Mechanism of Chip Formation in Machining
Mechanism of Chip Formation in Machining
Mechanism of Chip Formation in Machining
just ahead of the cutting tool (edge) is subjected to almost all sided compression as indicated in Fig. 5.1.
The force exerted by the tool on the chip arises out of the normal force, N and frictional force, F as indicated in Fig. 5.1. Due to such compression, shear stress develops, within that compressed region, in different magnitude, in different directions and rapidly increases in magnitude. Whenever and wherever the value of the shear stress reaches or exceeds the shear strength of that work material in the deformation region, yielding or slip takes place resulting shear deformation in that region and the plane of maximum shear stress. But the forces causing the shear stresses in the region of the chip quickly diminishes and finally disappears while that region moves along the tool rake surface towards and then goes beyond the point of chip-tool engagement. As a result the slip or shear stops propagating long before total separation takes place. In the mean time the succeeding portion of the chip starts undergoing compression followed by yielding and shear. This phenomenon repeats rapidly resulting in formation and removal of chips in thin layer by layer. This phenomenon has been explained in a simple way by Piispannen [1] using a card analogy as shown in Fig. 5.2. In actual machining chips also, such serrations are visible at their upper surface as indicated in Fig. 5.2. The lower surface becomes smooth due to further plastic deformation due to intensive rubbing with the tool at high pressure and temperature. The pattern of shear deformation by lamellar sliding, indicated in the model, can also be seen in actual
[1] Piispannen V., Theory of formation of metal chips, J. Applied Physics, Vol. 19, No. 10, 1948, pp. 876
chips by proper mounting, etching and polishing the side surface of the machining chip and observing under microscope. The pattern and extent of total deformation of the chips due to the primary and the secondary shear deformations of the chips ahead and along the tool face, as indicated in Fig. 5.3, depend upon work material tool; material and geometry the machining speed (V ) and feed (s ) cutting fluid application
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The overall deformation process causing chip formation is quite complex and hence needs thorough experimental studies for clear understanding the phenomena and its dependence on the affecting parameters. The feasible and popular experimental methods [2] for this purpose are: Study of deformation of rectangular or circular grids marked on the side surface as shown in Fig. 5.4
Microscopic study of chips frozen by drop tool or quick stop apparatus Study of running chips by high speed camera fitted with low magnification microscope. including circular grid deformation that though the chips are initially compressed ahead of the tool tip, the final deformation is accomplished mostly by shear in machining ductile materials. However, machining of ductile materials generally produces flat, curved or coiled continuous chips.
[2] Bhattacharya, A.., Metal cutting Theory and Practice, Book, New Central Book Agency, Kolkata.
Mechanism of chip formation in machining brittle materials The basic two mechanisms involved in chip formation are Yielding generally for ductile materials Brittle fracture generally for brittle materials During machining, first a small crack develops at the tool tip as shown in Fig. 5.5 due to wedging action of the cutting edge. At the sharp crack-tip stress concentration takes place. In case of ductile materials immediately yielding takes place at the crack-tip and reduces the effect of stress concentration and prevents its propagation as crack. But in case of brittle materials the initiated crack quickly propagates, under stressing action, and total separation takes place from the parent workpiece through the minimum resistance path as indicated in Fig. 5.5. Machining of brittle material produces discontinuous chips and mostly of irregular size and shape. The process of forming such chips is schematically shown in Fig. 5.6.