W To Project Outline

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Case Number and Name DS13 Grains

Subject, Basic Information Title: Duties on Imports of Grains, Complainant United States Respondent - EU

Articles Involved Arti les II and !II of GATT 1""#$ Arti le #%# of DSU

Case Summary T&e ase on erns EC re'ulations implementin' some of t&e EC(s Uru'ua) Round on essions on a'ri ulture% It spe ifi all) approa &es re'ulations *&i & impose a dut) on *&eat imports +ased on referen e pri es rat&er t&an transa tion ,alues, *it& t&e result t&at t&e dut)-paid import pri e for *&eat or ot&er 'rains from t&e US *ill +e 'reater t&an t&e effe ti,e inter,ention pri e in reased +) --. *&ene,er t&e transa tion ,alue is 'reater t&an t&e representati,e pri e% :n ;< Septem+er 1""-, Guatemala, 6onduras, /e7i o and t&e United States re1uested onsultations *it& t&e European Communities on ernin' t&e EC re'ime for t&e importation, sale and distri+ution of +ananas% :n ;4 Banuar) 1""4, t&e United States re1uested onsultations *it& t&e European Communities laimin' t&at measures ta0en +) t&e European Communities =EC> under t&e Coun il Dire ti,e ?ro&i+itin' t&e Use in 9i,esto 0 Carmin' of Certain Su+stan es 6a,in' a 6ormonal A tion restri t or pro&i+it imports of meat and meat produ ts from t&e United States% T&e omplainants in t&is ase ot&er t&an E uador &ad re1uested onsultations *it& t&e EC on t&e same issue on ;< Septem+er 1""-, alle'in' t&at t&e EC(s re'ime for importation, sale and distri+ution of +ananas is in onsistent *it& GATT Arti les I, II, III, 8, 8I and 8III as *ell as pro,isions of t&e Import

Case Findings (If decision) /utual a'reement found +et*een EU and US, US as0ed to &a,e panel re1uest dropped 32 April, 1""3%

DS14 5ananas

Title: Re'ime for t&e importation, sale, and distri+ution of +ananas% Complainant United States *it& Guatemala, 6onduras, /e7i o Respondent - EU Title: /easures on ernin' meat and meat produ ts =&ormones>% Complainant United States% Respondent EU% T&ird ?arties Australia, Canada, @e* Aealand, @or*a)%

DS;4 6ormones

Arti les I, II, III, 8 and 8III of GATT 1""#, Arti les 1 and 3 of t&e Import 9i ensin' A'reement, and Arti les II, 8!I and 8!II of GATS GATT Arti les III or 8I, S?S A'reement Arti les ;, 3 and -, T5T A'reement Arti le ; and t&e A'reement on A'ri ulture Arti le #% Arti les 3%1, -%1 and -%- of t&e S?S A'reement% GATT Arti les I, II, III, 8, 8I and 8III as *ell as pro,isions of t&e Import 9i ensin' A'reement, t&e A'reement on A'ri ulture, t&e

WTO complaint dropped due to the signing of the Geneva Agreement on trade of Bananas, 27 July 2008.

T&e DS5 ruled t&at t&e EC +an on imports of meat and meat produ ts from attle treated *it& an) of si7 spe ifi &ormones for 'ro*t& promotion purposes *as in onsistent *it& Arti les 3%1, -%1 and -%of t&e S?S A'reement%

DS;3 5ananas III

Title: Re'ime for t&e importation, sale, and distri+ution of +ananas Complainant E uador, Guatemala, 6onduras, /e7i o, United States% T&ird ?arties - 5eliDe$ Cameroon$ Canada$

WTO complaint dropped due to the signing of the Geneva Agreement on trade of Bananas, 27 July 2008.

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