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A Thesis Proposal Presented to the Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences Laguna State Polytechnic University Siniloan, Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Criminology



VISION The Laguna State Polytechnic University is a center of development transforming lives and communities. Mission and Main Thrust Laguna State Polytechnic University provides quality education through responsive instruction, distinctive research, and sustainable extension and production services for improved life towards nation building.

Core Values

LSPU develops

S pirited T ransparent U pright D isciplines E fficient N oble T rustworthy S killful

GOALS The College of Arts and Sciences is committed to develop among students a well-rounded personality flexible enough to adjust in the changing demands of global competitiveness in instruction, research, extension and production; equipping them with knowledge and skills in Computer Education, Business, Liberal Arts, Natural and Social Sciences Philosophy It has been believe that each student is a distinctive individual who necessitate a secure, caring, and stimulating atmosphere in which makes students to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, socially and morally. To help and provide students access to hands-on activities and to use it in adequate time, for them to discover and construct things that are meaningful and relevant for the world of work. General Objectives The Bachelor of Science in Criminology program is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills in the study of historical and contemporary patterns of crime responses to crime of the society and study of crime and delinquency. It focuses on the processes involved and the functions of the criminal justice in the country. Specific Objectives 1. To foster the values of leadership, integrity, accountability and responsibility to the student to serve and protect their fellowmen assigned to community and country; 2. To prepare the students for careers in crime prevention, law enforcement, scientific crime detention and correctional administration; 3. To explore the real service that may use in responding in the crime scene 4. To encourage research and inquiry on the nature, causes treatment or punishment of criminal behavior and how criminal justice agencies respond to crime, criminals and victims.

Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction The world in which we live has seen such dramatic change since the turn of the century. This is particularly true when it comes to the issue of safety and security. With the increased frequency and severity of natural and man-made crises over the past decades, the feeling of safety, both physically and psychologically, has been challenged. And mans sense of security has become less secure. Tourists safety remains an important topic worldwide. Perceived or real threats to tourist have immediate impacts on a destination's reputation and can dramatically affect visitation. If tourists health and safety is not well managed, adverse incidents can significantly make an impact on the profitability and sustainability of an individual s business, community or destination. If a tourist feels threatened or unsafe during a trip this may have an impact on the length of stay and expenditure. If a destination develops a negative image for tourist safety this will likely result in a declining tourist market for the region. Crime is a term that seems to defy precise definition. Criminal behavior is behavior in violation of criminal law. The criminal law in turn is defined conventionally as a body of specific rules regarding human conduct which have been promulgated by political authority which apply uniformly to all members of the classes to which are enforced by punishment and administered by the state (Shafer. 1967; Sutherland and Cressey, 1974, by the www.fs.fed.us/psw/publications/chavez/uncapturedJpsw. 2006)

defines crime is committed by man-made law ...According to almost all criminal codes of the world, crime in general is defined as an action or behavior that qualifies as crime by the order of the criminal law. In this research study the most pertinent type of criminal behavior which violates the laws of the land, is when it happens in the context or environment of tourism.

In Laguna there are so many Tourist spots which can be a subject for this study; the proponent has selected several Eco parks as the Subject of the research because they are the most famous Tourist spots in their Towns. Twin falls in Kalayaan, Laguna, Tatlong krus in Paete, Laguna, Piit Eco Park in Pangil, Laguna and Buruwisan falls in Siniloan, Laguna. But not all of this is well secured and has sufficient safety provision. So there are some cases that the visitor or tourist was injured or died because of the lack in security. Tourism being one of the main sources of income in Laguna and since Security plays a vital role and can effect widely in the Tourism Industry, it became the main reason why the relationship between Tourism and Security Management has been the field of research of several authors. The research objective is to determine how secured the tourist are in the selected parks, what security measures the management are implementing, and provide solutions to ensure the safety and security of the tourist. The management needs to ensure the safety of the tourist to avoid incidents or crimes so that the tourist will come again, because in the Philippines, tourism is one of the main sources of income.

Background of the study Safety and security have always been indispensable condition for travel and tourism. But it is an incontestable fact that safety and security issues gained a much bigger importance in the last two decades in tourism. Changes in the World during the last two decades were enormous. Due terrorist acts, local wars, natural disasters, epidemics and pandemics, that we were witnesses to, security has significantly decreased. The travel and tourism industry could not avoid the negative impacts and consequences of these events. Moreover some of these events manifested the vulnerability of tourism both on global and regional levels. Therefore this fact necessitates the research and study of the relationship between security issues and tourism, including the creation of a new, up to date definition of the notion security and safety in tourism. Studying problems of safety and security became vital for the tourism industry. In the context of this study, the concern of the researcher is with the existence of crime, disaster and absence of safety and security in the Laguna Eco Parks. The researcher wants to make sure or to create awareness, about the importance of the local tourist visiting the destination, regarding crime, safety and security. It is very painful when one hears that the tourists have been mugged or robbed because that adds to the statistics and records of how many tourists have been affected by criminal activities in Laguna. Such recorded occurrences cannot be erased from memory, but can minimize the number of tourists who want to participate in tourism activities and have a vacation of the area affected, that is Laguna 4th District.

The interest of the researcher is also to establish whether the study area itself does have any policies and practices that are in place in order to prevent the criminal activities and safety of the tourist. In addition, it is to find out whether the policies in promoting the tourisms safety and security do succeed, because without the tourists, the destination cannot be marketed. It is also important to establish whether the policies and practices are stipulated in such a way that the tourism authorities, provided by the community protection forum are assisted by these policies and practices. Safety is the most important activity if one wants to see tourism industry growing. Tourism has seen as an industry that is growing faster than any, that it is a money-generating industry as well as that it is creating many job opportunities that any other industry. It would therefore be wise not to vandalize this industry with the activities that can be avoided Literature Review According to Cage, (2002) a tourist is defined as a person who travels away from his or her home for whatever reason, be it for a holiday, to do business, to represent his country in sport, to attend a religious function or to attend a conference. On the other hand the Tourism White Paper (DEAT, 1996: 3) describes a tourist as a person who travels away from home, staying away for at least one night. A tourist can be a domestic tourist (for example) a resident of Johannesburg staying one night in Durban or an overseas tourist staying one or more nights in the Free State. According to Cooper(1996: 16) a tourist related to an individual who travels away from home on a temporary movement to destinations outside the normal home and

work place environment. Similar to the previous definition, for purposes of this study the definitions given above are accepted for this study, that is, definitions emphasizing travel away from; the variety of activities engaged in and period of time taken away from home. Finally, Moyle (2008) argues that maybe we should look at leisure tourists or leisure shoppers as a potential leisure market because as economies grow, the demand for travel will follow. According to Collier (1994) some \'inters tend to view safety as the state of being free from danger, or more practically, the use of methods and devices that reduce, control, or prevent accidents. Almost every kind of endeavor occupational, recreational, domestic, or transportation-engaged in by a man is subject to risk, which nevertheless can be prevented. The activities that seek either to minimize or eliminate hazardous conditions that can cause bodily injury. Safety precautions fall under two principal heading occupational safety and public safety. Occupational safety is concerned with risk encountered in areas where people work: offices construction site and commercial and retail facilities. Public safety involves hazards met in the home, in travel and recreation, and other situations falling the scope of occupational safety. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, (1996) they view security as any of various means or devices designed to guard persons and property against abroad range of hazards, including crime, fire, accidents, espionage, sabotage, subversion, and attack. According to Siegel (2005), crime is a violation of societal rules of behavior as interpreted and expressed by the criminal law, which reflects public opinion, traditional

values and the viewpoint of people currently holding social and political power. Individuals who violate these rules are subject to sanctions by the state authority, and result in social stigma and the loss of status. According to Hall (2006: 8), policy should therefore be seen as a consequence of the political environment, values and ideologies, the distribution of 12 power, institutional frameworks, and for decision-making processes. It is a prudent conduct; course or a general plan of action adopted by a party or a government. Other writers such as Funk and Wagnals (1974) define policy as a course or plan of action, especially of administration action. On the other hand Oldhams (1970: 161) defines policy as a set of accepted principles and plans constitution programs of action. Policy will always provide guidance and limits within which tourism education and training take place. Some of the important elements of policy are introduced and are dealt with adequately in the subsequent chapters. For this purpose of this study the definition by Hall (2000) is adopted. This definition contains elements that point to what policy should provide for in a recreation and tourism environment. According to Van Niekerk (1988:36) a policy is a predetermined general guide, one formulated to indicate an acceptable course in decision-making, wherein the explanation of policy would apply. Another interpretation of the concept 'policy' relates to where governments are involved, and public policy is brought into play. Public policy is therefore seen as the structure or confluence of values and behavior involving a governmental prescription (Hall, 2000:8). Goeldner and Ritchie (2006: 3) define tourism policy as a set of regulations, rules, guidelines, directives and development or promotion of objectives and strategies

that provide a framework within which the collective and individual decisions directly affecting long-term tourism development and 13the daily activities within a destination are taken. It is the way in which tourism must be done. According to Bruce, (1997) the Reduce Crime en Schede-Haven Project by police and the business community was established to perform the preventive surveillance needed on the site. Participants received a basic security diploma on completion of the training course. During the project phase, a trainee accompanied the police on their evening, night and weekend surveillance shifts on the industrial site. According to Hall (2000) the variety of local and regional tourism policy is highlighted by the recent attempts to produce conceptual categorizations of the roles, planning approaches and geographic scales of tourism policy. In this regard, Hall (2000) further identified eight functional roles played by tourism policy: coordination, planning, legislation, entrepreneurial support, stimulation, promotion, social tourism and public interest protection of these different roles. According to Matthews, et ai, (1986) the massive growth of the tourism industry, including the involvement of governments, and the perceived negative impacts on tourism in developing countries, has helped in bringing about an increase in activities related to tourism policy analysis especially in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Within the work of tourism public policy there are extremely significant aspects of tourism that need to be analyzed and better understood. This should happen whether it is at local, regional, national or global scale.

Theoretical Framework The part of research study consists of theories on security and safety of the tourist that is related to the present study. According to the theory presented by (McIntosh et al. 1995) tourism and crime, tourists can be easy prey for criminals. Tourists do not know about the dangerous areas or local situations in which they might be very vulnerable to violent crimes. They become easy marks for robbers and other offenders because they are readily identified and are usually not very well equipped to ward off an attack. Sometimes popular tourist attractions such as parks or beaches are within walking tours from the hotel may bring tourist into a high crime areas lying directly in the path taken to reach this attraction (McIntosh et al. 1995). According to the theory of relationship between tourism and crime by Pizam & Mansfeld, 1996; Mathieson & Wall, 1982; Brunt, Mawby & Hambly, 2000; Clift & Carter 2000. The growth of tourism often occurs in conjunction with increases in certain types of crime, including illegal prostitution According to Pizam & Mansfeld, 1996; Mathieson & Wall, 1982; Brunt, Mawby & Hambly, 2000; Clift & Carter 2000. The tourism-intensive surfers' paradise neighborhood of the gold coast, for example, reports significantly higher levels of criminal activity than adjacent suburbs (Prideaux 1996). It is tempting to conclude from such evidence that the presence and growth in tourism are causing increased illegal behavior. Tourism makes a scapegoat because of its visibility, ubiquity and emphasis on "others" as perpetrators. In addition, some tourism-related crimes are highly publicized,

resulting in a disproportionate emphasis on tourism as the reason for such activity. Another perspective is that tourism growth is usually accompanied by growth in the resident population, so that the actual number of criminal acts might be increasing without any actual growth in the per capital crime rate. The link between tourism and crime can be discussed first with the respect to entails or foster a criminal connection. A distinction can also be made between

criminal acts directed towards tourists (i.e. ultimately a sociocultural impact mainly on the origin region) and those committed by tourists. The general connection in the first scenario largely occurs because tourists are often wealthier than local people, and the two groups come into close with one another. As a result, tourists offer a tempting and convenient target for minority of local residents that is determined to acquire some of this wealth for themselves. According to the theory of (Hall, et al. 2003) the article of safety and security, as well as tourism provides a review of the expansion of the concept of security and relationship of security to tourism. It is argued that the concept of security has become transformed from one of collective security and common defense to embrace notions of common and co-operatives security. The article also notes that tourism and supranational tourism organizations have little influence on peace and security agendas. Although such agendas are important for tourism, nevertheless, particularly at the micro-level, appropriate tourism development may serve as a means to ward off potential future conflict over resource and environmental security. Security is a concept that is a present central not just to tourism but also to the wider world (Hall, et aI., 2003).

Tourism is irrevocably bound up with the concept of security. Tourist behaviour and consequently, destinations are deeply affected by perception of security and management of safety, security and risk. Its concerns over the new strains of pneumonia and general travel safety demonstrated the tourism industry is highly vulnerable to changes in the global security environment. In addition, high security risk concerns have a ripple effect throughout the industry in that security risk at one location may be perceived to influence the wider region or during major security concerns, the entire tourism system (Hall, et aI., 2003). Although "tourism as a force for peace" (Hall, et al., 2003) has been a popular positive message relayed by industry, consultants and some academics in recent years, the reality is that tourism has very little influence on peace and security issues. At least at the micro-level and that tourism is far more dependent on peace than peace is on tourism.

Conceptual Framework Independent Variable Attributes tourist in welfare of Dependent Variable



crime and safety provision in Eco parks

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Conceptual Model of the Study

Figure 1 shows the interplay of variables using the IV-DV model to easily identify the independent and dependent variable in the study. The first box indicates the independent variable which is the Attributes in welfare of tourist. The second box indicates the dependent variable of the study which is the Security management, crime and safety provision in Eco parks. Objectives: 1. To identify the needed Security management, Crime and Safety Provision in Eco Parks. 2. To identify the welfare of the tourist. 3. To identify the needed security management, Crime and safety provision in the Eco Parks in relation to the welfare of the tourist. Statement of the problem This study will determine the Security Management, Crime and Safety Provisions in the Eco Parks in relation to the welfare of the tourists in Twin falls Kalayaan, Laguna, Tatlong Krus Paete, Laguna, Panguil River Eco Park (Piit Resort) Pangil, Laguna and Buruwisan Falls Siniloan, Laguna. Specifically, it will seek to answer the following question: 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents ( Tourist, Management and Guard)? 2. What are the attributes of security management, crime and safety provisions in eco parks as perceived by the respondents?

3. What are the common incidents happening in Eco Parks in the relation to security/welfare of tourist? 4. What are the ways/practices and provisions provided by the Eco Park management to ensure security of tourists? 5. What are the results of attribute evaluation on security management, crime and safety provisions in relation to the welfare of tourists? 6. What is the relationship between the profile and perception on security management, crime and safety provisions of the respondents? 7. What is the difference between the perception of the respondents evaluation on attributes of security management, crime and safety provisions among the respondents?

Hypothesis The student posted the following null hypothesis: Ho: There is no significant difference in the respondents in the security management, crime and safety provision in Eco Parks in relation to welfare of tourists. Significance of the Study This study is significant to the following people who would provide information about the security management, crime and safety provision in relation to the safety and security of tourist.

For the respondents, they will be enlightened about the importance of security in Eco parks and its relation to tourism. For the community, the result of the study will give information on the security management, crime and safety provision in eco parks in relation to the welfare of tourists. For the parents, the knowledge and information gathered will make them aware of the importance of being prepared all the time when they are in a vacation. For researchers and curricular writers, this study would be a helpful reference as basis for their further studies in relative to security management, crime and safety provision in Eco Parks. Scope and Limitation of the Study The study focuses on security management, crime and safety provisions in Eco Park in relation to the welfare of the tourists. The study will be conducted particularly in the 4 Eco Parks in Laguna. It will be conducted during the first semester of the school year 2013-2014 at the Laguna State Polytechnic University, Siniloan, Laguna. Definition of terms This part of the research gives the definition of terms use by researcher in conducting the study. Security Management. is the identification of an organization's assets (including information
assets), followed by the development, documentation, and implementation of policies and procedures for protecting these assets.

Business Enterprise. is the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects Welfare. The health, happiness, and fortunes of a respondents or group.

Crime. An action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law. Tourist. A respondent who is traveling or visiting a place for pleasure. Safety. The condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury of the respondent. Security. The state of being free from danger or threat of the respondent

Chapter 2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This research dwells on the methodology of research used by the researcher in his conduct of the study. It includes the research design, population and sampling technique, research procedure, research instrument, statistical tools and the data gathering instrument. Research Design Once adequate background information had been developed and the problem had been defined against this background, it was then time to develop the specific procedure or design for carrying out the total investigation or research project. This step is the heart of the research process. In this instance the researcher had to develop

objectives and hypotheses that would form the basis for determining the types and sources of data that were to be utilized. The secondary sources available were explored and acquired, as well as utilize the primary sources to gather information. With regard to utilization of primary research resources it became evident that the survey technique is the ideal method to use. As such it is necessary to develop the sample, the questionnaire, or other data-collection forms and any instruction sheets and coding methods as well as tabulation forms. Finally it is necessary to conduct a pilot study to test all of the foregoing elements. The results will then write up in a detailed plan that served as a guide that could be followed by any researcher.

Purposive and Sampling Technique The study will be conducted at Twin falls Kalayaan, Laguna, Tatlong Krus Paete, Laguna, Piit Pangil, Laguna and Buruwisan Falls Siniloan, Laguna with the participation and cooperation of their management.

Research Procedure The researcher took a several steps which led him to the completion of the study. First, the researcher conceptualized a research title and validated it to their research teacher and adviser. Secondly, the researcher prepared the first two chapters of the study and passed it to their research teachers.

Third, the researcher subjected himself to colloquium defense for comments and

suggestions do further enhancement of the research study. Fourth, the researcher will administered questionnaires to the respondents and tabulated and analyzed the data. Fifth, the researcher will make the last two chapters of the research study, the presentation, analysis and interpretation of the data and summary, conclusion and recommendation of the study. Lastly, the researcher will subjected himself to the final oral defense for further evaluation and checking of the research manuscript. Research Instrument The research study applied the questionnaire method to gather information about the respondents. The questions that will be given to the respondents will be divided into four parts. The first part indicates of what are the common incidents happening in Eco Park. The second part indicates of what are the ways in order to assure tourist safeness in Eco Park. The third part indicated why tourism security is important. And the last part is when the tourist usually visits in Eco Park. The answer of the respondents will determine if the tourist spot is safe for the tourist measurable based on their response on the test. Statistical Treatment The following statistical tools and method will be used to interpret and establish the relationship among the data collected.

ANALYSIS 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents ( Tourist, Management and Guard)? 2. What are the attributes of security management, crime and safety provisions in eco parks as perceived by the respondents? 3. What are the common incidents happening


in Eco Parks in the relation to security/welfare of tourist? 4. What are the ways/practices and provisions provided by the Eco Park management to ensure security of tourists? 5. What are the results of attribute evaluation on security management, crime and safety provisions in relation to the welfare of tourists? 6. What is the relationship between the profile and perception on security management, crime and safety provisions of the respondents?

7. What is the difference between the perception of the respondents evaluation on attributes of security management, crime and safety provisions among the respondents?

APPENDIX A Questionnaire SECURITY MANAGEMENT, CRIME AND SAFETY PROVISION IN ECO PARKS IN RELATION TO THE WELFARE OF TOURISTS QUESTIONNAIRE I. DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF THE RESPONDENTS Instruction: Please provide the appropriate response and fill the needed information. Eco Park Visited: ____________________ Employed in: _________________ Name: _________________________________ Age: ____ Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female Educational background: ( ) Elementary ( ) Secondary ( ) College Course: ____________ Civil Status: ________ Religion: _______________ Occupation _______________________________ Places visited in the Philippines: _______________________________

_______________________________ Signature

II. SECURITY MANAGEMENT TEST (Security guard/guard) Instruction: Please provide the appropriate response by putting ( ) mark on the boxes. 5 - Very satisfied 4 - Satisfied 3 - Undecided 2 - Unsatisfied 5 1. Do you think this Eco Park is safe enough for the tourist? 2. Do you think the number of security guard in this Eco Park can ensure the safeness of the tourist? 3. Are you satisfied with your equipment regarding the safety of tourist? Instruction: Please provide the appropriate response by putting ( ) mark on the boxes.
5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes

1 - Very unsatisfied 3 2 1

2 - Rarely 3

1 - Never 2 1

5 1. How often do you attend seminar or training about security management? 2. How frequent do you go to the area to check its safety?

APPENDIX A Questionnaire SECURITY MANAGEMENT, CRIME AND SAFETY PROVISION IN ECO PARKS IN RELATION TO THE WELFARE OF TOURISTS QUESTIONNAIRE I. DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF THE RESPONDENTS Instruction: Please provide the appropriate response and fill the needed information. Eco Park Visited: ____________________ Employed in: _________________ Name: _________________________________ Age: ____ Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female Educational background: ( ) Elementary ( ) Secondary ( ) College Course: ____________ Civil Status: ________ Religion: _______________ Occupation _______________________________ Places visited in the Philippines: _______________________________

_______________________________ Signature

III. SECURITY MANAGEMENT TEST (Tourist ) Instruction: Please provide the appropriate response by putting ( ) mark on the boxes. 5 - Very satisfied 4 - Satisfied 3 - Undecided 2 - Unsatisfied 1- Very unsatisfied 5
1. Do you think this Eco Park is safe? 2. Are you satisfied with the number of security guards

in this place? 3. How satisfied are you with the safety cautions in the place? 4. How satisfied are you with the security the management is implementing during night time?

5. Are you satisfied with the overall security measure the management is implementing?

APPENDIX A Questionnaire SECURITY MANAGEMENT, CRIME AND SAFETY PROVISION IN ECO PARKS IN RELATION TO THE WELFARE OF TOURISTS QUESTIONNAIRE I. DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF THE RESPONDENTS Instruction: Please provide the appropriate response and fill the needed information. Eco Park Visited: ____________________ Employed in: _________________ Name: _________________________________ Age: ____ Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female Educational background: ( ) Elementary ( ) Secondary ( ) College Course: ____________ Civil Status: ________ Religion: _______________ Occupation _______________________________ Places visited in the Philippines: _______________________________

_______________________________ Signature

III. SECURITY MANAGEMENT TEST (Management ) Instruction: Please provide the appropriate response by putting ( ) mark on the boxes. 5 - Very adequate 4 - Adequate 3 - Undecided 2 - Inadequate 1 - Very inadequate 5 1. Do you have sufficient CCTV camera? 2. Do you have enough first aid supplies in case of emergency? 3. Do you have enough safety pre-cautions? 4. Do you have enough communication Network like radio, telephone or computer? 5. Do you have a list of incident happened in this Eco park? 6. Do you have tickets to be given to the tourist when they entered? 7. Do you have Direction signages? Instruction: Please provide the appropriate response by putting ( ) mark on the boxes. 5 - Very satisfied 4 - Satisfied 3 - Undecided 2 - Unsatisfied 1 - Very unsatisfied 5 1. How well did the security guards performed their own task? 2. Do you think the number of your security guards can ensure the tourists? 3. How satisfied do you in helping of the mayor to your area? 5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Rarely 5 1. Is there any case wherein one persons life was threatened? 2. How frequent does the incidents happened? 3. How often do you check if theres enough first aid supplies? 1 - Never 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1

4. How often theft occurs?

Instruction: Please provide the appropriate response by putting ( ) mark on the boxes. 5 - Very efficient 4 - Efficient 3 - Undecided 2 - Inefficient 1 - Very inefficient 5 1. Guard? 2. Guide? 3. First Aiders/ Lifeguards? 4. Tourist Police/ Police? 5. Barangay Police? 1. What is the average number of tourist coming in your park every year? ____________ 2. In those numbers, which has the higher number? Adult, teenager or children? ____________ 4 3 2 1

3. What is the most common incidents happening in this park? __________________ 4. How frequent does these incidents happened? Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

5. How many security guards/life guards if any do you have here? _______

6. Do you think it is enough to secure the number of people? Yes No Maybe

Thank you and God bless you

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