Hartford DPI

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Connecticut State Department of Education

Connecticut District Performance Report For School Year 2012-13


Hartford School District

Overall Performance
A District Performance Index (DPI) for the Connecticut Mastery Test (CMT) and the Connecticut Academic Performance Test (CAPT) is the test performance of all subjects tested in the respective assessment for all students in the district. The DPI ranges in value from 0 to 100 points. Connecticuts ultimate target for a DPI is 88 because in a district with a DPI of 88 or above, students will have performed at or above the goal level on the majority of tests. Achievement Gap indicates whether a difference of at least 10 DPI points exists between the achievement of the majority of subgroups and the all students group in a district (excludes High Needs).
CMT DPI 2009 - 10 2010 - 11 2011 - 12 2012 - 13 Target Achieved Achievement Gap 54.2 56.2 58.4 58.1 No No CAPT DPI 49.5 48.9 49.6 50.5 No No 63.2% 64.8%
Available 2014

District Graduation Rate


District Enrollment by School Classification

Though the district is assigned an overall classification based on the CMT and/or CAPT, schools within the district may have earned different school classifications. To reflect this potential diversity within a district, this table displays the number of schools and the percentage of students enrolled in the district by the school classification category. Note: In rare instances where a school serves grades that test both the CMT and the CAPT, the count of schools is a count of school classifications.
Total Number of Schools EXCELLING PROGRESSING TRANSITIONING REVIEW FOCUS TURNAROUND TOTAL 0 9 7 19 10 5 50 Percentage of Total Student Enrollment 0.0% 19.6% 14.1% 35.8% 20.8% 9.7% 100%

64 - Hartford School District 2012-13 Performance Report

Cohort Graduation Rates

DISTRICT 2010-11 Rate All Students Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs 63.2% 70.7% 53.4% 47.1% 60.8% 43.8% 60.9% 2011-12 Graduation Data Rate 64.8% 73.2% 54.7% 46.3% 62.3% 42.5% 62.2% Target 65.7% 72.6% 56.7% 50.9% 63.5% 48.0% 63.6% Achieved No Yes No No No No No 2012-13 Target 68.3% 74.5% 60.1% 54.9% 66.3% 52.2% 66.4% 2013-14 Target 70.8% 76.5% 63.5% 58.8% 69.0% 56.3% 69.1%

Cohort Holding Power Rates (Graduates, Completers and Students still Enrolled)
DISTRICT 2010-11 Rate All Students Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs 74.7% 80.2% 67.3% 61.1% 72.9% 65.6% 73.0% 2011-12 Graduation Data Rate 82.1% 88.2% 75.0% 71.6% 80.8% 76.5% 80.9% Target 76.4% 81.5% 69.7% 63.9% 74.8% 68.1% 74.9% Achieved Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2012-13 Target 78.2% 82.8% 72.1% 66.9% 76.7% 70.6% 76.8% 2013-14 Target 80.0% 84.1% 74.5% 69.8% 78.6% 73.1% 78.7%

Graduation and Holding Power Rates are reflective of the 4-Year Cohort Analysis. For the purposes of accountability, data are only displayed for subgroups meeting the minimum N requirement of 20 or greater.

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Connecticut Mastery Test (CMT) 2012-13 District Performance Index (DPI)

Participation All Students

DPI 58.1 59.7 50.4 36.7 54.9 31.4 54.9 55.7 55.5 48.8 36.4 52.6 30.5 52.6 55.7 58.8 46.4 30.4 51.8 30.8 51.9 69.4 72.1 62.9 50.8 67.1 36.1 67.0 54.1 54.6 46.3 30.8 50.4 35.5 50.4

Target 58.8 60.6 53.5 39.8 56.7 35.7 56.7 60.5 60.4 56.5 45.1 58.6 37.6 58.6 54.3 57.0 47.1 30.3 51.5 33.1 51.5 67.2 69.8 62.3 50.6 65.5 37.7 65.5 52.0 52.8 46.1 32.2 49.2 34.7 49.3

Achieved No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes

99.7% 99.8% 99.6% 99.1% 99.7% 99.2% 99.7% 99.3% 99.7% 98.9% 98.3% 99.2% 97.8% 99.2% 99.3% 99.5% 99.1% 98.6% 99.3% 97.8% 99.3% 99.3% 99.5% 99.1% 98.8% 99.3% 97.7% 99.3% 99.3% 99.7% 99.2% 98.9% 99.3% 97.6% 99.3%

Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

Math Overall Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

Reading Overall Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

Writing Overall Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

Science Overall Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

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Connecticut Academic Achievement Test (CAPT) 2012-13 District Performance Index (DPI)
Participation All Students

DPI 50.5 48.8 43.1 23.5 43.7 27.2 43.8 42.8 40.1 33.5 16.5 35.5 17.9 35.5 51.0 47.4 45.0 28.7 44.6 33.7 44.9 65.2 65.0 58.8 33.6 59.0 33.2 59.2 52.3 50.5 44.6 22.9 44.2 27.3 44.4

Target 52.3 51.0 46.8 33.2 49.1 29.7 49.1 47.8 44.0 42.6 32.0 44.6 25.3 44.5 53.3 51.5 48.7 37.6 50.5 32.1 50.5 66.5 67.3 61.0 45.8 63.8 30.4 63.7 50.0 48.6 44.0 26.1 46.3 28.1 46.3

Achieved No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No

95.3% 96.8% 93.4% 92.1% 94.2% 90.7% 94.3% 92.1% 93.5% 89.7% 86.7% 90.3% 85.9% 90.3% 92.5% 94.1% 89.5% 86.0% 90.8% 85.9% 90.8% 91.9% 94.7% 88.3% 83.8% 90.0% 85.5% 90.1% 94.2% 95.4% 92.4% 90.9% 92.9% 87.7% 92.8%

Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

Math Overall Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

Reading Overall Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

Writing Overall Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

Science Overall Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

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Connecticut Mastery Test (CMT) 2010-2012 Baseline DPI's

2009-10 DPI All Students

2010-11 DPI 56.2 58.1 50.5 36.5 54.0 33.3 54.0 58.3 58.2 53.9 42.8 56.3 35.2 56.3 51.2 54.3 44.1 27.0 48.5 30.8 48.6 64.9 67.7 59.7 46.7 63.3 35.3 63.2 46.6 48.1 40.0 24.6 44.1 29.8 44.2

2011-12 DPI 58.4 60.6 51.8 37.1 55.8 34.2 55.8 57.8 57.7 52.3 38.7 55.3 33.2 55.3 55.9 59.0 47.9 30.0 52.9 34.0 52.9 67.9 71.1 61.7 49.8 65.8 37.1 65.7 53.5 54.8 47.3 32.9 50.6 39.3 50.7

Baseline DPI 56.2 58.2 50.5 36.8 53.9 32.7 54.0 58.1 58.0 53.6 42.2 55.9 34.6 56.0 51.3 54.3 44.1 27.4 48.5 30.1 48.6 65.4 68.2 60.1 47.7 63.5 34.7 63.5 49.0 49.9 43.1 29.3 46.3 31.7 46.4

54.2 55.9 49.3 37.0 52.0 30.7 52.1 58.2 58.1 54.6 45.0 56.3 35.5 56.3 46.9 49.6 40.3 25.2 44.2 25.5 44.3 63.4 65.7 58.8 46.5 61.5 31.8 61.6 46.9 46.8 42.0 30.4 44.1 26.1 44.2

Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

Math Overall Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

Reading Overall Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

Writing Overall Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

Science Overall Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

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Connecticut Academic Performance Test (CAPT) 2010-2012 Baseline DPI's

2009-10 DPI All Students

2010-11 DPI 48.9 47.8 43.6 30.1 46.3 25.8 46.1 44.9 41.2 40.1 28.7 42.5 22.0 42.3 48.0 46.1 44.2 32.2 45.7 27.4 45.7 65.0 65.9 59.7 42.2 62.3 25.2 62.1 48.3 47.2 42.3 25.6 45.3 26.9 45.3

2011-12 DPI 49.6 46.9 44.2 29.7 45.4 26.8 45.5 44.7 39.9 38.5 28.6 39.9 18.3 40.1 50.4 47.0 45.8 34.1 46.6 30.6 46.7 67.5 66.9 62.3 48.4 64.0 32.9 64.1 46.2 43.2 40.7 18.4 41.0 24.6 41.2

Baseline DPI 49.3 48.1 43.8 30.3 46.2 26.7 46.1 44.8 41.1 39.6 29.1 41.6 22.3 41.6 50.3 48.6 45.8 34.6 47.5 29.2 47.5 64.6 65.5 58.6 42.9 61.7 27.5 61.5 47.1 45.6 41.1 23.2 43.3 25.2 43.3

49.5 49.5 43.6 31.1 47.0 27.6 46.7 44.8 42.1 40.3 30.0 42.6 26.7 42.3 52.6 52.6 47.4 37.5 50.3 29.4 50.1 61.2 63.7 53.7 38.1 58.7 24.4 58.3 46.7 46.6 40.1 25.6 43.6 24.1 43.4

Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

Math Overall Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

Reading Overall Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

Writing Overall Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

Science Overall Black or African American Hispanic or Latino English Language Learners Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with Disabilities High Needs

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