Android Game Power Point Presentation

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Android Jumper game using JAVA

mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware andone. keyCome applications Come all.

What is Android? Android is a software stack for

Android Market is open to all Android application development. Once registered, developers have complete control over when and how they make their applications available to users. Easy and simple to use. Start using Android Market in 3 easy steps: register, upload, and publish. Great visibility. Developers can manager their applications port olio where they can view in ormation about downloads, ratings and comments. Developers can publish updates and versions o their apps.

Android Applications
!e can develop wide variety applications in Android that includes Business/Office Application Communication Application Multimedia Applications ravel Applications !un Applications / Games "tility Applications #ecurity Applications

Why Android

Steps to create a game

1. Have an idea for a game. 2. Draft up some scenarios on paper to resemble your vision and ho ill it loo! li!e. ". Analyse the idea# iterate over a fe versions by t ea!ing it and decide hat the game ill have in its initial version. $. %ic! a technology and start prototyping. &. Start coding and creating the assets for the game. '. %lay(test# improve# and continuously ma!e small steps to ards finishing it. ). %olish and release*


+or the Android Version e ill need the Android SD, installed. -reate a ne Android pro.ect in eclipse/ +ile (0 1e (0 %ro.ect (0 Android %ro.ect. 2he language used for developing the .umper game is JAVA. All codes are ritten using JAVA

2he first mile(stone is to have a orld in hich our guy can move. 2he orld is composed of levels and each level is composed of a terrain. 2he terrain is nothing more than some bloc!s through hich our guy can .ump.When e don3t touch anything#the actor is idle. He can also move 4in both directions5 and he can also .ump. Also hen he3s dead# he can3t do anything.

2he states for Actor/

2he actor can be in only one of the $ identified states at any given time. 6dle 7 hen not moving or .umping and is alive 8oving 7 either left or right at a constant speed. Jumping 7 also facing left or right and high or lo . Dead 7 he3s not even visible and respa ning.

-reating the World

As the real orld# our orld has dimensions. 2hin! of a room in a flat. Dividing the screen into bloc!s e ill be able to create our orld easily as sho n

A game can consist of multiple screens. 9ven our game ill have " basic screens. 2he Start :ame screen# the %lay Screen and the :ame ;ver screen. 9ach screen is concerned ith the things happening on it and they don3t care about each other. 2he Start :ame screen for e<ample ill contain the menu options %lay and =uit. 6t has t o elements 4buttons5 and it is concerned about handling the clic!s>touches on those elements. 6t renders tirelessly those t o buttons and if the %lay button is clic!ed>touched# it notifies the main :ame to load the %lay Screen and get rid of the current screen. 2he %lay Screen ill run our game and ill handle everything regarding the game. ;nce the :ame ;ver state is reached# it tells the main :ame to transition to the :ame ;ver screen# hose sole purpose is to display the high scores and listen to clic!s on the ?eplay button.


2o ma!e it a game# e need to add input processing# to intercept !eys and touches and create some action based on those. 2he control schema on the Des!top is very simple. 2he arro !eys ill move @ob to the left and right# A ill ma!e @ob .ump and < ill fire the eapon. ;n Android e ill have a different approach. We ill designate some buttons for these functions and ill lay it do n on the screen and by touching the respective areas e ill consider one of the !eys pressed.2o play the game e to trac! the status of $ !eys/ move left# move right# .ump and fire. @ecause e ill use 2 types of input 4!eyboard and touch(screen5# the actual events need to be fed into a processor that can trigger the actions. 9ach action is triggered by an event.

9<tra additions that can be added

Sounds#Animation#Various types of actors#bonus stages#8ultiplayer options.

2HA1, B;C.

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