Bonds and Courts

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You are on page 1of 2 Public Official Bonds A public official bond is issued to guarantee the performance of a public official, ho ma!

be responsible for o"erseeing ban# accounts and public funds or collecting fees. Public officials can also be held accountable for the performance and errors that result in the loss of funds b! their staff. $o appl!, please for ard the original %signed and itnessed& application. After re"ie additional information ma! be re'uired. (orms Public Offical Bond Application )f !ou do not ha"e Adobe Acrobat *eader installed on !our computer, please "isit the Adobe +eb Site to do nload the latest "ersion.

,ost )nstrument Bonds A bond gi"en b! the o ner of a "aluable securit! %stoc#, bond, promissor! note, certified chec#, etc.& alleged to ha"e been lost, stolen or destro!ed. $he bond protects the issuer of the securit! against loss hich ma! result from the issuance of a duplicate securit! or, in some instances, pa!ment of the cash "alue of the securit!. (orms Application and -eneral )nstructions,ost-)nstrument-Bond.aspx Bond Claim (A.s )s there an!one ) can tal# to if ) ha"e a 'uestion about the claims process/ Our Bond Claims 0epartment ill be happ! to spea# ith !ou to ans er an! 'uestions !ou ma! ha"e regarding the claims process. Please contact $eresa 1ieder immer at 234-567-2222 x389 or :88-:42;;99, or "ia e-mail. Should ) notif! $he Bar Plan if an estate brings a claim against m! client/ )f an estate brings a claim against !our client, !ou should contact our Bond Claims 0epartment immediatel!. $he Bar Plan t!picall! recei"es notice of claims from the Court< ho e"er, it is best to contact us directl!. Once $he Bar Plan learns of a claim, e can assist !ou in reducing or eliminating !our client=s liabilit! to the estate. >o do ) ma#e a claim on an appeal bond filed for the benefit of m! client/

Contact our Bond Claims 0epartment at 234-567-2222 or :88-:42-;;99, or "ia e-mail. )n most cases, if the appellate process has full! concluded, pa!ment ill be made directl! into the registr! of the court that heard the underl!ing matter. $!picall!, pa!ment cannot be released directl! to !ou or !our client, nor can $he Bar Plan assign a letter of credit or other collateral to !ou or !our client. +hat resources does $he Bar Plan pro"ide if an estate brings a claim against m! client/ )f an estate brings a claim against !our client, contact the Bond Claims 0epartment at 234-567-2222 or :88-:42-;;99, or "ia e-mail. $he Bar Plan can assist in the defense to help reduce or eliminate !our client=s liabilit! to the estate. )t is in $he Bar Plan=s best interest to reduce !our client=s liabilit!. 1o liabilit! against !our client means no liabilit! for $he Bar Plan. Please be a are that $he Bar Plan=s interests ma! ultimatel! become ad"erse to !our client=s interests if !our client is found liable to the estate. 0oes $he Bar Plan offer an! ris# management ser"ices for principals or their attorne!s/ $he Bar Plan periodicall! offers C,? in probate procedures and attorne! malpractice as it relates to

probate, trust and estate practice. +e also pro"ide guidelines for !our clients on their duties as a fiduciar!. Our Bond Claims 0epartment ill be happ! to spea# ith !ou about an! aspect of the bonding process. Please chec# bac# periodicall! for upcoming e"ents.


. bconstructionla .com/C@/Custom/mechanicsliens.asp

Suret! on Pa!ment Bond. On public or#s Aobs, the general or prime contractor is re'uired to post a pa!ment bond hich guarantees that the subcontractors ill be paid. $he o ners on some pri"ate proAects ma! also re'uire the general contractor to post a pa!ment bond. )f there is a bond, !ou can ma#e a claim on the bond for pa!ment. Bou ill still need to file a la suit to enforce !our claim. http:// . bconstructionla .com/C@/Custom/mechanicsliens.asp

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