7 Policy Briefing Constitutional Affairs
7 Policy Briefing Constitutional Affairs
7 Policy Briefing Constitutional Affairs
The way Britain’s run means the Government doesn’t have to listen to you. One party can get control
over Parliament even if only a quarter of people vote for them. So individual people and families don’t
seem to have a voice to influence what happens. The old parties are comfortable because they know
they’ll get into government every few years – so they never change things and they never will. But
people are fed up of being ignored. It’s time to make real change happen. We need to have an open
political system that’s designed to listen to people and deliver what they need. Everyone should have an
equal voice – not just people who can pay for big donations.
The Liberal Democrats will throw open the doors of government, reinvigorate Britain’s democracy and
give power back to people. We will modernise government so that it serves the interests of all people,
not just the vested interests of politicians, corporations or rich donors. Liberal Democrats plan to reform
government so there will be no more privileged patronage, no more dodgy dossiers, no more excessive
secrecy. Government should uphold the law, as well as our liberties, not seek ways to undermine them.
We will create a British democracy for the 21st century that people can be proud of.
Political Funding
The issue of cash for honours and large donations to particular parties by individuals undermines public
confidence in the political system, and the democratic process. People are seen as being able to buy
influence, and peerages, thereby influencing political decisions. Without a clean up of the way political
This briefing contains Federal Liberal Democrat policies. The policies of the Scottish and Welsh Liberal Democrats
and the Northern Ireland local party apply on issues which are their responsibility within our Federal policy-making structure.
Published by Liberal Democrats, 4 Cowley Street, London, SW1P 3NB
Liberal Democrats Policy Briefing 7
parties are funded people will not have trust in the integrity of the political parties and involvement in
the political process will continue to decline. We’ve got to stop big donors from bankrolling the big
parties to get their way with our country. We will:
Put a cap of £25,000 on political donations so no one can able to buy influence over our
elected Parliament.
Introduce tough new rules so that MPs’ expenses are independently audited and receipts
are required for every penny.
Place limits on spending by political parties outside elections.
Introduce state funding of parties broadly related to the votes gained in the previous general
election, with regional party funding being based on their performance within the relevant area.
Voters will also be able to nominate a party (or none) to which public funding should be donated,
and either a local branch or the central party HQ.
Make political contributions from trade union members subject to a clear and transparent
process linking the intention of the member to the destination of the donation.
Fair Votes
Liberal Democrats will give people a fair voting system where every person’s voice counts. It’ll put power
into individuals’ hands to choose people who truly represent them. And it’ll force politicians to listen to
ordinary people all the time – not just when there’s an election on. We will:
Introduce the fair single transferable vote (STV) system, as used in Scottish local elections, to all
local elections across Britain, and to the Westminster Parliament, Scottish Parliament and Welsh
Assembly. This system would give parties seats in proportion to the number of votes they receive,
ensure better representation of ethnic minorities and women in Parliament and allow people to
choose between different candidates from the same party. Under this system MPs would still
represent a constituency.
Reform the European electoral system allowing people to choose individual candidates for
the European Parliament, rather than vote by party only as at present.
Give young adults the right to vote and stand for election at 16. If you are old enough to work
and pay income tax you have the right to a say over how those taxes are spent.
The House of Lords is still unelected and illegitimate. It is unacceptable for a modern democracy to have
one house of Parliament appointed by patronage. Our policy is to replace the House of Lords with a
wholly elected second chamber.
This briefing contains Federal Liberal Democrat policies. The policies of the Scottish and Welsh Liberal Democrats
and the Northern Ireland local party apply on issues which are their responsibility within our Federal policy-making structure.
Published by Liberal Democrats, 4 Cowley Street, London, SW1P 3NB