Kings of War Rome Supplement
Kings of War Rome Supplement
Kings of War Rome Supplement
Last Updated: March 1, 2011 Update Notes: Fixed some typos and formatting in the army lists, fixed the cover page.
Mantic Games free Kings of War miniature game rules are one of the best, streamlined yet tactically deep fantasy miniature games out there. So why not make a historical version? This supplement aims to do that. You will need a copy of the free Kings of War rules to use this supplement. The rise of Rome is a very popular period in miniature wargaming. Romes military expansion that started with a republic and ended as an empire captivates many miniature gamers: its either the rank-and-file Roman armies or their barbarian enemies. As such, this supplement will cover late Republican and Early Imperial Rome and her enemies.
not specific enough, but it will allow you to get past the fiddly details and get into game play.
Unit Sizes
The Kings of War unit sizes are represented by the number of that make them up. Since that represents a unit footprint based on Mantic Games available products those definitions will not work for this historical supplement. Therefor unit sizes will be standardized here using the measurement of the frontage or width and the depth of the units. Units come in three sizes: troops, regiments, and hordes. Along with unit sizes are the unit types, which include infantry, cavalry, heroes, and war engines. A units size or footprint is represented as:
!"#$%&'()% 3)-4% /5-%6"+#")% 3)-4%#"%715-#4$% 8"95"$-'%&-44(% 8"95"$-'% :)+#;)"$% 8"95"$-'%34-0)% 75<5=-'%&-44(% 75<5=-'% :)+#;)"$% 715-#4$%&-44(% 715-#4$% :)+#;)"$% *#+,-).% !" !" !" )"%"!$" !#"%"#$" #("%"($" ("%"&" +"%"!$" !"',-./" #" ',-./0" /#0$1% #$%#&''" ($%)$''" )$''" !$$''" !$$''" #$$''" !#$''" !#$''" )$''" !#$''" 2)($1% #$%#&''" ($%)$''" !$$''" *$%($''" )$%+$''" )$%+$''" ($%&$''" +$% !$$''" +$% !$$''" +$% !$$''"
The Armies
Specifically, this supplement covers the period of Roman expansion including the Republican Roman armies after Marius reforms up to Middle Imperial Rome. Certainly it could be used to field earlier or later armies with a little tweaking as well. It also covers pretty much all of Romes enemies for the period. Using a single generic barbarian list its possible to field all of Romes enemies that used mass units of foot warriors to crush their enemies, including: Celtic, Germanic, Dacian, Caledonian, Picts, Goths, and Franks. It can also be used to field Roman enemies that used light cavalry including Alan and Middle-eastern armies. Inspired by the simplified yet tactically deep army lists released by Mantic Games so far, the lists will present a generic collection of units for all armies represented. Players may think that its
Special Rules
Most special rules used in this supplement are the same as those used in the Kings of War rule set, and are defined there. However there are some special rules that are specific to the historical lists and will be defined here.
Expertly Trained Expertly Trained troops represent professional soldiers of the toughest mettle. They are masters of war and will no doubt bring about the building of an empire! Whenever the unit rolls dice to hit to damage it can re-roll one of the dice that failed to hit or damage. Also if that unit begins a turn wavering it rolls a single die. On a result of 4 or more it ignores the wavering effects and can act normally that turn Barbarian! Barbarians were both fearless and ferocious when they charged. They could often shatter their enemies by weight of force; Unfortunately, they were often difficult to control as well. The unit must charge if it can, and it will always charge the closest unit. The unit will always move D6 inches straight ahead when carrying out its Regroup! move when an opponent is routed after a melee. Finally after a melee where the unit charged and their enemy has more casualty markers than the unit, the enemy unit will automatically route without a Nerve test unless there is an inspiring hero within 6, and then it will automatically waver instead.
provide details on how to field Roman and Barbarian armies as they were.
Army Composition
There are only two army composition rules in Kings of War: for every regiment-sized unit or larger you can have one hero and for every regimentsized unit or larger you can have one war engine. The same rules apply to army composition in this book. Despite the official army composition rules, you may want to field proper period armies. The following sections
10-25% of the units in your army, not including heroes or war engines, must be cavalry. 33% of the units in your army, not including heroes or war engines, must be auxiliary units. 10-20% of the units in your army, not including heroes or war engines, may be made up of Light Cavalry, bowmen, or skirmishing units. Imperial Roman armies can field war engines. You may have as many heroes as you have regiment-sized or larger units.
Germanic Infantry Armies This list may be used to field armies that employed primarily large numbers of barbarian foot troops that charged Roman lines and either broke them or were eventually worn down and defeated. This includes Germanic tribes such as the Cimbri, Teutones, Batavi, and others. 10-20% of the units in your army, not including heroes, may be barbarian cavalry. 70% of the units in your army, not including heroes, must be Noble or Barbarian warriors. 10-20% of the units in your army, not including heroes, may be made up of Light Cavalry or skirmishers. Light Cavalry Armies This list may be used to field armies primarily made up of mounted warriors who fought in loose and fast-moving formations. This includes the Alans and the early Middle-eastern horse tribes. 25-33% of the units in your army, not including heroes, must be barbarian cavalry. 50-75% of the units in your army, not including heroes, must be barbarian Light Cavalry. 0-25% of the units in your army, not including heroes, may be skirmishers.
LEGIONARY TROOP Type Sp Me Ra Infantry 5 3+ De 5+ At 10 Cost: 70 pts Ne 3
SCORPIO Type Sp War Eng 5
Special: Piercing(2).
Me -
Ra 4+
De 4+
At 6
Cost: 70 pts Ne 2
Special: Expertly Trained. Can have banner (+10 pts), musician (+5 pts).
Special: Expertly Trained. Can have banner (+15 pts), musician (+10 pts).
De 5+
Ra -
De 5+
Special: Expertly Trained. Can have banner (+20 pts), musician (+15 pts).
AUXILIARY TROOP Type Sp Me Ra Infantry 5 4+ AUXILIARY REGIMENT Type Sp Me Ra Infantry 5 4+ De 4+ At 10 Cost: 50 pts Ne 3
Ra -
De 5+
De 4+
Cost: 95 pts At Ne 10 6
Special: Can have banner (+15 pts), musician (+10 pts). Can take spears (+15 pts) and gain the Phalanx special rule.
De 4+
Special: Can have banner (+20 pts), musician (+15 pts). Can take spears (+25 pts) and gain the Phalanx special rule.
CAVALRY TROOP Type Sp Me Cavalry 9 4+ Ra De 4+ At 8 Cost: 70 pts Ne 3
Special: Can have banner (+15 pts), musician (+10 pts). Crushing Strength (1).
De 4+
Special: Can have banner (+20 pts), musician (+15 pts). Crushing Strength (1).
SKIRMISHER TROOP Type Sp Me Ra Infantry 7 5+ 4+ De 3+ At 10 Cost: 70 pts Ne 3
Special: Nimble. Javelins. Can take bows for +20 pts. Can have musician (+5 pts).
NOBLES TROOP Type Sp Me Infantry 5 4+ Ra De 4+ At 10 Cost: 50 pts Ne 3
LIGHT CAVALRY TROOP Type Sp Me Ra De Cavalry 9 5+ 4+ 4+ At 8 Cost: 90 pts Ne 3
Special: Javelins. Nimble. Can replace Javelins with Bows for +20pts. Can have banner (+15 pts), musician (+10 pts).
Special: Barbarians! Can have banner (+10 pts), musician (+5 pts).
De 4+
Cost: 95 pts At Ne 10 6
Special: Barbarians! Can have banner (+15 pts), musician (+10 pts).
CHARIOT TROOP Type Sp Me Chariot 9 4+ Ra De 5+ At 8 Cost: 80 pts Ne 3
Ra -
De 5+
Special: Barbarians! Can have banner (+20 pts), musician (+15 pts).
Special: Barbarians! Crushing Strength(1), Nimble. Can have banner (+15 pts), musician (+10 pts).
WARRIORS TROOP Type Sp Me Ra Infantry 5 4+ De 3+ At 10 Cost: 45 pts Ne 1
De At 5+ 16
Special: Barbarians! Crushing Strength(1). Can have banner (+20 pts), musician (+15 pts).
Special: Barbarians! Can have banner (+10 pts), musician (+5 pts).
De 3+
Cost: 80 pts At Ne 10 4
Special: Barbarians! Can have banner (+15 pts), musician (+10 pts).
De 3+
Me 3+
Ra -
De 5+
At 4
Special: Barbarians! Can have banner (+20 pts), musician (+15 pts).
SKIRMISHER TROOP Type Sp Me Ra Infantry 7 5+ 4+ De 3+ Cost: 70 pts At Ne 10 3
Me 3+
Ra -
De 5+
Special: Nimble. Javelins. Can take bows for +20 pts. Can have musician (+5 pts).
De 5+
CAVALRY TROOP Type Sp Me Cavalry 9 4+ Ra De 4+ At 8 Cost: 70 pts Ne 3
Special: Can have banner (+15 pts), musician (+10 pts). Crushing Strength (1).
De 4+
Special: Can have banner (+20 pts), musician (+15 pts). Crushing Strength (1).