones and vice versa 'uman body parts. Eot feeling well words e.g.= fever cold stomach ache head ache. Use of the modal particle LleM ;aking a telephone call Use of L.iuM and LcalM $<rammar portion% Automobiles e.g. :us train boat car bike etc. Traveling by train by airplane by bus on the bike by boat.. etc. Module 8A The ordinal number LdiM L;eiM the demonstrative pronoun e.g. mei tian mei nian etc. use of to enter to exit Structural particle LdeM $"ompliment of degree%. <oing to the Park. !escription about class schedule during a week in school. <rammar use of LliM and LcongM. "omprehension reading followed by @uestions. Module A Persuasion-Please donIt smoke. Please speak slowly Praise B This pictorial is very beautiful 9pposites e.g. "lean-!irty &ittle-;ore 9ld-Eew Joung-9ld #asy-!ifficult :oy-<irl :lack-0hite :igSmall Slow-Dast ^ etc. Talking about studies and classmates Use of Lit doesnIt matterM #n@uiring about a student description about study method. <rammar/ Eegation of a sentence with a verbal predicate.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
Cour!e Code: BTM --& Credit 7nit!: &%
'> Choo!ing a To3ic The topic chosen should not be too general. Student will normally consult the faculty guide while finali5ing the topic.
$i% Show evidence of what an author has said. $ii% Avoid misrepresentation through restatement. $iii% Save unnecessary writing when ideas have been well expressed by the original author. "heck for proper form on tables and graphs. :e certain that any table or graph is self-explanatory.
Term 3a3er! !hould *e com3o!ed of the folloBing !ection!: (% Title page )% Abstract *% 7ntroduction ,% Geview of the &iterature -% !iscussion A "onclusion >% Geferences 6% Appendix <enerally the introduction discussion conclusion and references should account for a third of the paper and the review part should be two thirds of the paper. Di!cu!!ion The discussion section either follows the results or may alternatively be integrated in the results section. The section should consist of a discussion of the results of the study focusing on the @uestion posed in the paper. Conclu!ion The conclusion is often thought of as the easiest part of the paper but should by no means be disregarded. There are a number of key components which should not be omitted. These include/ a% summary of ob.ectives and issues raised. b% summary of findings c% summary of limitations of the study at hand d% details of possibilities for related future research
Drom the very beginning of the research work one should be careful to note all details of articles or any other material gathered. The Geference part should list A&& references included in the paper. Geferences not included in the text in any form should E9T be listed here. The key issue here is consistency. "hoose a particular convention and stick to this.
Monogra3h! "rystal !. $)++(% Lan$ua$e and the %nternet. "ambridge/ "ambridge University Press. Edited ,olume! <ass S.2Eeu 8. $eds.% $(HH>% Speech acts across cultures. &hallen$es to commun%cat%on %n a second lan$ua$e. :erlin2 EJ/ ;outon de <ruyter. O$eds.% is used when there is more than one editor= and $ed.% where there is only one editor. 7n <erman the abbreviation used is $'rsg.% for 'erausgeberP. Edited article! Schmidt G.2Shimura A.20ang K.28eong '. $(HH>% Suggestions to buy/ Television commercials from the U.S. 8apan "hina and Forea. 7n/ <ass S.2Eeu 8. $eds.% $(HH>% Speech acts across cultures. &hallen$es to commun%cat%on %n a second lan$ua$e. :erlin2 EJ/ ;outon de <ruyter/ )?--*(>. Gournal article! ;c4uarrie #.D.2;ick !.<. $(HH)% 9n resonance/ A critical pluralistic in@uiry into advertising rhetoric. 'ournal of consumer research (H (?+-(H6. Electronic *oo= "handler !. $(HH,% Sem%ot%cs for be$%nners O'T;& documentP. Getrieved O-.(+.d+(P from the 0orld 0ide 0eb http/!ocuments2S,:2. Electronic +ournal article! 0atts S. $)+++% Teaching talk/ Should students learn dreal <ermandZ O'T;& documentP. #erman as a Fore%$n Lan$ua$e 'ournal (onl%ne) *. Getrieved O().+H.d++P from the 0orld 0ide 0eb http/22www.gfl-.ournal.com2. )ther Be*!ite! 3erterhus S.A. $n.y.% Anglicisms in <erman car advertising. The problem of gender assignment O'T;&
documentP. Getrieved O(*.(+.d+(P from the 0orld 0ide 0eb http/22olaf.hiof.no2gsverrev2eng.html. 7n3u*li!hed 3a3er! Takahashi S.2!uDon ;.A. $(H?H% "ross-linguistic influence in indirectness/ The case of #nglish directives performed by native 8apanese speakers. Unpublished paper !epartment of #nglish as a Second &anguage University of 'awaidi at ;anoa 'onolulu. 7n3u*li!hed the!e!D di!!ertation! ;]hl S. $(HH>% Alltagssituationen im interkulturellen 3ergleich/ Gealisierung von Fritik und Ablehnung im !eutschen und #nglischen. Unpublished ;A thesis University of 'amburg. 0alsh G. $(HH-% &anguage development and the year abroad/ A study of oral grammatical accuracy amongst adult learners of <erman as a foreign language. Unpublished Ph! !issertation University "ollege !ublin. A33endi$ The appendix should be used for data collected $e.g. @uestionnaires transcripts etc.% and for tables and graphs not included in the main text due to their subsidiary nature or to space constraints in the main text. The :ayout (uideline! for the Term Pa3er A, si5e Paper Dont/ Arial $(+ points% or Times Eew Goman $() points% &ine spacing/ (.Top and bottom margins/ ( inch2 ).- cm= left and right margins/ (.)- inches2 * cm
A!!e!!ment #cheme:
Continuou! E,aluation: $:ased on abstract writing interim draft general approach research orientation readings undertaken etc.% "inal E,aluation: $:ased on the organi5ation of the paper ob.ectives2 problem profile2 issue outlining comprehensiveness of the research flow of the idea2 ideas relevance of material used2 presented outcomes vs. ob.ectives presentation2 viva etc.% ,+1
BTM 4&'
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: (eneral Conce3t!I Aelocity and Acceleration Analy!i! 7ntroduction to simple mechanisms different types of kinematics pairs <rublerIs rule for degrees of freedom <rashofIs criterion for mobility determination 7nversions of *G-P )G-)P chains Finematics analysis of planar mechanism. 7nstantaneous center method for analysis three center in line theorem concept of rotating reference frame and its application for "oriolids acceleration Module 88: "riction Thread friction pivot and collar friction clutches belt and rope drives friction axis friction circle= Module 888: Cam! "lassification "ams with uniform acceleration and retardation S'; "ylcloidal motion oscillating followers. Module 8A: (ear! <eometry of tooth profiles &aw of gearing involutes profile interference helical spiral and worm gears simple compound gear trains. #picyclic gear trains B Analysis by tabular and relative velocity method fixing tor@ue. Module A: Ai*ration! 3ibration analysis of S!9D systems transmissibility ratio. natural damped forced vibrations base-excited vibrations
Module A8: Dynamic Analy!i! Slider-crank mechanism turning moment computation :alancing/ Static and dynamic balancing balancing of revolving and reciprocating masses single and multicylinder engines. Module A88: (yro!co3e! <yroscopic law effect of gyroscopic couple on automobiles ships aircrafts.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM 4&%
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 9ne-dimensional steady-state conduction through homogeneous and composite plane walls cylinders and spheres critical thickness of insulation= heat transfer from fins of uniform cross section. Module 88 "oncept of hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers momentum and energy e@uation for boundary layers on a flat plate application of dimensional analysis to free and force convection= important dimensionless number. Module 888 Thermal radiation= FirchoffIs law= PlanckIs distribution law 0ienIs displacement law= Stefan-:olt5mannIs relation "onfiguration factors= radiant interchange between black and grey surfaces= radiation shielding solar radiation. Module 8A "ombined heat transfer analysis= overall heat transfer co-efficient= types of heat exchangers= &;T! methods of heat exchanger design= simple heat exchanger calculations.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
MA97"ACT7689( MAC<89E#
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
This is a new developmental graduate course for students interested in learning how to design analy5e and build specialty manufacturing process machines. 7t anticipated that this course would become part of the new manufacturing emphasis area in mechanical engineering.
BTM 4&-
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8ntroduction to Machine Tool! "lassification of machine tools kinds of motion in machine tool operations definition of cutting speed feed and depth of cut. Module 88: :athe "lassification and various parts of &athe specification !escription of important mechanism vi5. apron tail stock head stock work holding devices and operations e.g. taper turning eccentric turning and screw-cutting <eometry of a single point cutting tool. "alculation of machining time "apstan and turret lathe Module 888: Drilling Machine <eometry and nomenclature of a twist drill specification and classification of drilling machines cutting speed feed depth of cut and calculation machining time in drilling tool holding devices different types of operations performed on a drilling machine. Module 8A: Milling Machine "lassification up milling and down milling dividing 'ead different types of operations B simple compound and differential indexing slab milling spiral milling slot milling T-slot milling and end milling. Module A: #ha3erI #lotter & Planner Principal part of a shaper classification 4uick Geturn mechanism table feed mechanism of a shaper 9perations e.g. hori5ontal vertical and inclined shaping difference between a shaper planer and slotter cutting speed feed and depth of cut and calculation of machining time in shaping. Module A8: (rinding Machine! "onstruction and specification of a grinding wheel wheel turning and dressing <rinding machines surface cylindrical and center less grinding. Module A88: #3ecial Machine! 'ori5ontal and vertical boring machines <ear <eometry <ear generation and hobbing= &apping honing and super finishing processes.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
<erling 'einrich LAll about ;achine ToolsM Eew Age Publication )++*.
BTM 4&4
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8ntroduction Geview of tensile test True stress and true strain Jielding criteria for ductile metals Jield locus Plastic stressstrain relations-&evymises e@uation prandtl-Geuss e@uations. Module 88: Pla!tic deformation "rystal <eometry &attice defects !eformation by slip Shear Stress re@uired to cause slip in a perfect "rystal !eformation by twinning Dracture Types of Dracture "reep Dailure. Module 888: 8ntroduction to metal Bor=ing "lassification of metal working processes-"old working 'ot working #ffect of variables on metal working processes ;ethods of Analysis of metal working processes. Module 8A: "orging "lassification of Dorging Processes Dorging e@uipment 9pen die forging "losed die forging &oad calculation in Plane strain forging Dorging defects. Module A: 6olling Golling ;ills 'ot rolling "old rolling Dorces and <eometrical Gelationships in Golling Golling load A tor@ue rolling defects. Module A8: E$tru!ion ;ethods of #xtrusion 'ot #xtrusion "old #xtrusion Analysis of #xtrusion processes #ffect of 3ariables on #xtrusion pressure #xtrusion defects. Module A88: #heet metal forming Dorming ;ethods Dorming 9perations-Shearing :lanking :ending Stretch Dorming !eep !rawing Stresses developed in !eep !rawing !efects in Dormed Parts.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
#lectrical ;achines provides the backbone for successful and uninterrupted smooth functioning of any industry. Fnowledge of this sub.ect in any engineering branch is vital in process industry. The course covers the machines e.g. ;otors A generators characteristics and classifications related to mechanical A automation as well as recent development engineering applications. Successful completion of this course will be very helpful for the students who wish to .oin challenging industry.
BTM 4&.
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 7ntroduction to Sub.ect Some important fundamentals #lectrical Power generation Utili5ation A distribution facts A figures. Simple &oop <enerator ! " ;achines "onstruction Deatures Principle of 9peration. Module 88 !" <enerator Analysis A !" ;otor "lassification A "haracteristics A Analysis. Speed Tor@ue "haracteristics Speed control of ! " ;otor. Application of ! " ;otor. Starters. Module 888 A " ;achines * phase 7; Gevolving ;agnetic field theory 7; as a transformer #@uivalent "ircuit. * phase Synchronous ;achines Synchronous ;otor Synchronous <enerator #@uivalent "kt. Module 8A Single phase 7nduction ;otor !ouble Gevolving Dield theory !ifferent types of * phase 7;. "haracteristics A typical Applications. Dractional Filo 0att 'our ;otor Stepper ;otor 'ysterisis ;otor A " Series ;otors Universal ;otors.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM 4&/
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8ntroduction to (ra3hic! and (ra3hic! <ardBare #y!tem 3ideo display devices "GT &"! !isplay devices Gaster scan displays Gandom scan displays Gaster scan systems Gandom scan Systems. 7nput devices keyboard mouse Trackball and spaceball 8oystick !ata glove !igiti5ers 7mage scanners Touch panels &ight pens 3oice systems. 'ardcopy devices Printers Plotters. Module 88: )ut3ut Primiti,e! and Cli33ing o3eration! Algorithms for drawing )! Primitives lines $!!A and :resenhamIs line algorithm% circles $bresenhamIs and midpoint circle algorithm% ellipses$midpoint ellipse algorithm% other curves$conic sections polynomials and spline curves%. Antialiasing and filtering techni@ues &ine clipping $cohen-sutherland algorithm% clip windows circles ellipses polygon clipping with Sutherland 'odgeman algorithm. Module 888: (eometric tran!formation )! Transformation/ :asic transformation Translation Gotation scaling ;atrix Gepresentations and 'omogeneous coordinates window to viewport transformation. *! "oncepts/ Parallel pro.ection and Perspective pro.ection *! Transformation. Module 8A: -D o*+ect 6e3re!entationI Colour model! and rendering Polygon meshes in *! Spheres #llipsoid :e5ier curves and :e5ier surfaces :spline curves and surfaces solid modeling sweep representation constructive solid geometry methods. Achromatic and color models. Shading rendering techni@ues and visible surface detection method/ :asic illumination diffuse reflection specular reflection. Polygon rendering method <ouraud A Phong shading. !epth-buffer method A-buffer method !epth-sorting method$painterIs algorithm%. Module A: 8ntroduction to multimedia Dile formats for :;P <7D T7DD 7P#< ;P#<-77 Animation techni@ues and languages.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
D.P. Preparata and ;.7. Shamos L"omputational <eometry/ An 7ntroductionM Springer-3erlag Eew Jork 7nc. (H?-. !. Gogers and 8. Adams L;athematical #lements for "omputer <raphicsM ;c<raw-'ill 7nternational #dition (H?H !avid D. Gogers LProcedural #lements for "omputer <raphicsM ;c<raw 'ill :ook "ompany (H?-. Alan 0att and ;ark 0att LAdvanced Animation and Gendering Techni@uesM Addison-0esley (HH)
BTM 4%&
(+. To determine and verify the whirling speed of a shaft-disc system ((. To determine the damping factor for a given hori5ontal vibration set up (). To obtain dynamic balance for an unbalanced system with revolving masses
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
BTM 4%'
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
BTM 4%%
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
#oftBare 6eCuired: Turbo "2"CC Cour!e Content!: A!!ignment! Bill *e 3ro,ided for the folloBing:
(. ). *. ,. <eometrical shapes based on graphics algorithms )! <eometric transformation translation rotation scaling reflection. "lipping Animation
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
C)MM798CAT8)9 #;8::# ? 88
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To teach the participants strategies for improving academic reading and writing. #mphasis is placed on increasing fluency deepening vocabulary and refining academic language proficiency.
BTM 44'
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: #ocial Communication #=ill! Small Talk "onversational #nglish Appropriateness :uilding rapport Module 88: Conte$t Ba!ed #3ea=ing 7n general situations 7n specific professional situations !iscussion and associated vocabulary Simulations2Gole Play Module 888: Profe!!ional #=ill! Presentations Eegotiations ;eetings Telephony Skills
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ CA" )A (+ (D (+ (P (+ A -
"AD B "ommunication Assessment Dile <! B <roup !iscussion <P B <roup Presentation
BTM 44-
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 7nder!tanding 6elation!hi3! 7mportance of relationships Gole and relationships ;aintaining healthy relationships Module 88: Bridging 8ndi,idual Difference! Understanding individual differences :ridging differences in 7nterpersonal Gelationship B TA "ommunication Styles Module 888: 8nter3er!onal 6elation!hi3 De,elo3ment 7mportance of 7nterpersonal Gelationships 7nterpersonal Gelationships Skills Types of 7nterpersonal Gelationships Module 8A: Theorie! of 8nter3er!onal 6elation!hi3! Theories/ Social #xchange Uncertainty Geduction Theory Dactors Affecting 7nterpersonal Gelationships 7mproving 7nterpersonal Gelationships Module A: 8m3re!!ion Management ;eaning A "omponents of 7mpression ;anagement 7mpression ;anagement Techni@ues $7nfluencing Skills% 7mpression ;anagement Training-Self help and Dormal approaches Module A8: End?of?#eme!ter A33rai!al 3iva based on personal .ournal Assessment of :ehavioural change as a result of training #xit &evel Gating by Self and 9bserver
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) #AP )+ A +Mid Term Te!t (CT) )+ A8AA *+ Gournal for #ucce!! (G)#) )-
"6E9C< ? 8A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable students/ To develop strategies of comprehension of texts of different origin To present facts pro.ects plans with precision
BTM 444
Cour!e Content!:
Module C: 33> '&4 '-2: 7nitH! 1I 2 Contenu le$ical: 7nitH 1: DHcou,rir le 3a!!H (. parler du passR des habitudes et des changements. ). parler de la famille raconter une suite dIRvRnements2prRciser leur date et leur durRe. *. connactre @uel@ues moments de lIhistoire 7nitH 2: Entre3rendre (. faire un de la rRalisation/ $exprimer un besoin prRciser les Rtapes dIune rRalisation% ). parler dIune entreprise ). parler du futur Contenu grammatical: (. 7mparfait ). Pronom T en U *. Dutur ,. !iscours rapportR au prRsent -. PassR rRcent >. PrRsent progressif
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
(E6MA9 ? 8A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable the students to converse read and write in the language with the help of the basic rules of grammar which will later help them to strengthen their language. To give the students an insight into the culture geography political situation and economic opportunities available in <ermany. 7ntroduction to Advanced <rammar &anguage and Professional 8argon
BTM 44.
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Pre!ent 3erfect ten!e Present perfect tense usage and applicability Usage of this tense to indicate near past Universal applicability of this tense in <erman Module 88: :etter Briting To ac@uaint the students with the form of writing informal letters. Module 888: 8nterchanging 3re3o!ition! Usage of prepositions with both accusative and dative cases Usage of verbs fixed with prepositions #mphasi5ing on the action and position factor Module 8A: Pa!t ten!e 7ntroduction to simple past tense &earning the verb forms in past tense ;aking a list of all verbs in the past tense and the participle forms Module A: 6eading a "airy Tale "omprehension and narration Gotk\ppchen Droschprin5essin !ie Dremdsprache Module A8: (eniti,e ca!e <enitive case B #xplain the concept of possession in genitive ;entioning the structure of weak nouns Module A88: (eniti,e 3re3o!ition! !iscuss the genitive propositions and their usage/ $w\hrend wegen statt trot5% Module A888: Picture De!cri3tion Dirstly recogni5e the persons or things in the picture and identify the situation depicted in the picture= Secondly answer @uestions of general meaning in context to the picture and also talk about the personal experiences which come to your mind upon seeing the picture.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
#PA98#< ? 8A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable students ac@uire working knowledge of the language= to give them vocabulary grammar voice modulations2intonations to handle everyday Spanish situations with ease.
BTM 44/
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 Gevision of eaSrlier semester modules 7ntroduction to Present "ontinuous Tense $<erunds% Module 88 Translation with Present "ontinuous Tense 7ntroduction to <ustar Parecer Apetecer doler Module 888 7mperatives $positive and negative commands of regular verbs% Module 8A "ommercial2business vocabulary Module A Simple conversation with help of texts and vocabulary #n la recepcion del hotel #n el restaurante #n la agencia de #n la tienda2supermercado
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable the students to comfortably interact using basic 8apanese. 9ote: Teaching is done in roman as well as 8apanese script students will be taught katankana $another form of script% in this semester i.e. to be able to write all the foreign words in 8apanese.
BTM 440
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 "omparison using ad.ectives making re@uests Module 88 Seeking permission Module 888 Practice of conversations on/ 3isiting people Party ;eetings after work At a ticket vending machine etc Module 8A #ssays writing formal letters
:earning )utcome
Students can speak the language describing above-mentioned topics.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
C<89E#E 8A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
'ow many characters are thereZ The early 4ing dynasty dictionary included nearly -+ +++ characters the vast ma.ority of which were rare accumulated characters over the centuries. An educate person in "hina can probably recogni5e around >+++ characters. The course aims at familiari5ing the student with the basic aspects of speaking ability of ;andarin the language of ;ainland "hina. The course aims at training students in practical skills and nurturing them to interact with a "hinese person.
BTM 441
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 !ialogue Practice 9bserve picture and answer the @uestion Pronunciation and intonation "haracter writing and stroke order. #lectronic items Module 88 Traveling B The Scenery is very beautiful 0eather and climate <rammar @uestion with B Lbu shi ^. ;aZM The construction Lyao ^ leM $Used to indicate that an action is going to take place% Time words Lyi@ianM LyiwaiM $:efore and after%. The adverb LgengM. Module 888 <oing to a friend house for a visit meeting his family and talking about their customs. Dallen sick and going to the !octor the doctor examines takes temperature and writes prescription. Aspect particle LguoM shows that an action has happened some time in the past. Progressive aspect of an actin L5heng5aiM Also the use if L5heM with it. To welcome someone and to see off someone ^. 7 cant go the airport to see you off^ etc. Module 8A Shipment. 7s this the place to checking luggageZ :asic dialogue on B 0here do u workZ :asic dialogue on B This is my address :asic dialogue on B 7 understand "hinese :asic dialogue on B 0hat .ob do u doZ :asic dialogue on B 0hat time is it nowZ Module A :asic dialogue on B 0hat day $date% is it todayZ :asic dialogue on B 0hat is the weather like here. :asic dialogue on B !o u like "hinese foodZ :asic dialogue on B 7 am planning to go to "hina.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
MAC<89E DE#8(9 ? 8
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
The ob.ective of this course is to help students apply concepts learned in the mechanics structure material and manufacturing courses. This course offers working knowledge in the use of proper failure theories under steady and variable loading design of mechanical elements such as shaft coupling power screws and detachable permanent and welded connections.
BTM .&'
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Aaria*le !tre!!e! in Machine Part! Datigue and #ndurance &imit Dactor of Safety for Datigue &oading Stress concentration Eotch sensitivity <erber ;ethod <oodman ;ethod and Soderberg ;ethod for combination of stresses. Module 88: PoBer #creB! Types of screw threads Tor@ue re@uired to raise and lower the load #fficiency of s@uare threaded screw overhauling and self locking screw stresses in power screw design of screw .eck. Module 888: Cotter and ;nuc=le Goint! Types of cotter .oints design of socket and spigot .oint design of sleeve and cotter .oint design of .ib and cotter .oint !esign procedure of Fnuckle .oint. Module 8A: 6i,eted and 4elded Goint Types of Giveted .oint &ap .oint :utt 8oint "aulking and Dullering Dailure of Giveted .oint Strength of Giveted .oint #fficiency of Giveted .oint. Advantages and !isadvantages of welded .oint over Giveted .oint Strength of Dillet .oint strength of :utt .oints. Module A: ;ey! and Cou3ling! Types of Feys Splines Strength of Sunk Fey types of shaft coupling Sleeve and muff coupling Dlange coupling Dlexible coupling 9ldham coupling Universal coupling. Module A8: Dri,e! Types of :elt drives Dlat :elt drives 3elocity ratio Sleep "reep of :elt &ength of open :elt length of cross belt power transmission by belt ;aximum tesion in the belt. Types of 3 belt and Pulleys advantages and disadvantages of 3 belt over Dlat :elt Gatio of !riving tensions for 3 belt Gope drives. "hain drives advantages and disadvantages of "hain drives.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
The main ob.ective of this course is to give the student/ a basic understanding of the physical loss governing metrology and tolerance design. <ain and appreciation for the capabilities and applications of metrology through hands own experiences.
BTM .&%
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Princi3le! of mea!urement !efinition of ;etrology difference between precision and accuracy. Sources of errors/ "ontrollable and Gandom #rrors #ffects of #nvironment and Temperature #ffects of support alignment errors. :ength #tandard!: &ine standards end standards and wavelength standards transfer from line standards to end standards. Eumerical based on line standards. Slip gauges B its use and care methods of building different heights using different sets of slip gauges. :imit!I fit! and tolerance!: 3arious definitions different types of fits and methods to provide these fits. Eumerical to calculate the limits fits and tolerances 7S9 system of limits and fits= <auges and its types limit gauges B plug and ring gauges. <auge !esign B TaylorIs Principle wear allowance on gauges. Module 88: Com3arator! Principles and working of ;echanical #lectrical 9ptical and Pneumatic "omparators. Angular Mea!urement: Sine :ar B different types of sine bars use of sine bars in con.unction with slip gauges Use of angle gauges spirit level errors in use of sine bars. Eumericals. Principle and working of autocollimator. Module 888: #traightne!! and flatne!! !efinition of Straightness and Dlatness error. Eumericals based on determination of straightness error of straight edge with the help of spirit level and auto collimator #creB Thread Mea!urement: #rrors in threads ;easurement of elements of screw threads Bma.or diameter minor diameter pitch flank angle and effective diameter $Two and three wire methods%. #ffect of errors in pitch and flank angles (ear Mea!urement: ;easurement of tooth thickness B <ear tooth vernier caliper "onstant chord method base tangent method and derivation of mathematical formulae for each method. Parkinson <ear Tester. Module 8A Machine Tool Alignment: ;achine tool tests and alignment tests on lathe. Alignment tests on milling machine. Alignment tests on a radial drilling machine 7nterferometry. #urface te$ture: 7ntroduction types of irregularities #lements of surface Texture ;easurement of surface finish #xamination of surface Goughness.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM .&-
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 7ntroduction to generali5ed measurement system and their functional elements. :asic characteristics of measuring devices Standards A "alibration. Accuracy Precision Sensitivity Gesolution &inearity A #rrors in measurement. Module 88 Transducers Stages A their classification Gesistive transducers Strain gauges Gosettes 7nductive transducers !isplacement measurement &3!T. Module 888: A33lication! ;iscellaneous instruments in 7ndustrial A #nvironmental Applications ;easurement of viscosity A flow Transient Time A !opplerIs flow meter ;easurement of li@uid level humidity hair hygrometers. Module 8A "ontrol engineering applications 7ntroduction to type of control Systems 9pen loop A close loop "ontrol Systems= #xamples A their block diagrams. Transfer function Stability of "ontrol System 'urwit5 PolynomialA Gouth 'urwit5 "riterian. :lock diagram representation A reduction. Module A: Mode! of Control & Controller Mechani!m P P7 and P7! "ontroller. Pneumatic A 'ydraulic "ontroller <eneral Pr. of generating various "ontrol Actions. "oncept of "ontrol 3alves.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM .&4
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8ntroduction "oncept and goals of !:;S !atabase &anguages !atabase Users !atabase Abstraction. :asic "oncepts of #G ;odel Gelationship sets Feys ;apping !esign of #G ;odel Module 88: <ierarchical model & 9etBor= Model "oncepts !ata definition !ata manipulation and implementation. Eetwork !ata ;odel !:T< Set "onstructs and 7mplementation Module 888: 6elational Model Gelational database Gelational Algebra Gelational A Tuple "alculus. Module 8A: 6elational Data*a!e De!ign and Euery :anguage S4& 4U#& 4:# Eormali5ation using Dunctional !ependency dependency. ;ultivalued dependency and 8oin
Module A: Concurrency Control and 9eB A33lication! &ock :ased Protocols Time Stamped :ased Protocols !eadlock 'andling "rash Gecovery. !istributed !atabase 9b.ective 9riented !atabase ;ultimedia !atabase !ata ;ining !igital &ibraries.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
M8C6)P6)CE##)6 # #TEM
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
This course deals with the systematic study of the Architecture and programming issues of ?+?--microprocessor family. The aim of this course is to give the students basic knowledge of the above microprocessor needed to develop the systems using it.
BTM .&.
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8ntroduction to Microcom3uter #y!tem! 7ntroduction to ;icroprocessors and microcomputers Study of ? bit ;icroprocessor ?+?- pin configuration 7nternal Architecture and operations interrupts Stacks and subroutines various data transfer schemes. Module 88: A:P and timing diagram! 7ntroduction to ?+?- instruction set advance ?+?- programming Addressing modes "ounters and time !elays 7nstruction cycle machine cycle T-states timing diagram for ?+?- instruction. Module 888: Memory #y!tem De!ign & 8D) 8nterfacing 7nterfacing with ?+?-.7nterfacing with input2output devices $memory mapped peripheral 729% "ache memory system. Study of following peripheral devices ?)-- ?)-* ?)-6 ?)-- ?)-(. Module 8A: Architecture of '/?Bit Micro3roce!!or !ifference between ?+?- and ?+?> :lock diagram and architecture of ?+?> family pin configuration of ?+?> ;inimum mode A ;aximum mode 9peration. 7nternal architecture of ?+?> :us 7nterface Unit Gegister 9rgani5ation 7nstruction Pointer Stack A Stack pointer merits of memory segmentation #xecution Unit Gegister 9rgani5ation. Module A: Pentium Proce!!or! 7nternal architecture of ?+?6 9perational overview of ?+?6 7ntroduction to ?+(?> ?+)?> ?+*?> A ?+,?> processors Pentium processor.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM .%&
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
MET6):)( :AB
Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!: 9ame of E$3eriment!:
( Set up a dimension by slip gauges $example *>.H*>= (,.6)6^..% ;easure this set up by micrometer $least count +.+(% several times and read dimensions. Dind statistical mean and record the expected variation between the actual dimension and dimension measured by micrometer. To check the roundness of a circular bar with the help of dial gauge. ;ill a component to dimension $)* -6.> ^%. Set up a comparator by slip gauge set to this dimension. "heck component deviation by the comparator and record the deviation. ;easure several times and obtain the mean value. "heck the bore in a component by a bore-indicator. Set the bore indicator by micrometer and measure the deviation in the bore. ;easure several times and obtain the mean value at three positions along the length of the bore. Set B up a sine bar for measuring the angle of an inclined surface $of a bracket milling cutter arbor with 62), taper ^.%. ;easure the angle several times and record the mean value. Use height gauge wherever necessary.
BTM .%'
) *
> "heck angular dimension of a dovetail guide way by measuring across rollers. "heck the included angle of a 3 B block $H+h >+h ^% 2 or a machined groove by measuring over a roller using height gauge and parallel blocks2slip gauges. 6 ;easure the straightness of a surface $surface plate= guide way of machine tool% by using straight edge and dial gauge and dial gauge stand. Set up straight edge on .acks such that dial reading at each end coincide. ;ove the dial stand along the straight edge. Gecord readings at -+ mm interval and draw a plot. 9btain maximum deviation which is the straightness. ;easure straightness using a spirit level. Place spirit level at an initial position and note level reading. ;ove the level on a straight line and take readings at -+ mm intervals. Plot the difference from the original reading and obtain the straightness value. !raw a trape5oidal and any other profile in Auto"A! to (/( scale. 9n a steel plate make the profile by fitting and filing. Set up the drawing on profile pro.ector. "heck the component and note deviations. "orrect the profile and recheck. ;ake the profile as close to the re@uired one. To machine a given surface and study its roughness characteristics To measure the geometry of a screw using profile pro.ector To study the cutting tool geometry using tool makers microscope
(+ (( ()
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
BTM .%%
(+. Pressure transducer study and calibration. ((. Proving ring $force measurement% (). Tor@ue cell. (*. "losed loop study of an electric circuit. (,. JoungIs modulus of a cantilever. (-. JoungIs modulus and poisonIs ratio of tensile test piece of ;.S.
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
BTM .%-
(+. Study of programmable serial communication interface $?)-(% board ((. Study of (> bit ;icroprocessor $?+?>% Fit
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
BTM .%4
+(S) =
> S +H
+(S) =
+(S) =
,S + > S + ,H
?S S ( S + ))( S + *)
) To reali5e the time response in simulink by importing the system parameters from the work window for given transfer function
+(S) =
,S S ( S + H )( S + -)
+(S) =
,> S ( S + ))( S + ,) ( S ) + )S + ,)
and draw the bode plot using input arguments that represents the continuous state space system/
( + ( x( + x = x + u ) * , x ) ( x y = [(+ +] ( + [ +]u x)
, To draw the Ey@uist plot for following function
+(S) =
,> S ( S + ))( S + ,) ( S ) + )S + ,)
and draw the Ey@uist plot using input arguments that represents the continuous state space system/
( + ( x( + x = x + u ) * , x ) ( x y = [(+ +] ( + [ +]u x)
To draw the root locus plot for following transfer function
+(S) =
S ( S + ) )( S + , )
0rite a program to determine the values of the !TDT of a real se@uence described as a rational function in
- e , =
where Fi )-> 6 0rite a program to determine the ;-point !DT u[. ] of the following E-points se@uence u[ n ] = {( + n / ( {+ 9therwise here Ei? and ;i(> #xpress the following K- transform in factored form plot its poles and 5eros and then determine its G9"s
) 0 , +(> 0 * + ,, 0 ) + -> 0 + *) * 0 , + * 0 * (- 0 ) +(? 0 ()
#( 1 ) =
(+ !esign a !AS of given four signals with signal conditioning e@uipments in S7;U&7EF
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
BTM .4'
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 Geading "omprehension Summarising Paraphrasing Module 88 #ssay 0riting !ialogue Geport Module 888 0riting #mails :rochure &eaflets Module 8A: 8ntroduction to Phonetic! 3owels "onsonants Accent and Ghythm Accent Eeutrali5ation Spoken #nglish and &istening Practice
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ CA" )A (+ (D (+ (P (+ A -
"AD B "ommunication Assessment Dile <! B <roup !iscussion <P B <roup Presentation
BTM .4-
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: (rou3 formation !efinition and "haracteristics 7mportance of groups "lassification of groups Stages of group formation :enefits of group formation Module 88: (rou3 "unction! #xternal "onditions affecting group functioning/ Authority Structure 9rg. Gesources 9rgani5ational policies etc. 7nternal conditions affecting group functioning/ Goles Eorms "onformity Status "ohesiveness Si5e 7nter group conflict. <roup "ohesiveness and <roup "onflict Ad.ustment in <roups Module 888: Team! ;eaning and nature of teams #xternal and internal factors effecting team :uilding #ffective Teams "onsensus :uilding "ollaboration Module 8A: :eader!hi3 ;eaning Eature and Dunctions Self leadership &eadership styles in organi5ation &eadership in Teams Module A: PoBer to em3oBer: 8ndi,idual and Team! ;eaning and Eature Types of power Gelevance in organi5ation and Society Module A8: End?of?#eme!ter A33rai!al 3iva based on personal .ournal Assessment of :ehavioural change as a result of training #xit &evel Gating by Self and 9bserver
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) #AP )+ A +Mid Term Te!t (CT) )+ A8AA *+ Gournal for #ucce!! (G)#) )-
Gose <./ 9xford Textbook of Public 'ealth 3ol., (H?-. &aDasto and &arson/ 0hen Teams 0ork :est )++( Gesponse :ooks $Sage% Eew !elhi 8 0illiam Pfeiffer $ed.% Theories and ;odels in Applied :ehavioural Science 3ol ) <roup $(HH>%= Pfeiffer A "ompany Smither Gobert !.= The Psychology of 0ork and 'uman Performance (HH, 'arper "ollins "ollege Publishers
"6E9C< ? A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To furnish some basic knowledge of Drench culture and civili5ation for understanding an authentic document and information relating to political and administrative life.
BTM .44
Cour!e Content!:
Module D: 33> '-' './ 7nitH! '&I '' Contenu le$ical: 7nitH '&: Prendre des dRcisions (. Daire des comparaisons ). dRcrire un lieu le temps les gens ldambiance *. rRdiger une carte postale 7nitH '': faire face au$ 3ro*lOme! (. #xposer un problXme. ). parler de la santR de la maladie *. interdire2demander2donner une autorisation ,. connactre la vie politi@ue franeaise Contenu grammatical: (. ). *. ,. comparatif - comparer des @ualitRs2 @uantitRs2actions supposition / Si C prRsent futur adverbe - caractRriser une action pronom VJV
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
(E6MA9 ? A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable the students to converse read and write in the language with the help of the basic rules of grammar which will later help them to strengthen their language. To give the students an insight into the culture geography political situation and economic opportunities available in <ermany 7ntroduction to Advanced <rammar and :usiness &anguage and Professional 8argon
BTM .4.
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: (eniti,e ca!e <enitive case B #xplain the concept of possession in genitive ;entioning the structure of weak nouns Module 88: (eniti,e 3re3o!ition! !iscuss the genitive propositions and their usage/ $w\hrend wegen statt trot5% Module 888: 6efle$i,e ,er*! 3erbs with accusative case 3erbs with dative case !ifference in usage in the two cases Module 8A: Aer*! Bith fi$ed 3re3o!ition! 3erbs with accusative case 3erbs with dative case !ifference in the usage of the two cases Module A: Te$t! A poem N;axiI A text Gocko Module A8: Picture De!cri3tion Dirstly recogni5e the persons or things in the picture and identify the situation depicted in the picture= Secondly answer @uestions of general meaning in context to the picture and also talk about the personal experiences which come to your mind upon seeing the picture.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
#PA98#< ? A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable students ac@uire working knowledge of the language= to give them vocabulary grammar voice modulations2intonations to handle everyday Spanish situations with ease.
BTM .4/
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 Gevision of earlier semester modules Module 88 Duture Tense Module 888 Presentations in #nglish on Spanish speaking countriesI "ulture Sports Dood People Politics Society <eography Module 8A Situations/ #n el hospital #n la comisaria #n la estacion de autobus2tren #n el banco2cambio Module A <eneral revision of Spanish language learnt so far.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable the students to converse read and write language comfortably and be able to converse using different patterns and forms taught through out. Students are taught and trained enough to get placed themselves in 8apanese companies. 9ote: Teaching is done in roman as well as 8apanese script.
BTM .40
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 !ictionary form of the verbs 8oining of verbs Eegative form of verbs Potential form Module 88 8oining of many actions together Usage of dictionary form of the verbs in sentences 7ntroducing collo@uial language. Module 888 !irect form of the speech @uotations #xpressing thoughts Actions and reasoning Module 8A "onclusion Geceiving and giving things favour etc. !ifferent forms like NtaraI form. Module A Gevision of the whole syllabus
:earning )utcome
Students can speak and use different patterns ways to describe a particular situation and can converse comfortably in mentioned situations through out. Students can appear in the interviews for placements in 8apanese companies.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
C<89E#E A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
0hat #nglish words come from "hineseZ Some of the more common #nglish words with "hinese roots areginseng silk dim sum fengshui typhoon yin and yang TIal chi kung-fu. The course aims at familiari5ing the student with the basic aspects of speaking ability of ;andarin the language of ;ainland "hina. The course aims at training students in practical skills and nurturing them to interact with a "hinese person.
BTM .41
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 !rills !ialogue practice 9bserve picture and answer the @uestion. Pronunciation and intonation. "haracter writing and stroke order Module 88 7ntonation "hinese foods and tastes B tofu chowmian noodle duck rice sweet sour^.etc. &earning to say phrases like B "hinese food 0estern food delicious hot and spicy sour salty tasteless tender nutritious god for health fish shrimps vegetables cholesterol is not high pi55a milk vitamins to be able to cook to be used to cook well once a week once a month once a year twice a week^^ Gepetition of the grammar and verbs taught in the previous module and making dialogues usingit. "ompliment of degree LdeM. Module 888 <rammar the complex sentence Lsuiran ^ danshi^.M "omparison B 7t is colder today than it was yesterday^..etc. The #xpression Lchule^.yiwaiM. $:esides% Eames of different animals. Talking about <reat 0all of "hina Short stories Module 8A Use of Lhuo5heM and LhaishiM 7s he2she marriedZ <oing for a film with a friend. 'aving a meal at the restaurant and ordering a meal. Module A Shopping B Talking abut a thing you have bought how much money you spent on itZ 'ow many kinds were thereZ 0hat did you think of othersZ Talking about a day in your life using compliment of degree LdeM. 0hen you get upZ 0hen do you go for classZ !o you sleep early or lateZ 'ow is "hineseZ !o you en.oy your life in the hostelZ ;aking up a dialogue by asking @uestion on the year month day and the days of the week and answer them.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
P6ACT8CA: T6A8989( ? 8
Cour!e Code: Methodology
Practical training is based on the theoretical sub.ects studied by students. 7t can be arranged within the college or in any related industrial unit. The students are to learn various industrial technical and administrative processes followed in the industry. 7n case of on-campus training the students will be given specific task of fabrication2assembly2testing2analysis. 9n completion of the practical training the students are to present a report covering various aspects learnt by them and give a presentation on same.
BTM ..&
E$amination #cheme:
Deedback from industry2work place Training Geport 3iva Presentation Total )+ ,+ ()'&&
BTM /&'
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8ntroduction Production functions Plant 9rgani5ation/ Principles of organi5ation 9rgani5ation structure-line and staff 9rgani5ation Plant &ocation &ayout/ Process layout product layout and combination layout B methods of layout economics of layout. Module 88: Production Planning & Control Types of products demand demand forecasting marketing strategies scheduling and control of scheduling production control. Module 888: 4or= and method !tudy !efinition and concepts method study procedures symbols advantages Dlow process charts ;otion study micro motion S7;9 charts system concepts classification analysis techni@ues. Module 8A: 8ndu!trial maintenance Types organi5ation for maintenance department :reakdown and preventive maintenance. Module A: 8n,entory control and re3lacement analy!i! 7ntroduction replacement policy and method adopted #94. Module A8: Management conce3t! !evelopment of management principles scientific management human relation aspects. Pro.ect ;anagement B "P; and P#GT.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
MAC<89E DE#8(9 ? 88
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
The course aims at developing concepts as to how to analy5e mechanical systems and select proper machine elements $bearing gears belts chains%. 7t prepares the students how to design machine element by specifying their type geometry material and how to integrate these elements to build a mechanical systems.
BTM /&%
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Mechanical Dri,e! Selection of transmission helical bevel and worm gears belt and chain drives. Module 88: "riction Clutche! & Bra=e! "ommon friction materials shoe band cone and disc brake their characteristics and design friction clutches. Module 888: Bearing! and :u*rication Types of sliding bearing materials type of lubrication design of sliding bearing selection and application of rolling bearing seals. Module 8A !esign of spring helical spring &eaf spring Module A: Engine 3art! Piston connecting rod and crankshaft.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM /&-
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8ntroduction #ulerIs e@uations for turbo machines= impulse and reaction forces due to fluid systems on stationery and moving system of vanes= .et propulsion. Module 88: 4ater Tur*ine! "lassification/ Pelton Drancis Propeller and Faplan turbines= velocity triangles= efficiency= draft tubes governing. Module 888: Pum3! "entrifugal pumps velocity triangles efficiency turbine pumps axial and mixed flow pumps. Module 8A: Performance of "luid Machine! Similarity laws applied to rotodynamic machines= specific speed unit @uantities= characteristic curves= use of models= cavitations and attendant problems in turbo machines= selection of turbines hydroelectric plants. Module A: <ydraulic PoBer Tran!mi!!ion Transmission of hydraulic power through pipe lines= water hammer= precautions against water hammer in turbine and pump installations/ hydraulic ram. Module A8: PoBer <ydraulic! Positive pumps/ gear vane screw pump variable delivery valves/ flow control pressure control direction control solenoid operated valve hydraulic circuits fluid coupling and tor@ue converter. Pneumatic Power/ :asic principles comparison of pneumatic and hydraulic Systems.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM /&4
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8ntroduction :asic shape of cutting tools Dunction of different angles of cutting tools tool geometry and EomenclaturesASA 9GS systems "onversion of angles Tool ;aterials. Module 88: Mechani!m of chi3 formation Dracture A yielding mechanism Types of chips Dactors involved in chip formation analysis shear plane in flat chips chip formation in drilling and milling. Module 888: Mechani!m of metal cutting Dorce system during turning merchant circle diagram velocity relationship stress in conventional shear plane #nergy of cutting process #rnstA merchant angle relationship &ee-Shafer relationship measurement of forces 'eat generation and temperature distribution in metal cutting. Module 8A: Theory of Tool Bear! "riteria of wear mach inability and tool life Dlank wear "rater wear TaylorIs tool life e@uation causes and mechanism of tool failure cutting fluid #conomics of metal machining. Module A: De!ign for !heet metal Bor=! Press working Terminology press operation types of dies clearance cutting forces methods of reducing cutting forces minimum diameter of piercing center of pressure !rawing dies-blank diameter drawing force. Module A8: Gig! and "i$ture de!ign 7mportant considerations in .ig and fixture design &ocating and clamping principles for location purposes principles for clamping purposes design principles for .igs and fixtures.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM /&.
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: "undamental! !evelopment of 7" engine "lassification 0orking "ycles 7ndicator diagram comparison of S7 #ngine and "7 #ngine two stroke and four-stroke engine 3alve timing diagram of S7 and "7 engine. Module 88: Air #tandard Cycle Assumptions in air standard cycle A fuel-air cycle fuel-air cycle calculations factors influencing fuel-air cycle effects of variable specific heats dissociation. Module 888: "uel and Com*u!tion "ombustion of S7 engine ignition limits normal combustion abnormal combustion effect of engine 3ariable in ignition lag spark advance and factors affecting ignition timing pre-ignition theory and factors affecting detonation PE 'U"G. "ombustion in "7 engine fundamentals of combustion process in !iesel engine delay period diesel knock and cold starting of "7 engine. 7" engine Duel combustion e@uations theoretical air and excess air stoichiometric air fuel ratio desirable Properties of good 7" engine fuels knock rating of S7 engine fuel. Module 8A: Performance & Te!ting Testing and performance of 7" engine performance parameters basic measurement engine Performance curve fuel consumption load outputs engine power heat balance. Module A: (a! Tur*ine <eneral aspect of gas turbine 8ules cycle :rayton cycle classification merits of gas turbine open- cycle gas turbine closed cycle gas turbine 7nter cooling Geheating Ge-generation in gas turbine.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
References: &ester "lyde &ichty Gobert &eroy Streeter. 7nternal "ombustion #ngines ;c<raw-'ill
0allace &udwig &ind. 7nternal-combustion #ngines/ Their Principles and Applications to Automobile Aircraft <inn. #dward Drederic 9bert :urgess 'ill 8ennings 7nternal "ombustion #ngines/ Analysis and Practice 8oseph Albert Polson. 7nternal "ombustion #ngines "hapman A 'all limited Golla "linton "arpenter 'erman !iederichs. 7nternal "ombustion #ngines Their Theory "onstruction and 9peration. 3an Eostrand companies 8ohn :en.amin 'eywood. 7nternal "ombustion #ngine Dundamentals. ;c<raw-'ill
C)MP7TE6 9ET4)6;#
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
The ob.ective of this course is to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of data communications networks. The course provides a unified and fundamental view of the broad field of data communications networks. The ma.or areas are covered/ (% 7ntroduction to computer networks )% !ata transmission *% !ata "ommunication ,% Eetwork layer -% Application layer and Advanced E2w.
BTM /&/
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8ntroduction 7ntroduction to "omputer Eetworks. "omputer Eetworks/ evolution uses hardware and software. 9S7 A T"P27P reference models with functionality and design issues of all layers presented in the models. !ifferent topologies. Module 88: Data Tran!mi!!ion Analog and !igital transmission transmission media line configuration data communications codes error detection and correlation methods. ;ultiplexing techni@ues $T!; D!;%. !ata encoding methods/ analog to digital digital to analog etc. Module 888: Data Communication Method! !ata communication interface line control unit UAGT USGT Serial interface terminal types. S!&" '!&" Addressing Switched networks circuit switching packet switching broadcast networks. 7### ?+) &AE Standards framing error control flow control. Module 8A: 9etBor= layer and Tran!3ort :ayer !esign issues of Eetwork &ayer and Transport &ayer Gouting algorithms 3irtual circuit and datagram. T"P U!P 7p, 7";P introduction of 7p>. Subnet 3irtual Private Eetworks Gepeaters 'ub Gouters diff. types of :ridges Switches <ateways etc Module A: A33lication :ayer! and Ad,anced 9DB Application layers/ !ES #-;ail 'TTP 000. Advanced E2w/ AT; Drame relay 7S!E :luetooth.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM /%&
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
BTM /%'
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
BTM /%%
(+. Dixture fabrication with case study. ((. Study of formation of chips during turning and shaping operations on samples of ".7. ;.S. :rass "u A aluminum. (). !etermination of the life of the cutting tool used on lathe for various cutting speeds feeds and different work piece materials.
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
BTM /%-
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
C)MM798CAT8)9 #;8::# ? 8A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enhance the skills needed to work in an #nglish-speaking global business environment.
BTM /4'
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Bu!ine!!DTechnical :anguage De,elo3ment Advanced <rammar/ Syntax Tenses 3oices Advanced 3ocabulary skills/ 8argons Terminology "ollo@uialism 7ndividualised pronunciation practice Module 88: #ocial Communication :uilding relationships through "ommunication "ommunication "ulture and "ontext #ntertainment and "ommunication 7nformal business2 Technical "ommunication Module 888: Bu!ine!! Communication Geading :usiness2 Technical press &istening to :usiness2 Technical reports $T3 radio% Gesearching for :usiness 2Technology Module 8A: Pre!entation! Planning and getting started !esign and layout of presentation 7nformation Packaging ;aking the Presentation
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ CA" )A (+ (D (+ (P (+ A -
"AD B "ommunication Assessment Dile <! B <roup !iscussion <P B <roup Presentation
BTM /4-
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: #tre!! ;eaning A Eature "haracteristics Types of stress Module 88: #tage! and Model! of #tre!! Stages of stress The physiology of stress Stimulus-oriented approach. Gesponse-oriented approach. The transactional and interact ional model. Pressure B environment fit model of stress. Module 888: Cau!e! and !ym3tom! of !tre!! Personal 9rgani5ational #nvironmental Module 8A: Con!eCuence! of !tre!! #ffect on behaviour and personality #ffect of stress on performance 7ndividual and 9rgani5ational conse@uences with special focus on health Module A: #trategie! for !tre!! management 7mportance of stress management 'ealthy and Unhealthy strategies Peer group and social support 'appiness and well-being Module A8: End?of?#eme!ter A33rai!al 3iva based on personal .ournal Assessment of :ehavioural change as a result of training #xit &evel Gating by Self and 9bserver
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) #AP )+ A +Mid Term Te!t (CT) )+ A8AA *+ Gournal for #ucce!! (G)#) )-
"6E9C< ? A8
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To strengthen the language of the students both in oral and written so that they can/ i% express their sentiments emotions and opinions reacting to information situations= ii% narrate incidents events= iii% perform certain simple communicative tasks.
BTM /44
Cour!e Content!:
Module D: 33> '.0 '/1 7nitH '% 7nitH '%: !PH,ader (. prRsenter caractRriser dRfinir ). parler de livres de lectures *. prRparer et organiser un voyage ,. exprimer des sentiments et des opinions -. tRlRphoner >. faire une rRservation Contenu grammatical: (. proposition relative avec pronom relatif V@uiV V@ueV VoWV - pour caractRriser ). faire C verbe
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
(E6MA9 ? A8
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable the students to converse read and write in the language with the help of the basic rules of grammar which will later help them to strengthen their language. To give the students an insight into the culture geography political situation and economic opportunities available in <ermany 7ntroduction to Advanced <rammar and :usiness &anguage and Professional 8argon
BTM /4.
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Ad+ecti,e ending! Ad.ective endings in all the four cases discussed so far !efinite and indefinite articles "ases without article Module 88: Com3arati,e ad,er*! "omparative adverbs as and like Module 888: Com3ound Bord! To learn the structure of compound words and the correct article which they take #xploring the possibility of compound words in <erman Module 8A: 8nfiniti,e !entence Special usage of NtoI sentences called 5uC infinitive sentences Module A: Te$t! A !ialogue/ N#in schwieriger <astI A text/ NAbgeschlossene 3ergangenheitI Module A8: Com3rehen!ion te$t! Geading and comprehending various texts to consolidate the usage of the constructions learnt so far in this semester. Module A88: Picture De!cri3tion Dirstly recogni5e the persons or things in the picture and identify the situation depicted in the picture= Secondly answer @uestions of general meaning in context to the picture and also talk about the personal experiences which come to your mind upon seeing the picture.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
#PA98#< A8
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable students ac@uire working knowledge of the language= to give them vocabulary grammar voice modulations2intonations to handle everyday Spanish situations in Present as well as in Present Perfect Tense with ease.
BTM /4/
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 Gevision of the earlier modules Module 88 Present Perfect Tense Module 888 "ommands of irregular verbs Module 8A #xpressions with Tener Cue and <ay Cue Module A #n la emba.ada #mergency situations like fire illness accident theft
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable the students to converse in the language with the help of verbs and the usage of different sentence patterns which help them to strengthen the language. Students are taught and trained enough to get placed in 8apanese companies. 9ote: The teaching is done in roman as well as 8apanese script. (+ more are introduced in this semester.
BTM /40
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Polite form of ,er*! #xpressing feelings with the polite forms of verb. Module 88: Potential form Ability of doing or not doing something Module 888: Con+unction! 8oining two sentences with the help of sh% and mo Module 8A: 8ntran!iti,e Aer*! Sentence patterns of indirect speech Module A: "eeling! and e$3re!!ion! Gegret existence etc.
:earning )utcome
Students can speak the language with the use of different forms of verb.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
C<89E#E A8
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
"hinese emperor 4in Shi 'uang B Ti who built the great wall of "hina also built a network of )6+ palaces linked by tunnels and was so afraid of assassination that he slept in a different palace each night. The course aims at familiari5ing the student with the basic aspects of speaking ability of ;andarin the language of ;ainland "hina. The course aims at training students in practical skills and nurturing them to interact with a "hinese person.
BTM /41
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 !rills !ialogue practice 9bserve picture and answer the @uestion. Pronunciation and intonation. "haracter writing and stroke order. Module 88 <oing out to see a science exhibition <oing to the theatre. Train or Plane is behind schedule. 7ndian #conomy-"hinese #conomy Talking about different Seasons of the Jear and 0eather conditions. &earning to say phrases like-spring summer fall winter fairly hot very cold very humid very stuffy neither hot nor cold most comfortable pleasant ^. etc. Module 888 Temperature B how to say B 0hat is the temperature in ;ay hereZ 'ow is the weather in summer in your areaZ Around *+ degrees 'eating air-conditioning 7s winter is Shanghai very coldZ Talking about birthdays and where you were bornZ The verb LshuoM $speak% saying useful phrases like speak very well do not speak very well if speak slowly then understand if speak fast then donIt understand difficult to speak difficult to write speak too fast speak too slow listen and can understand listen and cannot understand ^ etc. Tell the following in "hinese B ;y name is ^. 7 was born in ^ $year%. ;y birthday is ^^^ Today is ^ $date and day of the week%. 7 go to work $school% everyday. 7 usually leave home at . $9Iclock%. 7n the evening 7 usually ^^^. $do what%Z At week end 7 ^^^. 9n Sundays 7 usually ^^^^^ 7t is today^.. 7t will soon be my younger sisters birthday. She was born in ^.. $year%. She lives in ^^^. $where%. She is working $or studying%^^ where^ She lives in ^^.. $where.%
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
)PE6AT8)9# 6E#EA6C<
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
7n a rapidly changing environment an understanding is sought which will facilitate the choice and the implementation of more effective solutions which typically may involve complex interactions among people materials and money. 9rgani5ations may seek a very wide range of operational improvements - for example greater efficiency better customer service higher @uality or lower cost. 0hatever the business engineering aim 9peration Gesearch can offer the flexibility and adaptability to provide ob.ective help. This course introduces students to the principles of operational research.
BTM 0&'
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: :inear Programming Dormulation of problem. <raphical and simplex method for maximi5ation and minimi5ation. !uality theory and sensitivity analysis Module 88: Tran!3ortation Model! Stepping stone algorithm ;9!7 method and 3ogelIs Approximation ;ethod $3A;% for selfing balanced unbalanced transportation problems and problems of degeneracy and maximi5ation. Module 888: A!!ignment Model! Assignment model for maximi5ation and traveling salesman problems 7ndustrial Problems Module 8A: Eueuing Theory :asic structured Terminology classification. :irth and death process. Se@uencing/ Processing in .obs through machines with the same processing order. Processing of ) .obs through machines with each having different processing order. Module A: 9etBor= Model! 7ntroduction to P#GT and "P;. Dundamental concept of Eetwork models and construction of network diagrams. P#GT activity time estimate. "ritical path and pro.ect time duration. Probability of completing the pro.ect on or before specified time. Dloat of a activity. Module A8: (ame! Theory Kero Sum two person competitive games ;inimax and maximini principle Arithmetic algebraic matrix algebra method . Solution by dominance sub game <raphical and linear programming method.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM 0&%
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 7ntroduction to Eumerical control. Programmed automation. Eomenclature type and features of E" machines tools. Axes designation. Point to point straight and continuous control systems. Module 88 ;achining centre and Turning centre Automatic tool changer ;achine Tool beds and automated pallet changers> Module 888 ;achine "ontrol Unit Actuation Systems open and close loop systems transducers for E" Systems revolves encoders and inductosyn. Module 8A ;anual Part Programming/ Processes planning <A; codes. Subroutines 7ntroduction to "omputer Aided Part Programming. 7nterpolation "ycles. Tool compensation
Module A Tooling and tool presetting. "omputer Aided inspection - "ontact 7nspection $"oordinate ;easuring ;achine% A Eon "ontact 7nspection.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
;echatronics is basically combination of mechanical and electronics engineering. 0ith growing demands of automation of different mechanical operation this sub.ect fulfills the needs. ;ain ob.ective of this course is to provide knowledge of different combinations of mechanical and electronics processes and various software used in it.
BTM 0&-
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8ntroduction ;easurement systems control systems ;icroprocessor-based controllers Sensors and tranducers Signal conditioning processes. Module 88: Actuation #y!tem! Pneumatic and hydraulic actuation systems !irectional control valves pressure control valves process control valves. Module 888: #y!tem Model! ;athematical models ;echanical system building blocks modeling dynamic systems Dirst order systems Second order systems. Module 8A: Princi3le! of "eed*ac= & 8ntelligent Control "ontrol Systems 9pen A "losed loop control Systems "ontrollers Artificial Eeural Eetwork.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM 0%&
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
BTM 0%'
). *. ,. -. >. 6. ?.
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
MEC<AT6)98C# :AB
Cour!e Code: Cour!e Content!: 9ame of E$3eriment!:
(. ). *. ,. -. >. 6. ?. H. (+. ((. () To make the se@uential operation AC :C A- :- = AC :C :- A- using Pneumatic trainer Dor the above write a ladder logic giving time delays !esign a Pneumatic "ircuit for clamping type A operated by P&" To make the se@uential operation AC :C A- :- = AC :C :- A- using 'ydraulic trainer kit. Dor the above write a ladder logic giving time delays !esign a 'ydraulic "ircuit for clamping type A operated by P&" To make the ladder logic for water level control A reaction vessel to detect different levels of water and switch off the water supply. Starter "ontrol A Star !elta Starter for j 'P A". ;otor to demonstrate the use of P&" ;otor Starting !esign Dan operation using P&" !esign n a &ift "ontrol !esign a pick A Place !esign Se@uential Switching ;otors
BTM 0%%
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
C)MM798CAT8)9 #;8::# ? A
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To facilitate the learner with Academic &anguage Proficiency and make them effective users of functional language to excel in their profession.
BTM 04'
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 7ntroduction to Public Speaking :usiness "onversation #ffective Public Speaking Art of Persuasion Module 88: #3ea=ing for Em3loyment Types of 7nterview Styles of 7nterview Dacing 7nterviews-Dundamentals and Practice Session "onducting 7nterviews- Dundamentals and Practice Session 4uestion Answer on 3arious !imensions Module 888 Gesume 0riting "overing &etters 7nterview Dollow Up &etters Module 8A: Ba!ic Tele3hony #=ill! <uidelines for ;aking a "all <uidelines for Answering a "all Module A: 4or= Place #3ea=ing Eegotiations Participation in ;eetings Feynote Speeches
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ CA" )A (+ (D (+ (P (+ A -
"AD B "ommunication Assessment Dile <! B <roup !iscussion <P B <roup Presentation
BTM 04-
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8ndi,idual difference! & Per!onality Personality/ !efinitionA Gelevance 7mportance of nature A nurture in Personality !evelopment 7mportance and Gecognition of 7ndividual differences in Personality Accepting and ;anaging 7ndividual differences $ad.ustment mechanisms% 7ntuition 8udgment Perception A Sensation $;:T7% :7<- Dactors Module 88: Managing Di,er!ity !efining !iversity Affirmation Action and ;anaging !iversity 7ncreasing !iversity in 0ork Dorce :arriers and "hallenges in ;anaging !iversity Module 888: #ocialiQation Eature of Sociali5ation Social 7nteraction 7nteraction of Sociali5ation Process "ontributions to Society and Eation Module 8A: Patrioti!m and 9ational Pride Sense of pride and patriotism 7mportance of discipline and hard work 7ntegrity and accountability Module A: <uman 6ight!I Aalue! and Ethic! ;eaning and 7mportance of human rights 'uman rights awareness 3alues and #thics- &earning based on pro.ect work on Scriptures like- Gamayana ;ahabharata <ita etc. Module A8: End?of?#eme!ter A33rai!al 3iva based on personal .ournal Assessment of :ehavioural change as a result of training #xit &evel Gating by Self and 9bserver
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) #AP )+ A +Mid Term Te!t (CT) )+ A8AA *+ Gournal for #ucce!! (G)#) )-
"6E9C< ? A88
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
Gevise the portion covered in the first volume give proper orientation in communication and culture.
BTM 044
Cour!e Content!:
Module A: 7nitH! ' -: 33> &/ ? 4/ Contenu le$ical: 7nitH ': GRdiger et prRsenter son curriculum vitae #xprimer une opinion "aractRriser mettre en valeur Parler des rencontres des lieux des gens 7nitH %: 7maginer ? Daire des pro.ets Proposer - conseiller Parler des @ualitRs et des dRfauts Daire une demande Rcrite Gaconter une anecdote AmRliorer son image 7nitH -: #xprimer la volontR et lIobligation Dormuler des souhaits #xprimer un man@ue2un besoin Parler de lIenvironnement des animaux des catastrophes naturelles Contenu grammatical: (. ). *. ,. -. >. 6. ?. H. &e passR / passR composR2imparfait Pronoms complRments directs2indirects y2en $idRes2choses% Propositons relatives introduites par @ui @ue oW "omparatif et superlatif &e conditionnel prRsent Situer dans le temps DRminin des ad.ectifs &a prise de paroles / expressions &e sub.onctif / volontR obligation
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
(E6MA9 ? A88
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable the students to converse read and write in the language with the help of the basic rules of grammar which will later help them to strengthen their language. To give the students an insight into the culture geography political situation and economic opportunities available in <ermany 7ntroduction to Advanced <rammar and :usiness &anguage and Professional 8argon
BTM 04.
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Da!!? #RtQe #xplain the use of the con.unction L-thatM where verb comes at the end of the sentence Module 88: 8ndire=te "rage!RtQe To explain the usage of the L4uestion PronounM as the Gelative Pronoun in a Gelative Sentence where again the verb falls in the last place in that sentence. Module 888: 4enn? #RtQe #@uivalent to the conditional L7f-M sentence in #nglish. #xplain that the verb comes at the end of the sentence. Module 8A: 4eil? #RtQe #xplain the use of the con.unction Lbecause-M and also tell that the verb falls in the last place in the sentence. Module A: Com3rehen!ion te$t! Geading and comprehending various texts to consolidate the usage of the constructions learnt so far in this semester. Module A8: Picture De!cri3tion Dirstly recogni5e the persons or things in the picture and identify the situation depicted in the picture= Secondly answer @uestions of general meaning in context to the picture and also talk about the personal experiences which come to your mind upon seeing the picture.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
#PA98#< ? A88
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable students ac@uire working knowledge of the language= to give them vocabulary grammar expressions used on telephonic conversation and other situations to handle everyday Spanish situations with ease.
BTM 04/
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 Gevision of earlier semester modules Module 88 Kodiac signs. ;ore ad.ectives^to describe situations state of minds surroundings people and places. Module 888 3arious expressions used on telephonic conversation $formal and informal% Module 8A :eing able to read newspaper headlines and extracts $;aterial to be provided by teacher% Module A Eegative commands $AG ending verbs% Module A8 Gevision of earlier sessions and introduction to negative #G ending commands introduction to negative 7G ending verbs
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
GAPA9E#E ? A88
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable the students to converse in the language with the help of different speech possibilities probabilities etc. 9ote: The teaching is done in roman as well as 8apanese script. (+ more $8apanese characters% are taught in this semester.
BTM 040
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Thought #xpressing oneIs thought and intentions on different situations. Module 88: Ad,ice <iving advice probability possibility and suggestions. Module 888: 8nformal #3eech Addressing friends and close people using informal ways. Module 8A: #imultaneou! Aer*! !escribing two situations simultaneously. Module A: Po!!i*ility #xplaining the probability and possibility of any situation.
:earning )utcome
Students can interact in a formal as well as informal way on above-mentioned topics.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
C<89E#E A88
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
The story of "inderella first appears in a "hinese book written between ?-+ and ?>+ A.!. The course aims at familiari5ing the student with the basic aspects of speaking ability of ;andarin the language of ;ainland "hina. The course aims at training students in practical skills and nurturing them to interact with a "hinese person.
BTM 041
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 !rills !ialogue practice 9bserve picture and answer the @uestion. About china part B7 &esson ( ). Module 88 Pronunciation and intonation "haracter 0riting and stroke order. Module 888 Ask someone what he2she usually does on weekendsZ 3isiting people Party ;eeting After work^.etc. Module 8A "onversation practice Translation from #nglish to "hinese and vise-versa. Short fables. Module A A brief summary of grammar. The optative verb LyuanyiM. The pronoun L5i.iM.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
89D7#T68A: T6A8989(
Cour!e Code: Methodology:
Practical training is based on the theoretical sub.ects studied by students. 7t can be arranged within the college or in any related industrial unit. The students are to learn various industrial technical and administrative processes followed in the industry. 7n case of on-campus training the students will be given specific task of fabrication2assembly2testing2analysis. 9n completion of the practical training the students are to present a report covering various aspects learnt by them and give a presentation on same.
BTM 0.&
E$amination #cheme:
Deedback from industry2work place Training Geport 3iva Presentation Total )+ ,+ ()'&&
A7T)M)T8AE E9(89EE689(
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
This course emphasi5es on constructional details of automotive vehicles which includes B :asic structure engine transmission systems suspension systems steering system braking systems and wheels A tyres..
BTM 0&4
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 7ntroduction "omponents of an automobile basic engine terminology engine cycles working of an 7" engine. :asic engine design considerations constructional details of ".7. and S.7. engines. crank shafts connecting rod piston values cams manifolds air cleaners mufflers radiators and oil filters. Module 88: Tran!mi!!ion #y!tem !escription and working of manually operated gearboxes like sliding mesh constant mesh synchromesh and epicycle= hydraulic tor@ue convertor and its construction working and performance sem-automatic and fully automatic transmission 'ydramatic transmission analysis of differentials live axles construction working and re@uirements of overdrive. Module 888: #teering #y!tem 7ntroduction Dront axle wheel alignment Steering geometry steering mechanisms Ackerman steering center point steering power steering. Module 8A: #u!3en!ion 9b.ective re@uirement function types Shock absorbers 7ndependent suspension Stabili5er air suspension 'ydroelastic suspension 'ydragas interconnected suspension. Module A Principle braking re@uirements brake efficiency fading of brakes types of brakes bleeding of brakes brake fluid.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM 0&.
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 7ntroduction to "A!. !esign process 7ntroduction to solid modeling and aided design of some elements2 components hardware re@uirements concurrent engineering. Module 88 #lementary "omputer <raphics. Transformations ;appings Pro.ections B orthographic isometric perspective. Module 888 Gepresentation of surfaces. Plane surfaces Guled surfaces Surfaces of revolution Sweep surfaces :e5ier surface :icubic surface patch Approximation : B spline surface composite surfaces. Module 8A: #olid Modeling Set theory <raph theory Gegulari5ed :oolean operations :-rep modeling Sweep representations Spatial occupancy enumeration. Module A: Ad,anced CAD ;echanical assembly <eometric property formulation- curve length surface are calculations volume calculation centriod calculation Tolerances representations Animation Simulation Strategic factors in product design Gobust design for product 7ntroduction to Dinite element modeling and analysis.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM 0%-
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva
BTM 0%4
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
The course aims at making students understand concepts philosophies process and techni@ues of managing marketing operations of a firm.
BTM 0&/
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8ntroduction to Mar=eting ;eaning nature and scope of marketing= ;arketing philosophies= ;arketing management process= "oncept of marketing mix. Module 88: Mar=et Analy!i! Understanding marketing environment= "onsumer and industrial buyer behaviour= ;arket measurement= ;arket segmentation selection and positioning. Module 888: Product Planning and Pricing Product concept= Types of products= ;a.or product decisions= :rand management= Product life cycle Eew product development process= Pricing decisions= !eterminants of price= Pricing process policies and strategies. Module 8A: Promotion and Di!tri*ution deci!ion! "ommunication process= Promotion tools B advertising personal selling publicity and sales promotion= !istribution channel decisions B types and functions of intermediaries Selection and management of intermediaries= &ogistics decisions B inventory management warehousing transportation and insurance. Module A: Mar=eting )rganiQation and Control #merging trends and issues in marketing B "onsumerism rural marketing social marketing= direct and online marketing= green marketing.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
#):A6 E9E6(
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
The ob.ective of this course is to introduce materials relevant to the engineering of solar electric and thermal systems. Students will develop the skills to calculate the amount of incident solar flux the amount of useful energy collected the amount stored and the amount ultimately used. ;any of these calculations will be based on solar applications in different area. Dinally the concepts of engineering economics applied to solar energy will also be introduced.
BTM 0&0
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: #elected to3ic! in <eat Tran!fer 'eat transfer modes properties and radiation characteristics of opa@ue and partially transparent media. Module 88: Model #olar 6adiation 9rigin nature and availability of solar radiation measurements of solar radiation data and its estimation effects of receiving surface orientation and motion. Module 888: Com3onent!I 3roce!! and !y!tem mode! !esign consideration and performance of flat plate and focussing collectors= energy storage components water storage packed bed and phase-change energy storage= mathematical models of various solar systems and components. Module 8A: A33lication Solar water heating solar air heaters solar space heating and cooling solar pumps solar thermal power solar furnaces and solar distillation.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM 0&1
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: #team (enerator Plant Duel handling systems 7ndian coals combustion of coal in furnaces= fluidi5ed bed combustion= 'igh pressure heavy duty boilers Super critical and once through boilers influence of operating conditions on layout of evaporator superheated reheated and economi5er= dust collectors= ash disposal fans and draft systems. Module 88: Tur*ine Plane &ayout of turbine plant room corrosion in condensers and boilers feed water treatment= feed heating and de aeration system= cooling water systems and cooling towers. Module 888: Control 7mportant instruments on steam generator and turbine= drum water level control combustion control and super heat temperature control= testing of power plants and heat balance. Module 8A: )ther PoBer Plant <eneral layout of 7.". #ngines and turbine power plants types gas turbine plants fields of application Euclear power plants power reactors and nuclear steam turbines= handling of nuclear waste and safety measures peak load power generation methods. Module A: Economic! Planning for power generation in 7ndia super thermal power plants estimation of cost of power generation= choice of plant site.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM 0&2
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Engine "undamental! "ycle analysis fuels and types of hydrocarbons gasoline specifications effect of engine parameters on performance carburetion engine vehicle road performance road performance and fuel economy. Module 88: Emi!!ion and Air Pollution Automotive emissions and their role in air pollution photochemical smog "hemistry of smog formation "ombustion in homogeneous mixtures emission formation 7ncomplete combustion formation of 'ydrocarbons $'"% carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen Aldehyde emissions of unregulated toxic pollutants such as ben5ene ( * butadiene etc. Module 888 7nfluence of engine design and operating parameters on S.7. engine exhaust emissions. 'ydrocarbon #vaporative #missions 3arious sources and method of their control "anisters for controlling evaporative emissions emission control system for S.7. engines :low by control closed P"3 system Geduction of exhaust emissions 2 3arious methods fuels system design. Module 8A: E$hau!t Treatment de,ice! Air in.ection into exhaust system Thermal reactors "atalytic converters. Stratified charge engines 'onda "3"" engine. !iesel engine emissions/ Source of emissions during combustion #ffect of Air in.ection timing on performance and formation. !.7. and 7.!.7. engines emissions !iesel smoke P; and GSP; emission. Module A ;ethods of reducing emission #xhaust gas re-circulation smoke emission form diesel engines Particulate Traps "ontinuous regeneration Traps $"GT%. #mission from "E< and &P< engines. #mission 7nstruments/ Eon-dispersive infrared analy5er <as chromatography Dlame ioni5ation !etector "hemiluminescent analyser.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM 1&'
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8ntroduction ;eaning of 4uality and @uality improvement need of 4uality Statistical methods for @uality control Process capability. Module 88: Euality Control Statistical 4uality "ontrol control charts "ontrol charts for attributes A variables ;oving average chart. Module 888: Production Control Acceptance Sampling 9" curve Sampling Plan ProducerI risk "onsumerIs risk Average 4uality &evel A94& !esign of Single A double sampling plan. Module 8A: Euality A!!urance Eeed of 4uality Assurance 4uality Audit "oncept of Kero defect 7S9 H+++ @uality systems total @uality management.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM 1&%
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 6efrigeration Air refrigeration systems air cycle refrigeration of aircraft various compression refrigeration cycles basic components of the plant. Module 88 Properties and choice of refrigerants #co-friendly refrigerants multiple compression and evaporation system cascading. Module 888 3apour absorption cycle electrolux system steam .et refrigeration vortex tube application of refrigeration systems cascading vapour absorption cycle Module 8A: Air?conditioning Psychometric processes applied psychometric comfort air-conditioning ventilation re@uirements cooling and dehumidification system estimation of cooling and heating loads air handling air distribution duct design industrial air conditioning.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM 1%&
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
BTM 1&-
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: ;inematic! Analy!i! of 6o*ot ;atrix algebra or coordinate transformation kinematics analysis= geometric and dynamic analysis of robot manipulators. Module 88: 6o*ot Control Gobot "ontrol Gobot3ision Gobot"ontrolled "EE" Pathplanning 9bstruction Avoidance Module 888: Material <andling "omputer aided ;aterials ;anagement-inventory control "ontrolled parts handling and e@uipments. materials re@uirements planning. "omputer
Module 8A: Automation Protocol ;anufacturing Automation protocol cross functional implementation Technology for system integration.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
(EA6 TEC<9):)(
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
The ob.ective of gear technology is to provide information on gears gear manufacturing and the gear industry in general. This course includes information about hobbing shaping shaving broaching and other gear manufacturing processes. 7t also covers gear design gear engineering and related topics
BTM 1&4
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 8ntroduction to gear! Types of gears <eometric and Finetics characteristics Undercutting and interference-correction Eon-"ircular gears. Module 88: (ear de!ign !esign of tools to make gear teeth Finds and cases of gear failures Special !esign Problems= "enter distance problem profile modification. Module 888: (ear train! Problem "ombined bending and Torsion of pinions with large length to diameter ratio high speed gearing. <eneva ;echanisms $Analysis A Synthesis% <ear Trains $Analysis A Synthesis% Module 8A: (ear #et de!ign Some example of optimal kinematics system !esign= <ear Set design !esign of sub-system consisting of <eneva wheel and elliptical gears for reduction of maximum acceleration of the wheel.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
BTM 1&.
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: #co3e of A8 <ames theorem proving natural language processing vision and speech processing robotics expert systems A7 techni@ues- search knowledge abstraction. Problem solving State space search= Production systems search space control/ depth-first breadth-first search heuristic search 'ill climbing best-first search branch and bound. Problem Geduction "onstraint Satisfaction #nd ;eans-#nd Analysis Module 88: ;noBledge 6e3re!entation Predicate &ogic/ Unification modus ponens resolution dependency directed backtracking. Gule based Systems/ Dorward reasoning/ conflict resolution backward reasoning/ use of no backtracks. Structured Fnowledge Gepresentation/ Semantic Eets/ slots exceptions and default frames conceptual dependency scripts. #xpert Systems Eeed and .ustification for expert systems knowledge ac@uisition "ase studies/ ;J"7E G7. &earning/ "oncept of learning learning automation genetic algorithm learning by inductions neural nets. Module 888: Mani3ulator =inematic! Finematics/ 7ntroduction solvability algebraic solution by reduction to polynomial standard frames repeatability and accuracy computational considerations. Module 8A: Mani3ulator dynamic! 7ntroduction acceleration of rigid body mass distribution EewtonIs e@uation #ulerIs e@uation 7terative Eewton-#uler dynamic formulation closed dynamic e@uation &agrangian formulation of manipulator dynamics dynamic simulation computational consideration. Module A: Tra+ectory (eneration 7ntroduction general considerations in path description and generation .oint space schemes "artesian space schemes Path generation in runtime Planning path using dynamic model. Module A8: :inear control of mani3ulator! 7ntroduction feedback and closed loop control second order linear systems control of second-order systems Tra.ectory following control modeling and control of a single .oint sensor and vision system. Gobot Programming languages A systems/ 7ntroduction the three level of robot programming re@uirements of a robot programming language problems peculiar to robot programming languages.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! A CT #DADE <A EE 4eightage (5) (+ ? 6 6+ "T/ "lass Test 'A/ 'ome Assignment S2324/ Seminar23iva24ui5 ##/ #nd Semester #xamination= Att/ Attendance
References: !.0. Patterson L7ntroduction to A7 and #xpert SystemsM P'7 (HH). Peter 8ackson L7ntroduction to #xpert SystemsM A0P ;.A. (HH). G.8. Schalkoff LArtificial 7ntelligence - an #ngineering ApproachM ;c<raw 'ill 7nt. #d. Singapore (HH). ;. Sasikumar S. Gamani LGule :ased #xpert SystemsM Earosa Publishing 'ouse (HH,.
BTM 1%'
,. -.
>. 6. ?.
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva.
BTM 1%%
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva
BTM 1%-
*. ,. -.
>. 6. ?.
(+. A hungry monkey finds himself in a room in which a bunch of bananas is hanging from the ceiling. The monkey cannot reach the bananas. 7n the room there is a chair and a stick. The ceiling is .ust the right height so that a monkey standing on a chair could knock the bananas down with the stick. The monkey knows how to move around carry other things around reach for the bananas and wave a stick in the air. 0rite prolog predicate that define the monkeyIs legal moves the different legal states and enable the monkey to got to the bananas. ((. 7n the block world problem assure a se@uence of * blocks a b c on a table. 0rite prolog predicates to define valid states in the blocks world domain and also to define valid legal moves in the system.
E$amination #cheme:
8A EE A P6 :6 A P6 A (+ (+ **Eote/ 7A B7nternal Assessment ##- #xternal #xam PG- Performance &G B &ab Gecord 3 B 3iva
C)MM798CAT8)9 #;8::# ? A8
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
The modules are designed to enhance the communicative competence of the learners to e@uip them with efficient interpersonal communication.
BTM 14'
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Dynamic! of (rou3 Di!cu!!ion 7ntroduction ;ethodology Gole Dunctions ;annerism <uidelines Module 88: Communication through Electronic Channel! 7ntroduction Technology based "ommunication Tools 3ideo "onferencing 0eb "onferencing Selection of the #ffective Tool #-mails Dax etc. Module 888: Effecti,e Pu*lic #3ea=ing Types #ssentials Success in Public Speaking !os and !onIts
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ CA" )A (+ (D (+ (P (+ A -
"AD B "ommunication Assessment Dile <! B <roup !iscussion <P B <roup Presentation
BTM 14-
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Com3onent! of E$cellence Personal #xcellence/ 7dentifying long-term choices and goals Uncovering the talent strength A style Analy5ing choke points in your personal processes by analysis in area of placements events seminars conference extracurricular activities pro.ects etc. Module 88: Managing Per!onal Effecti,ene!! Setting goals to maintain focus !imensions of personal effectiveness $self disclosure openness to feedback and perceptiveness% 7ntegration of personal and organi5ational vision for effectiveness A healthy balance of work and play ;anaging Stress creatively and productively Module 888: Per!onal #ucce!! #trategy Time management 'andling criticism and interruptions !ealing with difficult people ;apping and evaluating the situations 7dentifying long-term goals Module 8A: Po!iti,e Per!onal (roBth Understanding A !eveloping positive emotions Positive approach towards future Gesilience during loss and challenge Module A: Profe!!ional #ucce!! :uilding independence A interdependence Geducing resistance to change "ontinued reflection $Placements events seminars conferences pro.ects extracurricular Activities etc.% Module A8: End?of?#eme!ter A33rai!al 3iva based on personal .ournal Assessment of :ehavioural change as a result of training #xit &evel Gating by Self and 9bserver
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) #AP )+ A +Mid Term Te!t (CT) )+ A8AA *+ Gournal for #ucce!! (G)#) )-
"6E9C< ? A888
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
Provide students with the necessary linguistic tools to face up to different situations of communication to enhance their capacity in oral2written comprehension2expression
BTM 144
Cour!e Content!:
Module B: 7nitH! 4I .I /: PP> 41 ? 1/ Contenu le$ical: 7nitH 4: (. ). *. ,. (. ). *. (. ). *. (. ). *. ,. -. >. 6. ?. H. PrRsenter une information2les circonstances dIun RvRnement #xprimer la possibilitR2la probabilitR #xprimer une @uantitR indRfinie "omprendre et raconter un fait div Parler dIune passion dIune aventure "hoisir2crRer #xprimer la surpirse2des sentiments #xprimer la cause et la consR@uence #xprimer la crainte et rassurer Daire une dRmonstration la construction passive la forme impersonnelle lIinterrogation les ad.ectifs et les pronoms indRfinis les pronoms interrogatifs et dRmonstratifs la construction avec deux pronoms le sub.onctif dans lIexpression des sentiments de la crainte du but constructions permettant lIexpression de la cause et de la consR@uence lIenchacnement des idRes / succession et opposition
7nitH .:
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
(E6MA9 ? A888
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable the students to converse read and write in the language with the help of the basic rules of grammar which will later help them to strengthen their language. To give the students an insight into the culture geography political situation and economic opportunities available in <ermany 7ntroduction to Advanced <rammar and :usiness &anguage and Professional 8argon
BTM 14.
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: 6eading and com3rehen!ion Geading texts and comprehending them Module 88: 8nformation a*out (erman <i!tory Ac@uiring information about <erman 'istory through appropriate texts and stories Module 888: Bio dataDCurriculam ,itae 0riting a bio-data in the proper format with all essential components Module 8A: 8nformal letter! Geading and writing informal letters Module A: Bu!ine!! etiCuette :usiness eti@uette in <ermany and types of companies Module A8: 8nter,ieB !=ill! To learn to face interviews Gead a text N7nterviewspielI Module A88: Picture De!cri3tion Dirstly recogni5e the persons or things in the picture and identify the situation depicted in the picture= Secondly answer @uestions of general meaning in context to the picture and also talk about the personal experiences which come to your mind upon seeing the picture.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
#PA98#< A888
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable students to deal with Spanish situations putting things in perspective using Past Tense. #nabling them to comprehend and form slightly complex sentences. <ive students vocabulary of various situations.
BTM 14/
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 Situational exercises2Picture !escription/ At the cine At the "hemistIs2'ospital Module 88 At a corporate clientIs informal2formal meeting2gathering &ooking for accommodation Module 888 Past Tense $7ndefinido% of regular verbs Past Tense $7ndefinido% of irregular verbs #xercises related to the above Module 8A Past Tense $7mperfecto%
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
GAPA9E#E ? A888
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
To enable the students to converse in the language with the help of different forms as volitional forms active and passive voice and decision making etc. 9ote: The course and teaching in Goman as well as 8apanese script. Also introducing next (+ to )+
BTM 140
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8: Aolitional form! #xplaining the situation when one is thinking of doing something. Module 88: Acti,e and Pa!!i,e ,oice !irect and indirect ways of speech. Module 888: Plain "orm! Sentence patterns using plain forms of verb. Module 8A: Cau!e! and effect! #xplaining causes and effects with different forms of verb. Module A: Deci!ion ma=ing #xpressing different occupations and how to make decision.
:earning )utcome
Students can speak the language and will be able to express their views and opinions comfortably.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
C<89E#E A888
Cour!e Code: Cour!e )*+ecti,e:
Paper was first invented n "hina in (+- A!. 7t was a closely guarded secret and didnIt reach #urope until the ? th "entury. The course aims at familiari5ing the student with the basic aspects of speaking ability of ;andarin the language of ;ainland "hina. The course aims at training students in practical skills and nurturing them to interact with a "hinese person.
BTM 141
Cour!e Content!:
Module 8 !rills !ialogue practice 9bserve picture and answer the @uestion. The aspect particle LleM and the modal particle LleM. Module 88 9ptative verbs Texts based on different topics #nriching vocabulary by dealing with various daily scenarios and situations. Module 888 Sentences with sub.ect predicate construction as its predicate Pronunciation and intonation "haracter writing and stroke order Module 8A About china Part 7 &esson ) * "hinese to #nglish and #nglish to "hinese translations from the news paper. Module A 4uestions with an interrogative pronoun #ssays writing formal letters. "onversation practice.
E$amination #cheme:
Com3onent! 4eightage (5) CT' )+ CT% )+ C )+ 8 )+ A (A -
Cour!e Code: Methodology
Topics of pro.ect are to be based on the latest trends verifying engineering concepts 2principals and should involve elementary research work. The pro.ects may involve design fabrications testing computer modeling and analysis of any engineering problem. 9n completion of the practical training the students are to present a report covering various aspects learnt by them and give a presentation on same.
BTM 1/&
E$amination #cheme:
&iterature study2 Dabrication2 #xperimentation 0ritten Geport 3iva Presentation Total ,+ )+ ()'&&