Fultz Exie 1951 Japan

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A New Recruit
for the



Osaka, Japan

"So belief come+h by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ . . .

Their sound went out into ail the

earth, and their words unto the ends

of the world.'

Rom. I0:l7a. 18.


speaking engagements for presenting

Following the death of
my husband in World
War [l, 1 entered the Cin-

the work of the mission and to raise

necessary funds for living-link, pas

sage and equipment.

To sail, the Lord willing, in Septem

ber, to join the Bills in the work of
the Christian Radio Mission, Osaka,

cinnoti Bible Seminary to

prepare myself for fulltime Christian service. I


received my dsgrea in the spring of 1949 and for two years was employed by the First Christian
Church, Evansviile, Indiana, as secre

Address all correspondence to Mrs.
Velda Clatfelter, 510 North Fourth St., Marshall, Illinois.

tory and youth-director. This position

I resigned in the fall of '51 to enter the School of Religion, Butler Univer sity. During my year at Butler I served

as youth-director at the East Fortyninth St. Christian Church, Indianap

olis, Indiana.

To Whom It May Concern: We consider it a real privilege to have

Mrs. Exie Fultz os a member of the Christian

To halp in the gigantic task, under
taken by V. Alex Bills, oF sending out the message of salvation of the Lord
Jesus Christ "unto the ends of the

Radio Mission.

We consider her tfoining, her tolent and

experience as ideol preparation for the mis

sion field. And our personal acquaintance

with her has led us to believe that she will

be o splendid fellow worker.

There is a real job she can do for the Cause of Christ here in Japan and she is needed

world" through tho medium of radio.

We commend her to our fellow Christians

as one well worthy of support. And It is our

proyer that the necessary means will ba

To close my work with the East

Forty-ninth St. Christian Church on

available so she con join us on the field early

this toll.

June 22, 1952, in order to accept

V. Ale* Bills, Field Director Christian Radio Mission



To ChrlsHon Brethren Everywhere


Christian Brethren Everywhere: This Is to commend unto you our sister in

the faith, ExIe Jane Fultz. I have known her

The Christian Radio Mission is pleased to

recommend Exie Jane Fultz as a recruit'to this vital work.

for the past eight years and was her minister

at the time she accepted the call to full time
Christian Service. She is a Christian woman

We rejoice In the decision she has made

to enter the field of radio missions. She is

possessing the very highest standards and ideals, rooted and grounded in the faith . . .
It is without hesitation that I commend her

widely known for her Christian character and

her devotion to the cause of Christ.
We commend her to the churches and

to you as being worthy of your prayers and

materiel assistance. S. W. GIBSON, Minister
Christian Church

urge your prayerful and financial support of

her as she prepares to join the other faithful

workers in this task.

Marshall, Illinois

Stanley D. Letcher
Thomas W. Overton

Harry Bucalstein
Robert M. Llllle
Harold MacFarlond Mrs. Don Blair


To the Brotherhood In Christ, Greetings:

WHEREAS: Mrs. Exie J. Fultr was for a

number of years Secretary and Youth Lead

er at First Christian Church of Evansville, InThree
diano and,

To Whom It May Concern I am very happy to add a word of com

mendation for ExIe Jane Fultz as she an

WHEREAS: Her services were efficient, soc-

riflciol and in every way satisfactory and her

Christian life exemplary,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That we recommend Mrs. Fultz to the Brotherhood for

nounces her plans to serve the Lord In Japan.

Exie Fultz is a graduate of The Cincinnati

Bible Seminary. She has both the personal

ability and characteristics of life that should
mean an effective work for Christ in her new-

any type of Christian work that may suit her

training and experience. Signed: Bruce Gardner
Chairman of Board of Elders First Christian Church

ly chosen Field.

Woodrow W. Perry, President

Evansville, Indiana

Mrs. Clatfelter's loyalty and infeg*

Christian Brethren:

rity are without question and we feel

Mrs. Fulti is fortunate indeed to se

cure the services of Mrs. Clatfelter as

We, the Elders

of the M arshall

her forwarding agent. Mrs. Clatfelter

has served as treasurer of the Bible

Christian Church, Marshall, Illinois,

wish to recom mend Mrs. Velda
Clatfelter of this

School of this church for the past two


Without hesitation, we recommend

Mrs. Clatfelter as one who will faith

fully dispense all monies as desig< nated and will give an accurate ac-

congregatiofi 'as

a woman possessing the very highest

Christion standords and ideals. Mrs. Clatfelter is one in whom we have im

"^count of all monies entrusted to her,

Signed: R. L. HUNT
Chairman of the Board* Chmtion Church '

plicit trust.

Marshall, III.




as KATHLEEN and REBECCA might tell it

JUNE 1951

"One day, Mom mie iind Daddy

took us to Nara.

Wc saw this big idol. Daddy says

it^nearly iOOfeet high, and many


hundreds of years
old. Thousands of




who have never heard of Jesus,

worship this big

idol. Bui it is just
a statue of metal
so it cannot real -

Bible School

ly answer prayer.
We must tell them

at Home

about the (rue God and His Son Jesus."

I|l E, the boys and girls of Japan,

Wl are very grateful to the Lord
for sending Brother and Sister
This is what a lit






I I Bills to Japan to tell us about

at Matsubara wants us

meet Sunday morningfor Bible class and worship, and there just isn't
room for all the children and their

the Lord Jesus.' in our home

tle Japanese girl in the Bible School to tell the boys and girls of America.

parents at the same time. Of course, we don't have chairs for so many boys and girls. They just

This girl and more than 100 other boys and girls come to learn about Jesus at two meetings in our home
everyweek. These Bible schools are

on Friday and Sunday nights.

We cannot have Bible classes there is on no

sit on their knees, and they don't mind as long as they can get on the rug! The boys and girls are very happy to have a missionary family living in their town so they can learn about
Jesus. There are thousands of

Sunday morning like boys and girls

in America because

others, both children and grown-ups living in the towns and villages of Japan, who have never heard about
Jesus, and there are no missionaries

church building of any kind, and all the meetings are held in our living-

or teachers to go to them.

"We live in Matsubara. It is a sirtali town just outside

'This is the Jeep Station Wagon yourgiftsarc helping

us to H^f. Daddy says we need it for transportation and 34 a sound (ruck for open air meetings. You'll

the big city of Osaka, Japan. Wc live here with our Mommie and DaddyAlex and Bcity Billswho are missionaries to tell (he people about Jesus. Many of them worship idols In the Shintoshrineyousce here. "

have (o ask him what he means by those big words. We need lo(s more money (o payforit, Iknowtbat."




Radio Work Developing

The Christian Radio Mission is a
work of the Christian Churches and Churches of Christ inAmerica. Itis

Wave c(^eng.tkd
from Japan

PublishedmulithlyforCHRlSTIAN RADIO MISSION,

V. Alex Bills. Director, Ouka, Japan, by Harrold
McFarland. MISSION YOUTH. WlUemie, Mitinesou.

devoted to bringing the Gospelmessage of Christ to Japan and other nations of the Orient by means of

Radio Broadcasting. The Bills'fam

ily is already on the field in Osaka, Japan and later will be joined by

Edited by V. ALEX BILLS


747 Nakamiya Cho, Asahi Ku, Osaka, Japan

Letters S^, Alfletters 10^, Airmail 25^ a half ounce

Mrs. Isabel Dittemore, former

Send All Funds To Tliis Addiess

missionary on the Tibetan border of China, will come to Japan this Fall and will be responsible for develop ing broadcasts in Chinese. These
will be released from short wave

Mrs. Don Blali. Christian Radio Mission

804 Mississippi, Amarillo, Texas


stations, probably in Formosa and the Philippines. In Chicago, Abram C. Azar, an

Elder in a Christian Church, who

Chairman G. 6. Gordon, 233 Berkley Road. luilanapolis, Ind., Harry Bucahiein, G04 Sixth Ave., Havre,

Mont., Stanley Letcher, 807 Tennessee, Amarillo,

Tex., Robert M. Lillie, R 2, Cedar Lake, Ind..
Hanold McFarland, Mission Manor, Willernic, Minn.

was born in Lebanon, Syria is pre paring programs in the Arabic language which will presentthe Word

of God to thousands of Moslem peo

ple in Southern Asia and Nortnern Africa, as the program is released
from Manila.

ThomasW. Overton, Catlln, 111., ConleySilsby, 1507

University Ave. S. E.. Minneapolis 14, Minn.

This program is produced by

Robert M. Lillie, Cedar Lake, Ind.

Arlo F. Kelley, 4234 W. 15th, Amarillo, Tex., Chin

ese Consulunt, Isabel M. Dittemore, R 2, Coral

Ridge, Louisville, Ky., Dorothy Jane Johnson, 710 WilleySt., Morgantown, W. Va. EXTtU COPIES of this Special Children's Edition of WAVE LENGTHS are available togivetoyour friends, or Bible school class. Leaders may alsoobtaincopies
for use in their DVBS and Junior Camps. Indicate tje

and is tape-recorded by Wayne Doug las, who graciously gives not only
of his time and the services of his

Magnecorder, but supplies the tape

as well.

The goal of the Christian Radio Mission is to own and operate our
own Christian Radio station. It will

number you can use.. .Christian Radio Mission, 804

Mississippi, Amarillo, Texas.

Two Things YOU Can Do

There are two things that every
one in America can do to become a

part of this missionary work. ONE. You can pray daily for the
Christian Radio Mission and its'

use both long and shortwave and will cover all of Asia, Europe and North Africa with the Gospel. It will be located in Japan or some Far Eastern country depending on the attitude of the government in giving the neces

sary permits to operate a radio

station. However, in the meantime,


that the Lord's people in America

will be quickly sentto the field. Pray

Pray that more workers

we are devoting our activities to pro ducing separate Christian programs in various languages and releasing them on various existing stations.
For this workour immediate need is

will give the necessarymoneyto get

the Gospel to the thousands that are dying everyday without Christ. TWO. You and your friends can

funds to build and equip a recording


of your money. Maybe your class or group could arrange to send a regu lar gift every month. Even small

have a part in this work by giving

IS WAVE LENGTHS NEW TO YOU} If youdo not reguiarly receive it and would like to have this moothlv

report on Radio Missionary work in the Orient coming

to you. please write and asked to be placed on the

gifts sent regularly will mean a great

deal for Christ.

mailing list. Christian Radio Mission, 804Mississippi,

Amarillo, Texas. WAVELENGTHS

MANY PEOPLE IN JAPAN LISTEN TO RADIO. ^In the Osaka area, more people have radios than in many parts of the United States. Since there are not nearly enough missionaries to reach all of the millions of people who have never heard of Jesus, Mommie and Daddy are ^oing to use the

radio to take the message to the people. This family is having tea, all seated on the floor. But from Grandfather right down to "baby chon," they are listening to a radio broadcast. In a few months, groups like this will be able to listen to Christian programs. BELOW LEFT. "It'j very cold In the winter many places in Japan.The boys and girls musi wear very heavy clothing. It makes them look padded and fat. In thesummer, they wear hardly anything at all." BELOW RIGHT. "This is not a tent walking. Ii is a little boy with a straw coatand straw boots. He dresses this way to keepwarm in winter. His summer raincoat looks very much the same way."



ONE WEEK Missionaries are bu^y people,

but they are happy in their work of telling the story of Jesus to
those who have never heard of

llim. Here is a reportfromMommie and Daddy about what they do in one


to our hne friends in the States, as

well as maintain a home.

grams in their own language to millions of people in Japan. There are usually two or three in vitations each week to preach in some Japanese church or meeting. Of course, we must write many letters
We also

"Each week, we have six meetings

of various kinds here in our house in

Every spare moment is being de care of different kinds of business voted to the writing of the special including the purchase of food. Both Bible Correspondence course. By Mr. and Mrs. Bills teach two after the mail we can teach many people noons each week i n the Seminary. so far away from us that they could Mrs. Bills is teaching music to the never attend classes. If we had the future teachers and preachers of helpers for this part of the work, we Japan. Mr. Bills is teaching a could enroll a million students. But Radio course. This class will soon how would we even pay for the pos be presenting Christian Radio pro- tage and printing for so many?"
LEFT. "When we went to Nara, wc got

Matsubara Village. Three mornings each week are devoted to language study. Mr. Bills is teaching in The Osaka Bible Seminarytwo-and-onehalf hours on four days a week. At least one day will be spent in taking

have the job of frequently entertain ing in our home some of the Service
men who are from churches "back

home" and are either stationed in

Japan or have come here for a short

rest from the battle lines in Korea.

wake up the spirits to listen to their

tired walking. It was so hot. We were

prayers. The sailor is Cameron Calvert

from the church at Bluff Creek, Ind., one

glad when the Rickshaw Man camc." ' MIDDLE. "We saw this big bell in a Shinto shrine. The people ring it to

of many servicemen to visit us." RIGHT.

"We were tired. Rebecca went to sleep."




804 Mississippi,



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Worker Coming



that she plans


leave America shortly after the National Missionary Con vention (Camden Ave. church, Louisville, Ky.) 6-9 November. She expects to arrive in Japan with her daughter Janet, and
mother Mrs. Maude B. Max-

to be baptized in the work in our home. The two girls on the left work in our
home. Neither had ever seen a Bible or

heard the name of Jesus Christ when they

came to us.

The girl in the center is in High School and had been attending special classes by
Catholics when we moved here.

ey, in time to spend the Christ

mas season with her brother

Markand family, whoarerhissionaries on the Southernmost

The girl second from the right tells a story of having become interested in Chris
tianity sometime ago and started attending
a Free Methodist church in Osaka.
she told them she wanted to

of the Japanese islands Kyushu. She will divide her time with us in Osaka prepar ing Chinese broadcasts and assisting in the missionary work in Kyushu. We hope to release the Chinese programs
on short wave stations in Man ila and on Formosa over Na


become a

Christian they instructed her to attend two

order to pray for salvation. She couldn't

see the point so dropped out. The girl on the right is froma so-called Christian home. She had been sprinkled as a baby.

or three all-night prayer meetings first in

tionalist Chinese radio stations that cover all of the mainland

of China. Isabel is bringing an

electric organ which will be a real boostto making our Chris tian programs attractive. Her finances, support, trans portation and general funds are all separate from the Christian Radio Mission and any contri
butions for her should be sent


NOW IS a very important time in the his tory of Japan and for that matter the

whole world. With the signing of the treaty

there is no doubt but that the Communists

will make an even greater effort to recruit

people to their side.

munist centers, we feel very little danger

personally, but we are concerned with the

While our village is one of the Com

directly to her at 98 Woodmore Ave. , Louisville 8, Ky.

poison that can be planted in the minds of

the people.


it is a time

when your missionaries should make their

plans for Bible Correspondence Course,

literature and tracts to carry the message,

message heard even more than in the past. We have plans for a sound truck to hold mass meetings where many thousands can be told the story of Christ. Plans for more

plans for Christian records, for greater

(see HOW TO HELP on page four)




liJave J^eng^thd
from Japan

l'uhlislK-0 monthly forCHHISTlAN RADIO MISSION,

V. Ale* Hitls. Dirccior, Osaka. Japan, by Hanolcl
McFatlanci. MISSION YOUTH. Witlcrnie, Mitmesota.
Udlted by V. ALEX BILLS

Miyakojima P. O., Osaka. Japan Letters 5#. Alrlciters 10#. Airmail 25^ a half ounce

If you come to visit us, our house address will help you. It is; 492-5Jutaku,ShibagakIShindo. Matsubara
Cho, Nnkakawachi Gun. Osaka Prefecture, Japan.

Send Ail Funds To This Address

Mrs. Don Blalr, Christiari Radio Mission

804 Mississippi. Amarillo. Texas


Chairman G. B. Gordon (Airforce Chaplaincy); Harry

Ducalstein, 604 Sixth Ave., Havre, Mont.; Stanley Letcher. 807 Tennessee, Amarillo, Tex.; Robert M.
LUIie, R2, Cedar Lake, Ind.; Harrold McFarland, Mission Manor, Willernic, Minn.: Thomas W.Ovet-

ton, 2567 Kress Si., Toledo, O.: Conley Sllsby, 1507

University Ave. S. E., Minneapolis !4, Minn.



Arlo F. Kelley, 4234 W. 15th. Amarillo, Tex.;

Chinese Consultant Isabel M. Dittemore, M Wood-

report on Radio Missionary work inihuOrientcninin};

ularly receive it and would like to have this nionthly

to you, please write and asked to be placed on ihc

mailing list. ChristianRadio Mission, 804Mif;si5sippi,
Amarillo. Texas.

more, Louisville, Ky.: Dorothy Jane Johnson, 710

WtlleySt., Morgantown, W. Va.

Seminary Offers Radio, Visual Aids


Elans for 23 Television stations to

months. This tremendous interest

Osaka Bible Seminary have been

e in operation in Tokyo within six

large daily papers and one of the weekly radio publications have car
work. This course,

creating much interest.

Both of the

in radio is of course a real challenge to the Church. Several missionary

ried stories about this phase of our

the first to be

offered in any school or university in Japan, is the first step in training the Japanese Christians to present the gospel by air to their own people.
Radio has long been an important

groups in an interdenominational set-up have sent a Japanese man to the U. 5. for studyin religious radio. But we are the onlyones with a train

ing program. This Fall we will en large the class to include some
outsiders. With this group we will be soon producing real Christian
broadcasts. We are also extending our work in the Bible Seminary to in
clude a course in the use of AudioVisual materials in Christian teach

factor in Japanese life. Besides the

108 radio stations operated by the

here in Osaka.

16 new commercial
started. im But even more

radio stations will soon be

The firstone is already broadcasting pressive is the announcement of

ing. The name of this new department

is "Radio Audio-Visual Mass Com munication Media."

They Use Radio


parts of the world are using Radio asa means of getting the Gospel out. Barton L. McElroy of the Philippine Mission Churches of Christ reports the establishment of a new churchas
the result of radio broadcasts. One of their

native preachers, Diego Romulo, conducts a program in the Bico language eve ry Saturday

night over DZAS in Manila. A group of fish

ermen at Gumaca heard the program and sent for Bibles in their language and for a preach er. Following the baptism of a number of them
a church was established.




of the Osaka

Christian Mission has completed one year of daily broadcasts on the Armed Forces Radio
Service radio station in Osaka. This has been

a real contribution to the spiritual lives of many of the service people of the area. A few have been baptized as a direct result of this

"Morning Devotional" program. InNovember

Command. " WE REJOICE with the

it received the "Gold Iviicrophone of the Month

Brazil Christian

as the outstanding program in the FarEastern

Mission that they have been able to get "The

Christians' Hour" - "New Testament Chris

(ABOVE) A broadcast scene attheGov ernment sution NHK. This particular

type of music is known as "Nagauta" which means "long song"a very apt description. The stringed instruments
are called "Shamisen." So interested

tianity on the Air" broadcast on a radio station in Goiania, Brazil. The program is made up of the broadcast of the English program as heard in America preceded by the same ser mon translated into Portuguese, the national

ace the Japanese in American culture and music that such programshavedifficult competition with American pop ular record programs. One Japanese

young person told us that only old peo ple listen to such programs as pictured.

JAPAN needs your used vi sual aids, olides, slide film, flannelgraph figures and film that you or your church may now have and are not using can be put to immediate use i n Japan. There are many such items in many churches gathering
dust that could be the means

of telling the storyof Jesus here. Send them along.

(tUGHT)MartinClarkat the microphone

of the Armed Forces Radio Servicesta-

tion in Osaka. He has btoadcasiadaily

devotional program formore than a year

over this station.

Bits From The Bills

BETTY (Mrs. Bills) who had an emergency appendectomy July 26, is recovering nicely. We hadafine
Japanese surgeon but she stayed at the International Hospital in Kobe..
, . , . After a month of restthe Doctor

HOW TO HELP (from page one)

use of Audio Visual materials to

reach THE MASSES. And, of course, radio, for millions listen to its mes

reports a definite improvement in the

But we must have money to do these things. We speak plainly be cause we think God's people should know. This i s a two-fold job, of Obeying the Master to tell the World
of Him, and to stem the evil of Com

TB spots on Alex's lung


Kathleen and Rebecca are doing nice ly not only with health but also with the Japanese language As we

munism. But equipment and material

wemusthave. Your gifts and prayers

that others will stand behind us are

drove along, we helped with the threshing the other day the grain was spread out on the road and the
more cars and trucks that passed over it, the less beating the farmers had to do to get the grain out
In Osaka area we have ice to use.

the keys.

the pieces are carefully cut with a saw We are having the longest

drought in 25 years and shows every

indication of being the worst on re

However, instead of breaking the large cakes into sections with a pick,

cord This will cut down on the rice harvest which in turn will work

additional hardship on all of the peo


(Left) Rice fields require almost constant

attention. Here the half-grown plants are being trimmed by hand. (Above) Still us
ing primitive methods, a iread-mill lifts


water from the ditch to the field. (Right) Women do the extremely hard work; awoman carrying such a load is a commonsight.

804 Mississippi,



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POSTMASTER: I'loasc notify of change of address on I'urni postage for which is guaranteed.

Recorder On Way
THANKS to the assistance of Isabel

and the Mervyn E. Green Mennorial Missionary Fund we now have complete recording studio equipment

(except the disc equipment mentioned elsewnere) on its way. Clarence

Moore of International Radio and

Electronics has assembled the equip ment of professional qualityMagne corder tape recorder, microphones, turn-table, pick-up arm, amplifiers and such. It is expected to arrive in Japan early in December. It is not completely paid for, but we feel sure that regular gifts from our sup porters will enable us to pay it out

Mrs. Dittemore is also bringing an electric organ with her when she
sails from San Francisco 11 Decem

ber. We now need a suitable building to house this equipment. A proper building for a sound studio is almost a necessity. However, we can begin productions with makeshift setup in
our home.

Alex and Beny

Rebecca and Kathleen

wish you all a Happy

Christinas Season

The Shepherds found Jesus because they obeyed a Heavenly Vi

sion and believed a

A-V Institutes
THE CHRISTIAN RADIO Class and the new Christian Audio-Visual

Heavenly Message and

went looking for Him.

You caa do the same.

Class in Osaka Bible Seminary are

both making nice progress.




Audio Visual class sponsored an institute the first MondayinNovem ber that was attended by about 30
missionaries and 15 native leaders.


subara (which meets in our house)

has had two more baptisms. This may seem like slow progress, but these people are leaving everything when they turn to Christ. Such de cisions cannot be made lightly or

The purpose was to demonstrate new methods and materials of getting the Gospel to more people more euec-

tively. It is planned to make the in

stitute a monthly affair. For the December meetiag, we

quickly. When a Japanese becomes

a Christian, his whole way of life

are having a team of Christian girls

that have developed the use of Pup

pets in Christian teaching. This group is led by the youngest daugh

ter of the famed Dr. Kagawa.

must change. Even his holiaays, the seasons for housecleaning, tne way of wearing clothes, even the ar
rangement of flowers all had re ligious meaninc. All of that, and the associations of a lifetime, must be given up to accept Christ. But true happiness comes only through Christ.

see AUDIO-VISUAL on last page




Wave Jlen^thd
from japan

Christ or Communism
WE HAVE recently been in some Army hospitals where the wound ed soldiers are brought a few hours after they have been hit in Korea, What we see is heartbreaking. They are just boys really, here one with an arm gone, there one with a leg off, others with part of a face gone or great wounds tornin their bodies. But they don't complain much, they seem so thankful that they are still alive. I guess they are remember ing their buddies who didn'tgetback to a hospital but are buriedoutthere
on Korean hillsides.

Published monthly forCHRISTIAN RADIO MISSION, V. Alex Bills, Director, Osaka, Japan, by Harrold
McFarland. MISSION YOUTH. Willernie, Mionesou. Edited by V. ALEX BILLS

Miyakojima P. O., Osaka. Japan

Leners S^, Airletters 10^, Airmail 2S^ a half ounce

If you come to visit us, our houjeaddress will help

you. It is: 492-5Jutaku,ShibagakiShindo, Matsubara

Cho, Nakakawachl Gun, Osaka Prefecture, Japan.


Send All Funds To This Address

Mrs. Don Blair, Christian Radio Mission

804 Mississippi, Amarillo, Texas


Chairman G.B.Gordon (Airforce Chaplaincy):Harry

Bucalstein, 604Sixth Ave., Havre, Mont.; Stanley
Letcher, 807 Tennessee, Amarillo, Tex.; Robert M. LUIie, R 2, Cedar Lake, Ind.; Harrold McFarland,
Mission Manor, WUIernie, Minn.; Thomas W. Over-

We cannot help but wonder if it is worth all of the high price they are paying. Although tne battle in Korea seems important in the long run, Communism cannot be stopped by armies with guns. If only our leaders would realize that this is a spiritual

conflict, a battle of ideas.


Christianity can halt the onward

march of Communism.

ion, 2567 Kress St., Toledo, 0.:ConleySllsby, 1507

University Ave. S. E., Minneapolis 14, Minn.

Chinese Consultant - Isabel M. Dittemore

so-called Christian colle^. They marched on the home of a Diet (like our Congress) member and stoned
it. On the way, they attacked a car of an American missionary. For tunately the missionary was not in
the car at the time.

Just two days ago in the nearby city of Kyoto, a Communistic riot broke out among the students of a

Arlo F. Kelley, 4234 W. 15tb. AmarlUo, Texas:

Dorothy Jane Johnson, 710 WUIey St., Morgantown,

West Virginia.

When you write us, please use low value commeratlve stamps. The Japanese are great stamp collectors and some bave been baptised recentlywho were first reached by iheir interest in U.S. sumps.

Such things will become more common. Communism is gaining, not only here in Japan, but else
where around the world. With the

money used in killing one Commun

ist soldier; we could obtain the

equipment necessary to get out the

Word of God in sufficient force to

B you change your address, please drop a card to

Mrs. Blalr, If you want to continue to receive "Wave

hold this part of Japan, not only for Christ, but for our way of life.
We must have funds to make use

Lengths." Mr. and Mrs. Don Blair (Mrs. Bills parents) have been doing a wonderful job asforwardingagents for this work. They also do the mailing of Wave Lengths with help from various members of our faith ful Living-Link church. West Amarillo Christian.

of radio to the fullest; equipmentfor mass meetings must be obtained and putinuse. The Bible seminary train

ing program must be stepped up. And

reinforcements from recruits at home must be rushed to the field.

Recent official figures reveal that it costs mote

We are fighting a last ditch stand

here in the Orient. If given a chance

than twelve times as much money to carry on Mis

sionary work now in Japan as it did before the last war. But there is no question but that the work is
much more than twelve times as effective. Has

your support kept up with the rising costs}

the people will accept Christ instead of Communism. We must give them that opportunity, and we must have your prayers and financial support
to do it.

Thank You For Coming

THE CHRISTIANS recently conduc

ted a welcoming service for the new missionaryJane Kinnett. One

Opportunity In Europe
portunity of putting the New Tes tament message on a powerful radio station in Europe ! This station rea

girl who had never even heard of Christ a year ago, expressed this
thought: ' I want to thank you, and
the other missionaries, for coming

to Japan and bringing us to Christ. I want to thank you onbehalf of those who today do not know of this won derful blessing, and so cannot speak
for themselves, but who will come

ches 83% of all the radios in Europe

with a primary signal. At the hour
under consideration, there are be
tween two-and-a-half and three mil

to know Christ through your work. If you had not come, they, and we,
would have died without knowing Eternal Life in Christ." As she spoke

lion people listening to this station in England alone. One religious pro
gram using the same hour on another

in halting English,
feel aoout us.

moving experience to see how

it was a most

day has received two thousand pieces of mail from listeners every week
for over three years. A group in the United States has agreed to undertake raising the ne cessary funds to pay for the stationtime. We out here will prepare the programs presenting the New Testa ment message in simple Basic

stronely the Japanese themselves

WE HAVE BEEN ABLE, at last, to

English. We have complete recording studio equipment including an Elec

tric organ arriving with Mrs.
Dittemore the last of December. NEED DISC RECORDER

get a preacher for the work here.

He is a student, in his second year

at Osaka Bible Seminary, but as he did not have a Christian background,

he has had to grow much. Probably fore placing so much responsibility

on him. But the job is so urgent.
His name is S. Shibaoi, and he is a convert of the work of Mark Maxey in Kyushu.

We were just ready to sign the contracts for this wonderful oppor
tunity, when we discovered that the

it would be better to wait longer be

station cannot use tape transcrip

tions, but must have disc trans-


We have


everywhere and cannot find anyone

here in Japan who can make the disc for us. To sei^d them back to
America and then forward them

FOLKS ASK "Are there things you

would cost entirely too much. So the

best solution seems to be to buyour

own disc transcription equipment.
This will cost about $700. This seems

need, that we can get for you as

like a lot of money, but it is the key to getting the gospel message to always welcomeespecially if it con several million people. tains cakemix, cocoa, boxed pud This opportunity is too tremen dings, dried fruits and such like. We can also make use of used clothing. dous to let pass. BUT we have gone Used large picturerolls, and slides, as far as we can go. Now we must
The answer is "Yes." A food box is

an individual or a group project?"

filmstrips and flannelgraph mater

ials are needed. We also need two

week we delay in ordering this equip

ment keeps the Gospel off the air.

have the help of our friends. Every

used typewriters and a mimeograph. Send typewriters and mimeo graph to Amarillo address. Send other things directly to us at Miyakojima P. O. , Osaka, Japan. Please mark package "Gift Package" and
excessive custom duties.

give it a very low evaluation to avoid


the Treaty the Rising SunFlag


Here It is

before a



Among the CRM Home Committee members.. .. Tom W. Overton, secretary of the committee is the new minister of Monroe Street Church of Christ, Toledo, Ohio. . . . G. B.

Gordon, chairman, has been recalled to the Airforce Chap laincy. He has been head of the Radio Department in Butler University. ... Conley Silsby is producing a new 15-minute Radio feature "The Closer Wallr' with The Gospel Four a male quartet from Minnesota Bible College. . . . The Closer
Walk is now heard on five stations. . . . Harrold McFarland

edits "Among Ourselves" and "Horizons." If you don't get

these two fine papers drop him a line.

AUDIO-VISUAL (beganonfirstpage)
We are especially interested in developing the use of puppets with a
view to Television. Two TV net



A set of slides telling the story of the people of lapan, their activities and their religions Isnowavail*
able from the Christian Radio Mission. Theslidesare

works will cover all of Japan next


While we have scarcely

accompanied with a manual of explanations. Youth groups and missionary groups will especially enjoy

scratched the surface of Radio yet,

still Television is here and must not

ihem. There is no charge for the use of them. Write either Mrs. Don Blaii, CRM Forwarding Agent, 804
Mississippi, Amarillo, Texas or MISSION MANOR,
Willernie, Minnesota for information on avaQable

be ignored as a means of telling the story of Christ.


dates for using the slide set.


804 Mississippi,



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