GOLDEN DAWN 3 8 Practicus Advancement Test
GOLDEN DAWN 3 8 Practicus Advancement Test
GOLDEN DAWN 3 8 Practicus Advancement Test
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Highlights of the Grade
1) What is the Mystical Number of this grade?
2) What is the Password?
3) What is the Grand Word?
4) What is the Mystical Title?
5) What is the symbology behind the cross above the inverted triangle?
Intro to Alchemy
1) Where is the word alchemy derived from?
2) Describe the two forms of alchemy and their natures.
3) Who was given the most credit as the originator of alchemy?
4) What is Primordial Matter?
5) Of the three Alchemical Principles of Nature, which one of them gives plants their
essence and fragrance?
6) Which of the three Alchemical Principles "writes" the other two, and why?
Esoteric Titles
1) What is the esoteric title for Temperance.
2) What is the esoteric title for the Lovers.
3) What is the esoteric title for the Hermit.
4) What is the esoteric title for the Moon.
5) What is the esoteric title for the Emperor.
6) What is the esoteric title for the Star.
7) Why is the Universe card titled "Great One of the Night of Time"?
8) Why is the "Wheel of Fortune titled "Lord of the Forces of Life"?
9) Why is the Devil titled "The Prince of the Power of Air, Lord of the Gates of
Energy Influences on the Paths
1) Give the energy influences related to the Justice card.
2) Give the energy influences related to the Lovers card.
3) Give the energy influences related to the Death card.
4) Give the energy influences related to the Chariot card.
5) Give the energy influences related to the Hierophant card.
6) Give the energy influences related to the Temperance card.
7) Give the energy influences related to the Hermit card.
8) Give the energy influences related to the Emperor card.
9) Why do the energies flow downward when we speak of influences?
L.I.R.P. Meditation with layrbg
1) Have you communed with layrbg?
2) What feeling or messages did you get from layrbg?
Kamea of Mercury
1) What is the Kamea of Mercury used for?
Garden of Eden
1) Name the four rivers of Paradise in the Garden of Eden.
2) What shape do all the rivers form?
2) Define astral projection.
3) Define Rising in the Planes.
4) Describe briefly the steps in traveling into the Tattwas.
5) How can the Tattwas develop your clairvoyant skills?
6) What is the difference between clairvoyance and De-skrying in the Spirit Vision?
7) What is the significance of using a sigil when astral projecting?
8) What is the significance behind using a skrying mirror?
9) What are some of the dangers, excluding any forms of attack, that we may
encounter on the astral plane?
10) In Traveling in the Spirit Vision successfully, name some of the tools that are
required for making the experience successful.
Tarot Cards
1) Give the nature of the path of the Judgement.
2) Give the nature of the path of the Sun.
Miscellaneous Questions
1) In astral projection and Body of Light formation you were taught to form your
double out of astral light. Where does the astral light originate from?
2) What are some relations between the alchemist and the occultist?
3) In Geomancy because of its lack of symbolism as compared to the Tarot, would
the results in a reading be any less effective, explain.
4) All of the symbology, names, and correspondences in the Tarot should enable a
person to do what?
5) Name the five primary Tattwas.
6) Give the five final Hebrew letters.
7) Who is the Kerux of the East?
8) State the Divine name in Briah for dsj.
9) What is Zauir Anpin?
10) If Ruach is also your ego or lower self, what is the difference between the Lower
Self found in dwsy, and the Ruach?
11) Which sephiroth would comprise your immortal self.
12) When you are referring to "As above, so below" which world(s) is considered
1) What is the proper name given to a female Hierophant?
2) When crossing the Abyss to reach the Higher Self one must encounter Chorizon.
You get past him by:
A) Making funny faces and running like hell.
B) Shout Divine names at him.
C) Riding bareback on the camel of the High Priestess.
D) Strolling on by with your finger in mouth.